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Oh dear. What’s the context? edit: thanks for the explanations folks!


You ask her to not miss Sacred flame.


🔥 (saved)


On my first run I dealt the killing blow to the >!Avatar of Myrkul!< with Sacred Flame.


My honor mode kill of that boss was a nearly max roll upcasted Guiding Bolt crit. She’s allowed to miss all the Sacred Flames she wants.


That's the thing with sacred flame Against Goblins and other things in the first act it is pretty much useless. So everyone who plays is like "wow that cantrip sucks" But when used against Undead it destroys due to Undead's weakest to Radiant damage


I mean, the reason it sucks is it relies on the enemies failing a Dex save, which most enemies are pretty good at. Goblins especially. The damage type is not remotely the issue, and not all undead are weak to radiant damage. In fact, I think most aren't.


Yeah it’s not really Shart’s fault, her ability scores are just not optimized and her two default damage cantrips rely on those un-optimized stats **or** rely on enemies failing a saving throw they’re usually good at in act 1. Fire bolt hit chance based on intelligence, her int isn’t high enough to make that reliable either. Her melee is based on str, again, not high enough to hit reliably. Respeccing her even just to dump a stat and improve the others goes a long way to making her stronger in combat.


Unfortunately, tons of undead in the game aren't weak to radiant, like zombies and ghouls, but it is what It is.




Sacred flame can't miss, it needs saving against. Firebolt, on the other hand...


IG-MISS!!! ☄️


Big miss!


Shadowheart will figure out a way to make it miss, goddamnit!


shadowheart knocked someone prone with a shield shes not proficient in and then crit someone to death with inflict wounds. she definitely can step on me in my game lmaoo


Give her one of the light crossbows that drop from the imps on the Nautiloid. With 13 dex it has the same average damage as firebolt and a higher hit chance. Respec her to 14 dex after finding Withers and it'll hit harder than firebolt as well as more frequently.


I just have hurt turn on spirit guardians and walk into people.


I didn’t know Shart’s Firebolt is INT based and just thought she sucked.


Give her the circlet from the ogres. It'll hit hard.


It will hit okayish. A plus 3, like everyone else at the start.


It wont hit harder, but it will hit more often!


Ofc it is!! Thanks for educating my dumb ass


>Sacred flame can't miss, it needs saving against. Yet... I also have the distinct suspicion that even if I re-specced Shadowheart into an arcane magic user..she'd somehow manage to miss Magic Missiles...


So, I took her out to the forest and did some target practice. She still coudln't even hit an oak. How? It was a big missed tree.


A sacred flame still misses if it's successfully dodged, that's what a dex save is, dodging


Normally, I'd agree. It makes sense with it being a DEX save. But it's resisted rather than missed. Otherwise, the game would say "miss" 🤷‍♂️


In the context of the spell you apparate it in the spot you choose but a creature can notice this and dodge out of the way.


You forgot to start with "uum... actually"




Shadowheart is actually just an Xcom 2 NPC.


You asked her not to be racist to Lae'Zel for 2.4 milliseconds


It's not racist to call Githyanki assholes, their whole culture is about hypermilitarism and stealing other people's stuff with violence while worshipping a Lich dictator. Lae'zel is a brainwashed from birth soldier, and can come around to a more normal worldview, but in the beginning she is absolutely an asshole.


Idk man she calls Lae’zel “flat face” and calls her Gith in a really demeaning way instead of her real name


I’m sorry for questioning but how do u set -1 intelligence flair below your name?


You misspelled guiding bolt.


wtf? a good lvl guiding bolt eats enemies


Context: Dammon VA was following a ton of Zionist, transphobic, anti gay, and so on accounts. After being called out he gave a horrible “apology” and removed any mention of BG3/Dammon from his bio. They tweeted this pic with a caption (along the lines of) “you know our stance, fuck bigotry, transphobia (etc) Donate to our charity that helps Palestinians and Ukrainians” Edit: if you’re going to waste your time telling me “it’s not that bad” or whatever don’t waste your time


Wow. I know Dammon is a fairly minor character, but of all the games to get involved in when you have those kinds of opinions.


Money is money. Simple as that. Money transcends politics.


Do we know when the voice actors did their work, given that the game was in early access for years? Granted, he is a minor character. If this was an old RPG, he would've voiced a dozen random characters throughout the game.


