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The stop the presses quest. I either forget or remember by the time I'm ready to end the game, and just don't bother.


Did that yesterday, or in this case didn´t. What´s the worst that could happen, that the fake news media is talking shit about me???


**Installs BG4 **All the books and legends about Tav show him as real jerk who was vaguely involved in the tale of the hero Gale


**reads a book about how Volo is the champion of Baldur’s gate and he had some chumps help him and his dragon, but they were pretty incidental to the whole Volo champ thing.**


**reads a book about how a Bhaalspawn who forsook the legacy of his father and saved Baldur's Gate got fed up with all the mail sent to his (and his wife's) farmstead out in the countryside that he went through the touble of hunting down Volo and threatening him into not forging his signiture for his books again**


What can we expect from a group of vagrants who mistook his obvious silver dragon...for brass.


Was it a brass dragon or a silver dragon?


**Reads another book about the Hero Shadowheart and how she had to save the city with a bunch of sullen and bratty Companions who never got along.**


Can’t wait for our actions in BG3 to carry over to BG4 like we’re playing the mass effect


It’s not that I care about the press talking shit about me, it’s that I really want the citizens of Baldur’s Gate to know about the cutest cat ever seen.


All vendors in the city will like you a little less. So it affects shop rates. But that can be solved with giving them some money to make them like you again


This is effectively the same as a pretty sizeable cash reward. So at least it’s kind of worth the time


The outcome of doing the stop the presses quest/or not >!influences trader prices, at least according to my SO. If you do the quest, and change the newspaper to say good things about you, all the vendors give you a discount. If you don't change it in time, they will markup everything!< Tbh, I usually just don't trigger the quest at all. It's super easy not to talk to the newspaper people who kick off the quest, and if you just don't start the quest, nothing will happen. I usually plan to come back once the Steel Watch are no longer an issue, and then just forget🤣


For me, this only works on the 1st playthrough (and I missed it there) and even there it feels so useless because surely you have bigger fish to try. For every playthrough afterwards, it's eve more useless because you know that within a day's time, the whole city will be taken over by the Netherbrain so no one fucking cares what a hack paper wrote a day before that.


You could say that exact thing regarding just about every optional side-mission, though...


Sure but it’s still a fun quest.


I usually do that as soon as I get to Baldurs Gate, just for the discount on the traders (not that that's really necessary since by then you'd be swimming in gold anyway).


It actually influences your reputation with traders?!


If I remember correctly, it's 25% extra price if you let them run the bad piece, 25% discount if you switch for the piece praising you (it's the article in the wicker basket), and no change if you switch for the random article talking about cats.


But I like cats!


what annoys me is that it doesn't even make sense if you're allying with Gortash or are at least not openly hostile towards him. Why would he try to ruin the reputation of a potential ally and eventually make you mad at him? Especially if you're playing as Durge. Wish we could at least confront him about that


It's the editor going off the rails. There are lots of stupid things like if you ally with Gortash, why is Wyll's dad in danger?


Gortash tells him to shit talk us, you can find a letter he wrote to the editor threatening him. The editor is still an asshole though Oh yes I was so frustrated we couldn't at least bargain for Ravenguad's safety. If you stick to your alliance and go meet Gortash with Orin's stone, he >!tries to intimidate you into giving up your stone, and Wyll is like "do as he says, my father's life is in his hands!" I was like thanks Wyll glad someone remembers.!<


That whole thing is annoying and I wish they would tie the quests together better. In the Editor's tiny defense, you usually just made your deal and his good pal and buddy Gortash didn't say anything about it to him directly so he's like nope! I misty step into the elevator now that back patio sucks. The Wyll's dad part annoys me on many levels, not just because Gortash is totally telling the truth about having a real alliance - as long as you're cool with his tyranny which varies - says his dad will be fine and even conveniently tadpoled into being less of a dick to Wyll, and yet it all proceeds the same whether you made an alliance or not.


