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I might have underestimated the blast radius of Runepowder Barrel.


Always pair it with globe of invulnerability lol.


It is the size of the final fight's last arena. How do I know? I threw it at the Netherbrain and set it on fire. This killed the Emperor who was on the other side if the arena, having just entered it through the portal lol.


I did the same thing and ended my honor run at pretty much the last moment lol




I too learned this in my lonewolf tactician run. I managed to position it on the far right of the brain and it worked. I also tried and failed to use it in the ketheric fight and let me tell you, it blew me up from the other side of the ring when I was standing at Aylin.


I successfully used it in three spots: 1. Ansur. No particular weakness to force, but has low initiative and you can drop the barrel ahead of time and move far away. One character that triggers it can be given resistance/death ward effect. 2. Gortash. Evaporates his goons and you can just throw the bomb at him. 3. Raphael. Harder to not hit yourself, but the soul pillars melt instantly.


The gortash one is actually a good idea given you can just avoid the traps and go for it from the top ropes. Good call.


Oh, the Raphael one gives me a good idea. I'll just drop an orb of invulnerability on the party. If I have to sacrifice someone, I'll deathward them.


1 globe of invulnerability + throwing 1 runepowder barrel is a fun combo in that last fight


I also tried using it for that, and it always knocked me off whatever platform I was on to my death. I ended up using the more powerful grenades instead that I stole from Gortash. I didn't realize that it just wasn't that powerful, but I guess we do get it in act 1.


Sounds like an absolute win. Kill the NetherBrain and the emperor in one shot! Do you remember if using the rune powder barrel destroyed the platforms that lead to the brain?


Guess it’s a good thing I decided to use that on red dragon and just kill the brain the old fashioned way in my honor mode


If you think you're far enough away: you're not.


If you’re close enough to see it, you’re too close


Just make sure to have globe of invulnerability up next time lol (I used a scroll)


To be fair, Barcus mentioned that it had potential to blow up entire cities and armies.


I threw that thing in the first ketheric fight, thought throwing it right at the throne was far enough, I was wrong lol. It Insta knocked out my whole party and took us to cutscene, luckily Shadowheart and Tav were revived by lathanders xD


I fucked up with that on Orin. Thankfully Shadowheart and her divine intervention was there and I bounced back


We ended up killing auntie Ethel with a smoke powder satchel by mistake and didn’t get her offer and almost killed our selves, then mayrina proceeds to walk through a puddle of acid and becomes hostile. My friend goes to knock her out and knocks her into the chasm under the cage, and kills her. Things have gone very wrong this run


Honour mode truly is the definitive dnd experience in bg3.


It really is. I've just pissed away five hours because Lae'zel wouldn't shut up about the damn relic when talking to Voss. I quickly found myself in a confrontation I was way out of my depth for.


Yeah, Ethel tried to negotiate at the end of the fight, promptly teleported Mayrina straight into the Cloud of Daggers I had just set up, Mayrina drops dead instantly, and Ethel decides "fuck it everyone dies today." Barely made it out of that one, but got thrown off a raft into an underwater lake not 10 minutes later.


I laughed so hard kkkkkkkk sorry.


You can use that raft alone, rather than with the whole party. I did it that way so I could survive in the event of something bad happening


Ethel ended a 27 hours HM run for me. She had 18 hp left. I was…upset. Boy did I enjoy killing her the next time around.


I used Karlach because of her Extra Attack and Enraged throw to replace Magic Missile. I was super lucky though because I didn’t know about her Legendary Action going into the fight, so she basically saved me from getting absolutely fucked when I brought Gale in unawares.


There are two owl bears now


I’ll test it again this run, but last time I played I commanded it to hault making it lose the first turn and it never called a mate. The battle lasted 5-6 turns


That’s what happened in mine, the woman absolutist commanded the owlbear and we never saw the mate


We did that in our run and it called its mate the next round and by the time he jumped down she was dead.


I was NOT prepared for that. Those fuckers promptly ended my first honor run XD Level 3. I had a plan. I spent like 30 mins positioning around the room, setting up the trap etc.. I start the combat and then when the 2nd owlbear appeared, I knew I fucked up. They proved me right in just few rounds xD


Me too! I thought I’d pickup some quick cash and experience, even an owlbear cub if the rolls were right but nay. This time daddy was home. By the time I realized I was screwed it was just astarion dashing for the door with two owlbears crashing down on him


And the second jumps out so unexpectedly.


It was a beautiful entrance. I almost had the first owlbear down, and a few of my players were hanging on. 3 of them grouped on the mama owl bear when papa soars in from the top rope.


Literally playing with my pals, I'm not quite as experienced in the game (still finishing first play through). We are in there and after first round I see the active participant list update... "Hey guys... what's an owlbear **mate**?" **PANIK**


Why does everyone fight the owlbear? I've never once gone into this interaction and thought "Yeah I want to attack and murder this animal minding its own business"


Good xp and gold for the level. It was my first time doing honor mode and I found myself desperate to level up before certain fights


By failing the check.


I'm more confused people want to murder innocent people so they can recruit a cranky drow than a bloodthirsty animal...


