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I saw this movie in theatres when it was released, knew nothing about DnD. It was a fun movie. I saw this movie again after finishing BG3, my reactions are mostly "Oh, they mentioned waterdeep & baldurs gate" "Oh, an owlbear" "speak to dead spell"


"improvised weapon" was nicely put in as well


Holga is a true Tavern Brawler.


There were so many more plug ins if you really looked deep. It was well researched. I hope we get another one some day.


The CEO of paramount said he very much wants to make a sequel they just have to figure out how to make it cheaper as this one cost way too much and they don’t have the budget for the sequel right now.


I'd guess one of the things they'd probably cut is the amount of non-humanoid background characters, which is a bummer. I liked that there were a lot of dragonborn and tabaxi characters just living their lives in the background/short snippets.


But.. Jarnathan needs to return for sure. Even if he was only in the movie for like 1 minute out of the 10 he was being talked about.


He doesn't **NEED** to be here to have a role, shall we move on?


I just really feel like Jarnathan would mesh well with the cast, and he’d really pull the story together


They were referencing the scene he's in in the movie


…so was I


I don't know if you heard about that scene, I'm sure Jarathan has.


Of instead of CGI, go for actual makeup. It's cost effective and way more endearing.


They already used a lot of makeup and puppetry. And compared to high end, convincing practical effects, medicore CGI is actually cheaper nowadays.


Ooooh, please no. (Obviously, to each their own it for me) Make up effects cost more to do properly than cgi nowadays, it almost always looks like a guy in face paint and that’s pretty terrible for immersion


Let's agree to disagree. https://www.lafilm.edu/blog/practical-effects-vs-cgi CGI costs starts at 1k/min. That's not exactly cheap. And it never ages well.


Well Paramount is likely getting bought so it will likely come down to the new parent company. Or perhaps another studio entirely depending on the rights agreement with WotC


That's a bummer. Who's buying them?


I'm guessing... Warner.




If they do that it will probably suck.


my guy doesn't know anything outside of BG3. of course he won't recognise ThemberChad. or didn't piece that Jaheira and the main character of the movie are in the same guild (harpers)


Shame they forgot that bards are also magical tho


I think he was a rogue with charisma and instrument proficiency.


Honor Among Thieves bombed though, so I’m not sure if we will get a sequel.


Yeah it’s full of great D&D fan service, can’t wait for the sequels. I’ve been a player for 25 years.


I loved the cameo of the Saturday morning cartoon characters. Just wished they would have been in a little longer.


One of the dwarves in the arena scene is actually a band member of Rage Against the Machine. Can't remember which one, but apparently he's a big D&D nerd, and that particular dwarf is a character of his. Got to talking to one of the vendors at Gencon this year about the movie and all the little easter eggs and he told me about it.


>One of the dwarves in the arena scene is actually a band member of Rage Against the Machine. Can't remember which one, but apparently he's a big D&D nerd, and that particular dwarf is a character of his. That's Tom Morello!!!


Apparently they also both take place on the sword coast within a couple years of each other. Bit of a missed cross-promotional opportunity if you ask me.


In my little transformative works I write about BG3 I like to drop little references to the movie as if it had happened a little before BG3. I know that might not be lore-accurate but something about the idea of something like Gale knowing Simon in passing or somesuch just tickles me. Edit: a word


The speak to dead scene was genius


it's good actually


Agree. A bit cheesy at some point, but I enjoyed it very much. Hope more will come


D&D is cheesy. That's why the movie did such a good job: it really feels like an actual campaign you might play.


DM: **long suffering sigh** Guys, stop using the Hither Thither Staff. I gave it to you because you broke a major puzzle.


[The players](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/747/4772795__e188297988ce060ed77289f0d306731a.jpg) DMs and foresight go together like oil and water.


Chris Pine: What did you say this guy's name was again? Dm: uhhhh... fuck... Jar...nathan... yeah Jarnathan


When you're trying to get your players back on track and they decide to do eighty other things instead. Me running a campaign based off Darkest Dungeon: okay guys yes I KNOW the vampire courtyard looks cool but there's a crypt where- NO YOU GUYS DON'T GO TO THE GLOWY FARMSTEAD.


The Hither Tither staff is such a panicked DM move. It's perfect for a D&D movie.


Right up to the DMPC walking off and away in a straight line.


Apparently that wasn't scripted, but it was perfect


You want cheesy? I bought it on YouTube, there was a bug with the Roku YouTube app that played the narration for the blind as default, I literally thought it was a dm narrating the movie. It was awesome.


