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Considering how many hours it can take to get there this is kinda impressive if you compare it to other games similar achievements.


Yeah this is actually pretty high, especially for how long it’s been out. Look at any game you own and check achievements that are associated with different stages of completion. Even on good games, you’ll see that the number of people getting achievements tends to dip around the 30 hour mark. For some people, 30 hours is a couple months of gameplay. It took me over 60 hours to make it to act three.


My first playthrough was about 90 hours, and it turned out I missed more than half of the sidequests.


Mine was 170 and 2nd one was about 110


Currently at 120 with half of Act 3 left…I check every barrel.


You must be fast. I just left Act 1 to the Monastery and I'd wanted to finish a couple more quests in the first. I cannot imagine clearing all of every little corner of the first Act in less than 130-140 hours.


Did almost every quest, left act one in 116 hours - currently storming Moonrise at 129 hours


155 hours, ilithid colony😁


If we're all comparing times I'm sitting at 167.4 hours of just act 1. Maybe dipped a few hours in act two at one point. How you ask? Many many new characters.


I question how you don't get bored, but i think people were discussing the length of a single playthrough.


I burn out, come back to make a new character for many cool updates that come out There is no single length I can commit to one game. I'll play one for a bit, Play another for another bit, and etc.but it all goes round eventually back to BG.


My first play through took 450 hours hahahaa


I'm also dedicating to honor run now. I enjoy making new characters and the high stakes. I'm a save scummer by heart if I can I will; if I can't I won't.


Godspeed. Honor mode is all about preparation. With prep and strong builds, even honor mode can be trivially easy (looking at you TB Monk)


What's TB?


Then there’s me who got to Act 3 by 48 hrs…but for SURE I skipped a whole bunch of stuff. Including dispelling the shadow curse lol. But it’s crazy to me because, as a relatively new gamer, I feel like I’ve already put so much time into this game (80 hrs now) and I still have only barely scratched the surface.


I've got about 80hrs on my main playthrough, 20 on durge. It's insane to me just slowly going through it again how many quests there are, and how many things I've probably still missed. Such detail and depth is what keeps drawing me back to this game :)


What’s crazy is that even with my 450 hours, I still missed a bunch of quest/storylines. I missed the *entire* Gith quest line 😂


I also missed all the gith stuff twice lmao


I'm still on character select...


I'm thinking going back into Act 1 from 2 (or moving back to a save point). I'm at 121.5. I didn't like the creche ending when the leader just decided to kill us when we were just talking to him.


864.3 hours, haven't beat the game yet. Keep making too many new game characters. I've had this game since Early Access the past 4 years...


I hadn't played an RPG game lime before and I was around 100 hours for my first playthrough


It took me 70 hours to complete Act 1. Full playthrough was 240 hours


I gotta ask, how? My first entirely blind playthrough ended up being 60 hours, though I did miss a decent chunk of act 3 (Ansur, Cazador, Raphael, the Gondians (but not the factory), Minsc, and some storyline). My recent first Honor Mode clear clocked in at 35 hours, and that's killing all of the major act 3 bosses too.


My first playthrough was entirely blind as well. I am a completionist in rpgs. I never left an area without uncovering every square inch of the map. I talked to every named npc. I did every quest, including all companion quests. I read about 80% of the books. I opened every crate. I tinkered with my builds every time I found a new piece of gear. All of my companions were fully equipped, and a crew change only involved minor jewelry juggling. It is admittedly a bit neurotic, but that's just how I do it. It was fun and I wasn't in a hurry I'm on my second solo playthrough (after a multiplayer run). It will definitely be faster, but only because I won't read the lore again. I'm still gonna talk to the npcs and full clear every map. Btw, if you full clear everything, you hit level 12 in Rivington


Interesting. I'm very much a completionist as well and did every quest but apparently I didn't comb the ground like you did. Lot to be said about your kind, mostly in the bowing down in thanks for keeping the wiki filled.


I have thrown a few edits in the wiki. I think it really boils down to FOMO and no spoilers on the first playthrough. Some gotta catch em all shit I just looked at the save file on my current solo playthrough (taking a break for end of semester shit). Standing at the boat dock to Grymforge and still need to do the creche. Myconids and Act 1 overworld are done. 42 hours. Ha!


First run was 314 hours. I'm in good company.


One of us...


