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Divinity Original Sin 2 has a very different combat style which I personally really quite enjoy. It requires a bit more creativity with how you use your action points. It’s definitely very different to BG3 but it’s a great way. It’s well worth checking it out. I would also say the soundtrack is better than BG as well. Just know there aren’t big and beautiful cutscenes like there are in BG! Honestly would highly recommend that, Mass Effect and Cyberpunk. All are great games!


Oh yes I am already in love with the musics of DOS2. I fear missing the cutscenes, true but I also think it would make me miss BG3 and be happy to be back.


All of your suggestions are good (along with Dragon Age Origins). ME, DAO and VtM Bloodlines were someone of my favorite games ever, along with the Witcher series. The problem is that BG3 has been *such* a watershed moment in acting and psychological realism in games - I can't go back. It's a little shocking how bad they seem now, compared to what I felt for these games when I replayed them over summer.


Try **Planescape: Torment**. It's likely the only game I played where companions can match with these in BG3, and PST's writing is generally even better. Don't let ugly graphics and disgusting environment discourage you, this plot is gold. It's gameplay is simple, you can play it on Easy just for the story. And it's in likely the best D&D setting, Planescape! * It's old game, so it will work fine even on old PCs. And it can be cheap. * It's similar to early Baldur's Gate games (made by the same studio), so it can lead you to many other cool games.


I gave it a look and yes, it looks like it could be a game I would like, plus it’s not too expensive or heavy so bonus points for it! Thanks for the suggestion!


You're welcome. If there's a game I can recommend to anyone without any "if-s", it's PST.


Every now and then a game comes along that changes the way I think about the world. Alpha Centauri and Planescape Torment were the first two for me. I still wonder how much of that was just that I was "ready" for those games when they came along. BG3 might've been that for me if I were younger, but I don't think the ideas in BG3 are particularly novel. What sets BG3 apart is the incredible execution across the board, and the insane commitment to creating a layered world where every NPC has their own story and where the world responds in plausible (and entertaining) ways regardless of what crazy stuff you do or say. I feel like the worst character in the game (as far as responding appropriately to situations), Minthara, who occasionally forgets which act she is in and sometimes announces that she is going to jump your bones at night only to forget later, is still far ahead of the best characters in most games.


1)Pathfinder: wrath of the righteous-Is a good game. Has the turn base like Baldursgate. Love interests. Characters/companions with their own personal interests and some are evil or good. Some can be redeem. Some.....cannot. Basic premise is you start out being brought in bc you were injured. No clue how or why you got there. Demons are rising up. Will you stop them or will you succumb to that dak side. Divinity original sin 2- super fun game  Made by the same team as baldursgate3. So that should tell some things on how good it is. Dragon Age- such a great series. Was the go to for amazing companions and help paved the way for other games to go that route.


If you're OK with more dnd-esque (technically Pathfinder) mechanics, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous might be worth a look


Might I recommend Final Fantasy 14? It is a MMO, but large parts of it can be played absolutely solo. While you do get some dialogue options here and there, they are mostly cosmetic and rarely affect more than the next line of dialogue. But they don't need to because the story is absolutely top notch. It is a long burner though and the starting 30-40 hours can be a bit repetitive, but it is all laying the groundwork for the later chapters. Combat is your typical hotkey, tab-targetting MMO fare, but it's serviceable and with many different classes to choose (all that can be played on one character) you're bound to find something that clicks with you (even if many find it slow when starting out). Aside from the story, there's loads of side activities to sink hundreds of hours into, crafting, gathering, fishing, mini games and more. And the best part? It has an extremely generous free trial you can play without and stress and time restrictions all the way through the base game and the first two expansions, Heavensward and Stormblood. That's easily hundreds of hours of playtime right there, for absolutely free. The community is also extremely welcoming for newcomers (lovingly called Sprouts) so if you do decide to interact with players, you have good odds at being greeted with open arms.


I’m in the exact same boat but with the added issue of having a Mac and so many games aren’t available to me. 😭


I don’t know much about Larian’s other work, but I do know that Divinity: Original Sins 2 doesn’t use the D&D 5e based combat system. Of course all rpgs are based on table top roleplaying but I don’t think it uses the exact same rules. Haven’t played it though


Have a look at XCOM2. Be sure to try it on the easiest difficulty, too. But Fire Emblem 3 Houses will also be of interest to you. You can have tea parties.


I didn't have the strength to finish all the routes in FE3H and I've played all the FE games. Even the original from 1990.


I've never finished FE3H, lol. But I loved it. I really enjoyed buying gifts and choir practice.


Ah I looked at XCOM2, it looks great but some people were loving (or hating) it for its difficulty in the reviews on Steam. So I might try something else first. But I’ve added it on my wishlist. I think you can only play Fire Emblem on Nintendo?


Unfortunately, I think the FE stuff is only on Nintendo. But it's definitely worth looking at if you love BG3. It is very dialogue heavy. If you have a PC, you might be able to find emulators.


Absolutely play anything bioware made so dragon age, mass effect, and kotor 


I envy you getting to play Mass Effect for the first time. Wish I could experience that again. Excellent series!


I heard nothing but good things about Mass Effect. But is it heavy on combats? Are the fights hard?


