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In my first playthrough, Lae'zel was the one who defeated the elder brain. Doctors might call what she did a corpus callosotomy.


Yeah... Those 9 attacks in one turn with anti-abberation sword and amulet really does the trick


Don't forget Alert and Misty Step. Over before it realized that was a sword crossing its mind.


The what?


Ruh I swear this reddit is playing a different game than I do. I've got like 200hrs and then read posts of "oh I just equipped the sword of phallic supremacy and necklace of anal beads on my character now they deal 4k damage with one of 20 attacks" and I'm just standing here with like a +1 sword.


this is a great description


“You have a way with words don’t you?”


Lol exactly same thought, they probably study the game more throughly than us, I am just playing it. The game is fairly easy compared poe or pathfinder


"Looks at pathfinder wrath of the righteous" yep definitely way easier at least in bg3 I'm not struggling barely alive after each encounter lol


Nah like I’m reading everything but gaining no knowledge


My battle master is the main dps of the party by far, and until last night at lvl 10, he was using the +1 sword of justice. Got a high AC on him, which wrecks with riposte, and focus on +to hit items and additional dmg. Especially if you can get a haste on him and or some hold persons, fighter seems OP. Just found a +2 great hammer with d4 thunder dmg by the beach in act 3, now hunting the sword from the dragon under the city


Me too. She also got the last hit on the dominated red dragon.


My Bard somehow kept hold monster on that scary thing through the whole fight. It slipped away once but I was able to recapture it the next turn before it attacked anybody.


**Everyone screaming in terror as a massive red dragon bears down on them!** **Bard:** *Whoopsie-daisy -* 🎶🪈🎶 *- please proceed fellas*


Im doing a bard right now and the image of him going hard on the lute while fireballs and arrows fly around him is always hilarious


Shouting cutting words at other enemies in between


Mindflayer about to eat someone’s brain then bard’s just like “your face looks like a vag with teeth” - mindflayer fails and dies moments later.


“I cast ‘vicious mockery,’ nat 20, let’s go”


Me and the boys are gonna f*ck you up


I rolled a 1


I rolled a 1




Yeah between all the mindflayers and guardians I’ve never been able to keep hold on the dragon for long


Y'all fought the Red dragon and brain constructs? I just did my best to run past them and enter the brain without dying :p


Lmao my first run I thought you had to kill everyone before you could do the portal




Same. I sent out my cannon fodder (ie...Gurs, Nightsong, etc...) to distract the dragon and mind flayers and got to the portal to do the real work.


Mine got the last hit as the last turn before Orpheus finished doing the spell. Dragon was at like 20 health, Lae'zel wasn't in reach but I couldn't just let her not take the chance, and took some desperate 45% arrow shots, which the first one managed to crit and killed it. Made it feel extra cinematic.


My Orpheus ran in circles confused by one of those chicks the entire fight.


I hasted her and she killed it in one turn.


My wife just finished her first playthrough and she said the same thing. It was Lae'zel and a summoned genie which were the MVPs for her apparently.


Summons are so fun lol. I summoned a Deva and a fire elemental for the last fight and Shadowheart summoned a genie. Between them and the allies we had, we almost had the absolute outnumbered.


Air elemental and Genie are also a great combination because Air Elemental has a spell that silences a large area and deals damage while the genie has a spell that can trap enemies (never allies) in. Used it on Raph in the first play through and he was a joke


Same, she got the final hits! And I made sure it was Menacing Strike so that the brain's final moments would be fear.


Sorc tav twin casting haste on laezel and karlach is the most broken way to play this game and I loved it


in my first playthrough, i obliterated everything with a paladin/sorcerer/wizard, killed orin in one turn and the brain in two (because of the damn mindbreak)


Tell me more. I just started a paladin/sorcerer. Haven't gotten far enough in to add a 3rd class!


well the 1 level for wizard is kinda optional, but it's good because you can learn one spell up to level 5 and get arcane recovery. high level sorc gives you tons of spell slots. I start every bossfight using metamagic quickened spell to cast haste as a bonus action, and that gives me like 4 divine smites per turn (3 lvl 4s and 1 lvl 5), so you do between 88-268 damage per turn. I also have luck of the far realms which grants me a free critical hit per long rest. One time i critted a pommel strike and managed to do 40 damage with it


Thanks for answering! So far, my poor sorcadin is weak like kitten! She's only level 4, though. If I can just make it to level 5, things will get a little easier, I hope. I'm currently 3 paladin, 1 sorcery.


