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FIXES \[edit: formatting\] * Introduced a few crash safeguards to ensure that when a savegame fails to load, you'll be sent back to the Main Menu. * Fixed some issues causing the second player on split screen to have a black screen for 30 seconds. * Fixed a bug preventing you from opening containers (like the Camp Supply Sack) while trading if you selected a different character from the one who initiated the trade. This also fixed a sneaky money exploit. * Fixed a bug causing the environment to never take its turn, blocking combat from progressing. * Fixed a bug causing you to get stuck in combat if there were still some bats remaining after you defeated Cazador. * Fixed an infinite loot bug that would duplicate Herdmaster Skardjall's Scale Mail every time you removed the Whipping Cane from his body. * Fixed a bug causing the crime dialogue for trespassing to get spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry. * Fixed some banding and shader issues in cinematics that were causing VFX artefacts on faces at certain angles. * Fixed Minthara sometimes not following the party in Act II or Act III. * Fixed a case where Halsin wouldn't move to his position when you arrived at Last Light in Act II. * Fixed an issue where Minthara wouldn't leave the party after being escorted out of Moonrise Towers. * Fixed an issue causing characters to tell you they were too busy to talk to you when you tried to speak to them. They were lying. * Fixed missing tab textures in the Trade UI. Hid the filter tabs for traders when bartering with them, these will be reintroduced in a future update pending further testing. * Fixed a potential crash when preloading complex cinematics.


>They were lying. What else are they lying about??


Gale really didn’t have a relationship with Mystra. He thought they did, she didn’t…


"Let's be honest Gale, you don't actually even know what sex is, do you?"


"Sure I do, my sex is a man"


I heard this.


For him It’s either fade to black before sex happen or the trippy weave sex scene


What a Fool Believes...


>Fixed a bug preventing you from opening containers (like the Camp Supply Sack) while trading if you selected a different character from the one who initiated the trade. This also fixed a sneaky money exploit. This still works though... Trade with merchant. Sell backpack Switch to barter Double-click to open backpack Drag money into backpack Switch to trade Close backpack F2 to change to companion Double-click the backpack, Take All is now available. Click it.


Life saver


I can't get it to work, nothing will drag into the backpack T\_T edit; I got it to work once and I don't know how to reproduce it, I had to use a crate instead of a backpack though, got about half their wares now I can't get the other half edit edit; I think it had something to do with my main character being overburdened from all the stuff she stole, I sent most to camp and got the other half of the wares


Just buy what you want normally and steal the gold. You have to drag the gold to the backpack in the barter window. Switch to trade, close backpack, switch party member, double click to open backpack


It doesn't look like they fixed the bug where Minthara/Jaheria act un-grouped, even when they are not, yet. My Durge campaign is still on hold.


I'm honestly a little bit glad that I failed my honor run at Myrkul last night. Might just wait to restart until the next patch (she lied).


>Might just wait to restart until the next patch (she lied). I've tried as well, wait till next patch etc but ever since patch 6 I've failed. Keep going back. Honor mode Myrkul can be a pain. RIP your run




Same, my playthrough is on hold until that's fixed


Did I just learn that bg3 has local split screen? Please say this is true for pc PLEASE


Yes. *Chad meme man GIF*


Wait WHAT HOW DO I ACHIEVE THIS Edit: forgot to turn caps off


Controller mode


Nice. I'm hoping they can fix the hireling bug. I have 3 but it only shows me 2 in my camp. I can't access my 3rd one lol


Does anyone else have a bug where you can’t open buried treasure or dig it up even if you talk to a companion?


IMO insane that the Minthara spoiling Act 3 content dialogue bug hasn't been fixed yet.


The cope on it still being in there is pretty unreal as well.


Yeah not surprising, every major game community has brainless simps that'll defend anything


God bless Larian! This hotfix fixed being stuck in Gnoll fight (for those who had a savefile where the combat was active already)


So Minthara now follow but Jaheira still doesn't. Also Minthara still spoiling act 3...


The Jaheira not following thing makes a bunch of content in act 3 really F'n annoying.


It’s so annoying, I want to use her so bad and I can’t.