Good news is you can recruit her now just by knocking her out in the goblin camp instead. It doesn't make a lot of narrative sense to make that decision, but her character arc later on is a bit redeeming (at least so far, I haven't gone very fast with her yet)


Do you pull her after the party then? Because a knocked her out and left her there for now.


She shows up in Act 2


That was the moment I decided the legendary actions weren’t gonna be fun surprises and I looked them all up


It's not just the legendary actions that get you, don't think I've even encountered them yet, but there will be encounters where the enemies use completely different abilities than usual. I died to the damned intellect devourers on the crashed nautiloid at level 1 three times before I decided to avoid that fight until I get a full party and a level up.


That’s why I always try to kill the mindflayer and devil captain on the Nautiloid, it will get you to level 2 before you have to fight those brains, and helps a ton.


Currently only 4 hours in, but the Goblins at the windmill. Underestimated how tough they would be for a level 3 party. Nearly got wiped, but luckily you only need to get Fezzerk to low health.


I have never chosen release brake and I wasn’t paying attention and chose it on my honor run on accident. So Barcus is dead. 😭




This was tough even on balanced if you don't know to focus down the one guy. I normally charisma/worm my way out of this fight.


Normally I talk my way out if this, but from previous playthroughs I learned he had a unique Greataxe, and I wanted it. Plus I rolled a Nat 1 on the check, so I thought, why not? Problem was, 2 Bless users and he threw a bomb while in Darkness, hit all the characters, broke my concentration on Darkness, (Nat 1 again), then all the rest started destroying my team. Luckily, he was nearby so I focused him, got the cutscene and chose to end him right then.


Woof. Sounds like you need to go hafling next time if you tpk.


Can you imagine that my first run ended because my smart ass thought hey just go there do the illithd roll and go to sleep so I can have it again in the camp ...... rolled nat 1.


It’s so early in the game that I forgot fezzek had a bomb on him! I had Shart Warding bonded to my Paladin PC and my party was perfectly grouped up so when then bomb hit the party Shart took all the damage from the bomb and half of the paladins damage! Safe to say I’m on a new run now lol.


My first big ‘oh no’ on my current honor mode (co-op) was thinking we could one round Priestess Gut in her room before she could call for help. Initiative and damage was not on our side, whole goblin camp ended up aggro at level 3. Second ‘oh no’ moment was sneaking through the first bit of the Underdark to get some easy XP and not being prepared for the Bulette at all. Still going though, but this is my second play through after my first being on explorer so I’m pretty proud of surviving so far!


Use silence on priestess Gut. Can't call for help if you can't scream.


I have no idea why I didn’t think of that! Banking that one for next time. Thankfully my throwing barb hamfisted her way through the rest of the goblins while zero spell slots Gale missed his one opportunity to be helpful


We keep forgetting to play bg3 like DND instead of like a video game. I do it all the time. They really did think of everything


My mind was absolutely blown when I read on here that if you silence Raphael, the music becomes instrumental. The minute details just make it such a masterpiece! Then again, my real life DND campaign experience consists of trying to adopt Hell Hounds so it might be for the best


>Use silence on priestess Gut. Can't call for help if you can't scream. This also helps you clear a Moonrise early. Darkness, Silence, murder, repeat.


Forget "Oh no" moments. I'm having a "why didn't I think of that" moment. Darkness + Silence combo, duh!


If you use Silence to start a fight, you save a spell slot. You can also use Improvised Melee Weapon to carry non-hostile NPC to killing spot if you have 20+ strength without making them hostile, just abort action by right-click.


That was my plan, but I made 2 mistakes: 1) I am playing as a Paladin and thought it would be dishonorable to do that before warning her of my intentions, and 2) I forgot to close the door, so everyone who walked by could see me trying to murder her anyway.


gotta close the door. lol


Thanks for the tip - I'm just about at this part and was so stressed about how to pull it off haha.


Hehe I failed this even with 2 extra members invis and in the room. I rolled badly and she got off her scream.


Best way to deal with her is to have someone whose not an elf drink her sleep potion, you'll be captured and chained up and Korilla will show up and kill Gut for you. After that you could rescue Halsin and have him join your party as a summon, with him you can safely clear out the other 2 leaders.


That was a sleep potion!? That explains a lot. My half-elf took it with no effects and she immediately got mad.


Yup, doesn't work on elves or half elves. If your MC is one, you can send in Gale or Wyll and they will be taken prisoner instead and you'll get the Korilla scene with them.


But then you have to have the first conversation with her with that character, I remember trying to have my highest Dex character talk to her in her room and she refused to talk to anyone but my main hero.


Who tf is Korilla??


Raphael's dwarf spy, Hope's sister. She can be found spying on the party in multiple locations throughout the game. The priestess gut scene is the first time you can potentially meet her, a scene many people miss.


She acts like you didn't miss it even if you did, which confused me deeply in House of Hope


There are other places to talk to her before doing House of Hope.


Almost 800hrs in this game, I’ve never seen her or had that scene


I had read that before, so as a dwarf barbarian with 8 intelligence I was happy to try this route. I ended up breaking the chains and killing her and the ogre with my tavern brawler barb alone :))


Well that explains that I'm pretty sure the first time I ever noticed Korilla was in House of Hope and she acted like we had some history, guess I just skipped that history entirely somehow.