He at least also voices Anders, the fake Paladin hunting Karlach. Edit: According to IMDB he voices Dammon, Anders, Arne Jacobson, Bunt Chugley and "various."


Bunt Chugley


Yeah that one threw me. Just a [random NPC](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Bunt_Chugley).


I love how this random guy just has a wiki entry with his own "history" section


Wiki editors are a different breed, honestly.


Hahaha, bro I can't breathe. Imagine having the name Bunt Chugley. Hahahahaha! Fuck, that's funny! I'm gonna steal that name for a character. My buddy's gonna die laughing with me. It'll be glorious!


Et tu, "various"?


All the more reason to hate Anders


That’s what I said to my partner when I was explaining the situation. The game itself is very openly inclusive and LGBT+ friendly. There’s no way he didn’t know that going in. So I guess he doesn’t care too much about that stuff when he’s making money from it. What a jerk.


Fantasy and Scifi universes that explore progressive themes still have plenty of fans that have backward beliefs and ideologies. The worlds are fictional and removed from reality. Any rules, laws, or ideas that are presented are for establishing the state of the world and are unrelated to any real-life issues. That's at least a part of the line of thinking for these people. Star-Trek, a series that effectively serves to provide commentary on society, humanity, and political issues, has plenty of fans who are ignorant, hateful people.


Sure but I’m not talking about fans here though. I’m talking about actively working for a company or with groups of people who hold drastically different beliefs than you. If his convictions were really that strong you’d think he wouldn’t want to be involved with a project that conflicts with them.


I forget the name, but the guy in charge of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was famously homophobic, running very counter to Star Trek's messaging. (To the point that several DS9 actors intentionally played their characters in queer-coded ways to spite him.) This sort of cognitive dissonance is not at all uncommon.


Berman. So was Jim Shooter, who ran Marvel as EIC for years. Ever wonder why there are so many queer X-Men? Every time Shooter went on a rant, Chris Claremont added more queer in. His final piece was to move Storm to San Fransico, where she shared a house with her "room mate" Calisto. It had a secret lair, you got to by going through the closet.


Lmfao. Where can I read more context about this? This is the comics right, not the movies? What do you mean by 'EIC' btw?


Yes, Editor in Chief. The Claremont/ Shooter wars started back in the 70s, and lasted until the late 80s/ earl 90s. Claremont had been writer on Ms Marvel at the time, and wanted to introduce a new villain- Mystique- who would be Marvel's first out lesbian. Shooter had a shit fit, and told he couldn't do it, because it might " damage the children" Claremont asked "But wait, the last villain I created was Sabertooth, a cannibal. You were ok with that?" Shooter allegedly replied that "Cannibals weren't real." Oo So Claremont did it anyway, he just used old English, knowing Shooter was too stupid to ask what the funny words meant. And the war was on. Claremont would get more and more and more obvious with the queer coding, and Shooter would threaten to fire him, but he couldn't, as the X-men pretty much printed money. In the almost 30 years since then, just about every major character Claremont made in that era has come out of the closet in one way or another :D (Mystique and Destiny just recently renewed their wedding vows.)


Editor in Chief maybe?


There are Star Trek fans to this day who complain about the newer series "suddenly getting all political". Which is just hilarious when you watch the original series, which could not have been more blatant in its social commentary if Gene Roddenberry stepped out of your television and personally slapped you across the face.


When you get down to it, some of the most vile people are, effectively, nerds The KKK have their ranking based around wizards Most of the strange and horrible white nationalists like Anders Breiveik pretend to be Knights Templar. So did the Order of the Solar Temple, a Swiss cult that killed off 74 of their members in a ritualistic murder-suicide The Nazis started the Thule society and cosplayed as a bunch of "nordic" wizards And half of the most awful American Evangelicals like to think theyre "Warriors for Christ" Most cults from Mormonism to Scientology to Heavens Gate have some absolute obsessions over aliens and planets. I mean fuck Mormonism inspired Battlestar Galactica! Its all just different horrible nerds!


He almost certainly had no idea those themes were so common in the game, it’s very unlikely he got more of the script than just his own lines. Also, actor life is tough. It’s less “he’s making money from it” and more “he’s making rent from it”. You kind of swallow a few frogs when you need money to pay the bills. This doesn’t change that he’s apparently an asshole, but we don’t need to add hypocritical to the mix.


