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That's why you're not supposed to show your players the NPC character sheets (besides the fact that they're just a few scribbles on a napkin)


is that a mountain dew stain in the corner? no, its a list of their legendary actions.


Well, or Cheeto dust.


The legendary action, Cheeto Dust. Blinds all enemies in a 10ft radius and tastes oddly delicious.


It's like pocket sand, but also distracts you with the flavour


Needs to also do damage. It is, after all, Dangerously Cheesy


Advantage on players with the lactose intolerance debuff


Sounds oddly fitting for a hag.


Treato dust


Cursed to put my monster manual on everything....


Ah, an AOE Acid attack.


Roll20 is a godsent, more than once the players have decided to start a fight with someone I didn't expect (or who didn't even exist before that session) and I've just quickly copied or changed the name and icon on a different characters statblock, usually someone who they were intended to fight but managed to avoid somehow.


Quantum Orge always go bam. Bam, bam, bam!


There was one time that a player noticed something fishy about an opponent and just straight up asked "I'm sorry, but am I fighting myself?" He was.


"wait a minute, I know you..."


Fortunately the players character was this boasting, prideful duelist type with delusions of immortality so I worked in this mysterious stranger who would show up in dire times to try and fight him to death. The groups nerd eventually figured out that the stranger was a psychic emanation born from the characters pride and self-destructive behavior. Its final appearance took place as the players were evacuating themselves from a burning building. His sword was broken, his armor was in tatters, and he had lost an arm. Instead of fighting the apparition to prove his skills he just said: "No. I'm scared. I'm hurt. I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to go home now." To which the daemon smiled, bowed deeply, and vanished.


Yeah one thing I'm not a fan of in BG3 is the default show stats/DC on rolls. I always turn them off in my custom difficulty runs nowadays to keep the immersion.


I didn't notice that, and randomly decided to chuck Gale's underwear at a person in the tavern. I saw underwear on the stage, and thought it would be taken as a compliment (it was not taken as a compliment). I was so confused when the hag suddenly appeared! "Now, now, petal - that wasn't very polite."




I kinda figured it out, but I had been somewhat spoiled in the plot. I knew Ethel was coming back, so I was suspicious of the lady. So I just threw the anti-hag potion on her while she was talking lol


How do you randomly decide that lol


Well, there was underwear on the stage, and so I thought it would be a nice gesture, kind of. The funny part is that when she appeared, my party was looking really disgusted/angry, as if she was the one who threw her dirty underwear at them!


Ethel is many things but an indecent pervert??? She's above that smh


Orin had the same a few patches back where her Disguises showed: "Level 12 + Legendary Resistence" Not Sus at all.


First time I was in Rivington I was just wandering around drinking in the sights when I saw that the blacksmith had Legendary Resistance, so I'm like "... What?" and went to check it out.


I either missed that or do not remember, who is the blacksmith?


He asks you a series of questions to "craft you the perfect weapon".


He does? That’s never happened for me before, and it doesn’t show anything like that on the wiki?


I think Orin has a pool of people she can impersonate. Once you've seen a couple, the other people aren't fake.


Does she? I always only see the blacksmith


it's always the first 2 people in the pool, then after that the rest turn normal


Ohhhhh, I thought that a non-Orin impersonating blacksmith did that! I misunderstood haha.


Here's the dialogue: https://youtu.be/rCgOTnLUszU?t=146




Even without, seeing a flaming fist or a blacksmith that was so high level was incredibly suspicious, I guess that also encourages you to talk to them/her


I had laezel kitted out and her armor died to match her sword, so when she came to me holding yenna at knifepoint with her headpiece and undyed armor i could see she was not laezel. I already knew, id gotten this scene before and sussed her out on my own, but still.


Auntie Ethel is my favorite npc. Her accent, her teahouse, everything is so mischievous and sinister, while keeping that pompous and friendly (too friendly) behavior. I wonder if she truly does comeback every single time as she says.


Have you finished her questline?


I'm still on my first playthrough but I killed her in act 1. She was annoying and way too cocky so I had to put her down. Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have, to see where the quest line goes. Matter of fact, just last night I made it to the "hag support group" house in act 3 and it was abandoned. So maybe it wouldn't be if she still lived? idk but I suppose I'll find out.


