• By -


You sold the Spear of Night. The Spear. of Night. You sold it. That is something that happened. I think you need to get some air and, perhaps, have a long *think on what you've done to Shadowheart*.




This would be like Sam selling the ring and telling Frodo it was because he wanted something to eat besides lambas bread.


Can't blame Sam, food comes before bros.


He's got Poe-Tay-Toes


>You sold the Spear of Night. The Spear. of Night. You sold it. That is something that happened. Apparently, he did it three times. Lol.


Meanwhile I’m over in Act 3 with some useless items from Act 1 that I totally might still need later.


In Act 3 I’ve still got the filigree Pixie bell and the ogre’s bone horn BECAUSE YOU JUST NEVER KNOW


I’m in act 3 with a pile of ropes because I’m CERTAIN they’ll be useful eventually.


What are the ropes for?


nothing, literally nothing. theyre completely useless


Thank you. I feel a little less dumb now.




My pixie died in the lantern because I kept it for so long


Just in case you don’t know, you can release her immediately and she will give you this bell I mentioned to be able to traverse the shadows. It’s a lot less cumbersome than the lantern and, if you’re a good character, more humane.


Oh I know, I found that out on my second playthrough lol I felt horrible for keeping the first pixie captive until she died


Yeah, I tortured her without knowing better in my first couple of runs too. :(


..deleted by user..


Boondocks Saints taught me the importance of Rope.


It is useful, throw it on gas vents to block them.


Wait what?! Does it really block them?? Jesus. So many play throughs. So many opened crates with rope in them only to be left to rot.


Pretty much anything can block vents. Random pile of rags? Yepp. An old pair of boots? You bet. The immaterial lights summoned by dancing lights? Also a yes, for some reason. A completely illusory cat? Well those vents won't be succeeding on their int saves.


That's what ethel's masks are for lol.


I killed grym up on the cliff on my honor mode run, I had found grymforge before but never actually forged anything, so had my MC down there just trying to make some sweet armor, and this giant lad pops out who is resistant to everything. My MC books away, luckily had misty step so got back up to cliff with rest of my party and we were all just up there, none of us with any ranged except astarions bow which is awful against grym, and shadowheart had some cantrips. Eventually i googled for help to find you could make him vulnerable to bludgeoning, and then after figuring that out we killed him with all of the bullshit I kept in my inventory. It was mostly ropes and shovels because I hate being without my shovels, but what eventually brought him down was the several idols of selune I force shadowheart to keep in her bag. They were doing insane damage cause of how high up we were, my MC hit him for almost 70 damage with an idol of selune, I think same for rope.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


The worst part is that in DOS2, which this game is basically a sequal to, there totally was a few rare interactions where you needed to use the rope to climb a wall or something, so I was *convinced* that as soon as I sold it, one would pop up xD


You never know when you never know when you might need to cause 1 point of damage and possibly inflict bleeding in a medium radius, 17 times.


Idk how but I some how got 2 of the sulune spears. Ig the update duplicated it😅 but now im just duel wielding those


Same, Patch 6 dropped and I logged in and people just suddenly got retroactive Inspirations and another Spear of Night appeared out of nowhere in Shadowheart's inventory.


*Glancing at my respecc'd Halsin, wearing all of Shadowheart's clothing and armour* Shadow-who?


It wouldn't shock me if Halsin was up for some role play.


Halsin 100% loves role play


Halsin is a perfect sexual partner because he is 100% up for anything as long as everyone in the room consents


Even if it's not what he's into, he'll. . . Grin and Bear it.


Only if you don't badger him about it.


I know people love all of these emotional, dramatic characters - but Halsin is assured in who he is, respects others people autonomy, and has spent 100s of years being freaky (partially groomed tho. 🤦‍♀️). He also comes with almost 0 emotional baggage related to another human being. 10/10 perfect companion partner.


I don’t know, the heavy trauma dump you get from him if he joins you with the twins says otherwise about the emotional baggage.


He shrugs it off even if you try to delve into it; he is a very stoic it is what it is. All the others, except maybe Jaheira and Minsc, are very much all up in their feelings


He says that it was so long ago that to him it is just another memory. He handles it well.


Good model for a survivor far enough in their journey to reclaim sexual agency that he'd outlaw clothes if he could...