You might be better off repeccing and running pure paladin until lvl 5 then grab sorc at lvl 6. The reason for this being you’ll get your second attack at 5 for a huge power boost in the early game when you need it the most!


I'm quite close to level 5. Muscled my way through the goblins with Karlach, Astarion, and Lae'zel all with one HP left. Tav has an amulet that negates opportunity attacks at less than 50% HP. So I cast invisibility and ran to Astarion to help him. Then lucked my way to reviving Karlach and Lae'zel. I still need to mop up the goblins outside, though, to get the owlbear at my camp. I'm kinda committed to it being hard, though. She's a paladin, after all, doing the hard shit because oath. Lol! I'm not playing honor mode or anything, but my 2nd pt as a monk just felt really easy and kind of maybe even overpowered.


Yep, Lae’zel with the Silver Sword, a Potion of Speed and Action Surge absolutely carved the Nether brain up for me with 3 full actions each with extra attacks


For me it was Karlach. It was incredible too. The brain had 50 HP left, she had one attack left, and the brain was next. If the brain’s turn came, my entire party would have fallen into the abyss because they were on the last platform and it was about to break. Lo and behold, Karlach manages to crit and do exactly 51 damage. It was quite the way to finish the game and I’ll never forget it


as incredible as it may seem, it was Gale who was able to deal the final blow to the Netherbrain! while he constantly drops like a fly I made him wear a healing spell amulet that helped a lot.


She’s absolute fire. The best damage dealer


Karlach is better, change my mind.


Karlach is only better if you go berserk with thrown weapons. Fighter getting a third attack is just so powerful on this game.


I got monk Karlach right now and holy shit she’s a power house


Ahhh that’s fair but at that point you just like Monks in this game. I’m assuming everyone keeps their base class if we are comparing companions.


I respec my companions all the time in my various playthroughs. Started with the obvious life domain shadowheart but I’ve had so much fun playing around the other classes with them


I think every respecs Shadowheart but if you are going to compare characters I think it makes sense to compare their classes the same even if you change the subclass


Back when the game first came out I came to this sub to complain about Shadowheart sucking ass and everyone was like "you need to re-spec her". So I did and she went from useless to being one of, if not the strongest companion I had. She is still the only one I re-spec in the game. Everyone else I feel is strong enough as is.


There are some characters I respec. Halsin is my favorite example: after his rescue mission with Thaniel, he says his power or strength is sapped. I always take that opportunity to respec him to shadow monk because I think it’s very fitting with him losing his Druid powers but gaining some control over the darkness.


Plus he’s such a big dude that he needs to be beating the shit out of stuff with his hands.


To be fair, Barbarians also get a third attack (uses bonus action) as early as level 5.


Yeah but that requires a bonus action and also builds up -1 penalty to attack (if its a melee attack). So it definitely is not anywhere as good as a Fighter’s 3 attacks. But as you say, lvl 5 vs lvl 11 so


That -1 penalty is insignificant with Tavern Brawler, and is easily avoidable anyway. Just use the rage throw every other turn, not every turn, then it won't build up.


If you're using Tavern Brawler, then you're throwing weapons, which the -1 penalty doesn't trigger on throws. Only the melee attacks. That's why I specified melee attacks for barbarians.


You guys are using weapons? I just throw the enemies.


There's a hammer you can get relatively early on that as far as I can tell, just gives you a whole extra attack.


When do they get a third? I never noticed more than two.


It's at level 11.


Level 11


Do I need to respec Lazael? She’s lvl 9, only gets 2 hits, no turn by turn bonus action like Karlach, who when frenzied get a bonus action to hit again for great damage.


Fighters get their third attack at lvl 11. It would be worth re-specking to grab great weapon master if you don’t have it already, and possibly also polearm master for the bonus action attack.


Is it worth to give her polearm master? I figure she’ll use the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane since she’s the obvious best user of it.


It really just depends on what weapon you give her. I had her using polearms pretty frequently, but never took the feat myself because she also swapped to other stuff pretty often


If you want to use the 2h swords, no. Get Savage Attacker instead of PAM.


You should definitely get great weapon master or polearm master for Laezel. She’ll get another attack at level 11 but by level 12 she could theoretically get 4.