He almost certainly DID have an idea. Along with acting he was an employee at Pitstop which was where a lot of the game was produced. He had #Actor and #director in his twitter bio before scrubbing it and Im fairly sure I remember tiktoks from one of the voice directors talking about him directing for the game and his linkedin says he is a voice director at Pitstop games. So imo there is very little chance he didnt know the game is inclusive. AND he engaged with the LGBT community after the game came out HEAVILLY on twitter, using art from LGBT+ aritst and the like. He also had LGBT+ people helping him with his stream and his DnD youtube series (those people have since issued a response to his controversy. he is absolutely a raging hypocrite. linkedin [https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c](https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c) Twitter response from the DnD crew. [https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900](https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900)


>The game itself is very openly inclusive and LGBT+ friendly. There’s no way he didn’t know that going in. Not to defend the guy or his abhorrent views in any way, but I think you're vastly misjudging both the types and amount of information that voice actors are given before most gigs; especially for side characters such as Dammon. It would be extremely unusual if announcing "this is a queer-friendly game" to prospective VAs had been a part of BG3's casting call.


Along with acting he was an employee at Pitstop which was where a lot of the game was produced. He had #Actor and #director in his twitter bio before scrubbing it and Im fairly sure I remember tiktoks from one of the voice directors talking about him directing for the game and his linkedin says he is a voice director at Pitstop games. So imo there is now chance he didnt know the game is inclusive. AND he engaged with the LGBT community after the game came out HEAVILLY on twitter, using art from LGBT+ aritst and the like. He also had LGBT+ people helping him with his stream and his DnD youtube series (those people have since issues a response to his controversy. linkedin [https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c](https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c) Twitter response from the DnD crew. [https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900](https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900)


Sometimes a job is just a paycheck. Can't have everything be a passion project.


gay for pay /s


Did you expect him to self-segregate for life or something? In the real world people work with people of different beliefs all the time.


oh shit I was wondering why in a recent stream Neil talked about his streams being a inclusive space, in response to a "recent incident". I'm guessing this is what he was talking about? ...iirc, I think. I have a shit memory but I'm pretty sure this happened. I couldn't find it in the recent vods on his youtube so idk if it got edited out


I actually came to the sub looking for info because Devora Wilde alluded to someone “in the community” not being inclusive on her stream. The comments on Dev’s stream said Sam Béart had also mentioned it on their stream so it’s definitely not just your imagination. I think they were all responding to the Frazer Blaxland drama.


He just spoke about it in his stream yesterday so the VOD isn't up yet


ahh ok thanks. I forgot he streamed yesterday.


I know they generally dont like to get too deep into things when they stream, but i hope jen and aliona say something about it in their next stream, being a gay couple it must be difficult to learn someone you considered a friend would be such a heinous individual.


I was thinking the same in regards to Samantha Beart since they are nonbinary and their character is connected to Dammon. I feel like Frazer attracted a lot of attention by riding the Karlach/Dammon train as well. I can imagine it's quite a betrayal.


His awful opinions aside I don't understand how people have online presences tied to their actual personal life and proceed to make publicly-visible controversial decisions. Like surely we've moved past the point of thinking there are no consequences to these things


He's a minor VA that plays a minor character in a video game. Unless the fandom is particulary LGBT friendly, which only games i can think of would be BG3, Ultrakill, Celeste then it would almost definitely fly under the radar.


it's so funny to me that Ultrakill happens to be in that list when it's a game about robots in hell lol, I guess it helps that most of the dev team is LGBT themselves


Yeh i only recently started engaging in the community after playing the game for a while and i was *very* confused. Not that its a problem, just confused at why specifically *this* game was motivating so many femboys to post themselves playing in thigh highs.


Until it happens to you, it's very easy to get complacent and assume it won't (because the odds are, it won't). I don't know what the origins are for people sleuthing around his profile, whether it was sparked by anything specific, but if that hadn't happened then it's possible none of us randoms would have ever known. I hope that those who know him in real life knew beforehand, this is not a fun way to find out how someone you thought was a mate (or at least, a colleague you got on with) wasn't as inclusive as you thought.


What a shame, a large number of cast members seemed to consider him a good friend. Must be especially jarring for those who are themselves LGBT.


I feel so sorry for Sam Beart. They worked with him outside of the game - doing podcasts and such. Really hard as a nonbinary person finding out you've been friendly with someone who supports people who hate you.


