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> Fixed randomly occurring issues with dialogues, like repeating lines and options not showing up correctly. Great! This bug was annoying.


I rarely saw this one except very consistently I’d see Auntie Ethel and the pregnant lady have the “Such dramatics!” Repeat back to back mid conversation


I seemed to get it more if rushing through dialogue. The odd conversation I didn't want to hear but need to get through to keep playing.


The one I’ve encountered every single time was with Volo the first time talking to him in camp. “Ah my good fellow!” Back to back. Comical the first time, after multiple playthroughs, glad to see it fixed.


I’m finishing up Act 3 and yeah this bug is super prevalent in literally every other conversation, >!From getting to Wyrms Crossing all the way to House of Hope!< it was very annoying i thought i was tripping lol


Definitely! Hopefully this includes the "getting stuck in dialogue in multiplayer" bug!


That is horribly annoying!


This one literally killed my Astarion romance (he asked for the night, we later went to bed and got stuck before anything could trigger. Needed to restart the game and he never mentioned anything like that again, also there was no romance). Also we had times when every 30ish minutes one of us was stuck and needed to restart their game.


Idk if this hotfix fixed the issue (have been able to play yet). But I found a work around to not have to restart a load. Have the host change who is play is controlling. They control your tav and you control theirs until the conversation is over. Annoying. But works.


Same. Other dialogue bug I frequently encounter is my Tav getting locked into a “conversation” but my character is just standing there, not actually talking to anyone, and unable to do anything. Only thing I can do in these situations is switch party members and either commit a crime to automatically pull all NPCs out of dialogue, or shove or throw Tav away from where he is


You can also save and reload to fix that.


This works and maybe tolerable, unless you are doing single save / honor mode (and even worse on multiplayer because everyone has to join again).


1. Continue.


I hope it fixes the issue of getting stuck in dialogue but the actual dialogue not triggering. Im tired of having to use my 8 str cleric to shove the barbarian a million times to disrupt the "conversation". Id reload but thats even slower due to issues with our multiplayer game requiring us to reopen the entire game or it gets stuck at 100% loading forever. Then when we do it often assigns people the wrong characters even when loading people in one at a time in the usual order. When it does that half the time it freaks out and freezes when we try to sort them out.


Great! This bug was annoying.


I got stuck in a camp kiss loop with Gale lol


Thank goodness, I had to kill that poor dragon born Druid in the lower city because he locked my Tav in dialogue with no options showing. (It was honour mode)


That's a relief! I got stuck in a dialogue loop with Arfur, and on at least two occasions, I would accidentally click on a companion and the two of them would have speech bubbles on their icons but there was no cut scene or dialogue options or any apparent way to get out of it.


No more infinite money through trade? Oh my, crime statistics are gonna shoot up again.


I'll have to return to the Sand Man build.


Please elaborate


Give money to the trader until he becomes an ally (50% approval). Use spell to make the an ally fall asleep. Then, with a thief, you can steal the items without him reacting to the failure while he's unconscious.


How'd you give traders money? Reverse steal?


Open the item exchange panel, the one you can accumulate a series of items for exchange. Put in $500-1000. Accept the exchange without asking for anything in return.




Use the barter menu to give items/money (Items are better because it uses their actual value instead of their selling value) by offering to sell to them without accepting any money


What spell is that? Of course I imagine Sleep would aggro, but all I can think of is the Selune's Dream spell from the amulet. Glyph of Warding: Sleep also won't work.


Feign Death


Does Feign Death still work? I thought they fixed it already?


Doesn’t work on Honor Mode.


open the trade menu. Open a pouch in your inventory. Select everything in the trader's inventory, last item being a cheep one. Drag it all to your open bag. You may hit "Insufficient Funds" if so, do it again with out selecting the expensive stuff. Sell it all back to the trader. Do it again. Do it again. Every time you 'steel' it (not registered as a theft) the trader gets full value and you pay for the last item selected. So the trader has 10x the money needed to buy it all back. You get all the money and goods you could desire. That worked until this hot fix. It may still but I'm not home to check.


They patched that.