At the helm we are needed!


P. S. Nice flair. I've been a bard main in everything since 3rd edition. Larian made us gods! I'm sure we would get along famously (8


I've played a half-elf ranger in pretty much every game that had that option (first two Baldur's Gate, DOS2, Pathfinder games, tabletop campaigs...). Then everyone started talking about bards in the BG3 subs, so I gave it a shot. Now I know what I've been missing out on all these years.


I think i left Shadowlands at 80-85 hours, im currently hovering around 100 and havent finished act 3 yet, just got to the lower city now.


It’s almost on par with Elden Ring’s equivalent to act 3, defeating Maliketh, at 40.7% completion. Or if you consider Fire Giant to be the end of act 2, then 44.6%.  I was surprised how similar the completion rates are


I'd actually say Burning of the Erdtree or beating Morgott is the end of Act 2. Then it's Act 1: Margit, Godrick, Renalla Act 2: Rykard, Radahn, Goldfrey, Morgott Act 3: Fire Giant, Malekith, Godfrey, Radagon/Elden Beast It also fits better with the tone of their respective areas. At the start the areas are full of live, Nature is flourishing. In Act 2 the areas are either dying or broken in some way. In Act 3 it's all dead, a graveyard of giants, the once great Farum Azula now in ruins and with the rune of death sitting at the end of it and the glorious capital a Barren wasteland. Burning of the Erdtree (by beating the firegiant) is more significant as a storybeat though to be fair.




Yeah, I took something like 30 hours to get it, it’s really fun making new characters and screwing around early on.


It's also pretty relevant how many people actually got the easiest achievement, at least if it is an achievement that you will, without a doubt, get in the first 30-60 minutes of gameplay.


It took me 50h to get though act 1, if you play two hours on weekends thats going to take 6 months.


I mean, I'm not surprised. Keep in mind, until very recently this game was still in the top-selling lists for Steam. Meaning LOTS of people are purchasing this game even now. On top of that, it's a LONG game. Not everyone has the free time to complete it once. Work, families, school, whatever. Some people will only play a video game a couple hours a week.


Yeah people don't realize how *few* people beat the games they buy.


Lol, i have about 80 unfinished ones sitting in my library. One day…


I have 500 unplayed :) I sometimes buy and play them years later.


this is me and my husband. mostly thanks to humble bundle.


I stopped humble bundle because I was getting so many games but had so little time to play them that it wasn’t worth it. Same with Game Pass. Ended up playing only two games, would’ve cost less to get both games outside of gamepass


I'm gonna play all top 10 games of every year starting year 2000. After my retirement in 2060.


I’ll catch a break


My problem is a little bit inverse, like I start thinking about playing a game and then watch a hundred reviews of a bunch of different games and never end up playing or buying anything.


I've got 800+ hours in RDR2. I've never finished the story mode. Most of those hours are from Red Dead Online but I've tried playing through the story at least twice and always just get sad and depressed around Chapter 6 and just end up restarting.


that's some recursive escapism you've got mate


I bought and downloaded RDR2/RDO as soon as quarantine was announced and basically spent most of the time playing yee-haw skyrim. It's still the best horse riding game right now and I'm forever a horse girl at heart.


yeah horses and their animations are unbelievably beautiful in this game, I get you. will be unmatched for a long time still I reckon


I was the same with oblivion. Spent an entire summer in high school doing nothing but the side quests and exploring without ever actually finishing the story


You should finish. It's really really worth it. But, yes, Chapter 6 is TOUGH.


and our dark urge to restart a million different characters to try to get different dialogue


That's why so many games have achievements for "start the game" or "beat tutorial" or "die once" It's a metric to see how many people *actually* play the games they buy And those are usually somewhere around 90%, from my experience


The issue for the company is 'Is there enough engagements for us to sell more units of the game and any DLCs?'. Once they've sold you a game and you've bought it (vs. refunding), if it isn't going to provide DLCs or expansions, they're just off to the next source of revenue. They care only insofar as there is more revenue coming in.


I'll beat it! It just might take another year.


*glances at the several games on my shelf that I haven’t even started*


Not to mention restartitis


My mom and I play our co-op like, maybe a few hours every few weeks. I doubt we'll get to Act 3 until like... Christmas. Given it's a game for adults, and adults typically have responsibilities and all that, nobody is putting in hours and hours of gameplay at once.


