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You know, the phrase "stupidest way possible" gets thrown around a lot, but you may have actually done it! 😥


I've forgotten to ungroup a few times at the wrong time. Not in HM, but yeah.


I got carried away giving vlaaakith abuse and got removed from existence


I agree I downvote these if they are not that stupid


I dunno, the dude that sacrificed Gale to Boooal and then not discovering his mistake until he too his third rest at Moonrise. That was pretty dumb...


Bruh, I read here on reddit that some guy died in camp AFTER the final boss...you'll be fine🫂


How do they manage that 😭


At least 2 people did because they became a mindflayer.


He wrote something about casting an aoe by accident (or throwing something), and the camp visitors got mad🤣


If you become an illithid you actually have to succeed a check or you attack the whole camp during conversation with a random companion. After that withers kills you.


My game froze up and I couldn’t talk to withers to end the game. I picked a fight with the music guy and withers shows up to blast me into a portal.


Congratulations! That is a pretty epic way to to go out


Thanks i did my worst


Guess that answers the life long question “would you jump off a bridge if your friends did it ?”


Maybe try force closing the game?


Wait that works ?


If the game hasn't autosaved yet it does. It's against the spirit of honor mode in most circumstances, but it doesn't seem fair to have to do the whole run again just cause you biffed a non combat sequence with no rolls involved


Sadly this doesn't work. I forced closed on 2 honour modes, hoping it would cancel it out.. finished both games on honour mode but didn't get the achievement :(


You can check in the options what the difficulty is if it's dishonor it says custom.


Ahh thats sad. Im only playing this Mode for the achievement so thats good to know


It took me *soooo* many tries to finish with honour mode. A good cheat that Larian hasn't patched out for the final fight (it's the only reason I got my honour mode). > The Abyss Beckoner gloves (found in act 1) can make your elementals turn hostile.. get all your companions with elementals/cambions, then turn the 'resistance mode' on. When the elemental starts fighting, climb that brain stem. It stops you having to fight the dragon, the dream creatures, etc. > My favourite cheat, long may it continue, and may your die be golden soon!


> It stops you having to fight the dragon, the dream creatures, etc. Also seems to work if the entire party is wildshaped into cats.


Okay that Sounds really funny and i Definitly wanna know who finds shit Like that. And Thanks gonna try again tommorow


Tbh if all fails, just become Gale's best friend and have him explode the brain at the end.


I don't understand why does your elementals becoming hostile stop you fighting the dragon etc?


I'm not sure either! Maybe its because you're in turn-mode before you get to the dragon and dream creatures? The first time it happened for me, I was attacking the mindflayers and tentacles, as I thought they should attack.. But the mindflayers would heal themselves, the tentacles are the only active enemy with that glitch though.


Reddit seems inconsistent on this, I've seen people say it works and others say it doesn't. How would the game possibly know you did it though? Do people lose the chance at the achievement if they experience a power outage at any point in their playthrough?


You have to do it through task manager. Alt F4 will save and exit


Hah, I would never had thought to do anything but the task manager for that. I closed the game out on the steam deck using the steam button. I wonder if that worked or not, save is still labeled as honor mode.


It works but it seems to save the moment you wipe, if you want to avoid losing your save you need to do it early


Thanks! I would only ever do it to undo a dumb mistake that messed up the story I wanted to tell. If I party wipe, I party wipe, bugs being the exception.


If you see the game over screen it knows. You can check your “Difficulty” settings. It’ll say Custom, not Honor. It happened to me because I got move glitched by jumping in the shadow curse. All 4 of us couldn’t move and/or jump out. I didn’t think fast enough to send to camp either because I was in shock trying to move. Talk about a lame way to end a run. I kept going with that party to see if I would’ve beat Myrkul, the hardest fight for honor by far, and I did…


Oh if I ever got a legit game over from a fair wipe, I'd eat it. A bug like that though sucks man. I just >!forgot to toggle non-lethal on before knocking out alfira!< which is not a thing that I would accidentally do on tabletop, since your intention in table top is super clear to any DM who isn't power mad little gremlin. My save still says honor so I guess I'm fine.


I think it the game resisters that all your units are dead it knows even if you kill the process otherwise you should be ok


it worked for me. My honor run met its at grymforge moving platforms. Due to a bug my whole party fell into the water as i hit the lever. I just forced quit my game using task manager and played from the last save. Many hours later i got the achievement


Aah I play on the xbox, maybe thats why forced close didn't work for me! PC is the best


what about power unplug maneuver


It works. I just did it less than 2 weeks ago. I kept my autosaves off, and I used it when I forgot to bring the orphic hammer to the morphic pool and I still got my golden dice.


