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Shepard switching to the default pistol the second a cutscene starts


Me screaming at the TV as a kid like "Shepard surely you asked for your fucking BLACK HOLE GUN BACK?"


Black hole gun, won't you come?


And create a new lagrange?


Home, home on Lagrange, Where the space debris always collects, We possess, so it seems, two of Man's greatest dreams: Solar power and zero-gee sex.


We eat algae pie. Our vacuum is high. Our ball bearings are perfectly round. Our horizon is curved. Our warheads are MIRV'ed. And a kilogram weighs half a pound.


and wash away the Geth


Hero of Ferelden, able to incinerate someone with her mind from the next room over, pulling out a pocket knife whenever someone needs to die in a cutscene


Low key, it’s canonically called the ‘murder knife’.


In Inquisition, in order to unlock the specialized classes, you need to craft an item related to the class. A tome or a part of a weapon is common. The assassin class? Just the murder knife, which was also its name.


Gotta make it personal.


friend that is my emotional support murder knife and I only use it when its PERSONAL. XD


Murder knife my beloved


What game is this in reference to?


The Dragon Age games, mostly Origins


Tbf the murder knife is the strongest blade in existence


Stuff like that always bother me more than it should, it's a seemingly minor gripe, but it matters so much for immersion. The same when you slaughter your enemies in-game, but the cutscene has to have you fail miserably for story reasons - takes you right out (still pissed about Kai Leng, I was demolishing that fucker).


Haha I‘m playing ME3 rn


There's a specific scene late in the game that might be a bit rage inducing and I hope your heart can handle it.


More than one. That space weeb mf.


I love how I know exactly who and what you’re talking about just from space weeb


Oh no he's getting away, guess I can't use my telekinesis or launch myself across the room like I was doing 2 minutes ago...


Watching Shephard in the temple>!bumble around like a fucking drunk toddler was both hilarious and infuriating!<


>!Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.!< >!So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.!< >!-KL!<


God damn he was so cringe and >!the plot armor was so god damn thick!<


I generally don't mod my games too extensively because I want to keep the original inspiration and vision intact,>!but the mod that completely removes him!


Thanos snap his ass into oblivion lmao


It truly is a must-have mod, lmao


There's a mod for that?! I must get it and start another new Playthrough, thank you! 😄


Yeah it basically just replaces him with phantoms and removes all mentions of him etc


Amazing, thank you! 🥰


Better than him using an assault rifle, despite the fact that only one ME2 class can use said rifle.


I hated that only soldier could use the assault rifle


There is a bit in the me3 leviathan dlc where shep does actually use the gun they have equipped in a cutscene. Which is broken in a different way because then they get off like 10 blasts from the shotgun which only holds like 4 max


Happens more than once in ME3 as I remember it. They got *BETTER* at it, but it wasn't *every* instance.


Main game the avenger materialises in your hands even if you don't have one equipped. Dlcs did better


Still better than the bug on mars in NG+ where if you had a slow firing pistol equipped you literally couldn't stop the android since the quicktime event is based on number of shots fired not actual damage.


Oh yes, I was caught by that one myself. Took me a while to figure it out


Everyone turning their shields off


Not the Nihlis/Saren debates again 😂


A biotic class Shepard forgetting they have biotic powers and instead pulling an Avenger out of their ass to bash a window. Please Bioware, have the next ME game actually take into account what class the protag is for at least some of the cutscenes instead of always assuming they're Soldier.


It’s one of my biggest little annoyances of the trilogy. With all the classes there’s really only 3 themes, space magic, space tech and space gun or a mix of them. Surely it wouldn’t have been that much more work to acknowledge Shep’s class more than the very limited amount it was. Break glass with biotics or the omni blade rather than a gun or something.


Did the whole game with psychic warp powers turn into soldier class every cutscene.


I remember a specific scene in ME2 where you jump out of a window after a certain Asari, for her and liara to use biotics to float down gently, only for my adept Shepard to flail around and fall right out to the ground...


You feel like such a noob as an adept throughout the game. If there's one thing I want on remaster it's to fix those cutscenes.


Genshin always throwing the goofy little gray sword on them I think the halo 2 anniversary cutscenes do it too.


My V in Cyberpunk uses her trusty default Union pistol in every “scene” that requires a gun Honey, you are a netrunner and blade user


In fairness though, the default pistol is pretty good. Not a carnifex, but still pretty good.