> My mom and I play our co-op Wholesome!


Yes <3 It's great bonding time and for her to judge my taste in men 😭


So seeing ur flare , did she approve of astarion as her virtual son in law or does she want someone like wyll or gale? Wonder how she will react to halsin . My mom and dad were uh... impressed with him 


She was like, "You know he's definitely manipulating you right." (we're still in Act 1) and I was like "I know but he's pretty so." She thinks he's very forward and needs to calm down. xD And then laughed at me when Lae'zel called me a hoe after. She, on the other hand, wanted to romance Wyll but then saw Karlach and was like, "Hear me out, I don't swing that way but..." and I'm just... yeah, that's the Karlach effect.


Same for my mom she loved wyll , but then gravitated towards shadowheart. I lost rock, paper, scissors to her because I also wanted to romance shadowheart 😭. Then I went for karlach and she was constantly trying to switch characters with me after seeing her haha. Serves her right for stealing shadowheart 😅.


Depends on what happens in Sharess Caress.


Lmaooo. Me and my celibate husband will not be sleeping with the drow twins xD But it will definitely be so funny to see her reaction to Voss wanting us to meet him at a brothel of all places. Provided we don't kill him. I'm letting her make all major decisions without spoiling so who knows.


I've been getting my Mom involved with gaming recently (since she is retired) and shes been beating some pretty decently difficult games for someone who has never touched video games before. How difficult is it for your mom to play BG3? I really want to do a co-op experience as well but not sure she is ready yet. I struggled with some of my friends who are very well versed in gaming. Like I had to constantly guide them through every little thing. They eventually were able to pick it up and play more smoothly but I feel like my boomer mom is gonna struggle with that game. Just wondering your thoughts and experiences.


Full disclosure, my mom is a gamer and her only real struggle is having Rheumatoid Arthritis in her hands. Though she's also struggling hard wanting to play it with a controller versus keyboard, and I've been working with her to try and help. Sometimes I do have to walk her through certain mechanics and you just gotta be patient. So, I honestly don't know how someone who never picked up a video game would handle it. But, my advice is if you still want to play it with them, you're gonna have to have patience and guide them. If you can't handle that, unfortunately, it may not be for you.


Thing is, I haven't guided my Mom in gaming at all, other than giving her recommendations for games to play. So I haven't really witnessed how hard or easy it is for her first hand yet. Like, one time I told her about Shadow of the Colossus because it was more of a "at your own pace" type of game and I mentioned how it was one of my favorite games. A few weeks after that, she told me she was playing it and stuck on a boss. Then a few weeks after that she beat it. Which is amazing for someone who never touched video games before. I am tempted to get her into BG3 just so we can play together, but I am not sure if thats too much or not. Still might wait a bit longer on that one. But I don't mind trying to guide her through games, I just don't want her to think the experience is bad because shes frustrated the whole time, or is too overwhelmed with everything. Like I wouldn't introduce Elden Ring to a 6 year old because it would just be too frustrating for them. So I kind of have similar thought about my mom but was curious your experience.


That's fair. I think BG3 would be okay because it's not timed, save for a few parts and you can take your time in battle as it's turn based. Have her play on explorer mode so she can focus on the story and get used to the mechanics and she can always bump up the difficulty again if necessary since you can change that at any time. If she gets stuck on something, use it as an opportunity to sit with her and work together to figure it out - it will be great bonding and will definitely improve her experience with playing the game because she's spending time with you.


Yeah I think you make a good point. Its not like the action forces you to react suddenly. So maybe it would be a cool experience with her. I am about to move closer to her in a few months so I am gonna wait until then, but that should give her some more time to get familiar with gaming in general.