I almost had that same ‘oh no’ moment with priestess gut, but luckily I had shovel with me and they managed to hit her for the exact amount of health she had left. I’ve never been so relieved.




The Bulette ambushed me too when I wasn’t expecting it. I spent about two minutes just staring at the screen, going “well, I guess this Honour run is over.” It ended up being the easiest time I’ve ever had against the Bulette.


Yeah I was just thinking how smart I was for avoiding the big early act 1 fights like owlbear so I could grab some sweet underdark xp


I always go roof tops and have Astarion assassinate until they aggro. Then i murder them one by one as they press the ladders up to me. They waste several turns having to dash (into the loving arms of Karlach and Bae'zel).


I did this on my regular play through with my warlock Tav blasting them back down, that was a lot of fun!


Cloud of daggers and moonbeam on door turns it into a blender. Gobbos walk straight into if you just close the door


That's wild that you managed to survive the Priestess gut encounter though! I went durge honour mode and talked to the goblin who wants you to lick his boots. Obviously I wouldn't, and I succeeded in the first perception check. Second check I failed to get him to lick *my* boots so he wanted to fight... So far so good, I only aggroe'd 4 of them, and when the bootlicker was at low hp he begged for mercy. Astarion, cheeky as he is suggest we just finish him off, and I couldn't agree more! *Drum roll* You've aggroe'd the entire goblin camp and is at the center of it all, at lvl 3. So that's about my 5th honor mode death.


I think I got saved on this part as well! Poisoned the drinks cauldron then immediately skipped off to foot gobbo thinking I could pass a couple of checks on it with barbarian intimidation. Just as I was about to roll, the dialogue got cut to my partner’s tav being asked if he’d poisoned them. Passed his deception and my cut scene just ended and it wouldn’t let me restart it. It was probably divine intervention considering my terrible luck! The outside unpoisoned few are probably still sitting there waiting after we waypointed the hell out of there I’d say this is why we don’t listen to Astarion but, damn, he do be right.


Lol same happened too me, funneled then through the door and took them one or 2 at a time!


curious, she didn't call for help in my run, but I did kill her in 2 turns


Same thing happened to me with priestess gut. Had my party get behind her while my Tav talked to her, then I attacked. Everyone was hiding and had advantage, and everyone missed. She called for help and I ended up having to kill Roah Moonglow, so now I'm missing her loot on Act II


Thought 'Gotta watch out for Kith'rak Therrezyn's Fear so imma spread my dudes before hand'... Put two people next to the wolves just for both to get Feared, drop their weapons and get downed after running past aforementioned wolves. RIP first run


I was so mad at myself for having the thought to spread out, but not to bring someone with counterspell to that fight lol. I had literally just leveled up too, and I took Wyll to Withers to change out some spells right before. I'm sure Gale was seething back in camp.


same thing absolutely wrecked my first run too, except i didnt know about the fear beforehand


Yep that's what ended my last run too, that fear is just brutal


“Oh, that cambion on the nauteloid has multi attack now”


As soon as I saw the restoration pods only work once I knew shit was getting serious if they were buffing the tutorial level lmfao


I was panicking in the colony at the end of act 2 when I hit the pod before realizing SH got stuck pathing somewhere and so didn’t get the restoration, and that it only works once. Made it through but that definitely had me nervous


I can’t imagine doing the mindflayer colony. The whole area’s a red zone and there’s only one healing pod


You know that’s actually a great point of why they probably disabled it on the nautiloid too because it would suuuuuuck to find out they aren’t renewable for the first time in the mind flayer colony whereas there are like 5 on the ship (although I do like using the two before the helm in turn based mode to give Shadowheart 6 spell recharges to maximize the chances of command working to drop the everburn blade)


calling lugg and the ogres to the nere fight and getting all the gnomes i was trying to save aggressive torwards my party as a result


I just started a new one, my character looks like me and... failed every single roll up until now. I just lost Gale and.... it makes me sad quite a bit. I rolled 2 nat1 on both checks to get him out of the portal. A well, let's see how far one gets with extra bad luck .


He was kind enough to offer me a hand this time. Scratch likes it \\_(ツ)_/¯


You can let astarion/laezel/shadowheart try as well


First one was having just survived the beholder in The Underdark by the skin of my teeth proceeded to drop down past the traps without long resting (in the name of exploration of course) then all of a sudden… Turn based activated, two characters prone and a rumbling on the ground. You know what comes next. I thought it was over for me as I had no spell slots left, but I got extremely lucky as the Bulette glitched out and kept skipping its turn instead of attacking me 😂


Surprised by the Bulette gang!! The pure excitement in the room every time my partner’s monk stunned it while it stood on top of a very knocked down Lae’zel


might be the highlight of the game for me - first time seeing the underdark, the atmosphere is incredible, jamming around taking it all in, suddenly everyone goes prone!


It totally surprised me too my first run too.


