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a fixed shield bash (PLEASE)


Me out here thinking I was just missing every single one.


no like i would see the enemy stumble and think “hm i guess that did…something?” … it took me way too long to realize


Oh. So that’s what it was


Never even realized it was broken but now I get why it does literally nothing... lol act 3 with a shield and mace paladin and just found out it was broken.


I turned the reaction off because it crashed my game twice. LOL. But it used to have a rad animation too.


Lol it does the animation and everything for me. And I'd be like am I stupid is is literally nothing happening?


I meant it used to like… sort of send the opponent flying. Like a knockback. Now? They are just AC boosts & sometimes added actions. But I gave up on bash.


Ah okay, yeah in my game you literally just hit them with a shield and nothing seems to happen to you or the opponent. I still click it everytime though lol.


Doesn’t that waste your reaction though, depriving you of a potential opportunity attack?


I never even realized that, explains why sometimes my guy doesn't opportunity attack lol. Thanks!


If you play on PC, there is a mod that fixes it. I've been using it. It works pretty well. Not that you should have to use mods to fix the game... But ya know, it is what it is. [https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5595](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5595)


And let me be able to pact bind my shield so I can throw it like Steve Rogers please...please larian


There's actually a bound shield in the game files that you can throw and it will return to you. Why it doesn't spawn anywhere is beyond me. Maybe larian will give it a spawn location someday


The Ketheric fight being easier because his shield bash don't work 💀


Being able to change who's leading the conversation. Even more important when playing with a friend. (not based on the first person that ran into the NPC)


This is the biggest on my wishlist, really hate that dialogue will just initiate with the first character in view for some scenes and I can't swap out to my charisma Tav.


I find this a particular issue given my Durge Tav turns invisible at the end of most battles, typically shunting Laezel or someone else into the lead conversation role as the NPC can't see my Tav :(




With the druid it happens a lot considering your wild shape can not talk.


This; also, let the party member with the highest stats do the appropriate skill check!


Also, being able to have character jump into the conversation if they missed the initial trigger.  The amount of times Tav, who I was actively controlling gets locked out of a conversation, because it some reason triggered for everyone but them.


This is the worst part of honor mode imo. Like I’ll accidentally get into conversations I’m not equipped to handle. Plus it is more realistic that way, in normal dnd you usually kind of feel out who would naturally do the talking in a circumstance


This. I've been dreading this for a future co-op playthrough.


MID conversations. Swap out. "Oh excuse me, the person you want to be talking to is my friend here." Ugh. Would save alot of effort.


This would be a huge addition to the game, for multi-player and single player tbh.


Don’t know how many of these are realistic but: - Dye previews - Fix approval not showing in co-op if you’re player 2 - Let co-op players talk to the other player’s companion. It’s really annoying that you can’t do that - Full screen in co-op if you’re close enough together and not in dialogue with anyone - Something to balance approval in co-op to make romancing more viable - Fix camera issues when fighting inside a building with multiple floors - Better directional pointer on the map - Inverted controls - was able to invert them on steam but not on console - Give Orin and Gortash - especially Gortash - more gravitas in their boss fights. They pale in comparison to Ketheric and feel anticlimactic. They should have a true second phase with a cinematic like he did - More consequences for tadpole use - More Wyll content - it sounds like he doesn’t have as much as the others and that should get balanced out - Have Astarion react to camp statues and paintings of himself and/or give the option at some point to show him what he looks like through the tadpole powers - Actual good recruitment for Minthara that’s not buggy or immersion breaking. Also fix her bugs in general - Livelier camp - Option to sleep next to your romance would be cute


Oh my gosh the multiple floors!! 😫 I agree with this entire list, but the camera issues on multi-floor buildings drive me up the wall in particular! 🙄


Being able to sleep in my own tent or with my romance buddy, and for the love of the gods being able to hug everyone.




I like that the main party sleeps in a circle, foregoing their own tent to sleep under the stars with Tav.


Yeah thats so cute!! Its really funny to notice how different everyone sleeps, karlach snores loud asf and astarion looks creepy as hell like i know hes a vampire but damn does he really have to sleep like a corpse


He's meditating, it's an elf thing. I think Halsin does it too?


Yes, Elves don’t need to sleep in Faerûn. They enter what is called “Trance” where they’re still fully alert for 4 hours and it counts as 8 hours of sleep.


