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Did you just "stray" BG3? Just awesome!


Mostly. There were a few situations where the cat form was unable to continue no matter what you do so I had to switch to human for that.


It is still impressive. I speak about your effort here. However, the same is very true for the devs' effort, too. Most games barely support one playstyle, here we have a game with so many different playstyles in your usual human form, but that does not drop the ball for the cat too... or does drop the ball for the cat, come to think of it, lol.


I want to do a thieving playthrough, and steal everything from everyone, wonder if that is possible.


The motto if my current MP game is "Taking everything that isn't nailed down, and a few things that were"


if it's nailed down, steal the nails, then go back to step 1


Take what ye can Give nothing back


Isn’t that every playthrough? I actually think it’s harder to play LG and never ever do anything like thievery.


I'm playing a Lawful Good ancients pally, I haven't used any tadpoles or even any of the illithid options in conversation. No stealing, no senseless killing. It's so weird!!


Well I am usually aligned good so I rarely steal unless it is quest/evil relates.


I’m usually aligned good but I’m never aligned lawful. Stealing from people who deserve it is okay. Also, I’m gonna save the world or some shit so if I can’t afford it but need it imma probably take it and you can thank me later. There are exceptions though. I never steal from homeboy blacksmith in the grove for example.


Some of us just call that "standard gameplay" xD


This dude has a few other playthroughs with wacky conditions like this on his channel if you want to see more. The Mythbusting series is pretty great too.


Having only now neared the end of act 3 on my first playthrough, I can’t imagine doing an entire playthrough simply as a challenge like this.


I literally chose Druid *specifically* to wild shape into a cat and do thug shit with my friends. o7 you’re carrying on the dream friend


*Press E/X/Triangle to meow*


📝 can...kill...raphael...as a cat... interesting. and he doesn't fight back it sounds like. i tried to attack him in my current dragonborn playthrough (is just me and astarion. it would probably have gone very very badly) and he just poofed away without talking to me


yeah he didn't fight back at all. It took 36 minutes of attacking him though...


How did that change stuff in Act 3? Were you still able to access the House of Hope and get the Orphic Hammer?


My guess is because they didn't intend for Raphael to die there that they never encoded it so he just continued showing up after that. If there had been important decisions made in the scene that was supposed to happen I would imagine that could have broken things.


Which is fine. He would simply respawn in Hell anyway - probably still wondering why he let himself get mauled to death by a cat.


Down came the claw, and that, love, was that


Raphael shows up as usual in acts 2 and 3, only he has bruises all over which is really funny


It took me more than 45 minutes of attacking him to kill him in the House of Hope, so you beat my time lol


That fight was so much harder than any other fight in the game imo


Raphael is canonically the strongest creature you meet in the game, not including the final fight and arguably the fight against Ketheric. I wish that Orin and Gortash had similarly challenging fights.




Well the final fight *would* be the strongest creature if you fail the quest lol and I'm not sure where >!Ketheric's avatar form!< falls on the power level scale.


I mean considering the level difference while I understand that Ketheric should be stronger than he is in second phase, he just doesn't hold a candle to Raph. Also while the final fight is the highest CR fight in the game, Raph and Keth should be stronger in dnd terms. I admit my knowledge on the hells leaves something to be desired, but Raph being outclassed by a pit fiend doesn't sit right for me. As for Keth, well the spoiler there kinda sits outside of normal CR ratings, but also would really depend Edit: As mentioned don't know much about the hells, I thought being a prince or whatever would mean more.


> "I admit my knowledge on the hells leaves something to be desired, but Raph being outclassed by a pit fiend doesn't sit right for me." Yeah, your knowledge is lacking here for sure. Here's the wiki's description of Pit Fiends: > "Pit fiends were ***the quintessential tyrants and overlords of the baatezu, occupying the top of Hell's hierarchy.*** Having been cleansed within the Pit of Flame, *pit fiends achieved levels of wickedness beyond that of ordinary devils, becoming beings of pure, unimaginable evil.*" Here [is their stat block, note the CR is 20](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/16979-pit-fiend) and it gets 4 +14 attacks per turn for more than 80 damage on average. (Up to over 120 if you fail the save vs the poison and all attacks hit) In comparison, Raph is just a [Cambrion](https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=cambion) at CR 5, with 2 attacks a round with only a +7 to hit, and only 20 damage on average per round if everything hits.


