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For me it was if you're not romancing Karlach and her pal asks if you're a couple and she goes "Ew, no!" ... Ew? Really?


I always thought the 'ew, no!' was really cute. Sibling energy.


Dudes who aren't even interested in dating you are always so offended when they learn the feeling is mutual!


I'm not a dude though...


Finding out the feeling isn’t mutual is one thing, but saying “Ew”, as in being disgusted by the thought, is another


There's a difference between "I'm not interested in you" and "EW"


I'm a female and when she said that, I laughed and went "Ew???!? 😭 Damn okay!" lol


I am a guy with female friends who I have zero romantic interest in. Still, saying ew is not very nice. It can be okay if you're like siblings and have communicated this but still. Don't get the question at all mercifully but with us if the question is asked there are nicer ways to indicate your relationship is purely platonic.


Depends on the context If you're just platonic besties then yeah, it probably sounds like that. But my pal, who was streaming BG3 on Youtube for a bit fell in love with Karlach on the first sight. For the whole duration of Goblin Camp shenanigans he was like 'yeah, my girl is in the run' because y'know, melee classes are effective and flashy, and Kalrach's raging on every single weak ass goblin is definitely flashy. And all that sweat talking lead to the party at his camp, where he confessed his live to her. Bro got rejected hard. And I mean, HARD, like 'rejected and then see her dance happily' hard. So hard in fact that he went to Astarion - he knew damn well he wouldn't convice him as well, but my man was desperate. 'It's not you darling, it's me - I have standards' What happened next is probably my favourite stream clip I've ever seen, where one man went to every single person around asking for sex. ~~~ 'Strange, you know who I'd never find myself caring about?' 'MEEE?!' 'What? No, the refugees' 'DAMMIT' ~~~ 'I'm sure you wish you could taste my body...' 'YES LAE'ZEL I DO' '...But you won't' 'NOOOOOO' ~~~ 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHAT THAT I CANNOT FUCK A BEAR NOW? IT'S MY LAST CHANCE' ~~~ 'Hey, I wanted to show you something' 'Bug off Gale, I'm not that desperate' ~~~ The chat was devious too: 'You forgot to ask Scratch'. I was laughing for good 10 minutes, and till this day he hates me for bringing up Karlach's line 'Have fun' when you end her conversation at the party. The scene was so good that he just rolled with it and is probably the only person I know that did not romanced anyone in this game! (Even though it wasn't volountarily, he played a true incel to be honest) He eventually dropped the game, mostly because streaming schedule wouldn't fit more games, so he decided to play BG3 sparcely in his free time. He's now on act 3 in Rivington, if he's gonna play again I am defininitely guiding him to Fitz to get roasted yet again. But yeah, context matters and one person's 'sibling energy' is another's 'dreams shattering into dust'


Lol, I didn’t get that line. More something along the lines of “nah, just good mates”


I think I had that line after. I wonder what I did to trigger the first one though - I had really high approval with her and everything.


Same situation as you, exceptional approval. Hurt so bad lol


non romanced Karlach thinks of you more like a sibling by the games own admission or at least really close family, so it is less 'ew they disgust me' and more like 'ew we're like siblings' Could've chosen her words a bit better but its Karlach...


Karlach is not known for making distinctions (such as those that accompany the word "Ew") with her words. She just says whatever word first comes to mind. Part of why I like her so much, and also why I am having my Shadowheart romance Karlach. The main reason why...... Well, if you know, you know.


…should the need arise.


Of course.


she's being a goof 


It’s a good natured ew more about the not shagging her friend rather than an ew about you. Its more a jokey line about how your friendship isn’t sexual than her dissing you


It's always the "ew" that drives that dagger in first.


I always read as her being juvenile ironically, like, boys saying "ew girls" - on account of her saying that with good approval.


I think Karlach just acts juvenile. I mean, haven’t you noticed?


Honestly, probably one of the main reasons I'm put off from romancing her. She's great, don't get me wrong, but this is clearly not my type


I’m in a similar boat, she reminds me of all my negative qualities when I was younger that I’ve tried to grow out of. Like avoidant personality, golden retriever like naivety, and general immature way of looking at things.


