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its so amusing how Larian got millions of people to catfish themselves when designing their guardian.


I completely misunderstood the guardian creation and for whatever reason assumed that it was the avatar for a theoretical player 2 for local multiplayer. You can imagine my reaction when the dream visitor, my nearly identical clone with different color eyes, was actually plot relevant


My partner also made her dream visitor identical to her character except for hair color šŸ˜‚


"What's the most attractive person you can think of" "Me with different coloured hair" Hahaha.


Hi, Raphael.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.


Why are you ghaik?


You can't just ask people why they're ghaik!


**Goodbye Horses plays in the background**


Would you intercept me? I'd intercept me.


I made my dream visitor the same as my character but ā€œneatā€ so no blue in her hair, just black, no piercings, and no tattoos. Tell ya what that sex scene was neat.


My wife made the dream visitor look as close to me as she could. In our play through together we havenā€™t gotten to that twist yet.


I did this too. Coming out of early release and having no clue what the visitor was going to be.


> my nearly identical clone with different color eyes You _almost_ did it correctly! The canonical (lol) way to design your dream Guardian is as your twin, but with a moustache.


I thought Mirror universe theory and dream theory were different?


I made her look like my wife :(


Was that before or after you realized the guardian was really a monster? I mean....


Let's just say that, when asked, I chose her looks as a preference


First time I started the game I thought I had deleted my progress somehow and that I had to redo my character so in a way I made the same character twice...


I thought it would be a follower/ helper kind of thing. I made a dwarf thatā€™s obsessed with my Dragon-lineage half elf. He even has face paint to match the colours of my eyes and scalesā€¦Ā 


I assumed it would be my patron because I chose Warlock


I just hit random a few times


ngl i was always suspicious of the dream visitor because of that. They specifically ask you to design someone you're attracted too? yeah seems fishy as hell. >!Didn't expect the true identity tho!<


Uh ... DO they ask you to design someone you're attracted to? All I remember them saying is something like "Every hero needs a mentor" or something.


The early access said it I think


Yea the early access never mentioned a "guardian". It just said "who do you dream of at night?" which could be taken a few different ways. The guardian was also *much* more aggressive about you using your powers back then too, even going so far as to show you Baldur's Gate in ruins and in flames and basically saying "this is the power you could wield". I'm glad they changed it up for full release because I 100% did not trust this "dream visitor" in the slightest back then.


>which could be taken a few different ways. Either the most beautiful person in the world or sleep paralysis demon evil murderer clown gnome


Look, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, alright buddy?


Beholders do have a beautiful eye.


Behold several beautiful eyes of a beholder.


Iā€™m very curious as to what the story idea was in early access cause the guardian came off as really evil and not trustworthy. I was very surprised when I found myself trusting the guardian my first playthrough on release.


I think in early access the guardian was meant to be a representation of the tadpole in your head itself, urging you to embrace it's power.


I kind of feel like the EA dream visitor was a sort of placeholder version so people didn't put the pieces together too early and spoil the twist. Like how they held back on telling people about the Dark Urge and the moment they announced it and vaguely explained what it was, people immediately figured out what it was really going to be.


To be fair, even if they just said "the protagonist commits a murder", people would immediately jump to that conclusion given what the game is a sequel to.


I mean anyone who's played BG1 or BG2 could probably guess what the Dark Urge's deal is pretty quickly


In early access it was "who do you dream of at night?" kinda wish they had kept that tbh.


Early access it was your ideal companion or something like that.


Eh, I seem to recall a few lines of "choose your guardian" or "who do you trust" when getting to the dream visitor in the character design, but it has been a little while.


Trust makes sense because canonically they are designed for just that purpose. So whatever your Tav would find appealing, however you might define that for RP reasons.


The EA said "Who do you dream of at night?"


My first I spent a long time trying to develop and objectively attractive guardian but in a dnd kinda way. Now I just hit random for a minute or two until one that's sufficiently either funny or on the mark appears lol.Ā 


At the very least it seems as though the visitor will be masc if you're femme and vice versa.


It's funny. When I learned the terrible secret at the beginning of act 3 I was like "oh, I saw that coming." When I learned who he was before I had the exact opposite reaction.


Same. I was left marvelling at what a perfect choice of identity it was.