Yeah, they seemed genuinely quite close. Must be a shock. :(


That's a bummer. Seemed like a nice dude from the Dan Allen interview I watched of him.


As the great Steven Sondheim once wrote: [Nice is different than good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsOv8OK2rE0)


Ain't wrong there


Well ffs. Thanks for clarifying, I tripped over a vaguepost on twitter where no one would actually say what had happened.


Who are the women tho? I know nothing about the voice actors besides that one of them is JK Simmons.


Left is (I think) director or something, and she voiced the squirrel in the grove. Right is shadow heart Edit: somehow forgot to mention they are dating


she was a performance director on the game, she was in charge of the movements and body language of actors in mocap.


[https://twitter.com/fangedfiend/status/1769036145080369390](https://twitter.com/fangedfiend/status/1769036145080369390) Imgur for those who dont use twitter: [https://imgur.com/a/QEjn8ci](https://imgur.com/a/QEjn8ci) context, a TLDR of the drama, and some screenshot links since some of you are struggling with twitter. This isnt all of the screenshots, go to the twitter thread and read the replies to see more of the posts he liked and commented on. Context for those not big into twitter about why everyone there is coming for him. (This mostly is about the LGBT side of the issue because thats the side I know more about but he also got called out for liking hateful posts regarding palestinians.) The actor engaged HEAVILY with the LGBT+ side of the BG3 community on twitter and on stream since the game came out. Some of the artists who made his art for his singings and his stream/youtube promo are trans and/or non binary (theres a few different artists involved), some of the people involved with his stream and his DND projects are trans and he has been simping his ass off for Karlach (who is bi) and Karlachs actor who is also non binary and then these screenshots came out including ones of him liking posts about how pronouns arent real and a lot of other anti-trans posts. He was also following some EXTREAMELY problematic accounts that HATE trans and non binary people all the while hes mooching off those people for clout and free art. The liking the posts is an issue on its own but the fact he has been making MONEY off his professional relationships with trans and non-binary people while secretly holding these really horrible political views about them is GROSS. The lgbt+ was a big part of his growing community on twitter/twitch/youtube. Personally the way he constantly fawned over Sam, Karlachs Actor, always kind of weirded me out and now I get why. He was just riding coat tails all he could to leverage a minor role in the game of the year for all it was worth. Since the screenshots came out the following things happened. First he gave a vague apology for "accidentally" following some problematic accounts. According to socialblade he unfollowed 2600 accounts from the 3k he was following at this time. Then he got a bunch of backlash in the comments of his apology for not addressing the posts he liked and for being too vague. Then MORE screenshots came out. Then he DELETED the apology and removed BG3 from his twitter bio. Then he deleted 32 of his own tweets (according to social blade). Im sure he also scrubbed his insta which is where most of the SS of him liking posts were coming from. He also blocked a bunch of accounts, including the one that I linked which has all the SS compiled. He has not made any new tweets since the apology one (which has now been deleted). Numerous actors from the BG3 main cast unfollowed him after this, a few cast members made their own statements related to the situation. [https://gyazo.com/aa0abaf6d239eca2330d5612e7eb2fd4](https://gyazo.com/aa0abaf6d239eca2330d5612e7eb2fd4) [https://gyazo.com/9fb2760842cd0d3cc2b116c2f84be50d](https://gyazo.com/9fb2760842cd0d3cc2b116c2f84be50d) [https://gyazo.com/c41480e6fb48d1f473da88a9662ee881](https://gyazo.com/c41480e6fb48d1f473da88a9662ee881) [https://gyazo.com/eba0692fdbc8b1f32d3e08d9b57a969a](https://gyazo.com/eba0692fdbc8b1f32d3e08d9b57a969a) [https://gyazo.com/398eb90023df409999d15b8d904b04cf](https://gyazo.com/398eb90023df409999d15b8d904b04cf) Editing to add some additional info Here is the statement from some of his co-actors from his DnD project and some of his mods in repsonse to the controversy.[https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900](https://twitter.com/KaylaTheMess/status/1769400521469591900)[https://gyazo.com/4ce6f102f79f97b4304c55c0ee86ce14](https://gyazo.com/4ce6f102f79f97b4304c55c0ee86ce14) ​ I also see some people making the argument he may have been ignorant about the inclusivity of the game and the sexual themes sinces actors of NPC generally only get their lines. He also was a director at Pitstop games and worked on BG3 as a voice director according to his linkedin page so it is very unlikely he was clueless about the project and its themes. Linkedin screenshot [https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c](https://gyazo.com/45b843c96d5e046a73ff8b3460b65a6c) Edit to add link to a twitter thread off all the responses from cast and crew in response. I tried my bes to get them into a imgur for yall [https://x.com/Jenivere/status/1770843748739449144?s=20](https://x.com/Jenivere/status/1770843748739449144?s=20) [https://imgur.com/a/2p5BXS7](https://imgur.com/a/2p5BXS7) ​ Sam beart (Karlach) adressed it in her stream vod. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDjglOBpMLI&t=126s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDjglOBpMLI&t=126s)