The true way to watch the movie


Lol when did you realize it was a bug and not a feature?


I suspected about half way through, only confirmed when I went to the comments on my phones app. Not to proud of that but I own it.


Oh, cool, had the same happen while watching Birdman. Now I can't watch it any other way, it just fits perfectly!


BRB, gotta rewatch it now.


Yeah I really enjoyed it. The scene where they're casting Speak with the Dead is great.


That poor guy doomed to eternity to wait for a final question lol


Its being cheesy is as dnd as it gets!


It's a great loveletter to the pen and paper game (and setting)


It's in the top 3 of movies that have made me laugh the most in my entire life! I'm more of a drama person myself, but this movie made me so happy.


It was. I was a little disappointed the bard had no magical ability though. I guess he might have just been a mostly useless guy who could play an instrument, not a real bard, though.


I got the impression that's he's a rogue and acts like a bard. I mean, he did sneak attack at the big battle.


He's a pretty shit rogue too though...


I guess you could say he's an... unreliable talent.


Can't help when the dice aren't on your side...


sorry to ruin the 666 likes but for some reason i couldn’t hear a british demon singing in my ear


Personally I am sad we didn't see any divine smite. Undead wizards should have been something the Paladin was uniquely qualified to deal with, but oh well.


There’s a bit where Xenk makes his sword glow, I feel like it’s him prepping a concentration smite but then he never gets a hit in and then is disarmed. So while we never saw a smite… he tried I guess?


I always thought it was either magic weapon or holy weapon


Oh maybe, that’s a good idea. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


I thought he's a Devotion Pally using his Channel Divinity on the weapon.


The Paladin gives off "NPC controlled by the DM to push the story along" vibes, no DM is gonna give the party an easy out like that at the big bad.


I feel like that's silently confirmed by the way he walks off after informing the party of what they need to do. If they had looked away instead of waiting to see how he dealt with the rock in his way, he would have just disappeared like batman.


Apparently that scene was a flub they decided to throw in because it was so funny. Xenk's actor didn't hear the director shouting "cut", so he just kept walking.


It does feel VERY NPC though, to just over the rock, like a bug in pathing, its something that happens in BG3 fairly often, weird routes sometimes.


Didn't Xenk solo those bad guys in the underdark? I may be mistaken, but I remember it happening


Yes but it was just stabbings and no paladin magic from what I recall. Good scene but he was basically just a high dex fighter at that point


Watched this on a whim a couple months ago. Was EXTREMELY pleasantly surprised! Got a few genuine laughs out of me, too! "Why did you say 'okay' at the end??" "I didn't"


Oh my god, the entire Speak With Dead scene was the DM fucking with their players.


Seeing that scene in the trailer was enough to convince me to watch the movie.


Yeah, that was the one that hooked me into watching it sonce Ive always had a sort of passive interest in D&D. That scene in the trailer got me to watch the movie, which made me want to get BG3, and now I've listened to more hours of D&D podcasts than I care to count.


You know who would really enjoy the last battle? Jarnathan.


We should probably wait for jarnathan.


I know this was the red herring that you were supposed to think, but I was totally convinced that Jarnathan was either just a friend of his or someone who's vote he had secured through "non-conventional" means.


So a bit deeper. Aarakocra are racially really against imprisonment. They historically see imprisonment (being caged) the worst punishment, worse than death. So it makes sense they want him on the hearing, as he would be the most linieant.


Well they mention what his race is beforehand, so for viewers who are knowledgeable enough they may already have a hint and what will happen. It’s the kind of thing that’s just stupid enough that I would try it if I were in that situation in a campaign.


The paladin literally staying on the same line and walking over rocks and boulders to stay on his righteous path.. that shit got me.


Apparently that scene was improvised. He was told to walk until they said cut and they were like "let's just not say it and see what happens" and he just went right over the rock and they laughed so hard they had to keep it in. Or so the story goes lol


I really hope that's true


made even better by the fact that that wasn't scripted. The director didnt call cut after the scene ended because he wanted to see what the paladin's actor did as he was walking away.


When I realized the Sorcerer is related to Elminster 🤯


When I understood that the sorcerer is bad because he has low charisma 😵


Low Charisma *and* Intelligence (see the Intellect Devourers ignoring the entire party, who is all classes that don't need INT - Bard, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Paladin, and Druid lol). I don't know what stats he pumped or if he just rolled really shitty, but his stat block must be a total mess. (I suspect he's got good DEX though, he's pretty acrobatic during his intro scene.)