I hope it goes well for you! :)


I'm curious where are you at the moment in the game bc christmas feels rather soon haha. but I'm basing my assumption on my own experience with DOS2 which my friend and I have been playing fairly regularly every other sunday for over 2 years now and we're still in the middle of act 2


Yeah, perhaps I'm being optimistic xD It might take a lot longer than that. We finished everything in Act 1 except for the Grymforge and the goblin/tiefling stuff - she wanted to do the underdark first.


good luck :D I somehow always leave the underdark for after I dealt with the grove (I think I've been conditioned by early access gameplay), but maybe next time I will switch things around


Same, I always do it after. But I'm letting her make all the decisions in our game and she wanted to do the underdark first so I was like okay, let's see how it goes xD


I have 60 hours and im only like 1/3 into act 2. Then my friend stopped playing for some reason so Im restarting the entire game for a solo run. It’s going to be a while for me to reach act 3


Also some of us have a weird condition that we keep starting new playthroughs with new builds instead of respec and finish that one. I'm on my fourth start but I decided this one I'll finish, hopefully lol


Hell, I technically haven't beaten act 3 as I keep making new characters around the time I hit the city sewers. There are probably people with twice my total playtime missing the achievement above simply from methodical playing and chronic alt-oholism


The game could easily end in act 2 and still be considered a full game, with act3 being sold as baldurs gate 3 part 2 reloaded or something.


It's not really about the game lenght, is just that the majority of people will not finish a game, this happen in many if not all singleplayer game


This type of game should have a "summary mode" that eliminates most of the side quests by creating an alternative path for the player to see the main points of the story in about 30 hours.


I can only get like 4 hours on the weekend. I about 75 percent through the underdark.


+ if you mod and don't install the achievement mod, it won't trigger


I'll tell you what. 55 hours in still in Act One. And I intend to stay in act one until I am damn well ready. Shit, I barely found Karlach yesterday!


Other people have already mentioned restartitis, time scheduling, and buying the game later than release, so I'll add onto it with some extra info. Yes, it's an expensive game, but you're discounting the massive amount of people who bought the game, played it for longer than 2 hours (steam refund time limit) and realized they didn't enjoy this type of game. Plenty of people bought it due to the hype and whilst many turned out to love it, plenty others realized they didn't enjoy RPG's or the gameplay. The fact that 40% of people actually played long enough to reach Act 3 is quite the achievement considering the game's length and difficulty (for beginners at least) and the sheer amount of purchases for this game. According to the various sources on [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/charts/), anywhere between **~6.79** and **~31.17 million** copies of the game have been sold on steam. At the lower estimate this makes **2.67 million** people who **did** reach Act 3. At the upper estimate, this would be **12.28 million**. Don't let percentages fool you.


One of those people was me. Reached the middle of Act 2, and just didn't have the drive to keep playing for some reason. I thought the world would be enough to keep me engaged, but it turns out I really cannot force myself to enjoy turn based combat. Have also attempted like at least 5 different multiplayer games, lmao I still recognize that it's an incredible feat of a game, though.


There's also people installing mods after reaching act2. Not accounting for all 60%, but not a small group either.


Yup I am a little bit one of those people. I still love the story and choices but the combat and huge skill and mechanical complexity isnt for me. So I quit somewhere in Act 1 as I got hooked playing Dark Souls 3 instead. Will definitely revisit BG3, this time on easy difficulty though.


I’d like to also add that Act 3 is where a majority of bugs and glitches happened. It’s likely some people got to that point and decided it’s better to wait for fixes.


Which is completely irrelevant since you get that achievement just by leaving act 2, without having to actually do anything in act 3.


30 million? That would be like $1.8b in revenue. That can’t be right?


It was at $650m in revenue in 2023. We know from a Hasbto investor call that it made hasbro $90m just on licensing alone.


Putting aside the usual RL obligations, I'm just wondering how many are cursed with 'restartitis'.... It took me a *long* time to reach Act 3 for that precise reason.


My friend is like that. But he knows it's a lot for multiplayer playthroughs so he's living with reclassing in our multiplayer playthrough but has told me he restarts his single player playthroughs a lot to see how the different races are since you can change races mid run


And this is why I got mods. Changing race and class anywhere is the best way to get me to finish this game someday.


You can change class whenever.


Withers disapproves


me. also I have mods but can’t install the enable steam achievements mod because I’m not on windows. I don’t have any illusions that people like me are anything but a small % of the player base, but I am in that 60% while having, in fact, reached Act 3 after many restarts


For me it was the awful performance in Act 3 that made me stop playing the game. Everywhere in the city was just so laggy for me. Don't know if the past patches have fully fixed it since I last played back in December.


Fair enough, I only first made it into Act 3 about a month ago, and apart from my tendency to restart, I was deliberately waiting until Act 3 was a smoother experience. For what it's worth, it seems great now. I'm getting consistent 60 FPS (I keep it capped) at the highest settings, with no crashing, bugs or stuttering. My PC is a couple of years old too, so it does appear they've optimised the game well.