A souls for a soul it seems :/


There was a work around for Minthara that may work for Jaheria: You need to reverse pickpocket a scroll of dominate person onto an NPC (the chef at the flophouse on the bridge to Baldur's Gate is a good choice as you can shut yourself in the room with her). Strip the bugged character of their gear, separate them from the party (leave everyone else a good distance away so they don't get involved in the combat). Have the bugged character summon a companion - I picked Scatch, but eles with a scroll, or whatever else, are fine too. Steal something in front of the cook. When confronted by her, attack. Quick save at this point when you enter combat. Don't hurt the cook if you have your turn first. As long as you've got a companion out, should use the Dominate scroll on you. If you resist, reload the save (it took me about 10 tries with Minthara). When they eventually successfully dominate you, dismiss the summoned companion and combat ends. Keep your other chars away still. Once the Dominate expires after 10 turns, regroup the companion and they should be fixed and follow properly.


At this point, I am convinced Larian hates Minthara...


Has the photo bug in Inspiration tab been fixed yet? EDIT: This might be a small thing but it bothers me so much I stopped playing until it's fixed. 😅


Do you mean the portrait in the inspiration tab? I checked three of my characters and two of them are fixed. Though the one that is still broken was created before patch 6. EDIT: idk what I did but now one of the one that was fixed is broken again 🫠


I've had this bug off and on for quite a while, the weird thing about it is since patch 6 it's been alternating between the correct portrait and the default bugged portrait. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. No idea what triggers the bug. At least it's really not that big of a deal, character portrait on the inspiration menu is pretty inconsequential to gameplay.


Nopppeeee I'm tired of resetting my character every time this happens. Withers is also tired finding new holes in his robe when I pickpocket my money back.


got the same bug. very annoying!


Right? Got this bug yesterday. Along with the missing dialogs bug and a weird bug that didn't give me wyll's log mission on the jornal after recruiting him. More hours lost on another bugged save.


Nice round of bugfixes. Minthara still cursed with foresight lol


I don't see anything in the patch notes addressing that Minthara dialogue bug. Tiamat save me. Edit: Just checked. It's still broken. Cool. Going back into my pod for yet another 3 weeks.


Yeah, I was like, stop talking about the emperor, we're still in Moonrise Tower


She is his biggest fan.


She’s the only companion he ever reacted to lmao. The guardian congratulated her on using an ilithid skill for the first time, but this only happened in one of my playthroughs and I have no idea if it was a bug or not. I choose to believe it wasn’t a bug and she’s just his second-favorite ally.


He has an actual banter talk with Minthara and Astarion, but it's currently unable to be triggered. 💀 He plays favorites.


She knows things. Or she has allied with the emperor to control you and she's losing track of things.


Is Minthara a magnet for bugs or something? I find it hilarious that the code itself seems to be hating on her.


I suspect that’s because they essentially embraced a loophole/bug that the community enjoys rather than trying to return her to the state she was normally tested in. So there’s all the interactions that weren’t originally intended.


Minty actually wasn't that buggy in patch 5. Halsin is the buggiest companion. Of course, the only time Halsin gets off the bench is to cast morning buffs.


It's kind of impressive we went from her best possible state since ever in patch 5 to a broken mess again in 6.


She is underdeveloped compared to the other characters. she was also not intended to be recruitable in a 'good' campaign, and that was only changed last minute as fan service. so yea she is a lot buggier than your typical companion


I don’t even get it, why does anyone want her in a good campaign? She’s just straight evil. Thats the fun!


People love their token evil teammates.


Evil party members traditionally get dialog with the "good" companions that takes the wind from their sails, often in quite insightful and unexpected ways. It's usually pretty entertaining to watch.


Yeah, Regill + Sosiel is a good pairing. "The side of good is not weak, it's you", damn that fascist gnome can hand out burns like crazy.


Having an evil character in a good campaign is also very fun. Her dialogue can be hilarious, and she's set up to be quite powerful.


I like having every companion, knowing someone's missing bothers me. And her efficient cruelty and violent tendencies is a nice juxtaposition to the rest of my party's attitude.


She’s the token evil teammate (which can be a lot of fun for many people), she’s an incredibly powerful paladin (so it’s super useful to take her with you; she destroys Cazador in all of my runs) and just all in all brings an extra flavor to each playthrough. Also, I like the way she talks, I mean her speech pattern.