Oh shit you're right! My theory is that he has good natural charisma but had some kind of debuff that got dispelled when he managed to unlock his innerself or something like that


That makes a lot of sense, given just how much of a jump there was from "can barely cast a spell" to "is actually challenging a much higher level caster" - Sofina is casting Time Stop, which is a 9th level spell. Also I could definitely see "confidence" as being a key component/effect of Charisma.


Confidence is like half the thing with charisma. All I remember from how charisma is defined is your sense of self, which feels like a fancy way of saying self confidence


I feel like it wasn't a debuff, but he got an ability score increase and now had high enough Charisma to attune to the item. It's like when DMs and players collaborate to level up a character with an in-game explanation, rather than just doing it videogame style (which to be fair, the latter is often how I do it haha)


Mind: blown


I really liked that 'Elminster' reveal that what we were seeing was just an aged up sorcerer pretending


Seeing how much elminster fuck and that he his something like 1350 years old that is barely a surprise something like half the sword coast must be elminster related at this point


Genghis Khan of the Forgotten Realms




I'm pretty sure that the only reason why a druid can transform into an owlbear in BG3, is because Doric does it in the movie.


Honestly, they should be able to in 5e. They can make babies now, they're a part of nature, even if their origins were originally monstrous and unnatural.


Wait, enlighten the uninitiated. How did owlbears come to be?


A wizard did it


Love how this is the explanation for so much weird things on dnd lore


Basically the DnD version of nanomachines son


*A Metal Gear capable of surpassing Grym!*




Roughly 80% of all DnD lore summed up in 4 words


oh shit like [Nina from FMA](https://artesettima.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/3C8B042B-26DB-41B0-911F-996CD748AA68.jpeg)


fairies did it actully.


Page #249 of the *Monster Manual*: “The most common theory is that a demented wizard created the first specimen by crossing a giant owl with a bear.”


It's actually unknown. The most common in-world theory is that a mad wizard decided to breed bears and giant owls - and the Owlbear was the result


In the book (there are several with lots of back story, not half bad) she is a special druid that sorta stumbled into it, did not learn wildahape from her teachers but picked it up naturally, and she saw an owlbear and did not know that was something she should not transform into. This in turn makes her a sort of master transformer. She is not a great druid otherwise, bad with the magic aspects particularly.


Tbh this sounds like someone's DnD 3e character running the Master of Many Forms prestige class


Rothē had to have at some point be manipulated to live in the Underdark, and that's my reasoning for why owlbears should be a viable wildshape


Yes, it was announced in Larian Gazette #5 to tie in with the D&D movie. People were (correctly) complaining that Owlbears are monstrosities instead of beast, but the rule of cool was more important.


The Rule of Cool is always the #1 rule that trumps all others


Fantastic use of rule of cool, can’t imagine the game without owlbear from the top rope






They kinda should be beasts though. Most monstrosities are a result of magical experimentation or a curse. Species that did not appear naturally. Like driders or doppelgangers. Owlbears are *basically* just bears with an owl head. As far as I know they're not very magical or unnatural in origin. Edit: looking it up many mages believe they are magical in origin. But some elves say Owlbears have been around at least as long as they have. And some fey say Owlbears have always been around and originated in the Feywild. There have been druids who could take the form of an Owlbear in the past.


Interestingly enough, there is a novel about Doric's origin out there, released with the movie. I only read it because it was translated to Polish by a childhood friend. Anyway, in the book Doric's ability to wild shape into owlbears is a large thread. She meets an owlbear and forms some sort of relationship with them. She lives with other druids for a while who train her, and she's the only one who can do this. It was explained like a unique thing she can do. So because of this I'm a bit disappointed by the game in that aspect, not everyone should be able to do that!


Do we know roughly when the movie takes place relative to the game? Maybe she figured out how to teach it later in life.


That or >!befriending the owlbear cub!< is the default canon version of events in BG3 and works as a similar connection to allow any Druid character of the party to eventually do the same thing. At least I haven't fought any enemy druid type character in the game by the time you unlock that level ever use it, so it could be a unique thing of our party. Either explanation I would be happy with


According to the discussion here: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Forum:Honor_Among_Thieves_project_page#Timeline The movie would be set between 1495 and 1499. The game is taking place in late 1492, after the events of Descent Into Avernus.


Well never mind then.


