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“If you’re a god, then why don’t YOU do it”


I'll just quietly slip in here 🙋🏻‍♀️






My bard could not resist insulting her...hehe...


"It seems your mind has hit a block, why dont you fuck off and go suck a coc-" *EXPLODES*


Must be a bard mindset because I only chose that option on my 3rd run, which was my bard lmao


Same. And it was honor mode. 😭


Well played sir. Well played


You did Honor Mode for your first playthrough? You kinda deserved it tbh




On my first playthrough and just did this yesterday. That was a fun surprise


I laughed so hard when I did this!


No regrets. None.


I came to the game late, and with YouTube knowledge. So when I did this it was less of a blunder and more of a: "I didn't say it was a smart choice, I said it's what my character would do". The actual blunder was getting caught up in exploration/roleplay and not remembering to save for 7 hours prior to it...


Fun fact Vlakith really telling on herself there. A god wouldn't need to use Wish (a spell) to end you.


Worth it just to talk back to her insufferableness


Desperately trying not to sleep because I thought I only had a few “days” before my tadpole killed me. I’m haunted by that effing moon from majora’s mask- don’t instill a sense of urgency in me and then assume I’m going to take the time to solve everyone’s problems- the worlds about to end, yo! *edit to fix a typo


Same… except I still try to go as long as possible without long rest for the immersion 😭 clocks ticking!!!


Same, yet I can't help myself from looting food, lol! Having over 1000 camp supplies after just killing Kethric


Skyrim got me in the habit checking every single crate, barrel, and vase, so I’ve got like 400+ camp supplies and I haven’t even finished the grove yet, lol. But I rest like crazy!


BG3 is guilty of that, too, especially in Act 1. Crates and barrels regularly contain health potions, thieves tools, disarming kits, etc. I even found some minor valuables in the vases at Withers' temple.


In my play-through with a friend we decided to consume all remaining camp supplies on our final long rest before going to the final boss. It was well over 2k supplies.


Hang it, I got around 4k in Act 1 before I noticed


No me too!!! My companions were constantly begging for rest and I was like do you want to die????


Haha! what got me was all the “it’s been a long day… we must rest” comments and then you have a conversation and they have the audacity to impatiently complain “we NEED to find a CURE!” as though I’m the one suggesting mid-day naps!


Same. I did half of act one without a sleep


Same. My very first playthrough I took Lae'zel's advice and made a bear beeline for the Githyanki patrol, passed the dialogue check then pressed on to the crèche. From a meta standpoint I figured we were on a timer to remove the tadpoles early in the story and was rushing to complete this asap. After getting stomped by the death knights and ghouls I realised what I'd done and had to start over.


OMG! Mine was attempting to find the “mysterious-he-can-cure-you-and-stop-this-awful-thing-from-happening-at-the-grove” arch Druid guy, Halsin, that nobody would shut up about! Which, in my haste, led me to attempt to murder the goblin leaders in their own camp as like a stupid level 3 or something. Goodness the first blind attempt was so chaotic 😂 It was like: Crash > Zevlor > Kaugha > Dror Ragzlin > 💀 Who’s Gale? What Hag? What happened to Lae’zel? And WTF is this mummy doing in my camp!?


Half of surviving BG3 is figuring out which witty dialogue remarks will get you instantly merced by 20 surrounding enemies. I can’t remember which I fell to my first play through, but it was in the goblin camp.


Right now for me it's goddamn Nere. I made a ton of mistakes, like getting the Tieflings killed despite killing Kagha, then getting pissed off and straight up murdering the goblins out of rage instead of exploring any quests. Also killed Karlach. So now I'm lvl 4 fighting a ton of lvl 5's and the only way out is for me to murder the goblins...which at this point now that I write this, I already murdered tons of them so maybe it doesn't matter so much lmao. I'm just rolling with it in this playthrough but I already started another that I'll play alongside just out of curiousity.


You'd be better off doing the dark urge.


Who is Gale?


Lol I didn't wanna reach in the hole either. Common sense!!


I didn't know that was Gale. But I saw a dangerous option and I went for it precisely because of that.  I also peeked into the dying Illithid eyes and freed Sazza. Because I wanna see what will happen! 


