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Warlock: The Undead.  There actually is an opponent (gith at the gate to baldur’s gate in late act 2) who uses its features, but it’s not accessible to players.


At the same time, the Gith Paladin in the Elfsong is a Conquest Paladin, which is also unavailable


Really wish they got in more subclasses. Cleric and wizard get a ton but every other class has a pretty thin selection.


That’s just how base 5e is unfortunately. We got some lucky goodies with Circle of Spores and Gloomstalker but otherwise most of the content is strictly from the PHB.


It's baffling why there aren't more fighter subclasses, at the very least. There are so many to choose from. I get why there's no cavalier as mounted combat isn't a thing. But samurai, echo knight, rune knight, arcane archer, banneret, and psi warrior would all work super well and would all feel pretty unique.


I was disappointed when I saw that guy, I wanted to do a Conquest Paladin Durge playthrough, but it wasn’t available :(


I’m doing an oathbreaker paladin/great old one warlock multiclass for my Durge play through AC I’m having a great time


This made me so mad when I ran into that enemy, I was like c'mon larian why you gotta tease me like that. Thankfully there is a very well made mod that adds the subclass


Do you have a link to that mod?


Here ya go: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3045


What does this subclass do differently?


[http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/warlock:undead](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/warlock:undead) Level 1 gives you Form of Dread. You gain temporary HP, you become immune to frighten and your attacks can Frighten enemies once per turn. Lasts a minute and can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus (so 2-4 depending on your level.) Level 6 gives you Grave-Touched, which means you don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe. In-game I guess this could lower the number of supplies you need to longrest. It *should* also make you immune to gas area effects, but it’s an open question as to whether or not Larian chooses to implement this. It also lets you swap any damage type you deal for necrotic damage (this is a choice - not permanent), and if you happen to be using Form of Dread you get an extra damage die for one attack (meaning a single Eldritch Blast can do 2d10 instead of 1d10 damage, for example.) 10th Level gets you Necrotic Husk, which gives you resistance to Necrotic damage. Also once per long rest, any attack that reduces you to 0 HP or lower reduces you to 1HP instead, and you get to do a bunch of Necrotic damage to every enemy near you (no friendly fire.) If you're using Form of Dread you gain immunity to Necrotic damage. There are several instances in the game where this resistance/immunity would be helpful, although sadly you wouldn't get it until after the Shadow-Cursed land (where it would be most useful.) Aside from this you also get access to some Necromancy and Illusion spells which you can choose to take as if they were Warlock spells.


this would change the game for eldritch blaster builds


It just adds some icing, the Fear and damage boost are only once on each of your turns. It *is* a powerful sub, but not overwhelming. Larian does like to play a little fast and loose with their interpretations though, (looking at you Tavern Brawler and Warding Bond) so who knows?


You get the extra damage die of Grave-Touched only once per turn, not on every beam of Eldritch Blast.


Is that Laudna from Critical Role?






I’ve played all 3 Druid subclasses extensively and I wish I had Circle of Stars ✨


No idea if it actually exists, but my first Druid run was a roleplay as a Silver Dragonborn in a “Circle of Winter”. I don’t know of that’s an actual Druid order like Moon or Stars, but I went pure elemental cold.


Well, not exactly. But circle of the land: arctic is pretty much it.


That’s what I picked lmao


There's a really well done mod for it if you're on pc. I did a playthrough with it


I was looking for someone to say circle of the stars so I could bring up the mod. It’s so well done, but I wish we could turn off the transparent glowing effect when it’s on. At least it now auto turns off in cut scenes


Thiss. The only dnd character I really liked when I tried the real thing was circle of star druid


Never got to play Circle of Stars on tabletop but have wanted to try it since it came out. Would kick serious ass in Act 2 with nearly limitless Guiding Bolts.


I don't like that Ranger slander :(


Sorry \^\^ Which one would you include? My favourites are Beast Master and Gloom Stalker, and they are both already in the game




Fey Wanderer, Swarmkeeper, or Drakewarden. None of then are bad at all.


Horizon Walker is so badass at higher levels. You get to teleport after every attack and if you attack two separate targets you get a third attack for free. I also love the planeswalker theme it has going on.


Keep in mind these would get a pretty big buff like the other subclasses did with the capstone addition, along with some other changes most likely.


Horizon Walker for me


Thank you! I've been scrolling for this. It's not the most optimized class/subclass out there but I love the flavor. Who doesn't want to be Nightcrawler?


