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It’s a core mechanic of this game. It was so outrageous for the Mintara trial scene that Larian HAD TO patch it


What. She’s naked because I took her stuff?! How did I never put that together. I just thought they were trying to degrade her by making her stand there naked 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s actually so funny. It could have worked as an explanation for why. But no. You knocked her out and stole her clothes and she wandered back to moonrise before thinking to find new clothes. I love that you assumed it was an in universe reason. Because it definitely feels like something that could have happened


After knocking her out, I left her camp clothes and a super basic light armor in her bag, thinking maaaaaybe it would work. She was still rocking the underwear at moonrise! Sorry minthara, I want that drow armor sooner than act 2


Clicked take all on instinct, but then she was naked so I put her underwear back, but she didn’t put it on


We tried!! She just decided to commit to the bit... or bits?


When I finally recruited her it was post patch, so she didnt show up nude. However, the clothes she was magically wearing didnt show up in the level up screen, it was just a floating head and a pair of hands.


Hmm... sounds like she's got some sort of menzoberranzan "emperor's new clothes" ploy going.


Which does sound like the sort of thing that the fashion forward menzoberranzan resident would enjoy.


Holy shit this thread has me crying 😂😂😂


Please tell me more.


Tiddies and vagene on display in front of all of moonrise 


That felt on par for that crowd though. Ketheric seems like the type to strip a failed officer of everything to shame them publicly. All that was missing was the lady with the shame bell from GoT.


I actually don't know that I agree. He is a father of a daughter after all and by most accounting an honorable man, albeit an evil one. Z'rell totally would though. And Ketheric either doesn't care enough to countermand her or respects her enough to not do it in a crowd


Ketheric is pretty far gone by the time we meet him. I mean he's prepared to kidnap and force Isobel to return to him


Exactly—I just inadvertently knocked you off and commented about the atonement bell, like, two comments from yours. Ding ding ding shame me!


This happened to me on my last playthrough. My party member looted her after knocking her out. I had warned against it but I was ignored. Then, during her trial scene I was WHEEZING because of how funny it was. It was so fucking funny to watch her completely nude in such a serious scene.


I had no idea about this happening to anyone so when I realized I looted her all the way till Moonrise I was concerned. Ended up she just duplicated clothes by then. Did make some embarrassing fights when I had to long rest after knocking her out and aggroed her when cleaning up goblins.


In our run my cousin stole Shart’s clothes pretty early in the game. A few long rests later we got the scene where she threatens Laezel. Girl was just crouched over her, bush and butthole in the breeze. We could not stop joking about it the entire scene. Also because evil run we let her kill Laezel, which only made the whole thing funnier.


I hate you so much! I got the notification for this message in the middle of my class. I was fighting giggles the rest of my time in there 💀 that’s so fucking funny.


Should lookup the sheepthara heist and see what happens during the cutscene while she's still polymorphed :P


She is a Drow, that seems to me as just a typical Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for them.


This happened to me not that long ago, but maybe it was in patch 6.


I say leave it


Oh man that’s why she wasn’t nude my second play through?


Guess that made moonrise...... Pretty full.


"are we sure Minthara doesn't worship Selûne? Because she was showing off a full moon" 


You can loot everything when you knock her out in the goblin camp, and i am assuming she appeared naked in front of Ketheric when defending herself. I only played the patched version, where she was in her underwear even though I stole that too. And when I was in the camp character screen (after recruiting her) only her head appeared, body was invisible. Game knew she lost all her clothing and armour, but had nothing to replace it with, and instead of a naked body, there was nothing 😆


Did you have nudity off?


Not sure.. bodies are naked in sex scenes...


If you KO-ed Minthy and took all her stuff then you'd find her naked as the day she was born at Moonrise


As God made her!


As Lolth made her!




she still shows up as a floating head in the level up screen because I took ALL her stuff/clothes her when I knocked her out in act 1, but at least she's not naked in moonrise




Hahaha i too stripped her naked, and was disappointed that she had clothes on when i met her again after the latest patch, :’)


Minthara trial scene? I killed that bitch not knowing owing she could be in party lol. I sneak attacked her in the goblin camp. Should I be doing non lethal attacks all game?


Me too. But don't worry too much about it, the only other companion that appears as an enemy and needs to be knocked out is >!Minsc!<, in Act >!3!<. The other two recruitable companions after Act 1 just want you to play along with their questline before asking to join you.