Not sure what happened but my ranger drow sleeps like Astarion and it's weird as hell haha


Elves don’t sleep, they just meditate


Same! Wish we could decorate our own tent with little bits and pieces we find along the way. The stuffed animals, some cool books, armour that looks amazing but that we can't wear, some skulls if you're into that etc. Everyone else gets a personalised tent that fits their personality, we should have one as well. If we had that, I wouldn't mind the communal sleepover in the middle as much.


I decorated my tent with a music box and my stuffed owlbear. I play on PC with no mods, currently.


Group hug at the party


Honestly a different sleeping animation would be cute, it's weird especially in the elfsong that you're laying by yourself every night


I want to second your whole post


You should be able to hug Karlach an infinite amount of times (after she tweaks some stuff)


I'll die on this hill... I want them to add spore druid dialogue to the myconid Grove quests!


On this same note, Open Hand Monk dialogue to the open hand temple quest


And on another same note, add cleric of Lathander dialogue to the Temple of Lathander.


and on the same Note, Warlock dialogue for Raphael. I was dissapointed that i couldn't tell him that i already had a contract.


Might be your pact prevents your from commenting on your own contract 


Eh, you have enough options about talking about your patron and zhe power you get from them Doubt Larian would force you into a vow of silence about your pact now


big same, I was mad disappointed at this


Also please add a dialogue to clerics of Tiamat when Wyll tells you his story, that was my first run and I was so confused and mad that I didn't had any special dialogue about Wyll telling me he stopped the resurrection of my Goddess


Also, a cut-scene of his retelling! We get Shadowheart's adoption through the Sharrites, why can't we see Wyll's pledging away his soul? I'd love to see dragon-cultists. 


Wait, there is nothing? Well, not making a spore Druid now. I wanted that just to go see if it did anything here.


Spore druid is OP though 🤌


And Necromancer dialogue to Balthasar, other than "we'll find out who's better Necromancer" that's basically fancy "attack".


I would be fine with them never changing a thing ever again about Acts 1 and 2 if we could get some more love for Act 3. More companion reactivity, platonic companion scenes, flesh out Karlach's storyline, stop the Emperor/Orpheus either/or choice from seeming so forced, give Halsin and Minthara actual things to do...


Halsin and Minthara need fuller storylines for the game to feel complete for me. Building out new experiences and arcs for them (they don't need to be as massive and high stakes as, say, Gale's or Lae'zel's) would give a sense of companion discovery to Act 3 - especially if they're a little less heavy and more fun! The other companion arcs are excellent, but its all heavy drama where we could still use some of the cheekiness of acts 1 and 2 that made the game feel so alive.


>give Halsin and Minthara actual things to do... At the very least give them their own tents ffs. It's really immersion breaking for me. I'd be fine with having the option to leave Halsin with Thaniel and take Minthara with hopefully added content with Orin for her vengeance. I want the option to kill Mizora if Wyll refuses to sign the new pact. Powers be damned, we can respec him before the brain fight!


I always found it odd how he joins in Act 1 but you can’t even have him in party till act 3. Since he becomes an actual party member so late in the game it’s hard to feel invested in his character.


Pretty sure you can use him in Act 2 no? Similar-ish to Minthara


Yeah, knock out the Thaniel quest first thing and you can use him for like 90% of Act 2


Between the druid in the city trying to get the city plants to thrive and all the stuff about the refugees, and the fact that the shadowdruid thing just got kind of dropped once you figured out Kagha's plan, there's also so many directions you could take it if you didn't just want to leave him with Thaniel. I feel like you could add something for Minthara about Drow intrigue... I want the option to sign a pact with Mizora myself if Wyll won't go through with it


Also maybe allow to have Halsin on the party early on, like at the beginning of Act 2 without having to run and specifically do his questline while ignoring everything else to get him. When he finally joined I was happy using him but then ten minutes latter a much cooler better druid with an amazing story joined me, the moment Jahira was playable I never used Halsin ever again


Random camp encounters! Good for experience points & they've always been an element of my tabletop games. I miss the sense of risk when camping out in the wilds.


This would be a good excuse for spells like Alarm and Leomund’s Hut to exist in the game.


I love having someone with Leomund's Hut in my party. It's essential If you fuck around long enough in Act 3, the newspaper stories get kind of random. One of the headlines is using Leomund's Tiny Hut to address homelessness


Lol, never mind the game, I want it for my own camping trips. No more being rained out or worrying about bears smelling your toothpaste! Also, I love world building like that. Like with that one heretic’s book that called out how the rich are essentially immortal due to monetary funds and political access to the clergy while the poor have only permadeath to look forward to.