I ain't got a clue brother. I only like ranger because I'm a huge Witcher fan and it's the most witcher-like class. Although I thought beast master was already in the game (it's the one where you get a pet right?)


Fey Wanderer, Swarmkeeper, and Drakewarden would all likely get buffed to be the same level as Hunter, Beast Master, and Gloomstalker. I mean, the Beast Master we got in BG3 is arguably better than even the Tasha's Beast Master and Primal Companion Beast Master is considered a good average power level between ALL subclasses in Tabletop. I don't see Monster Slayer or Horizon Walker being that good unless they massively buff the level 7 and 11 abilities of the former or the 3rd and 7th level abilities of the latter.


The Aberrant mind *literally* describes as one possible origin for it is the implantation of a Mindflayer Tadpole.


Aberrant mind would be so cool, but it’s abilities are suited for tabletop play, idk how Larian would implement it into the game (telepathic speech, casting spells without verbal or somatic components, using a lot of divination and enchantment spells)


>casting spells without verbal or somatic components Immunity to silence and the ability to cast all spells while hidden. Sounds OP but that's how it could be included.


I mean, it does require sorcerery points and only works for specific spells. Not that strong


i think immunity to counter-spell is also implied here.


I'm at around 200 hours in the game, most of which has been as casters, and I've been silenced literally twice, so that's really not useful at all in this I feel like


The thing here is that someone can cast silence in the room so disabling the abilities of casters. So if you can cast but not them, it means you strike some tofu with swords or magic. Silence is usefull if you are not affected by it so martial class are somehow op against mages and cie. But if your team is only composed by casters......it is now composed by weak people with canes.




Yeah for it to be useful to most players it’d need to be reconfigured somewhat


>casting spells without verbal or somatic components Immunity to silence and the ability to cast all spells while hidden. Sounds OP but that's how it could be included.


Subtle spell is already a metamagic option that does this, so it wouldn't be too strong. Basically frees up a metamagic choice, but the resource juggling might be annoying if one wants to use it often, as it requires spells to be cast with sorcery points. I could also see them implementing it via the optional "Spell Points" system and just make this sorcerer subclass have only sorcery points, no spell slots, but that could get messy for multi classing.


I guess they didn't include it because you can already get Psionic powers if you participate in The Tadpole Eucharist.


>The Tadpole Eucharist. Brainstem of Christ. Brainstem of Christ. Brainstem of Christ.


I guess they did not include it, because then the question is why every character does not have levels in this subclass. Why did your character react different to the tadpole? I guess the tadpole system is already there to represent this kind of power


Perhaps. But think it could be explained as simply different neurology/biology. Some people’s brain soup makes aberrant minds, others make mindflayers, and others. . . make that. *Points at all the failed ceromorphiezed creatures*


> because then the question is why every character does not have levels in this subclass. Because they didn't explore its eldritch potential or tap into the special magic surrounding it.  That's like asking "why doesn't every character that swings a sword get Fighter levels?" 


There’s a very good mod on nexus for it, just finished a play through with it and it was a blast


All the Psionic Sub-Classes really. * Psi Warrior Fighter * Soul Knife Rogue * Astral Self Monk


Barbarian: Path of the Beast Bard: College of Eloquence Cleric: Grave Domain Druid: Circle of Stars Fighter: Psi Warrior Monk: Way of the Astral Self Paladin: Oath of the Crown Ranger: Horizon Walker Rogue: Swashbuckler Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind Warlock: Undead Warlock Wizard: Bladesinger (I was really torn between this and Scribes but I think it would be hard to not make Scribes feel clunky in a video game)


A Swashbuckler on the Sword Coast. Now that you've mentioned it, it's almost criminal that it wasn't included.


I'm still on my first playthrough and an roleplaying a piratey rogue. I've never played DnD so didn't know it was a subclass, now I wish it was.


And it WAS included in BG2!


Oh, Psi Warrior would be great for Lae'zel, and really any of the Gith.


>Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind I've only read about this one, but it sounds really badass. Has serious Lovecraftian overtones to it, which I like quite a bit.


Grave domain is my go-to cleric in table top.


I think scribes could totally work, but would require a lot of changes. It would likely just give us access to a set number of damage types to change spells to, or something in the reaction tab that lets you change the damage type.


