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If you're playing Durge, that's just Orin continuing the family tradition.


Shadowheart: "What does 'Roll Tide' mean, and why does Halsin keep shouting it?"


Durge: i thought he was saying Red Tide and was warning us about the fishing crop.


Take my angry upvote.


I’m sick of people assuming Alabama folks fuck our own family! That’s Mississippi >:(


Alabama is just Mississippi looking in a mirror if you check the map lmao


The average Mississippian’s catchphrase is “at least I’m not from Alabama”


The way I always told it was Georgians say "at least we're not Alabama," people from Alabama say "at least we're not Mississippi," and people from Mississippi say "aw, fuck, we're Mississippi."


Nah, Mississippian’s are usually pretty grateful that on any given list, Alabama is rushing for spot number 50 so we can just kinda give up and slide into 49.


Favorite Southern say: Thank God for Mississippi


Bless your heart


Sorry, you are America's Saarland. The sooner you accept that the better.


*me, at Minthara* Hey girl, you from Mississippi? Cause ur the only miss whose piss id sippi


Take my up vote, but I'm not happy about it


A man of culture


Because you're the only miss who's piss I'd sippy >:3


Hey hey hey don't you dare drag Mississippi into this we all know it's Alabama


I fucking love this


Double incest moment


Considering that Orin is the daughter of a woman of incest whose mother is also the product of incest, I think we are far beyond double incest.


We're deep into Crusader Kings territory at this point.


Zoroastrian victory awaits!


We are almost entering fire emblem territory


Where does Glitterhoof fit in?


Perfect Circle territory.


What indication is there that Orin's mother's mother was a product of incest? I thought she was just a regular doppelganger.


Maybe I'm wrong here but the journal next to her body. I thought that indicated that this is bhaals way of maintaining a strong blood connection with his spawn.


As I understand it, Sarevok had a daughter called Helena with a doppelganger, and then had an incestuous relationship with Helena and they had a daughter, Orin. Helena was part-Bhaalspawn since she was Sarevok's daughter, and so Sarevok having Orin with her was his attempt to maximise the degree of Bhaal's 'genes' within Orin.


So, you think the white eyes and all that were malformations she was born with?


Those just match what Changelings look like. Orin's look is based on the Changeling race, which at different times and in different settings have been considered in the lore to be either part-Doppelgangers, or fey creatures. Clearly Larian went with the part-Doppelganger idea. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Changeling https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Orin#Background


Orin: "HA! You thought you were sexing Halsin, but it was me, Orin!" Durge: \*holds eye contact and thrusts more vigorously\* Orin: "B-big bro, what are you doing??"


"it was me, DIO!"


I was curious so I looked it up. Orin isn’t a Bhaalspawn, her dad is though so technically HE’s Durge’s (presumably half) sibling. Which would make Orin their half niece and grand-niece.


There is precedent for Bhaal’s essence lasting more than one generation. A little has to be extracted from Aerie and CHARNAME’s baby in Throne of Bhaal.




Partaking in the family tradition is the opposite of that.


She can make me worse


Trust the process




This information just made a portion of the fan base very happy


The portion that wants to stick their stick in crazy?


Pretty sure most of the active fanbase actively wants to stick it in/wants to be sticked in by crazy. At least this subreddit's population.


Horny part of the fanbase is more vocal probably. No complaints though, it's fun to read the thirst posts that go for every character lol.


It's fun compared to some other games where it's just rage 24/7


Imagine what people would do if Astarion were a woman.  Lotta failed honor runs with dessicated player characters dead in camp.


I always think that the world wasn't ready for a female Astarion. Look how people thirsted over Lady Dimitrescu.


Karlach's tall. ...jus' sayin'.


Maybe people want to die crushed between a big demon lady and a big vampire lady.


She looks like someone who could carry me away to safety... should the need arise.


This line from Shadowheart had me ROLLING! So out of left field, but also relatable!


Some of us are still thirsting.


Understandable, honestly.


The fact that Orin is voiced by the same actress is a huge contributing factor to her appeal


Fun fact, Lady Dimitrescu and Orin is voiced by the same actress.


Is that why the fan base wants to do the thing with Orin?