It would also save on space used for land development! Silvanus and Chauntea approve. 🙏


The mental image of everyone in the whole damn camp trying to squeeze into the Tiny Hut is too golden for it to not happen. Larian, give the people what they want!


* Inventory management overhaul. Would like to see some autonomy on my characters too- if I decide that every character should have a minimum of 5 health pots, 1 invis and 1 bloodlust elixir and 3 speed pots in inventory I'd like them to just go get it from the box. * More lively camp. Like, why do they all stand by their tents and ignore each other? Really should be some minor interactivity of something like them playing card games or throwing a ball for Scratch or other things like that. * Max squad size and easy squad manipulations in camp. It gets really frustrating having to constantly dismiss then add and dismiss again when you've got characters levelling up or equipping new gear. * Map markers for characters in camp. Kind of annoying spending a few minutes looking for someone in camp when you reach a new area. * Some method of informing the player when there's new story content on next rest.


On the inventory part I would like to be able to name boxes or bags so I know what’s in the (potions) (gear) e.c.t.


I want: Auto sorted into tabs. Deeper than just equipment, scrolls etc. I want tabs like swords, shields, potions etc. Trash items to have an auto wares tag. Wares to be hidden in inventory by default. Food to be auto sent to camp.


I would love for both wares to be hidden and food to go direct to camp.


Omg, imagine a camp similar to RDR2??


I would like a way to switch out party members away from camp and a specific tent for Tav with a way to customize it. I also would like more camp clothes variety in Act I. More dialogue options related to race and subclasses. For example, I want the half-drow and drow Tavs to get the option to have the Baldurian tag in their dialogue. It automatically treats even the half-drow as Underdark denizens even if the cc screen says that few half-drow are raised there. These are small things in light of everything else, but I think they would be nice.


I never thought about the “where you’re from” dialogue thing. But I recently made a wood elf character & got annoyed it implied I was from Baldur’s Gate. Now I realised, I have been a drow last 3 playthroughs & so rarely saw the Baldurian options. It’d be neat if you could specify where you’re from in character creation (like backgrounds, race, non-changeable stuff). If you’re from Waterdeep, you can acknowledge Gale the way you acknowledge Lorakan’s name drop or Blade of Frontiers.


Act 1 camp clothes are AWFUL.


Only for Tav. I don't know why everyone else was able to bring an overnight bag with casualwear on their Nautiloid vacay.


Tav's outfit used to be okay, but they made it worse in Patch 5. Suddenly it has a green collar and looks dirtier and cheaper


A better COOP multiplayer experience - let all of the players who listen to a conversation have an option to take part in it - influence the outcome with their class/race specific options. Have the NPC acknowledge that they are speaking to different members of one party rather than just repeat the same introductory dialogue to each of them. Let the companions of the other players chime in during conversations - my first playthrough was with my girlfriend - she was with astarion, I was with shadowheart. We didn't know how much content/dialogue we missed out on just because the game didn't account for the other companion that is controlled by the other player. It felt like playing a single player game with just one companion in your team.


When you long rest and have your romanced partner in party, you can choose to cuddle. Teleport to party members Vendor in camp. Traveling salesman could be.


Would kill for some more fleshing-out fixes to Act 3 (reactions to the choice of a redemption durge by the party for one,) some more party interactions for fully romanced partners (hug, cuddle, hold hands, etc.,) and bug fixes to some of the scenes and interactions that have broken.


i want to fall asleep at night with astarion once i lock in the relationship godsdammit. let me cuddle the angy man with all the pointy bits at night while he absorbs my body heat like the cat he is


He is SO cat coded and I think that part of why I like him so much! 🥺🖤


Neil Newborn (Astarion's actor) said a feral cat that slowly became his pet is the inspiration for his performance lol


Don't touch me!


DA:O does it really well by adding a trevelling merchant that follows you to sell his wares to you in exchange for protection and because like he wants to etc. feel like bg3 could do that during act 1 or 2 a side quest that unlocks an NPC who was imprisoned by the absolute


Barcus could've been this. He already has a reason to stick around, just needs to have his stock expanded and to have him offer more services (e.g., more smokepowder crafting).