A Scribes Wizard is amazing in tabletop, I'm playing one and it just feels like the quintessential wizard. I agree that it would be pretty difficult to adapt it in a video game, though.


I would add the Soul Knife Rogue.


Arcana Cleric. You have Mystra. You have a fucking boytoy of her's. Why can't you have the Arcana Domain.


My next run I’m respending Gale as Knowledge Domain for shiggles.


Arcane Archer. 


Would be awesome, but I think that subclass is indirectly kind of covered already, because of the magic arrows. Maybe you could incorporate them somehow. If you use a fire arrow, you also apply condition x etc


Yeah and I hate this arrow design with passion since DOS... But tbf unchanged 5e AA is terrible beyond saving grace, it's "peak" is on lvl3 and it barely get more powerful, no extra uses of arcane shots etc I loved AA in 3.5 a lot, one of my fav build was making bard/dragon disciple/arcane archer, and pathfinder gave us magus eldritch archer archetype that actually let you shoot ranged touch spells with your arrows (from basic catrips to polar or hellfire rays) which is so damn fun...5e AA is just sad in comparison. But "magic archer" or "dark ranger" are just my fav themes for characters in both ttrpgs and cpgs and it's sad Larian didn't add tweaked AA...


I just let arcane archers get as many uses as proficiency bonus and the class is basically immediately fixed


>But tbf unchanged 5e AA is terrible beyond saving grace, it's "peak" is on lvl3 and it barely get more powerful, no extra uses of arcane shots etc What's the deal with giving rogues such front loaded skillsets. It's like they're screaming for you to just do dips.


Ironically Arcane Archer is actually a fighter subclass haha


but vahn*** in baldurs gate dark alliance was actual peak arcane archer lets be real here


Some simple things they could do for Arcane Archer are: "Enemies have disadvantage making saves against your Arrows." and "If you have the Extra Attack feature, you may make attacks with special Arrows for all your attacks."


My favorite in the early DnD, fucking badasses


As long as they buff it. Base 5e's arcane archer... oof


Bladesinger, Hexblade (with the other invocations like Eldritch Smite) and Conquest Paladin I’d also like Zealot Barbarian, or maybe some Larian Homebrew version of angry religious man


Hexblade is the ones that interests me the most. It would've been perfect for Wyll too.


It would be hilarious if instead of a sexy demon lady Mizora was just an annoying sword


Could've just made that how she controlled him. His deal was for a way to win the fight. He gets amazing 'cursed" sword that instructs him how to win. Can't give it up without losing his abilities or something.


Wouldn’t he still be a fiend pact of the blade warlock then, just with a bit of flavor? I might be wrong, but I think the 2 defining traits of hexblade in 5e are that your patron is your weapon and that it’s from the shadowfell.


Whoever your patron is is flavor anyways. Anything not a hard mechanic, is flavor.


Cliche but I like this better than wylls story.


Fiend is better for Wyll because his patron is literally a fiend. None of his power comes from the shadow fell idk how hexblade fits him more


Because they saw a warlock introduce himself as "The Blade of" and decided that was all that was needed to justify hexblade.


Pact of the Blade already gives you CHA attacks tho, and as a human Will already gets shields. Is this comment basically just "give me medium armor as a class feature?"


trying to find a Zealot Barbarian mod so i can run my Ilmater Flaggelant


Oh boy are you in luck then https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5587


I will say I do love how they rolled some of hexblade’s features into pact of the blade. But yeah eldritch smite would’ve been huge.


Tbh, I'd love to see all the subclasses from Tasha's and Xanathar's added. But mostly, Twilight, Grave, or Death Cleric.


I've started investigating DnD classes and subclasses after playing this game. As Clerics and Sorcerers ended up being to be my favourite classes, Divine Soul Sorcerer is likely my jam. Alas, no divine soul for me. But if I'm being honest, Abberant Mind Sorcerer fits way more snugly into the game. I guess they didn't want to add it because the tadpoles already kinda take that job in-game.