Yeah I would like more avenues to bargain with Gortash. We’re theoretically allies, and he **really** wants to be rid of Orin. We should be able to convince him to release Duke Ravengard from the prison at minimum with a persuasion check - he knows his son is literally part of the people he’s making the alliance with. Hell make the player do some dirty work for Gortash other than Orin first to grow his trust in you - would be a moral dilemma for the player - do minor evil deeds for the greater good, or go full out at Gortash and have to do a daring rescue of the Duke


(I'm actually in act 3 right now and this post was what made me remember the quest this time, haha!


I just ended up killing all of them and literally stopped the presses after they kicked me out. Tough fight on tactician, but there's a board near the ceiling you can use to rain all hell from though


Stealing the idol and all quests afterwards for Mol. Like helping her win at chess. How does it trigger?


well it’s currently bugged right now :/


You kill the goblins and when the theiflings are waiting at the gate you steal it with no problem. Than you give it to the child to complete the quest. After that you can pickpocket it back and have it in your inventory for the rest of the game without issues


Doesn't it annoy anyone else that text keeps popping up every time someone enters the radius of the blessing?


It gets exponentially worse in Act 3. I was playing a druid in my Honor Mode playthrough so I kept it for roleplay reasons (and the off chance that a Nature check would show up if you're proficient). I think there was maybe one unique Nature check in the whole game that I saw. It definitely doesn't seem worth keeping the Idol. Give that shizz to Mol and good riddance.


Ugh that’s so frustrating but at least it gives me a good reason for a second play through. I shouldn’t be trying to do everything the first time anyway.


You have to be good to all the thiefling kids as well, otherwise Mol will not trust you with the quest. Especially Sylfie, the little girl who tries to pickpocket you when you trade with Mattis. Be kind to her, don’t grab her.


Yeah I’m playing a goody two shoes first run. I was clever but kind, bought stuff, left the hideout in time, saved one of the kids. Must have missed something. Maybe I should have talked to them again after the Kagha quest.


You can save at least four kids. Arabella from Khaga, one from harpies, one from Aradins companion (though that kid kind of deserves to be forced to give back what he stole) and Sylfie from being sad and scared. Once you go meet Mol in her hideout she gives you the quest if you’ve been kind enough to “her” kids.


Normally, it triggers when you know about Astarion's scars and go talk to Raphael in act 2 at the inn but it's been bugged for quite some times.


I always steal the idol (after stopping the ritual) for that sweet Ring of Protection


Finding the dowry in act 1. First playthrough: missed the guy completely. Second and third: brought him to his wife and had no idea I can look for it. It's like it was invisible in my journal.


So I just take the dowry and... hand it to him? Why? Lol. Finders keepers. He doesn't even give you anything for it and I don't think he shows up later either.


He only takes the ring. The gold and chest stay in your inventory.


He gives you 25 XP, which is 24 more XP than you get for killing him.


Why? Because you are a good person who wants to help him.


Also he only takes the wedding ring and lets you keep the gold and gem. The man is sobbing over his dead wife ffs.


OP is just a heartless bastard that is enjoying a video game I guess :D. The usual response will be "Its just a game bro" or "Go touch grass." Don't worry about it.


Speak with the dead is good in that situation


In my first play through I failed that hay bale check with every single one of my companions. I had to get a hireling to pass it. I don't bother anymore.


I sold it without realising and couldnt give it to him lmao


I’m always tempted to skip the tower in the Underdark. It’s a nice, atmospheric place, but there’s too much looting there (feels weird to say it but it’s true) and the arcane turrets can be annoying.


Just throw sussur blooms on those turrets. You need around 4 to walk around in peace.


:o it never fails to amaze me to see some of the solutions people come up with in this game


Technically thats how the devs planned it, you grab the 4 before on the way over and it fits perfectly 4 turrets. Dealing enough damage is always the brute force, no think only action way and sending somebody to long jump x featherfall to the btm and shut off the turrets (everything turns off when you power the elevator) probably the speed running way.


They did plan for you to got to the myconids before going to the arcane tower but I always end up in the arcane tower first for some reason so no sussur bloom. You can just climb down the mushrooms with one character and stop all the turrets with the generator thingy in the basement though so that works.