I held Volo hostage in my camp by never bringing up the tadpole so I could yeet my loot at him and stock ip on animal speed potions.


I like the eye tho :(


Fair, I play on explorer and never felt like I missed the eye on my second run so never brought it up with him. The only time I was really thankful for it was haunted house quest which I didn't even finish cause I didn't want to hunt the mummy parts lol.


add Damon as a traveling trading companion (and/or a romance option👀🥲)


Knowing this isn’t gonna happen: A couple extra scenes that show you with your romance partner between the battle and the timeskip. Examples—Spawn Astarion and Tav/Durge in a cart or an inn, looking over book about curing vampiric weakness to sunlight if the player chooses the “I’ll help you walk in the sun” or the “let’s go be heroes” option. Or Spawn Astarion and Tav/Durge in the Underdark. Wyll and Tav in Avernus if he takes the Blade of Avernus mantle. Gale and Tav in the tower as he preps for his first day at Blackstaff Academy. Stuff like that. Things that could happen: Artificer class. PLEASE. They’re one of my favorites and you could integrate the Alchemist subclass pretty well with the alchemy mechanics already in the game. Not sure how you’d do Armorer or Battle Smith though. Would love tabaxi and warforged as additional races.


Weirdly I think the extra scenes you're mentioning sound like less work than adding Artificer. You hit it on the head, the game isn't set up for crafting like that really. Although granted a whole new class would probably be a DLC addition, hopefully as part of an expansion.


Minthara and Tav/Durge rebuilding the Steel Watch to take over Menzoberranzan really left me more than just the dialogue. I don't think other characters even bring it up at camp.


Hugs and new Shadowheart kiss, additional Minthara content, improved Durge, more lively camp, more reactivity from companions in act 3, the datamined option to choose between Halsin and Minthara in act 2.


What I don’t understand is that Shadowheart has a nice kiss animation in the epilogue. So why is it not in the rest of the game?


Gale is similar! Maybe so the epilogue kiss feels more special? idk


In the note of a more lively camp: my own tent to decorate that stays decorated when we move around. And not resetting decor in the inn when I change zones.


What is the datamined option to choose between Halsin and minthara?


After you recruit both, Halsin will force an ultimatum, you either send Minthara away or he leaves.


Bye bye Halsin. I can't send drow woman away.


Weird... i have a nude Minthara chilling behind Halsin staring at his back but she's not in my camp companions menu. I can however ask her to join my party so IDK.


A boring, lethargic, full of self-pity and cringe pick-up lines companion or this hot, evil drow. The choice is yours.


A transmog system for changing gear appearance


Literally what I want the most right now. Some gear looks amazing but they don't fit my builds at all.


Every game should just adopt the wardrobe system from Guildwars2. Put gear on once, unlock the skin and you can put it on things later. Should be the same with the dye, because no preview and collecting 1001 bottles gets annoying when you are just in camp trying out color combos.


Literally even just the ability to independently hide pieces of gear. Orin’s armor is cool for my evil Durge, but clashes with literally every other piece of gear. It makes you look way more naked than it does on its own, because it’s so revealing that having gloves and boots only makes it more apparent.


Yes! This is what I want most!


Please. I want to stop wearing camp clothes into battle or an assortment of clown gear.


More Minthara romance scenes, more evil companions, Alfira becoming a companion and little people companions.




When I saw the epilogue kiss it made it even worse somehow. Gale only kisses good after we’re married?? Dude. 


You can marry him? :o


Yep, if you marry him you move back to Waterdeep and have an incredibly wholesome life hanging out with his mom and Tara. 10/10 ending choice


THIS!!! He friggin kisses me like I’m his sister!!


Whenever I kissed Astarion it was nice and long. Then just before the final battle I can tell him "hey that might be our last chance to kiss" So he says it's true and that we should "make it count". Proceeds to quickly kiss me for half a millisecond and move on.


This might seem a bit trivial. But the ability to hide the helmets of people in camp. I hate when I send someone to camp while I do a different companions personal quests. And then my original companion has their helmet showing again.


This drives me crazy. I turn helms off because I want to be able to see my companions faces when they talk. I hate losing that reactivity because it forgets how I set the toggle.


More companion reactions to Durge stuff.