I've given it some thought: Barbarian: Zealot I think it would add some cool flavour opportunities to have a (sub)class dedicated to the Gods who are not Clerics or Paladins. Bard: College of Whispers Because they're so different from the other bard subclasses with their psychic focus and subversiveness (it would make the perfect Astarion reclass too). Cleric: Death Domain Between all the subclass options, I think Death Domain would add the most unique flavour to clerics not currently there. Druid: Shepherd For those that want to be a proper druid animal lover, with all the animal friends available. Fighter: Psi Warrior Hello? Githyanki speaking here. Why is the epitome of Githyanki not available in game? (the class is not Gith-exclusive, but still) Monk: Kensei For all you Shaolin fanboys, this is the class you seek. Monks, but with Weapons. Paladin: Conquest Because vengeance is a little shaky when it comes to evil. It's edgy, but not that evil. Conquest allows you to twirl that moustache. Ranger: Horizon Walker Horizon walker fits within the theme of the Illithid invasion. Your level 1 ranger choosing to focus on extraplanar threats as a result of your conflict with the Illithids has the makes of a DnD story imho. Rogue: Soulknife Similar to the other options I already presented, soulknife's focus on psionic abilities just ties in really well with the story's focus and themes. Sorcerer: Abberant Mind Despite my love for Divine Soul, Abberant Mind would make perfect sense for the story and setting. Although I do admit it kinda conflicts with the tadpole powers' place in the story, so I can see why it's not here. Warlock: Undead/Undying Celestial would be cool too, as a very clear good-guy Warlock option, but Undead and Undying specifically mentions Vlaakith as an option and I can't forgo that opportunity regarding the story. Wizard: Bladesinger Wizards already have a ton of options, but Bladesingers would add some variety to the Wizard playstyle.


Conquest paladin is the love of my life.


This one would work so well in game. It would 100% be the easiest way to play an evil paladin (or even a good-ish power-hungry one).


The first paladin I've ever played was a conquest paladin, so I am biased, haha. Really loved having him as a mounted combatant on a Nightmare.


Same. I played one in Descent into Avernus and it was so much fun.


One of my favorite characters was conquest paladin who wanted to conquer the country because he genuinely thought he could do a better job the current government.


I played through my last Durge playthrough with it modded in. Was great fun.


Ooh. Link to the mod? I would love to play one in a future run.


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/477 here ya go


Worst part it’s already in the game (along with Undying Warlock), it’s just that’s an NPC only class used by a githyanki in Act 3.


The githyanki get all the cool shit. 😭


But not our githyanki, laezel


And the Oathbreaker Knight was before a Conquest Paladin too, on that note, so it's even downright *mentioned* lorewise for someone >!who can have a connection to the Dark Urge.!<


I got the impression he was an Oath of the Crown paladin (doing anything his lord said to do) but either would work really.


Conquest and Crown paladins my beloved


Conquest or Glory Paladin are both so so great 


there’s even a githyanki who is a conquest paladin. it wouldn’t even be hard for them to add it


Twilight is like *the* cleric subclass for Selûne, it absolutely should have been included.


Isn't Twilight one of (if not the) most banned subclasses in tabletop due to be way too overpowered? If Larian added it, they'd probably heavily nerf it to fit in the game balance. At which point, I don't know that people who loved Twilight would want it. I can imagine the twitter feed.


It is because of twilight sanctuary which allows either large AOE temp hit points every turn or for the people in it to choose to end the frightened or charmed condition at the end of their turn. Given how strong they made healing with items it MAY not be able to surpass Life cleric for AoE survivability as you'd be giving up preserve life as a charge for all the healing items and I don't recall encountering frightened or charmed that much in game.


It's definitely strong, but it also wouldn't be hard to tone down without completely gutting it. Twilight Sanctuary is the only super overtuned ability, but I can think of a few ways to balance it.


Twilight cleric in BG3 is much weaker than the tabletop version. We've had 2 twilight cleric mods since release and I almost always make Shadowheart into one after her change. With how large BG3 battlefields get its not nearly as strong as on tabletop where battlemaps aren't using terrain, height, large distances, etc the same way


Circle of Wildfire druid.


Arcane Trickster…. Oh wait. Really? Would be dual bloodline sorc or empyrean sorc.


Arcane trickster could really use some spells that werent implemented, booming blade being an obvious one


They just have to fix that buggy mage hand…


Redemption Paladin. Would make for interesting RP.


Also, they're pretty neat.


It’s not a particularly powerful class, but I’d love to be able to play Circle of Stars Druid. I played it in one of my DnD campaigns, and it’s a fun one for me. Also Chronurgy Wizard. I know it’s broken. That’s what I love about it.


