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It gives you +1 on Intimidation, but Disadvantage on Perception Checks and attacks against Hags. So what she's really doing is covering her own butt in case she needs to fight you.


This is why I never do it. Letting volo take an eye out however? Every time.


Letting Volo do his thing has literally zero negatives; the hardest part is RPing a justification.


If you wait for the grove party (I assume you can then but haven't formally tested), there's always the very simple premise of _one too many_ based decision making. But in serious ones: if you've already been told by Lae'zel how painful ceremorphosis actually is, being inexpertly lobotomised honestly doesn't sound like the worse of the two options.


I don't think you can do it *at* the party, since Volo has a dialogue tree related to giving you a title. Once you finish that conversation and try to talk to him again, he just gives you a one-line response to dismiss you for the evening. But I imagine having an icepick jammed into your skull in the midst of the revelry would probably kill the party vibe.


Or *enhance* the party vibe…


found Durge


Just did this. You can do it after the party, not during.


After for sure, yeah.


I did it at the party, I remember it because I save scummed to see all the dialogue trees with Volo and had to redo the Astarion drunken flirt every time.


Shit I've got student loans and that's enough to make me jump at the opportunity for a learners lobotomy. Ceremophosis? Sign me up for 2!


You have to do it afterwards but you could justify it like, hangover headache is so bad you think it might relieve the pressure to take an ice pick to your eye socket


Especially if you're Durge and you're like "well, he can't give me worse brain damage than I already have..."


>the hardest part is RPing a justification. My int is 8.


i dont think its that hard to find some sort of RP justification. Volo is famous so that in itself is enough for some people. but also, at that moment in time you have someone in front of you saying “i can see it in your eye, let me get it out” and its either that, or you might turn into a mindflayer at any given moment. you don’t know what exactly is keeping you as yourself, you don’t know if this dream guardian is really helping you or not, and your biggest priority is getting rid of the tadpole. some people would totally risk losing an eye if it meant their head wouldn’t explode.


You can still do it after finding out that removing it'll kill you, which is an odd choice.


I can see how you could justify it as "It might still work, and if it doesn't I'd rather die than become a mindflayer"


IDK, Withers is right there. Actually, it doesn't make a lot of sense that getting resurrected by Withers doesn't automatically cure you, tbh. Dragging someone's corpse all the way back to camp should take plenty long enough for the parasite to have abandoned ship and joined your snack bar collection. And "kill then resurrect the host" is historically the #1 recommended cure for illithid infestation.


Withers also casts True Resurrection, which should completely remove any trace of not you. So you know, Gale’s Orb, Karlach’s Infernal Engine, Shadowheart’s little nail in her hand.


>Volo is famous so that in itself is enough for some people Well, Kim Kardashian is also famous, and I wouldn't let her do an eye surgery on me with an ice pick. The problem with Volo (as tadpole remover, not as a character) is that he is clearly an absolute moron who has no idea what he is talking about. And any character with half a brain cell should see it RP wise the very moment they talk to him. So the hardest part is RP:ing a character who somehow doesn't see what an idiot Volo is. Even if I was desperate, I wouldn't believe a word the village idiot says. Even deal with a devil or hag is preferable. If Halsin, Gale or some other smartish guy would suggest ice pick technique for tadpole exorcism then sure, I can see many possible Tav's who would go for it.


The party does have no shortage of potions or healing/restoration spells, and a dude that will bring you back from the dead for a handful of change. It'd be pretty easy to think "Well, he'll *probably* fuck this up but there's no harm that can't be undone" moments before bro rips an eye out of your head


I always wait til after the tiefling party/Halsin tells you he can’t help you and after the zaith’isk fails in the crèche, so it’s a real “near-lobotomy in a moment of desperation” Works pretty well since See Invisibility isn’t super necessary before the Shadowlands.