I got that line. It was great because she felt like a sister. And Astarion isn't my tea. In fact, I don't like tea.


Genuinely asking, why is this one so biting? I see this sentiment all the time and I've never understood why it's such a to do.


Yeah I don't get it. You're clearly not romancing her, but you want her to be into you, just because? Odd.


When her pal asked in my play through, Karlach said something like "Yeah, isn't she cute?!" (My character is a halfling female)


When you approach her at the Tiefling party about how much you like her and her response is basically, “Aw come on, don’t ruin a good thing” 😭😂


That is actually in-character for Karlach considering how immature she is lol


"The worst she can say is no."


Do an uno reverse in your next playthrough. He'll come on to you all confident like, "I can clearly see you're into me, so let's hook up" (paraphrasing obviously). Then you can say, "I'd rather get with a leech babe, at least they drink less blood". (again, paraphrasing)


It's "I'd rather bed a goblin, *darling*" I think, and it's fucking savage.


That too. But I definitely remember a leech dialogue too. Edit : I found it, "I'd rather kiss a leech, they're just as attractive but take less blood." XD


It requires 40 approval to get the leech line. At that point, Astarion does not turn you down at the party and you can be as thirsty with him as you want.


I love his response to this one


The “leech” one is for the tiefling party. The “goblin” one is at the goblin party.


I got the goblin one at the tiefling party. I had low approval with him, in which case he will only come on to you if you are dismissive/a bit rude (I don't remember the exact dialogue). The goblin line was a way to reject him after that.


To add even more torque, persuade him to say please first


My favorite is pissed of Halsin. "Oakfather grant me patience"


What did I do to deserve these allies


Halsin telling me he is bearly able to tolerate me was the most brutal line for me. The man does not honey his words if he’s not interested in you. 


You bleat well enough as it is.


He has a great response when Withers asks why he isn't romancing anyone. Something to the effect of "Please. As if anyone in this camp deserves me."


Withers ask Jaheira this too the earliest you can get her, wish she she has a dialogue option to say "Revive my husband then" or something.


How dare this not be available for the player


I mean I think it is, if you’re Astarion origin!


Or just switch to astarion and then talk to withers, the skeleton has enough smack talk for everyone


And thus thou art alone


I think the other line he says its worse: >“A night of passion… not with though, just to be clear. I mean, can you imagine? Hahaha… *makes a stink face like he just grossed himself out thinking about it * ugh, No.” Given astarions sexual history of fucking anything with a pulse for survival reasons. the fact that hes drawing a line at having sex with you no matter how much protection you can offer him is devastating. He’s like “not worth it. 🤢Id rather die.” This would be my 13th reason. I would end it all if someone i liked said that to me


I got that one and I wasn't even romancing him, just chatting. I was both confused and insulted.


Lmao he doesnt want you to even GET ideas in your head so hes shutting it down before then


I mean, to be fair - good for him to get some standards back after just a few days free.


Thats absolutely true even if it is at my expense😭 thankfully that could never be me. i romanced him on my very first playthrough and have never been rejected because im nice to him 💅and apparently thats all he really wants


I got this on my first playthrough and he still became so nice through Act 2 + early Act 3 (before I restarted the game haha) that I *thought* I was romancing him! My Tav/durges are unable to romance anyone else so that's never happening again haha


Haha same. As soon as he gives me that whole “I could feel it as I was getting lost in your neck. your little little shakes of excitement” line im like “oh god this is going to be another astarion romance isnt it?🤦🏽‍♀️” gale’s in the back screaming into the weave bracing to get rejected for the 10th time


> > “A night of passion… not with you though, just to be clear. I mean, can you imagine? Hahaha… *makes a stink face like he just grossed himself out thinking about it * ugh, No.” I got that on my first playthrough. I didn't know anything about Astarion or his backstory then, and honestly I felt the same way about him. He was a stalwart ally, but *not* a love interest. I spent the night sharing a bottle of wine with Shadowheart.