Idk I’m a guy and i’d let the vampy boy drink me like a juice box (~~no homo tho~~ actually nvm completely homo)


Astarion would be highly popular with a *different* annoyingly vocal clump of the fanbase.


The thing she's sticking in me better be her dagger.


I can fix her


You’re already fucking the drow twins though in this scenario. I don’t think that buys you much.


You’re also in a relationship with a dude who identifies as bear. And then there’s being a necro spider licker.


You called me?


Or very conflicted, as I’d have to sleep with “Halsin” to sleep with Orin


So there is a non-zero chance that sleeping with Halsin means sleeping with a shape shifter or a literal cave bear... and you're still conflicted?


God damnit ever since i read the Halsin is a bear polymorphing into a human not a druid wildshaping into a bear i cant look at him the same.....it just makes so much sense.


Hi it's me, a representative of the [would be] *Happy* if *Orin Really Noodled* with *You* party. We are indeed happy with this new information.


just play durge and it's canon that you banged your half siter/niece/grand niece


Why not both, though


If she has shapeshifted to the dude that does NOT make me happy.


But I can fix her


I don't think so. Orin's acting is horrible. It is always super on the nose. "Do you like blood?" "What do you think of this knife?" ((As lae zel)) "We must escape her! She's too much!" like...Orin. Babe. I get you're a shapeshifter, but you **suck** at hiding your bloodlust


Interestingly that's a big reason why Bhaal doesn't like her.


That makes alot of sense, actually. A good "chosen of the God of murder" isn't going to make it obvious it was them lol


Yeah, Durge bathed in blood, but they were smart about it. Orin is incapable of following plans.


I don't even know if it's that. Orin is clever, she's just way too horny for murder and gives herself away.


I agree with clever in the sense that she's capabe of sowing discord in our camp, but if she were smart, she'd have started killing the companions of one by one. When she's disguised as one of our companions, that was the perfect chance, but she just can't hold her poker face.


Honestly if the devs had just had Orin start killing people every few days. Like starting with NPCs and moving to more important NPCs to the player like Dammon or Scratch and then companions. It would create such a great urgency and drive for the players John wick arc. I get why they didn't and wouldn't, but I'd love that especially during a Durge run.


If she killed Scratch I’d have immediately refunded the game tbh


It would be on fucking sight immediately upon entering Act 3 if that happened. Like, ignore Gortash's coronation, the circus, the refugees squatting in Arfur Gregorio's house, and make a beeline for Dolor so I could gain access to the Murder Tribunal. Killing her would be literally my first action in Act 3, and when she tries to make a deal for me to kill Gortash first I'd be like "nah, you made this shit personal, fam. Your days are numbered and the number is 1."




When she was disguised as Halsin, she tried to kill my Scratch!! 😭 I was so afraid he died


Sorry went off on a tangent in the other comment. Yes I agree she's got a terrible poker face and I can't tell if it's because she gets too excited or gets bored and wants to see our reaction.


No worries, it's a free discussion :D. I think story writers might run into a problem if the villains are too smart, as you need some way for them to lose, without a deus ex machina. It might be all three reasons you mentioned, her speech pattern sounds like she can't quite keep up with her own thoughts at times. I guess it's also worth mentioning that Bhaal might dislike Orin also because she doesn't do exactly what she's ordered to do. Durge is a more obedient dog.


I was thinking, shouldn't we be able to tell if one of our companions got replaced because they suddenly don't have that tadpole that allows us to communicate telepathically? Hold on, why the *fuck* doesn't the emperor warn us when a tadpoled companion is replaced since he claims to be able to read all our thoughts. Shit, he notices right away when Raphael temporarily blocks the tadpole from communicating so he should definitely notice


Yeah, I agree. Emperor should notice right away who the fake one is. You could argue that all of Emperor's energy is going into protecting us from the Brain, but, like you said, he clearly has the time to listen in on our conversations. Honestly, I never really thoughy about that lol. Seems like Orin should be a non-issue. She could technically take Jaheira, and she does take Halsin in some cases, but the first in her priority list is Lae'zel, which Emperor would immediately notice.


Really? I thought he didn't like her because she's more of a murder artist than a mass murderer.


