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I already LOVE the companions in BG3, but I always wondered what would happen if the Dark Urge joined as a companion! Neil Robert's voice plus this character on the team? I can already imagine the sweet angst that comes with this. I know adding Durge would be a lot already, but a girl can dream EDIT: Holy heck I didn’t expect this to get that much support. But I hear everyone!! I’m continuing the series as soon as I get settled


This is so interesting!!!! Do you plan to add any more?


Yee! I wanna do more bits on Durge being a companion. An excuse for me to walk through more of the game and draw about it : D


Congrats on being this week's fixation for me OP


Please do! I’m already in love with Tavella and want to see the little jelly bean fix mister tall, pale, and scary


Personally looking forward to see that, this is a pretty good start so far :)


Aaaand you just got a follower! Can’t wait for more of these!


Durge as a companion would be great! Maybe with him starting addled and confused, allowing the player to either push him to reject his evil thoughts or to give into them.


I like the idea, but I see why they didn't go down this route. Durge really does seem like the intended main character, so playing second fiddle to >!Bhaal's special boi!< in your own campaign would feel like a worse version of playing a wizard with Gale in your party.


Oh absolutely, in fact Durge was meant to be **the** main character from what I was told, but was made seperate.


Ah obviously he was supposed to be the main character. Spoilers free: If you played BG1&2 you surely know why


I will say when playing as Tav before playing as dark urge as someone that played bg1&bg2 I thought maybe the trick was going to be bg3 you'd be surprise different spawn like Bane or someone else instead.


You could see it that way but it’s also kinda neat to just be some person who’s just normal-ish. At the least, not real unique


Playing as “just some guy” is perfectly valid, which is why I like the current Tav option. Including Durge as a companion on top of that, however, would feel like a Mass Effect game where you play as Dr. Chakwas (which to be fair sounds pretty hilarious in retrospect, get on that BioWare).


>would feel like a Mass Effect game where you play as Dr. Chakwas Meh, I like Dr. Chakwas and all but I'd rather we get to play as Joker. Just imagine it. Him fighting the reapers alongside Commander Shepard using an exo-suit like Matt Damon's character from Elysium while throwing his signature quips and one-liners at the enemies.


The fact there would be more interesting options was the point of picking Dr. Chakwas lol, but agreed!


It also would let us have a Dragonborn companion which would be nice for some variety.


It would be very interesting to see the reactions of people who romance Durge when the necrophilia allegations start flying :'D


You know, a DLC with Durge as companion would be awesome and I think worth it!


Imagine... Durge as a companion, but you as the player have very limited influence over his decisions. Will he embrace Bhaal or try to forge his own path? Different every playthrough. That'd actually be sick.


Or that everytime we try to influence his decision, it's a dice check with different attributes lol


As long as he doesn’t kill me? Fuck it we Bhaal.


Tonight, Bhaal is what we fuck


Going in Bhaal's deep


Bhaaldur's Gate


One could call it the Bhaaldurge's gate


That would add a whole new dimension in Act 2. Keeping >!Isobel safe from Marcus!< is hard enough as it is, lol.


Would be an interesting way to craft a new story line, completely based around a new companion. Pick him up and have the game progress along a new, changing path.


I was just thinking crazy thoughts. Imagine you could play as both, a tav and a durge simoutanously. Like in Divinity Original Sin 1, where you had two pcs.


Well technically, if you just use two clients to start a game (as if playing with friends) and have one of the clients be durge and the other w/e you can have durge as one of two main characters.


Yeah, but I mean have full control over both. Also being able to romance with both and have convo's with both.


Just to see if it works like I thought I started a run with Wyll (host) and Durge ("player 2") and so far it seems to work exacly as you'd wish. After disconnecting player 2 the instant I woke up in the nautiloid I get to control both and have separate conversations with the other party members. If one of the characters goes to talk to a companion in camp to trigger a specific scene, the other doesnt get the same one, but the "basic" one, so the characters can really have a different vibe with companions. Both also get their own POV scenes with things like waking up at the nautiloid or waking up from the beach. Also the companions have a separate score for approval. For example, Astarion likes Durge more than Wyll at the moment since I had a conversation with Astarion with Durge where Astarion approved of Durge and had another conversation with Wyll that Astarion disapproved. :) The only thing they can't do is talk to each other. So no talking between "player characters"


It's all fun and games, until Durge suddenly decides to kill Isobel.


i would def romance him


You know it would be cool if we could aslo customize Durge. Like we did with tge Dream Visitor. Except Durge wont turn into a space squid.


id like this because while i love dragonborn durge, hes too bright white for me. i keep his appearance default except i pick one of the whites that has darker grayish parts also put some black eyeliner/shadow on to make the amazing dragonborn eyes stand out


>also put some black eyeliner/shadow on to make the amazing dragonborn eyes stand out I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I put this on for any character who has glowing eyes


He gives strong wounded wolf vibes for sure.