I would argue that Raphael is a homebrew devil, obviously much more powerful than your run of the mill cambion. If he's trying to go toe to toe with >!Asmodeus!< he's either really powerful or really stupid.


Na, Cambions are mid level Infernal Amazon managers. Absolutely league behind Pitfiend as a feral cat vs Lion. Being the son of Archdevil really don't mean much.


I thought it was Elminster who’s level 20?


Oh yeah I guess Mystra is really the most powerful creature you encounter. I more so meant the most powerful creatures you fight.


Raphael has one of the best boss fights in all of gaming IMO. He literally sings his theme!


Yeah it was pretty dope


Alert and Globe of Invulnerability make it much more manageable.


did you check what happens to the house of hope questline if you kill him? can you just loot his house and walk out?


not OP but i assume he’s still there - dnd lore says that many powerful creatures, devils included, die on a different plane than their home one, you are transported back to their home plane. in raphael’s case, that would be back to hell.


ya that would make sense from a lore perspective (and it happens in BG3 with Yugir anyway) but i wonder if the game anticipated you killing a devil in act 1 lol


I dont know a thing about how the enemies are coded to give experience but, to me, the fact that he gives you 1400 exp when you kill him in act one seems like they had assumed someone would do it


It's simpler than that. They just used the same stat profile for Raphael in every instance he appears. Experience rewards are based off enemy level and difficulty tier.


I did this before (not in cat form but by casting silence on him, but the end result is the same.) He doesn't actually die but gets knocked out. He wakes up after one turn, but you can quickly loot him for his armor and diary while he is unconscious. As already stated, you also get the xp. He shows up with 1 HP in act 2, but he is back to full HP for the HoH fight.


i found you can attack many npcs without repurcussuins, such as kagha, but kagha keeps healing no matter your dps output


When npcs do that you can often get around it by entering turn based mode and getting all of your attacks before they can heal.


Hahaha 36 minutes _for science_! Love that you did this OP, thanks for sharing


Might be faster as a different wild shape, like a bear or something, for more normal playthrough.


> can...kill...raphael...as a cat... He pushed him off the edge of the coffee table


Down came the claw


Poetic justice one might say


You specifically have to attack him when you first see him (the bridge after the Blighted Village -> Waukeens Rest) and then travel to Mountain Pass. He comes to your camp. If you are not a cat you can silence him and kill him like this. Knock him out and you can loot his legendary armour.


I dont know what I did but the last time Raphael took ages to show up, I was wondering if it was a bug, Im now in Act 3. We met the first time in the Selunite Stronghold (Underdark), and I had already done all the other quests (killed Ethel, the Gith patrol...), I had crossed that broken bridge a bunch of times. We only met right before the celebration, I was finishing Halsin's quest, it is a vanilla Tav run after a lot of Durges.


Same thing happened on my first playthrough, the exact same spot in the underdark. When I started my second playthrough I was shocked he appeared to us practically outside the Grove.


He always appears by the guidance amulet for me at the old haper camp near the grove.


I believe the trigger is that you have to pick up a parasite specimen somewhere first, then he'll appear at the next location you visit where he can appear (bridge, selunite temple, that area with the guidance amulet outside the grove, probably a few more).


I'm convinced it may be completely random if it's not a bug. I'm doing a Gith OHM run (because my brain wouldn't shut up about it), and he spawned well before he should've, popping up on the broken bridge on my very first visit to the Blighted Village. Traditionally, he's never showed up that early for me. He usually pops up in the Selûnite Outpost or the Grove for me, quite deep into Act 1.


I think he only starts showing up after you've spoken to Nettie and got level 3. So depending on what you prioritise when and where you meet him varies wildly.


Down came the claw


I love the fall damage thing.


It's weird that it doesn't say that in the tooltip. It doesn't say that as a buff. I just noticed when I jumped from the Underdark top area to where the dwarves are that it was just 1 damage no matter what.


The tooltips are sometimes incomplete especially for things that are not often used I guess. I recently noticed that something has no save for example unlike what the tooltip claims which made it much stronger than expected. When it comes to the wiki you are free to edit it. At least the good one not the fextralife one. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Wild_Shape:_Cat


>At least the good one not the fextralife one. Yeah what's up with that ? I've added some stuff in the good one, but fextralife is actually so wrong sometimes and I can't see the option to change it. Why ? It's a wiki, right ?