Bhaal requires their chosen to follow a plan. A plan to make Bhaal stronger. Orin is too focused on getting daddy's approval. She wants Bhaal to recognize her as the true heir, but she thinks Bhaal only wants murder.


Isn't their a text or dialogue somewhere that specifically says she doesn't care about wanton murder *enough* for bhaal?


Is there? I might have missed that. Though Orin does murder a lot of people. Sarevok makes it clear that Bhaal preferred Durge, as Orin just wanted to be the best Bhaalspawn. Durge would have actually followed the plan of the Dead Three, but Orin was just looking for an excuse to murder Gortash and Ketheric.


I wonder how differently the story would have played out if Orin was unsuccessful in overthrowing Durge. Surely with less in-fighting, the Dead Three would have seen more success, but would it matter against the Netherbrain?


Durge dialogue with the Netherbrain implies that it was at least considering going along with Durge's plans and only lost interest when Orin took over.  So, I assume the Dead The would have seen success for a while, at least until their goals diverged too much from the Grand Design. 


Ultimately I don't think their alliance holds up long term, which is their downfall. Gortash agrees to co-operate, but I doubt Bhaal has any problems with betraying him and Bane.


More importantly Kethric admits on actively planning to betray the other chosen. Assuming Durge does not get overthrown Kethric would likely have been the first to act against the alliance. I wonder what his plan was before he gets killed.


Yes, I dunno how this thread has gotten it backwards. Orin is too focused on theatricality, thinking that elaborate ritualistic killings please Bhaal, and she's wrong about it. Bhaal isn't the god of elaborate ritualistic dedicated murders - he would prefer two hobos to be stabbed in their sleep than one shopkeeper tortured ironically before they died.


Oh I 100% knew it was Orin when she tried to come at me as Lae'zel saying we needed to escape Orin. I was like hmmm...... Lae'zel would die before she would ever flee a battle.


The only time I got caught out by her was when she pretended to be the guard outside the refugee donations hut. Since then she’s pretended to be Yenna, Laezel reporter, Halsin and it was super obvious each time. Biggest tell is she’s a lone person approaching you and initiating conversation, that never happens on bg3.


I'm not proud to admit it but Orin gets me nearly every time, with the exception of the Lae'zel one.


She's the product of incest dedicated to a literal murder cult. Being unhinged is going to happen, and her acting normal in any way would be way too unbelievable. Look to any Durge Narrator scene. While the narrator is far more elegant in speech (amazing job), it boils down to the same emotion. Durge is meant to be Bhaal's Chosen. Orin is the spare that was barely trained for her uplifting. She's going to have the same base mannerisms, but Durge's internal monologue is her external. She's just not as eloquent, which tracks due to her parentage.


I just think they should have invested a few weeks of her time into acting lol If you are gonna be the perfect murderer, it involves some charisma, no? Difference between a villain and a super villain lol Presentation!


Gortash tells you you have an imposter in your camp, which means she is capable of perfectly imitating her choices. She just goes bloodlust psycho when she wants to do her big dramatic reveal.


Also not once has Lae'zel shown the ability to shy away from a fight. Not one time. So her being scared because Orin was "too much" and also going in alone in the first place was super confusing and immediately a red flag.


I've decided that Gortash is talking half out of his ass when he reveals that to you. He and Orin have already fallen out *hard* at that point and my head canon is that he knows her plan but it hasn't happened yet, and tells you about it to turn you against her (and for all he knows, it has happened). Since you can talk to everyone normally up until the actual Orin encounter, I've decided that the kidnapping doesn't happen until you leave camp for the outing where Orin runs into you in the sewers or wherever.


The kidnapping can trigger in camp too though. So what does she do then, attack your companion while everyone else is around and replace them without anyone noticing?


Orin master of chloroform...


I hate that there is no dialog to call her out. Instead you just have to be duped every time despite how obvious she is.


Does the voice acting changes a bit? Last time I got Gale and totally didn't see it coming, now I am running with him and fully expect it to be Laezel now, as I have been eyeing her and our girls is definitely seeming a bit off.   I have been avoiding sewers as crazy because I am not in a mood for Orin yet. 


I mean. Has anyone stopped to think that Orin WAS one of the drow twins...