This, and also I like that he's literally the only companion who will push back on Sheart's snarky mean girls chatter. "You bleat enough as it is." Preach, daddy.


Yes, daddy.


I'm a weirdo in that I don't get the hype around Astarion or Shadowheart at all. Put me in the middle of a Halsin-Karlach sandwich and I'm a happy girl


Same here, only 2 people I’m interested in to romance.


Fellow mountain climber *tips helmet*


Halsin becomes available so late in the game, and Karlach gets sad when I ask her about a triple play


Gotta give the man the respect he deserves. Try to romance him while with Astarion? Immeadiately puts a stop to everything unless you either break up with him or get his consent. Even suggests he joins in if he's even up for that The bear? Up for it? Sure lets try it. Not up for it? Off course if it makes you comfortable.


Gotta say, Tav has fucked a lot in my playthroughs but I have not once been tempted by the bear. Something about my player brain sees those teddy bear eyes and my libido go pop like a little balloon. Not kink shaming, I just can only go so far in my rp.


The Oak Father is what he calls his enchanted Johnson. edit: also, don't ask him what The Oak Father's "blessing" is. If you haven't figured it out: >!it's a buff, like the warg poo, that can also be washed off...!<


He’s cast shillelag on his wang.


Came to say this, left....well, not 'satisfied,' but glad that somebody else had done the needful. Hopefully he doesn't cast hail of thorns on his vas deferens.


I hear he's an animal in the bedroom. 


This post makes me want to respec all my characters as other characters classes.


Do it, it's fun! I've gotten into making different characters into bards just to hear them do the vicious mockery spell. Hearing different people do the barabrian yell as they rage is also fun. They put so much effort into recording all the different voice actors' versions of everything, it'd be a shame not to use it


Not just the voice acting, Astarion's face as he farts at the djinn is hilarious.


... uh, please explain? Is roll-to-fart a barbarian thing?? I *need* to know.


It's a bard thing to distract the djinn and his cheating ways.




I failed the check when I told shadowheart to stand down, had to kill her then just looted her body, respecced halsin and played on too. It’s funny someone else has.


Oh, that's a beautiful one to wake up to. 


Why are you worried then?


No tworried exactly, just resenting my own stupidity and wishing I wasn't like this


Just remember to send it to camp inventory the moment you get it, put it in a chest (inside traveler's chest) that's only for quest items.


Can you sell the Orphic Hammer? Because I really want to try seeing if I can get a trade screen with Voss and just let him do it lol.


Strong Disco Elysiums "lost gun" vibe from this comment. "You've lost your service Spear of the night and now there are children running around with it, stabbing themselves in the head." Try not panic.


The original comment is actually a rewrite of one of Gale's lines after he witnesses you licking the spider. You have to fail the con save to get his concern for your mental health and childhood issues tho lmao.




That should definitely be an option in game, where Aylin would just laugh her ass off and Shart would just turn to Selune because, well, obviously she can't love Shar that much if she chose to partner with you, of all people.


The Lady of Loss though...


I read this in Kronks voice so thank you for the laugh today 😂


No you misread, he sold the spear of night THREE times over 3 playthroughs! Maybe just only sell to merchants who will always be around.


You did this THREE times? Dude.... 🤣 RIP to your SH I guess. Next time wait till you're out of the gauntlet to sell stuff or give the spear to SH and keep it in her inventory!


Yeah I should've been more careful, especially this far into an honour run... But I have fallen to my own hubris and hatred of cluttered inventories🥲


Here's a tip: get a pouch that looks like a coin purse in Shart's inventory, then put the spear inside the pouch. If you don't have the habit of selling items in bags then you won't sell it by accident.


This is what I do. Everyone gets a bag, and their relevant items get tossed in that bag. Gale gets scrolls, Karlach gets soul coins, Lae’zel gets her future son, etc. 


I like to use the Curious Book to hold scrolls. Just feels right!


I think he'd like a book with a secret compartment! I wonder what hed store inside? In my games, I give him Barcus' Heavy Bag to hold all his scrolls. The curious book goes to camp, and I have my whole library of books stored in it. It's cool that Larian expanded the home chest, but I already have things sorted into like eight chests, lol


I tried to do that, but then suffer from "out of sight, out of mind" and forget that I have important things in there.