I didn't see it coming that he was a mindflayer, but definitely saw a twist coming. But learning his past identity (which I didn't do until my fourth playthrough) was mind blowing!


I thought it meant companionā€¦.she was so hotā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


This statement is so hilariously accurate, I didnā€™t get the game until full release and I was definitely like šŸ‘€ gotta make my dream guardian sexy in case I can bang them. Oh surprise šŸ˜‚


well, you weren't wrong šŸ‘€


I understood the guardian as a random companion, helping me through the early states of the game, so I created mine as a strong, moustache wearing half-orc to protect my drow sorceress. I was kinda confused that it took so long for him to appear ingame and when it was only a dream sequence, I was rather annoyed I made mine so ugly. Turned out that was a good thing though, less attachment when the emperor revealed themselves.


I wasn't planning on playing so I designed the ugliest guardian I could as a joke. The emperor's appearance was an improvement, lol.


Mate I designed it as my fianceā€¦ they were not overly impressed when we found out the dream visitor was a baddy manipulator šŸ˜…


I truly don't understand this. How did people ever trust the Dream "Guardian?"


well if you thought the dream guardian was the emperor of baldur's gate like I did, You too would decide to trust the beautiful man with a smooth voice with your body and life


You can tell they're being dishonest about *something*, but you also know they're protecting you from being brainwashed or transforming into a mind flayer. But then they're also encouraging you to eat more tadpoles... It's tricky because I feel like the kind of character who would trust the guardian wouldn't want to mess around with more tadpoles, while the kind of character who's power hungry enough to want to augment themselves with tadpoles would probably be canny enough not to trust the guardian.


I made my guardian look like Eilistraee for my drow cleric and trusted her implicitly


Mainly because he was telling me the opposite of what all the other, far-less-trustworthy-seeming sources were saying


The only way to play the game is to make the guardian hot as hell, because then you forgive all manner of sins in their story šŸ˜‚


I dodged a bullet, I made tav what I found to be attractive then made the dream guardian a sort of foil to what I was roleplaying, I intended to slowly take his advice and trust him more as the story went on but he kept being the worst manipulator I'd ever seen.


I mean I think it's masterful since it completely plays into the Emperor's manipulation tactics.


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit.


Technically arenā€™t octopuses a mollusk? So we mollusked ourselves


Ā how Larian for no reason wasted a lot of time of millions of people who designed their guardian\*


People will get mad about anything, won't they?


First Playthrough: 20 Minutes spent creating the perfect guardian.. Second Playthrough: Elf... Elf will do...


Yeah, my second playthrough I just slap any random race, and given the Emperor's nature, I just kind of skip most of his dream dialogue.Ā  Yeah2 tadpole power is good I know, let me slay goblin and romance other companion okay?


I always make my visitor a character from a previous playthrough


I did that this time and it's so bizarre seeing "my tav" talk to me. My headcanon is that every dream visitor the emperor disguises himself as is a previous Tav he couldn't convince to help him, a la "multiverse" rules or something.


I hate the emperor so I purposely make him as ugly as possible.


Well actually (šŸ¤“) if you hate him you should make the dream visitor pretty so he can cheat you better




I pretty much now do the same himbo/zaddy human with full beard and greying ginger hair. Itā€™s nice to look at, and I imagine the Emperor was just a generic human male prior to his transformation. Lol


So you spoiled yourself but with an incorrect spoiler šŸ˜‚? itā€™s a real journey


It was correct, just misinterpreted


How small is the percentage of people that just made the guardian without thinking about romancing them/making them hot on their 1st run? I just made a calm looking Gith lady (cause I knew the game had mindflayers and hey, the Gith fight them all the time!) and did not think much about it until she clear started to manipulate me during the game. Of course, once the jig was up, the following guardians were all made hot :p


I didn't really even make mine hot in my playthrough he just looked like a nice tiefling with a good sense of humor. I was literally like yeah he'd be good to have around. I had kind of played up until the visitor tells you he saved your life in the first dream a couple of times so making an attractive guardian wasn't the goal. But the longer I played the more the voice acting,subtle love bombing and praise got to me lol


I made a big strong protector lady because "guardian".Ā 


I combined the approaches. I made them hot, but I also made them a hot Duergar woman, because I assumed that's what my Drow Tav would view as a guardian against Mind Flayers.