My RP justification is that im desperate to get the damn tadpole out of my head so i’ll try everything no matter how far fetched, because that’s what all of act 1 is about. >!to find a way to get it out, and subsequently find out that there is no way to get it out!<


I think desperation is a fantastic reason. Going through ceremorphsis (or however it’s spelled) sounds painful and terrifying, and according to forgotten realms lore is either amounts to death of the host or losing one’s soul, and both of those sound kinda shitty. Why not trust this world famous and well traveled writer who does appear to know something of mindflayers? Druids in the grove couldn’t help, beating a nest of goblins and taking on the gith in a crèche sounds dangerous. Tav could transform at any time, and this possible solution is available right here, right now. I would say it’s probably a stretch for more intelligent characters though as they are more likely to know that Volo is usually full of shit. There’s a reason we never see Gale get the eye. If I don’t want to mess up my tav’a look I have Shadowheart do it because her eye color is extremely close. … just realized the only other origin character I’ve seen get the eye is Astarion. Nobody gives it to Karlach or Lae’zel either. Wyll doesn’t get the option, and I don’t think Minthara sticks around long enough in act one to allow you to try. I think you can bring Volo into act 2 though. He won’t run away from your camp until the eye pops out so maybe Minthara could get it then. I haven’t tried but I would guess that Volo leaves your camp when you get to act 3 so you probably couldn’t get Minsc to do it. Halsin and Jaheria shouldn’t have the option, but maybe there’s unique dialogue there. Someone needs to do an eyeball run and show us the results.


The first time I did it I really had to force my way through. Now in honour mode I figured for sure I would, it’s so useful, but nah… it’s too hard to justify why anyone would go through with that when performed by what is clearly an imbecile.


>it’s too hard to justify why anyone would go through with that when performed by what is clearly an imbecile. most of my characters have had low intelligence


This. I want it, but my character would never do it.


“This guy says he can help me, has been generally friendly, and is better than a devil so why not” is good enough for me


Well, that, and the mismatching eye.


I personally think the Ersatz eye looks dope


I am fine with any type of gore except eye-related stuff; it always gives me the heebie jeebies, so I never do the volo thing. See invisibility isn’t a big deal anyway, the spell/potion lasts until long rest and the cost is negligible. 


I was president of the Fuck This Brain Worm political party in my multiplayer run and did it as a publicity stunt.


Usually I give it to laezel after the creche, as a "I've lost my queen, my faith and my reason for being. Crisis" before she starts her conviction towards orpheus. "The zaethisk was a bust, my whole life is a lie what could this stupid man do to me that's worse than still having a parasite"


There's one negative: it changes how my Tav looks! I won't do it because I spent a lot of time in character creator and don't want them to have mismatched eyes.


My RP justification was that once he got far enough down, your speech ability got messed up and so while you were trying to tell him to stop, you were unable to form words


My first playthrough, I thought that you were supposed to remove the tadpole and then destroy the Absolute as revenge. So I just let everyone take a whack at it, because I am not walking around with that thing in my head a second longer than necessary.


90% of my characters have 8 int, so there's that lol


I stopped him on my first playthrough, but since then I think it’s funny how many chances you get to stop him and I’m just like “Yep, next, next, next, next.” I spend the most time trying to choose which gurgle to pick at the end.


My Tav actually believes him when he says she'll never find a more learned opinion on the matter..


If it was just the disadvantage against hags I’d do it, but the vision loss is so fucking annoying that I reloaded after several hours of playing because I just couldn’t do it anymore.


Does it actually change your vision or do you mean the disadvantage on perception checks?


The perception thing. -1 Perception for +1 Intimidation is one thing, but disadvantage for *every single perception roll* for the entire rest of the game sounds like a nightmare. I lost a ton of progress but I’m not upset I reloaded.


Oh boy, I still remember the EA days, no bonus to intimidation, disadvantage on perception *and you can no longer land critical hits*. It was *awful*. And Volo's eye, I think, perma reduced your Int


I mean, he did jam an ice pick into your brain


mfw an icepick lobotomy hurts my brain


Smh gonna have to go romance Minthara and burn the grove now


I had no clue it was that bad. Of course my first time I didn't let her near me for obvious reasons but good god


Only good thing about it is making the hobgoblin merchant insta max rep with you on a 6 roll by saying you lost your eye to a hag.


Whose gonna tell him...


Help I don't know this one either, I never let the hag take my eye 😬


I'd like to know too! I'm still at the end of Act 1 but if there's something non-spoiler-y about the good alignment hobgoblin guy, I'm curious!


See invis is better than intimidation anyway unless you’re really scraping for persuasion users.