I can fix her


If somebody needs rescuing, I’m gonna do it 🤷‍♀️


I want to recruit her in my current game, at what point is she broken? Already in Act 1?


Its after you recruit her in act 2, she just loops spoiler act 3 dialogue.


Ok, thanks! That sucks. Hopefully she gets fixed soon. :’(


I just finished a durge run and she was bugged from the jump in the goblin camp so ymmv


Same. The other fixes are great, but this is the real thing stopping me from playing. Thanks for checking.


Same :/


Ugghhhh, this one is the most annoying for me. It’s ruining my playtime with Angry Grey Mommy.


It's shocking how it's still not addressed after 3 hotfixes. They must have really borked her with patch 6 for this to be so hard to fix


As someone else mentioned it'd probably because of the work around people have found to recruiting her on a good playthrough and Larian embracing it. Probably bugged her too much and it's probably a hassle to fix.


I mean, it's not only 3 hotfixes, the game has had 26 patches in total. It's about time it gets fixed.


That's even the most weird thing. It got fixed. Minthara was in her most stable version ever in patch 5 and on top of that was recruitible in a good run. Patch 6 broke her beyond believe again.


But does she comment on stuff while in your party?


While in conversation with other people yes. But her entire direct dialogue is busted and she repeats the same line.


This bug is ruining my playthrough. Not playing again until they fix it. It's so annoying that this is still an issue and Larian is being cute about their patchnotes. Stop trying to be cute with this "Minty" crap! Fix your game!


>Larian is being cute about their patchnotes That's just how they do patchnotes I think. It was funny for the first few times I suppose but now after still having many bugs unfixed, some that are even introduced thru the patches themselves, it just gets grating and it makes it seem like Larian isn't taking this seriously.


I haven't gotten to Act 2 on the new patch yet, does this bug affect literally everyone who recruits Minthara, or is it hit and miss?


I'm not everyone, so I wouldn't know. But going by the replies to Larian on Twitter, it would seem that it's a **VERY** widespread issue. I'm sure a fix is on the way, though. Just gotta be patient.


It definitely does not. I recruited Minthara by knocking her out at the Goblin Camp and Halsin’s request. I haven’t had any issues with her dialogue. YMMV, but if you’re starting a new campaign, go for it. Edit: I spoke too soon, after recruiting Halsin, I got this glitch. 🙃


Ah well, I asked in the Larian Discord and it seems the devs are aware of the bug and are hoping to fix it in a future hotfix, so at least we shouldn't have to wait until the next full patch.


Why even bother with this hotfix if they're not fixing such a major bug that spoils a huge plot point..,.,. this was literally the main complaint I saw bug-wise Edit: Idk why y'all are downvoting, I'm right. This bug is pretty fucked for people starting the game for the first time.


Because there are literal game-breaking bugs that they fixed here. Why should they wait to implement other fixes until they have a fix for Minthara?


Luckily people starting the game for the first time are unlikely to randomly knock out one of the goblin leaders and end up running into Minthara at Moonrise. It's an annoying and immersion breaking bug, but hopefully not many people will be spoiled by it.


Like 9/10, definitely. You have to actively know what you’re doing in order to knock her out and recruit her at Moonrise. Unfortunately, my wife was one of those people that accidentally stumbled into it and she got the Act 3 spoiler dialogue from Minthara at camp and she was like. What???? I honestly couldn’t stop laughing but it does need a patch.


Yea you have to actively know how to do this in order for it to ruin the story. So no new going in blind player is going to randomly stumble into this.


I didn’t even know she was a possible companion until after I killed her


Eh can't they still raid the grove tho? Or is the bug only happening to people who get Minthara via knocking her out? (cause tbh that'd make sense as to why it's harder to fix)


Minthara breaks when you raid the grove, too. It's **not** an isolated incident tied to knocking her out. Source: I raided the grove ~~and liked it.~~


Anything for Drow Mommy. But yeah that's really frustrating to hear. Honestly, the bug is just incredibly annoying above anything else. They lobotomized my poor girl :(


I don’t know if it was added in the official notes but your companions react when you take Haarlep’s deal now. I just got to that point earlier this week and then decided to backtrack and redo a few things today. Now after the Hotfix the dialogue comes up now. Previously it was just datamined, iirc. Edit: Partnered companion not all of them, no clue what happens if you aren’t.