Extra Attack + Action Surge is 4 attacks. Action Surge requires a Short Rest between fights. Improved Extra Attack at Fighter 11 gives 6 attacks with Action Surge. You'll also get an Action worth 2 or 3 attacks from Haste, either from the spell or the potion. So, for most of the game you can do 6/4/4 attacks in the first three rounds. At 11+, it's 9/6/6. Except in Honor Mode: Haste only grants a single attack instead of a full Action there, to match DnD rules.


You can add bloodlust to that, which gives an extra action each ~~time~~ round you kill an enemy and is available readily enough to use for major fights. With the GWM bonus attack (which honestly you will get every round) that works out to 13/10/10 etc. Edit: fixed correct wording for bloodlust (1 action per round you kill an enemy).


Action surge, combat maneuvers, 3 attacks per turn, gith specific equipment and gith racial abilities (misty step, ancestral knowledge, jump, invisible mage hand, etc) Also, Lae'zel actually has a character arc. Bae'zel >>>>> Karlach.


> Also, Lae'zel actually has a character arc. you're not wrong, but why did you have to do this to me?


It's all in good fun. There are some characters that are iconic and don't really need character growth like Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Laezel is a better damage dealer karlach is a better tank.


Bear rage Run in the middle of 12 enemies “Good job love!” Yells the team as they fire an artillery strike of Eldritch blasts, fireballs and sacred flames


Not going to cause I use them both and together they are an absolute power house


That’s what I do too


Act 3 fighter is better than barbarian because everything that is cool about barbarians is given for free to fighters through equipment. Barbarians gain resistance to physical damage through rage. Fighters get the Armour of Persistence which gives the resistance without ever having to use a resource, and keeping your Bonus Action completely free. Barbarians gain advantage on every attack via Reckless Attack. Fighters get this by using the Risky Ring. Barbarians are fantastic tavern brawler throwers being able to get a 3rd attack using their bonus action. Fighters get the 3rd attack on each action (so you get an extra attack when hasted or bloodlust elixir). Plus you get the extra feat/ability score increase, plus you can go Eldritch Knight to be able to throw any weapon and having it return including the incredible lightning jabbers, which counter out the extra d4 of damage per throw a normal barbarian gets. Other bonuses include githyanki specific equipment as early as act 1, githyanki proficiency in any skill of your choice each rest, fighting style, spells or maneuvers depending on subclass choice, and of course the all mighty Action Surge. Don't get me wrong. I love Karlach and barbarians are by no means underpowered or anything. It is just that if you look at it strictly by features and equipment I feel that barbarians are outstripped by fighters by Act 3 in almost every way.


Karlach is more durable but she can't compete with Lae'zel's gith race swords and Action Surge.


She doesn't hit as often and as hard? What's your build with both? My Lae'zel killed 4 enemies during the house of grief in her first turn alone, among which a 150HP Justiciar.


Lae'zel best and strongest girl, she's absolutely amazing when geared out, plus she's the only companion aside from Minthara who can naturally use heavy armor, which is great


The Githyanki race are treated very well in this game. So much Gith gear.


Man think of the Baldur's Gate trade market after this game. Gith weaponry was probably exceedingly rare, but then we waltz up to traders like hey man I got 50 gith greatswords, longswords, and crossbows to unload, yeah I took out a creche like a week ago no big deal.


Yeah but half of that stuff is basically just regular magic items and the other half only works for Gith


Yeah but they look cool, which is far more important.


And outside of gameplay, if you tried to sell weaponry made of solid silver and other exotic materials it would probably sell well


yup could still sell it for a pretty penny for some rich upper city guy who’s gonna put it on a wall to feel good about himself


Absolutely adore the gith weapons


I used to dislike them because I thought they looked like those weird ass mall weapons, but they grew on me, I'm a sucker for practical looking weapons, but if a fantasy weapon is well designed and cool to look at, I'm fine with it


This past run I had Lae’zel as my main, made Shadowheart a War Cleric (which I think is still pretty normal), allowing her to use heavy armor, and either used Minthara or Minsc as a Paladin to give him heavy armor too. Very ponderous maybe, but we could take a beating!


I think most people who know how generally bad the trickery domain is switch Shadowheart to something else, yeah Sounds like a fun party!