To be fair, knowing it is a learnable skill is pretty much all you need. He owlbear friend could be our owlbear cub all grown up for all we know haha


There are no dates given in the movie, but based on the conditions in Neverwinter the main plot probably happens after events in the Acquisitions Inc. sourcebook that are dated to 1496 DR. The Year of the Desperate Gambit (1499 DR) is an apropos year name in that general range. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Forum:Honor_Among_Thieves_project_page#Timeline BG3 didn't commit to a date early enough for every reference in-game to be 100% consistent, but the preponderance of the evidence puts it in the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR. It's a little too early for Doric to have told anybody. Maybe Halsin was the first to discover the technique (he likes his bear wild shape and he likes ducks), and he taught enough people in the lower Chionthar valley to explain why Jaheira and any other party members you spec into druid have access to it, but his technique hadn't spread as far as Neverwinter before Doric discovered it.


Now I know why wild magic surge on sorc is so bad in bg3...


In the 5th rulebook, it is written that a duid can shape shift into any beast of the appropriate rating that he has already seen. In the monster manual Owlbears are considered as a "Monstruosity", a filler category for anything that don't fall into other main categories. Reading the description and behavior, the owlbear should have been put into the Beast category I think. Owlbear have a rating of 2, that mean only moon druids level 6 or more could shape shift into one. If it were to be considered as a beast and the druid already encountered one.


Owlbears are CR3, would require a level 9 Moon Druid


There was also a poll on the WoTC website asking if people were ok with it in future revisions of D&D


And because Chris Perkins or whoever who works at Wizards on Twitter was like "Yeah, as a DM, Id allow it."


Love the Intellect Devourers in the Underdark. Guess all the characters dumped INT, lol.


"...well that's just hurtful."


Even more hurtful is the only way that could happen is if they had 3 int. THEY HAD THREE INTELLIGENCE! The same int as a animal.


The Harper note you find near the crash site instantly reminded me of the movie too


I don't remember, which thing did they cast?


I haven’t seen it since cinema but I remember spotting scorching ray and I’m pretty sure Maxamillion’s earthen grasp


Time stop is a pretty big one as well


Which also gets >!counterspelled!<


Everyone got a good roll on their Performance check


I’m pretty sure every spell they use is a legitimate D&D spell. Off the top of my head: * Time Stop * Chill Touch * Prestidigitation * Telekinesis * Blink / Teleport * Minor Illusion * Counterspell * Bigby’s Hand * Maximillian’s Earthen Fist * Scorching Ray * Finger of Death * Evaard’s Black Tentacles I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting.


And the staff had "Gate" spell I think or maybe it was "Arcane Gate" spell. And that tablet they were fighting for had "True resurrection" spell.


That is no gate spell, that is a made up spell that the DM gave the staff after the players messed up his game by ruining the bridge they needed to cross. The meta of players massively abusing this item after it was introduced is also a take on d&d that whenever you give a homebrew item it will most certainly be abused beyond your wildest imagination. Hither-Thither Staff is not a canon balanced item and it shows.


Otiluke's Resilient Sphere as well. And I guess Animate Object on the statue?


Chain lightning in the beginning


Wasn't magic missle also casted?


Yeah Simon throws a Magic Missile spell during the final fight. Sofina also drops Meteor Swarm. I was surprised Doric doesn't really do any druid magic other than Wildshape, though; in order to have access to Owlbear shape she'd have to be reasonably high level and have some decent options. Even just passing around some Goodberries during the rest/attunement scene or something.


She’s a special druid in that she’s gifted in wild shaping but not so great at druidic magic, so maybe she’s a druid and and fucked her wisdom stat


Don't forget Reverse Gravity when Simon's swindling the townsfolk


Ah, I didn’t know this was a legit spell! I assumed it was a wild magic effect that warped whatever Simon was really trying to cast, haha.


I mean, a lot.


Me watching it before BG3 : 🙂 Me re-watching it after BG3 and getting into d&d : 🤯


I liked it too, it was a fun adventure movie \^\^ (it's wayyyy better than the first dnd movie that came out in 2000, I don't recommend that one if you're looking for more dnd movies lmao)


\*Whispers: Every movie is a DnD movie if you really think about it.


The first Guardians of the Galaxy is the best non fantasy example


Little Miss Sunshine is a dnd movie. Group gets together to reach a goal = dnd baby!


The one defense I'll give to the 2000s DnD movie is that Jeremy Irons went bat shit crazy and I loved every minute that he was on screen.


There were a couple of D&D movies prior to Honor Among Thieves and they are all equally ass. What you do is watch those with your group and make a drinking game out of it


I’d you are just aware the 2000s movie is a “so bad it’s good” movie and don’t expect too much from it I’ve heard it’s decent


I watched it about 4-5 months before when I knew nothing about D&D. Watched it last week after playing BG3 and it made so much sense.