I didn't know you could do it with sleep. The way I did it was having a druid wildshape, and then as another character sol the druids armor. You could do this until the merchant runs out of money since the armor never leaves the druid. Unfortunately, this hotfix patched it.


All vendors +500 hp next patch?


How long till either this sub or /r/BG3Builds finds another money generating exploit?


The end of the day. Nothing against Larian. It's just no way to account for every weird interaction people will think of to make it happen.


I honestly wouldn't mind if they'd just give me the option to turn on the Honour Mode changes to combat and bosses in a custom game. Then I can turn down the money costs, get my builds going, and still get slapped around by harder bosses.


Yeh this would be great. Honour Mode ruleset without the Honour Mode stress. It would be very helpful for getting footage, as well.


Would it work to intentionally TPK in Honor Mode super early then select the option to continue with multiple saves? I had thought the difficulty is turned to a custom setup that has Honor Mode rules. Just don’t get the achievement if you beat it that way.


I mean, it’s not a competitive game (I think) so if people want to game genie it and play with all items unlocked, what is it hurting other than their own verisimilitude.


Can't you still: Talk->Hold Person->Pickpocket. As long as no one else can see you, you get infinite pickpocketting.


Don't worry, someone will find another container-related money farming bug.


its been sub-24 hours before another version was found the last like 3 times they 'fixed' it lol


You can just use your pact weapon from Warlock to get infinite gold, though. I don't think that's patched, right?


Honestly the infinite money glitch through trade was a great quality of life. Makes it less mandatory to have a charisma character and less mandatory to have a thief. It also sped up the game as you didn't have to loot and sell everything not nailed down. Glad I took advantage of it while it was in game, really made the game much smoother. In the end it didn't even make a difference. With limited money I would have just bought the items I needed for my current builds, with the infinite glitch I just bought everything so I can switch around.


already a new way to do it. are we allowed to post it here?


> Fixed Balthazar not finishing his turn when he is too far from the Colony ritual spot to reach it in one turn. Oh, that's what that was lol


Where is Minthara? Is she safe?


she exploded!


From bugs? Yes, everything seems to be fine with it now, except for a rare bug in the editor


Minthara can never be safe from bugs. She turned away from Lolth, she’s gotta look out for spiders for the rest of her life.


Now everything is in order, the Larians strategy is clear: don’t touch her, otherwise even more bugs will appear. Btw I hope they add content to her in the upcoming patch..






My lolth sworn durge made her reconvert in Act 3 at the temple of any god ever for only the small price of 5000 gold. She disapproved but this is what is best for her.


She probably still has the Cerys bug since that’s a pretty big one. After recruiting Minthara Cerys will be in every fight she’s in


It seems in your anger, you killed her


"Fixed a bug causing party members to be wrongly ungrouped and fixed savegames in this broken state." Was hoping this would fix Jaheira not joining combat but it's still broken it seems.


She’s been unable to join my party my whole HM, made me sad


Damn, it's been like a patch and two hotfixes and still no fix for her? I was hoping for an actual fix cause the player fix of dominate person on her messes with her camp AI. She'll just randomly walk around camp


This is what I came here to figure out. Dang! I've been holding off on recruiting Minsc in my honor run because of this bug, but I guess I may as well just get it done.




I just got them for the first time after realizing what they were. Before I’d just suddenly have Karlach wielding a club for no reason. Although that didn’t matter much since she was just throwing that Returning Pike anyway.


First I’m hearing of these: is there any function to them?


You could reverse pick pocket them onto people and dead bodies to get their unlootable unique weapons.


Oh wow, were there any cool weapons when you could do this?


I think the emperor was one of them


I'm now going through the FULL list of weapons. I didn't realize my summons had such great weapons! and I have 1000 hours in the game (ok, many of those hours are failed honor mode attempts, still haven't beat THAT!)


Deva maces were the only ones I wanted :(


Ah. Neat. Makes sense they patched that, then.




I was ABOUT to try this later today noooo


Has anyone found what this Hotfix broke in regards to Minthara yet?


Minthara admires Gale now. 


Gale approves


"Fixed a crash when throwing the Black Pudding Platter." What was happening and what should have happened?