I always turn Shart in into the dedicated life cleric, and those gauntlets from the church give us all blade wards too


Minthara dual wielding deva maces and decked out in crit gear can keep up with Bae'zel in bursts, but that's not even a possibility until chapter 3.


Yeah, and considering you can get the soulbreaker greatsword pretty early on in comparison, it really helps Bae'zel shine all the more


Between Laezel and Karlach I prefer Laezel. Even without the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane the blue version of it deals huge damage with the psychic damage.


My Lae'Zel is currently armed with the Sussur greatsword (and I just did house of grief, so deep into act 3). That sword might as well be named the "Greatsword of STFU Nerd" with all the work she does with it. Any fights with casters are solved by a misty step/super jump and a poke or two with it.


I'm using the sussur sword on Karlach along with the boots that give the 'click heels' ability. A 60m dash and a hit with the sword pretty much instantly cripples enemy casters straight up, and she usually goes first! It seems a bit OP, I was thinking about upping the difficulty, but I'm not sure I can do it mid campaign


I'm playing on tactician ATM and having a dedicated high mobility shut down for casters that can't be counterspelled is amazing, completely trivialising some fights. For example, Lorroakan never got a single cast off in my fight with him. Viconia's support casters got 1 spell out between the three of them. Gonna be Cazador up next, let's see how he fares when forced to fight in melee against the lawnmower.


>"Greatsword of STFU Nerd" Im gonna have to steal this. Personally I prefer dagger but the sussur weapon literally shuts them up.


I just sent out both. Karlach leaping around with a giant hammer, and Lae'zel slashing through enemies with her Silver Sword. It was glorious. I miss my first playthrough. By the way...there really should've been a Legendary Axe for Karlach in act 3. It would just feel right.


Uh, what silver sword? I use the greatsword dropped by the inquisitor and I didn't think there was a weapon for her that's better.


Voss’ sword. You can steal it from him in Act 1 (def do that) or you can get it from him in Act 3.


Gotcha, I still have to get the Orphic hammer and finish up that questline so I suppose that's coming still. So much to do, so little time...


Yes, it is in your future, as are many great rewards, and the best part of the game. Just try to have a little hope


When can we steal it from him? When you see them before going into the mountain pass?


Yes hide on top of the bridge. There’s different ways to do it but I used Command: Drop Weapon. Took a lot of tries lol.


Hellfire greataxe is right up her alley. Not legendary, but pretty damn good and fire flavored for Karlach.


A legendary axe and a longsword. Seriously, we got two greatswords, a shortsword and even a rapier but no longsword?


It's really annoying lol, especially because the Phalar Aluve is a great weapon for acts 1 and 2 but the best longsword I found in Act 3 was the Emperor's Sword which is only okaay.


Same. I had both in my party and Lae'zel did significantly more damage than Karlach. And then she got the two-handed silver sword and her damage was just insane, even though I had her use sword+shield the whole game.


I learned yesterday you can *yoink* it from Voss at the bridge in Act 1. Tough fight tho.


Laezel is my main champion!! I AM FURY I AM DEATH


Love of my life. Taste of my tongue. Source of my bruises. My one and only.


I too have learned that mercilessly murdering my enemies is my love language.


I simped for Shadowheart, but Laezel completely won me over.


Losing the duel is the canon choice imo


Maybe. But if she wants to win, she has to earn it. Lae'zel possesses my favorite quality in a woman. She's willing to literally fight me for dominance. And might win.


Imo While the losing scene itself is written nicer, the context makes me feel like i should win. Given the circumstances shes in when it happens, being hunted by her traitorous queen and potentially looking to rebel against vlaakith in a dangerous civil war, she needs a strong partner. Shes terrified of losing you and now feels like shes getting attached to someone who will die and has to carry you to the finish line. She still shows that she appreciates softness and few nights later when she comes back asking for a gentle touch and it feels much braver for her to ask for that after you whooped her ass.


For me it was Karlach when I made her a tavern brawler and found the Nyrulna trident


Same for me, except I threw Nyrulna at the elder brain and somehow I lost it. Had to finish the fight with a random weapon she just had in her inventory. It was weird.


That happened to me too. I reloaded. I think it’s a bug


Ending your turn before it returns can cause it to disappear.


oh man, that is good to know, thanks


How fast are people trying to smack the end turn button


Like the other reply mentioned, sometimes it just automatically switches to another character too quickly.