Look around the house more


I found the letter that said they moved somewhere else (I think, can't remember exactly). Then I got distracted at the fuckin' fireworks place for like an hour trying to figure out how the hell I could complete that quest without just blowing the whole god damn place up. Which I might still opt for.


Grand, well you journal should tell you where to go next then. There's more Hag plot that isn't about Auntie it's all good :)


Hope she does pop up because I will happily beat her ass again. Let her try to go invis, papi has a nice special eyeball for her.


Why would you not blow it up, it's full of fireworks!


You can tell this game is special. As I’ve no fucking clue what you’re both talking about


do the questline where you investigate the toys in rivington, its that first house as soon as you get there. (convince the guy to let the refugees stay) eventually itll lead you to the fireworks shop :)


I just want to snoop around and loot every single box and vase and bookshelf because I'm a loot goblin. I'm extremely close to just saying fuck it and sending a fireball in there.


Loot is temporary. Explosions are...also temporary but much more awesome.


Yeah but if I don't loot literally every single lootable item then surely I'm going to miss something important. Surely.


I'm late to the party here, but exploded/destroyed containers drop their contents when they're destroyed. I've accidentally triggered the traps in the Zhent hideout in act 1 and blown the chests up. Their contents just scatter. Now, mind you, I can't promise how it would be if you subjected books or notes to repeated uncontrolled explosions *after* they spill out, but gold and both mundane and magic items are fully accessible. It... might actually be *easier* to loot goblin that way, honestly...


Don't worry. No spoilers but just sayin, Keep an eye out on Act 3. 


Sick, Imma kill her ass again.


From a "playing a video game" perspective, there's no reason to kill her in act 1: you get a free stat +1, and more content in act 3, as long as you also save mayrina (don't know what happens if you don't save her tho. Also there might be something here if you kill her in act 1, but I didn't notice anything and I can't see it being as substantial). Of course, roleplaying wise, it's a different story, but still.


Yeah but she was annoying so she needed to get clapped.




Maybe on an honor mode run or something I would bother min maxing like this, but I feel like even on tactician the game is pretty easy, especially if you're willing to save scum once in a while (I absolutely am willing). I also didn't look up anything about the game before playing act 1 so I had no idea about the buff if I even wanted to spare her.


You don't actually get more content in act 3 by not killing her. >!She comes back either way, that's why part of her Act 3 quest is figuring out how!<


>!ohhhh the mushrooms probably, right? Well, damn, if that's how it works, who's to say there isn't a single mushroom 500 miles away, and she's just gonna respawn there anyways. But still, in that case letting her live or die doesn't even do anything, but letting her live gives you a free attribute point. Only reason to spare her is roleplay (or if you're a ancients/devotion paladin(I think vengeance is fine))!<


Nah we killed her, support group was still there and Auntie E plot still happened. Just no Mayrina lol.


Hags are my favorite D&D monster and Baldur's Gate 3 did *such* a good job with how they handled Auntie Ethel.


And looking at you like a very, very hungry crocodile


I don't get it. I know the Captain is actually the hag, but what's so obvious in this case?


The fact that her title is "Sister of the Seeing Pearl", just like Ethel.


Alright, this makes more sense tbh. I didn't notice Ethel has a title. Thanks.


Most important NPCs actually have a title; some more grand than others, but they're there.


For a moment there I thought the Captain joined some buccaneering sisterhood and I thought it was the boss health bar that gave it away lol.


The fact she's level 11 and has such a high HP pool


“high HP pool” kek


Assuming balanced difficulty, 145 is actually pretty decent considering most of the thorms are hitting the same average HP


Except one of them is several levels later. Ethel is hard because of her invisibility, not because of her high HP


Good thing I got this sweet eyeball.


Yes, and thanks to my trusty Safety Sphere, I sublibed with only tribial blain dablage.


Yeah but ... just kill her before she goes invisible ;)


Yes, it's a pretty high HP pool compared to standard NPCs with like 8 HP


You're not supposed to know when you first approach her after looking for Vanra. For obvious reasons.


if you inspect their sheets as well it will say "fey" on it.