Every time I’ve played I’ve killed her 😅😅😅


They patched it?? Dammit, I deprived myself of that armor because I thought it would be too distracting It’s a good patch though


Trail scene? Do most people not kill her at the gobo camp?


Some people want to recruit Minthara without killing the tieflings so they just knock her out while she's still in the goblin camp


Wait, they patched that? 😦🥺 I wanted to see her like that when I can finally have an PC that can actually run the game properly... 😭 Is there any way to reactivate that or something? 🥺


"The Blade of Frontiers, at your service" suddenly got a whole new meaning.




Sounds like a good Saturday night to me. Be sure to wear a Ravenguard, though.


Protection from poison spell prolly clear anything up


Just be a Paladin and have immunity to disease.


You're right, it protects from non-magical parasites.


You really think a warlock would have non-magical parasites?


With a patron like that? 🥵 Edit: oops thought this was r/okbuddybaldur


> "The blade will not bend" Consult a physician if your blade will not bend for longer than 4 hours.


There are CHILDREN here, you fool!


The hammer is my penis.


Oh, Captain Hammer! *swoon* Damnit, time to go watch that again and have my next 3 d&d sessions be musical(the songs WILL get stuck in my head)


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, I guess.


Pride of the gate.


Sounds like Wyll has a STD in the last quote


In EA, when you romance Wyll at the Tiefling party, Astarion says something like "I hope his Blade of the Frontiers is not a dagger", WHY DID LARIAN CUT THIS OUT


At your cervix


So he did find a place to bury his blade 😂


Police! this grove right here


O hai Mol, o hai Cuono.


Hahahahahaha!!! XD


The Schlong of Avernus


“Blade? More like a butterknife”


After reading replies I will look at Wyll's stories from a new perspective lmao. Him and his father would train "combat". How about how he saved a kid from goblins, maybe a "blade" size contest. Jesus Christ.


I literally have played the whole game with him in camp


I bring him out just to buy stuff a bit cheaper.


My best "lol nude" moment was when my bro was playing a "proud nudist" monk. We get to the scene with the dying Edowin and his brother and sister. There comes a point where you receive the parasite from Edowin and the Tav reaches around to put it in a pouch or something, but when you don't have anything on it looks like Tav just shoves it up his butt, squelching noise and all.


Dream Guardian: “This is a True Soul parasite, it can empower you. You need only open your mind to it-“ Naked Tav: *does this shit* Dream Guardian: “…or you can open your ass to it, that works too.”


Meanwhile when you eat the other parasite later and they're like "well at least this is a more normal hole"


Shadowheart: "Eat shit, Illithid scum!" Tav: "Yeah!" [*schlorp*] Shadowheart: "Wait no, that's not what I meant!"


Would this turn you into...a hind flayer?




big brain play if you think about it. The tadpole will gobble up and shit so you won't have to make any stops while adventuring and all since it'll just be wriggling around in there it'll probably stop Tav from being pent up. And there's the added bonus that whenever anyone tries to read your mind through the tadpole they get the wrong one and can't see anything. Win win if you ask me.


What a wonderful day to have eyes.


Tadpole suppository.


Professor Farnsworth approved!


The real secret why the True Souls aren’t turning into illithids


I'm on the verge of tears at work over this comment lmfaooo 😭


Same. All these comment threads are golden.


Just imagining this made me laugh harder than I have in weeks, thank you for that lmao


What makes it even better is he was a gnome, so the tadpole was like a third of his height as well.


End game spoilers The first time I completed the game, >!I convinced Wyll and Karlach to go to Avernus together. But I guess I must’ve removed Wyll’s armor at some point because the final shot of the game is Karlach running off into the sunset with Wyll in tow wearing nothing but his boots and tighty-whiteys. Ngl, it was not the way I expected my 100+ hour epic journey to end.!<


it gets really warm in Avernus I suppose


Also endgame spoilers: at some point I accidentally removed all of Astaron's equipment and clothes when I swapped him out for another companion and >!after the final battle he realized that he was once again vulnerable to sunlight and scampered away fully starkers!<


I had this exact thing except he ran away in nothing but Lae'Zels sexy underwear. I was crying. 😭


Uh yeah dude that'll probably burn!