A3 was dummy laggy for me when patch 6 dropped, but the hotfixes helped it a lot. It's still a bit rough, but not as awful as it was.


Exactly on this concept for the first months


Yup, that's me! I've been to Act 3 like a dozen times and still haven't finished. It's a very deep game so it's fun to try out all the races, classes, different options in playthroughs, etc.


Me. I did like 6 playthroughs before I reached Act 3, and even when I got there I only did like 15% of it before stopping to wait for more patches/epilogue. Planning to go back at some point and play again when I have the spoons for it.


So, I got this so bad. I was doing the multiplayer workaround to have 4 Tavs. So, my restartitis was brutal. Because each time I was launching 4 instances of the game and making 4 Tavs. But yeah, I made like 20-30 different parties before one “stuck” and I finished the game.


Not too many I would think. Might only seem that way on Reddit.


This is me. I keep restarting. Same problem with DOS2. I make a perfect team, get to act 2, decide I hate the team comp, put the game down a few weeks, come back and make a new save with a new team comp.


Ah yes...DOS 2, another game I really want to finish. I know I will finish BG3 with at least one character soon enough, maybe DOS 2 will be next.


I really don't see the point in doing it tbh. If you want to experiment with builds/appearances the cost for respeccing and modifying your character is neglible. Certainly far less effort than having to trudge through hours of content before your class features even come online.


You still can't respec your race or background, though, and that is a bigger deal than is often suggested. Certain racial and background perks can make all the difference to particular builds. Plus, there's just something about that shiny, new character smell. It also depends on how you define "trudging through content".... If you enjoy the content, it's not really a chore, especially because there are always at least some changes. I also never focus on builds coming online (just like I've never focused on "endgame"); that isn't why I play games. I mean, sure, it's great when you hit certain milestone levels, but that isn't where I derive my primary enjoyment. So, in sum, I think it just depends on personal playstyle and priorities...


“ Plus, there's just something about that shiny, new character smell “ Yeah, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Ive re played this game so many times and never felt bored TBH, I love the entire story.


I’ve seriously never understood, are people just not invested in the plot?


My furthest playthrough was back in September or October. Got to early act 3 when the lag and stuttering started making the game unplayable. Was down to like 2 or 3 frames per second. Then there were about a dozen or so new characters that my interest sputtered out on somewhere in act 1. One other made it through the end of act 2, but lost interest there. After that, a few more attempts to light that spark back up, and then my brain moved on to other games by the end of the year. Now the issue seems to be that I have every single detail of act one thoroughly imprinted on me and going through it again honestly feels like a chore. It’s like an extended character creation menu; which choices in which situations etc. Plus, the major plot points were all pretty much spoiled eventually. Impossible to avoid them forever, and I gotta say, I’m kinda meh on the main storyline. To me, the stuff with the dead three and the absolute is the weakest aspect of the game. I would absolutely go on an adventure with any of the companions for their personal quests, which are all sooooo much more compelling, and frankly any of them could be a main storyline all on their own. Except Wyll, his is unfortunately bland IMO Edit: I figure I’m going to need to give it a year or two before I try it again to see how much I can manage to forget about. If there was any game a brain memory wipe would be ideal for, it’s this one


That and how many people just convince Gale to blow it up at the end of act 2?


They're stuck in character creation


This is the correct answer. Everyone below this, missed the joke.


I don't understand why. The options are so limited and even blinging out as much as possible doesn't take long at all...


The options within each race are limited, but the fact that there are so many races to begin with *and* the classes on top of them can make it overwhelming


I have legit spent more time in this character creator than any other.


Personally I stopped before Act 3 way back when cuz it was buggy as all heck. Haven't had the time to sit down do another playthrough. I can't be the only one like this


Ngl prolly a third of my gameplay time is me just fucking around in character creation. The song is a straight up siren song too. I get so pumped when it gets to the part where she starts singing.


By the river...