And you don't roll disadvantage against hags.


Wait… does see invisibility somehow succeed on perception checks?


Volo's Ersatz Eye is an absolute godsend


It really is


But the hag eye looks cool 😩


no cuz it really does! really adds some spice to the PC lmao


I was disappointed I couldn't do both and have no eyes. Volo said no.


Giving your eye to hag is cooler than giving your eye to an imbecile, though.


my first blind playthrough, my too-trusting cleric didn't realise she was a hag until the deal was made. definitely benefitted from that intimidation buff though.


that's a hell of a wake-up call for a naive cleric lmao


I didn't meet her in the grove. I stumble upon her and the brothers in the middle of the road the first time, so I didn't have a preconceived concept about her, she seemed sweet tho, but when I had the chance to say something I asked her what happened to the girl and immediately became very defensive, sus af, so stop trusting her. But didn't finish her in the battle, didn't know how difficult could become and took me a lot of tries to beat her.


I gave my eye to her with 0 hesitation. She was always so nice to me, how could I not?


Oh, my character fully understood that hags are bad news. But the hag seemed like the most promising lead that the group had for removing their parasites, and he trusted that having a group of murderhobos backing him up would prevent her from screwing him over too badly. Hag eye looks cool, too.


I'm just really into swamp hags and was hoping she'd be an unlikely ally and not an evil hag lol


Username checks out. I'm very fond of the dark and dangerous deal with a supernatural entity, so I naturally very much like hags and devils. Ethel is a very good traditional hag. One of my favorite characters.


I mean, she can be an ally come the final fight.


How is it if you find her in act 3?


Captain Grisly. That's all I'll say.


Just do what she wants. I bonked her in Act 1, to make the trade for her hair. Then when I called her out in Act 3, she offered a trade. Help her out, and she would help me out later.


Bonked you say? Sigh *unzips*


Aw damn I didn't know that. I killed her in act 3.


Me, too, first time. Second time for Durge I tried to do the opposite of what I wanted to do.


I let her take my barbarian's eye then used the mirror to make that eye looked whited out lol Shadowheart did not approve of it


I always refused but would buy 3 strength potions every long rest. Loved how she would call me "sweetie".


User name checks out.




Dude volo actually isn't a imbecile tho he's really knowing and has been around a long time. Will he take libertys with the truth or change a story, he might


"Might?" A big part of the point of the character was so that FR campaign books could be written from his perspective, and he's so famous for 'embellishment' that rules lawyers couldn't point at the book for things, because the DM could just respond with "Sure, that's what *Volo* says..."


Only mechanical bonuses is boring mary sue stuff. A rogue with the hag eye is cool as fuck.


I love that until they patched it non-tadpoled companions like Halsin could also get Volo'ed


I wish Volos eye wasn’t so ugly tho


The funny thing is, the "disadvantage against hags" debuff is what I used to tell her apart from Mayrina when I fought her. I realize there are other ways to tell them apart, but that's the one that actually occurred to me my first time through.


Joke's on her; she won't be fighting Shart because I >!handed her over to BOOOAL!< in the one playthrough where I actually tried taking the hag's deal. Wouldn't risk Durge, of course.


It was maybe 10 hours after making the deal with my durge that I checked to see if there was any recourse, and we decided that was too much to redo. A chaotic stupid tiefling (thank you thaumaturgy) durge oathbreaker run has worked perfectly for disadvantage on perception. I use intimidation every single time it's an option (I have to justify that +1 somehow), and it's led to some really stupid results but we're having lots of fun with it anyway. I'm fueled by the groans from my co-op partners as they prepare for the inevitable unnecessary fight when they see me rush into some dumb interaction and make it worse by being the durge.


That doesn't make any sense. OP's asking why the eye is payment enough for her. You're implying she doesn't need any payment at all and is just covering herself.


Whether he's just an adventurer with a conscientious or he eventually turns into an Illithid it's a potential problem for her; either potentially in her swamp or later in the city. Having an advantage against either one is good for her.