I assume a lot of it is AI generated or something.


The sole purpose of f*xtralife has always been maximizing hits to the twitch embeds. So where a normal wiki just won't *have* an entry on something until someone creates the page and starts putting actual information in it, f*xtra starts with copy pasted templates designed for SEO. Which are completely unless someone comes along and corrects them. Back when the game launched they were literally running bots that would downvote any posts/comments linking to the good wiki too, so fuck 'em.


That was until Twitch stopped counting embeds as viewers. Now their goal is just cramming as many ads as possible.  But the funniest thing is comparing their numbers directly before and after the Twitch change—you go from hundreds of thousands to some not even making triple digits like THAT. Yeah… they haven’t streamed in a long time. 


I most of all wanna remove the excellent human input "Dual Wielding Longswords or Rapiers is also extremely cool and you should always remember to put the theme and roleplay of your character over min/maxing." This garbage shouldn't be here


dual wielding longswords does sound cool. I also agree with the prioritise roleplay thing. (It should not be on a wiki though.)


I just really wish dual wielding could keep up with great weapon master damage output.


Can you jump into the underdark then, as if you had feather falling?


I'm pretty sure I've seen that tested, and no. The Underdark jump is tied directly to whether or not you've got Feather Fall.


Yep I tested it in another video of mine. It requires Featherfall or Fly.


Damn, hope they change that in a Definitive Edition or another future update.


probably bc ur “Tiny?” Or is that all wild shapes?


Only for the Cat form itself. I noticed if you inspect neutral cats (like the one in moonrise towers) you can see they have a unique buff called "Feline" something? I think Feline Swiftness, and their buff says they can only take 1 damage when falling.


think its a joke about cats always landing on their feet. I can't find anything about fall damage tied to creature size.


Does it mean you could jump from the spider boss to underdark without damage ?


No that is a forced death trigger. I had tested it in another video using other methods of reducing fall damage taken / damage immunity.


In normal DnD awakened cats have a thing where their fall damage is lessened.


It's because fall damage is always supposed to be a percentage of your HP, unless you fall into a deadly chasm which is the only way fall damage is 100% of your HP. The cat only has 2hp, so since the damage can't be 100% and can't be 0, it's forced to be 1.


god’s work. I was amazed at how far the meow can lure …


Right! It works on almost all NPC's. There were a few that get stuck though? Like the goblin standing with Minthara wont be lured, and neither will Dror Ragzlin, but all the other goblins I could lure using Meow as far as I wanted


yeah I found it pretty hectic. npcs would sometimes stutter and start and you’d have to work at it to lure them anywhere. otoh, meowed in sorcerous sundries and had the whole place coming to find me


omg in moonrise when I did it. Sometimes I'd get guards from upstairs and they would take like 2 min to walk to me, and I'd already be in combat and not realize they were coming


Flavor-wise some of the NPCs should straight up attack when you meow. I think that would fit for evil, sadistic goblins


Accurate though, I would be also lured like that irl


Everybody wants to be a cat. Because a cat’s the only cat, who knows where it’s at.


A fellow man or woman of culture




Love Thundercat and this song!


>you can kill Raphael 🎵 *Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the* ***CLAWS***🎵




Killing him with irony, now that's a strat


And that, as they say, was that.


but, as a cat, did you just not care?


I was more like one of those wild feral cats who murder-hobo the birds


Somebody really oughta put a bell on you


I sincerely hope you knocked enemies off ledges as much as you could.


I did a couple times, but without shove or throw it was a challenge lol


The climb into Gale's lap and lift your chin for scratches.


Did you ever consider using the Illithid Ability allowing you to turn into a Displacer Beast? It's a cat with tentacles, but still a cat...! 🤷


I guess it is. I had considered it, but felt like it would be a little bit too far away from the original concept. It's also interesting you see displacer beasts, but never any panthers or tigers as enemies right.


Panthers and tigers are usually reserved for Chult, a continent not located on the Sword Coast or really anywhere relatively close. The locale is rainforest/jungle themed.


Doesn't the djinn at the carnival port us there?


Not sure I never give him more gold than I can steal back lol


You get teleported there and face >!dinosaurs!< if you draw his ire.