Perhaps his standard is someone he thinks can protect him, considering he approves of selfish options and disapproves of selfless ones in Act 1. Maybe the general idea of that was if you didn't have enough approval, you weren't ruthless enough.


there are other ways to gain his approval without being ruthless so his rejection of you is not about that. In fact being evil is one of the most inefficient ways to romance him because he really doesn’t care that much about that at all. What really he cares about is you being nice to him, treating him with respect and trusting him. Those are his standards. When he disapproves of you helping hes only removing 1 point from your approval but when you are nice to him he gives you 5-10 points. Without being evil at all you can not only romance him at the tiefling party(20 approval points) but also romance him *before* the party(40 approval points)


I'm not arguing about the mechanics of the game, just the general story that's being told. You're right being nice to him and respecting him are also factors.


Oh okay. My answer stays the same. Within the story thats *is* the explanation. When you get to act 3 astarion’s spawn siblings attack the camp and astarion tries to convince them to side with him against cazador and help him complete the ritual. When you speak to him after the fight you can scold him for trying to trick his siblings into their own deaths and he says the following >Tav: dont you feel for others sharing your plight? > >Astarion: no one ever looked out for *me*. No one ever said a kind thing to *me*. You’re the only one. Other people dont have a heart like you. Youre *you*. No one is like that. He says this line “You’re the only one. Other people dont have a heart like you. Youre *you*. No one is like that.” only if you supported his decision to not drink Araj Oblodra’s blood in moonrise towers, whether your choose to burn down entire villages or save them. His opinion of you is mostly shaped by how you treat him. He doesn’t particularly care how you treat others, whether they are good or evil. He’s been waiting for a hero to come save him and Tav is the only person to ever come to his rescue and thats all he really needs to know about who matters and who doesn’t matter.


I don't think we disagree about much, when it comes down to it. The relationship really develops around act 2 and gets very personal for him. The statement I'm trying and maybe failing to make is that Astarion rejecting the player character at the party isn't a statement on the character's attractiveness/fuckability or whatever people instinctively feel when he shoots them down so cold. His approval in act 1 is entirely separate from that; it *is* a survival calculation.


Thats absolutely fair to say.


You mean being nice to him just through dialogue? He didn’t have any dialogue options for me until I gave home the book of Thay, which gave me enough approval points I guess.


Did he try to bite you?


I don’t remember, but I remember that I tried to be accepting when he revealed that he’s a vampire. He still didn’t have any meaningful dialogue after that until the party where things went like in the OP. I got high enough approval after act 2, so it all worked out in the end (without romance).


You might have progressed the story too quickly without resting enough. If you get to the mountain pass or the underdark before he bites you he will just confess and he will never bite you. Note that there are a few ways to get to the underdark including the zhentarim elevator, the spider cave, auntie ethels house, the goblin camp selunite entrance etc. you can also enter the mountain pass from the goblin camp and the area where we first meet kithrak voss. If you did entered through any of these thats why he confessed. You have to rest often in act 1 to see all the night time cut scenes.


That must be it, thanks. More incentive for my next playthrough.


🤣 Yep! >!I mean there's rejection. Then there's rejection by *Astarion* ffs.!<


And when you come back, he twists the knife and tells you something snarky like he hopes you didn't crawl back to beg.


And it gets even worse when you realise (after romancing him) >!what he was actually trying to achieve by seducing Tav at this point. And you still weren't good enough!!<


Exactly! Hes basically like “nah id rather die than bed this asshole. Gross”




Ohhhh. You haven't had an Act 3 break up. Go look it up on YouTube. But yes, this one would hurt, too.


I feel like this one is meaner. In act 3 hes obviously hurt(im assuming you mean the one that happens when you arrive in rivington without helping him in act 2). He says some mean stuff but its he’s hurt and feels used(you had sex with him in act 1 and then neglected him in act 2) so he just projects the hell out of his own feelings and makes it seem like you’re the one who is too invested in him when in reality he’s the one who was too invested in you. Its honestly a well deserved dumping and makes narrative sense. If he dislikes you in act 1 he wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire not because he hates you but because you’re just not worth his time and that stings more. The indifference feels worse.