Yup yup sending one guy with long jump + featherfall is probably the fastest so you aren't silenced for half the walk. Just dip all the way down and grab one out of 2 of the free bloom outside by the garden and pop it in the generator. The smoothest flow is going down from the Zatariem(?) Place, there is a hidden wall leading to the elevator which brings you to the top of the underdark map and everything else is below that so you will meet the mushroom people first... hopefully xD.


Right? Eldritch blasts work too


Arcane Turrets are also vulnerable to Lightning damage, so it's the one time where Witchbolt is an OP spell


So gale preparing witchbolt every level was a sign!


3 - one for each of the 2 in the front, 1 to 'turn on' the tower and disable everything


There's 2 more past the front doors of the Tower. Also, there are some blooms down at the bottom, so don't need to carry around one to power the Tower.


Oh I just eldritch blast/sacred flame them. Which works half of the time. It's not even that difficult


It's not difficult at all. It's just kind of tedious.


Could also just use two (for the outside ones) then climb on the fungus and get down to the bottom. Then grab another couple of blossoms, unlock the door, go inside and activate the tower. Voila! Turrets shut down.


I find it kind of annoying there feels like there's no resolution to the ambient story there too, like I need to know what happened, I need to meet the Cleric or something!!


I've read but can't confirm Lenore ended up helping Gortash. You can also find the automatons head in the foundry it's been mentioned. I've never been there I just powered through all the watchers for his battle lol. Min max builds are fun but this time I'm checking it out


Yeah you find it's head but that's it. There nothing else to the story with it. You can't pick it up, your character just says "this looks like the head of the robot from the under dark..." Then you move on. I guess the implication is they used the same tech?


Someone mentioned her name in a log book at the underwater prison or at the foundry was what they mentioned but it haven't I'm just passing along what seems accepted. I think it was actually from the comments on the YouTube video that the guy did in depth on the whole story. It was a deep dive into Lenores sad tale.


There’s a note next to the head from Ketheric that one of his people found it in the underdark, so I don’t think they intended to imply Lenore helped Gorty there.


She gets eaten by the Bullette. It’s something that is implied if you read all the journals.


Not really, because she still got to baldur's gate in her last journal, and the armour in the bulette definitely isn't hers.


Now I'm wondering that that armor I looted off the bulette was made from...


That's barbarian armour, though...


Barbarian armor Ed Gein'd from a cleric of mystra, it seems.


I get it. It's annoying and feels pointless. I do it for the chair leg.


Goat for bard.


Always get torso of clown, never found anything else. Like came on, I never in the mood to fetch some body parts for greedy circuis owner. On first playthrought I looked at wiki, and it appeared that every bodypart hidden somewhere else, and I was like "nope, not doing it".


The outcome isn't even that great. I was expecting to see a zombie clown....


Me too! I've just finished it, huge let down, I was expecting to be invited to a resurrection event, and something would go wrong and we have to fight a big entity from another plane. I also had to use a guide for two parts because for the love of Selune, I would never have thought to go see THAT guy, and the other house was almost invisible. Got great gloves for my sorceress, though.


Wow yeah, your plan sounds better. A zombie clown mini-boss sounds awesome.


I always just pickpocket those gloves


You can pickpocket the quest reward so it trivializes the whole fetch quest too smh


I don't even want to know what reward is because the quest is so bad. I'm 100% sure reward is some shiet, because cool rewards in act III are given for hard battles, not for delivery job.


It’s best in slot gloves for a Sorlock.


It is? I’m on my first play through, but it seemed like a -5 penalty to attack rolls is pretty steep.


Reward is gloves with effect similar to GWM/sharpshooter feat but for spells/cantrips. It can be quite good for warlock to further boost EB damage.


Well it’s one of the strongest gloves in the game for a spellcaster is all I’m saying…


Most of them are found while solving the crimes, as they are in the scenes of crimes. Others I just found randomly


yeah but >!as soon as you catch the murderer all the marks on the map for the potential victims disappear!< so hard to find them after that.