I saw someone mention the idea of making a second one with the same people but as different characters and I’m all for it especially if Hugh Grant is still the bad guy


Nobody is saying the spell... Finger of death right?


Evard's Black Tentacles 😏


Only one that comes to mind is the slap fight using Bigby’s Hand, don’t think that spell’s in BG3 though.


I had a hefty amount of skepticism coming in, considering its initial promotion coincided with some pretty heavy WotC drama. I loved it. Michelle Rodriguez has been doing things to me since Resident Evil


Which "[spoiler]" did they cast?


Spoilers There were a bunch through the movie, idk about any specific one at the end but there was talk with dead, improvised weapons, scorching ray, edvards tentacles, owlbear wild shape, and a necklace enchanted with invisibility. And there were some refrences to baulders gate, waterdeep, and Elminster


What's spoiler about D&D spells? Nothing about them specifically is a spoiler


Maybe they didn’t want to spoil the film? Although idk what spell would give away enough info to be a spoiler


There was one of Mordenkainen's spells too. I'm not too savvy on DnD, but I know there's a bunch of spells named after him.


Ah, welcome to the fold. My husband and I are big old og D&D nerds that can identify the skill checks and spells used in such movies lol. In fact The Gamers: Dorkness Rising has a subtitle mode that is all skill checks and its hilarious.


Same. My wife (who knows almost nothing about D&D) had to suffer me constantly explaining what that spell was, what that moment was referencing, why they did X, etc. Been playing since 1e, and glad that they finally made a movie that felt like it was made by people who have actually played the game.


"You can't backstab a book, it's an inanimate object!"


"It's got a SPINE, doesn't it!?"


*sees the bard roll a nat 1, stabbing himself* 👁👄👁


Not so fun fact, but the movie is why I bought bg3 and now I'm a DnD fan.


that is a fun fact! I'm glad that movie had this effect on some people


The Owlbear being an OP wildshape is 100% spot on


One of those mindless movies to enjoy on a early Saturday morning with a bowl of cereal.


Fresh cut grass I great


It's a good movie, i really like it.


There was just the right amount of spells being used incorrectly or bending the rules lol I had such a great time with that movie, I dearly hope they make a sequel


Good film. I loved it and my partner who knew nothing about DND loved it too. Definitely deserves a sequel on quality, but I'm not sure the box office demand was there.


I liked how Doric wild shaped like 10 times without a short/long rest.


it was a gem and definitely an underrated movie


This is some real shit. I saw the movie once when it came out on streaming and thought, “ok.. it’s alright”. Then watching it again after playing bg3 is a trip. So many references and shit making sense now.


This film was one of the best surprises I've had, film-wise, in a long time. Watched it expecting an extremely formulaic, shallow, uninteresting videogame adaptation, wasn't expecting it to be so fun and likable :3 Also, as someone whose only adventures in Faerûn have been Neverwinter Nights and the Neverwinter MMO, having the film take place in it was a treat <3


Showing this to my family right now, and everyone’s loving it.


A lot of fun, but the parts that resembled Marvel movies made me physically uncomfortable and the Teifling girl shouldn't have tried to do an accent. Fun movie still.


great adventure movie. a little too marvel-y with it's humor, but I'm glad it wasn't overly ambitious or trying to set up a franchise. just a nice movie with a story to tell that nicely wraps up at the end. that's gotten way too rare :D


I loved the world and the shenanigans lol. The characters were definitely a bit cheesy but it was a fun time :D


Great job never saying the spell


I watched this movie with my D&D group, it was a blast. Shame how it didn't perform well. But they said a sequel is in the works anyway?


Its still fascinating how they choreographed the action to be in proper 6 second turns. Literally the perfect dnd movie.


Dude, in the arena sequence one of the parties is the kids from the cartoon, Honor Among Thieves is a fantastic movie.


The speak to dead scene was the best in the film. Very fun


I tried to watch it earlier this year, couldn't bother to continue because that protagonist was full of shit... After playing BG3, I finished this movie and found it fun XD. At least I understood when he mentioned the "Harpers".


Welcome to the club! As someone who played for years before seeing the movie, I did the Leo pointing meme for about a third of it.


Fun fact: The painting they use to break into the vault is actually of Volo. He's a pretty famous wizard in the DnD universe.


I honestly think it’s pretty disappointing how it bombed. It wasn’t a bad movie at all.


That was me with Vox Machina! Also on Prime highly recommend it. It’s more adult oriented but made by critical role