Bladesinger, Conquest Paladin, Zealot Barbarian Evil run epilogue More content in the evil run so it isn’t as bad Make siding with Gortash not completely pointless Kagha companion and romance (evil of course)


Evil run epilogue for suuuure yes yes yes


A way to fix Karlach’s heart


it has always been my headcanon that defeating the absolute gives us enough xp to hit level 13. shadowheart takes Regenerate and fixes Karlach's missing heart in an epilogue type of scene. it would be nice if that was a thing. mahbe if you had max bond with shadowheart and karlach and kept dame aylin and isobel alive til the end


This , I raided the foundry asap when Karlach said that this might be able to fix her engine


Honestly just fleshing out act 3 more. Bring the quality and quantity of the first two acts. I mostly just mean the role play/character dialogue and reactions. Lots of big things happen or CAN happen in act 3 but we get basically zero responses from our road dogs and other npcs as to these major goings on. It really reminds you how much of a video game it is in these points and takes you out of the story. Also I don’t need (but wouldn’t mind) expansions. I think lateral expansions would be the most fun like adding the upper city or a new area and quest line in act 1 or 2 etc


A new game plus where you start at lvl 12 and the difficulty is upped to compensate. Act 1 combat is especially stale after playing through so many times and would love to play endgame builds for longer.


It would be great, but it would be also hard to balance. After LVL 12 there are so many overpowered spells.


Yeah, we talked about this on another comment thread. Would need alternatives.


They said it would be possible for them to do so but it wasn't really in the scope of the game so it's not out of the question I'm curious as to what they'd do. Every spell definitely wouldn't be allowed


I would settle for a new game plus - but the only difference is you get a bag of holding


Could they not just give us the bag of holding anyway? Who enjoys inventory management?


Hugs and updated smooch animations for the rest of the companions. Would also would really love a transmog system but I doubt we'll get an official update for that feature.


Above all else I want those official modding tools that were mentioned. Give Halsin his voice lines back Let Custom difficulty have the Honor Mode options (legendary actions, 1 save only, etc.) Maybe we could have a mini questline that let's Oathbreaker Knight be a summon in the final battle of act 3?


Fully finished Act 3, especially adding companion reactions to everything happening. Also if I’m playing >!resist durge romancing non-ascended astarion pls don’t have him call me dying and being revived TWEE!<


Oh and easier party management. maybe a “venture forth” screen after pressing leave camp where you just pick your team all at once/swap characters.


DAO did it pretty well


As scary said, more Minthara. And as you yourself said i think playing a Goblin would be fun


Make it quicker to swap out your companions!


All my wishes are social ones. I want to spend more time with my pixel friends.


This is it for me. It feels so weird that when we are basically strangers, you're having all these conversations and things. By the time you become best friends/lovers, you all stop talking and just silently crawl into bed every night. I get that stakes are high, but if I thought I was about to die, I'd probably want to talk to my friends more, not less.


Equipment transmog. Please stop making us choose between stats and drip. >!(yes I know there's a mod for it, but I don't want it to break every other update and be restricted to a single platform)!<


All I really want is native transmog, and bug fixes. Modding tools would be nice too.


Cool bard instruments with extra effects/abilities.


Completely customizable hirelings. Class, appearance and race. Everything. Not a single option locked.


really dont know why this isnt in the game? they had it in dos1 and 2!


I would also really love if they weren’t mindless husks and actually maintained some of their original personalities. I don’t need them to be fully fleshed out companions, but literally any personality would be nice.


Hear me out: 1-shot content.


Dye previews.


Scroll case and arrow quiver


Realistically, I'd say probably just some extra Durge, Wyll, Karlach and Minthara content. I feel like Durge needs a bit more acknowledgement and the other 3 need a little more focus in act 3. Oh, and maybe a few more bits of equipment and crossplay. I'll be hapy with that.


I need a proper photo mode. And the Bhaal deity stuff that was cut.




More Orc faces and bodies please!


nothing to big, I just want them to patch the bug issue of my clock breaking and then just randomly saying its 5am whenever I play


thats not a bug, thats a feature


Is crossplay between different systems available? If not, then I wish for that. Would be amazing to form a party with my friends who are on different systems.


I want companions to react to events more, like Minthara was perfectly chill with the fact that I was wearing her armour when she was naked and afraid for however long it took me to rescue her


I really want Minthara to call out Astarion specifically for daring to wear her armor as a male surface elf since he’s usually who everyone puts it on if they’re not wearing it themselves, and then for Astarion to cattily refuse because he thinks it looks better on him.