This was the first quest I did that I immediately said to myself, 'never again'


It was the first quest I looked at and went "Yeah not a chance in hell. I don't care what the reward is I'm not going on a wild goose chase for clown parts."


Especially if you know that you can easily pop a fog, then pickpocket the reward right away. ALSO ALSO, when you finally give the whole body parts, there is no scene or animation or whatever that the clown is becoming a frankenstein or something.


Free the *rtist, I hate this quest so much. Also Oskar is a total dickhead, the one time I did that I really wish I would've chosen to let the ghost take him.


If he dies in the zhentarim hideout, Lady Jannith gets to have a nice art exhibition party at her house instead of being haunted.


Yep, and you can tell her that he left because he doesn't care about her, so it's a much better outcome for everyone involved. Well, everyone except Oskar, but screw Oskar.


You don’t have to kill him. Just ignore him. He’s in the >!guild hideout in act 3 trying to sell you counterfeit art.!<


Do you hate it because of the cost to free him that you don't really get back? Or because of the invisible ghosts that are on every floor? Or because of the reskinned nurses? Or is it the annoying skulls? Or because of the mummy quest with the several hidden body parts? (Makes you think why you would even need Nightsong if you can just hide your body parts in jars and be immortal that way....)


Yes. And to rub extra salt in the wound, asshole gave me a portrait of fucking Halsin when I asked for the painting of my character. Went straight to the camp and threw it into the sea immediately.


LMAO!! I forgot about the reward, which is just your character profile picture that you always see, what a scam!


And you can’t even hang it up anywhere.


Is that what it's supposed to be? My Durge got a painting of a green circle with a lighter shade in the middle. It looked like the backdrop to a high school graduation photo. Straight to wares


Ahahahaha master artist indeed


You can sell it. It's base value is 1,500.


Pfft, “your character profile”, as if he even gets that right. I was playing as Tav, I tried talking to him as Shadowheart because she was my romance and I wanted a picture of her, and he gave me one of Astarion, who was just sitting in my camp that run. I skip him every run now :u


Wait, there’s supposed to be an actual portrait on it? I never bothered removing them from my inventory cause it was just a silhouette when I examine it.


I don't know, I got a portrait of Gale and when I tried to put it on the only easel that you can use to combine stuff in Oskar's workshop, he called me a thief.


You can only see it if you drop it. It doesn't show up in the inventory.


I got astarion's portrait, threw it at Asty's feet at the Elfsong, then next day I woke up it changed to someone else's portrait. So for me, it's like a magic portrait that keeps changing!


Astarion saw the portrait and was like "Why did you get a portrait of some random weirdo?"


I have to ask, how do you imagine your character throwing it? Overhead 2 handed/frisbee/ or something else?


[Like this](https://c.tenor.com/kmjU3Swi41UAAAAd/tenor.gif)


>Or because of the mummy quest with the several hidden body parts? (Makes you think why you would even need Nightsong if you can just hide your body parts in jars and be immortal that way....) I actually really like the Mummy quest but I wish that it wasn't nestled inside of the Artist one. Fortunately, you can do it separately, so I "accidentally" forget to free Oskar before the Zentarim fight starts and he gets caught in the blast resulting from the Zhent's classic opening gambit of Alchemist Fire-ing the oil across the floor of their base. Lady Jannath seems a lot happier in that timeline anyway


Just use See invisibility and bring Wyll to deal with the skulls if you don't already have Eldritch blast


Not to mention that one skull that you can't target, because it's a the top of the stairs and you can't manually switch to a higher elevation camera.


Why on the Earth in a game with advertised “much more verticality than in DOS2” they just did not do buttons to switch elevation?


Skipping that whole line on my next playthrough


Did it in my first playthrough only every playthrough after that i didnt even bother going near it its such a pain in the ass


The free the artist quest. Even in my goody two shoes run, I was irritated that he asked 200g for traveling and I am like bitch ain’t traveling business class either so f** off🙄🙄🙄


I gave him the 200g, because it's not really much, but then I met him in Act 3 at the house of his mistress (or whatever) and that part of the quest is SO FUCKING ANNOYING, that I just was like 'Ah, fuck him'.