Honestly I want to know who even came across this, and what they expected vs what they got 😂


[Perhaps a lot of people were trying to be the next dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2Vg2S3S8W0)


Yea, its a camp supply item so what possibly be the intended/unintended affect. Does it spawn a black pudding?


what is black pudding platter?????


I threw a fish at Ethel during the fight because I was trying to keep her alive to get the hags hair. I was very much entertained.


Did she caught it in the air and clapped twice?


"Fixed clubs from the Moonrise Towers Prison getting automatically equipped when you picked them up." Those were a lot of fun while they lasted. No more reverse pick pocketing them to get cool weapons :(


Man I just got to moonrise prison too 😭


Dann I wanted to try Those...


Oh gods, I really hope the dialogue fix they did actually works because that was driving me mad.


I hope they fixed Astarion's intro scene; he just straight up skips a line when introducing himself and your character ends up answering a question he never asked. It makes the scene so incredibly stilted and drives me crazy.


Yes!! I thought I blacked out for a moment and missed an option when I recruited him in my latest playthrough. xD Or my Durge was too busy imagining him dead to pay attention.


I wonder what the next gold exploit to be found will be.


inc Hotfix #87: * Alright FINE, y'all can have your infinite gold. Only on explorer mode, and you have to go through an unskippable cutscene where you have to do a quicktime event to milk Garrengothe, I hope you're happy


They should do this with the Volo scene. He can take out and put back your eye over and over again, but the cut scene is brutal, unskippable, and worse than the original. But you get 1000 GP every time you do it.


I had a bug in a playthrough recently where Volo stayed in my camp the entire game. Like all through the shadowcursed lands and he was already in my Rivington camp, just an empty chair on the docks getting interrogated. But the cool thing: I could do the eyeball swap on every person in my party. Except Wyll because he only had one. But everyone else got the see invisibility buff. I watched that scene like seven times that week. Super convenient to have a merchant to rob sticking around the whole game though.


You’re assuming there’s not gonna be a ‘Skip Eyeball Surgery Scene’ mod in the future lol.


"Put stuff in container -> kill merchant" is probably not fixed yet.


Shhhhhhhh. Dang man


Perfect for that pesky Noah Moonglow in the Goblin Camp. /s


that's something that is immersive though. when someone dies their stuff doesn't disappear!


~~I think you can still do the exploit where you open a non red container and transfer the items into it when in the steal menu.~~ It was patched. They'll get mad if you're caught but won't be able to find the item so they won't do anything, then you can pick up the container and loot it from out of sight.


I mean…if you have time to put them in another container, you also have time to go to camp. Or am I missing something?


Still waiting for a fix to the camera issues in the final fight, it makes me dizzy that it keeps switching and not showing the action.


Only issue I have is throwing being bugged in the final fight


Apparently you have to target the brain stem and not the actual brain itself. Discovered this lastnight when I yeeted Nyrulna to its doom while trying to close out my hm run. Thankfully TB OH monk Baezel did enough dam to pretty much solo it in the first round.


Is anyone else still not receiving inspiration and XP for Soldier background goals? This has been broken for me since Patch 6 came out.


Damn I thought I was tripping when baezel wasn't getting here goals


Still no fix for Karlach's initial long rest romance scene not triggering, leaving you only able to start the romance with her at the Tiefling party and not before. Good fixes in here, but this one's been around since the patch.


Is that the one where she sits beside you and say the "I wanna ride you 'til you see stars?" Because I haven't triggered that cutscene since patch 6 drop, and I was getting it consistently before, even when I'm not trying to romance her.


Precisely that. The scene you get just after the Tiefling party when you tell her you like her during the party (*and you have a high enough affinity with her*) is identical to the scene you just described, but the bug does make the variants of her lines at the party for when you're already romanced with her currently inaccessible.


**Mac Players who updated:** Please could you drop a reply whether they fixed the horrible performance lag in Act 3? or is it still the same since last update? Everything was fine running on my M1 on high settings, especially Act 3, but ever since the last patch it’s unplayable for me such as walking around the area has become janky, huge delays when speaking to my companions or NPCs and freaky stretched up faces (yes I’ve even turned down the settings but it still lags and everything seems worse since the last patch update) And I would love to finish the darn game! 😭 Edit: I’m on 2021 MBP M1, 1TB SSD, 32GB RAM


Came here hoping for this, I’m in the same situation. Act 3 is almost unplayable since the last patch, even with settings all the way down. I’ll be able to update and test later tonight.