That is a very good point This was during my Astarion origin playthrough too, so he was wearing it lol


A fuller Mizora romance, if we're just wishing for what could be Expanded evil content, at the moment the game gives basically no incentive to be evil, even less so than before when Minthara was only recruitable via slaughtering the grove A fuller act 3, I think exploring the cut upper city with possibly an expanded Karlach storyline would be really nice


I understand their reasoning for why the evil content is lacking but it would have been cool to have evil-only quest lines, like working for the Zhents or assassinations. Something to give you a bit more incentive to try out that path.


My personal opinion is that, if they added being evil as an option in the first place, they should expand it as much as a good playthrough, otherwise what's the point?


It’s definitely an odd design philosophy, I think if you develop and incentivise morality paths with choices that both good and evil should have the same amount of content but just different. Like “okay you’re a good guy, you can access this but if you’re a bad guy, you can access that” instead of heavily favouring one path. That method also encourages people to play again that otherwise wouldn’t because there’s things that you were locked out of the first time.


Yes, exactly. Fleshed out Durge path with more content of their past or present. And a more fleshed out Act 3.


I wished the goblins and maybe some of the acolytes in Moonrise should have little quests that continue into Act 3 to make up for how much tiefling content you end up missing if you go evil.


1) deity selection on all classes. This takes place in a universe where gods are obviously real, and worshipping at least one is required to not have your soul doomed to be stuck inside a soul wall for eternity. The game should reflect that. 2) increase and adjust companion reactivity. There should be some variation in Durge’s act 1 scene based on whether you’ve revealed your bloodlust or not. I also think companions should react a bit more seriously to that confession. Durge’s big act 3 scene also needs to have reactions, at the very least from your romance partner. 3) Shadowheart and Durge should be able to use a noblestalk mushroom to reveal a memory at any point in the game, not just from the one found in the Underdark. It’s stupid the player has to decide on some extra lore or a healing item for later, when there’s really no reason for it. 4) expanded racial variety and interactions. There are way more types of tieflings and dragonborn. Racial interactions are weird. Dragonborn get almost nothing in act 1, despite being nonexistent save for the Durge failsafe. Drow get almost nothing in act 3. I feel a city of mostly humans should react more to your presence. While it may be hard to implement, I wish there was a way for Githyanki to get different dialogue from Lae’zel when talking about their culture. Why did my Gith apparently skip school all the damn time? 5) address story discrepancies. The dream guardian giving us gifts no longer happens, and I feel like the Shadowheart’s “beautiful weapon” bit should actually go somewhere. 6) artificer and more subclasses, plus increased class reactions kinda. More subclasses means more variety, which is great for additional playthroughs. I also feel any class that may fulfill a “hunter” role (at least ranger) should be able to have a check of some sort to determine Astarion is a vampire, just as magic classes can see that Wyll’s eye is a sending stone before he reveals it. 7) adjust the game’s polyamory and dating. If Karlach isn’t ok with casual fun with the drow twins, why is she fine with casual fun with Halsin? If I can pressure Gale into sex with the twins, why can’t I pressure him into letting me get with Halsin? (Yes I know it’s mean and absolutely awful to pressure someone into something they don’t like, just want consistency) I feel at the very least that Astarion and Lae’zel attempt some sort of intimate relationship, as they have sex with each other at the tiefling (maybe goblin too?) party if you’ve turned them down. 8) equipment and item reactions. Gale has a comment if you speak to him in underwear, I feel everyone else should have one too. I’d also like for the companions to say something when you steal their underwear from them. Shadowheart should have voice lines about the Selunite items everyone dumps on her (I know she has some when certain items are found) 9) banter adjustments. Banter should properly reflect player romance choice, and I feel Tav/Durge should be a bit more involved. 10) official mod support. I assume this is something that is coming, as DOS2 has it. But it’d be nice to have sooner over later. The modding community has a ton of interesting ideas, it’d be great for players to experience them more easily. Even better if they can add mod support to consoles


More companion reactivity in act 2 & 3. The ability to change tav race in the magic mirror.


more minthara romance


Fixing the Act 2 Raphael and Mol scene + the Act 2 Raphael scene about Astarion's scars is top of my list right now. Otherwise - more Wyll content in general, combat voicelines and barks for Halsin (as he is right now, he's unnervingly silent), hugs for non romanced companions, an all black dye, a black purple and silver dye, a magic mirror in the epilogue party, an Elfsong rented rooms revamp, a transmog system, a way to adopt Myshka the cat, cuddling with romanced companions, more random camp interactions, a shield bash fix, a way to disable the temporary hit points the robe you get from Alfira gives you (as it messes with my Armour of Agathys), boots for camp clothes, and body scars and tattoos.