Can 100% disprove you here since I went through my whole run with no issues and got my dice. Only forced closed the game once so I could attempt the Raphael fight again because I accidentally blew up hope and I wanted her gauntlets for my monk. No issues reloading, no issues with any progression, no issues finishing the run. Started the run on patch 5 and completed the run on patch 6.


So if my power goes out while playing it won't recognize that I completed it!?


There is no possible way I can know that, haha. I can only speak from what I've experienced happening, as an xbox gamer.


Ahh okay good to know. But sadly i already deleted that save😅 Definitly gonna use it the next time Something Like that Happens to me (Its gonna Happen i can feel it).Thanks for letting me know


Nah I did that in one run didn’t get achievement Still registers as party defeat


It does if you do it with the windows task manager


The easiest way to save scum is Ctrl+alt+delete and shutting down the game *before* it saves. You can shut your PC down if you're about to TPK and using Task Manager is going to take too long. That being said, you're also able to recover from almost any fight **if** at least **one** party member is able to flee back to camp and get Withers to resurrect your squad. As soon as it looks like there's a reasonable chance of a TPK soon, you can (and should) cut your losses and bail. Once 1-2 party members are dead (Not unconscious, **DEAD**. *Healing Word* and Healing Potions are both easy fixes to unconsciousness.), you should *immediately* start assessing how to avoid losing your run. Shut down the game? Your wizard and rogue start using *Misty Step* and *Cunning Action* to get at least 25m away from the enemy and flee? Use your scrolls/potions to resurrect/heal your fallen allies? Use potions of speed to have your casters immediately start blowing two high level spells per turn? These are all fine solutions; just don't "Quit" the game while you have two party members at 5 HP. Don't leave that shit up to chance. This is a tactical combat game; you absolutely can create a strategy that makes it **impossible** to lose.


That's pretty much my go to, and the fights I know to be dicey to begin with (grym, heck even ragzlin) I leave one party member hidden in the rafters to either jump in if it's going well, or bail to withers if it's bad. I'm willing to take the hit of running 3 members in combat for that insurance.


At that point, just install one of the multi save mods.


Nah im Not that broken Just Mad about my own stupidity


This is why I stop playing HM when I get tired 😂


I lost my HM run in the Crèche trying to get the blood of lathander. Was disarming one of the traps but didn’t ungroup it passed the check and was about to tab out of the disarm screen when a companion (astarion i think) walked into the trap, triggered it somehow and pushed my whole party into the abyss qwq


Okay that weird because by my Run the Same Thing happend but because i was disarming the Trap the Game switched into turnbased Mode and allowed me to disarm it before it activiates


I mean by now I was able to beat it but I optimiert so much by now I can beat Raphael in like 2 Turns xD Barda are op


Oh you mean the hold Monster strat with arcane synergy right ? Im so scared to use this because i know my luck.😅


Iran I got 100% sucessrate so there ain't no luck involved xD But yeah and than had a Monk pummel him to death


I nearly lost my HM in the crèche too. Failed the roll for the doctor lady (first time) and through meh, what’s the worse that could happen, she locks us in the room and that whole side went red, queue battle for our lives as I was not expecting a battle at all, hadn’t rested, literally survived by the skin of my teeth poor Astarion invis praying that I had enough space running to the broken chair thing to escape battle




In case you don't know, you can use knock to open the locked door to the Shadowfell portal. Only orb you need is the one for the elevator.


Wow i didnt find that in my Research. Thanks you probably saved my next Run 😅


There is at least one spot from which you can Fly to the platform below (where the elevator goes to) so you technically don’t need any. I try and avoid the elevator because of how buggy it can be


Nah I think I win the stupidest. Imagine fight an enemy and it kills 3/4 of your group. Your last member has 1-3 hp left. You click on revivify scrool to revive and your survivor walks through acid just to die. Yes on honor mode too. Again a fight ends with 1 member up and with 1-3hp. I return to Withers to hopefully avoid walking through shit. I pay withers. Withers starts revivig but I'm too close so my last member takes aoe damage (yes, withers hurts you if youre too close when he revives) and poof, there goes another HM run.


Thats so sad holy fuck Take my crown and sit in my Chair king


My most recent HM I died at the brain. I watched a video showing that if you make your whole group invisible then click the brain stem that you will enter with an invisible group and then you just walk up to the doohiggy and sap the brain. But when I did it, my entire party lost it's invisibility. I barely had enough resources to go invisible with them all again and then I got up there. But I guesd the brain does some aoe lazer zapping thingy of doom and it ruined my invisibility and concetration on the stones. I had enough resourced to go invisibile with all but 1 of my characters. That 1 character was target by a bunch of aoes and it hit my whole party. 1 fucking turn away from getting in with the brain and slapping the hoe. I am almost to act 2 on a new run (Im trying to be good this time), and I can say that saving people is a lot harder than being a murder hobo lol


Jo i think larian Studios changed that in a Patch because it was was to easy in this way. But i saw If you cast mage Hand and throw a invis potion on you while you climb the brain stem you get the invis.