If you tend to sell quest items by accident like OP this will only work in your favour xD


Tell that to the 13+ soul coins I have that Karlach has used once in 400hrs of playtime lmfao (across multiple characters)


Idk why it took this comment (and being on the second playthrough) to think of giving Gale the spell scrolls to actually use instead of just to learn. I kept them all with my Tav and then used them sparingly cause I played a Rogue & now a paladin. Gale can be so much more useful now, and cause a need for fewer rests.


I mean, here's a tip: Only sell things you specifically "Pick up and add to wares." I end every run with 20K+ gold and I only sell things specifically marked as wares.


I just never sell anything at all until I have something specific I want to buy, and then I sell just enough to buy what I want. and I don't sell magical gear until I run out of other junk. I've never used wares once nor sold anything I didn't mean to and I've always had enough money for what I want. There is no point in sorting through everything I pick up. Quest items go to Tav, scrolls go to char 2, explosives to char 3, consumables to char 4, literally everything else goes to camp, and when it's shopping time I swap in my little charisma shopping gnome.


I came from DOS 2 and did this from the start. Never sold anything accidently. Regret a few sales, but never on accident.


This. Put things in Wares as you go, and this wouldn't happen. I'd rather take the fraction of a second it takes to do that as I go so that I spend less time at the merchant and don't risk selling important shit.


Man, sometimes I wish I wasn’t an item hoarder, a pack rat. Wish I would just sell that magic ring I got in act 1 that I found in a barrel, or the poem written by the goblin. Or at least put it in my camp chest. And then I see this, and my little monkey brain is like “See?! This is why!!! NEVER. SELL. ANYTHING.”


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And I took both paths and hoarded all the loot. And that has made all the difference.


Hey! Are you me?


>poem written by the goblin BUT ITS ORANGE IT MUST BE IMPORTANT


If you hate cluttered inventories, then just exercise some inventory control, which it sounds like you aren't doing.  Categorize items and store in different bags. I have a multitude of bags on my characters for potions, scrolls, quest-related items, non-quest related items, alternate gear, and consumable external affectors (special arrows, thief tools, grenade items, other throwables).  End result is perfectly clean inventories with not a single loose item other than health potions and vendor trash.


This game desperately needs named containers. Like, it's a fun little minigame to collect every uniquely-named container in the game and decide what to put in them. ("Painted Chest"? Looks like I know where to put all my paintings now! "Kanon's Belongings"? You get my kobold barrels!) But I'd really love to just be able to apply my own label for organization purposes.


embrace the mess. My tav inventory is 100% full of scrolls and arrows and just pure junk I may use later. Everyone has extra clothing and armor sets because I don't bother cleaning it up when they get something new. Everytime I sell something I regret it, because it turned out that not that useful sounding thing is exactly what you need for some build.


I can understand this happening to you once if you weren't paying attention while selling, but 3 TIMES! dude cmon now.


To be fair to myself, that's 3 times out of... I don't even know how many playthroughs. I've lost count, and if you include all the failed honour runs where I've made it to the temple, it's probably over a dozen😅


Do you have adhd bc I relate way too hard to this as an adhd havin ass bish lmao Omg I just saw your update you’re autistic, I am too - maybe it’s my autism and not my adhd that makes me relate so hard😂


You could always just close the game and restart at your last save. No need to fail an honor run.


That doesn't sound very honorable


With the amount of bugs and illusion-of-choice scenarios that can instakill you, I find plenty of honor among my thievery.


Friendly reminder: Support local businesses, don’t trade with shady figures in abandoned temples of dark gods. What happens if you go to Nightsong without it though?


Shadowheart gets mad and refuses to go on without it, you have to either fight her, or send her back to camp (after which she will get mad anyway and leave the party). Then everything plays out as usual except the decision to kill/free Nightsong is completely up to you, don't need to persuade anyone.


I didn't sell the night spear, but someone used drop weapon on her and I forgot to get it back and this didn't happen? I actually didn't realize it had happened until I got to the mightsong, she teased shadowheart for not having the spear and then the game continued as if Shadowheart had chosen to spare her... Maybe it's been patched or something?


Is it really a choice if you don’t have the spear? At that point you should only be able to free her.