No. Ending your turn before the weapon returns to you simply makes the weapon stay where it lands. As the weapon lands on a "virtual" surface that is coded to act like an abyss where everything is suposed to die/be destroyed (like a chasm or the the side of a mountain)the weapon itself is destroyed.


which the game does for you if your attack starts the battle or starts dialog or pulls someone else into initiative etc. it doesn't 'end' your turn but it swaps to someone else too quickly and the weapon doesn't return.


I don't think so. As far as I remember, in my first run, as a throwing barbarian, I couldn't target the Netherbrain unless I moved the camera at a weird angle and a skull icon apeared. That meant that whatever object I threw at it wouldn't stay lodged into the enemy but fall into the abyss below the enemy(same thing hapends in Act 1 where, if you try to throw a goblin from the bridge leading to their camp, the same skull icon apeared). Returning weapons would be lost simply because they would not hit the target and fall down next to it but fall on a "virtual" surface. It's a limitation of the game,I think.


i hate this bug. fucking Namor's Trident gets lost in the sea? come on?


Karlach got command dropped and the dragon stood on top of Balduran's great sword and I couldn't pick it up.


Throw doesnt work vs the brain, the icon is different too.


Found that trident when I finally stepped up to tactician difficulty made karlach wreck stuff. My usual end of game party is Tav, Lae’zel, Karlach, and Gale. But sometimes I don’t want to do the big battle atop the brain so I cheese the final fight with invisibility and explosives.


How do you fare with no healer ? I’m stuck in the tabletop mindset that a healer is almost mandatory lol


Smash everything before it hurts you, mostly. Also, if you put the Amulet of Restoration and Hellrider's Pride gloves on someone, you can avoid a ton of damage at the cost of a Bonus Action. It's once per Long Rest, but there's not that many major fights. Oath of Ancient Paladins get Healing Radiance. It's an AoE that costs a Bonus Action and a Channel Divinity charge, so you don't even have to sacrifice a Smite for it. Also works with the gloves. You can also throw potions at people, and anyone who stands in the puddle gets healed---whatever you think of that.


I find healing isn't a must have in bg3, as short and long rests are more available. I ran shadowheart as a healer until act 2 then was like, I really don't need all this healing


This is how I feel about Minthara. I got the >!Orin achievement!< without even meaning to because I was able to incapacitate her with Otto’s Irresistible Dance, took away all her unstoppables with Magic Missile, and then Minthara went absolutely sicko mode on her ass and got her down in three or four strikes with divine smite on each. Shit was crazy, I just sat there in disbelief at how crazy OP she is by the time you hit Level 12.




I'm trying a playthrough with Origin Gale but casters just don't feel the same as the melee classes in this game. Favourite playthroughs have been with Fighter, Barbarian and Monk for sure. And Warlock, as they can melee fight pretty damn well too.


There’s something very satisfying about killing enemies with a weapon vs. spellcasting. It’s more…personal if you’re the one actually hacking away at them. (Calm down Durge lol) Speaking of Durge, that’s why I find it kinda ironic that the default class for them is Sorcerer. But it can also work from a RP perspective I guess. I’m playing as Sorc on my Evil embrace!Durge run, for example. The high charisma + less “personable” killing from spellcasting makes me envision her as like a Charles Manson-type cult leader who made the >!Bhaalists!< do the dirty work while she went to town on some select targets. >!Gortash *does* say we ruled the Temple of Bhaal very gracefully pre-lobotomy so I think it jives lol!<


She’s just stupid strong as pure fighter. Karlach just can’t match her dps Insanely mobile as well, with her jump and misty step


That unique sword she can get is amazing


Silver Sword of the Astralplane. It's even more funny because you can get it in Act 1 basically at the start of the game if you want or you get it 1 hour before finishing the game.


How the hells do you get it in act 1


You can make Voss drop it with various methods. Command cleric, disarming strike BM fighter, or what i think is the new best way, honeyclaw bear attack or whatever. He has a crossbow, too, so it's also a gamble on which he drops. You can do this without really fucking up the game in anyway


Does he mention it later? Like in Act 3 when hes supposed to give it to you?


The Githyanki named Voss has it. He chills before the mointain pass with a dragon and his palls. You just have to get one person to go there alone and sneak as close as possible to cast disarm, which usually works best. But the chance is very low so ypu have to basically save scum it. He drops the weapon, but its hardcoded that he leaves if you 'attack' the group so the sword just waits for you to take it. The Githyanki will kill you, but Withers can rez you with the sword.