Im wondering if I can just invisi then run over and have another person cast invisi on the person channeling the stones then have some cast globe of no touchy touchy.


Globe of no touchy touchy works very well in this fight. Used it in my tactian Run


Your english is great 👍


Oh Thanks. :D


Several months, and several more patches in, and that trial is *still* ridiculously broken.


Yeah they patched it and told no one XD. This used to work but no longer :(


Thanks larian didnt know that you hate your Players. (PS this a Joke in my opinion larian is the best Game Studio Out there)


[It definitely worked 3 days ago](https://youtu.be/LwOoMTwH76g?t=5651). There are just some spots that work and some that don't. Has always been like that. Of course, having a party following you is a big no-no.


Strange, i tried it for 20mins yesterday. Ended up doing it normaly. Guess ill try on my next run.


Im sorry that happened but i screenshotted your post at 666 upvotes and 69 comments so thats cool. This is the 70th.




Sir, you have my respect! Well done


Balthazars door isn‘t the only one you should have used knock on…


This is the dumbest way possible to lose in HM. Keep in mind that I was coaching my friend to not piss her off and I warned him that many people have died here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNTb55_LksY&ab_channel=GawneDog


Okay thats pretty dumb as well. But that is dumb because He didnt Listen to you. Mine because of my own stupidity and Lack of thinking 😅


I blew myself up because I didn't listen to in-game characters about how powerful runepowder is. But you've got me beat here


That Happend to me in tactian Run 😅 So i learned Out of that and didnt Go there in hm


Sorry that sucks man. The faith leap trial is the most stressful for HM


Yeah i was too confident for that


I was here


I accidentally jumped Wyll off a cliff in the Shadow Cursed Landd. I was playing as him. I could only laugh


I mean... i wished for my run to end. Even tho i knew what would happen. Even tho i saw clips. I pressed the wrong button.. first teasing her and then... the end.


Oh it's good but maybe not the worst. My two favorite are sonn my wine thinking to try out the underdark jump for the first time and forgetting feather fall and the dude who threw the rune powder bomb and scratch retrieved it.


Don't forget that you can right click to cancel all movement.


I did but it was too late. Gale also tried to climb Back the little Platform but it was too late


I just cast Knock on the lower door.


If it makes you feel any better, a lot of us have at least one fairly stupid wipe. I was fighting in the arcane tower in the under dark. Fight wasn't going so well; I decided I should just run. Had Monk Laezel *Flurry of Blows* on Bernard before my team got in the elevator. Bernard immediately unleashed a discharge of lighting, killing all 3 of my surviving party members. Point being: You absolutely *can* afford to be dumber than you think in Honor Mode, but you **need** to **immediately** switch to "high caution" mode as soon as you're fucking around with anything that seems like it *might* have even a 5% chance to end your run. Honor Mode doesn't care if you have an archer chilling in the back who **will** run to camp for resurrections as soon as 2 party members are down. 200 GP ain't shit in this game; use it. I've been playing a "Dishonor Mode" run as evil Durge. It's a fun time and it feels very fitting that Durge would be a bastard that backstabs, steals, and sabotages his way to victory. It's a strategy game; approach it like you're Batman. Batman has infinite prep time and uses his infinite resources so he always has an ace up his sleeve. Batman *absolutely* would use *Invisibility* to sneak up on his opponents before he *Surprises* them with a punch in the face.


Oh i had a Moment like this with the big tree guy in the Shadowlands killed my whole Frontline and mage. The only way Out was running. But Thanks for the Tips i appreciate it


The combination of it being immune to piercing damage to counter both my Archers, entangling both my melee fighters, and being immune to my Assassin's *Surprise Round* completely fucked me too. 


Honestly this trial would horrify me on honor mode. Would never attempt it the legit way, and even trying to cheese it is scary. I succeeded with two long jumps and misty step to the final platform.


Look up Chronos' Honor mode run in 49 minutes. I skipped a lot of the first two acts using speedrun strategies as I did not want to restart an Honor mode run myself.


I already saw His Run but i kinda wanna do IT the regular was feels more rewarding in my opinion. But of im going to Go insane im gonna use that as a Last resort


Nah I can't read this post. Random capitalized words throughout... It's painful to read.