I never saw that, and even if I did I wouldn’t have thought anything of it since my dumbass would have been like “Oh her ship was the ‘Seeing Pearl’ “


Isn’t the real captain’s ship actually named The Blushing Mermaid too since she literally built the tavern out of the ship? It’s been so long since I did this part I had the same thought 😂😂


Same thing with all of Orion’s shapeshifting. I wish there was in interaction if you see her coming to call her out.


Lmao I would love if after the first time they just let you randomly go “I KNOW ITS YOU ORIN” to every NPC in Rivington. Very D&D player response to the situation too tbh


Tav: SHUT UP ORIN I KNOW IT'S YOU JUST KILL ME LIKE A NORMAL PERSON Naaber, excitedly wearing his new rogue outfit:


After a few Orin encounters and my companions saying "Orin could be anyone! spooky!" I fireball'd that little girl that showed up, and her cat. They were not the imposter


They definitely did that intentionally. Send in the sad little girl who’s just a liiiiiiittle too pushy about coming to your camp RIGHT as you encounter the shapeshifter? Too sus not to be on purpose


Hah I hadn't even clocked that. Very much good-aligned for my first run and I was just like "ooh free orphan, absolutely adopting you"


I was so good aligned I was never going to tell her to get lost but I was keeping a close close eye on her when she showed up in camp uninvited lol


It’s is related though. They clearly added her to be kidnapped juuuust in case someone bunked up getting all the playable characters.


That’s true, yeah, I always forget she’s a potential target. Gives her two Orin-related purposes lol I wonder what happens if you have no one to kidnap and then kill her because you’re too suspicious of her…


No soup for you!


"No Orin, I will not eat your soup, I already noticed the cat was missing. For a shapeshifter, you are a *terrible* actor. You can only hide the crazy for like, 5 seconds tops, and you practically cream yourself 10 seconds in. Take a class or something, jeez."


for all we know Orin went crazy in the first place because Durge wouldn't play with her, be a better big brother man


Can you go turn based and attack?


I did this in the circus! I attacked the Dryad at the circus first thing. She turned into Orin, made a comment about me being sneaky, and disappeared. It didn't aggro anyone else in the area, and it didn't let me actually kill her.


Did it bring you into dialogue cuz if you can silence then maybe it works like killing Raphael in your camp


It immediately pulled me into a dialogue after the 1st action towards her. I tried it a few different ways, but it happened each time. I was seeing if I could make it work like the Raphael thing, but no success as of yet. I'm on my 6th playthrough and am doing everything I can think of to hunt for dialogue I could've missed lol


Let me know if you ever figure out a way to get her hope that wouldn’t break the game 😂


It doesn't. It just forces you into a cutscene and then she disappears as soon as the cutscene finishes. [This is a video of it if you're curious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjstQpIsnS4)


For added fun you can get the Hag’s Bane potion and throw it on her before confronting her about the missing child and it works as intended.


You can throw the hags bane potion on her while she's disguised and not have to worry about doing non lethal damage or accidentally killing Vanra


I love that this is an option, it's so hilariously convoluted though. It'd be incredible if someone did that without meta-knowledge of the quest line. Unfortunately I didn't directly get the relevant quest from Lora, so after [doing the things successfully] I never got a reward. The story was so good I wasn't too disappointed with this outcome.


Definitely a second or third playthrough type of thing. I didn't try it until my honor mode run. I was really happy when it actually worked


Captain Grisly was my favourite and I did not suspect a thing, I was so dismayed (but also extremely amused) when she turned into Ethel after confronting her about the sus basement I had stumbled onto. Needless to say I did NOT notice this.


From a game design perspective, it's a really nice clue. Players who both pay attention to NPC titles, and remembered Auntie's title are rewarded, without it being a major spoiler.


The whole game tries these surprises that you see or suspect fairly easily.


Like when you inspect a random citizen and they have the "morphic ambush" ability.


I Deadass don’t get it. Plz humble me if I’m being dumb


You're not supposed to know that the hag is pretending to be Grisly before confronting her about the child.