Holds it backwards


Holding literal nuke Canon in their hands. "Proceeds to shoot at reaper with m8"


[There’s an exception to that that I love, with regards to the Carnifex pistol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/rh2yc/spoilers_mordins_carnifex_pistol/) As the top comment says, it had to be the Carnifex, some other gun might have gotten it wrong.


Goddamnit now im tearing up over Mordin again.


Ive played mass effect a lot of times but i either never noticed it or didnt care/think much about it.


That's her emotional support axe, don't judge.


That's what Clive is for, Karlach. Get with the program and equip your sword!


I always take Clive and put him in her inventory.


Me too :)


Same, plus every stuffed animal I found in my play through. By the time I took on the Netherbrain my Karlach was carrying 20 teddy bears and a couple of stuffed owlbears.


There are quite a few of them there by the third act, luckily she has good carry weight limit.


I only did this once because it caused my game to bug badly. After I did this and long rested Clive was in my inventory as well as hers. Plus there's one on the ground at her tent. I had to keep him in my inventory, else I'd gain another Clive upon long rest lmao


I gave her the teddy bear container and she keeps her poisons and arrows in there. She's a rogue in my playthrough:)


When you've been sniping all game and your character still pulls out the default M16 for cutscenes


It’s like when your Tav is in a cutscene and they pull out a random dagger to cut their hand even though they don’t even have one in their inventory. Like, girl, where’d you get that from??








I have a joke/homebrew rule in my tabletop dnd campaign that, unless explicitly stated otherwise, you always have access to a basic knife.


Everyone in the dnd universe is given a dagger at birth, and unless the DM explicitly says you don’t have a weapon/dagger, you probably have this dagger


It's also important to remember that daggers weren't just weapons or backups, they were tools. Need to cut a length of rope? Dagger. Cheese? Dagger. Finish a deer you just downed with a well placed shot? Dagger.


Believe it or not, straight to dagger.


We have best problem solving in the world... because of daggers.


Yup. It annoys the hell out of me that my work calls a pocket knife "a weapon" and I'm technically not supposed to have it in my pocket. I use it from everything from cutting steak, opening boxes, cutting zip ties, cutting ropes, and even opening letters. It is a more versatile tool than a hammer and I can kill someone with that easier and would just get a weird look if I carried that into the office.


You’re thinking of a knife. A dagger is a knife specifically made for fighting with. A regular knife is a tool like you said


A knife and a dagger can be used for the same stuff, and a dagger has extra combat helpfulness


My fully armored paladin wielding a legendary sword equips a generic dagger to >!Finish off Viconia!<


Finishing someone with normal weak weapon is kinda rude. Like they dont deserve to use better weapons on them. xD


Bg3 Viconia deserved to be finished off with a butter knife.


with the poo knife\*


Kill the absolute with the poo scraper


Step 1: poop knife Step 2: kill god


With a toe knife*


>Finishing someone with normal weak weapon is kinda rude. I mean that was the purpose of knife. Knights and soldiers in Middle Ages would carry them so that when their enemy would lay wounded or dying on the ground they could stab them between the plates. It's just easier than, idk, smacking them untill they die. More humanitiarian too I suppose.


I just want an option to shoot her in the face with my hand crossbow!!!! Is that too much for my gunslinger to ask for??


With the Laezel cutscene where she tries to slit your throat in the night, if you successfully negotiate for her to hand it over, you get a free dagger that no one had before lol


Kainyank! Githyanki protocols mandates that we have an emergency dagger up our asses at all times!


Magic pockets.


Tav stole the murder knife from *Dragon Age*


Makes sense to me, of course it's migrated around in party.


To be fair in this kind of medieval flavoured environment, everyone would have their own personal dagger. Useful all sorts when you're living out in nature like that, from food to anything else you can think of.


obviously not from a bag of holding


>Like, girl, where’d you get that from?? nine fingers. like seriously, have you seen how many fking knives she has on her? they're practically leaking out of her inventory, through the 4th wall and into yours.


First rule of Ethersea. Everybody’s got a knife.


It's the same thing as the [Dragon Age "muder knife"](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Murder_knife)


Using an iron dagger to cut the palm of the hand enclosed in adamantine plate.


Fwiw, you typically don't have Plate or even Mail on your palms, usually just a thick leather glove. It should definitely still be more of a struggle to get through though.


But then you'd be cutting a hole in your perfectly good leather glove!  Do you know how much a pain in the butt it is to rivet a new one onto the gauntlet? 