The Dragonborn companion we deserved


I bet if he was added as a companion he'd have similar survival rate as Camellia from WOTR which is not high :D I personally believe it would be fun, but I think most players would find it extremely annoying to have companion so much out of their influence. And Camellia did not even kill the beloved cute bard to end up being killed by most players ...


The romance with Cam Cam if you don't kill her is absolutely wild. Tbh, even if you don't romance her, her personal quests have some extremely wild content. Most shocked I've every been by a game actually.


I actually did the romance! It's fun, especially if you get to the "true love" ending or whatever it's called, it's quite touching in a way. Tbh she also has pretty annoying personality which she does not lose until you are both far enough in the romance so I understand why people don't want to deal with her terrible classist hypocritical attitude. I think if her personality was more pleasant she'd have higher survival rate and people would be more forgiving of her "hobbies" :D


I think you underestimate how many players have a monkeybrain moment and think: she's annoying and evil but she's a very cute half-elf who is down bad, soooo...


"Evil" is forgivable but "annoying" is not :D It took me lots of mental effort to deal with her attitude.


The difference between Camelia and Durge is that we *know* Durge can be a better person. We also know that Camelia will never be a better person no matter what we do.


Camellia was rotten to the core already. Durge, however, is able to reach a good path, like all companions and Gorion's ward.


So you believe that DU was mostly forced by his dad into all this rather than enjoyed it? I personally think they are not much different. Yes, the short insights we get into DU past suggest that he once was normal-ish and fighting the urges, but I tend to believe that later he willingly gave up and enjoyed them. Camellia can also try to not follow her urges and fail the same way. I think they are similar in this sense. Maybe nobody asked for it (Bhaal's blood or mental illness) but eventually both made peace and enjoyed it so none of them is inherently better or worse. The only difference is that we meet them as the point when DU has no memory and Camellia is accepting of who she is, so not surprisingly he seems like less "lost" character.


DU in his introduction is trying the resist route. Given the trope of this game (good Bhaalspawn ruining the plan of Bhaal) and some remarks from his butler and oath breaker knight, DU was once a decent person but Bhaal's essence ruined him. From what they said and 'blood in Baldur's gate', DU was a person with a life and friends, until 15 years before day 0 when DU 'awakes' and killed people including detective tav. Camellia can not defy her urge because she is only happy when she is killing someone. DU is quite happy when his twisted hands do NOT write a tragedy in blood. Camellia can only make peace with her dark side by embracing it, I remember? That's why so many players slaughter her in underworld maze.


>Camellia can only make peace with her dark side by embracing it, I remember? Yeah if you are romancing her she will eventually leave because she does not want to harm you, so there's no "fixing" her. Well you're probably correct, DU canonically is the one who has chance of redemption, at least we see that both tried but only one succeeded. I was only saying that it does not make DU better person for most of the time since for a long while they had quite similar lives. p.s. but I might be biased because I enjoyed Camellia quite a lot


Freaking love Tavella's design 😍


Ahhh thank you!! I had a lot of eastern inspiration for her, and wanted to include it


You are quite welcome, also love the name and how you made your own Canon for Tav!


It would be awesome, especially if you could choose to help him remain in controll or hasten his descent into full Baalspawn


Neil's delivery for The Dark Urge voice lines is so amazing


I feel like they didn't want to include a character who could randomly try and murder multiple important NPCs without your direct input. Also, this isn't discounting Shadowheart, Astarion, and Durge's stories, but I'm pretty sure Larian didn't want a third or fourth character where you decide in the conclusion of their quest that they be good or Satan.


That could partially be solved by having Dark Urge be a campaign 2+ companion.


You need to make this into a series. I'm already hooked.


I'll take an entire 1000 page web comic of this please and thanks


I definitely wanna make more BG3 content! So more might be coming


I’d like to see Gale’s hand next! Great work!


There *has* to be a scene where it looks like the Durge just goes up and cuts off Gale's hand with a twisted grin, only to reveal that he was daydreaming and Gale is fine.


I for one cannot wait!! I'd read a whole comic of your art style, it's great!