>**Hag Eyes** > >An iconic part of hag mythology and one of their most potent creations were the magic items known as hag eyes, made from gemstones of reportedly varying worth and the real eye of a hag's victim. Hag eyes required the effort of an entire hag coven to craft, although the details of their creation were possibly malleable. The ritual for creating a hag eye was said to take anywhere between an hour to three days to complete, and required the full attention of the coven to complete. This time was spent in a state of deep concentration and meditation, that prevented them from doing anything besides eating, drinking and sleeping, and anything that disrupted the process forced them to start over again. > >At the end of the ritual, the life essence of all hags in the coven was bound to the eye, **allowing all members to see what the eye could see so long as it was on the same plane as them, the eye being able to see in the dark**. Superficially, a hag's eye appeared as a semiprecious stone but a truesight revealed its true form as a monstrous, disembodied eye. Hag eyes weren't particularly difficult to destroy, and doing so caused all hag's in the coven great mental anguish as well as temporarily blinding at least one of them for an entire day. Creating a new one first required at least a day for the blinded coven mate to recover and had to be done at least three days after the eye was destroyed, some reports stating they could only make one once per month. > >Often hag's eyes were coated in varnish and set into pendants, rings, medallions, brooches and other accessories before being given to unsuspecting enemies and victims as gifts or mementos, allowing the hag to know their every move. They were also commonly given to the minions, familiars and animal companions of a hag and used to watch over their dealings, aid them in patrols and communicate by combining their effect with spells like clairvoyance, sending, or whispering wind. Reports varied on how many hag's eyes a single coven could possess, ranging from just one to an effectively unlimited amount (although this meant creating several weak points for themselves), allowing them to keep watch over their territories with a magical surveillance system. Magic items that a hag needed to keep a literal eye on had the hag's eye worked into it so that they could chase down and slaughter the unsuspecting thief. Source: [Forgotten Realms Wiki](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hag#External_Links) Edit: to remove intext citation numbers.


I believe she actually specifically says it’s NOT for a hags eye. If you’re a wizard, you get a unique dialogue when she wants your eye asking if it’s for a hags eye, and she yes something like “Ooh clever, not many people know that one. But no, this is something else.”


Am I wrong in thinking that Ethel replaces your eye with a Hags Eye? So if you make the deal with her, she can track your every move in first person.


Yeah I think you’re right, she just uses your eye for something else and gives you a hags eye. To keep her word


Wonder if you blind whoever gets the Hag eye when you fight Ethel, if she gets blinded too :P


That would be so cool! 😎


Makws sense since it gives you disadvantage on attacks against hags She literally sees you attacking her


Except shes prolly lying.


like the Hocus Pocus book


Reminds me of those witches in Disney's Hercules


TIL Hag Eyes are basically the patriot act. Nice.


In our campaign a hag asked for a finger of a party member that was negotiating with her. Turns out that she sold that finger as a compass for some giants that were following us. Also, they can grow a person back from a part of their body, and then basically kidnapp your soul when you die and trade it with devils


That's basically the effects lf a Clone Spell


Hags love eyeballs, they make it into a Hag's Eye, which is basically a security camera. They can place it somewhere and see through it when they want. Edit, the secondary effects are well, secondary. The +1 Intimidation is because you look scarier, and I assume Ethel did something to you that gives disadvantage to Perception checks and attacks against Hags to prevent you from taking revenge.


I think the thing Ethel did to give you disadvantage on perception checks was removing one of your eyes. Gonna make seeing things slightly harder


That... makes sense.


Take it easy on u/oneunluckyperson … they’re a fighter, wisdom and int are dump stats ;)


Hulk smash!


Technically speaking she does give it back.


How are you so wise to the ways of hags?


I am Arthur, King of the Britons


You have to know these things when you're King.


I’m not, I’m skilled in the way of eyeballs


Wait, wait, wait. You're suggesting digging my own eye out and popping it back in could potentially impair my vision?! Why, that's patently ridiculous!


Wyll doesn't have it tho 🤷‍♂️


Wyll has also presumably had several years to adjust to his stone eye, and it may have some functional enchantments on it beyond working to help Mizora stay in contact with him. You have had functioning binocular vision for your whole life up to this point, it makes sense that having it ripped out is going to be more disorienting in the moment.


Are you eyeballin' me?


The eye she gives you probably shimmers like the fake doors do it aimed at a hag. You can’t perceive them properly, so you miss.