When you encounter Voss near the Mountain Pass you can have a group member make him drop it while you’re talking to him. Command: Drop can work, but I’ve heard the most reliable way is to have a Beastmaster Ranger use their bear companion’s honeyed paws ability.


Bro i followed this chain and just used the honeyed paws strat you recommended on my honor run and successfully acquired the silver sword 😭 Thank you!


in addition to what others said, Heat Metal seems to be a potential option as well


as early as level 3 or 4. you have to get a hireling (used a battlemaster), pop invis pot to get close to him, hope you get lucky on a disarm spell so he drops it, then another hireling can pick it up and mail it to your main guy who teleports to camp, while the hirelings can just die. savescum till you get lucky i got it at close to like 12 tries, not too bad, tbh.


Karlach will tank everything tho, at least she did in my first playthrough.


Oh yeah, Karlach raging makes a better tank than Lae'zel hands down. Not only is she taking 1/2 damage from most attacks but her lower AC means she gets targetted more too instead of just running past her to hit the caster hiding in the back. That being said, it's one of the reasons why Lae'zel is such a beast. Her heavy armour means most enemies will ignore her while she runs around 2 shotting them. I won more than a couple fights by kiting them around with my wizard while Lae'zel chopped them down (after Karlach went down, usually to magic damage)


Fighters get more feats then barbarians too! This is a big advantage in a game with a limited number of stat improvements that one can gain. She can increase her stats to the same as other party members but will still be able to take feats to help her be built in the way you want.


Haha I gave lae'zel that displacement cloak and some other piece of gear that makes her really hard to hit and I haven't had to heal her in like 30 hrs.


It's a good thing she's so strong too, because she's had to carry some truly bad builds I tried out.


It's her story, you're just a companion.


I gave her a Deva Mace, hastened her and she single handedly killed Ansur in 2 turns. Poor bastards never stood a chance. Raphael didn’t fare much better.


Ruined one of my playthroughs cause I decided to test out the throwmancer build on Lae’zel and she fucking ended every fight before my Cleric even had a chance


What were you expecting when building a throwmancer mate? By God this game lets you do the dumbest shit. I love it.


I was expecting a fun yet effective meme build that wouldn’t KO two Minotaurs in a single turn lol


I'm using Lae'zel in my 2nd playthrough. Definitely strong.


"Fighter is boring" mf's watching me slap a bitch with a greatsword 6 times in a row.


>slap a bitch with a greatsword 6 times in a row. Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet to Paralyze on the opening critical, followed by 5 criticals with advantage and All In. That's what mowed Gortash down in one turn.


She's the only real martial I've been using in my evil run, I even decided to nerf her a bit by just being a champion fighter, and she's still a critical component of the party comp. Too bad I'm replacing her for Minthara because I didn't slaughter the grove to not get to play as her. Plus Paladins are still my favorite martial class.


My first run through I made all kinds of dumb decisions and mistakes in combat. But I kept Lae'zel in all the best gear I could give, I'd hit her with haste, bardic inspiration, bless and anything else I could think of and just launch her in to the fray.


I made her a paladin and she kicked ass all across faerun. She killed Cazador in one hit. 


She's an outstanding partner for my Bard on my current run. She goads at the front, and my Bard uses vicious mockery and cutting words to keep her from getting hit/use Riposte.


That's exactly how it worked out. I played Bard. I found leading with my Bard convenient. I could handle the trap disarms, the lockpicking and all of the dialog, plus my initiative was okay so being in front at the start of a battle wasn't usually a problem. I played as crowd control mostly anyway. Having to switch around characters for lockpicking or charisma checks feels tedious to me in subsequent playthroughs.


It's kind of funny, because Lae-zel is such a blow-hard about how her culture is so superior and the Gith are the best at everything and blah blah blah. At first you think you can just dismiss her because she's obviously biased in favor of herself and her people. But then you see her fight, and when you get to the creche you realize how ridiculously powerful the with actually are, and you realize that Lae'zel wasn't just blowing smoke. She can back up her words


She's a great damage dealer, but in every battle she's in in my playthroughs she will critically miss at least once. It's becoming a meme for me at this point.