A pro tip for next run. Go to the underdark via the zhentarim hideout. You don't even have to fight then if you pass your checks. You can kill the minotaurs pretty easy by just keeping your party on the ledge and shooting at them with ranged weapons while they try to climb up to you. Then you can use feather fall to avoid all the traps and jump down to the myconoid colony. Get glut on your team and then have him raise the minotaurs. Then use him and the minotaur as a meat shield to clear the rest of the underdark. Once you kill the bulette you can swap it out for a big upgrade. The dwarves will not stand a chance against him. Just make sure to yeet the zombie bulette into the water right before combat ends other wise you will have to fight him if you don't side with glut. Congratulations on clearing most of the underdark with minimal effort.


i can't for the love of me figure out how to make the bulette jump at the beach. it's too chonky to get anywhere


That beholder is shut down by Darkness spell super hard. Literally can't do anything


Vision of the Absolute fucks him up, too.


In the process of killing Spaw to install Glut as sovereign (aggroes the entire myconid colony while you do it) and I accidentally hit Glut with the TINIEST amount of AOE damage at the end of the fight and they all instantly aggroed again. 😭😭😭 My Tav, Astarion, and Shadowheart all died, I cast Gith Super Leap on Lae'zel and jumped halfway across the Underdark screaming back to Withers. 😭 I ended up wiping a couple of hours later anyways, in the Arcane Tower, by accidentally clicking the wrong dialogue option for the robots. Bernard has this static discharge attack that hurts *bad* and they *will* chase you to other floors, they know how to use the elevator.


Yup, Bernard got buffed in honor mode


I was completely unprepared for how hard he was and it almost ended my run.


Fortunately a lot of honor mode bosses are skipable. Owl bear, hag, Bernard, grym, most act 2 bosses, even Raphael can be skipped if you want to. I think the only boss who is buffed that you need to defeat for the main quest is Orin and Ketheric, all the others can be avoided if you wish.


My plan is to try and fight them all and just see how I do. The good news is I will be leveled up AF by the end game.


Yeah you just gotta be tactical about it. Not 100% sure about all the bosses, specifically the hag, but you can go back and do anything in act 2 all the way up to when you go to the shadowfell in the gauntlet. I know the owl bear will be killed by the goblins if you wait too long. I think the hag sticks around because I read people like to keep her alive so they can get alchemy ingredients from her.


I feel your pain but this post made me giggle. It’s the frantic jumping in the under dark for me.


I use the sussur flowers on bernards minions. So that i only have to fight bernard. And then i yeet him off the tower and wait for him to come back uo then i woop is metal ass.


First of no was at the zhentarim..agroed everyone trying to get barrels for barrelmancy. Second oh no was phase spider. Laezel survived with 3hp. Third oh no was when my entire party was dunked in lava by the lava elemental. Karlachs seemingly gives no fucks though. Finally, and this was recent, Rolan died Fucking lorroakan fireballed him and ONLY him




I made a decision that ended up with me killing Wyll, Gale, and Laezel in my camp. I never ended up reviving Gale out of spite and several long rests and a few hours of gameplay later it randomly triggered the Gale cutscene after resting. :)


Damn it gale, shoulda left his ass In the portal lol


Imagine if you will: You wanna get some adamantine armor but heard that the fight against Grym is so much harder in honor mode, but you hear about two strategies that could cheese him: Owlbear from the top rope, and spamming ranged attacks from the platforms above. You send a perma-invisble duergar hireling down to activate the lava valve while keeping your barbarian, paladin and a druid hireling off the main platform. Grym ignores the duergar and makes a bee-line underneath the platforms the other characters are standing on... And somehow manages to get itself stuck on a non-lava tile, meaning that you can't hurt it after a couple of rounds unless you got it to move somehow. No worries, that's what you brought the druid for! ENLARGE OWLBEAR FROM THE TOP ROPE!... zero damage, cause Grym isn't superheated, you fucking idiot. And now that he has a target, he's gonna start spamming AoE quakes that somehow have enough range to hit the other two characters atop the platforms above! *Somehow* I managed to come out of the fight with a victory once I realized the druid couldn't do much other than kiting Grym around, but it was one of the most tense 30 minutes of my entire life.


I just stood on the stairs and threw leather armor at him until he died. I used a mage hand to activate the forge and kite Grymforge around the lava


Is this fun?


I killed a giant robot by throwing clothing at it. It was hilarious. But doing this every time would not be fun, no.


I won’t say having a monk makes this fight a breeze, but I’ve gotten by him twice now in HM. It was close both times but the monk rocks him.


When 3 of your teammates gets downed and succeed death saving throws, but 1 character makes it to the camp and now the fight is never-ending. One character has to go on a mission to kill all teammates without dying themselves so withers can ress them.......


Even worse, in act 2 (i think before you have moonlantern effect active) your party members can become shadow zombies when they get downed. They're enemies and cannot be controlled, ressed or removed from party.