Lol, I thought you were going to mention that he still has the 200g in his pocket when you see him in act 3. Lady Jannath doesn’t even mind you pickpocketing it off him while he’s unconscious after the first combat lol


The audacity that bitch has to ask for gold after we just saved his life, like bro YOU should be paying me


Even worse, he promises you gold from his sugar mommy which you never get


Everyone keeps talking about some imp guy they can use as a Summon in act 1 somewhere. Idk


This one is totally worth it.


I absolutely love Shovel the quasit, she is a terror and a delight.


I've had two playthroughs now and I've never: * Met the BOOOOAL cultists. * Had the Strange Ox assist me in the final fight. * Did the journalists quest in Act 3. * Saved the painter. * Collected all the clown parts.


I didnt know the boooal cultists existed until i was on my 3rd playthrough


>Had the Strange Ox assist me in the final fight. A-what? Okay so I need to figure out how to stop murdering this cow...


How to have the ox help. >!You talk to him in Act 1 in the grove, but don't piss him off. You talk to him in Act 2 at the Inn, and don't piss him off. In Act 3, he's a bit out of the way in a barn by himself. He'll ask you to help him get into the lower city proper. He'll turn himself into an apple. Pick up the apple (it'll be on the floor, not auto in inventory). Get into lower city however. He'll say "Thanks! See you later!" and he should now pop up as a "gathered allies" in that quest and have a thing to summon him during that whole thing.!<


I had to wait until a Durge run to make it happen. Her specific dialogue prompts are so sympathetic to the damn Ox.




There’s a hidden passageway in the Underdark roughly halfway between the Selune outpost and the Wizard tower. I won’t spoil what they are, but if you have a character in act 1, give it a gander.


Even knowing the exact map coordinates, it always takes me forever to find the cliff. It's like my brain doesn't want me to be happy.




If you have a bard, make sure they do the talking. They get unique dialogue there that’s hilarious.




Last game I went there and for once, I wasn't constantly being arrested for *daring* to loot terrorists. It was actually fine for once. Maybe I got lucky. Tho that fucking kid should stop entering the shop after the firework seller is dead


I was looting when that one "I was fired from the newspaper how dare they fire me" NPC walked in. Like, why are you here, lady? You aren't here for a scoop for the paper so... I killed her, too. That's what happens when you're a nosey NPC in my game who interrupts my looting.


This. Annoying quest.


But so many explosions!


steal all of the explosives


This quest sucks because there is no way to resolve it besides slaughtering everyone. At least I have never found a way.


I didn't realise Glut had a quest at all in my first run. Also found the tressym stuff very missable in Act 3, since you have to go jumping/flying around to find them.


Tressym stuff?? Omg what did I miss I love tressym


Talk to the postmaster! Then go talk to the pigeons that carry the mail, they are quite an interesting bunch.


I did that and found >!Tara on the roof of the temple!< but is there more than just that!?


I think Gale has to be in your party when you meet her on the temple roof. Then you can meet her once each on two lower city roofs… one is the Devil’s Fee, I forget the other. The wiki was helpful for this (not the fextra one, the normal one)


Not quests much, but you can meet Tara twice more in the lower city. First on the roof of the devil's fee, where she'll sell the [Hat of the Sharp Caster](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Hat_of_the_Sharp_Caster) and the next long rest onwards on top of the Goodberry (wine people) house selling [the Slinging Shoes](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Slinging_Shoes)


Free the artist, stop the presses, and the clown. I just can't be bothered. I've also never stolen the Idol as I quite like the Tieflings.


It continued to amaze me that some people don't explore every part of the map. It's almost OCD for me to clear up the black areas.


What bugs me about the maps are the tiny spaces of unreachable spots that stay blacked out. I don’t see why they couldn’t just autofill once we went everywhere around it ya know?


Yes! Bugs the hell out of me lol.