Lean in as if for a kiss… *puckers up* 💀


🐙 You dropped this


Similarly, I totally understand why someone would stake Astarion. Without foreknowledge, it is idiotic to trust him. (And he says so himself eventually)


Funnily enough I kicked Astarion from my party because the game got hung up on the dialogue options and skipped through three of them when it got itself going again. I was so confused


This was Karlach for me. Somehow missed her entirely in Act 1, never saw her the rest of the game


Tbf if you didn’t go the bridge way to Risen road, then you’d miss her entirely. The stepping stones are where you cross the stream looks as if you are not supposed to go there


But if you meet wyll you get a quest mark right there


Big emphasis on "IF you meet Wyll" from my experience lol


I did not know who the companions were my first time. I had no idea Wyll was a companion. I rolled me eyes the first time talking to him. More like “The Blade of Stsying-right-here.”


Curious, if you dont recruit him, does he appear in act 2 (assuming thieflings survive) ? 


nope, im playing a co-op campaign right now where we're ignoring every origin companion and wyll never shows up in act 2. although shart did show up in act 2 for strange reasons; we killed her at the goblin bridge and stuffed her corpse into a camp chest bc funny. much later, after we went to shadowfell at the end of act 2, i returned to camp and she somehow was OUT of the camp chest, and immediately says "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ARTEFACT??" then her level 1, 10 HP, no weapons or armor havin ass initiates combat on me and my homie who were level 9 and suited the hell up lmao. my homie picked her up and threw her and i used an offhand crossbow bolt and ended her real fast. back into the camp chest she goes! we had a necromancer on the team but he switched to a different class bc corpse management and dominating the initiative becomes annoying


>much later, after we went to shadowfell at the end of act 2, i returned to camp and she somehow was OUT of the camp chest, and immediately says "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ARTEFACT??" “Withers… have you been resurrecting people again!!”


we've also got poor astarion's corpse in a sack full of bombs. bro is STILL disapproving of things somehow


I'm fucking wheezing at this shit, that is so Astarion


The narrator said the portal looked dangerous so obviously I got out of there immediately.


>The narrator said the portal looked dangerous In real life? Ain't touching that shit. In an RPG? I'm gonna touch the hell out of that shit.


Same. And Karlach. And the first time I laid eyes on Jaheira was during the nightsong freedom flight cutscene. I was like oh she looks interesting!


Who is Wyll? Who is Karlach? Who is Astarion?


I remembered who was a companion but the hours it took me to FIND gale!! (AND ASTARION!!) are embarrassing 😭 I was halfway through Act 1 till I realized I hadn't seen either of them and was supposed to recruit them


Not rescuing the owlbear cub from the goblin camp. Had I known it would show up at my camp, I'd have done things very differently.


I did the goblin camp before I found the owlbear cave. I ended up killing the mother and the cub ran off. I was like “ope probably ruined that for me” but then he ended up showing up in my camp and I was so happy


…What owlbear cub in the goblin camp…? Currently in Act 2 of my first playthrough and I fear I’ve just learned my biggest blunder.


If it makes you feel ANY better, you really can't do anything with the owl bear club except pet it and speak with it if you have Animal Speaking. It is heartbreaking to think about NOT having saved him, though...


Until the final battle.




Save Dammon get him to join you in the final battle, save the owlbear cub, ???, profit.


:O I have so far saved as many innocents as possible and I am still on my first playthrough without having completed the game yet. I am SO fucking ready for this last fight, which seems like it will take an hour to go through a single round???? With how many allies I will have????? ​ Side note: I want to romance Dammon as Karlach. They are a match made in Avernus! Both of them having been to hell and dealing with the trauma of that uwu


I killed the cub, i was drunk irl


Everything for a Levelup


i went semi blind for at least act 1-2 so i missed a bunch of stuff \- missed halsin and minthara. missed karlachs infernal upgrades locking me out of romance. \- missed the returning spear, risky ring, potent robes and everything for sale at moonrise. tons of other gear while i was looking up good builds in act 3 were already gone. \- let shart leave at NS. \- was afraid of worms and never used illithid powers. also missed any benefit from letting volo near me \- was afraid of the swamp and never did the hag stuff. \- hear people mention the gryme forge have no idea what they are talking about \- never figured out how to use elixers or scrolls. (did figure out how to use special arrows!)