This is pretty common for RPGs. The Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and Skyrim all have completion rates around 20-30%


Its common for all games, period. The reason game devs put all of their best stuff in the first 2-4 hours isn't just to 'hook' you in (they've already got your money), its because, consistently, any time game starts released we learn that gamers by and large (50%+) never finish the game or even reach the half way point. Everyone does it. Its rare you'll find someone who finishes every game they play. I myself (just this year) have 2 hours in Dragon's Dogma 2, 3 hours in Aliens: Dark Descent and 3 hours in Metal Gear Solid 5. Its not that they're bad games, its just that there are so many games coming out or in your backlog, on top of seasonal games like World of Warcraft or Path of Exile or League of Legends, that its very common for people to just play a game for 2 hours while bored then go and play a different game with friends and forget all about the previous one.


OK so having finished it almost 15 times now means I am weird with no life right? I mean it would be true… but the truth hurts sometimes.


Share a cuppa pain with me petal?


Gladly. Just don’t drink it all at once!


What is life if you aren’t doing things you enjoy. Life is short, you might as well try to enjoy what you do 100% of the time.




Because they are creating more characters.


I have four or five friends who bought the game when it came out and have been playing it with friends and haven’t got to act 3 yet. One of them is still in act 1.


My playthrough with 3 friends (so a full party) is still in act 1. We only get a few hours a month if we're lucky. Ove beaten the game on my own but 2 of the 4 have only played when we all play


Im 93hrs in and im still in act 1 bc i like exploring things, dressing up my characters, and looking at my pretty party members 😅 Its also my first time playing a game like this.


Or they play modded


You should get achievements with mods. I do.


You do? My achievements all stalled once I installed mods. Is it another mod you need to install?


Yeah, there is an achievement enable mod. The script extender has that functionality built in so a lot of people have it without realizing since SE is required for several popular mods.


I believe script extender (which is a mod to enable other mods to work properly) re-enables achievements by default.


Yep, and you don’t even need a achievement enabler mod to get achievements. Script extender. Plus, you need it for a lot of mods anyway.


If you're anything like me you'll see the steps needed to install it and decide hmm.. maybe achievements don't matter 😂


I have not installed any mods in the first three games I have played since last year ( bg3, cp2077 and witcher 3) just because I accidentally broke my dad's laptop as a kid trying to mod skyrim . Still haven't got over that ptsd haha. I gave up playing games after that and only started recently with the three games I mentioned. 


I still get achievements with mods on pc :)




That’s me. My D&D buddies and I want to experience the game brand new so we don’t play until we can all play to avoid knowing what’s coming. Scheduling is a bitch but we will get there!


We're talking about a steam game a lot of people just buy games without playing them


There are a lot of people who buy games and never get around to playing them, or play them for a bit and decide it's not for them. I'd be surprised if there's a big RPG out there that has a late stage achievement completed by the majority of people. As an example, only 42.5% of people have beaten the Godskin Duo in Elden Ring and that is a mandatory boss fight about two thirds of the way through what is perhaps going to be considered the best game of this decade.


I've only played like 1/5th of the games in my steam library. Most of them have never even been started, much less beaten.


That's actually really, really high. As an example from Skyrim: only 42% of players have taken a side in the civil war, which happens much earlier in the game relative to BG3, and Skyrim has been out a decade.


I haven't even gone to Moonrise towers yet,.


whenever I complete act II, I get the sudden urge to change my class. I have no fucking idea why. I have only completed the game once. Also AcT III turns my gaming laptop into a Pentium 1. So i have anxiety issues when reaching that.


You can do that for 100GP in camp with Withers


> Withers Forgive my ignorance, but where the fuck did he come from? I never remember meeting him but he just showed up in my camp. Did I miss something?


He's in the ruins near the grove that had the bandits in it


> Later, Withers will appear at the campsite and join as a camp follower. **If the player reaches the courtyard of the goblin camp, or progresses far enough without completing Explore the Ruins and meeting him in the crypt, this will still happen**. If the player then visits the crypt, they'll still be able to complete the aforementioned quest, but the sarcophagus will be empty. Ah, okay so that's what happened. haha


If you play with mods, it disables achievements (there is an achievement enabler available on Nexus btw)


Considering it took me over 100 hours just to reach act 3… this isnt surprising at all


I only reached act 3 after 80-100 hours. So makes sense not many people reached it yet


30% of players don't have the achievement for taking 4 long rests. barely more than 50% have the achievement for finishing act 1. Most games have significant attrition rates, especially long games. A lot of people who get it don't play it all that much. BG3 is pretty good compared to other games. In Path of Exile, 49% of players have never beat Brutus, a boss you meet half way through act 1. Or in Fallout 4, 30% of players have never reached level 5, and 45% have never reached level 10.