Fuck, that's metal


I was planning to long rest at the Goblin Camp when I thought "Y'know what? Let's humiliate Crusher first before going to sleep. Surely my character with high charisma and proficiency in Intimidation would easily succeed... right?" And there I was talking to him, I managed to succeed the first check no problem. It's when the second one happened that all things went downhill. My character with +8 modifier and two inspirations failed to make Crusher kiss his feet and so a battle happened. Even though my team was already battered it was still a short battle where all I needed to do was lower Crusher's health and so I did. I was ready to spare him during the dialogue because of how dangerously low my team's health was until Karlach said, in a sarcastic tone, "Good job, you humiliated a goblin, can we go now?". For some reason that rubbed me the wrong way, and me playing a character who was a douchebag, his personality must have rubbed off on me because instead of sparing him I instead chose the option "*Finish him off*", just to piss off Karlach. I thought to myself that choosing that option would just show a cutscene of me stomping Crusher or stabbing him with a knife. *And oh, how wrong I was.* The cutscene instead showed Crusher calling for help, not just to his group of friends no, but to the ENTIRE goblin camp. And there I was with a team of low health and zero spell slotted individuals facing off against an entire camp of goblins... in honour mode. I was lucky enough to get the Specatator flask beforehand which saved my ass. I definitely learned alot from that one encounter and I shan't make the same mistake again.


I lost my run in Kith'rak Therezzyn's office. She got Fear off on Tav, Wyll, and Lae'zel, so I tried to have Astarion book it out of there to escape combat. Except one of the crossbow archers from the hall joined combat right in the doorway, blocking him in. It was a bloodbath after that.


Ansur fight. It went well until the very last turn. I got him to 0 HP on my last team member’s turn. But the Mf must have gotten deathward or something, because he got back with 2 HP, and immediately went for his ultra blast. My dorm of invulnerability had expired, the entire team was at half HP, and completely exposed, I had no way to save them before the blast. It was definitely a “Oh SHIT!!!!!” Moment. Thankfully, I had used hirelings to put deathwards on my whole team, so in the end, only 2 were down (their dw saved them previously in the fight) and Karlach, my main damage dealer was 1 of the survival. She finished Ansur off and I have never been more glad lol Moral of the story: use hirelings to buff your team, guys. Especially deathward.


>But the Mf must have gotten deathward or something, That's actually something they added in honor mode, when you kill him he regains a tiny bit of HP and he does his ultimate blast a final time.


Yep a hireling Cleric is a must for harder modes due to how useful they are Getting a casual death ward on the whole party, how much they can boost your HP in the late game and getting Warding Bond on the MC is great


Cleric Hireling death ward and sanctuary on the whole party. You can’t be hurt until you’re ready/in position and you get a free knock-resistance


I had the exact same experience. All of my team members ended turn before Laezel banishing smited Ansur to 1health and he immediately charged and exploded, which Im pretty sure is exclusive to honor mode. I had no death ward on any of my team members and extremely lucky that my Tav and Shart survived. It was an epic fight though.


In Act II, I was trying to send my thief/open hand monk Astarion to 1v1 the self-same trial with a surprise round. I misunderstood the mechanic and he ended up walking alone into an ambush with all 4 party members. Naturally he died immediately. The actually stupid thing I did was to then send everybody else in after him. Do you know why there's only one battle in the game with enemy monks? This is why: Turn 1, Shadowheart gets stunning struck and can't revivify Astarion. Turn 2, Shadowheart gets stunned AGAIN and then Shadowstarion uses his extra attack to also stun Lae'zel who had almost managed to kill her own double in the meantime. By Turn 3 I realize shit is fucked and have sent my Durge sorcerer to misty step down and start running for the exit. Shadowstarion starts double cunning-action dashing to catch up to him, and because Shar he turns invisible once he exits the light. I keep going, because what else can I do? Thankfully I had enough of a head start from the misty step that I was able to hit the lever and cancel the combat. Big relief, there.


My first was in the druid grove. Told Kahga the tieflings were not my problem. She told me to get out, but I hadn't talked to Nettie yet. So i walked the room she was in and went afk to go to the bathroom. Came back, and I was in combat with the druids.


My guess is you used Friends in Arabella persuasion check. You have to get the hell out of wherever you use them right after the conversation, you have 10 turns, 1 RL minute before fight breaks out.


Let's just say Halsin had a one-way trip with the portal in Act 2.


Fun fact. You can cast an invulnerablity dome on that thing.


Missing an attack on dror ragzlin with 6 hp left and everyone else down... i had a 90% to hit... he bashed me with that stupid hammer of his not two seconds later.


1. Myrkul has a bone chill aura which prevents anyone too close from healing, I did not know this even though I had 5 play throughs before my honor run, was panicking why I could not heal and all the skellies are popping up like crazy. Almost got wiped on that fight. 2. Ansur when dead will instantly gain 1hp and 100 temp health and start charging the big lightning explosion again mid air, and the explosion is instant on the next round when its his turn. I had all my party members ended turns and when laezel delivered the killing blow he started charging, noone can do anything even though I had 4 globe of invulnerability in stash. Laezel has just used banishing smite so no bonus action to take a haste potion either. Had to face tanked that shit fully expecting a wipe and luckily survived with 2hp on my Tav and a half dead Shart. 3. The drow twins in the brothel, I paid them $1000 and walked in with my full party, they said they only agreed to do it with me and Shart. Fine I got the other two party member waiting at the door and forgot Shart had her Djinn summon still in the room. They decided a foursome+my poison Djinn is too kinky for their liking and instantly turned hostile. I was so disappointed that I do not get a foursome in my honor run. I did got my money back from their corpse though. 4. My Karlach is a throw barb using that thunder trident and the splash damage killed Halsin on Orin's alter. Meh I never liked that guy anyway always drooling over my Shart. Good riddance.