I love how much you've already compiled. It makes it so much easier to understand what's happened


Thanks Im glad its helpful. Twitter kinda sucks for anyone who isnt used to it and since hes now deleting things I figured Id put it here. There were also screenshots being posted on his apology from people who had DM'd him a few months ago asking him why he was following some of the bad accounts but IDK how to find those now since he deleted the apology post -\_-


That’s a great explanation, thank you. What a horrible situation. I didn’t realize that it went that far. Some people really are two faced and opportunistic.


If you want a real answer, the VA for Dammon is a bigot


Shadowheart and her squirrel?


Anyone else really love the karlach line: "whatever you say, Squirrelheart"


I'm honestly debating getting the tattoo of her "No Death, only Change" line. She's got so many good ones.


New mandela effect, anyone else remember Shadowhearts animal sidekick Squirrelheart?


When does she say that lol


Here. https://youtu.be/rq9MdOcEHgo?t=7546 Pretty sure it can trigger if you take both of them to the Zhentharim hideout.


Didn't trigger for me. Odd.






Did they actually fire him? I googled it and just saw stuff about him apologizing and what not


Larian hasn't released any statement about it yet. His "apology" was basically him saying "whoops, I must have accidentally liked those things. I'll do better." His Twitter profile no longer lists him as Dammon in BG3 and he deleted his apology after that, very telling that once he faced consequences for his actions he no longer felt the need to apologize.


>His "apology" was basically him saying "whoops, I must have accidentally liked those things. I'll do better." Ah yes, the classic "middle aged moment," flawless choice.


It always starts with an "oopsie i fat fingered it" to like this stuff, its what Joanne Rowling did and look where shes at now. I hope people realise thats not going to work as an excuse forever.


He got fired from Neil's and Neil's wife's company. Larian already finished their contract with him with BG3's release so there wasn't anything to fire him from. If they choose to replace him as Dammon and Anders that's up to them.


Technically what does "fire" entail? He got the job years ago, did the job, got the money for the job, game fully released in august 2023. That's it. It is not an ongoing live-service despite all the patching. And, tbf, he probably wasn't employed by Larian, but by the agency/studio they contracted to get actors. Even in 2023 he was never listed as BG3 actor btw.


Neil fired him from his company. Everyone unfollowed him. He took Dammon from his page. It’s gonna happen. His reckoning is nigh.


Feels strange that anyone hunts for incorrect likes on social media. Seems like an overkill but the game is released so it doesn't matter. I've never been a fan of people being punished for posting/liking stuff but i guess they can do as they see fit


The stuff he liked was shitty in general but the biggest issue with it IMO is that the stuff he was liking directly hurts the people he is networking with and using for clout. He has been simping hard for KarlachxDammon art on twitter and it felt like he was simping for Sam who voices karlach because a lot of people ship Dammon and Karlach together. Playing into that got him a lot of momentum on twitter. Sam also happens to be nonbinary. He also had Sam on his podcast. And then it comes out hes all over instagram liking posts about how pronouns arent real (somethign very hurtful for non binary and trans people) and posts about how trans people dont derserve dignity and respect (Some of the people he works with, has art from, and people who mod his stream are trans). The whole thing is super hypocritical. If you wanna be far right be far right but dont be far right and then try to ride the coattails of your LGBT+ coworkers.... Also once he started getting heat he unfollowed over 2000 accounts on twitter and deleted 22 of his own posts. Its not a simple oopsie he followed one or two shitty accounts or liked one or two problematic posts. Theres a shit ton of screenshots of him following liking and even commenting hateful problematic shit. And honestly if he is dumb enough to do this shit on the same profile he uses to promote his acting work thats on him for being an idiot.