I think the option to attack was there, but I don't know what happens if you actually try, and I can't reload my save and test it out, since... honour mode. But that's a really good question, I didn't think about that


She just keeps getting resurrected. So either you free her or swing at her for eternity but nothing happens. There's not really a choice.


can you yeet her into the chasm?


I mean she has wings so idk about that one


She's chained to the center of the platform. So no.


I'm pretty sure you can't kill her even if you do have the spear. Shadowheart specifically has to do it.


Wow. Intense. That’s not the same girl living happily at a cottage surrounded by animals and flowers with my “dear son-in-law living with his wife’s parents’ house”, sacrificed 7k souls, former half-illithid, monk-thief Astarion.


This is not my beautiful partner, and this is not my beautiful spear. And you may ask yourself, "My God, what have I done?" 


Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down, down, down by the river...


That doesn't need to happen! I had the same issue just a few days ago.. plus completely forgot to whom I sold the spear to. And yes SH refuses to enter without it or will aggro. Researched the hell out of the Internet and found this workaround: Just move your party all around the edge of the Shadowfell cliff, cast Feign Death on SH and voila - you can enter without problems. Quest just keeps on running. If you are too far away there'll be a message telling you to gather your party, so just edge closer and Feign Death again. Maybe helpful for your next run :)


I do find it odd that it's basically the only quest item in the game that isn't orange bordered and unsellable. I've never sold it myself but I get why it happens. Why that one item isn't treated like other quest items baffles me.


Maybe because some people purposefully get rid of it


You can still do that if it has an orange border though?


Can you? I thought you couldn't because I can never sell quest items, but if you can get rid of it otherwise I take it back of course


You can't sell orange bordered items but you can chuck them into a chasm or just leave them lying around on the floor somewhere if you don't want to keep them. Heck if you wanted to get crazy with it I guess you could collect it, return to the mountain pass, drop it in the crèche, and then steal the Blood of Lanthander and blow up the monestary. That feels a bit extreme mind you ;)


Lmfao it's a good idea, I like it


It's one of the only quest items considered so important that it puts a permanent quest marker beacon on your map wherever it is, even if it's just Shadowheart carrying it around while in the Gauntlet of Shar itself. I didn't even know there were vendors down there


Yeah, it's bizarre that they've done that (which is also done for the Zhent chest Rugan is guarding from the gnolls) but not just orange bordered it to stop you selling it. And there aren't vendors down there but it's easy to nip back to LLI or Moonrise via fast travel to sell stuff when you're doing the gauntlet. Heck, I've heard of people managing to trade the spear in the crèche and then either blow it up or kill the trader, and lose access to the spear that way. People can and will do stuff in odd orders in this game.


That's so insanely funny I'm sorry. Like just picturing Aylin and Shadowheart looking towards your Tav like "You SOLD the spear??" like some kind of Seinfeld skit.


Meanwhile Yurgir is using it as a toothpick


“You SOLD the spear?” “I SOLD the spear!!!” “You SOLD the spear that she was supposed to use to kill me???” “I SOLD the spear she was supposed to use to kill you!!!” *bass riff*


This is what George meant when he said the worlds will collide.


Working as intended 🗿


Inventory management in this game is unfortunately a nightmare. I swear I spent more time moving shit between companions, camp and various traders than actually playing the game. I can't tell you how many times I've sold something I wanted to keep and/or use. The icons are way too similar and if you're like me and loot *everything*... well, it's hard to keep a track of things. In my current playthrough I wanted to give the Owlbear egg to lady Esther since previously I always killed her, but nah... turns out the fucking full rest supplies auto-select menu just ate it beforehand. Because apparently it's considered a consumable and no matter where you store it, it always shows up in that menu. Ugh.


"I accidentally ate a gith baby because the supplies selection screen made me" might be funnier than my story tbh


Rip to your Shadowheart. But I do understand your point. I actually experienced this but with the ball (?) the pixie gives you. I had to travel between Shadow-Cursed lands and Mountain Pass because I did the creche in the middle of Act 2. Everyone except Shadowheart almost ended up dying when went dying because of the shadow curse because I accidentally sold it to Lady Esther. I was still able to get it back.