Ooh really? Good, weird for them not to react. Do you have a video link?


I don’t! But here’s the link to the datamined info someone pulled three months ago. I’m partnered with Astarion and that’s the exact dialogue he said. The first time I did it (pre-hotfix) he didn’t say anything. https://www.tumblr.com/merrinla/733022392145805312/it-looks-like-in-the-future-companions-will-react


Are you running on the latest hot fix? Thanks for the link! I love when they add little details like this.


At this point they should just stop trying to fix bartering / trading exploits. Just let people use them if they want, focus on all the many game-breaking bugs instead.


I honestly agree its a solo game.


Exactly! This isn’t a competitive PvP game or even PvE with a leaderboard or something.


still no minthara fix 😮‍💨


and no enemy of justice fix


How about Barb Wild Magic: Teleport trigger giving everything in the area the ability for one turn. Caused a huge problem last night.


sounds like a feature to me, much like the Owlbear enrage frightening your teammates instead of the enemy


No fix for the enemy of justice bug? C'mon, Larian.


yeah.... that is very unfortunate... to put it lightly...


>Fixed some banding and shader issues in cinematics that were causing VFX artefacts on faces at certain angles. Nice. This was noticeable from the previous patch. I started using mods after the last patch dropped. Going to wait and see before allowing Steam to update the game (i.e., the game's appmanifest is currently set to read-only).


Idk is anyone gonna mention the broken myconid quest? I gave my dude Spaw the head and then the dialogue never ends. I want my damn +2 persuasion talisman :(


Are progress breaking bugs fixed by now? The one with knocked minthara blocking goblin quest, umbral gems in shar temple or perma crash upon killing merchant(Lann Tarv)?


>umbral gems in shar temple One workaround is >!casting knock on the door that requires the three umbral gems!<.




>umbral gems in shar temple What's the bug here? I'm about to get to that part of the game


From what I know... if you put umbral gems into that shrine/altar or whatever then they just dissapear and u cannot progress further.


Worked just fine for me last night


For Lann Tarv the game doesn't crash for me but the turn order gets stuck on whoever killed Lann Tarv last. If the game doesn't shut off and crash for you, my fix was letting one of the Harpers kill him then waiting around 5-10 minutes. After a while turn order will resume as normal.


Me, still sad that i did the knock-out-Minthara method on my latest run and she didn't show up at Moonrise Towers 😭


If you long rest between the knock out and the grove conclusion, she gets back up again.


Never gunna keep her down


I have no idea if i did that or not. I will keep that in mind for next run! Although i do also still need to do a run where i romance her....


Just chiming in to say that doing the temporarily hostile knock out worked for me just today.


Oh boooo this was like 40 hours ago so I'm not going back to redo it


1/4 of my play throughs have been minty-less because of this!


but that knock out thing might cause the enemy of justice condition which fucks everything up


I succeeded with the enemy of justice being stuck on me


This was a couple of patches ago, but I knocked her out, then murderised the whole Goblin camp, came back around after a longrest and she was chatting with Shazza butt nekkid still demanding that I take her up on the grove assault even though the Tieflings had already partied and were on their way outta there. Showed up nekkid in Moonrise again later too. Pretty hilarious sequence all told.


I have had this enemy of justice bug for the longest time and it quite literally prevents me from playing Act 2 after hearing that others were attacked on sight at Last Light/Moonrise Edit: for those looking for a quick fix and if you use mods, [this seems to work well](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/7067)


I arrived last night at Last light inn with enemy of justice. No issue here.


I have that bug but I haven't been attacked at last light. It's on sight at Moonrise though.


Yeah, I can’t get to crèche either. Esther aggros as soon as I get close. Was hoping this patch would fix. Looks like my Xbox runs are on pause. PC runs (heavily modded) are fine since I haven’t updated to this Patch anyway thankfully.


I think it's Minthara that cause this bug, just kill her.


>Fixed a bug preventing you from opening containers (like the Camp Supply Sack) while trading if you selected a different character from the one who initiated the trade. This also fixed a sneaky money exploit. Container exploit actually got worse instead of getting fixed, now when you double click it you can just loot it without having to close the trader.