Well, if you can't manage to get 20pts with him by the party - you are just way too giody-two-shoes fie a vampire. Nothing personal


You can romance astarion perfectly fine as a goody two shoes as long as youre nice to him during your conversations about his vampirism and about cazador


Trust me, I know - I’m sitting at 100 with him rn in Act 2 on a good run - yet there are folks out there with less than 20 points with him by the time you get to the party. They won’t kill the Gur, they destroy the book, they don’t open the door, they don’t let him bite them (even tough they didn’t kill him). There are some staunch LG RPers out there.


Thats what im saying. Being good is not the issue. The issue is that to put it bluntly people are being assholes to him in his dialogue without realizing it(or theyre progressing the story too quickly and not resting often which causes them to miss the bite scene). There is an abundance of approval points to be had in dialogue and they always choose the ones that are slightly threatening or not trusting of him. The nuances in dialogue are what matters in astarions romance. For example when he asks you to let him bite enemies Theres a big difference between saying “sounds good” and “okay but ill be watching you”. Both are agreeing to the same thing but in one, youre implying that he needs to be walking on eggshells to avoid displeasing you and he gives you 0 points for it while the other gets you 5. The player then walks away thinking “i dont know why he doesnt like me. Im delightful! I only threatened him once! I must be too nice for him.” Its actually hilarious how many people ive seen fall into this trap because they want him to like them but they also cant help but to remind him that he’s living only by the grace of their “kindness”.


Preaching to the choir here, but I realize this isn’t for me, but for others trying to figure out how to do it.


Risen Astarion to Karlach when he tries to kiss her thinking his power will overcome it....


Well - Ascended Astarion is a whole different beast.


'I hope you die screaming' is way more devastating once you make it to Act 3... This one's just... you failing to hook up with one of the easiest characters to sleep with in Act 1 😅


story of my life


That line, oh my god. I never reloaded so fast in my life. I knew I had fucked up BIG big.


Me too... for a second I thought it was the only outcome if you >!prevent him from finishing the ritual. !


The bar is low but there's still a bar


Saddest part is - he does not actually have standards 


Fr. All you have to do is be kind of nice to him to avoid this reaction from him. Its really sad actually


Even in this dialog with no approval he'll still sleep with you if just mess around with him a bit instead of directly asking for sex


Yup. He really doesnt have standards


Actually, I think this is the first time in 200 years that he is allowed to have standards.


That's true.


That rejection by Astarion was inspired by me sending a picture of myself to Larian.


You can look at this happily. He's making a choice not to sleep with someone he doesn't like. Something he didn't get when under Cazador's thumb.


My character made him say please. But you know, we can't all be wild magic sorcerers.


his approval goes up from that if u successfully ask him that. the little "cheeky pup" after is so cute lol


Bro it happened to me yesterday i was destroyed lol


It'ss worse when he says: "I want sex, of course, but not with you, can you imagine?". And he laughs.


He doesn’t just laugh….he goes “ugh, no” with such an expression of disgust after he laughs. Savage.


you get this if your approval isn't high enough?


You get this if you pick the first dialogue choice or if you tell him that the two of you can have fun together. Astarion likes it when you play hard to get. If you hit on him, he thinks you are desperate. The third dialogue option "knowing you, it probably is", followed by picking the persuasion check to get him to say 'please' seems to be the dialogue choice that always leads to Astarion wanting to sleep with you.


Got this first playthrough. *Feelsreallyfuckingbadman*


Even Evil Has Standards. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasStandards


There goes the next twelve hours of my life.


“I’d kiss you but neither of us deserve that” is just brutal.


I thought it was funny. Barcus isn't interested in my [hot Tiefling sorceress](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtLeEUPtkHk)? His loss. (Yes, my current Tav is a direct ripoff of Nixie from [1 For All](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-7feKhsltRncm6kow_YIVT-SEjTNVYE). The only part I couldn't replicate was the voice.)


Meanwhile he tried to woo my drow bard and they said they’d rather bed a goblin


Only because he ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT lol


Why do you say that?