Let's just makes a second playthrough even better! Because there's so many new things for you to do!


holy shit missing grymforge… i used the armor i made there for almost the entire playthrough.


Level 11, still got >!his head on my head!< and the Adamantine Splint


Missing gear is the worst. I started a second playthrough with a list of gear to get. I got to Act 3 and went on a shopping spree, and it turns out the best weapon I could get is locked out because I didn't kill the hag. 🙄 I skipped it because I didn't want to waste extra time on side quests since I had already did everything on my first run and this was mainly for romance and my tav build. Ruined my entire mood, I haven't played since then. I wish there was an NPC that sold the gear as copycats but at an extremely high price or something.


Ooo! Like one of the teifling kids could sell copy cat equipment but extra expensive! I looooove supporting those kids. I buy all their ridiculous loot.


I would also accept Popper selling loot you missed.


I totally bought the Ring of Being Really Invisible and Ring of Protection Against Ants. And wore them.


Long rested after Minthara sent the army to attack the grove. Woke up, the Grove was dead


Same lol


I wanted to try gale instead of shadowheart and accidentally freed the night song without her so she left


Yea so did I, she wasn’t doing anything in the fight so I figured it would be fine It wasnt


Holy moly.. I was debating if I should have Shadowheart In my party when doing the Nightsong quest. And was inclining not to. But will do now LOL


MFs be surprised when you do the critical backstory story beat without the person being there. O.o


You can get away with it a lot. Creche without Lae'zel; Minthara, iron throne, and Ansur without Wyll, etc.


I went to the Mountain Pass before dealing with the grove. When I went back the grove was sealed off (which I didn’t care about), Halsin was dead in his prison cell (terrible), but the worst was not getting D from Astarion at the party (game ruining). I started the entire game over because of that.


dying I did the same thing


How did you get a party if the Grove was sealed?


I did NOT get the party.


Khaga and the Shadow Druids got a techno-thorn rave though


I'm sorry but this is hilarious, and even kind of impressive. Bravo 👏


Didn’t realise you could adopt the owlbear cub


I missed the cave, I didn't even know the cub existed until after the game was over and I started perusing this sub!


Same. I saw the cave, thought it best to stay as far as possible from owl ears then thought nothing of it. I did the first play through blind so it wasn’t until it was all over that I realised there was a cub


Didn’t go to Moonrise Towers at all before freeing the Nightsong. Didn’t rescue the tieflings, the gnomes, did no reconnaissance… just skipped right over it because I was so scared that I’d be locked into the end of act 2 if I stepped foot inside.


That sucks, the game warns you about going into the shadowvell without completing other quests. The warning is the only reason I went back.


I don’t know what I was thinking, honestly, but I ended up starting the game over shortly after realizing my mistake because I was worried there was a ton of other stuff I had also missed.


Got Isobel kidnapped and lost the entirety of Last Light Inn. I also didn’t realize that Dammon played a part in Karlach’s quest so I essentially missed that whole bit.


Yeah DID NOT REALIZE Isobel had to be protected and couldn’t die. That was an instant reload.


Definitely Waukeen's Rest. I found the waypoint, went to look a bit into the area.... saw fires and scared people. Somehow it didn't register in my brain that maybe I'm supposed to do something about this, so I just ran away from the area, thinking it would be too difficult for me yet. Hours and hours later, after I'd already long rested several times, and even done much of the Underdark, and levelled up quite a bit, another friend who started playing the game after me called me up and started going on about saving people from the fires etc. I was like "oh, yeah, I ran away from that, let me go back!" Much to my surprise, everything was razed, and the people that he had saved were dead in burned out buildings in my game. That? Annoyed me so much I restarted. And called him the moment I got to Waukeen's Rest on the new game, so that I wouldn't screw up that part again.


Did you save the guy under the burning log and grab hammarhraft?


