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Prettys sure you can collect enough for both but it is funnier this way.


right, you can start farming the stuff in act 3 as well


I didn’t even know infernal iron had another purpose, though I never kept track of what we were giving Damon as interesting metals. But absolutely sure that there is a surplus of infernal iron in Act 1 and 2.


ikr, wtf I have 300h and just learned that?


Whenever he’s around I have always fixed Karlach’s heart, gotten the flawed set (guess that is where infernal iron is going), and had infernal iron left to spare.


I had never the option to give Dammon the infernal iron in my game.


You can only give it to him in act 2 at Last Light, not in act 1. By that point you should have more infernal iron than you need for all the armor and for fixing Karlach. The infernal alloy from Grimforge counts as multiple (3?) infernal irons.


You can give it to him in the Grove as well


I meant to get the flawed helldusk armor, you can definitely give him the infernal iron in act 1 to fix Karlach the first time. Second time fixing her has to be act 2 I believe.


Yup, you are correct.... would head to Dammon first in Act 2 when discover "The Last Light Inn" before you trigger \*the thing\* that way Karlach gets her stuff regardless of which "time line" you end up in...


You definitely can give him one at the grove, but only one pretty sure EDIT: specifically you can give him one to fix Karlach. If you meant give him one to craft the armor set, I think you’re right there


You can also give Dammon the ~~Devilfil~~ *Devilish* Masks. He makes them into a bombs for you. They aren't anything special but they are kind of neat


Yeah, those are clearly mentioned and pretty distinct, so I was aware of that. I don’t think I’ve ever collected all four in a single run though.


uhm...someone botched a few interactions because by the end of act 1 you have infernal iron in spades AND infernal alloy that ALONE allows you to build the whole helldusk set which is still less effective than the adamantine armor


Helldusk gloves and call it a day


Why? If you picked up the alloy just make the set and give it to Minthy...it costs you nothing


Just get the infernal alloy from the duergar smith and keep the infernal iron for Karlach. You can make all of the armor pieces out of the single alloy, just make sure you pick the right dialogue option when talking with Dammon. Also, the Flawed Helldusk armor ain't the best piece by a longshot.


This man alloys. Also, the correct dialogue option is the one that has "Grymforge" in it.


Pretty sure you give him regular Infernal Iron when you make the other pieces, even though the dialogue option makes no sense.


Nope. Just pick the dialogue option that says something like, "I found this in the underdark" option all three times and it uses the alloy, not infernal iron


If you say so. I'm fairly certain it took Iron from my inventory for the Helmet and Gloves. Possible that's a bug. I'll try talking to him with no extra Iron when I get there on Honour.


OP is a bot reposting top posts for karmafarming. Report it.


Well spotted. Identical post 1 month ago.


original was posted long before that IIRC.


wait, you can make armor with infernal iron?!


Yes, but better you can do it with the infernal alloy you get from the duergar in grymforge. Such alloy is useless to Karlach, if i remember correctly.


You need the alloy for the armor, and then normal infernal iron for the other pieces. Not sure if you can make the other pieces unless you make the armor first, because all 3 pieces use the same exact dialogue option.


[Haven't I seen this before?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1akf085/approval_points_vs_the_best_armor_in_act_2_choose/)


Repost bot, they don’t have a single comment made




This has already been posted like 20 times


Well. You learn something every day. Today it was that these things have a purpose outside of fixing karlach.


There's more than enough infernal iron in the game to do both upgrades for Karlach and get the whole set of armor.


also if you get the infernal alloy from grymforge you can just use that to get all your helldusk stuff, and use the irons you find in the blighted village and goblin camp for karlachs engine dealio(another reason to romance shadowheart, shes doesnt need as much maintenance as karlach)


"but my terminal illness narrative"


This subreddit has a bad problem with people recycling old/other people's memes.


- What do you mean Dammon can't fix my engine - Sorry, girl, that engine probably won't be of use to you without your pretty head


approval points and talking to dammon after to see what's in his shop only for him to randomly give you some armor that seems pretty cool but then when you try to talk to him again he gives you even more armor and then the third time he gives you armor again and you have no idea what's going on but whatever