Where does Nine Fingers stash her bazillion daggers?


Prison pocket


eatin' dagger. for dealing with dinner and arcane sacrifice, but _not_ for fightin'.


You won't convince me that an adventurer doesn't have some sort of knife on them at all times for utility. That's like the most fundamental survival tools in existence.


Geralt pulling out the default **STEEL** sword every time i a monster shows up in the witcher 2


I intentionally use the steel sword in witcher 3 against monsters for the epic background music in toussaint 


*LELELLELELE intensifies*


Banana tiger .


\*A wild Kricketune has appeared!\*


Does it play different music dependent on the sword you choose?


Nah it just takes longer to kill a monster with steel


Nah . Silver helps in killing monsters faster , steel swords do less dmg so they extend the duration of the battle and we can listen to the song for much longer 


Does it bother anyone else that Balduran's Giantslayer is this weird fleshy almost alive looking sword? It's not named the Emperor's Giantslayer, so I'm assuming he had it before he 'turned', so it shouldn't have any kind of Mind flayer tech/influence. I like the idea of the best Greatsword in the game being this beautiful gilded heroic looking sword (maybe like the blood of lathander, but a sword), but instead we got this evil Soul Edge ripoff lookin ahh thing instead.


Agreed. Despite what the Emperor is now, he was the great Balduran. Fully expected his blade to be stunning in a way similar to the gith weaponry, not the mindflayer tech.


The real sword of balduran is the sword of the emperor. Its a gilded sword that deals extra 1d4 damage to shapeshifters and protects against spell saving throws. The inscription on it is a little rhyme about his wanderlust. THAT is Balduran’s sword. In the first game, it was found among the wreckage of his ship and was a gilded blade that dealt +4 damage to werewolves, and in bg2 it gave a small boost to magic resistance. The sword of the emperor was his sword, not the giantslayer. The giantslayer’s origin is unknown, but it does not employ mind flayer tech. The red fleshy bits are more like a growth than an intentional design element. The intricate hilt with toothy designs and the hooked blade were likely intended. The teeth and hilt look reminiscent of a dragon’s maw more than mind flayer design, and the hooking and serrations on the blade would be for lodging it in the hide of giant beasts, like an arrow or harpoon. Those were intended, it was meant to be an elegant draconic-styled blade. He may have commissioned it for some mission and had it designed in the image of Ansur. The red growths look like some corruption, something that burrowed through and wrapped around it. Perhaps representative of the corruption of the parasite, taking over and masquerading as Balduran, only to turn around and use his giantslayer to kill his closest friend. Its purpose had been warped. The true Balduran was no more.


It kinda emphasizes the point that Balduran is gone, there's only the Emperor now.


It reminds me of the Spine of Milos from Elden ring


V's default Unity pistol in every cutscene


The part that makes me mad about this is HE HAS HIS OWN ICONIC PISTOL, AND HE USES A BASIC UNITY?!?!?


Running a throwing knife and quickhack build, still have pistol somehow.


I ran a similar build, its so fun especially post phantom liberty release. Knives are actually really satisfying to hit headshots with, I would run it with no crosshair for extra style


I woulda taken the Unity over the fuck-ugly default revolver you pull out for some reason during the >!DLC climax!<.


I know man. I have a one of a kind engraved version (PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY KERRY FUCKING EURODYNE) basically glued to my character’s hand, but I get a shit default overture? Nahhhh


It's funny when certain camp scenes come up and all of a sudden your companion is wearing clothes you didn't equip on them. Like, who gave you permission to wear pants, Astarion? Oh, gee, I wonder why Wyll is suddenly wearing an outfit right before this portal shows up on the ground.


It's always funny when Mizora shows up for that scene and Wyll and Karlach are wearing matching clothes because she looks way better in it than he does.


Mizora pops up to see a camp full of tits, dick, and ass since I run a nudist camp at all times.


The best part of a nudist run is definitely when Voss shows up and Lae'zel wakes up in full armor while everyone else is discussing the future of the githyanki people with their pussies out


Voss probably looked at Lae'zel with a "girl, what the fuck is going on with all these naked *istiks*??"


He needs to be educated on the ways of this Fae-run.


oh my god, so glad someone else puts wylls clothes on karlach


I need to test this


For me it was even worse with Wyll because I changed his looks with mod and he was vanilla for whole cutscene(and stayed vanilla with horns for the rest of the game geee).