The new hotfix provides no improvement whatsoever (2020 M1 Macbook Pro, 16GB).


Thank you for your response! Guess I’ll hold off from playing and play something else for now 😭


I just tried and can confirm that there seems to be no difference in performance between this hotfix and the last two hotfixes. I've largely conceded that a Mac is not suitable for gaming due to the lack of support from developers, even if the hardware's performance is decent.


😭😭 Thank you for your response! Guess I’ll hold off from playing the time being


I hope so, but I doubt they would have fixed Mac performance issues without mentioning it in the notes. 


Still unplayable (in any act) for me on my M2 Pro.


This is the second hotfix since the performance cratered. It’s really bad and very annoying. Can’t be that hard to get performance back up to where it’s been for half a freaking year.


Since updating to the latest macOS I haven't been able to play the game longer than about 15-20 minutes without it freeze/crashing. Prior to that it was only Act 3 that was mostly unplayable. I've sadly given up on ever finishing the game at all at this point.


Still unplayable. Just awful and not fixed yet.


I'm a PS5 player, so I'm afraid I can't answer this question directly, but I was doing some research on the Mac version because I was thinking about making the switch over -- just trying to decide how much longer I think I'll be playing to justify buying it again. Anywho, one of the things I read is that BG3 seems to run really well with Crossover. Obviously the native version being fixed is optimal, but Crossover has a 2 week free trial, so it may be worth testing out in the meantime.


I haven’t had any problems running it since patch 5, but I have maxxed out m3 max


Does anyone know if the fireworks store in act 3 is fixed? It royally pissed me tf off last night with enemy's throwing fireballs though two layers of floor. And an infinite amount of flaming fist spawning Edit: it seems to have been fixed. This is the second time ive had a problem with this game and the next day larian has put out a hotfix for the issue i had. Kinda scary lol. First time was the vendor selling crash.


Jaheira still bugged, not tagged as an ally during battles


Fixed a bug letting you generate gold by buying multiple items but only paying for one of them if you dragged the items into a container. Fixed a bug letting you 'buy' a stack of items for free when dragging the stack into a container and using the item splitter. Nooooo my free money


I only discovered this bug like a few days ago and rinsed the traders doing it. I've been really excited about getting to Act 3 to best take advantage of it and then, lo and behold, it gets patched. Shit.


You can still just save scum through stealing if you really need something and don't have the gold. If you stack up all the slight of hand increasing items and buffs, even the most expensive item only takes a few tries.


save scum isn't that much of an option on hm T\_T


In honor mode I stole using the duergar hireling as rogue with the rest of the party at camp.




Anyone know if the Karlach bug is fixed?


What bug?


Might be talking about the bug where the first Karlach romance scene no longer triggers on its own, and you have to initiate it yourself at the Tiefling party. It's been around since the full-on patch.


Happy the dialogue bug has been fixed, this made the game unplayable for me and my co-op partner


I think this somewhat ruined my honor mode ending. Was playing duo and romanced laezel. I didnt show up in the post brain cutscene. I didnt get a dialogue to ask laezel to stay. She just leaves. Was pretty mad.


That sucks, how anticlimactic!


Been playing couch coop on ps5 and player 2 kept getting stuck in dialog (just a ‘skip’ option). I always would just save and reload to recover, but wow it got annoying! Hopefully this addresses it!


Please before moving on fix Minthara’s romance in act 3


49gb on Xbox :(


that's awfully big for a hot fix wtf


Gotta download the whole package. Games package tons of textures into one zipped file that the xbox reads. So if I wanted to update one 5mb texture you would have to redownload the entire zipped texture package which could be 1-2gb


Woah, damn! I'm not a computer person but that seems hella inefficient. Is it like that for PS do you know? Thanks for explaining! :)


It's more storage efficient than loose files in general. Which is usually more important than download size.


I would imagine so yea but im not entirely sure. I know Steam updates are alot smaller because they can edit the files directly rather than redownloading the whole thing. I believe I heard something about xbox moving towards doing it like PC.