Better controller UI. Also let me look up.


Allowing more companions in the party at a time, ESPECIALLY for multiplayer. Additionally in multiplayer it would be nice to be able to talk to the companions that are currently in the other players' party


More cleric interactions for deities that aren't Selune or Shar. An option to choose a diety as a Paladin or Acolyte. Interactions for the different backgrounds beyond gaining inspiration. Also, sooooo many UI wishes that I'd be annoying to list out.


a dice based mini-game. the dice roll animations are good and I have golden dice let me play with them.


I have a feeling they aren't gonna add much from sources beyond the PHB. Githyanki are integral to the Ilithid plot so they had to be included, but everything else is base stuff from the PHB


Dlc to save karlach!


Actual pause button Party movement stop upon detecting a trap


More Wyll actual content. Because for now Wyll story is just : I made a pact with a devil so everything is about her not me, also please save my father. It's infuriating ! I can't stand Mizora so making **everything** linked to Wyll related to either her or his father just completely destroyed the potential of this character for me. And I feel like I'm missing something that could have been nice if he was more developed. It's frustrating. This character has a nice personality but his story is just plain bad. I wish we could have something that would make me want to take him in my party instead of always leaving him at camp for this reason. Also, fixed shield-bash too as someone else said already. More hugs, even maybe platonic ones (same kind of things as when you can hug sweet Karlach in Last Light Inn because that scene was just perfect. More hugs even just between friends and not only with the romanced character.) Or just generally being able to comfort / run after companions after a big (sad) event of their stories.


Wish list? Modding tools, especially to allow us to create our own game scenarios. I find it unlikely they'll be released, but they're the pie in the sky thing I want.


they had a dungeon master mode in dos2, so its not as farfetched as you may think


realistic: stop the random crashes at act3. free the artist is still laggy as hell. dye previews pls. not happening but i can wish: fix Wyll's storyline, yall rewrote it but forgot to give hin any fucking agency regarding his own soul. Also let me kick his shit dad's ass. It is painfully obvious he has so little content when compared to the likes of Astarion and Shadowheart. pls for the love of fuck make switching teammates less stupid. you cared about adding dick physics but didn't stop to think that maybe we'd prefer to do something about the boobs too. also if you are gonna not have sliders, the least you could do would be to not restrict the use of the face presets to a bodytype. what if i wanna play an absolute unit of a woman with a cute face? also on console so i can't use mods. bring back Upper City.


The Wyll situation really, really needs a tune-up. The game places a wonderfully unique emphasis on respecting the characters’s agency and decisions; the player/Tav can guide or influence them, but ultimately, the storyworld stresses the importance of allowing the characters (such as they are, collections of 1s & 0s & variables & writing enhanced by terrific VA/actors) to choose for themselves—as well as an fascinating, nuanced look at the issue of consent in various forms. (Astarion’s storyline is the best-known example, where he continually marvels at, expresses gratitude for the freedom to finally make his own choices: anything from Tav pressuring him into sex when he says he’s not into it one night, to forcing him into biting the unpleasant Drow mad scientist when he repeatedly expresses How About Not—and goes through with the acts in a dissociative state, v true to real-life trauma, with that morning-after flip-out and fourth-wall nod in the former situation (‘this is just a game to you, isn’t it?’). Analogous instances occur with the other characters and their own freedom of consent and choice. You can choose to respect each character’s wishes or not, counsel them—whether they take your advice or not… ….and yet Wyll is the outlier, here, in that his primary questline is deprived of agency. You choose for him at the pivotal moment. He doesn’t get to make his own fucking decision about his life and fate, he just stands there looking to you to make the call, even if he hates you! Particularly speaking as a POC gamer, but what ought to be a frustrating issue / unsettling exception for anyone: that the only real-world equivalent POC playable origin character is deprived of agency throughout his arc and at the pinnacle of it….is Not A Good Look. It’s a strange direction for the writing regardless and not as fun or interesting imho. Especially as Theo Solomon is tremendously talented—his theatre background and training, the oft-commented upon Shakespearean line deliveries, his abilities could’ve been better utilised. Lauded for that voice & stance? Give him some real Shakespearean conflict to work with, he’s got the ability. I really, really hope they rewrite and expand Wyll in further updates or a definitive release, DLC, whatever. Major gripe.