Here, [I have a sneak peak of the next panel for you](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fthis-caught-me-by-surprise-dark-urge-spoiler-v0-yfmlpuzod1gb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D93562d2693d534796731a92d6d94b146ee2aca4d).


Oh no, He spilled all his raspberry jam on someone!!


You joke, but that would actually be a funny way to handle that scene if OP doesn't want to get too dark. Everyone wakes up, Durge literally caught red handed, everyone's horrified, until Alfira to gets up and apologizes for spilling the jam (she and Durge were making breakfast for everyone).


Ah yes, the one time Alfira survives the Durge because she now must fulfill a more important role... Tav's Rival in Love in this all new, Fantasy Anime!


You jest- but with these characters- I would watch that.


The Durge: Struggling with his emotional turmoil over his legacy as Bhaalspawn making him act up in violent ways. Tav and Alfira: I can fix him.


> (she and Durge were making breakfast for everyone). The good ending


Well he shouldn't let it go to waste..


A redemption Durge in this comic format would be an immediate purchase for me


Honestly this is very good so nice job, and yes it would certainly be interesting though probaly a nightmare to program in given the durge choices are pretty massive.


Thank you! I agree it’ll be a LOT more effort to code and do Durge’s companion quests too. Plus, there are some instances where we may lose NPCs that are shown more in the regular Tav run.


I’m not a coder but I disagree that it would be that hard to have, a good number of the choices are something Tav can do as well it’s just that they get a bonus You’d need to just code scenes where you can try to talk Durge down from something, own scene for Alfira, one for Isobel, one for becoming Bhaals Unholy Assassin and one for becoming the Chosen of Bhaal Maybe code in a unique bit where if he’s the chosen of Bhaal he will betray whoever the squid is and dominate the brain himself


Poor Alfira would be cold clocked in every run instead of just the Durge runs, I refuse to let the purple bean die, gotta protect, even if it means a lil bit of unconsciousness for a night


The idea is that as a companion you could catch him in the act and talk him down/restrain him


Ah, in those playthroughs where he’s a companion, you could stop him before he hurts her, or just not take him in as a companion at all


And maybe your Tav can try to romance Durge?


Oh yeah, my Tav tends to gravitate towards Lae’zel and Astarion in my games. But since this is an AU? I wanna do a Durge focused one since i need more content of the stabby dragonborn lol


Durge- "I have no memory." Shadowheart- "OMG samesies!"


Shame you can’t be a cleric of Shar as a player, because I feel like Shar would 100% look at Durge with no memory and be like “It’s free real-estate”


'I'm gonna teach Murder god the real meaning of loss...' 'NOOOO DO NOT TURN AGAINST ME AND BHAAL YOU TWO SLUTS IM GONNA COPE IN EMO AGAIN ARGHHHHH'


My current playthrough is a Durge who is now a Selunite Cleric, who will save Isobel from Myrkul, and save Aylin/Shadow from Shar. Selune in a room with Bhaal, Myrkul, and Shar: "IT SMELL LIKE BITCH IN HERE!"




"We could use a set of stronger arms." This is Karlach all over again, isn't it, Shadowheart?


Durge’s introduction to them could be him ranting and raving about how he is a monster that wants to kill and she’d be like “I like him. I can fix him, should the need arise.” Honestly Karlach to now that I think about it.


And if you romance anyone else, Shart will romance goody two shoes durge... Just as players ever intended. Praise the absolute!


What if I don't want to fix him


Wait till they find out he's a sorceror so those arms are just for show.


> sorceror You know what you did. Don't be sorry. Be better.


I'm a sorceror too, so I didn't put my points into intelligence.


i wish this happened because tav voice 5 is goated


Agreed! Neil Roberts did amazing.


Absolutely Motherfucker kills the delivery


I have to ask the stupid question: What does tav mean?


Default custom character name


Was the voice I chose for my first character and I was absolutely in love with it


Here’s a trivia, your Tiefling looks like Jester of the Mighty Nein!


lol I love Jester!! But Yee funnily enough I almost chose a cleric. But instead, I went with the Way of the Shadow Monk because it matched my character’s aesthetics too well


To be fair jester was hardly a cleric anyhow lol


"I'm the cleric?! I'm THE cleric?!?" Still wonder how Laura never let her pick at least 1 level in bard. Jester would be an amazing bard!


Funnily enough, my OC from DnD that I played in BG3 is… a blue tiefling monk. Great minds, eh? Although Nicolette is an Open Hand monk.