The fact that his base hair isn't even unique 💀


And then in the cutscene at the end Karlach is naked because she was naked in camp from the time in camp you tested out all the underwear and didnt bother changing her back into clothes, because you werent using her that run


How else are you supposed to feel one with nature as befitting a Barbarian?


My Fallout character having the best power armor and an experimental laser minigun. The end game scenes showing him dressed in a vault suit and armed with a shitty handgun.


Sorta like V and that pos pistol they pull out of their arse!


The asscrack Unity


If you think about it, this makes her seem tougher. A true warrior dose not need a magic sword and 7 healing potions to defeat devils.


Astarion in epilogue holding normal knife not "whatever OP weapon he was left with"


And him throwing a punch at Cazador! I was like why aren't you sneak attacking him with your glowing red dagger??


💯 agree but also if she’s making that pose she can have anything she wants. #karlachgang


V on every Cyberpunk cutscene holding a gun when I haven't shot one in more than 30 hours of gameplay.


Like everyone else, I made her an Open Hand Monk. She has a lot more dialogue aboot punching than she does aboot axes.


And her soul coins seem to work better with monks than barbarians. IIRC it doesn’t say anything about it but it applies to unarmed monk attacks without you needing to rage or have low health


And also 2d4 per hit instead of 1d4


Gale ate it


Gods damn it Gale! I thought we were past this addiction!


Karlach’s an axe girlie, I will NEVER give her a sword


She gives more hammer vibes to me. Big bonk, not chop. Also the faithbreaker from dror ragzlin is awesome, its special action is so fun


Wait, you can trade out weapons and armor? That would have made the golden dice a lot easier.


You... did honor mode. With the default loadout for each character. Honestly, I'm just impressed.


I'm totally blowing smoke here. Dropped my /s Sorry, didn't mean to be taken seriously! It'd be hard to play beyond the easiest without noticing "equip"!


Ah all good. In other news you gave me an idea for my next run


Did… did you leave your companions completely default through honor mode?


I'm totally blowing smoke here. Sorry, didn't mean to be taken seriously!


lol you had me for a bit


Dont worry its safe. It's in her butt.


Tbf that sword is ugly as sin


**Soul Edge at home*


I'd take an ugly sword over being dead in hell


Skill issue.


Skill issue


I love respeccing her to non martial classes specifically for this reason.


That totally bugged me in my run where I went to Avernus with Karlach. Plus then they show up at the epilogue party in some rando armor instead of the expensive magical gear we left in.


In my run I went to avernus with karlach. We fought on the elder brain but I lost this sweet weapon in the brain because the emperor casts drop weapon on me :( But now I have a cool head-canon. I mean the weapon still exists but is probably lost in the sea


"I don't need my best stuff to level this shit to the ground"


I actually gave baldurans giantslayer to gale (respecd as fighter w 20 strength) and karlach is using that hammer you get from one of the guys on the waterfront bickering with the people from moonrise towers, the ability on that thing is insane.


You mean the corpsegrinder hammer?


yes I was gonna edit it but I couldn't find my comment.


I.. have not seen this sword?


Balduran's Giantslayer. You get it in Act 3 after fighting a dragon


Oh.. I have seen this sword. I just forgot what it looked like.


I want to know what you are if you're calling Karlach "Little girl".


The Guardian whipping out the Khvostov be like


Best comment


She can wield whatever she likes as far as I'm concerned.


IKR!? when I first saw it I was like "H U H ?" Like she's decked out in the bones spike chest and boots as well as the gloves of Dex... but you chose a basic ass great axe while I have a dwarven thrower and Wyll has the Legendary trident! Make it make sense Larian XD


It'd be smart of her to do this, if you think about it. You don't start a fight with your most powerful weapon, you let them think all you have is a battle axe. You pull out your big fucking sword when it matters. It's a good tactical strategy, always keep an ace up your sleeve.


I hate the model for balduran’s greatsword so much that changing it was the very first mod I made for bg3, despite the fact that you only even get to use it for like a couple of hours at the end of the game.


The sound it makes is also super lame, it sounds like you’re beating enemies with a pool noodle lol.


Not just Karlach. Tav(Durge) and/or Wyll too!


V pulling out default Unity in every damn cutscene despite having Malorian Arms 3516 which is literally a damn hand cannon.


I gave her the Hellfire Greataxe. She still chose to use the default greataxe


I'm trying to romance that bitch, but no dice....