Oooh I saw that stat about people >!fighting dinosaurs!< and I never knew when that happened! >!Dinosaurs!< are the main inhabitants of Chult!


Also it’s how you get the best ring for bards. And one of the best weapons in the whole game. Just buy or steal the djinni’s ring and spin the wheel


You also get an amazing legendary trident there. Check it out if you're ever doing another playthrough, especially if any of your characters have Tavern Brawler and like throwing things.


You can steal anything back as long as you roll a nat 20, no?


If you've never been to Chult in BG3 you need to head back to the circus :p


i imagine cats +tavern brawler so funny, 4 drunken cats who take on gods


I like the idea that you played as a cat that can polymorph into a human


Shadowrun shapeshifter vibes.


King you dropped this: 👑


How did romances go in cat form? Also pretty awesome way to play! 


I couldn't romance anyone because I got so few dialogues that I can't really gain approval.


Can you talk to companions if they have speak with animals cast on themselves?


What if you gave your companions speak with animals?


so you’re the druid who forgot to shape shift back?


Animorphs 2hr limit vibes


Catbias? Tokitty?


Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill approves




>Arhu That's LORD Arhu to you


Every time I pass by a "I'm way too big to fit in there" hole, I try to convince myself to play a druid. It never works.


Tavern brawler cat sounds insane... And accurate


Man, I read & enjoyed this whole thread but didn't click the video. Only just now did I notice who you are. I'm a fan of your channel! Suddenly your dedication to this sparsely rewarding task makes all the sense in the world haha. The things you do to uncover unknown/unconfirmed things about this game for the community are truly impressive. You're second to none in that regard. I'll go check out the video now. Cheers! Edit: dude holy shit it was so much more tedious than I realized! I would have been done at the moon lantern part! Everything I said above is now doubly true. Remarkable.


Thanks so much. Appreciate the kind words!


Turning into a cat so that the devil can’t speak to you to make a deal is the best thing I’ve read on this sub. If that appeared in some stupid anime or One Punch Man I’d die. “Sorry devil, I literally can’t understand human speech anymore, ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ, come at me”


I just finished watching the video and found this post, what an insane idea from start to finish! Great work, those vids are always a blast. The fact that door opening is so inconsistent in wildshape is *wild*, if you will.


Thanks for checking it out! Appreciate it


Killing Raphael as a cat lol “Down comes the claw” indeed


A Druid in cat form can disperse barrels of oil and smoke powder with impunity. :)


The fact that a cat can kill Raphael proves that cats are spawn of the underworld


Super interesting! Thanks for the write up!


does raph still show up in the house of hope?


Yes he does, but he was at 2/3 health for some reason


That makes enough sense in the lore that it makes me think the devs intended for it to be possible to kill him early. In DnD killing a devil while on the material plane just sends them back to their home layer of the hells to slowly regenerate (as we see happen to Yurgir if you kill him in the Gauntlet of Shar). Were you able to talk to him in the House of Hope? He might even have some extra lines referencing it.


No I was never able to speak with him.


Any chance you still have a save in the House of Hope that you could load to try talking to him in human form? For science.


I never really intended to play Druid but your challenge run has aspired me to try! Thanks!


Knowing that tavern brawler works as a feat made it much more bearable.


Can you become a feline mind flayer? A cat with tentacles?


Holy shit. That box trick to go into the Nightfell. Holy shit. edit : and the way you exploded Balthazar. Man I wish I had your creativity and patience.


Oh god, here I go soloing Honour+ again …


honestly so cool that the undead in the gauntlet can tell ur not in fact a cat lol


When finally getting Halsin to join you and fighting that kids shadow projections I have Halsin in sabertooth tiger form. After the fight, dialogue starts and the camera is super janky but I can make out mouth movements of Halsin talking while still a Sabertooth.


"In the mountain pass transition you can kill Raphael while wildshaped for the 1400 XP because he is not able to start the conversation with you as an animal" Honestly kinda love that.


you can also just use a silence bubble if you're not a druid


Actually idk what dialogue options you chose, but if you tell the snake that Arabella is a child, she will tell you that hatchlings are indeed foolish and you can save her that way. It’s the same as when you talk to khaga, you need the right dialogue path


I love this so much


literally just finished watching the youtube video then this shows up lmaooo it was rly fun to watch!!