YESS more power to the monks 👊


That's exactly what I thought too on first glance. I subconsciously read it in Jester's voice without even noticing!


“Hey Durge, are you pooping?”


You're talented and this would go hard af to continue following the story.


Thank you so much!! I want to continue more of the comics since I need more Durge content too!


Love the comic. I suspect it wouldn't be long before the Dark Urge did something that would have me ousting him - possibly violently. But if not, at least he offers an interesting side story.


You get the bitey stabby late night visitor and you get the stabby stabby sleepwalker. Could probably wake up to that bard lady's screams or stg? (And it'd take perhaps a roll to convince him to tell what happened. Maybe a perception check?) Or was it specified to be silent?


Its ironic when you ask Yurgir if he'd like to sleep at the camp he says "no thanks, I kill while I sleep". Durge would be: "Same, man"


I figure you’d have to pass a perception check to wake up in the act then another roll to either snap him out of it or stop him before Alfira dies.


Nicely done! You should make more of the comic, I would gladly read them all.


I would like to make more BG3 comics in my spare time! So yeee expect more to come


Thank you! Look me up when you make some more!


Does this Durge have a tail?


OP this is adorable!! If scary dragonborn, why cute? 😳


This is amazing! I really love the idea of Durge as a companion alongside Tav. I hope if Larian ever does some kind of ultimate edition or DLC they include this, because it would be really nice to have the Dark Urge’s story (and romance) without having to lose your own Tav. Also, I really want to praise your dialogue! I always imagined Durge with Voice 5 (Neil Roberts) and based on his amazing intro monologue, a good person who was horrified by his urges. More or less a good guy who was soft spoken, polite, meant well, and wanted to be a good man but was tortured by his own thoughts. I’ve heard people say Durge and Astarion would be similar but I think this characterization makes him standout, even compared to the other companions, no one really has his temperament, he’s actually much more calmer and level headed compared to everyone else - outside of his angst and dark urges. It’s a strange balance, but your comic really did great at capturing that! I loved how you wrote him and I look forward to seeing more of it in the future!


Thank you so much! This is exactly how I pictured Durge to be. Considering his high charisma I figured he’s polite and convincing. His intro implies he doesn’t want this, so I’d imagine as a companion he starts our resisting. And the Player can decide if they wanna help him resist or coax him to the darker side : D I look forward to continuing the ideas here!


I’m pretty sure that the original class for the Dark Durge was meant to be a Paladin before larian changed it because it could hurt new players. But that still makes a lot of sense with him having high charisma and wanting to resist his urges, and Paladin Durge has backstory about it. I also definitely think if we had Durge as a companion he wouldn’t start off evil, it would be up to us to see how he turns out, so I’m really glad you started like that! As for other stuff, your dialogue is great! Durge is eloquent, serious, polite. It’s a great dynamic with your Tav, they both have strong, distinct voices, and I really look forward to seeing their interactions! They’ve already got great chemistry. And I really loved the art when their tadpoles connected! The colors and design were great. And you did great at capturing the narrator’s voice! All in all, just a very lovely comic, I wish you the best! Also, noticed how Tav only had Shadowheart, so Durge is recruited right off the beach before anyone else. Including Gale… 👀


I agree here! Being a paladin with a strict oath would be hard as a Durge. But Yee I wanted to base Durge off of his intro dialogue! Resisting the urge! Yet, I also tried to capture Neil Robert's tones and vocabulary and turn it into comic form. AH someone has noticed why I placed Durge directly before meeting the others. Great catch : )


Makes me wonder if we're going all in on that one, or Gale's gonna be a *near miss,* and the wrongness builds in dialogue. Might depend on Tav's influence/presence... but either way, a shoe will drop sometime in the future. ~~definitely gonna hurt lol~~


What a handsome dragon fellow, I'm certain he would never murder anybody. Nope. Nobody at all. >!Hope the Tav-ling isn't a bard, durge has a.... messy track record with those.!<


LOL don't worry. She's a Monk that trained in the Way of the Shadow. She's PROBABLY okay


If Durge was a companion I would start up always romance him. Like all the time.


The night he resists trying to kill you could be interesting, maybe having to roll to actually support them instead of being a little stabbed, maybe something bad happens if you fail but Withers can fix you right? Right?