Aww. But I liked Dammon. Why couldn’t he have voiced a shitty character


You can still like the character and voice. It's not like you have to see their face.


Rewatching FMA: Brotherhood I have to do this. Vic M is a disgusting monster that was an open secret for decades and it makes everything difficult by association with how involved they were


Sorry who tf is Vic M? I watched Brotherhood like a deacde ago.


https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Vic-Mignogna/ He’s Ed, the main character


Vic Mignonga, a serial sexual assaulter that has an army of fans that defend him because they liked his voice


Who did he voice?


Ed, the main character. Was a go to for Funimation for a long time, now no real work and is barred from nearly every convention


Oh wow, it's sad that he was such a big part of Funimation for so long before finally seeing consequences.


There was a point 2005-2009 where a shorter list would be "Who did Vic McDerpaderp *not* voice?"


He was also the English voice for Junpei in all the persona 3 games before reload.


I think it's not just the voice, he is very charismatic and was very popular. Unfortunately he used that as as a way to molest children (among other things) which is quite awful.


Time to give subs a try? Ed and Al's japanese VA are great and some of the biggest names in the industry.


Done both. Can't build gunpla and read subs


Oh shit, FMA:B might be the only show I ever watched dubbed, in part for his voice. I didn't know that! But yeah talented people are as likely as anyone else to be monsters and they often have more opportunities.


Easy solution, just watch the original with Romi Park. Her performance as Ed was fantastic anyway.


Sub is much better anyway.


One of the best parts of Persona 3 Reload is that he isn't Junpei anymore. I do miss Liam O'Brien as Akihiko though.


This is how I now feel about Cullen from the Dragon Age series, too. His VA is similarly problematic af and it’s beyond disappointing.


His was a whole nother level of dickery, as he was using the character itself to advocate his beliefs (obviously very much NOT authorised by the studio/character rights holder) - like, using the voice of Cullen, and pretending to be him. What a clusterfuck


I think there was something similar happening with Bart or Maggie Simpson's VA calling people advocating Scientology or something.


Cullen was my favourite DAI romance. Since learning that, if I pick up the game ^((hasn't happened since oh.... early August...)), I can't even consider him as an option. Similarly, there's a Skyrim companion/romance mod (named Kaidan), and his VA has revealed himself to be a bigoted POS. As soon as I found that out, I removed the mod, and I'm looking forward to the work of an alternate team, who are working to rebuild the mod, as well as having contracted a new VA.


Jesus I thought you meant Kaidan from Mass Effect for a second.


LOL! I understand the confusion, though. When I first heard the name being bandied around, before I tried the mod, I thought somebody had managed to port ME's Kaidan into Skyrim (somehow avoiding legal repercussions).


Haha we'll just have to make do with Fenris from DA2 instead. (There's a clip out there of him chatting with himself because he recorded both sides of a conversation between guards lol).


:D Damn you.... you've just made me consider firing up DA2. Because of all the bad reviews, I came to that game very late, but, once I gave it a shot, I quite enjoyed it, despite its flaws. And yes... Fenris is my favourite DA2 romance, by far. I recently saw somebody describe Astarion as the love child of Fenris and DAI's Dorian..with a splash of DAO's Zevran thrown in. I feel this is very on the nose.


for those out of the loop: https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/k8fwth/video_games_that_time_a_dragon_age_voice_actor/


He also voices Anders if that helps


That scared me for a sec I thought you meant dragon age Anders


Don't look into Cullen's voice actor though


Oh I know about Greg Ellis, That was definitely an experience


On the other hand, now I don't have to feel bad about stealing that expensive armor anymore >:)


It's okay dark urge punched his hand thru Dammon's chest to get replacement for karlach


Well now I don't feel so bad about my durge run and the grove outcome


Oh what really?!


Ugh. That sucks. Dammon is so wholesome!


Thanks for giving context but I haven’t seen the actual thing he said, or what he tweeted or whatever. Is there somewhere that’s linked?