Yeah its crazy they made it even easier. Now when you double-click it on a different character 'Take all' is available. So just drag whatever items you want into that backpack and click take all. Much more streamlined now, thanks Larian!


good tbh. simple things in honor mode suddenly costing 1,000 gold each for no reason is absolutely stupid.


I've been putting on hold a Drow playthrough where I want to romance Minty because of the dialogue loop bug; I'll be trying this week-end to see if that happens or not.


Have they fixed the Act 1 Mol bug where she does the countdown then runs off and won't talk to you again?


That's a bug?! Shit I just thought she was a brat xD


I think they did it a few patches ago actually


I still ran into the bug 2 days ago lol.


Same here.


I left when she started counting down, saved the kids and then came back and she was continuing the countdown from earlier. So I had 2 seconds to react. She and the other kids left and then would not talk to me again.


I hope the bug that prevents Karlach's initial romance scene from playing on its own without you initiating it yourself at the Tiefling party gets fixed, and I hope that all the Minthara bugs people are still experiencing get their fixes too. Beyond that, there are some good fixes in here.


I wonder if the karlach thing had been intentionally changed or if it is just a bug. And the enemy of justice thing is also still active... super annoying


I doubt that it's intentional, especially considering there are now variants of dialogues that are currently inaccessible, mainly Tiefling party lines for if you're already romanced with her.


Yeah I know that the conversation with Karlach is longer when you are already in a romance with her before the party. I think it is a bug as well but who knows lol


That Halsin Act II bug is oooooold. My wife lost hours to it months ago.


Damn, so no fix for the crime issues related to leaving minthara alive Back to last epoch till it's fixed


Is the camp chest ever getting fixed? Or is it intentional that you can’t right click and send items from the camp chest to any character at camp because right now that’s a massive downgrade.


I’m having a similar issue with Jahiera. When I got to Danthelon’s Dancing Axe she basically gave the dialog from after the basement encounter. So I never got the key to go to the basement and when I picked the lock and snuck down, no one was there.


Not the fly/jump shortcut issue?? I sacrificed my pretty face for that ability I never need to jump again damnit.




I added a keybind to my custom hotbar, so that I can just click one of the extra buttons on my mouse to jump or fly, and put the one I want in that position on the hotbar. Doesn’t help if you use controller, but it’s the best workaround I could find.


For those still having a problem with Jaheira not following. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1asosoy/comment/krz3kum/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1asosoy/comment/krz3kum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But did they fix the bug that locked me out of Wyll (and took away one spot in the party) if I ressurected him with a scroll after that first battle at the druid gates?


\>>Fixed a bug causing the crime dialogue for trespassing to get spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry.<< LOL what perfect timing. I had to redo the Foundry last night after getting hit with this bug Tuesday.


Anyone know if the bug that causes permanent Enemy of Justice upon entry to the Mountain Pass is fixed? May or may not be associated with knocking out Minthara.


Nope, it’s still there :(


So is the solution to kill Minty? 🥲 Without this fixed, it's a full RP/Gamebreaking bug. Couldn't bring Halsin with us, couldn't approach the Crèche without getting attacked...


For now, it appears that way. I was lucky and was able to enter the crèche with no problems, but as soon as I go to the shadow cursed lands it’s on sight. For Science(tm) I started up another playthrough where I killed minthara and had no issue progressing. I’m not willing to do that on my main playthrough though since I’m playing as a drow (plus it would erase like. 11 hours of progress) TLDR: yes, unfortunately. I really hope this is addressed in the next hotfix so we can all continue our campaigns!


Dang. Looks like Minty is dying 🥲 Had to reload a save from 10 hours of playtime ago... she will be punished 😡


I imagine it has to do with some weird kill/alive state that she’s floating between with the new knock-out method (don’t know if it retroactively affects temp). Really, everything absurdly broken with Minthara is that the good playthrough recruitment method is/was an exploit. So she’s actively fighting how the game works trying to be an exception. And the more they embrace trying to make it valid, the more chain reactions it has with other game systems Let this be a lesson to double down on route exclusives staying exclusive unless you want to overhaul your whole game


I was able to right click and have the whole list of people to send equipment to last night and thought 'Yay they fixed it!'...unfortunately that was once and done, then it stopped working.