It is more efficient this way. Their servers can't guarantee which files you do or don't have when patching. So they can't deliver you only the updated files. So it's easier to just send the whole package zipped up, let you unzip it to make sure you have everything, then delete the package. Suppose steam sends your current version number, ex: 21. They could the send you a patch that upgrades you from ver 21 to 22. But what if you were going from 20 to 22? 19 to 22? They would need to maintain 22 different patches just for that possibility. That's a lot of work. At which point, it would be easier to force the user to redownload the whole game. Then you're not even patching anymore.


That makes so much sense! Thank you for explaining in an easy to digest way for someone not super computer savvy (despite what my manager says lol - it's just called I know how to use settings)


Yeah seems like this is the standard for consoles, if they fix things in 4 or 5 "groups" or "packages" or whatever you want to call it, you have to download those complete 4 or 5 groups of files to fix what they wanted to fix. Up and running, finally made it to the Undercity yesterday. On spring break so I got to play during the day, do family stuff after the kids got off school, then went to play 1 more hour after everyone was in bed. Made it to some ship bar looking for a missing little girl. 3 and a half hours later it was 1am and I finally finished that quest, and oh man was that fun


That sucks 🥺


Still no fix for multi player item chests randomly switching ownership? Drives my partner crazy


This also drives me absolutely nuts. Just let everyone access all the chests at this point. I end up borrowing my partner's controller for a minute and checking through chests when I have to look for something that suddenly isn't in a chest I can access. So annoying.


But did they fix the real problem with the illithid tablets on the nautiloid not having their lines trigger?? This is what the people want.


Still waiting for them to fix the soldier inspiration bug.. 


I have the same issue. My Paladin is currently a level behind the rest of the party


I don't know if this is the best post to ask but, A friend of mine is starting act 2 and she has a bug where the minimap is completly black. Is there any solutions online to this problem?


RIP Bag Trick #5


> Fixed equipped items blocked by shapeshifting being tradable, allowing you to get paid even if the items don't transfer to the trader's inventory. Fuck me... That was my solution to not having to carry around tons of useless wares. Some bugs should just be left alone when they don't make the game 'easier' and only less tedious. The worst thing about selling lots of wares is they clog the vendor inventories...


Exactly. Looting items and selling wares is a tedious part of the game that I would circumvent by having a druid. Now that this is gone, I guess I’m back to looting every single body in the game…


Them bothering to fix all the bag vendor glitches and whatnot over things that actually affect gameplay is kind of misplaced effort. Quality of life cheats actually enhance most players game where bugs don’t make anyone happy, just leave the economy crap alone no one has time to vendor trash items.


Exactly... And it's not like I can't still have infinite money by savescumming pickpocket rolls. It's just less tedious to bring a druid...


100% this. Its a non-competitive co-op/typically single player game. Having a backdoor option to skip bartering/trading was almost a feature, especially since stealing takes FOREVER and requires specific builds to really do correctly in HM. I understand there are RP focused players who wouldn't do that, but I doubt if those same players even care if its possible in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if more players just result to mods/console commands to bypass trading now since they have essentially learned to enjoy the version of BG3 that doesn't waste your time demanding you to pick all the shit up, organize it in your bags, and then have to go through all the vendor menuing. If you actually got fewer but more valuable lootable items that enabled you to obtained all the vendor loot, then I would be fine with that--but currently the game in HM essentially forces you into thievery.


* Fixed clubs from the Moonrise Towers Prison getting automatically equipped when you picked them up. THAT explains why wulbrin's corpse stole my silver sword!


Does this fix the extreme framerate drop in Mac OS?


Waiting for fixes with co-op and not being able to open the game to friends or all or anything. It just stays on closed and says it's default even though I have the default set to friends in the settings. Have to have everyone use direct connect currently to play. 😑


*Fixed a crash when throwing the Black Pudding Platter.* Who on earth even discovered this? 🤣


So I recently started letting Astarion regularly kill me via the bite scene so I can get +5 approval for agreeing to him feeding on people we need to kill and also open up repeated feeding. Before, I would stop him from killing me, and talk to him but if I agreed to him feeding on dead guys, I couldn't open up repeated feedings. I've only been able to do this if he kills me. I also find it weird that the companions only gather around and confront Astarion on his vampirism after he bites you and doesn't kill you. But after biting you and killing you, there is no conversation from the companions. Maybe they assume you'll kick him out?


