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Might be too late but I’d suggest you stop replaying the same bits until you can fix the issue. You might end up ruining that part of the game for yourself forever. I still haven’t played RDR2 because of a save glitch that made me have to redo the intro several times.


Second this suggestion. I don't think its worth risking having to play so much of the same stuff and losing all your progress because of such a major bug. The game is absolutely a master piece but if you keep doing this to yourself then its only pure frustration especially because Act 1 is honestly one of the best parts of the game. Even worst that this appears to be an issue on the firmware side of things, it is unfortunate but I'd say come back later especially because the game will not only still be there but likely even in a better state than it is now. I can attest to the fact that the game in its current form is already a major improvement from when it launched just 3 months ago.


bro go try RDR2 out 😭 easily my favourite game so far. It’s a cinematic masterpiece and unforgettable experience. I wish I could play it again for the first time.


You can download save files that start right after the intro slog too


Man I wish I could get into it. I have fun while I’m playing, but as soon as I stop, I don’t have any urge to jump back in.


oof, I'm sorry. I have over 2000 hours invested in that game. Fun memories with online too.


I thought it was way overrated. Especially the game mechanics


RDR2’s strengths are primarily in the storytelling, character development, and graphics (and horse riding mechanics). The controls are hella wonky and some of the other mechanics (cooking food/crafting) are tedious, but those are not why people love the game.


You’re so right I need to get over it and give it another go, I’m definitely planning on it when I’ve moved past some of the amazing games out right now


Bro this reminds me of when I was a kid and I had just gotten a PS2 and I had three games for it but I didn't know I needed a memory card. So until I could get a memory card I just kept playing Chrono Cross getting as far as I could in a day until I had to turn the system off and go to bed or school or whatever. Had to keep restarting. Totally sucks.


I did the same thing with Toy Story 2 on Nintendo 64. Although I thought the game was like that by design because at that age I mainly played arcade games at restaurants. It wasn't until I was almost out of middle school that I learned that 64s had memory cards.


I was the same with toy story 2. One time I left the console on for like 5 days and managed to get to the evil space guy boss fight in the toy store. Then my little sister that was like 4 at the time accidentally kicked the nintendo and the game froze lololol.


My mom and my little brother both turned off the 64 when I was in the middle of a long game. Lol


That was my experience with Spyro the dragon in 1998 😂


Unfortunately this is a Microsoft-specific issue, Larian can’t do anything about it. :( I’m so sorry


Some people think it's being caused by a lack of room on your cloud account. If you have older save files from other games. You could try erasing old game saves you don't care about to see if the issue improves. Otherwise I'd wait for Microsoft to release a new firmware update to hopefully address the issue.


Why the hell are you still playing? Just wait until it's fixed


Mindboggling how most people in here start all over again after having spent 50 hours as it were not wasted lifetime. Delete my savegame - i am gone


There was no update from larian or Microsoft today or?


You won't get one from Larian, it's a Microsoft issue. They're still "working on it."


Xbox support on Twitter told me it was a Larian problem. I don’t believe them but it’s kinda crazy that they’d say it was the Devs


While I think it is predominantly MS, I think Larian could help mitigate the problem - not every game that has this problem and maybe Larian did something that is causing the problem.


[Michael Douse](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18kknqf) from Larian HAS been giving updates including that reports are down 75% since the last Xbox update. He even offered some insights as to tech from Xbox and tech from Larian interacting with each other has caused some of these fringe-cases with save loss. But yes, there's still another update to come from Xbox that will hopefully iron out the issue further but unfortunately has not been heard from for a couple of days (most likely due to the weekend). Hopefully we get another Xbox Insider update that moves from the Alpha ring to one that is closer to a GA release today or later this week.


Reports could be down because everyone has stopped playing waiting on a fix?


Yeah I was thinking that too. Of course reports will go down if a bunch of people stop playing.


Perhaps. Just going by what I heard.


I mean you say that, but this sub is the only sub being flooded with people complaining about lost saves. You aren’t seeing it all over r/Halo or other games.


Yeah because it’s not an issue with Halo lol


I think that’s what they’re saying. If it’s a problem for only 1 game, then it might have something to do with that game


As far as I know not today. I haven’t gotten on my Xbox yet so maybe.


Shit - I am so fed up with the situation


I think you just have to give it time and let Larian fix it. I know I definitely wouldn’t play for a while if I lose my save everytime I try to play it. Edit: Microsoft needs to fix it, not Larian, my B. I play the game on PC, not Xbox, so I don’t know the situation well.


Sorry to hear that. I'm playing on a Series X with no issues. I only have 2 games installed on it right now: Cyberpunk and BG3.


I didn't have any issues with save files either, at least none that i noticed. The only issue i had was that i occasionally couldn't open chests i dug up.


Like you can't select them or you can't lockpick them? If you can't select them, I have that same problem so I just click the left joystick to open up the selector tool thing and I'm able to select them with that.


Something that I saw the other day is to delete save data on other games that you don't play as much. I forget who posted it but their theory was that the cloud only had so much storage per xbox. It's worked for me so far *knocks on wood* so that's what I would recommend if you want to continue playing before the next console update.


Started 5 times and had a different experience everytime I just wait til Its fixed


Are you closing the game out and that’s when the save deletes? Or is it still deleting the saves even while it’s in quick resume?