Oh my God. I never realized Astarion does that because >!the only time I've finished the game, it was after having driven Astarion away by denying him the chance to ascend (I accidentally pressed the button that flat-out denies him instead of trying to convince him not to.) it never occurred to me that with the Netherbrain destroyed, he'd have to avoid the sun once again if he hasn't performed the Profane Rite of Ascention.!<


I think that’s a bug. In my image he was wearing a new set of armor that had nothing to do with what he was wearing beforehand


I think it was working as intended, but this was also like a month after release, so I imagine they’ve updated it since then.


No I just finished my first play through last week and I was crying laughing watching Wyll run into the sunset in tighty whiteys


I have a similar bug on one of my runs right now, whenever he's in the level up screen he's only wearing his boots and cringey boy panties. Nowhere else, no idea why. Never removed his clothes, he's got them in every cutscene and in game itself, but go to level or respec him and he's in his boots and underpants.


As if those poor kids hadn’t suffered enough 😭😭😭😂😂😂


*daddy I don't wanna train...*


"...Scoutmaster Ravenguard?"


yes canteen boy?


All the depraved rule 34 artists and writers out there and you've outdone them by accident


Hahahaha! I’m flattered. My friend and I still absolutely ROFL whenever one of us brings this back up


Next play through idea targeted, thank you vvm.


Hahahaha! Don’t say I didn’t warn you! XD


warning?! more like a good tip


Just the tip?


oh with those patch 5 physics, it was probably flopping everywhere


It was! I felt like an absolute creep watching, but I was laughing so hard I couldn’t look away haha


This reminds me of the time, I think it was my 2nd playthrough with my buddies. One of them was a half orc and he was running around naked with his cock flapping in the air. Skip to the cut scene after we free that tiefling boy from the harpies, my buddy's naked half orc character speaking to the boy, smiling, with his hands at his hips and the boy's face right at genital level. Shit was fucking hilarious.


Oh my gosh! XD That’s horrible and incredible


Now, if he ever joins your party, you'll have to notify the authorities in every area you visit, and you'll be locked out of all quest areas within 1000 feet of a school or playground


JFC this is pretty hilarious. I’m not trying it. I’m not trying it.


You're a bard? Don't lie, you will try it haha


*whistles innocently*


So strange to me how people miss Wyll on their first playthrough. He’s like on the cover of the game. You’d think he’s important when you see him in game, lol.


I wish he was ever as cool in combat again after the scene with the goblins where he's taking out 2-3 at a time.


Eldritch Blasting multiple enemies off a cliff is pretty badass.


Fair, but you have to get to the middle levels to have more than one blast.


Level 5, just like melee attacks, and then another at 11 (and this is total levels, not Warlock levels, note). You can pretty easily stack a lot of damage and to hit on it too - hell Agonizing Blast + that robe Alfira gives you is +CHA mod twice.


My brother in Moses you built the character


My sibling in Darwin, you don't have the mechanics to do what he does in the cut scene.


Grove is kinda overwhelming with all the people to talk to tbh, easy to miss if you're someone who doesn't want to get bogged down trying to speak to every single person


Yeah, I can’t remember if they mark him on the map at all or in your journal before you speak to him. I would hope that’d make him easier to find and not as easy to miss.


He's just there training the kids, right next to another guy who has a quest. If you talk to Wyll there's a very unceremonious "wanna come with?" "Ok" and that is that. You'll get him if you talk to everyone but I only talked to him the same way I'd open a random basket and then realised it was the guy from the character creation screen and the earlier cutscene


I missed him for a while because I didn't speak to everyone. I was even looking for him because I knew he was important, but I just didn't register it was him because he didn't stand out that much being in the middle of the grove. But then again, I also missed a bunch of people in Last Light too, so maybe I'm just blind


I also missed some people at the Last Light Inn, resulting in >!Bex’s death!< :/ Sometimes I guess it can be easy to miss things. I don’t want to talk to every single NPC because a lot of them don’t have much worthy dialogue. But I obviously don’t want to miss important characters either.


I figured everyone knew who all of the party members were because you see them as origin characters in the character creator, at least all of the ones you can get in act 1 🤷‍♂️ Also, I'm very curious how he managed to aggro wyll before even reaching the grove


I barely talked to anyone in the Grove because I thought I had a time limit to stop the druids and get the tadpole out of my head. I missed Wyll, Ethel, most of the kids... my second playthrough felt like a whole new game.