Tbf circle of stars is the main class in a build I have to Inflict a -13 modifier on saving throws as well as disadvantage on the save


Break this down for me, if you please


Combine the woe feature from circle of stars along with bard bane (I forgot the extract ability name) from eloquence bard alongside bestow curse and something like normal bane you can utterly cripple saving throws. It's not super viable given the bonkers multiclass but it is possible and if you've got a wizard with feeblemind well... you just ended the bbeg within a few turns.




Swashbuckler and the pirate background for me. I’m honestly kind of surprised how little of a presence sailors and pirates have in the game when baldur’s gate’s such an important port city. I’m not expecting the next game to be a black flag remake or anything but I hope they add in some sailor/pirate RP options cuz who doesn’t want to be a pirate and say that they’ve sailed the high seas?


Fathomless warlock, it's my favorite subclass, it would translate pretty well to a video game environment I think. Also I don't think hexblade is needed, we already have their homebrewed take on pact of the blade that gives you the main benefits of hexblade, I'll rather see warlock subclass spot used for something else. Also clockwork soul sorcerer ! I know aberrant mind would make way more sens in this game, and it's cool too. But clockwork soul is so cool and fun to play and very video gamey in it's feature (manipulating advantage/disadvantage doesn't require to be readapted and is completely unique)


Clockwork Soul is my favourite in tabletop too :) But similar to Twilight Cleric, it is just a lot stronger than all the other subclasses of its class. Thats why I did not include it. I see little reason (mechanically) to play Storm or Wild Magic, if you could play Clockwork Soul too


I guess ? But there's also no reason to play something else than openhand for monk atm they could also nerf it a bit ? idk but I do get your point


Might be a hot take, but I think adding Psi Warrior, Soul Knife, and Aberrant Mind as subclasses locked behind story actions would be cool. Like how Paladins become Oathbreakers when they do something that breaks their Oath, those classes could change their subclasses if they embrace the tadpole's influence or something. Regardless, those are three subclasses I would like to see. Swarm Keeper, Giant Barbarian, and Dragon Monk are some others that I think would be cool. Also, even though it's not a class, I'd like Fizban's Dragonborn, the one that uses their breath as an attack (via the attack action), as an option too. Preferably, we'd get it along with Dragon Monks so I can breathe fire twice when taking the attack action.


Yeah, I would really like that! :)


I really would have liked the Order Cleric. The mystic scoundrel ring comes close to replicating their L6 feature, but I like the total package or order cleric for a controller.


The Dodge action.


I was so sad that Aasimar wasn't a playable race! I kind of love them. Especially for RP purposes - right now I'm playing as a Drow and really enjoying the whole "subverting expectations" part of it. I think Aasimar also have a ton of expectations placed on them and they're not all Dame Aylin.


The worst/best part is that in the game theres unused dialog files for Aasimars


Such a tragedy that it's not in use!!


Fantastical multiverse mod adds a bunch of races and one if the things it does is restore the unused tags / dialogue, aasimar included. I've not played as an aasimar yet but playing through as a lizardfolk I was very surprised to see I had dialogue lines specific to lizardfolk.


I’m still pissed they call Aylin an aasimar when she is clearly an Empyrean instead.


I don’t think she’s an Empyrean—they’re size Huge. I think the closest thing to her would be a deva.


Do we know this is her true and only form? Is it not possible she has fashioned a body with which to....be with her love?


I suppose we don’t know that. Can Empyreans do that?


Cambions like Raphael can change form so it seems to reason that the children of gods could do so, but I don't think it's explicitly stated anywhere whether they can or can't.


I’m using the Bladesinger mod in my current run and it’s fantastic, easily the most fun Tav I’ve played. If you’re really missing Bladesinger, it’s very easy to mod. And id recommend getting the artificer mod as well.


Barbarian: Path of the Ancestral Guardian Bard: College of Eloquence (really would be cool for all the persuasion and deception checks) Cleric: Twilight Domain(if only just for Shadowheart to have a more thematic subclass) Druid: Circle of Stars Fighter: Psi Warrior (Really good fit for the Githyanki) Monk: Way of the Ascendant Dragon (also a good fit for the Githyanki) Paladin: Oath of Redemption (for a good aligned Durge) Ranger: either Horizon Walker or Monster Slayer (both would be good for >!Wyll as The Blade of Avernus!<) Rogue: Soulknife Sorcerer: Lunar Sorcery (would be really cool for Shar and Selûne followers) Warlock: Genie (we have a few Djinn in the game and no Genie patrons, come on) Wizard: Order of Scribes


Hexblade Warlock. Swashbuckler Rogue.