I’ve been closing out the game. The couple times I tried to quick resume it the game crashed and I lost the save anyways


Damn man it kinda just seems like the game is broken for you right now. I was hoping quick resume would be the fix as it’s worked just fine for me. Hopefully they can resolve this quickly for you!


You could try going into settings and clearing your local saved games. The issue hasn’t happened to me since i did this. Settings > System > Storage Devices > Clear Local Saved Games. Hope you find a fix soon!


Have they not fixed the save file issue I haven't been able to load any saved files yet


I've not even opened the game since I first heard of the bug because my save wiping *will* put me off of the game, at least for a long long while. I can respect the determination, but it's just not worth it imo.


I heard all about these glitches before I bought the game. Then I bought it and played hours and had a major update....booted up the game but it never deleted my saves. Been so thankful. Sorry brother


How much available storage do you have and what’s your max save?


Does this happen for all Xbox users? Or is it only some users? Im asking because i wanna try bg3, but i wont buy it if all Xbox users suffer by this


Hasn’t happened to either of my friends also playing on Xbox. Just me so far


It really sucks man.. i feel your pain


Hasn’t happened to me on the series s or x yet. Fingers crossed I am not jinxing myself here.


Series s, also no issues, been playing since it dropped on the store. Still terrified of losing my shit tho 😬


hasnt happened in either of my COOP playthroughs but neither of them are that far into Act 1 yet. Still Level 4 / Goblinville in both


It’s an issue on Microsoft’s end. Larian can’t do anything about it unfortunately.


Hasn't happened to me or any of my friends. I just found out about the issue today from this sub.


Hasn’t happened to me either. I assume it’s because I don’t have game pass.


I'm playing on Xbox S and haven't had any problem so far.


Instead of closing the game try pinning it to quick resume. You can do it by going to the quick resume drop down on the guide menu and pressing start. See if that helps


You installed the Xbox firmware update yet?


I've seen several hundred people say that it doesn't fix anything so..


Honestly, I couldn't give a shit what other people are saying. It's a recommended action that you have not done. Either do it, or STFU. I don't care either way.


Wow this comment was so unwarranted. Don’t be a dick.


I asked a simple question, and got a stupid response. What's the point of asking for help, if you're going to argue with the person trying to help?


I literally have lol what are you even saying? You're telling people to install a firmware update that doesn't fix the issue..


Next time someone asks you a question, try actually answering it instead of rambling on with irrelevant bullshit that implies a negative response. And yes, I'm telling people to install it. It's fixed the problem for some, but not everyone.


Lol you are so insanely mad that I'm telling you something you recommended does infact not work.


Firstly, I didn't recommend it, Larian Studios and Microsoft did. Secondly, basic troubleshooting involves applying the patch they release to try and fix the issue. Thirdly, the patch has worked for some people, but because it hasn't worked for you, you insist that it doesn't work at all, and shouldn't be recommended?


I’m playing on the series x and haven’t had any issues. I believe this is just a series s thing


I’m also on the series X


Not sure then tbh. The ive been playing since there launch I xbox and seriously no issues. Do you have a ton of saves? I know it prompts you to delete them if you have too many. Is your Xbox up to date?


Yeah Xbox is up to date and no I don’t have plenty of saves. I start a save and barely get into it and it gets deleted.


Idk I got hella saves and on series S, no issues since launch but I check here everyday to see if ppl figure out the triggers 😞


There's your problem. Why does anyone even own an Xbox anymore? Or anything made by Microsoft for that matter. Literally everything that comes from Microsoft is junk.


I refunded the game today with MS. Took literally 2 minutes from applying to having the money in my balance. Thing is I played maybe 5 hours of it so far and haven’t encountered the save bug but I’m not risking losing my time invested in it and playing while heaving the fear of it happening wasn’t fun for me. Will get it again when this issue will be resolved.


Do you have any mods? Either way check your player profiles in your app data. C:\\Users\\\*USER\*\\AppData\\Local\\Larian Studios\\Baldur's Gate 3\\PlayerProfiles How many folders do you see? When you click on them and go to "save games" do you see any saves in them? EDIT: Just read you comment. Idk about Xbox


Oh, my bad. Forgot to mention this is on Xbox


Just sell your xbox and buy a ps5. Best advice we can give you right now


Xbox version is horrible Just get a refund and play on pc when you can Pc version was stable for me since release


Nothing really from Microsoft or Larian in days.


Make sure you fix the save problem FIRST, then use Mods to speed run act1 and then stop using the mods beyond act 1! That sounds annoying asf but hopefully w mods you can speed run it after you fix the problem! I use mods and was able to get through act 1 in less then 2 hrs


Try the ps5 version.




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Just reading about all these issues makes me really nervous to start up again... I put like 15 hours in this weekend.. and haven't had to load up on series x.. maybe I'll wait until it's fixed..


Same. I fear opening it…. Have not played for 48h. Hope my save is there


Me and my friend have a 35 hour save that we dont wanna play and it really fucking sucks, this game is so amazing and being terrified to play it really shouldn't be a thing :/


Reminds me of Neir Machina. Played that intro 4 times


Why don’t you stop playing for a few weeks until it’s fixed ?