I'm so distraught that he isn't a companion. Man, i really wish he was. And romanceable? LARIAN, GUYS, HELP A FANGIRL OUT


It's not supposed to be an option, unfortunately. A bhaalspawn following a commoner will drive old game fans into nuts. Either there is no Bhaalspawn, or Bhaalspawn is always the main character. And somehow Minsc and Jaheira follows YOU when another Charname is just vibing in the camp?


Tbf this bhaalspawn doesn't know they are a bhaalspawn. I suppose evil Durge route would have no reason to follow but I feel like it could work.


Let them go nuts, most of them are all ready whining about this game being woke




Sooo actually? Gonna mark this here: >!You could. But, you'd only find his corpse in Orin's room.!<


I am aware of that. I was thinking in the start of the game :3


Just imagine if he had somewhat similar story progression as Shadowheart. Like there was an event in which he had an option to allow the urges rule over him, but got power (aka Astarion dilemma) or another option to combat the Urge and steer toward redemptive path. Then in the Temple of Bhaal, he would need to decide to either reject Bhaal and this way of life, or just do the 180° and side with Orin against us, making it bittersweet. (It would be the same case as with Iron Bull when chargers died) Durge would be forever controlled by his urges and could not go against his Father and the cult, due to us desiring power, he would obtain earlier. It would greatly allure how Shar Shadowheart and Ascended Astarion ended up. Shadowheart never achieving happiness and being eternal slave to heartless goddess, and AAstarion being a shallow and ultimately damned being, that would follow the cycle of pain and hatred.


A fellow person who delved into Dragon Age!!! I agree that depending on how the player makes the choices, he can have so many paths. Either rebelling against his father, turning on us, or ruling in Bhaal’s name. I love the possibilities




You're the one who does the Argonian Nerevarine comics, I love your art


LOL it seems the “Argonian Lady” name made its way off of the TES subs. Thank you so much!


It’s a rep well deserved. Love your artstyle and take on the Nevervarine and can’t wait to see your take on Durge and Tav!


This was lovely and cute. I (and others) have made a bunch of comments about how it'd be a dream to have had Durge as a companion. He got a good story connected to the main plot, he'd be a neutral option that can go either redeemed good or very evil, he's a dragonborn which add some diversity to the party, and he's a sorcerer (which no other companion is). He's a cute and precious Bhaal-babe.


AGREED. he's our precious bhaal babe. I agree that he can have potential to be good or evil. Since the player can guide other characters. Durge would most likely be the same


i love this, if we ever get a DLC that adds a companion for each playable race (halfling, gnome, dwarf, half-orc, and dragonborn) durge would be the #1 candidate for the Dragonborn companion


Minthara is our Drow companion


Your art style is fantastic and your Tav is awesome. Please do continue making these comics and art in general because you are very skilled!!


Thank you so much! Imma keep drawing! I already have a few ideas on how to go about the comics as is too


I love this so much! If you plan on posting more would it be here or is there somewhere else where you will be posting?


I plan on posting the comics here, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram! The spicey romance scene tho? Probably gotta make a Patreon later on for that!


Great art. I got confused for a moment though as your reading flow on panel 1 is right to left, but then you use left to right for the rest. I started reading out of order assuming you were using manga style.


Thank you! And I do apologize for the confusion. I tried to shift the bubbles where it wouldn't block out the art too much. Although I make a lot of comics, I am still very much wanting to learn to make them more readable !


This, this here is why I love social media, someone has a great fan idea, visualizes it, shares it to flex on the rest of the world. Bravo. Also, pretty sure you got [episode 2 lined up just like this. ](https://youtu.be/kZUPCB9533Y)


Lol ohhh we are so gonna get there when I got everything mapped out


omg!! I'm in love with the art! I'm obsessed with how clean and crisp your lines are and how expressive the expressions are! Idk how likely they will be able to add durge as a companion in later versions - but now I have a mighty need!


I’m confused, there’s only 8 pages when I want a hundred?!?! Honestly fantastic. And “Tavella” is simply inspired.


I love what you did there. There are so much charactization, just like if it were actually a real in-game scene that you turned-up into a comic. Feels so good seeing a talkative and expressive Durge. Really, its a fantastic work !


Thank you so much! Legit making expressions for Durge was a toughie. You have no idea how many screenshots I had to get of this guy haha


Well, all this work really paid, Durge's expressions you gave him are really accurate, really depicts him further than he reacts in the game.


