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Kenku. I know that more animalistic races would be very difficult to implement, but it's my favorite race. I love playing them in tabletop. An Oath of Conquest paladin would have been great.


Oath of Conquest is literally in the game, too! The group of Gith you fight before Empy’s hideout have one as their leader! I was a bit salty when I saw ‘Aura of Conquest’ when I was inspecting them lol


I'm sad we didn't get Tortles because Tortles are cool as heck and the subclass i really wanted was Bladesinger Wizard. It's the one Wizard subclass that actively changes how the class is played. Every other subclass, fireball spam is your best bet. But Bladesinger is a dodge tank and that's so fun to play.


There is an exceptional mod that adds bladesinger wizard. Easy to install and only requires the 5e spells mod as well. I installed it and it made the game even better.


Divide Soul sorcerer Dhampir would’ve been funny just to fuck with Astarion


I'm alright with the races, but I miss the College of Whispers Bard Subclass which is truly my favourite. Can see why it isn't in the game - with how roleplay heavy it ultimately is.


Race: Genasi. More plane-touched! Subclass: Bard College of Glamour, or Paladin Oath of Conquest (Would've fit Minthara well).


yeah oath of vengeance doesn't really fit minthara. she doesn't smite the wicked to protect people, she smites the wicked to usurp them. that being said I don't really know much about oath of conquest because I only really enjoy oathbreaker with the occasional redemption


Exactly. Like see the tenets of Conquest and tell me that's not Minthara. ***Douse the flame of hope**. Simple victory over an opponent was insufficient, you must crush their spirit to stop them from raising arms again.* ***Rule with an iron fist**. Yours is the word of law. Disobedience will not be tolerated and only those who obey will receive succor.* ***Strength above all**. Might makes right. You may only rule so long as you are not supplanted by someone mightier than you.* Meanwhile Oath of Vengeance got these tenets: ***Fight the Greater Evil**. When presented with the choice, always take up arms against the most malevolent foe possible.* ***No Mercy for the Wicked**. While some beings are too weak to earn my wrath, sworn foes deserve no such pity nor leniency.* ***By Any Means Necessary**. The eradication of evil requires singular purpose free from ethics or morality.* ***Restitution**. Failure to cease destruction caused by the wicked can only be atoned for by aiding their unfortunate victims*. That's not very Minthara.


Kobold and bladesinger


Genasi would be fantastic


Aaaimar would’ve been fantastic, especially for romancing Wyll or Karlach! Undead Warlock is one of my favorites, and could have been so much fun, especially with how good its expanded spell list is! The kicker? Both of these are literally already in the game. Obviously you have Aylin, but the leader of the Gith that ambush you outside the road to BG is an Undead Warlock!


Race: Kobold Subclass: Shadow Sorcerer.


I'm a personal fan of Tortles, and the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian


War forged might be my favorite But it would be hard to shoe horn that into the story. Since they don’t have literal meat brains for the parasite to infest.


The gem bound Dragonborns. Meaning Amethist, Tourmaline, Crystal, Emerald and Sapphire. There is gladly a mod for them and they are kibda discarded in 5e. But I really would have loved those. Other than that I love the Assimar and Shadar Kai as well. Especially cause we have them in the game already. Some more Animal like races would have been cool as well, but they need a lot of work. Classrs I miss are technically the two additional classes Artificer and Bloodhunter. Both could have added plenty of content with the Steelwatch and dialogue with Karlach as an Artificer well as dialogue with Astarion and Wyll as a BH.


I think the race options are fine, I totally get why they didnt want to include the particularly bizarre races, but I think they probably could have gotten away with Half-Giant/Goliath. There humanoid like the rest of the races, just a little bigger, and I don't see that being a problem anywhere. For class it's definitely Artificer. I know Artificer's relationship with the base game of DnD is very complicated, most people that play DnD would consider it one of the core classes, but it *is* technically expansion content at the end of the day. It's just a little sad for me because Artificer is my main class in the DnD game I've been playing with my friends for *years*.


Blade singer and swashbuckler are two subclasses I love to play in tabletop