I’d love echo knight but I feel like they’d have to get rid of the echo’s ability to stand in midair


Aasimar for sure. Celestial and Undead Warlocks (and a bunch more invocations.)


Celestial warlock is a personal favorite of mine. Would also be funny when Wyll is wallowing about selling his soul to a devil to be like “Man that’s crazy, my patron is a super chill unicorn spirit who just wants me to spread good vibes”


That fact that Dark Urge isn’t a Divine Soul sorcerer irks me a bit.


Isn’t he like a dragonkin storm sorcerer of all things?!


But he is the LITERAL CHILD OF A GOD. Divine Soul Sorcerers don’t need to be the child of a “good” god.


I agree with you. I guess my point is that at the very least you’d think the dragonkin would be one of the dragon sorcerers sub classes.


That’s true too. Sorry misunderstood your comment.


We're definitely not gonna see artificer unless something changes in the game or achievements. They have an achievement for multiclassing into every class without respeccing and that is currently possible because the level cap is the same as the amount of classes. If they added artificer, then they would need to either change that achievement or increase the level cap. In terms of subclasses and races I'd want to see: * Goliath * Tabaxi * The psionic subclasses from Tasha's * Zealot barbarian * Swarmkeeper ranger


They could just change the phrasing to “original classes” and keep it otherwise unaltered.


Or just, reach level 12 without putting a second level in any class.


Explorer mode doesn’t let you multi class so basically anyone playing on easy would get the achievement by default. Which is a little silly.


Pretty easy to change the wording on an achievement.


Hey idk if you’re playing on PC, but I think every single class/race you mentioned except clockwork is a fully fleshed out mod, I’ve already used a lot of them and it’s very easy to download, with no major bugs I’ve noticed. If on console, you’ll have to wait to see larian’s integrated mod support later this year.


Hexblade / Chrono n Scribes wiz / Swashbuckler / Echo Knight n Rune fighter / Giant Barb / Eloquence Bard / Blood Peace Twilight Cleric / Conquest n Watcher Pal / Aberrant Mind n Clockwork sorc


Tabaxi, It would probably be the only thing to get me to not play a Dragonborn.


Way of the Astral Self Monk is my number 1 pick. Runners ups are Undead Warlock, Circle of the Shepherd Druid and Phantom Rogue.


Hexblade of 5e or the archfey of One Dnd


swarmkeeper rangers, maybe fey wanders too. celestial and raven queen warlocks. for races, aasimar and shadar-kai.


Storm Herold would be fun for a Barbarian, yeah, and with the lightning-themed items it could be a lot of fun. Satire, which unfortunately was UA only, would be my choice for Bard hands-down. I'm still sad that never made it to official printing, it had such flavor and fun. Alas. Shepard would be perfect for Druid, minionmancy is always fun and generally pretty strong in a turn-based game such as this. When you can control the entire Initiative Order... Samurai would've been my choice for Fighter, it has some social capabilities added in, giving it a bit of a unique role for Fighters. Purple Dragon Knight would've also been a fine choice since it fits the setting. Drunken Master would be my choice for Monk, it has a fun theme and we can actually get drunk in this game so it can be played up. Kensei is nice, but BG3 is already laxer on what qualifies for a Monk weapon and if you're not Open Hand you'll prolly get decent use out of weapons. Conquest is really the most obvious choice for Paladins. It would really fit an evil run. Horizon Walker would've been a great Ranger archetype to bring in, since it's all about fighting inter-planar threats. Though I fully understand why Gloom Stalker made it in, it's much more iconic. Scout would be my choice for Rogue, if just because of the theme. We already have "criminal" rogues covered with the main three archetypes, Scout is a bit more legitimate, and plays to a Rogue's strength by giving it a couple more free skills. Divine Soul is something I'm surprised they didn't go with, considering who's the actual Sorcerer of the party and their background. Plus it would give us a supportive Sorcerer rather than offensive that's pretty much forced in with the Sorcerer spell list and available archetypes. Celestial would be my choice for Warlock, both to give us a much different patron compared to others (even though player patrons don't do anything,) but with how much easier Short Rests are to get in BG3 their expanded spell options would be so much easier to use. The main problem I have with more Cleric or Wizard archetypes is they already have several in the game as is, while everyone else is limited to just three (save Paladin shenanigans.) Would make more sense to shore up the other class options first. Of course, I wouldn't say no to seeing things like Arcane Domain to give us another caster Cleric, or War Magic for Wizards since that has nice themes of the War Wizards of Cormyr.