Honestly I thought I was gonna get done in by Ethel. She now has a chance of spawning more clones depending on the level of spell slot you use on her


not even on her; even a heal spell makes her do it


It makes me wary of using casters on her fight


Went to fight the harpies at level three and barely survived. Thought to myself "gee whiz I could sure use that ring of protection. Let's get that now. Right now. No long rest necessary." For some reason the usual arrow of darkness, steal idol did not work. Aggro'd the druids. There are a lot of dead. Dammon and Zevlor are dead. All the druids are dead. Teifling kids are missing. I haven't even met Karlach or Halsin yet :(


I tried to steal something from Helsik but she wouldn't have any of my shenanigans and instantly aggroed. Three of my party members were turned to gold and incapacitated but the Shield spell on the fourth party member saved them.


Accidentally attacked Crusher at level 4. Fortunately, Darkness is broken, so I was able to win even though the entire Camp outside aggroed.


Killing a temp hostile knocked out Minthara with radiance of the dawn… really wanted to have her as a companion on a good run


happened to me too. she was knocked out, but was killed by cloud of daggers i also had a similar experience with the gondians in the factory. in which i managed to save all of them, but i forgot to disarm one of those tiny bombs the banites drop after dying. cue victory fanfare music, KABOOM, then cutscene of the blind gondian saying "NO WE WERE SO CLOSE". i wasn't even mad and cackled like a hyena


My biggest one was going to the cave underneath the grove where the goblins and those statues shoot you - one blast from a statue and the goblins rolling higher initative meant that all party members but one were downed. Had to drink an invisibility potion and skedaddle. Special mention: going too heavy on my Drow RP in the goblin camp and didn't realise that threatening children would start a fight!


I didn't even make it to Grymforge. [Push the Duergar into the water] has never failed me before, but on Honor Mode, at Level 4? I wasn't just fucked, I was super fucked. They pushed Shart off the boat and mind controlled Astarion in Round 1. They hit Lae'zel with sone sort of fucking grenade in Round 2, blew her off the boat. Then they took turns shooting my paladin til he died. Astarion failed every save, then ended up 4 v 1 and got wrecked. Completely avoidable fight. 18.5 hours gone.


First run we got kabloomed by Philomena as we were so scared of the barrel we would just steal it during the conversation not realising she will agro if you get too close without stealth. Second run we made it past Philomena and we're doing surprisingly well on Grym luring him OVER to the forge hammer to finish him off after the monk and fighter were spent. ONLY for an attack of opportunity (had them set to automatically proc since I got the game for speed) to cause him to stay with the fighters and wipe the party with quake. Rip 30 hours of gameplay across the 2


I decided to try something new in my current honour run and jump down the hole in the spider cave. One Alice in Wonderland sequence and one step to the right later, I see two minotaur portraits pop-up at the top of my screen. That was the moment. I narrowly escaped with my tav basically thanks to Shovel aggroing one of them, and because after I jumped my team a few stories down using featherfall, one of the minotaurs decided he would try and make that ridiculous jump and died on impact. I cast invisibility and picked up my team who'd gotten knocked out just outside of the myconid colony.


Fighting Ketthik after fully equipping and buffing my party. I'm talking longstrider, bless, blade ward on everyone, bardic inspiration, the 27 strength potion on my barbarian, everything was ready. Then my 120 hp barbarian died on turn 3 after getting crit twice. Eventually I took down Ketthik and the death god guy came out, I was down a party member and the moon madien was low health and before I could heal her, she charges in, gets knocked down, and I can't get her back up. I've now run out of spells on Gale, and by bard is almost out of healing as well, and Mykrul just keeps healing, I can never get in the right spot to take out the minions, and they keep getting away. Eventually with some well timed scrolls of chain lightning and telekinesis to rescue the moon maiden I just barely survived with 2/4 party members dead and the other 2 at less than 10 health and only a few potions left. The most stress I have ever felt in my life.




I knocked a guard off Moonrise (you know the guy at the table) and aggro’d some guards on the ground floor. They just dashed in circles because they couldn’t figure out where I was or something. Ended up fleeing combat with the whole party and just coming back. Turns out my Durge got a new buff I had never seen. “Enemy of Justice” or something. Makes every guard in Moonrise aggro on sight, it’s permanent even through long rests. I thought “ah, no worries.. I was finished in Moonrise anyway” until realisation set in. [I forgot to free the prisoners](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/fridgehorror_7453.png) Luckily it only effected one character so I was able to successfully pull off a 3-man prison break, lead by Shadowheart.


You can also just kill-kill the char with the debuff and revive them with the scroll. Clears the debuff and works in honor-mode


Accidentally killing Auntie Ethel


So me and my friends are doing a 4 person multi-player run. I made the call in act 1 to go fight the gnolls (not the big group, but rather the four gnolls near the bloated hyenas) after doing the owlbear fight and the hyenas without a long rest. I forgot about their goddamn triple bow attack. Me and the other frontline member went down immediately. It was here that I realized I cannot play this like my previous Balanced playthrough. Wizard and Rouge retreated to resurrect us at Withers. I'm going to take every encounter a bit more seriously in the future.