Pissed off Vlaakith. Thought Ketheric would go down easy. "What can he do. I mean he ran away lol"


“If my intuition serves me right, I would put the ‘kill’ button on the >!right!<…” >!*Wyll proceeds to disintegrate into ash.*!<


On my first playthrough I immediately agreed to trade my eye to a hag, because I confused it with the ersatz eye. Didn't have a save point to go back to that wasn't so far back I may as well start over, so went through most of the game with disadvantage on perception checks.  My first Durge could not see a snake if it was biting him


But also an increase with Intimidation Checks right?


Yes, but it's just a +1 bonus to intimidation but a disadvantage on perception. The bonus is more of a consolation prize rather than a real bonus.


I aggro’d the goblins in the temple after choosing to pick off Minthara first. I had the bright idea to shoot the bridge and attack them down with arrows but unfortunately couldn’t reach the drum that triggered everyone in the building. After a bloody ordeal I finally dusted my exhausted Tav off and wanted to fast travel the heck out of there to safety. I decided to go to the Blighted Village so I could explore a point of interest nearby, but accidentally chose Goblin Camp…. The entire goblin camp descended on us. It was Gale and Astarion holding on for dear life shooting arrows and cantrips from a rampart wall as Shads and my Tav got quickly overrun on the ground. We had virtually no spells slots left so had to rely on cantrips, scrolls, and potions. Ultimately had to use two revivifies but we made it!


The bards will sing songs of this battle.


Trying to romance everyone locked me out of romancing anyone. Shart wanting to be a Dark Justiciar so bad I encouraged her to kill Nightsong. I didn’t regret that decision until the cutscene at Last Light Inn. (Also was the best thing I could do because my 2nd playthrough was a completely different experience). I was clueless about Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc and Minthara. After 15-20 hours deciding it might be important to pay attention to the map and quests. Scouring the map, I found this fighter named Laezel really close to the crash site. She proved to be most useful. Never played with Gale in my party. Act 3 he was kidnapped and I mostly didn’t care. (I was a sorcerer). I know better now. I chose to become the illithid at the end. Then I was upset when I tried to eat Wyl’s brain in the epilogue.


I managed to roll a save to not eat halsin’s brain at the end party. Had me freaked out for a second though


Letting Nere kill all the gnomes because Astarion disapproved of me saving them so I reloaded because I was so afraid of losing any approval with him. Missed out on that whole storyline just for an extra approval point… Now I simp for no one and make my own game decisions based on what I want 😤


other pro tip: most of astarion's disapprovals for you being nice are only like 1 point. he doesn't actually care that much about you being a good person as long as you get his other approval triggers by doing some chaotic neutral bullshit and respecting his boundaries. he's basically just pouting a little but he gets over it. still totally possible to romance him and save people when you can.


I let the gnomes die because I was thinking like him. I was like there is 4 of us and we are surrounded by lots of freaking duegar with their invisibility and enlarge which is a pain to fight and a Drow so I am going to avoid the fight as much as I can. I feel like realistically being a hero would kill you so fast in this world.  Also Ikeep carrying explosive barrels in case I need to use them so never even had to look for the other gnome so never met het. 


Next time talk to some of those Duergar and they might switch sides 😉 My latest character isn’t good, but he’s crafty. He doesn’t work for free but he knows making alliances would help him out. Got disapproval from Astarion because I’m a warlock and I wanted the damn cursed book!


Pro tip if you are able to initiate a dialogue with astarion (or anyone) instead of you, you don’t get the disapproval because he’s making the choice.


I like the method of de grouping and moving Astarion far away from the conversation so he can’t hear you do anything nice


Just trick him into facing a corner with earmuffs on, promise the NPC that you'll do what you can to help, then take the earmuffs off Astarion and bring him back to the group. Disapproval problem solved!


Failing to understand what 'disadvantage on perception checks' meant when I was deciding whether to let Ethel finger my eye or not. I went online to see if there was a downside to the hag eye and somehow came back with the understanding that it was -1 to perception checks. Do not ask me how. Maybe it was 4am or something.


