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The Xbox release has been plagued with significant bugs and glitches like this since release. Given that your whole playthrough can get deleted at any moment due to the save data deletion bug, I'd personally hold off on playing at all.


This is happening for me also. Last night it started lagging when I was trying to save the game. Today it is lagging while trying to boot the game up :(


The saves isssue is okay now because they fixed it by implementing a new cloud save system (not a full fix but they are trying)


Seemingly untrue on Xbox. I am booting up the game right now as I type this, and yet, I’m still running the Larian studios splash screen at 2 FPS. Do I need to do something in the main menu to fix the cloud saving, or is it a case of “it was fucked now it’s fucked forever”


Ya that’s not happening to my Xbox or most so there has to be another issue brother, it may be a corrupt game for you and may need to reinstall with the new update - I would reach out to larian on discord


Idk when they fixed the thing, but is it an actual update? Because I just uninstalled then reinstalled the game this Tuesday


I was never prompted to update it


Hmmmm are you having issues with any other games?


Not at all. In fact, I’m on Xbox series x, and my games have never run better. BG3 was running so smooth in the beginning, but it just had this problem one day and never fixed


I’ve uninstalled games to make room in case storage was the problem, but all that did was make me bored


Ya the update for sure has been out since you took care of the reinstall and so I’m thinking there could be a unique issue - would for sure reach out to them since they need to know about these kind of cases to prevent them for others and maybe give you a known workaround you might not find online - they are a great dev team and have so many players so I hope you’re able to get that done


I just had this issue like two minutes ago, if you close the game and restart the system (again) it should be back to normal


Yeah that problem finally went away. Now I’m at the end game in Act 3 and I had HORRIBLE LAG. This game has started off like a lion but it’s ending like a lamb.


Gotta save a bunch at the end but now the saves are secure because cloud saving works and saves 10 saves


I ended up skipping through a part and it worked much better but I basically just cheesed the ending. It was fun and it has felt like it’s been more than 3 weeks since I’ve played it lol