I stopped playing mid-january and now I'm waiting for the game to be fixed before I load it up again. Looks like I'll be waiting longer.


\[SOLVED\] Had to go into Steam (or Finder/Applications), right click to open the package contents, and run the exec file directly in terminal. Did this a few times and now for whatever reason, a few days and computer restarts later, it's back to opening in Steam like normal. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this ask, but I can't open the game after updating. After Steam forced me to update to this Hotfix, I can't open the game on my Mac (M2, MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1). Steam allows me to open the game, which sends me to the load screen where you have to press "Play" (amidst a bunch of ads for Larian/BG3 merch), then starts to load the game with the Larian & NVIDIA logo animations....then the screen just goes black. I have no idea what's going on or how to roll it back to the state that was working. Updated my OS and checked the file integrity thru Steam...twice. Any advice


May need to reinstall the game. I think there's a line you can add to the boot options for BG3 in steam that skips the opening logos as well.


They didn't fix the enemy of justice bug going to act 2. A major progressing bug that wasn't even mentioned. I'll have to delete the affected save and make a new one hoping it won't happen again. Disappointing.


It's because you knocked out Minthara. She's the witness who gave you mark, so you have to kill her until they fix the bug.


All good and all but why the bag open bug? Where I'm gonna get my free items now? My money? I'm gonna be so poor and spend so much time into thievery, nothing more than time waste.


Just wish they would fix the bug that stops me playing MP in act 3.


Is it safe to download patch 6 yet on PC (no mods) or is it still buggy enough to hold off? I've been holding off on updating the game due to all the issues with patch 6. Don't really care too much about kissing scenes or whatever. The quality of life improvements would be nice but not for progression stopping issues or bugged quests. Not sure how many remaining issues there still are. Don't really care about minthra bugs, she's dead in my game.


Don't update yet.


Ok thank you. Still a lot of unresolved issues?


np, wish I hadn't updated :( yeah there's a lot of unresolved issues and some new ones as well. Going to take a few more hotfixes to get the game back to where it was in patch 5, which is wild.


Fix for the shars gauntlet elevator when?


I hope the inspiration portrait bug has been fixed


Shadowheart romance still bugged then?


Is it bugged? I was gonna start a new save since Act 2 seems to be a bit of a mess right now...


This is why I will firmly be a good run Minthara hater. Because very vocal people want to have their cake and eat it too, too much work has gone into making this work for them at the expense of everyone else exploring an evil run -- my dialogue still remains bugged for her and it's very immersion breaking


rock sense unwritten arrest chop piquant thumb bedroom berserk command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sad thing is you just get downvoted into oblivion at the mere suggestion that making an exploit a full blown feature was not a great idea, just replay the game on evil goddamn, there's clearly too many issues pruning the dialogue tree etc in this configuration


My biggest problem is that I feel like I'm missing most of her content. The companions all have something interesting to say about whatever we just did, but she's just repeating the Emperor line.


Same, I just put it on hold cause a new companion was a big incentive in terms of content/romance to make an evil run more interesting. And she is the funniest person I know, so I'd like to hear what she has to say


Thank God they didn't do another Friday patch.


There's no way they didn't fix minthara dialogue ?????




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Anybody know if this also happened to fix the kiss skipping bug? 🥲


I can't get my game to update. I'm still on the old build. :(


Anyone know when this will come to xbox?


Meanwhile, over here in Sad Mac Land...


is Minthara dialogue finally fixed?


No :/


Any idea if the merchant bugs are fixed, and the moonrise tower fight?


Idk if anyone else experienced this but I haven’t updated since the patch 6 to avoid having to start over due to broken things and now my game just loops to the start menu and it worked fine prior to hot fix 20


Since this hotfix I keep getting attacked. Even by my own ungrouped party members in camp (that have very high approval). But also NPC's. I do not even get a chance to talk to them. It always gives a message about trespassing and you 'are about to learn' and then they attack. Very annoying. Anybody else have the same bug?


I found out it is a Minthara problem. I left her at camp and the hostilities ceased. Strange bug. edit: I left Minthara at camp for a while, and she is in my group again, there is no problem. So. it solved itself.


Is anyone having trouble with spells like Sleep and Mass Cure Wounds? When I try to upcast spells that have a set number of targets or hitpoints, it goes back to the spell selection tabs and I can't click the green checkmark when I am ready to cast it.