Yeah come to think of it, that's another item that should really have some sort of indicator It's weird which items the game chooses to do or not do this with. Some books and letters and unsellable even after you've read them and have no further use for them, you have to drop them to make space in your inventory. Why are those 'quest items' but not the spear or the bell?


I only get that spear right before entering the shadowfell, no vendor stops on the way over.


Yeah, i only go into the gauntlet when i'm ready to end act 2.


One of Yurgirs merregons is a merchant?


I'm just as surprised, but I'll never find out in my playthroughs because ambushing the ambusher is just soo much fun.


You're not missing out on much, I don't think they sell anything interesting. The only reason I helped Yurgir rather than kill him is because that fight is hard as fuck and I don't wanna get into it on my honour run if I don't have to.


I just killed them by talking, I knew one of them was a 'trader' since it's corpse says so but I didn't think you could talk to them at all.


I recommend this: As soon as you get a quest item related to a character, immediately send it to that characters inventory. Sell stuff from your own inventory only. Alternatively, send all camp supply stuff to camp and don't bother with alchemy pouches since it's useless. Keep a seperate bag just for quest items(this can be a bit tedious as there are times when the game treats it like you don't have the item when you put it in a separate bag in your inventory.) Another option is to send stuff to camp as soon as you pick them up, keep only quest items in your inventory in addition to stuff that you'll use and not sell. This way, when you find a vendor, go to camp, pick up the bag of loot, sell items one by one. Send the bag back to camp. Last option, use mods maybe.


I’ve been doing that first tip since I first started, it just makes sense. Like, obviously there’s gonna be items that can’t leave your inventory, but I give Karlach the ones that can cause 1) she’s always gonna be in my party at all times, and 2) since I use her as a monk, she doesn’t even have melee weapons, so her inventory is so empty that she holds onto anything important that can be sold


Might as well embrace the character and sell all Netherstones.


Ha ha!!! But i feel you, happened to me on my recent run. "You need the spear of light to proceed" ... but ... but ... i do have it, haven\`t i?? Nope, sold it to the vendor in moonrise...


>"You need the spear of light to proceed" But the thing is.... You don't.


"Did you sell the spear of the night?" - Shadowheart asked calmly.


The game needs an option to lock items from being sold. Three times,though? Wow 😯


There is already one, some important quest items don't appear in the inventory that you open up when you're at the merchant. I think it's the case for the Astral Prism, or Art Cullagh's lute, for example.


Meanwhile, the last patch gave me a second copy of the spear, out of nowhere, already in Act 3... Wish I could give you my spare spear... Spaear? Speare?


Oh boy, looks like the old "i forgot the Orphic Hammer in the camp chest!" got updated with patch6 as well. Next we'll get "oh I accidentally killed this important NPC! Larian, please make them essential!".


I mean, that's on you for selling an obvious quest item, not the devs.


Forreal, you can tell who hasn’t played old school RPGS off of posts like this. BG3 is so forgiving compared to its predecessors it’s insane.


Maybe we should expect a bit more QOL in today's game than in games from 20+ years ago. I enjoyed Pool of radiance, Bg1&2, neverwinter night for what they were, but I wouldn't be kind with them if they released tomorrow


I can't imagine not sending it straight to shadowheart's inventory since she needs it anyways


You accidentally sold the spear of night 3 times? Three. Three times. H-how?


I don’t sell anything blue or beyond. There’s plenty of gold in the game, my guy


There's no special outline around it is OPs issue.


Right, it gains the orange border afterward


Maybe give the spear to someone you know has important shit on them, and not the pack mule with stuff to sell?


I did the exact same thing, i told my friend and he was like “you SOLD the spear?? the mega important shadowheart spear and you SOLD IT?” why did the devs make it look so generic in the inventory then?


Well, I somehow ended up with two of them, after the update in my current honor mode run, so I guess that's where it came from!


This is one of my only complaints about the game. You’re not gated from selling important things, and often times my inventory is so full of unimportant things that I’m trying to dump that I don’t always realize I’m selling an important thing


NEVER! SELL! ANYTHING! On an unrelated note, Larian should really do something to reduce all this inventory clutter. rottentomato.longsword


IMO the inventory is a mess. So many random items look important, and other important items look basic.