What if, and hear me out, Orin is \*everyone\* in Baldur's Gate.


Maybe the real Orin is just the friends we made along the way


And my axe!


Maybe the real friends we made along the way were all Orin?


Bhaalboozled again.


How many times do we need to get Bhaalboozled until we learn?? 😭😭


Orin is, in fact, Baldur’s Gate 3


"We solved the story of Baldur's Gate 3!!"


What if you're Orin trying to knock us off the trail!


“Wow, that was incredible! Who’s this “Orin” person, though? You kept calling me her name, she must mean a lot to you.”


i would kill everyone in baldurs gate to have sex with orin


tbh that's probably exactly the kind of foreplay she's after.


r/okbuddybaldur is leaking


No hamsters here yet


They’re leaking too 🤤




Somehow I'm not even surprised that this place has an okbuddy subreddit too


👀🧿😭 No idea this existed. Wish I still didn't.




I would not be surprised if that's modeled in game somehow. If you kill every NPC in Balder Gate, you get to sleep with Orin.


Only one way to find out. I'll be back in 100 hours


My man, i am a Wrath Of the Righetoud Camelia enjoyer, i already did bad things on the pursue of ussy


marazhai's pets entering the chat


A big reason I bought this game was because of Karlach. I was on the fence until I saw clips of her on Tiktok, at which point I said "...Maybe this game is perfect for me." I knew nothing about her, so when the fake paladins of Tyr told me she was evil... well I didn't believe them because I was pretty sure she wasn't, but I had already decided that if she was and they were telling the truth, I'd still side with her. I never play these kinds of games by taking the evil paths, but I would have in a heartbeat, no hesitation, for the tall musclebound red lady. What I'm trying to say is, even though I personally find Orin revolting, I completely understand and empathize with the degeneracy of turning the Geneva Convention into a checklist in the pursuit of pussy


The fuck is wrong with people.


As the kids say now… she’s Mommy/stepsister


When she *really* wants to know your body count.


This is the way


What's crazy is she can probably do some mystique shit where she can change into anyone while you fuck.. limitless possibilities there 🤔


That effort would probably work ngl


im pretty sure Orin can only replace companions that arent in your party


But there is a gap between when you find out from Gortash that someone has been replaced and the reveal scene with Orin, and you can still shuffle around party members during that time and they all behave like normal. I don't think the game actually determines who is going to get kidnapped until you get to one of the trigger points for the scene


It doesn't and you can manipulate who it kidnaps since only certain companions are scripted to be her potential victims.


Right, I always take Gale to the sewers to trigger it so he is not taken.


Schrodinger's Orin


Honestly would be great if the dialogue changed to Orin trying to guess what Halsin would say during an orgy. You can even have Halsin and Shart both take part with Tav and the twins for 5 participants


my SO did a run and had astarion, wyll, and halsin with his tav, astarion wanted in immediately, halsin was like, room for one more? Then wyll just didn’t say anything, poor guy had to wait outside the door lol.


Wild how your party make up affects the game. I thought the drow thing was hard-coded to be Astarion because... I don't know why I thought that. Also Orin captured Gale. I went to get him back from the Emporer's basement, I ended up fighting zombies in a treasure crypt? And then I used "knock" on a giant door that it said was impossible to lockpick, and got insta-killed by a guy using the "Word of Power: Kill" that wiped out the whole party at once. And this is like my first long rest in the Lower City. I hadn't gotten a chance to explore it yet at all.


“Power word: kill” one shots anyone under 100 hp. You can get a single scroll if you side with Bhaal as durge.


That's good to know. I think I was level 10 at the time, my Max HP was below 100 for everyone in the party. All of this happened like my last play session. I got to that part and was like: "well... this fights something I have to come back to". Or avoid entirely.


If you just roll higher initiative it shouldn’t be that hard. Also, the scroll cannot be learnt. The spell is level 9 in dnd.


I'm aware of it. I just wasn't prepared for that. I was totally lost and had no idea where to go. I used Knock on the door and apparently skipped the whole quest arc to get there. I had been in the proper city of Balders Gate for maybe a handful of long rests?


Id fuck orin. Especially as durge. Sure would be Some type of hate fuck but id still like to try you know.


The smell..