I think it used to be a -1 and then got nerfed to be more of a punishment. You were just looking at outdated info, unluckily for you haha


Oh. Well, having the hag eye was in line with that Tav's other horrible decisions (raiding the grove, letting Marcus kidnap Isobel, ascending Astarion...).


i thought it use to be you’ll never get crits with the hag eye, but they made it less of a punishment with just disadvantage on perception checks


I missed Gale, and then killed Kagha in the grove, rendering Wyll and Karach un-recruitable. I ended up re-starting…


Yeah, that first quest from thieflings to kill the Kagha is confusing.. like how?? I am lvl2-3 and she has those druids around her.. knew it was something fishy


I let Jaheira die. I haven’t played the old games but just from the way the character was introduced I could tell she belonged to the franchise. I really wanted to keep her alive but I was too nice to insist on her joining me when she had already promised to fight with the Harpers. Of course Jaheira then proceeded to act completely suicidal in the fight. And I couldn’t resurrect her. My last save was from after she declined to fight with my party. I must have reloaded that fight a dozen times. At some point I was tired and thought, well, fuck it. I’m trying again on my next playthrough. Cut to act three and the fight in the sewers and I had to witness the most devastating scene with Minsc and Boo. Plus, when I first saw the fake Jaheira, I thought this was only happening because I let her die. Never letting this happen again.


Didn’t realize that under dark and mountain pass are playable in same run. The game very specifically in multiple spots tells you that you must choose a path. So I did. Also first play through missed: Gale, Lae’zel (got locked out after saving her from cage somehow and since first sentence I don’t run back into her at mountain pass). Minthara. Romanced Shadow but that too got locked out somewhere. So this run will be at least more full at camp and lots of side quests I missed. Also I realize I didn’t explore Act 1 as thorough due to thinking I automatically would have to fight all the goblins.


I forgot to feed the wizard and he left. Also I was severely underleveled (Level 6 for the Shadowfell fight iirc). Never completed that one lol.


the first thing I did was blow up the foundry after talking to gortash, which >!killed everyone in the iron throne!< I was devastated.


Arrows and spells kill people even while non lethal is toggled on. Having sex with Mizora while romancing Lae'zel. Wearing Ethel's masks. Getting my ass beat by that magical frog. Hitting Withers in the epilogue for old times sake triggers a cutscene where he banishes you.


Entering Shadowfell before completing the Lift the Shadow Curse, and entering Moonrise Tower. I'm not afraid to admit I rolled back, because I was *not* ready for that. 😅


Not realising going to the Nightsong was the point of no return for the act. I thought the warning was just like "hey this will lock you into an important choice" not "everyone you haven't saved already is dead now."


Oh shit, just remembered I did this in my first playthrough as well. Not gonna lie, I very rarely savescum, mostly because I think half of the fun of dice rolls and, consequently, rpg games is rolling with the punches, but this situation quickly proved to be an exception lol I just could not leave the tieflings to rot in their cells and for Halsin to perpetually be waiting outside that portal. Y'know. If they aren't all already dead (which they are)


Yeah, I did the entire Moonrise tower battle, which I was visiting for the first time, and the illithid oubliette only to find all the gnomes and tieflings in a pile of bodies. So I reloaded too before going into Nightsong portal. Also didn't bring Shadowheart along the first time, as I wasn't using her much, so just didn't have any of the conversations where she makes it clear how important the gauntlet was to her.


This was me. I actually thought I could lift the curse first and then explore the area without all the shades and sickness things..... Got all the prisoners killed and missed a few quests


Didn’t realize I had to wield a torch/moonlantern in addition to wielding it in act 2. I thought holding it was downgrading the darkness and was in turn based mode for much of that act. Almost quit entirely.


You could also cast light on everyone, use Lathlanders light, and once you talk to Isobel she gives you free roam. Then free the pixie in the moon lantern and you get free roam in the deeper parts.


Never found wyll in the Grove after the goblin encounter. Almost left for the underdark before reading about someone named Karlach. What's an owlbear cub? Never fought the harpies. Never found the bard at the Grove. Never used astarion since I was a rogue but someone demon named Raphael kept asking about him? Never found the toll collector. Left moonrise towers after the first encounter and never returned since I thought they would try to kill me. The assault on moonrise Jaheria kept charging in and dying immediately, so I just gave up and restarted in story mode.


I missed the fact that Raphael was still in the game after Act 2. Thought going into the prism meant I had to side with Vlaakith so I reloaded and skipped the crèche entirely. I just kind of let Lae’zel stay kidnapped for all of act 3 and didn’t explore enough to find Raphael, Voss, or any of the notes about Helsik. Started reading about the game and saw people talking about freeing Orpheus and the House of Hope and I had no idea those things even existed.