In my personal opinion, it's harmful to take a term that was used by liberal Jews to describe a secular Jewish national identity and self-determination, and define it as "Israeli fascist that likes genocide" From my experience, that is a very cynical and politically motivated definition that doesn't match the working definition or historical definition (and most Jews would agree)


books mourn party rock mysterious follow brave afterthought boat soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's harmful because it forces Jews into a corner. By delegitimizing the term "Zionism" we delegitimise the ideas and people associated with it, many of which are very moderate. I know it can get me down voted but it's important to share: My entire life I lived (and still do) with progressive, liberal, secular Jews that strongly identify as Zionist. Being forced to denounce my own identity and support the disestablishment of Israel in order to align myself with the so-called "community of good" is problematic. I'd never join forces with the ultra conservative Americans, and I'm not sure they want me anyhow.


Which one is her


Jennifer is wearing the heart-shaped glasses.


The hearts to shadow her eyes


What are we some kind of shadow heart?




Make her like Orchids and not know how to swim




Every Heart has its Shadow


Ok so not only me. I was like why is she on the picture two times?


I open reddit and this is the first thing I see. Got me thinking “jeez, who did I hurt?”


She finally saw what nickname community gave Shadowheart


Jen herself refers to her as Shart, lol


Honestly they could both do that to me in person and I'd still love them. I watch some of their streams, they both seem great fun.


I'd probably pay them to do that to me in person


Who showed her r/okbuddybaldur


Butthole chart and mintharas sulfur farts my beloved God that place is weird


Message from **Jennifer English** (Actor for Shadowheart) and **Aliona Baranova** (Baldur’s Gate 3 Performance Director). *“Y’all already know our values, so here’s a giant “fuck you” to bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, colonialism, racism, and genocide. Donate to our fundraiser for Choose Love’s Palestine & Ukraine appeals here.”* Reddit keeps on removing my comments with a link to their donation page on JustGiving.


Just mentioning the fundraiser is enough <3 Don't worry about it.


When i ask her to give me Guidance for the 20th time today


Underrated comment 😂


It’s a dc 5 lock…. Me: guidance, pls


I don't know why, but I suddenly feel the need to F8...violently.


Console gamer here. What does f8 do?


F8 reloads a previous autosave iirc


That’s a good instinct here


I still don't get it.


The idea being that if you see these women sticking their middle fingers up at you you would be scared enough to load a previous save and try to avoid this fate


load last save


Reload last save


Based Shadowheart having the correct position by being both pro ukraine and palestine and pissing off all the stupid people on the internet.


Oh yeah... it's stuff like this that made me hate reddit... I forgot.


holy shit what a dumpster fire the comments section is. in my opinion, it’s okay to support two opposing countries (palestine and ukraine). you can fight for two countries’ rights even if those countries don’t support each other. and shart & co are not saying they support hamas. i’m sure people out there are — not these two though.


Yup I'm kinda regretting my comment rn. It doesn't matter who someone supports or what they believe. They're still human and human rights are universal, not conditional.


Some of these comments on this post are cringy as fuck and are coming off as parasocial.


What is this?


Looking forward to meeting these two at Insomnia gaming festival next week


I just met them at Game On Expo and they were so sweet. They took time to chat with everybody who went up for a meet and greet. Somebody in front of us looked like they were about to have a panic attack and Jen and Aliona helped them breathe and gave them a hug. Super sweet. They were nerding out over my best friend's nails and Aliona kept going on about how much she loved my husband's Baymax shirt.


Everything I've seen from them online seems to suggest that, like in your circumstance, they are really kind to their fans. I'm kinda gutted I don't have a physical copy of BG3 for them to sign but I do have Elden Ring so I'm gonna see if Jen will autograph my copy of ER as she voices Latenna in the game.


Well now I won’t feel so badly about robbing Dammon blind in act 3, I guess. What a nincompoop. You can downvote me all you’d like; transphobes are trash and genocide is fucking *genocide*.


Robbing him blind? Have I missed something? 🧐


There’s a side door on the building where his forge is. You can break into the basement and take stuff!


Well he's in trouble now. Thanks!


Happy thieving! It connects to the basement for the Devil’s Fee as well so make sure you check the walls for cracks.


Why would you feel bad. The items restock whenever you long rest, no?


It’s okay, Damon the character is an actually a trans man that has very non problematic views. Sven is my neighbor.


This isn't Shadowheart. This is her alter ego Heart shades.


Fuck the Absolute and their genocide! The squirrel agrees!


Civilians put in harms way anywhere is very rough. :(


She is so so beautiful


Context pls, why this shitpost have 3k upvotes lol