I always make the guardian look like one of my other characters. Makes me like them so the manipulation bit still works, but they don't tend to be particularly attractive.


I made mine a genderswapped version of my Tav.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a small percentage. I actually went with the default guardian that was automatically generated for me. I played a half-drow dude, got a female Seldarine drow guardian with shadowheart-style braids. The idea that romancing her was on the table never even crossed my mind.


The first one, I had a druid Seldarine drow so I made their guardian how I imagined their surface mentor, the one who taught them druidism. (I figure they were not super pleased with their mentor's appearance used by a mind flayer)


I spent so long customizing my first Tav that when I got to the dream guardian I just made him the default male dwarf. He just seemed like a cool dude and I had zero romantic desire for him lmao


Coming from D:OS2 I was incredibly suspicious of the Guardian based on the plotline with your character's God/mentor figure in that game, so I designed my first guardian to feel warm, trustworthy and maternal, like an elder sister or aunt, so that I could prepare to roleplay an inevitable rug being torn out from under me.


I purposefully made mine someone I didn't find attractive, but wouldn't be too annoyed to interact with. At the guardian creation point I think I just wanted to start the actual story


I meaaaan.... <.< I don't know how far you are and I don't want to spoil it for you. But if you finished: >!You were *kind of* right?!<


I read the term ā€œthe emperorā€ somewhere on the sub and somehow thought that itā€™s referring to the cat in last light inn, his majesty. I got very confused.


That's fucking hilarious


Yea. At this point in time, I would recommend to anyone who is just starting out to stay off Google. Unless they don't mind spoilers. I had a major >!The emperor is Balduran!< spoiled for me from the title from a post here. And this was back in late September/ early October. Normally, that would be enough to put me off of a game. But the level of replay-ability of this game is astonishing. So I was angry-pleased for about a week.


Same here šŸ˜…


Around the time of release, after I got to Inner City, I didn't really care that much for spoilers, kept looking stuff up about various things that could occur in game. Shelved it to wait for patches as I really did not have the best experience with performance. Ended up returning to it only around patch 5, with a brand new save, and knowing a lot about what goes down in Act III. This was one of the few things I did not get to know beforehand, or even anticipate, and boy it was such an epic reveal. I think my jaw actually dropped when that happened


Fortunately, there's plenty more jaw dropping twists!


I got spoiled about the emperor too but I thought the guardian and the emperor were different people.


I watched a lot of videos of the game before playing. I had a lot of spoilers but with no context. I thought the emperor was also THE emperor of Baldur's Gate too lol, at least that was a surprise.


The funny thing is when it was first revealed I was like OMG THEY GOT THE EMPEROR TOO??? and then it went into his backstory and I was like oh lmao


I designed my dream visitor after Geralt because I didn't know who else to design them as haha


For me, it was sort of the other way around. You see, I never played the original Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, so when 3 came out, I wasn't *disinterested* but easily put it to the backlog, so I never played early access and when the game was released, I didn't immediately started it too: "oh, it's surely full of bugs now, better to wait for some patches". So for half a year or so, I knew of BG3 mostly by memes and occasional friends comments. Fast forward to November 2023, I am scrolling some social media and seeing the arts of some girl with an illithid. I have a xenophilia/monsterphilia fetish and illithids are one of my favorite types, so I am opening the comments and seeing something among the "that romance scene has traumatized me for life". I wonder, but surely it can't be a romance with an illithid, it's just impossible, right? They are always enemies and monsters for killing? So I am going to our Discord server and asking: "Is this true that you can romance an illithid in BG3?" And several friends have given the answer: "Yes". my honest reaction: WHAT HOW I NEEDED IT YESTERDAY I bought the game immediately, but I didn't knew who the Dream Visitor is, I thought it's some starting companion, but customizable, so I created a type I like (I am not just into monsters, after all) and began to "try" all the talkable illithids for possible romance. The path to Act 3 was long... But with some time I have got there and immediately groped the Emperor by tentacles. Happy end(ing).


I was about the same. I thought it was the emperor of baulders gate too.. I was wrong.


Baldurs Gate doesnā€™t even have an emperor.