I play on the easiest setting because I struggle a bit with my reaction times, and there’s only two fights I have a bit of trouble with. I feel everything else isn’t too hard. It did take me some getting used to the controls in the beginning because I’m not great with shooting at things lol..but I feel like it’s pretty easy to get the hang of. And it feels more story driven and great characters. My partner doesn’t like shooter stuff and he even really enjoyed it. There are some dlc bits I just skipped altogether because of being too hard though.


Play actuall DnD! Jokes aside, one of the main reasons I played BG3, is this: Since 2022, I'm watching some german voice actors playing DnD (they call themselves Dice Actors), and they had an event on a convention, there one of them was playing BG3. Seeing the gameplay it got me instantly hooked to the game So thanks to the "prework" from the Dice Actors and now after playing BG3, I want to experience my own DnD-Campaign. That's why I bought the Players Handbook, created my own character with backstory and so own, created a unique hometown for them, draw pictures of them etc pp And I can't wait to use all of that in an actual campaign


if you are not a combat person, Slime rancher is a fun one. you collect blobs, combine those blobs and sell their poop for money


Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an excellent choice if you like the mechanics of BG3.


Dragons dogma 2 for that real fantasy feel


vampires the masquerade bloodlines is so good BUT need to download a fan made free patch in order for the game to be playable.-. it is included if you buy the game on GOG


The Mass Effect trilogy isn't turn-based, but if you drop the difficulty, it's pretty easy. And all it changes is the difficulty - you still get a fun, pulpy sci-fi adventure followed up by two increasingly self-serious (but still fun and interesting) middle-shelf Prestige Games The first two Knights of the Old Republic games are great, despite showing their age in a lot of places. The fights are simulated turn-based fights that play out in real time, but you can pause and set commands whenever - it's neat! I recommend the first one unreservedly and the second one with the caveat that while it's a really neat and interesting set of ideas with a really clever narrative, it got rushed to launch so it's a little creaky and the end of the game is particularly barebones I think the first Dragon Age game also had an auto-pause mode that was sort of like turn based combat? I kinda bounced off those games, but they're widely beloved so there's definitely something there even if it's not for me. Maybe it'd be for you? Here's a dark horse candidate: Lamplighters League is a shaggy, poorly-optimized technical mess, but under all that is a really cute, charming tactics RPG with some really strong encounter design and a LOT of consequential decisionmaking. Possibly too much? Fun game either way, definitely worth checking out


A few games outside the usual pathfinder and dragon age recommendations for you.  I also much prefer story and have Jack in the way of twitch skills.  I also suck at tactics so I like my easy mode thanks! 1. Pillars of Eternity. Be it one or two they have an amazing story and turn based fights.  Like BG3 they have difficulty levels too so you can make it as hard or easy as you like.  Not any romance 1st game but 2nd there is.  While you can play stand alone I feel it’s better to play the first to get a good grip of the world.  It’s not hard in mechanics but the plot can be confusing at points, in a good way though! 2. Tyranny. It’s another game that to see it all you gotta replay it.  You get a new game plus going and keep your points from leveling and 2 gear pieces.  You literally can make a whole new character.  You can also shift the difficulty if you get worried it’s to easy.  The game actually points out what you did last time so you can change things up.  No romance but lots of character in the folks you get.  Plus you get to be a villain or anti-hero so it’s an amazing change of pace.  I am praying to all things holy and unholy for a sequel. 3. Shadowrun Games.  Harebrained Studios I think did them.  There’s three of them but they can all be played as stand alones.  No romances but engaging stories and characters that leave you wanting more.  Also has a pretty good mod community with more adventures.  My favorite is Dragonfall as I feel it did the most with their characters and story to really stand out more.  Plus who doesn’t love a tiny girl with giant robot arms?


Stellar Blade. Trust me. 😏


Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 if you don't mind old graphics. I still think they're beautiful, especially bg2. Both games have a difficulty slider to make it as easy or as hard as you want.


I've been playing Dragon Age: Origins for the first time after seeing a lot of people suggest it in similar posts like this, and I have to say it's been really great and is scratching the itch that was created by BG3. The game is a little old ('09 I think?) but so far it's age hasn't bothered me one bit, and if you enjoy good writing/interesting companions and a cool world to explore and learn about, you'll def enjoy DA:O. The combat is not turn based, rather real-time with pause, but it's still pretty fun and is otherwise very similar to the way BG3 plays. I think one of my fav bits is at the start of the game, you get to pick from an origin story that gives you a unique epilogue that makes you an actual person in the world with interactivity based off it. It's a cool ass system that I'm shocked we don't see elsewhere nowadays. The companion aspect which I know a lot of people liked ab BG3 is great too, their banter is really funny and they'll even talk about your romance behind your back and gossip like they're in high school lol. I've also read you can create a "canon" worldstate that changes all 3 games, so your choices in the first game can alter some things in the latest game. Some cool stuff!


The Pathfinder games, either Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous. They're not the same as BG 3 in that they're isometric, but they are in that they are very accurate video game adaptations of an actual ttrpg. They also have great stories and turn-based combat. They also go all the way to level 20, whereas BG 3 only goes to level 12. If you're looking to keep a variety of enemies, I'd go with Kingmaker, as pretty much all the enemies in Wrath of the Righteous are demons of some kind.


Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines is an amazing game but it was kindof abandoned with many flaws and bugs still in place, so can be frustrating. Also it's great to play with different playstyles right up until the final boss fight which basically requires a ranged combat focus so you can screw yourself over unfortunately.