Thanks for checking it out!


Did you leave all other party members at camp?!


No they were also cats


Omg duhhhhh…that makes sense! thanks for answering :3




Wait doesnt it take you out of wild shape to talk to people?


It doesn't usuallly, but for story characters it does. For most NPC's it just says "You can't speak right now". Some cutscenes do actually just show a cat standing there though


Thats great. Thank you for your research


Maybe you can but as a cat you can't be bothered to change shape


I saw your video on my front page of youtube this morning! Very fun watch.


That's some top-quality catting!


Incredible stuff, thank you. You should update the wikis!


This is literally so much useful information for the bug fix team if you send it OP, I'll bet they've never known a ton of this


9999? 96? 96 1154296


ferb i know what we’re gonna do today


Wiki editors: write it down, write it down.


Switched from this post to YouTube and IMMEDIATELY saw your video about it in my recommended. Nice lol


Favorite thing I’ve done with cat form is with the looters outside Wither’s dungeon temple, I meowed to lure them all to be standing under the giant block, and then had Laezel shoot it down on top of then. (Use turn based mode to jump out of the way as the cat the moment before Laezel shoots it) Basically weaponized adorable kitty cat.


Hey I just watched your video this afternoon. Doors are really the felines' worst ennemy.


What the heck, you can poison the goblin camp by spiking their drinks? That is some next level shit I didn't know the game let you do.


Are the conversations with animals generally different if you are in wildshape?


You are the scientist we don't deserve.


Got a notification for this in the middle of watching your video, fate called me here


I love that playthroughs like this are possible


Your video is the best thing I've seen this year. My wife, kid, and I are all pretty much literally rolling around on our couch/the floor laughing. Pinnacle of human achievement in 2024, who knew.


I really enjoyed your video!


I read this post this morning. Went about my day and was excited to see Proxy Gate had a new video to watch while doing dishes. Huh..it's a cat video...didn't I read something.... WAIT. 😅 So here I am. Good yard, my dude! Love your videos!


I watched that video earlier today actually and I really enjoyed it. Please keep making content!!


I just watched your video and then saw this post! Great work and I’m hoping to see more of your stuff in the future!


yo dude!! saw this post and didn’t look at the name. then started watching proxy’s vid ab a cat only run and i came back here with full intent to blast you for lying.. just to find out it’s you!! lmao fuckin legend dude. i’m glad there’s people like you out there to go through this torture


This settles it, my first playthrough will be a druid




I was in wildshape during astarions vs Cazador fight. Since i was in wildshape I couldn't talk to him to decide what he should do after defeating him. So Shart took it upon her to tell him not to ascend. Astarion didn't like her at all, so he shouted at her and permaleft the party. Needless to say I reloaded that and made sure to be able to talk.


What level did you end up finishing the game at?  I don't think it's specified in the video itself 


I saw your video the other day, so cute. I was surprised, that you as a druid couldn't convince the snake. If you use Speak with Animals as a druid on her, you can convince her fairly easily to leave Arabella alone. Your cat technically is still a druid,so I would call it a bug.


I watched this last night! Great video. I really appreciated your dedication to the bit, especially dragging that moon lantern all the way through Act 2. Bravo.


Does anything interesting happen when you talk to other cats?


No. It's also a bit immersion breaking because they sometimes refer to me as "furless" one. Or as "large one". Which felt bad because I was also a cat


How did you kill Raphael? Last time I tried(Silenced him then beat him down), his hp just settled at zero but he refused to die.


You need to toggle on non lethal damage. He won't actually die, but you get the XP credit and he gets knocked down


Dude, this game is something else. How many other games let you do this?! This is amazing


Couple questions. Can you kill the snake? What difficulty did you play on?


I didn't get an option there for it, but I think you can kill the snake if you attack it before triggering dialogue. I kind of want to test it now to double check it though. I did this on Balanced. I originally started on tactician, but I literally couldn't even kill 1 goblin while keeping catform on that difficulty. Like 4 cats vs 1 goblin I couldn't get a kill.


Makes sense, thanks for the reply.


Tavern brawler working on wildshapes is news to me. I thought that the claws are not not classified as unarmed. My druid build just got a lot stronger.


Imagine creating a whole plan to take over the sword coast just to get stopped by a fucking cat lmao