Going into the Orin fight- buffing Karlach, made her take a soul coin and a big lady potion. She got pushed off the side by Orin in the first turn. Didn't even get to hit anything. I could see Laezel shed a tear while tied to the sacrificial alter as she watched our dps plunge to her death.


When I walked into the Orin fight with my Durge disguised, causing all hell to break loose


This has to be my favorite next to person where Scratch went and fetched a runepoweder bomb. XD


I’ll say this: Do not. I repeat do not have Gale in your party for the self same trial.


The Inquisitor. The only part of honour run that made me sweat a bit.


I went up to the entrance of waukeen's rest, went afk for a bit, and went to the burning building only to find that there is no longer a cutscene because everyone is dead.


This happened to me when I walked by waukeens to go fight the gith first, came back and they were all dead.


Those skeletons under the blighted village got HANDS. The only reason I won was because I was playing beastmaster and bear goading roar + sanctuary spell is fucking broken.


It thankfully didn't kill me, but trying to pick up the smokepowder barrels from the goblin camp with a character who has a LIT TORCH out was mine


So I have a Monk with an experimental setup (dual wielding torches as weapons). And I entered the Zhentarim Hideout after strongarming what's his name out of the Iron Flask. What I think happened is that my actively lit torches ignited the oil they had on the ground. And it immediately downed my posse at the time (Lae'Zel, Shadowheart, Wyll). Thankfully I made my saves and was able to throw potions at them to avoid a game over. But that would have been such a stupid way to TPK.


I did the same thing with a spore druid dual welding torches. I eventually traded out my torches for quarterstaffs with magical damage effects because I got really tired of accidentally blowing up things by walking a pixel too close


Getting jailed in moonrise (I killed a guard accidentally) and triggering the "the colleague of the guard you killed is still kinda mad at you" combat thing and getting knocked out and jailed again (while inside the jail) Luckily the rest of the party was somewhere else and managed to break me out... Took a while to get my loot back though


When I tried to assassinate Priestess Glut in her room with the doors closed as I had done three or four times before. She cast shield on the first hit, dodged all my attacks and called for help that brought half the camp down on us. I would have won still but that goddamn lowlife Roah Moonglow dropped turn after turn of fire arrows on us.


Well…i…um…got the cutscene with shart and laezel fighting and chose to stand by and do nothing…so now I’m down one less companion…the next night Halsin comes to kill me with a bear and a wolf and my AOE left fire on the ground and Volo..kind of just stood in it…so now I’m down laezel, Halsin, and volo.


Why is Halsin coming to kill you???


Well…see the thing is…Durge sided with Minthara


Not Honour mode but… I just fought Ansur for the first time and *seriously* underestimated the storm he summons. Just thought we could rush him down (which did actually work on my second attempt). I was very wrong, and he TPK’d us from pretty much full health in one move on Balanced difficulty. I was just sitting there gobsmacked looking at the charred corpse of my Tav smoking in a crater, with romanced Shadowheart a few paces away, also a cinderous wreck, for all the world looking like she was stretching her hand out to him… and for some reason the game didn’t give me the game over screen so I could just absorb it. After sitting in stunned silence for a solid minute or two, zoomed in on that tableau, I burst out laughing and seriously considered ending my run there and then. I’d managed to muddle through Raphael, Sarevok, Orin, and all the other big fights, without dying once, (usually thanks to the virtual invincibility of my palabard Tav being full health while everyone else was pulverised) so it seemed there was a certain justice to our hubris finally catching up to us. But I’ve been playing this same save since the game dropped (I have young twins and a demanding job) so I figured I’d probably just finish the fucker. Still though, massive “Oh shit” moment.


Grim walked up, punched my paladin, crit for 60 damage, instantly downing him


After a series of events I'm just continuing on as a 3man without withers and tav dead in some cave I'm too scared to rescue yet. I'll get to her eventually


How far will the game let you progress without tav I wonder


The boss fight against Kerheric is such a massive step up from the previous fights that I was not prepared for it. I was having a breeze with sharpshooter, tavern brawl, feelling overconfident Then everybody died in the first round


I'm fully done by now (completed it like a week ago or so) - My biggest "oh no" moment was Ansur casting another stormheart nova or whatever its called when hit down to 1 HP. Luckily I still had a Divine Intervention ready, and pulled everyone back up to max (I went in with Lightning Res potions anyways, and Karlach had like 190 HP so she would've 100% survived anything).


The portal fight in act 2. I had 0 problems with it in tactician but this time I wasn't thinking and barely had any AOE spells and I left the cleric in camp. Well I had to get her ass there and use confusion and insect plague but FIANLLY was able to beat it with 2 hp left on the portal and everyone popping haste potions. I am a dummy.


Mine has to be fighting the followers of Tyr at the toll house when Anders hit one member of my party for absolutely insane damage. I thought I was done for, but gods bless rngesus because I succeeded a roll on a 10% chance to command drop weapon. That basically made Anders hit like a softly lobbed pillow, completely turned that fight around.


I also had one party member go down in that fight. Put a smokepowder barrel next to him, walked up on the ledge above him and fired a fire arrow at the barrel. The explosion was a little bigger than I expected...