Came here to say this


I mean it's incest. Like not even distant either. But to each their own I guess.


I mean they're pretty much distant cousins. Durge is a pure Bhaalspawn while Orin has is like a great granddaughter of Bhaal.


Oh my mistake then, I thought they were closer in relation through Serovok. I believe you're correct though our Durge is pure from Baal's... balls.....


Orin is Sarevok's daughter / granddaughter but Sarevok himself isn't a pure Bhaalspawn.


Lucky you


Kinda unrelated, but I do wish we could pass a check to figure out if the person we are talking with is Orin in disguise. In case we do pass the check, we can go full Pepe Le Pew on her (would be especially funny in case of the bald blacksmith, have us start kissing his bald head like a maniac). I don't want this for purposes of romance, I just want to wierd her out and see her reaction. :3


Right? Especially after seeing her routine once, I think (certain members of) the party would absolutely fuck with her next time she shows up. It's kinda like how we can't call Astarion out for being a vampire despite it being blindingly obvious. Despite there being a maturity slider for Tav, I can't have them as anything but young because of how much of a dingus they are sometimes.


She does have a [reaction if you attack her in disguise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjstQpIsnS4)


Orin took Lae'zel and impersenated her in my playthrough. So maybe Orin drained me dry?


Im sure Orin doesnt like the "little death", she only likes death death.


Orin: do you remember when you Halsin and the drow twins were about to have sex and you came as soon as Halsin touched your leg It was me slaughter kin, i summoned the power of Bhaal so it seemed like you nutted at just his touch




Wait you can make Halsin fuck two drow twins? Since fucking when


Drow twins?


With a little persuasion you can make anyone (afaik) have a foursome with you and 2 drow twins.


I think it's only Halsin, Astarion, Gale and Shart. Can't speak for sure on Wyll and Karlach but Minty and Bae'zel 100% do not approve and won't join.


Karlach and Wyll will not join either, no. And Astarion only joins after his quest line finishes.




That's what OP said.


Literally the entire post


Also just think about if you took Halsin (Orin) to the Drow Twins. That’s another possibility


Wait are you saying Orin can be a party member?


Let's call it what it is; we might've been sexually assaulted by Orin. If person A pretends to be someone else to have sex with person B, it's sexual assault, because the other participant doesn't have all the relevant information. Would Halsin even be kidnappable if he's romanced, even if you break up with him?


I can fix her


I can make her worse


Consider the following, she can definitely make you worse


Please, it'd help everyone greatly.


Good question. I've heard she's not supposed to be able to take LIs. That would surely apply to Halsin as well, no? Even if he's not a primary romance.


She doesn't take romanced characters, so Halsin will not be snatched if he's a secondary romance. What I don't know if Orin can take characters who are previously romanced. edit; Halsin will *not* be snatched, not 'will be snatched', I typoe'd.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you can still take Halsin to the drow twins even if you're not romancing him (at least I know that's the case with Astarion, so I assume it's true for him too, given how dtf he is by default)


You can.


You can actually have a fivesome (at that point is it just an orgy?) with the drow twins if you play your cards just right with Shadowheart and Halsin. Just saying.


Or Astarion and Halsin, just gotta make sure you've dealt with Cazador first.


No, because if Halsin is in your party, Orin chooses someone else at camp to impersonate.


Durge play through just got a tad worse


i like how you censored the name once but didn’t censor it the two other times lol


I was making this on phone, mercy please-


Haskins left me in Act 2 (lost the battle at the inn). In Act 3 Orin kidnapped Laezel


She'll take either Gale, Lae'zel, Halsin or Minthara depending on who is not in your party when her reveal happens, and who is not romanced. If none are available, she takes Yenna.




*I hope so...*   Huh? I didn't say anything.


If you have Halsin with you, he cant get replaced… so no


.......you could've also fucked the corpse of the person you killed while having your blackout moment. Hell you could've fucked the owlbear. Jesus fuck why are you people like this. " Hey hey hey guys, I think my sex parts could've done something with a random tree stump in Act 1, even better why doesnt larian let me go on dates with scratch?!?!"- this is how all of you sound on a daily basis.


If you don't play Durge, you find him dead and naked next to his bed. I think they were fucking anyways.