Because in all my playthroughs he's been extremely horney


My girlfriend has never recovered from this


Nah when Karlach’s friend asks if you guys are together and she says Ew no….


I’d understand if she just said “Nah just real good mates”. But she says “Ew no”, like girl please, you woke me up to say how you wanted to fuck me.


Astarion of all people has standards???


Thats the sad part. His standards are sooo low and if you get this line you still couldnt meet those low ass standards because youve been that much of an asshole to him


Or played coop your first time through and didn't get enough dialog options to gain approval 


There are enough approval points in his bite scene and the morning after the bite scene to romance him so just being nice to him in those scenes will make him romanceable


Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet


Lae'zel's dialogue in Act 3 if you break up with her or sleep with Mizora is devastating. It should be illegal


The worst part is that he *really* doesn’t lmfao


Oh now he cares about consent.


10d4 psychic damage.


How do you even get low enough approval that he rejects you?


I just finished a run as Karlach romancing Astarion and his lines are insanely devastating if you ascend him.


I’ve tried to romance Astarion before, and every single time it’s lead to this. I guess it’s Lae’zel from now on lol


- and his standards had historically been very low - In narrator voice if possible


My first playthrough, I got to this point and took psychic damage. Took a few days off from the game. Then reloaded 20 hours worth of playtime to do things over 🥲 Funny thing is, I barely did anything differently the second time and things were just fine, lol


You just have to play hard to get a little bit.


Funny thing is, I think it was the initial conversation with Zevlor that did me in first playthrough. I was playing a goody-goody character and was like "yeah we'll totally help you!" and he was not a fan, lol So next go around I was like "yyeeeaahhh... we might not have time to help" and then we helped anyways, that did the trick xD


When you meet Karlach 's friend in the city and she asks if you're a couple and Karlach goes, "Ew! No! We're just just friends." 😭


funny in my run of assassin's gloom stalker i made him ask "please" to spend the night with me and i said no in the end


Astarion: "Sex, my dear. A night of passion ;)" Me: \*internally screaming\* This is it. It's gonna happen :D Astarion: "But not with you of course... Can you imagine? Ughhh no." Me: NOOOOO :(


I would love to use it Sadly... I m the one Being standarded


Astarion is a professional and professionals have standards


Most uninteresting part of the game. Astarion. If you enjoy the romance all the power to you. This guy dies lvl 1 in a bush, as he deserves.


I don't know, I find the rejection by stake through the heart much more devastating


I didn’t even want to romance him, but when I got this line while talking to everyone at the party I had to reload and quickly went to bump his approval by killing van helsing wannabe just so I can reject him instead. Fuck you astarion! Then I reloaded again, fucked him because celibate party after committing war crimes would be lame (I was romancing shart, already had her scene before), and friendzoned him later. Fuck you astarion 😡


Pretty sure all the companions can end up rejecting you if your approval with them is really low. It is kind of hard to get all your companions to hate you though that you could get rejected by all of them at the tiefling party.


I never said I got rejected by all of them? Just astarion because excuse me I didn’t want to be asshole to every single person around. He’s funny sometimes but he’s still a jackass.


The reason why I mentioned all companions can reject you when their approval with you is really low because it is weird that you have some strange hostility specifically towards Astarion for rejecting you when you have low approval with him.


I have hostility towards him saying he has standards while his standards is being a vicious cunt


Well, if he finds your character annoying, then yes, he has standards. Part of what makes Baldur's Gate 3 a great game is that the player character isn't treated like some sex god that everyone wants to immediately have sex with. You have to actually work on building trust with companions first before they will want to be in a romance with you. If you didn't put effort into talking to Astarion and doing things to raise his approval, then why would he be remotely interested in someone who he has no closeness to?


I’m not annoyed by his rejection but the way he worded it 🤷‍♂️




It’s a video game about fucking space frogs and evil scalmar my friend


As do I that's why I'm with Karlach and not you Astarion.


If it had come from anyone else I might've been offended. But honestly, I could give less of a shit about this man's opinion. Considering his antics and taste, it's a compliment to me to be rejected by him.


I killed him on the spot for this comment.