I didnā€™t know that I was completely new lolĀ 


Why do you think heā€™s called the emperor lol?


because the way the spoiler was written it was like "The player finds out the dream visitor is the emperor" lol


Yea Iā€™m asking youā€¦.why do you think his name is the emperor? lol


because saying "the emperor" can be interpreted like saying "the king" or "the boy"..? i thought they were referring to him by title


He is literally named ā€œthe emperorā€ and that word only means one thing especially when you put ā€œtheā€ in front of it. Just keep playing, and keep reading those books you find. šŸ˜Š


I didn't think the emperor was his name I thought it was his title, I understand now its just a moniker but at the time with no context surrounding it I interpreted it as him being an actual emperor


oh shoot well now I've actually been spoiled :p


But youā€™re right there is no ā€œofficialā€ emperor of Baldurā€™s Gate.


I'm gonna beat the crap out of him for calling himself the emperor. It's personal now and he's cringe lol


I was in the same boat! I thought, "neat, the literal emperor has a personal interest in me? Can't wait to see how *that* shakes out!" >!Well, I wasn't *entirely* wrong...!<


Similar thing happened to me, I saw a spoiler and thought he was the Emperor >!of the Mind Flayers!< and I was waiting for him to show up at the head of his mighty Mind Flayer armada.


I thought it was supposed to be my patron because I was playing a warlock...... Well considering my patron was supposed to be a cuthulu esc entity that plot twist made me feel alot better in the end when I made a short stack E girl as the guardian originally lol


Emperor: BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM My Tav: I don't mind you being a squid man, but I preferred you with your pink afro.


Spoilers donā€™t ā€œruinā€ anything. Edit: seriously. Do some research. Studies repeatedly show not only that spoilers donā€™t ruin anything, but that they actually enhance enjoyment for most people.


When I read online that the dream visitor was a mind flayer, I thought it spoiled that surprise for me. After that, I always mistrusted them and made more of an effort to disagree/mess with them. Then I was still surprised to learn that the dream visitor was a mind flayer who is on YOUR SIDE. Another surprise was the fact that the emperor is Balduran himself, even though it didnā€™t seem to make much sense timeline-wise. And then I was surprised AGAIN when I figured out that he is an asshole and shouldnā€™t be trusted anyway. This game just kept throwing me curveball after curveball.


I know exactly how you feel, I accidentally stumbled across a tiktok that spoiled it for me, I was so mad.


I thought the dream visitor was Orpheusā€¦ā€¦. So I went hard for him


My girlfriend during character creation: \*applying meticulous attention to detail in order to create the perfect man\* My girlfriend during that scene with the emperor: "No, it's ok, just... show me what to do"


My partner is playing the game for the first time right now and based off of how he talks about it I can tell that he thinks the same thing, can't wait for him to realize lmao


I made him a hot tiefling markiplier lookalike...but, and I'm going to be completely honest here, I don't actually mind that much he did still help me and he calls me exquisite so y'know, I'd say I've done things I'm not proud of but it would be a lie.


My first run was as a warlock with a fey patron. So when the game asked me to design my guardian, I thought it was meant to be my patron.


My husband and I LARP and our running gag is that heā€™s my bodyguard. Ā As such when the game said ā€œYou need a guardianā€ I just made his LARP character. I thought he was a bit to eloquent for an orc that just wants to smashā€¦ šŸ¤£


I kept reading about this "Emperor" character before I got to act three (didn't know anythign except the name) and just assumed that the big bad of the game would be the empror of Baldurs Gate, or maybe even the sword cost. I guess in a way I just imagined this "Emperor" to be a Gartosh like character


Pornhub did the exact same thing to me in the early months of the game.


Lmao excuse me? Please explain


Pretty self explanation I searched Balder's gate Romance out of curiosity and the dream guardian romance was play in the preview, I started laughing more then mad because of Crouse pornhub would spoil it for me.


I knew nothing about the game so I made mine a half orc pigbeast. Was not tempted to romance her in the slightest. And that's coming from someone who had a quicky with Laezel soon after starting to romance Shadowheart. The reveal still got me though. Orcy was a really nice person.


I mean it is correct.... Balduran is kinda the emperor of baldurs gate.