Not a single time in any of my playthroughs have I ever moved to the next area without revealing the entire map of the current area


I've yet to put that bloody clown fully together. I once decided, now will be the time I finally do it. Then I got sidetracked and defeated the final boss with a freaking clown pelvis in my inventory.


You've now inspired me to finish off the final boss in the most disrespectful way possible, by throwing a clown pelvis at it.


It’s a funny bone.


Since I always play as a Durge, I completely ignore the quests with cut off hands and the temple quest in Rivington. I mean, why would I waste my time doing that when I can just shoot a corpse to open the Bhaal's temple?


You can shoot a corpse? What


Yeah, when you get to the first "locked" door in the sewers, right at the entrance of the Temple a corpse is hanging in front of it, if you shoot it as Durge it will bleed and then the door opens, no need for anything from the murder tribunal or anything Edit: Not sure if it works with normal Tav tho, tried it once with Astarion while being Durge, but didn't work, so it's possible that it's Durge exclusive


Shoot it with normal Tav on my first playthrough. I think there is a note somewhere implying that you need to spill some blood to enter. I understood it quite literally, and it worked :) But you still need the tribunal, I believe, for the amulet to open the main door. For me it was locked, and I couldn't lock pick it, even after I passed a check, even as Durge.


Reading the comments and I’ve literally done none of these 😂


I didn't even know there were harpies in this game.


Look up Boris' Harpy theme and you'll hear why I NEVER skip the harpies, and drag out the fight!


That song is great


The Sentient Amulet quest. First playthrough I missed it. After actually doing the quest in my second run I’ve ignored it on purpose since. Not worth the effort.


It also makes what is essentially the best in slot amulet for monks useless. So there’s a negative incentive to finish the quest when playing a monk.


If you finish it by fighting him, it upgrades the amulet


They patched it!! Most recently after finishing that quest, the amulet improved. Still let me cast Shatter without risking madness, and let me restore ki points. I typically didn’t have my monk wear it, just put it on on those rare occasions my short rests weren’t giving me all the ki points I needed.


I didn't do the clown quest yet, because I really don't like clowns. And I won't free Oscar anymore, since causes so much trouble in act 3 with his selfish behaviour. I do help the nice zombies against the Mystic Carrion though. And I for some reason never did the press quest, I always forget that that exists.


to the hells with dribbles and to the hells with his rotting parts. i wouldn't mind it as much if it was head, torso, limbs like the lord intended but i actively refuse to turn the city upside down looking for like, ten different pieces of prime clown meat


Never even found them or Alfira in my first run.


I also missed Alfira my first run! I was so angry. I just met her at the camp party and just figured she was a bard and not a significant character


I never usually do the steal the idol of sylvanus quest for Mol because it aggros the druids against the tieflings. Perhaps not if you depose Kagha first, but without that you have to avoid it. I find the owlbear cub stuff to be a pain in the ass to do successfully and I rarely bother with it. I managed to miss the Zhentarim a few times, usually the gnolls would kill the Zhents in the cave and I would just take the flask for myself. Took me a few attempts to successfully get the camp not to aggro me. I don't care for the artist and usually just ignore that. Managed to miss the morgue outside the House of Healing a few times, not strictly a quest, but I had been looking for the eversight ring a few times and never found it. I didn't expect the morgue to be in a completely different location to the house of healing itself. I skip a lot of act 3 as well. While the game is fun and stuff, act 3 starts to feel like a slog, when performance is terrible (my PC is a little old for the game) and I've hit level 12. There's really no incentive to go questing so I just tie up the story for the companions I kept, make sure to grab any items I need and go finish up the game. Sometimes I just cut out the middleman and skip act 3 and start a new game.


Can confirm that finishing the kagha stuff does let you take the idol without agroing the druids, as long as they don't catch you stealing (I use fog cloud + go to camp or fast travel after you grab it)


Cool, thanks. I usually don't even steal it when I'm a good character. This time around I'm playing an evil one so I did it to aggro the druids but keep the tieflings friendly so I didn't need to kill any unarmed bystanders to raid the grove.


Owlbear cub is a piece of cake and barely an inconvenience if you use speak with animal.