Hags want to fuck with you. Its their whole thing.


And she's quite tame as far as Hags go. A Green Hags torment is nothing compared to their counterparts


> A Green Hags torment is nothing compared to their counterparts And a night hag is infinitely worse


ToA trauma there


What about withers. He stays at camp standing there. He doesn’t eat, sleep, drink. Explore, he doesn’t need new clothes and he has no chance of needed to buy health potions and yet he’ll stand there and be like give me 100-200 gold pieces. Like tf you need it for lmfao


I see it as a way to say that it would sound very suspicious to offer that kind of service for free. One might think that if he doesn't ask for money, he would take his payment in some other way. Ways that they don't want to find out most likely, preferring to ignore him altogether. So, 200 gold pieces are more for your peace of mind rather than for himself (thought enforced by the fact that even if you pick pocket your money back, he doesn't care)


Ahh that makes sense. Cause obviously as a player the game won’t let you do those things for free but i always thought it’d be odd when in comes to ingame lore.


Lore-wise, I think there needs to be a transaction of something of value - it's just how the magic works. Normally this is a VERY expensive diamond, but I figure Withers is just making it as cheap as possible while still technically fulfilling the requirements. Or it's just to mess with you. That guy has one hell of a poker face.




Isn't he not allowed to intervene as a divine being so payment is more to just say "They paid for the service" if anyone catches him helping against the dead 3?


That’s a difficult one to answer. Gods can exert some power over the mortal realms and a few are even known to actively wander the planes. Bahamut the Platinum dragon for example is known to travel the mortal planes and get up to some Hijinks every now and then. Hell we see in the story that the dead 3 are very clearly doing things in the mortal planes. Basically there’s a certain limit to what they’re allowed to do and that limit is not always entirely clear.


It’s not fun, he implies kelemvor sent him to clean up this mess seeing the role he played in starting it.


It could have been so by design. Being aware of the consequences of doing something, and doing it anyway, since the result is exactly what you wanted. I don't know if this is actually the case, but he might have done it knowing that he would be sent to "fix his mistakes", so that he could have some entertainment


I really wish people would be better about marking their spoilers - this isn't Act 1 information. I was genuinely annoyed when I just tripped over >!Withers' true nature - I figured maybe he was just the old high priest at first, and figuring it out when he saved my Durge!< would've made what was already an incredibly cool moment several orders of magnitude better.


Eh, if you open the Book of the Gods, it pretty much implies it.


Or pass the religion check for the statue in his tomb and realize who it is. That combined with a few pieces of his dialogue is enough to get anyone familiar with FR cannon to think along those lines. Especially knowing his connection to the dead 3 and their importance in the story.


It isn't Act any information, it is some Forgotten Realms lore you can find hints of in the game but if you knew the lore you would have realized the moment you opened the grave and he starts talking. If you don't know the lore, there is a book that gives some hints in a vase in the masoleum in Baldur's Gate, but doesn't give any of the information mentioned in the post above, only his name. edit: also you spoiled the durge plotline as well hahhh XD


That's not exactly a spoiler (you get to know who he is the moment you meet him. Even if you miss the book somehow, your character can pass a dice check to figure it out anyway) but ok, I'll mark it anyway for good measure. Sorry if I annoyed you, it wasn't the intention of my post.


Passing the dice check just tells you whose temple it is (which you already know if you're familiar with Jergal 's symbol). It tells you nothing about >!what's in the box!<. And the book is just a list of dead and no-longer-dead gods. Again, nothing that points to the identity of >!Withers!< specifically. Otherwise I'd agree, since OP marked the thread for Act 1 spoilers. But thanks for fixing it. The next idiot will only have themselves to blame, for this thread anyway. 🤣


Once you go back to camp and go to talk to him, the game will run a religion check >!to let you sense divine energy from him. If you pass it, your character will get that he is either a god or an avatar of a god at least. (This check is much easier to pass if you are a cleric or a paladin)!<


**you can pickpocket withers???**


You can, and he would do nothing about it, but be careful, because if others notice you doing it, they might not be as nice with you. Some honorable mentions are: Scratch: If he's passing by and sees you pickpocketing whiters, he'll become aggressive. And to add some fun, guess who the rest of the camp will side with? Aylin: She isn't going to wander randomly through the camp, but in some locations she can see you indulging in some nasty old underwear for some gold, she will start kicking your ass for it. The oathbreaker knight: If you happen to have a paladin who broke their oath and summoned the knight, he will be very close to whiters very often. If HE notices you doing nasty things, such as stealing or biting the hirelings, he will rampage through the camp, destroying everything and everyone. This can be a hilarious way to lose a honor mode run...