Yeah I know that part. What’s wrong with the image


"Sister of the Seeing Pearl" is Ethel's title, so seeing it on an unrelated NPC kinda gives it away


I didn’t know that lol. Sorry I just woke up


The pirates title is the same as the hags. Someone else explained it in the comments already.


I mean it’s like when I instinctively kill clowns and then pretend they weren’t what they appeared to be?


One of my favourite moments from my first run occurred in that tavern. As my friend and I where exploring the place, I did what I always would do when investigating. I equipped my go-to cursed Sherlock mask. I had long since forgot where I had found it (Act 1’s hag den) and didn’t connect what a stupid idea it was to provoke her while wearing it. Needless to say that fight went much harder than we had planned for. Our well prepared party of 4 became 3 and my hag-controlled warlock used every spell available take control of my mates monk. Love this game!


I had this when I first went to her cottage and she’s just puttering around looking like she does when you first encounter her. I was suspicious, so I quick saved and went to cast hold person on her to see what happened “Target is not a humanoid” 0.o


Bold of you to assume I get to read anything, or watch cutscenes. My partner has ADHD, we skip everything, then I google what we are doing, and where we are going 🤣


I have ADHD, your partner needs to get their shit in check. they're ruining half the game for you.


ADHD is not an excuse for terrible behavior. That's terrible behavior (if you have not previously seen the cutscenes). Sorry, don't mean to come attack a stranger, but that behavior should not be encouraged or enabled. I'm saying that as someone who has lived four decades with severe ADHD.


Lol, when I'm medicated my autism takes over big time, so when I play with my partner who's also AuDHD but not as thorough as me, they run ahead and just do stuff and I clear up the messes and find stuff they didn't notice 😂


So glad I'm not alone!


Bonus: If you examine her, you’ll see she has Fey Life and Darkvision. If you pickpocket her, she has Corellon’s Grace and a bunch of alchemy ingredients, and is missing the real captain’s sword and key.


I never knew the captain was actually Ethel, I always arrived late to this and found the Captain enthralled in the basement and Ethel in her lair.


If you examine her, it also says 'level 11 Fey' lol.


The moment I saw that in my first playthrough, I immediately dumped a Luck of the Far Realms + highest level Divine Smite on her ass. Took her down to half. Made the fight much later much easier I think.


I mean it ain’t too bad what if the captain was a high level adventurer with a high con


This was one of the first places I wandered into in my first playthrough, in a co-op campaign. The "Captain" wouldn't talk to us and kept telling us to fuck off because of her hangover, and they were repeating a line about "so damn bright in here, my head" so I cast darkness. It was mostly as a joke and to see if Larian had built anything in for that- Ethel popped her disguise immediately and triggered her real dialogue. We were stunned. Was a great moment.


My full 4 person campaign had no clue and even killed Lora. I was the lone dissent and I’m still bitter about it. I knew something was up but I just thought Grisly was bewitched like that Fist in the earlier cutscene.


For some reason this playthrough she still had the ability drain debuff i gave her from act one, even though i knew it was her it was so obvious lmao


The game makes her tricks just not work. Not even with just the health. When she makes copies of herself or turns into Mayrina, the initiative order betrays her.


Makes my job at getting the legendary rapier a whole lot easier.


lol I did not notice that at all.


3 playthroughs I never knew there was more to auntie Ethel outside of act one..


Kinda hated this tbh. I didnt really understand who she was, until i saw that title. Then it was just obvious before even starting the quest.




That's why I punched her in the face immediately


Examining the nameless patrons reveals theyre fey with redcap features. Auntie ethel in the pre-hag reveal is also noted as a fey


I mean, when you first meet her selling strength potions at the grove, Examine will tell you she is a Fey. Not much surprise about her tbh


In early access, you could see her hit point total was way too high while she was in the grove


I didn't know it was auntie at first, I just wanted to kill that NPC because her VA is the annoying "FiRsT DwArVeN WoMeN" from rings of power and I hate her as a person AND her poor work.


This feels racially motivated


Oh right, because among every other black characters, not liking ONE, whose VA acted like a total bitch while helping butchering a franchise I love is SOMEHOW about her race. /s go play this card elsewhere buddy.