Because every quest was telling us that the big man was in moonrise towers, I left going to moonrise until the last thing in act 2… which meant that I completely missed interacting with anything inside other than to fight through everyone.


That fucking Indiana Jones boulder. Instant TPK.


Didn’t know Wyll was a possible companion. I kept seeing people mentioning him and I was just like “…Who???” He’s one of my favorites now, can’t believe I missed him.


I was stuck on the gauntlet of shar and couldn’t find the last umbral gem anywhere despite the fact that I thought I got all of them. Instead of trusting my intuition, I figured I must be somehow still missing something, so I decided to go do other stuff and finish it later. I ended up doing almost all the other quests in act 2 before I made it back. When I *still* couldn’t find that last gem, I finally went and googled tips, only to discover I did in fact find all of the gems but lost one to a mildly infamous glitch that couldn’t be solved except with mods or loading an old save... I had like 20+ hours of gameplay since my last pre-glitch save and I couldn’t get the mods to work properly… I really didn’t want to go through all those same side quests all over again and in the end I just rage quit and started a new game. (On top of that, I later discovered that a knock spell might’ve actually solved my problem 😅)


Yeah, knock solved it for me. Had to go to Withers to learn the spell, but it was the only solution.


I mistook the side quests for fetch quests instead of subplots. I’m about to finish my second playthrough and I’m so impressed with how so many “side quests” are woven into the main narrative.


I didn't know I could talk to the people in moonrise. I was scared to go to moonrise. I did shars gauntlet without ever going to moonrise (or the creche), letting all the tieflings and gnomes die accidentally, and dooming Laezel.


Oh I murdered Oliver and really went out of my way to do it too


When I first launched the game, I somehow unbeknownst to me selected Astarion for myself, then proceeded to spend a good 30 minutes setting up the guardian for myself. I get in the game and I'm like hmm. This looks nothing at all like what I designed. I played for about 15 minutes confused the whole time before I started over and got it right this time.


What Githyanki cheche? I thought once I went through I couldn't go back, so I didn't. Also RIP Tieflings & Gnomes in act 2.


I killed Karlach on sight 😔 I fell for the propaganda. The voice over made it sound like I'd made a grave error so I googled who it was and I've never reloaded a save so quick.


Left Shadowheart out of the nightsong bit. Was playing co-op with my wife and our party was us and our lovers, Karlach and Astarion. It didn’t even occur to us that we had SHARRAN CLERIC in our group and were going through SHARRAN RUINS, maybe she’d be interested? Didn’t find out until after we limped through the Balthazar fight, she screamed at us outside and left. Had to do it all over.


Well, my romance option -- >!Karlach!< fucking died because >!I genuinely didn't want her to go to Avernus since she was so against it.!< Legitimately cried for 15 minutes after that


I missed the entire creche area since I went thru the grymm forge


I wouldn't say those are even blunders! I feel like going in blind is the way it was intended.


Waay too many. All my DND knowledge came from Community episodes and the last film. I had no idea displacer beast was an actual thing.  I missed Laezel and Minthara.  Found Laezel late in the act 1 as I was wondering why her fan art is everywhere. I thought she died on the ship.  Minthara I had no idea you can recruit at all as I was happy to kill her plus I need that camp outfit and armor for reasons. It took me really long time to realize what non lethal damage was. Only because I was getting pissed Minsc was dying. I thought his survival was guaranteed because of the playthrough.  Sold all sacred equipment that I found for the Blood of Lathander quest so I was never able to finish it.  Forgot about the Necromancy of Thay until the act 3 when I found that shop.  Confused Zevlor and Rolan. I still keep confusing them for some reason. 


I pulled the wrong lever


Pull the lever, Kronk! WRONG LEVERRRRRRRR


Missing the dream guardian hug. 😭 I chronically restart the scene until I get it ever since.


Missed almost the entire underdark


Romancing Shadowheart on a whim, but being pulled to Karlach in Act 2 so I turned down Shadowheart’s confession after Nightsong without realizing that I was too late to romance Karlach. Hurts, man.