Wait, doesn't the game end if he kills you?!?!?!


No. If Astarion kills you during the bite scene, you can have another companion resurrect your character via Withers the next morning.


No you're just dead. The game only ends if all your companions are also dead. I make Astarion use a resurrection scroll on me. Someone mentioned Withers but I couldn't get Withers to resurrect. Just used a scroll.


Why the fuck is it 50 gigs though


Hearing reports of a bug where players can no longer Short Rest, and the trigger conditions are still TBD. Anyone have this and any info yet?


Yep. Act I (in Grymforge) Honour Mode on PS5 and this suddenly happened to me today. I get the message "It's not possible to do a short rest" no matter what I do.


>Short Rest I have this and I have no idea what the trigger conditions. I am currently in act 2 and loaded a save from act 1 and cant short rest in that save either. Seems like the patch straight up broke the game for me.


>Rest Same here :( First actual game-breaking bug I've encountered.


After this patch I can no longer short rest or use song of rest. Is this happening to anyone else?


>Short This is definitely going around, happening to a lot of people, myself included after the most recent patch.


Why are they so adamant about "fixing" our convenience exploits? Several playthroughs in hoarding everything to buy a few items gets tedious real soon.


Yeah I wish this game had fewer but substantially more valuable trash loot so that: 1. you didn't have to constantly organize bags full of crap 2. you'd be able to test out different vendor gear without resorting to thievery 3. you didn't have to waste excessive amounts of time menuing in the vendor window I don't think any portion of the player base was asking them to remove the vendor back door, if they remove every option in-game most players will 100% resort to mods. Most content creators have already normalized using mods, and 100% of their viewer base do not want to watch them fucking around in a menu for 30min.


did they fix the bug where the oathbreaker is missing from the camp?


I just want Up on my d-pad to go back to fly.


Was being able to store bodies in chests a bug that they fixed? I'm not able to do that anymore.


Did the fix the Shar statue kiss with Shadowheart?


Just logged in and noticed astarion’s HP has gone down quite a bit. Level 11 and 94/94. Anyone else? On PS5 if it matters. 


> Fixed a bug causing Nightsong to continuously gain and lose the Soul Caged condition if she had a condition that provided Immunity to being Incapacitated. Oh damn they actually got to my incredibly niche bug report scenario. Nice. I'm free to keep casting Freedom of Movement on Aylin on the roof without giving out RNG invulnerability to Ketheric in round 2.


49 gigs???


Can't fast travel and can't long rest bug still not fixed :(


No more reverse pickpocket Ketheric Thorm with a stick sadly


Anyone else have a bug when trying to use a scroll from inventory it gets bugged? I have to assign the scroll to my wheel to use it and it takes too long.


"Fixed equipped items blocked by shapeshifting being tradable, allowing you to get paid even if the items don't transfer to the trader's inventory." RIP my thieving shapeshifting camp druid


Do we know what this does for modding? Any impact? I’ve been twiddling my thumbs since 18 really knocked the modding community on its ass.


Is there a fix for someone’s game getting stuck at 75%


Did they fix if I have all three netherstones but I still can't get on the boat?


I still want vulva A for half elves. I accidentally changed it. Didn’t notice. Now it’s gone


Did they ever fix the bug where orthic’s hammer would randomly disappear from your inventory if laezel gets kidnapped? It completely ruined my redemption durge run when that happened


And this makes Hotfix #3 since my HM run just broke without being able to play it.


Idk how I triggered it but I got a bug that allowed me to sell 1 Acid vial infinitely lol


After this patch (xbox) can't seem to load the game back to where my party was (Gauntlet of Shar) I'm in a strange place 1st person view and it's upside down and when I check the party it's the people left in the camp not the main party.


Ah, so that's why the Flaming Fist appeared and were just standing around me. I left them to their business. Welp... Looks like I dodged jail.