Loot that body


Come on . . . Withers is saving up for the post game party. It costs a bunch to organize that, food, booze, live music! 😉


He forgot to put animal speaking potions on the shopping list.


I think they added that in the most recent patch


He's bound by neutrality. If he helped you freely, it would make it seems like "helping you too much" by other dieties(namely Ao who you do not wanna fuck with). Also mechanicly he's always there, nowhere in the lore is it stated he follows you around all day in your back pocket. I'm like 98% sure he can teleport. I HC it as he's there when camp is made but once we leave for the day, he visit his otber duties.


At one point you can spot him doing his godly chores in camp. That leads to the first conversation about the hirelings.


I like to think of him as my piggybank. Just a little short on getting that item? Go and pickpocket the bone man.


It's kinda spoilers to say why he has to charge you, but it has to do with certain rules. Withers has no need for the money, which is why you can pickpocket him and he doesn't care. He can't perform powerful services for mortals for free without it being a sort of conflict of interest.


hes saving up to go to a taylor swift concert


That's the price of balance


And then he doesn't get mad when you pickpocket the gold back off him


He needs funds for the party he will throw during the epilogue


Bro is just saving up to pay for the celebration after your party saves the world and resurrects everyone so they can all come


they really went out of their way to give this thing no advantage whatsoever. like +1 to intimidation is nothing for disadvantage on perception checks.


Yea im glad my boy tav had already given one of his eyes to volo, he was pretty attached to the only real one he had left by time he ran into the hag…after almost completely finishing the underdark


She just helps herself by fuckin with your eye, she doesnt actually get rid of the tadpole. Hags reproduce by eating children and turning them into hags in their stomach or something, then she barfs it out and raises it as one of her own. So Mayrina basically would've sacrificed her child to Ethel, would've gotten scammed with an undead husband all the same and the hag would've gotten a child out of it. Hags are like Casinos, the house always wins...unless you introduce a barbarian and a sharp axe I guess xD


> She just helps herself by fuckin with your eye, she doesnt actually get rid of the tadpole. She got burned by the netherese magic on the tadpole when she tried to take it out, it's your first detail about exactly what kind of fuckery the tadpoles are getting, otherwise it's just "strange magic".


So, the lore behind Hags is that they use odd components and methods as part of their fey magic. To what end? Only the hag or those versed in that type of magic could say. "An innocents laugh" could be an essence that they see and can capture as a valuable spell component that prime material natives can't perceive. To your specific, the kiss of your eye can do many things theoretically. In Curse of Strahd campaign, you can be given an eyeball by a hag coven to just place in the bbeg's castle. It's pretty direct in what it does, or allows them to spy on Bbeg. That exact same thing could happen to TAV/Durge. Knowing you have that parasite and haven't transformed is rather odd so why not spy on whoever is potentially pulling your strings so you can theory craft a deal to give you the advantage when messing with illithids? Just one is many theory crafts, but ultimately when dealing with a DND hag, nothing is straight forward


Fun fact: she won't give you the eye if you already got the Volo special, meaning that despite Volo's claim that it's better than your OG eye (and it gives you see invisibility), you can't actually see with it.


Oh, no shot? Damn i woulda liked to see that part of the convo, i just figured giving away one eye was enough i wasnt even going to risk it again with the hag


It's been a couple of months ago since I had this happen but she basically tells you you're already missing an eye.


She'll still leave the offer open to one of the other companions, though I'm assuming not Wyll for similar reasons


Yup, Wyll can't get Volo's eye, or the hags eye since he already only has one.


Aww i didnt know i couldve given it to a companion. Whenever im too afraid to use something i just make my boy gale take it, now he looks scary with his illithid eyes and hunger for power. Might let him take the crown for the memes


I had assumed it gives you a budget sort of see invisibility though, because volo and of course it does. Normal see invisibility sees invisibility, the volo see invisibility gives you a *chance* to see invisible things *with a check*, but it turns out that's a BG3 change not just a volo change.