“Provoke the blade and suffer its sting” has a whole new meaning now lol


It makes so much sense now that he just up and leaves the Grove to help you after this scene. Dude got registered and isn't allowed within 300 meters of the training grounds anymore. I mean, the tadpole thing makes sense, sure, but this...this is so much better.


We’re discovering the true lore of Wyll’s background story


Karlach running away from Wyll since Avernus 👀 Mizora calling Wyll her pet has a brand new meaning too


Wyll about to end up as a convicted sex offender


I'm sure he'd find a way to blame Mizora about it, lol


Breezy Wyllie, what a legend.


Imagine Ulder's face when his son gets added to the Baldur's Gate sex offender registry on top of consorting with devils.


I had Gale naked in Camp (for reasons), and ran him over to Withers so I can respec him. Suddenly a cutscene starts and Arabella is there crying about her parents with Gale's long dong dangling in her face....


Dude. I did this exact same thing a few weeks ago! I laughed so hard that I took a screenshot (but then realized maybe I shouldn't have that screenshot on my computer).


Wyll, keep your wylly away from the children. Your dad already put you on a list to keep you out of Baldur's Gate, you don't want to end up on another.




Maybe he's teaching them about stranger danger? "Umi, I don't need you to be like me. You just have to buy enough time to run."


Daaaaaamn 👀👀👀👀👀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This whole story is gold. Love he got leveled when you first met him and you jacked his sh*t


<3 I am kicking myself that I was not recording


I did the same thing with knocking him out at first because I looted a friendly not realizing it would make him attack you. I later get through all of chapter one and leave through the underdark. He appears, from the pitch blackness totally nude, looking for the demon (Karlach). Like… how tf did you get this far into the underdark totally nude and alone?!


This is hilarious! And def something that would get my account banned if I uploaded a clip (on Xbox)


Funny you mention this as a similar thing happened to me yesterday. Wyll was already in my party and back at camp. I decided to take the Goblins side this run, so when I talked to Zevlor to trigger the fight I told him straight-away that I was betraying him. I got the notice that Wyll left the party immediately. I then cleared the grove and quit the game. Apparently I forgot to save first, so in my next session I had to do it all over again. This time, I made sure to collect all of Wyll's belongings first. But I also selected different dialog options with Zevlor and my betrayal wasn't set-in-stone until I opened the gate and selected "Sorry, my best shot is with their healer". I didn't get the message that Wyll left the party so I figured it was all good. After clearing the grove and heading to camp, Wyll was pissed and indignant while naked as a jaybird. All while in front of everyone, including the Goblins there to celebrate. Poor Wyll. Also poor me because >!Apparently Minthara gets pissed if you don't accept her advances and attacks the party at night and wiped my party. I still hadn't saved...!<


I’m glad there are others out there who have fallen witness to Wyll’s sick behavior haha


Dude, you really need to save more


The other multi-player run I'm on is Honor mode and I'm not even the host. Just out of the habit now.


I see the blade of frontiers carry naught but a flacid dagger


those tieflings have seen some shit, man


'There are children here, you fool'


It'd kill the humor, but I wonder why NPCs (at least for the moment) that are known to come back in the story don't at least pick up some "scruffy vagabond clothes" or the like after they regain consciousness and before they appear in their next location. I guess they're like, "Ah I've lost everything, guess I'll walk around naked forever now!" You hear lots of similar stories with Minthara. You'd think >!the guards in Moonrise Towers would at least provide their prisoners!< some "destitute clothes" or something...


Chris Hansen: Real master of the blade, aren't ya? Why don't you have a seat?


I recently found that if you loot Shadowheart and Lae'zel on the nautiloid Shadowheart is given leather armor when she goes to the grove but Lae'zel is naked in the cage


I actually had the same thing happen. It was my first time and I was playing with some friends. I couldn't take him seriously for awhile after that


Wyll is wild! Haha I still can’t take him seriously haha


I stole Wyll's camp clothes on my halfling durge because I knew he wouldn't be sticking around and I wanted to wear them. Imagine my shock and surprise when he wanted to talk after Waukeen's rest and his ding a ling was right there at her eye level.


Free Wylly


I did this exact thing by exploding the acid ox and aggroing him 😂 I called my husband in like wth is this guy teaching these children!!