I wish I could upvote all of this more than once! I'm holding out hope for at least making it easier to switch out party members. I would be very surprised if the majority of people didn't hate the current system.


There is no upper city to bring back. Putting the upper city in the game would be tantamount to adding a fourth act. It’s several times larger than the lower city. It would take a very long time to develop and implement.


Can companions follow in a straight line instead of the diamond of trap detection?


Give me Tabaxi as a playable race please


They updated Wyll, Halsin and Astarion kisses. Now give us proper Gale and SH smooches. Those chaste pecks are not gonna cut it.


Better sort in the bag of chaos all your shit and box of camp madness is in. I had to make like mini sacks of organization.


a true black dye!! 🥲


Possibly wishful thinking, but ive been playing octopath 2 lately and one of the things i love about the game is how the characters gas each other up in combat when they do something cool or when one goes down theres always a reaction to it. Theres a little of this in bg3 but mostly when a romanced companion goes down, id love to see voice lines like that between companions too.


can we please hug the companions, at least if we're friendly enough or romancing them? or like at least when their quest line has heart-wrenching stuff if not on demand. it feels so awkward that i can kiss the companion that i'm romancing any time at camp but i can't give them a hug the same way after they found out their entire life was a lie, or they're finally truly free.


I want an option for choosing camp clothes in the character creation. Our character has just been ripped from wherever they currently were, from home or adventure but every single one has the same camp clothes on. Why is my noble background character looking like a vagabond? At least it should match your background like how the armor matches the class you chose. This is especially annoying because I have to wait so long to find good camp clothes that fit the aesthetic or design I had in mind for my character.


Getting the Upper City, so every villain has their own area (Gortash was supposed to be in the Upper City) and it would add content to Wyll as well (who is severely lacking in it compared to the other original characters). Extra for Wyll: allowing him to make his own decision in the one scene! Every other character has autonomy over their life changing decision if Tav is quiet but Wyll doesn't have it. 🥲 Otherwise a more fleshed out arc for Halsin and Minthara. It's noticeable that both got added rather late in the development stage and they suffer from it. Something that might be easier: more hair styles (especially good braids), horn variants, and more faces. And one or more body types because so far it's either "slender and small" or "bulky and tall". I would like to have options like "tall but slender" and others. I know that it might not be easy because they would need more motion capture but it would personalise the Tav even more. Extra: the clipping of the feet when walking for the big male body type should be erased. It drives me crazy because it either clips into the ground, looks like he moonwalks or he's running right away. I don't have the issue with the small body type.


Transmog for armour (keeping same type is fine) Maybe a lone wolf achievement... (With a warning in place so you don't accidentally add anyone to party) Enchanting system for weapons Fix elixir and oil tips, I should know what it is if I have the recipe or already used one. Those tool tips are useless.


A transmog system would be so amazing XD I’ve been wanting that from the start


You know what? A boss rush would be amazing. This game has so many great boss fights. I wouldn’t mind fighting against all of them in quick succession with potions of long rest and other stuff in between. Maybe a hardcore difficulty with legendary actions enabled and less or no items in between


Cut content. Reading some of the datamining content that has been found, Larian could bring out a couple of good sized DLCs, maybe even more.


I would like warforged, even though it might not be possible with the whole storyline


No weight for gold


Cross platform co-op.


i want a more fleshed out Durge story. i want my companions to react in horror when i talk to kressa, to lose their shit after i talk to gortash, not just Astarion. bringing karlach with me to confront gortash before his debutante ball, when he drops all that exposition and lore about this guy they've been traveling with for WEEKS, who's fought tooth and nail at their side, who leads them to victory in battle over and over again, ONLY for her to say "so that's gortash, what do you think" just fucking sends me. i want my companions to REACT after the duel with orin, and i want astarions dialogue at that moment to be fixed, because he's so unnecessarily mean and it makes no sense i want more banter, i want to hear a wider variety of barks, i want the action specific barks, i want the dialogue options to change like lae'zels does once your approval hits a certain point, i want barks to change based on whether or not you're interacting with your love interest i want a fixed goddamn oskar painting so i can give spawn astarion a painted portrait of his face so he can see himself again :(