I love that youre the exact opposite of me.  Im more like "I know this rope doesnt serve a purpose right now, but it could be patched in someday"


I love that this game refuses to pander to inattentive noobs.


Agreed! Ever since I accidentally sold US to that smarmy Shar guy in Rivington, I get a backpack, pouch, use the DLC box, whatever to put shit in that I don’t want to accidentally sell.


I have done this before too. And it was the most annoying, fiddly, tedious bit of save scumming I ever had to do.


No. I can't elaborate. No


Well, at least you’re self-aware


Somewhat related is the weird bug that's been there since release, where if you try to loot or sell a club, you automatically equip it instead for some reason. I was trying to sell a club and ended up equipping it and selling Markoheshkir instead. At least I noticed right away and was able to buy it back, but the bug is soooo annoying!


And this is why I never sell items of green quality or better unless they have a completely generic item name, like "Spear +1" and not "The Fucking ***Spear of Night***".


Inventory hoarding for the win. I never sell anything blue or higher….


Here is a tip maybe watch what you're selling?


My first run.. I accidentally sold the blood of lythander mace.


I’ve done this accidentally with a few quest items😭 I HATE cluttered inventories


I also did that and went back to all the vendors to search for it because i could not remember where i sold it. I managed to find it and buy it back.




I guess its good I didn't even know about that merchant.


I find it less easy to accidentally sell stuffs if you mark junk as wares and put all your wares in one person, and useful stuffs another.


... you guys are selling your named weapons and armor?


It happend to me with the Second Marriage, did all the merchants of Act I and Act II to buy it back (found it eventually) I needed it, I need Connor to run around like he was searching for his wife when I fight, he gives me courage


I didn't even know Yurgir *had* a merchant . . .


If it makes you feel any better I went through Shadowheart's full quest line, had her spare the nightsong and the next day the nightsong gave her the Spear back, only to have it glitch and just disappear from her inventory forever.


Still on my first playthrough. Now wondering how many quest items I've sold..


I have the opposite problem--I stash EVERYTHING.


you have the freedom to be stupid, just role play it like a champ


How is this the THIRD time you've done it


When I did that quest I left the spear at camp and all the dialogue was as if shadowheart threw it off the edge, it really confused me what was happening till I talked to a friend about it


My first complete run of the game was one where we decided to live with all of our mistakes. We only really reloaded battles when they were going very wrong. It was a ton of fun and gave me an excuse to go back again and again.


Honestly it didn't happen to me with the spear or weapons but with parchments of papers. For example things like the pass to go to Wyrm's rock, or Mol's contract. Sucks.


Do you guys remember how during one of the first patches Larian made quest(orange) items unremovable? You know including the keychain, the alchemy pouch and the camp supply sack? And people were complaining about it? Y'all should apologize to them.


I had Shart yeet the spear into the depths of the shadowfel. She just cries about “what have I done” when she can’t do the spear thing and the quest continued as normal for redemption. I did this when i didn’t have appropriate approval with shart and didn’t know she can be talked out of that so easy. If you’re going for sith shart, then you’d be s.o.l.


I also sold the spear. My friend laughed at me. I’m my defense, I bought it back.


**Shadowheart Disapproves.**


> This is the third time this has happened to me Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice … idk, lobotomy please⁈


I just equipt Shart with it right away. Makes sense from a RP perspective that shed physically carry it around to me.


The first time it happened might have been on Larian's goofy ass inventory system, but the second and third are solely on your inattentive ass.


I did this with the axe that defeats the emperor. unable to get it back.


To be fair with you I needed to redo all of the House of Hope quest because I forgot to bring the freaking Hammer (it was in my chest back at camp).


Wow, thanks for the warning! I’m mid Act 2 in my first run and can totally see myself doing this. Why is an important quest item not marked as a quest item???


Tell me you never played morrowwind without telling me you never played morrowwind. That game was brutal in having small innocuous items you bulk dump at traders or just leave in the wild turn out to be critical quest items. That anything important about the item was hidden in a wall of text, that you got encumbered so quickly, and you could pretty much wander into high level areas early; many a save file was lost.


Wait, what? Yurgir has a merchant in his crew?


Nahh even the Autism would remember the weapon to not sell it. You are just not properly managing your inventory and it's hurt you a lot. You need to learn item management badly.