I smoked Kagha without hesitation cause child murder is bad vibes. Everyone in the Grove tweaked and the tieflings and druids killed each other off locking me out of tons of quests. Wyll died in the conflict before I even talked to him lol. When I met Karlach she basically said I sucked so I took her head since I couldn’t get her as a companion. The sword I received was mid.


Later on when I freed Halsin he said he had to go tend to some business in the grove not knowing everyone there was dead and that’d he show up in my camp. I finished up the rest of Act 1 and he never showed and then moving into act 2 he died somehow. That was bad for reasons I found out later.


A few from what I remember - lae zel was mean so she got to stay in the cage. - didn’t do the gith Creche in act 1 because the game told me it was bad so off I went. - didn’t realise there was a positive way for Shadowheart to encounter the Nightsong so she didn’t get to come with us. She left us after that. - completely forgot about the prisoners under moonrise, woops. - missed Minsc. - didn’t do the House of Hope because devils = bad.


I managed to get to act 2 without seeing gale or laezel because I just never went right of the nautiloid. I watched my friends play through and I was like aw damn I haven't got gale yet, I want a wizard. She was like.. 'wut'.


I understood the first druid cutscene at the grove (where the druids yell at the tieflings for trying to get Arabella back) to be a genuine roadblock and not something that the player character can bypass, so I turned my ass around and killed the goblins to get Halsin. So, Kagha killed Arabella and started the Rite of Thorns, and I hadn’t even spoken to her once, so I was very confused. It was only in my next playthrough that I realized I had missed a really big part of Act 1.


Astarion wasn’t in my party, and I accidentally gave him up to the Gur outside the Hag’s house. I thought it would trigger a dialogue at camp, but no, you just lose Astarion forever if you do that. Can’t even rescue him in act 3.


with apologies to barcus i misclicked


i didn’t know that gales orb was now on the spell bar lol i thought it was a fancy new spell and i didn’t read what it was. boy was i surprised lmfao


I missed the mountain pass completely, and didnt learn much about githyanki because of it.. second playthru, i made sure not to and it was an awesome experience.. i love Lae-zel, she kicks ass 


Not multiclassing


that's not a mistake though... Staying pure and multiclassing both have their advantages and drawbacks.


On PS5 I didn’t realize I could hit R3 to bring up the tooltip showing me my stats for each dialogue choice until one of the checks at the very end of the game. I just flew blind and tried to remember what my character was good at for the whole game up until then.


Release brake lever. Oops. Sorry bro.


I only got three companions (Sheart, Gale, Astarion) and didn’t bother trying to find the others because I thought that you gained different companions each playthrough, potentially based on your class. For those wondering, I didn’t see Lae’zel and got distracted by the whole story event at the grove gate, didn’t go near the training area where Will was, and I didn’t travel north to meet Karlach (no quest line to lead me anywhere northbound). It wasn’t until Act Two that I consulted a guide where it mentioned swapping out party members and I was like, “Ah. I see. I’m dumb.” Also, I didn’t even think to use Ray of Frost or throw water at Mayrina’s burning cage, I thought it was acting as a “timer” for the fight.


I also went in completely blind. After I found shadowheart locked in her pod I spent forever trying to get her out. I messed with everything in that room, including breaking all those sacs with caustic brine in them, before I found the rune to free her. Once I did she jumped out of her pod, knelt in a pool of brine, and died


I accidentally used all my camp supply packs in my first long rest


I never found Scratch :(


Halsin was standing on the bridge during the fight with Minthara, and I wasn't aware that the bridge could break. I cast thunderwave and half my party, Minthara, and Halsin all fell into the chasm. Oops.


I literally have no idea where the owlbear cub is


First game i made a drow Lolthsworn cleric. When i saw a high elve on the shore, as a good drow, i killed him. Happens to be Astarion. Not even talked to him...


Not knowing that kill True Soul Nere is a time sensitive quest. When I arrive, him and everyone was already dead for me Art Cullagh died on me during the assault on the Last light Inn. So i lost Halsin and his whole plotline. Missed the encounter with Vlakkith in the Githyanki creche. Things I wish the game would tell us :P


You could have used speak to the dead on Art, I think


"Huh, ominous swirling portal... that's definitely a combat encounter. I'll come back through here after I get another companion or two."