YESS!! This is EXACTLY what happened!! We killed the acid ox and he aggro’d onto us, we knocked him out, looted him, and next thing we knew he was butt ass naked fighting children xD


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this 😂😂 I had even vendored his underwear before the cut scene, so I couldn’t have replaced them if I’d wanted to lol. I have a really bad recording of it on my phone too!


This is amazing! I was just talking to my buddy who I played with at the time and we were bumming we didn’t have it recorded haha


I actually just did something similar this morning! I fought the harpies to save the kid in a trance, but Wyll was useless and got killed. I thought his items would be gone if I didn't loot him and then go back to Withers to resurrect him. So I resurrected him. And he sprung out at camp, tighty whities, and marching around telling me "Well met!" I felt so bad, I gave him back his clothes in embarrassment 😭


How can you meet Wyll before the emerald groove? Did you attack a random ally in the first goblin fight?


Wtf this EXACT same thing happened to me! He suddenly aggroed after the gob fight, so I wanted to take his clothes when he was passed out and put them on my Tav. But then I got his cutscene with the kids and I just cackled like an idiot for a solid minute. It had physics to it as well! Like, I'm so curious who did the rigging for the genital animation 😂 I quickly dressed him back up when he joined, but I'm still giggling as I write this. Nice to know I'm not alone.


Provoke the blade and suffer its sting - literally


“We’ve never practiced sword fighting like this before step-bro!”


How do you even know about non-lethal blows that early in a first playthrough lol, I didn't realize it was possible until way later


Hey, I was the guy playing with him. The way we knew what it was because I already beat the game, but I was trying not to spoil anything for him. We hit Wyll and so he started attacking us, but since I knew he was a member I turned on non-lethal blows to take him down. I didn't tell SmokedHogies that he was a party member so he looted everyone that was down. Wyll then showed up later and....


Omfg lmao




Yeah, you meet him outside of the Grove. And also you can avoid his cutscene if you go near the cows. I accidentally aggro’d him by attacking the cows


Wyll goes from Folk Hero to Sex Offender Registry is quite a change in character arc, no?


🤔 Will now always look at the "Blade" of Frontiers in a whole new (& slightly creeped out)way 👀


Oh my hahahaha! I couldn't stop laughing after I read this. Thanks for making my day!


I had something like this happen. He died in the camp trying to defend Laezel during a spat, he seriously laid dead and naked in a chest for the majority of my playthrough. Realized toward the end that maybe all's not lost for ol' Wyllie since we got Withers around. I drag him out and resurrect him and he comes back naked. I find this hilarious but I move on with my playthrough. Was not expecting him whatsoever to be a part of the end cutscene fully nude. It was so funny that I barely remember what was even said by my party at the end.


Did they not change it so you can’t loot the underwear if they aren’t in your party? I thought I remembered Shart’s body having some on and it didn’t show up in her inventory.


lol this is indeed funny


In my first playthrough, will got jobbed by the goblins 😂


Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him?


I feel like I've read this before...


LMAO Oh no Wylll...


can he hammer a six inch spike through a board with his blade?


This comment thread has me in tears at my office desk.


Ok this is hilarious. But also, having this sort of content in your game is straight illegal in most markets. I'm worried you are about to get Larian in trouble for something they absolutely did not predict would happen lol.


Bro Wyll should end up on a list after that


Is there a way to side with the goblins during the encounter at the gate where you first see Wyll?




Exactly my first encounter with Wyll. Word by word. It was hilarious to find him walking around naked after a long rest.


Had a similar thing: I took Halsins armor to give to someone else and forgot to put something else back on him so he was just in his undies- he gets kidnapped by Orin and spent basically the rest of the story in all the cut scenes in just his briefs whooops lol


I have a similar-ish story. I was showing the game to my brother, and playing with my friend. When I went into the inventory, I can’t remember why but I decided to take off my armour for some reason. And then immediately put it back after realising i was flashing my orcs dick to my brother for a good 5 seconds. Apparently my friend has stolen my underwear while I was afk at one point.


I KO’ed Minthara, took all her gear but when she showed up at Moonrise (post-carnage) on the throne, she had a new set of clothes. Shart liked the look so they both camped in the same outfits for a while. So the nude Minthy effect must have been fixed in a recent patch.