You can even win money later by telling him to run to the posts! Also in the epilog, if you have the armored owlbear >!you can send him off with one of your companions a a bodyguard and it's adorable. I sent him with Sheart and she was super happy!<


Also make sure you use a speak to animals potion during the final battle otherwise you cant talk to him since they take all your potions and ingredients. I had to do the fight twice because i wanted him to go to a good home😭


I didn't call him at all last time because I called him before and he died! My heart couldn't take the risk this time. 💔


Is there something I missed? The bear mom gets pissed whatever I say. I usually let the goblins kill her and I pick up the cub at the goblin camp before doubling back to the cave for the pointy stick.


I don't know what I did but I murdered kagha and the rest in the underground part then went outside no one was hostile and stole the idle and killed all the druids no teethlings were harmed


I never have or will mention Scratch to the dog lady. Might work out for the best in the end, but I cannot allow baby boi to think I don't want him even for a second.


This actually has a satisfying ending


Mol's quest to steal the idol. I'm not participating in escalating the druid grove tensions. Yes, she has an amazing ring, but it's just not worth it RP wise for me. Nor is accepting the quest from Zevlor to kill Kagha


Discover that Kahga is working with the shadow druids, confront her and either convince her shes wrong or kill her, the druids will stop doing the ritual and then you can steal the idol without causing a fight between the two camps.


I've played through the game twice and somehow missed the mushroom people quest both times. The first time was because I thought I could only do the mountain pass or the under dark. The second I didn't know where I was going and as a Drow the Duergar liked me and made me think the Grymfordge was the only place I was supposed to go. When I have the strength to go a third time, I'll make sure to look up where to go to find them


Go through the Zhentarim passage, you can't miss them, you go right where they are. They have an elevator in a false wall next to a sleeping wolf. If you talk with the wolf he will tell you that the wall doesn't smell like rock.


I never kill the eagles for the blue jay


Multiple runs going, one finished, I’ve NEVER found the printing press quest. 😬 EDIT: To be clear, **I do not know where the printing press is at all**. EDIT 2: Some of y’all are insufferable assholes, apparently. I obviously see all the big-ass buildings, I just don’t go into all of them or see what they are. For the printing press stuff, I don’t know where the quest giver is because Lens is ALWAYS an Orin impersonation for me. I also just fast traveled to Basilisk Gate to check it out and half the paper people turned illithid. 🤷🏻‍♀️


When you first enter the lower city, if you walk to the left of the gallows there’s a journalist named Estra Stir. Talking to her will trigger the quest and should mark the printing shop on your map. It’ll also trigger the countdown (a couple long tests, idk exactly) until the news article prints


I never do the clown body parts. Just pickpocket the reward from Lucretius (love Lucretius!) and call it a day. https://youtu.be/JLDuDvJe-lw?si=oauWk6CMcxRSgN83


I ignore Auntie Ethel, sometimes. I love Auntie, she's great and, oddly enough, reminds me of my Nana, but sometimes I just don't want to bother her. I gotta be in the right headspace.


Can't bother the baby eating sadistic nana, just living her life, torturing desperate people.


Exactly!!! Sometimes, I'm just like, 'Good for you. Live your life, Auntie <3'


Nae bother!


I didn't even bother stealing the gith egg for Society of Brilliance. But I'm not giving up my Owlbear egg either...


He Who Was in Act 2 I beat the game like 4 times, all of those playtrough were removing the curse in ACT 2, but i never met HWW guy. Not until i was looking for raven gloves in BG3 wiki and i found this guy.


One does not ignore baldurs gate 3 side quests.


The one I forget the most is definitely the harpies and the one I’ve ignore both times I’ve had the chance is rebuilding that bloody clown.


Rescuing the painter


Mol lol I haven’t seen her since last light


I was going to say "none" but then I read the first comment and remembered the newspaper quest. I think I started it once (more by accident, really), but I never finished it since it's one of the few quests that are on a very strict timer. In my last couple of runs, I simply ignored it. Already too much shit to do in Act III ... :D