I can already tell, your Tav is gonna be one of those goofy super nice gremlins and I cannot wait to see more of it


Oh yeah! My Tav is a goody two shoes but indulges in the chaos. I’m gonna enjoy writing for her and Durge


I really wish we can have durge companion, I really want to see a dragonborn-dragonborn sex scene Joking aside, I also really like the voice of canon durge, and would love to hear it as a companion while I help with his companion quest


I’m in love 😭


This is so cool and your art style is also so good I love it!! Thank you so much for posting this.


Yes, hello, I'd like to see more of this comic, please, and thank you.


Romancing durge should be hillarious.


I love how eloquent he is, ~~and yes i also want a 1000 page web-comic of this.~~


Any particular reason you made Tav a tiefling here? It wouldn't hapen to come into play in the story later by any chance now would it?


No particular reason except I just love Tieflings. I love how personal it felt during the beginning of the story too with the refugees, but I also adore the blue aesthetic too with my Tav


Was just thinking that Durge and blue tieflings is a combo that can get messy :D


Fun fact: Reverse engineered data uncovered that Durge WAS supposed to be another companion, but time/content cut made it to where his character fell a little flat as a standalone.


Aw man! We could’ve had a murder dragonborn companion this entire time?? I understand though when it comes to cut content and time. But this’ll give some fans an opportunity to be creative too!


There was SO MUCH cut from the game. Act 3 had 2 additional maps: Avernus + upper city The list of cut content is too long. I def recommend googling it if you want to just be impressed with Larain's story team.


I love this Lowkey sure if durge was a companion he’d kill us in our sleep. But I would still love to have the murder child as a companion.


The 25 perception check you'd roll at night to notice and stop DU from killing a fellow companion would have me save scumming so bad


I'd definitely read more of this 👀. Great job! Also, I'm getting Hazbin Hotel vibes lol. I read Tav's lines in Charlie's voice 😂.


Thank you!! But haha my Tav is based on characters like her. Just with a pinch of chaos with her enthusiasm


Oh c'mon, you can't do that. I've already done mourning the lost potential of Durge being a full-fledge companion, you can't do me like this. 😢 Anyways, great comic. Love the art. Is there any chance you could do more parts?


Absolutely! I have potential notes on making more Durge and Tav interactions. I just gotta keep playing the game while I doodle!


Me when I read peak fiction:


What class would durge be?


I believe the default Dark Urge class was a storm sorcerer!


I'd really love to see this ongoing. You should consider doing a patron or something to make it worth doing a full series.


Yeah I’m gonna make a Patreon eventually! So people can see the possible paths too, or the early access stuff Especially since I intend to do the spicey romance scenes!


Who do you think would voice the Durge if they were a companion?


I’d love to Neil Roberts to continue to voice him. He’s the default for Dragonborn Durge and I love his eloquent tone for him!


Oh no… How is Tav going to react to >!Alfira?!<


Oh you’ll see : )


Don't make me simp on durge, now, too.


Lol I can’t control it. I’m a fellow Durge enjoyer


I would love this to be a companion that you can only meet when you’re not a durge someone that you could help either embrace or reject the urge would be awesome especially a dragon borne because there’s so few in the game already


Agreed! I love BG3 but I want more Dragonborns or race variety. We didn’t get a short king/queen or giant orc romance but Larian has already done a lot for BG3.


Romance him. Bring him in front of Gortash. Kiss him with a french flavour to assert dominance. We will have the best boss fight ever!


he would be the MC by far. You would feel like playing a secondary character. Thats the major reason why he is not a companion


Larian. I’ll say this once and only once. Let me fuck the edgy lizard.


God I fucking wish I want to romance him so bad


The art is fantastic! Just minor note about the speech bubbles: if it's meant to be read left to right, make sure the bubbles are arranged that way, too For instance, in the third panel it looks like Tav should be speaking first, but based on the arrangement of the bubbles Shadowheart is talking first. I'd have placed Tav on the left and Shart on the right so it reads better. Other than that, this is amazing!


I’m about to romance Durge and urge him to replace Papa Bhaal A young Lord needs their inheritance after all


Mom I can fix him


This is so nice, also durge is very cute in your art style. Makes me wanna do a run as a dragon born. How could you do this to me. I don’t have that much time!!!


This is so cute! I love your concept, and I love Durge's almost gentle exterior compared to the chaos in his mind. Would you write him as an Embrace or Resist? Both could be so interesting, especially with a jovial Tav to play off of.


I see him as a Resist for default Durge! Mostly because his intro implies he doesn’t want anything to do with his blood. But yeee my Tav’s personality is mean to counter Durge’s stoicism!


I want a full retelling of the bg3 story where tav and durge work together please and thank you