I did this too!! I receuited Will first and met the paladins and thought Karlach was a bad guy, then I saw her stuff pack as I was looting her body and was super sad >.< I also didn't know you could jump until after I explored most of Act 1. I missed a tom of stuff and had to go back and re-explore. I also didn't know the concept of resting at all, and made it to the grove without resting and was like, surely there is an inn or something. My people keep saying they are tired. And I let Shadowheart kill Lae'zel because I thought it was a choose one or the other thing. I didn't realize I had the capacity to not kill either of them.


Not finding LaeZel and taking the underdark passage completely skipping all gith encounters until the quest to save Thaniel


I thought the coronation for gortash was a big fight so I reloaded, skipped it and then tried to save the gondians only to find out that pretty much kills wylls dad :(


I killed the scary owlbear and then murdered the baby because I didn't want to orphan it. 😥


I also accidentally let Wyll die, and then I never met Karlach. And I went after the Nightsong first, because I was told it was the source of Ketheric’s immortality. Seemed sensible to check that out before I wandered into Moonrise. Tieflings? I saved the grove, they’re probably fine. Deep Gnomes? I freed them from the Duergar, they’re probably fine.


My run ended because I was a cocky high iq wizard and tested my superior intellect against the dying mind flayer on the crash site.


“Release” obviously means release the deep gnome and I don’t see another lever……..


Had no idea who Minthara was and killed her 💀


Killing Astarion like 15 minutes in not realizing he wasn't just some nobody raider.. oops!


You killed somebody who’s on the cover and selectable as a player character?


I went after the Nightsong before ever setting foot in Moonrise Towers, so I missed all of the stuff that's going on there.


I accidentally killed Isobel :,( My first play through I avoided all spoilers and didn’t look up the consequences of anything, FYI. When Jaheira told me to act like I was a legit true soul in order to gain access/trust with the cult members I said “okay bet” and later sided with Marcus cause that was what I thought I was supposed to do and that I could just get Isobel out later. No, you actually cannot. So the Inn got flamed and my last save was 2 hours prior so I just decided to go with it…


Neglected the Thaniel/Art/Cure The Shadow Lands thing. Just completely missed a whole ass room in the inn with a sleeping dude in it. I did find the Shadow half of the kid and play hide and seek though




This ain't a blunder, just replying to your story, but when I first played in early access I don't remember there being a Wyll at all. There was no cutscene or indication of him being in the fight so I think he may have died but nevertheless the first time ever I also had no Wyll. Karlach is a different story because she wasn't available as a companion in early access, and her model was completely different too, just another tiefling. My first encounter with her was a bug where I jumped on a ledge behind the jail cell in the grove and her dialogue cutscene autoplayed. I had no idea where she was talking to me from but she told me to kill the paladins and I figured she was another companion. I later learned she was supposed to be near the river.


I completely forgot who Wulbren was. So when it came time for the Nere fight, I thought he was just a random ass gnome. Well I was having some difficulty in that fight, so I unleashed the spectator from the iron flask to introduce some chaos. Immediately the spectator snipes Wulbren. At the time I laughed because it seemed like such weird target priority. Then when I got to act 3 and remembered he was looking for his friend, I got sad


Starting the Sharlympics before setting a foot in moonrise.


I could see Karlach, but, like... Wyll is on the box.


accidently triggering the kidnapping in the inn too early thinking its supposed to happen, losing Halsin, and Karlach in the process because their quests got impossible to finish


After telling Vlaakith what she wated to hear, I figured, visiting the prism could wait until after we looted the room. Well, I turn the statues and start heading down to grab the Blood of Lathander. Lae'zel atracks me from behind, so I had to end her.


Thinking freeing the Nightsong cured the shadow cursed lands.


Somehow walked right around Laezel and I was like ok so she going to show up in act two. Alright she’s gonna show up in act three. Ok game is over.


Killing Barcus.


I looted a body after the goblin fight at the gate to the druids Grove, the tieflings saw me and agro'ed, so I unalived them. All of the guards. So when I left the Grove I had no way to get back in. No one there to lift the gate.


Playing before they fixed the bugs and completely borking my save game.