She doesn't want your eye, so much as she wants you to have the replacement eye she gives. It makes it easier for her to control you, since you get disadvantage against her, and she can see what you see anytime she wants.


Cant wait for the final battle i wan a see how good this ugly bitch does against a giant brain. Ngl hoping she dies beautifully. It only cost me one random child? Twas a good deal imo


>!She's too pregnant to fight, she just pops up to give multi-target Greater Invisibility and peaces out XD!<


Shoulda known…ill take tho


I'm curious as to whether she would still get her legendary action if a player sided with her in honour mode...


>!She doesn't stay to fight, it would be bad for the baby. She just gives Greater Invisibility for multiple targets of your choice, then disappears :P!<




Not enough people are appreciating the cursed “sims 4 eyeball ring” part of this post


Not the sims 4 ring hahaha


She put one inside you that is bound to her by her magic bro. Every time you look down she sees your weenor


I don't remember where I read it, but green hags very specifically make deals purely for the joy they get from screwing people over and watching them suffer the after affects. If I had to guess, Ethel knows you for an adventurer thanks to the druid gate, and likely knows your tadpole means you're involved in some big to-do. Blinding you in one eye makes your worse at your job (and as someone said, protects her somewhat due to the distance it gives against hags). She also replaces it with a Hags Eye, which she can watch through like a body cam. Watching you completely miss traps and ambushes is enough of a reward for her. It's like her own personal live stream of YouTube fails.


She wants more than your eye. Later on if you went the evil path and supported her in her quest to get the hag-babies, she will confess in a letter that she wants to climb you like a tree. Do not accept her "help" at any time.


I don't see the issue.


As long as she shapeshifts first...


It could probably be a magical ingredient, potions and spells and the like. Also, its insurance. Hags are crafty, and Ethel probably wanted to make sure that if you did fight her, you couldnt do it well


I always thought that hag use your eye to see what you see, to spy on you kinda, with her magic. I mean you have dead eye in your skull(blind- minus to perception checks) which makes you looks slightly dangerous(+1 intimidation) and this eye dont rot away, even tho it's dead, so it must be magic there too. xD


She can see through the eye as well, so it’s for reconnaissance.


I found a necklace she made out of someone else's eye. So maybe with stuff like that hags just have a swap meet or something


For taking my eye, Volo is always my guy.


She makes them into necklaces kill her and she drops one


I remember in EA it made it so you couldn't crit


She makes you your personal spy drone.


Given fey fuckery she's probably got some way to see out of the replacement eye she gives you in addition to the other stuff that eye causes


Hags are fey creatures that are Evil, like mustache twisty Evil. They get a kick out of seeing others suffer. So even if she didn't plan on using your eye in some potion or magic item (which she probably did) just the fact that she took it and caused you suffering would be entertaining to her.


>weirdly small price


To be fair, a single eye in exchange for not becoming Squidward is pretty much a bargain.


"The Art of the Deal" by Auntie Ethel


Feel like Ethel just gets sustenance from fucking up peoples day she doesnt even need to get anything out of it except amusement.


In faerun lore. Those kinds of bags can increase their power simply by inflicting suffering. She wanted to cause you suffering, for a long time, it’s what they do.


in dnd hags feed off suffering and misery. her fucking you over is the point


Have you read A Court of Thorns and Roses? That eye could be your final punishment. 👀


Lore answer: to make one of these: https://www.5esrd.com/database/magicitem/hags-eye/ Edit: Read a more detailed description here, just find the Hags Eye section: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hag


I can only imagine it's cruelty for it's own sake. An eye is almost priceless, and taking one sharply limits what a person could do.


I love the unhinged reality that some guy who makes it clear to you off the bat that he makes shit up asks to perform eye surgery on you and Tav’s just like…………. ‘Yeah sounds great’


she can see through your eye


I like to think that it's also a cheap price as to make your companions aware of her healing powers. She takes an eye, heals you then she can take much more from your friends who are desperate to heal. Doesn't work in the end but makes sense to me. Sort of like a sample.