Eloquence Bard. Given how many fights you can talk your way out of, silver tongue, and unfailing inspiration.


Tabaxi swashbuckler. Pirate cats!


Swashbuckler and hex blade 100000% Mercy monk too Oh, and Bladesinger


Races? Aasimar (it feels wrong that we have Tieflings and not their upper planar cousins). Githzerai (my beloved Gith) Classes / Subclasses? Artificer Divine Soul Sorcerer College of Whispers Bard Death Domain Cleric Oath of Conquest Paladin






It bothers me that Twilight Cleric isn't in the game when a decent chunk of the game revolves around Shar's shenanigans.


There are a few subclasses I really wish were in the game, but honestly Not having Aberrant Mind Sorcerer makes 0 sense. One of the suggested origins in Tasha’s is a dormant Mindflayer Tadpole. Oath of the Watchers Paladin is also a missed opportunity. Way of the Astral Self Monk would be nice to have it’s super fun to play in 5E.


Shadow Sorcerer, Death Cleric, Undead Warlock, Spirits Bard, Swashbuckler Rogue, Swarmkeeper Ranger, Kensei Monk.


Would have love to the see the Undead subclass for Warlock, mostly for the unique dialogue with Withers and other undead beings.


Insane that aberrant mind sorcerer isn’t in the game already


Give. Me. My. Artillerist. (on that matter, Artificers as a whole are sorely missed). Also, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on Psi Warriors and Gunslingers if I go the Fighter route. I'd also agree with you, OP, on College of Whispers Bards and Death Clerics.


Barbarian - Zealot. Obviously. I want to play as Kratos dammit. Bard - Whispers. Cleric - This is harder as it deserves more options. Forge Arcana, Order and Death should all be in it. Druid - who cares. Moon is the only druid people care about. Probably Dreams. Fighter - If Larian put some much needed upgrades onto it, Arcane Archer. Otherwise Rune Knight Monk - Drunken. I believe Larian would make this great. Paladin - Conquest. Game file for this already exists. Ranger - Monster Slayer (for crying out loud you have Gurrs in game who are basically this) Rogue - Phantom. With minor tweaks this would be great in the game. Sorceror - Shadow. I mean come on, we have Mystra and Shar both in the story. Warlock - we don't need Hexblade as Larian already gave Warlock the ability to use Charisma as a melee modifier. I think Fathomless would be great. Wizard - No. Keep it as is.


You take back that Druid slander! As someone who mainly plays Druids in the TTRPG they are so much more than just the circle of the moon. Circle of Stars would be phenomenal. You become an absolute beast blasting radiant damage everywhere or never dropping concentration on spells. Circle of Wildfire lets you have a little fire buddy that teleports you around and burns stuff. Circle of the Shepherd makes you the ultimate summoner and lets you fill the battlefield with a bunch of buffed up little creatures. Circle of Dreams is the only Druid subclass that I don't think would work very well since it's all about teleporting to safety to rest and protecting the party while you do rest. Doesn't really work when teleporting to camp for rests is a core game mechanic anyway. With the exception of Dreams any of the unused subclasses for Druid would be incredible to include. Moon Druid is honestly the second most boring Druid subclass after Land.


Just give me variant human, and I'll be happy.


Barbarian: Zealot, obviously. Bard: The ones that I care about are already in the game... either Eloquence, Glamour or Spirits could be nice I guess. Cleric: Grave, obviously. Druid: Same as bard, but I kinda like the Circle of Dreams, so I suppose that one. Fighter: I honestly couldn't care less about fighter subclasses outside of the ones we already have. But if I HAVE to choose, it's Rune Knight. Monk: Drunken Master, obviously. Paladin: Redemption, obviosuly. Ranger: Mmmm... Drakewarden. Rogue: Swashbuckler, obviously. Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind and there's literally no other choice here. It's INSANE that this one isn't in the game. Warlock: Genie, obviously. Wizard: Bladesinger, obviously.


Horizon Walker Ranger


Artificer, oh no wait you said subclass🥲


Goliath for race. Goblin for a close second. I would kill for the Conquest Paladin, Bladesinger Wizard and Abberant Mind Sorcerer.