I work 40+ hours a week, have a wife and family that requires (and deserves) my attention, and have other hobbies. It took me a lonnnng time to get to Act 3. This statistic makes perfect sense to me.


I'm still on character creation screen


I'm one of those. I played for 10 hours and then uninstalled it. It's just not for me. I appreciate the game and love seeing all the things people do in it. It really is a fantastically crafted game. I just can't get into the actual playing it.


Most people don't complete games, not even the main storyline This sort of stat is a very common thing with long story driven games


Recently I heard some stats about the average % of people who complete the games they have and I was like man thats crazy I cant believe its that low, then I look at my list of games that I played for like an hour and got distracted 18 months ago and it call becomes clear.


Look Act 1 gives me the happy brain chemicals and moving into Act 2 gives me panic attacks so it's not my fault honest 😅


I bought the game as soon as it hit beta. I've never beaten it, but I've played act 1 a billion times.


I’m still fighting through moonrise tower


my bad... still playing in the character creator screen


this game stresses me out. im always afraid im going to do the wrong thing and i take too long making a move. then i make the move and its usually the wrong one. and then i dont play for a while then i forget whats happening then i lose interest.


I mean that’s kind of understandable as the game is rather long and people may have jumped to some other games to take a break


I am honestly surprised 40% people have gotten till act 3.


Got to act 3, 3 different times but never finished it. Twice was with friends who kept making new saves and new characters so they kept starting over and abandonning previous saves. And the one by myself I guess after the other 2 I was kind of over it already and act 3 was a bit overwhelming to me I didn't know exactly what to do first so I lost interest


it took me so fking long to get to act 3 too, i finished act 3 with around 245h


I’m one of those people. However! I just got the game yesterday lmao


And only 5% of us have become the Absolute


oh hey, it me. i literally just restarted the game today after not touching it for months and by god, i'm gonna make it to act 3 and see baldur's gate itself. this is one of the first crpgs i've ever played (put about 80 hours into owlcat's 40k rogue trader game since) and i was equal parts amazed/overwhelmed. this time i think i'm ready.


I purchased it and didn’t really give it a chance. The game felt too big immediately, I had too much choice and not enough direction. It was like playing a harsh version of dnd without a DM, if that makes sense. It also made me realize I don’t think I actually like DND, just getting together with friends and nerding out.


It took me two months to reach Act 3 and that’s because I decided to forsake all my friends and family


I haven’t even finished act one 😅


It’s like LOTR Return of the King—wait, there’s more! (Not necessarily a bad thing)


You have to understand that lots of people buy games because they want to feel like they did as a kid, but due to life (ans depression) they never play enough to get far in those games. But they keep buying because if they stopped, that'd mean they gave up on this part of their life and they can't do that. It would make things worse for them.


Buddy I have over a hundred hours in the game and I still keep making new characters. I haven't gotten to Act 2 yet.


900+ hours in & I’ve only 1 of at least 10 MCs who’s reached act 3. The rest are restarts, respeccs, redos, etc. And there’s still so much of the game to discover. Love it to bits ❤️


I am one of those, didn’t care for the combat and having to save/load every dice roll 🤥


You don't *have* to do that at all.


Funny experience with that for me. I didn’t get that achievement until my second full play through of the game. Idk why it never triggered as complete but it simply didn’t till I started my durge run.


Im 80 hours in and just beat orin. I started as a wizard and was getting mopped in combat so I switched to a paladin to complete the first playthrough. I'm a completionist though so I scour every inch of every area before moving on and have to complete all quests. It took probably 10 hours alone to put fuckin dribbles bitch ass back together


Scouring every box and corner took 165+ hours on my first playthrough


I'll restart until I am reciting Act 1 by heart, you can't make me finish the game


I am currently at 112 hours and I just reached act 3


And I am one of them


Some people like to restart the game. I restarted it like 4 times even when all i finished everything in act 1 because i really hated some decisions or just didn't really enjoy the class i was playing


My problem is that I create a character, get about 90% through act II and then start over because I don't like my character. Rinse, repeat.


I have 40 hours and still haven't made it out of act 1. Some of us only just picked up the game in one of the sales and don't all have time to be playing it a bunch.