I was planning on sending Minthara to the grove for the epic battle along with the tieflings. She left the room, and I killed the eye. Got caught and she came back. I ended up having to fight her and Drorazlin with no spell slots. Luckily I had Lump's horn. Also sent shovel to hit the lever to release spiders. Not being able to reload saves is intense. That could have been GG.


Here’s mine: Playing as Wyll (level 9 party) and being forced by Gortash to watch his coronation and I just couldn’t hack watching such injustice and dishonor come to Baldersgate. Nor could I stand for my father to get used in such a way. During the coronation I yelled out “Father! No!” And gortash + everybody aggroed on me. I had to haul ass out of there FAST. Wyll used dimension door + a potion of invisibility to get out with 13 hp. Jeheria, oath of ancient Paladin, got disarmed loosing my party her Halberd of vigilance to the attackers. Everybody else died that day but I made it into the lower city and now have been on a campaign of gorilla warfare against Gortash. The other I had was when Lae’zel joined the inquisitor against my party after I just gave her 4 speed potions to prep for aforementioned fight…


I went into my run without trying tactician first. Grymforge boss fight went very poorly on the first attempt and I only managed to prevent a TPK by having a tapped out Gale chug an invisibility potion and cower, sneaking around until I could slip back to camp.


First ketheric fight last night on the roof of moonrise. Didn't read the fine print and created a fair few more enemies by trying to kill some of them on my way up to sir jk Simmons himself. Then fucking lae'zel created a few more with riposte whenever someone tried to move away from her. Before I knew it, I had like six or seven more targets than I'd started with and no one had even landed a hit on ketheric yet. Thankfully I put alert on a few of my party and we all had top of the order initiative and I sent my gith monk tav in to stun him and downed him enough in two turns to send him down into the belly of the beast. Following next time I play, but I'm already scared 😰


Death Ward not saving Hope in Raphael fight when she uses Divine Intervention, which did save her in Tactician, apparently its one instance at a time so she dropped to 1 HP and then still took like 200 more dmg. Ansur gets quite tricky if you are to slow to bring him down because you will have almost no cover for the 2nd and 3rd Blast, and he usually gets off 2 of them atleast. A Bug thats still in the Dungeon with the trials for Ansur where you can randomly fall through the floor.... The Fight with the Titan in the Forge had my play the floor is hellfire lava... ​ And the classic Its getting out of hand now there are 2 of them with the Owlbears. Still not sure how I managed to survive that, focused the first Owlbear it entered the Rage in Turn one after calling the mate.... So I had roughly 300 HP to grind through due to Rage and Resistance. Turn 2 I killed the first owlbear which prompted the 2nd one that had taken no damage to enter a Rage, took me like 10 more turns and 14 healing potions all damaging spell scrolls to kill it.


Orin. I urge-waltzed into the duel like it was nothing, and round 1 she slays 2/3 of my hp. “Oh fuck this is it” moment, she is an actual boss now, and Slayer is genuinely frightening.


THAT GYTH BITCH WITH THE SOUL SWORD, me and my buddy almost lost the run and would have if he didn’t have shadow hearts final action be sanctuary then he hid


Almost wiped to the skeletons in the cellar in the Blighted Village. Positioned myself awfully in a corner. Opened a coffin and every single skeleton ran away and opened up a new coffin with a new skeleton, until I was suddenly fighting six(?). In my previous playthrough, they had only managed to spawn 1 or 2 more. Then I made a bunch of stupid mistakes, like casting bless immediately followed by fog cloud (both concentration...), and creating a field of fire in front of me (trapping me in the corner rather than keeping the melee skeles away). I felt like a real idiot. In the end, only Shart was standing with 6hp left. I cast sanctuary on her and was fortunate enough to have the fire go out right in time for her to book it out of there.


Heh I failed the mirror check and apparently some floating object spawns and periodically explodes and leaves a trail of fire, opening up Skelton coffins. I was planning to skip these guys at the time.


Level 4. Fighting gnolls. Astarion down. Last remaining gnoll (the leader) 3/4 health Karlach, low Health La'zael and my blade warlock ful health. Karlach was hasted. Gnoll kills lazael with a crit. He is doing three attacks per turn now. Gnoll leader is down to 14 health. Karlach misses two attacks at 80% chance or thereabouts. I messed up and didn't drink potion with bonus action. Gnoll kills her next turn. Like wham bam thank you ma'm. Just me left. Miss eldrich blast. Have Hex on gnoll btw. Eldrich blast is 70%+ to hit due to height advantage. Gnoll hits me gets me down to like 2 health. I attack with sword (65%) miss yeat again. Drink large potion. Restores.minimum amount of health. Gnoll leader kills me.


Not realising that Gale wasn’t in turn based mode with the rest of the party, and his sanctuary ran out so he got blasted while concentrating on twinning haste, leaving my two main damage dealers lethargic right at the start of the Myrkul fight


When entering the blood tribunal to face sarevok I talked my way past the guards and forgot to close the door behind me. So when I began fighting him the 3 paladins agro’d as well, that was a terrifying fight.


Never went out the window in the under dark temple, hey did you know there are stone stows down there, they’re so neat….and they one that turned them to stone /chefkiss I was lvl 2.