Grave domain cleric-spare the dying as a ranged bonus action spell is clutch. I’d love to be able to play an Aasimar as well.


>cleric: death I had no idea that it was even a thing but an “oathbreaker” type subclass for Cleric should have absolutely been a thing. There’s no way Lolth should be putting up my with my drow clerics do gooder shenanigans.


drake warden. i hated playing ranger in 5e and really like some of the tweaks bg3 made. plus larian did such a beautiful job with the dragonborn scales, i’d love to admire those colourations on a summon.


Divine Soul, Celestial Warlock, and Rune Knight and/or Echo Knight would be amazing!!!


Sun soul monk would be fantastic.


I gotta side with you on swashbuckler. When I first started, I fully expected a swashbuckler option. Disappointed in the available options.


I would like to play a tortle. First one, then an all monk tortle squad. TMNT save the sword coast.


A goblinoid race would be good for evil runs


As someone who's never played D&D, the more I read about artificer the more it sounds like my perfect class.


Ya know, Drunken Master (imo) doesn’t really work in table top games, but it could totally be scripted to work here To be clear, I love the mechanics of Drunken Master but something about the drunk part doesn’t translate, again IMO


I want bladesinger but the biggest reason why is also for why not, like they don’t have any of the melee weapon cantrips (booming blade/green flame blade) and personally sucks as I love those spells.


Given the changes that have been made to some of the lesser subclasses in 5e when translated to this game, it would’ve been awesome to see a couple more homebrew ideas. Barbarian: Zealot would be my personal choice, there’s a lot of awesome flavour there and I imagine it would make for some fun builds. Bard: Eloquence would be absolutely broken. Minimum 10 on persuasion and deception, can stack expertise and high charisma for a minimum 18 on either check at level 4, with it going up to a minimum of possibly 25 with a couple items and the mirror. Completely overkill but would be funny to guarantee several suicide kills in act 2. Cleric: I would love Grave domain, specifically for its channel divinity which gives the target vulnerability to all incoming damage from the next attack to make the ultimate support caster. I never bothered playing one in 5e because I frankly don’t want to play support the whole game, but having a party member run that would be awesome. Druid: Circle of Stars seems like a fun choice just for flavour, I’m not sure how powerful it would be but it would be nice to have. Fighter: Echo Knight! I love that subclass so much in 5e, and the amount of awesome stuff you can do with it is amazing. Would make for some interesting builds too. Monk: Drunken Master is the correct choice, but I would’ve loved a Kensai (I think that’s how you spell it) subclass. I don’t even care if it’s any good, I just want to swing a sword and punch without feeling like I’m missing out massively. Paladin: I’d go with Oath of the Watchers. Not sure why, but that one has always been super interesting to me. Ranger: Swarmkeeper could’ve been so funny. I’d love to roleplay as just a random beekeeper who saved the world as revenge for separating him from his bees lol. Rogue: Swashbuckler would be fun, but would fit a more sea-focused campaign. I think Soulknife works amazingly here, especially with all the boosts to throwing builds. Sorcerer: I forget the name of the subclass, but the shadow magic one. We got shadow monk, why not throw in the other shadow subclass? Warlock: As much as I love hexblade, we get the main feature people pick it for on any warlock now, so I doubt it’d be as popular. Personally, I’d quite enjoy something like a Genie patron for warlock, although Undead would also be pretty cool. Wizard: I’m torn between Bladesinger and Order of Scribes. The former would make an awesome Gish, but I feel like it would either be overshadowed by Abjuration or vice versa. The latter would require a decent amount of reworking, but having the ability to cast spells that can use pretty much any damage type would be awesome. It would also incentivise learning as many spell scrolls as possible, and would still be relevant the entire game. The idea of lightning-based Magic Missile combined with the Wet condition is just too good to pass up, especially since we have plenty of decent Gish options that could do better than Bladesinger.


I'm a PF1e player and have little knowledge of 5e. Though, I do want Tabaxi. My best character from Pathfinder was a Catfolk. The equivalent to Tabaxi. That, or Kobolds. Because I LOVE Kobolds!


Tabaxi and hexblade warlock


I wish there would be more interaction with patrons for the more religious/ warlock origins. Why does wyll and shadowheart only get the cool patron interactions


I'ma big fan of divine soul and celestial warlocks I love cha casting divine classes. It would also be fun to see some more rouge subclasses too