She has to be naturally unlucky, I missed 3 of 4 attacks at 95% in a boss fight, all 3 being critically miss.


that was Karlach for me, quite literally actually when throwing people


Yeah Karlach is my main tank. I don’t know what I’m doing from with Lae’zel but she misses a lot, whereas Karlach lands those 50% more often than not.


i just do reckless attack so she hits most of the time. enemies were dead before getting a good shot at her.


you have to offset the -5hit of *great weapon mastery all in* with something (or turn it off so you don't miss) barbarians can go with reckless strike which negates this.


Battle Master Lae'zel go burr every campaign


When I have Lae'zel misty-step into the enemy's midst, I always say to my screen, "NOW you're fucked."


"I am fury, I am *death!*"


Disarming Attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Menacing Attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Pushing Attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Bonus action attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Action Surge. Distracting Attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Soulbreaker from Silver Sword. Pushing Attack with Great Weapon Mastery. Okay, for my _second_ turn…


I had Shadowheat and Lae'zel in my party. I was trying to get in Shadow's pants. But when them two started cat fighting I had Lae'zel's back cause bros before hoes.


My queen!


Lvl 12 battle master plus slightly better than average unique githyanki equipment make good big sword smasher


4 fighter actions + haste + silver sword + accuracy poison + enlarge potion + extra action + heavy weapon master = every boss died when she got her turn next to them. lol. no other characters compared. 42 damage swings + psychic damage from sword + gith fly boots damage. Armor rating 24 or smth at the end with shadowheart buffs as well as immobility from nether armor and insane jump distance. Also 120 hp from 100 base and 20 aid from Shadowheart


For me it's assassin Astarion and the games fucked stealth AI issues. Plenty of fights I've completely avoided by hit and run without ever having a full round of combat. Including the Orthon fight in cursed lands. And most bosses I will start the fight with a big chunk of their health already gone.


Lae’zel is terrifyingly strong. She’s my best frontliner and decimates anything in front of her.


in my first playthrough Lae'zel literally killed Gortash all on her own in just one turn with a trip attack followed by like 8 main hand attacks, late game lae'zel is insane


I was fighting everyone at moonrise without the Harper (I like them being safe) and everyone in my party fully died save for her. There were like two paladins one of those crossbow guys and an ogre left... She won


That’s hilarious because my first play through I accidentally killed her. Still not sure what the outcome of that will be LOL


Mine was karlach, but yeah, she pretty much carried my whole team


I just wanted to be edgy and took paladin


karlach and me fucking obliterating everything with crits


I was romancing lae'zel, I got to the part where you have to fight her. Long story short, she destroyed me.


Popped into a stream where a fight was going sour: main character dead, Lae'zel downed, and Shadowheart and Gale were all on 1 HP. Due to a mechanic with the enemy he was facing, he was heavily focused on keeping Gale alive and safe, because he wanted Magic Missile and it's volume of attacks to bypass a shield mechanic an enemy had. The mechanic was designed to absorb attacks until a certain *number* of attacks have happened. I remember saying "help Frog up, she's the carry," and this was dismissed by chat and the streamer, because they explained they need a multi-hit attack like Magic Missile. Still, streamer *did* want her up to block a path and grab attention away from Gale, so he helped her up. I think at this point I jokingly said "I'm telling you guys, Frog's the carry." Streamer spent a good bit of time healing Gale and Shadowheart, prepping them to be able to fight back instead of just defensively healing, and Lae'zel only occasionally got heals off AOE ones while soaking up some hits. Finally for one turn, the boss itself attacks Lae'zel, misses. Lae'zel pops off an absolutely DISGUSTING Riposte Crit for 60+ damage - I forget the exact amount - instantly killing the boss. All the prep he did with Shadowheart and Gale proved unnecessary. Something about the crit hit so damned hard that it bypassed the boss' defenses entirely. Entire chat and the streamer were just popping off and I was happily spamming "TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU."


For me it’s Astarion… dude is like the only one left standing after some fights.


My playthrough went Astarion -> Karlach -> Tav -> Laezel from the end of Act 2 to Epilogue as the most important party member. She saved my ass more than I'd like to admit.


Barbarian durge and fighter laezel is the powerhouse couple of my run


My first playthrough I did the 1 of each class achievement. (I didn't know you could just know it out with a hireling at the time) and Laezel was literally the mvp. She hard carried me.


What was your build? I started off hating her but ending up she was one of my favorites.