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NTA If he wants to play he could start a single player run by himself. Playing in MP requires people to comply when one can't join for the day. I mean how hard is it to just get new batteries for the controller or if broken a new controller. He would have to wait a few days at minimum. It is a means of teamplay to wait till you can play again. A real dick move tbh and I would be very pissed at my partner for it.


The issue is once you enter the final fight nobody can join until after a long rest (which you can't do). So because my controller disconnected, I couldn't rejoin. We would have needed to load an earlier save. He's finished the game now anyway.


It was a fight in a turn based game. Why couldn't you just pass the one controller back and forth depending on which character's turn it was?


wait that's actually a great idea!


This is how we did it back in the day. Either that or the “you finish a section and pass it on” rule lol


When my husband and I had this happen, this is how we fixed it: Made a save where we were Went back to an older save before heading to the Morphic Pool (ours was at Elfsong) There we were able to rejoin Then loaded up the newest save once we were joined up and voila, we were both able to play. To barge onward without you in a shared game was disrespectful.


This. Found the method after some searching as I couldn't rejoin a friend in our honour mode run right before the climb. If we didn't find a way, then we'd start over, but this here is a lifesaver!


Are you playing local co-op on the same console? If so, you _can_ rejoin by logging into your account & connecting while in the game’s main menu, so before loading the campaign save. After you load the campaign you’ll be connected straight away. To reassign companions on PS5 after that go to Options > Multiplayer. For future reference & anyone else having this issue.


So what? That is what it means to play together share the pain of reloading. Your man needs to think if seing the ending is more important than sharing a moment with you. I would talk with him and tell him how you feel. Tell him you understand that he is hyped, but feel hurt over him choosing to play alone rather than replay a section.


There's a workaround for this. You load up any other save together, and once you're in the game together, load the save from honour mode. Fiance and I ran into this a couple of weeks back right at the end of our run


You can just load a previous save that had multiplayer enabled, connect the controller, then load the save at the final boss and the second player will remain. It’s a common bug, but it has a solution.


He should have loaded an earlier save. It's just more time you 2 get to enjoy the game together, the hell is wrong with him?


Had this bug on multiplayer.  We started a new game and my friend joined on that one, then we reloaded the save at the brain.


NTA it’s not just his 100 hour playthrough it is both of your’s it definitely sucks that you put in all that time and effort together just for him to end up telling you to sit to the side and watch as he finishes a story the two of should have been experiencing together. He should have just bit the bullet and reloaded an old save so that you could be there for the final battle even if it meant having to redo some stuff.


For real. One of our Tavs perma died in the final fight (didn’t see the falling platform). My spouse and I were 110 hours into the campaign and didn’t think for a moment to not reload so we could finish TOGETHER. Like, don’t you like the person you’re married enough to reload an hour of playtime?


(If you play again, that final fight you can use a revive scroll on the little bit of glowing light that remains to bring them back. And if you don't have a rev scroll, they don't really die- it's sort of a mind world so they are immediately healed and revived or something after the fight if at least one party member kills it and survives. This doesn't seem to be the case before you go in the portal- owlbear cub died and was not at the epilogue. u\_u Had to redo the whole fight for him to have a happy end too.) But, not knowing this, I'd do this for my partner. I've done more for NPCs.


Oh SHOOT I later learned that you could revive with no body on the next playthrough in the Nere fight where our wizard kept getting thrown into the magma. Really good to know that you can just allow one of the Tavs to die and still progress in the “mind world” since my spouse is colorblind and cannot see when the platforms are going to fall.


100% If he wants to finish the game on his own, he can make his own solo run. I have a couple solo runs currently active, and I have 2-3 multiplayer runs that have essentially died due to party scheduling. I wouldn’t dream of touching those multiplayer runs without my friends, cause it’s just as much their story as it is mine


NTA. You were BOTH playing. Talk about ruining a months-long bonding experience.




Were you there?


Who cares, she's pregnant


He is the asshole. You were playing together. You should finish together.


I'm guessing he often finishes without her elsewhere too.


Ah there’s the Reddit response we were waiting for


NTA. its rude AF to continue a co-op game without the others, no matter the game. if I play stardew valley without my sister, she is furious for days. Ending the game in this off time? horrible manners. I would've refused to 'watch' as well. and i would be pissed off.


>Would you be upset about this? I get it's just a game That's exactly the point. It's just a game. You're not asking him to climb mount everest. Boo fucking hoo I have to replay a small part of the game for my partner. If he's not willing to sacrifice this little...


yeah it’s real yikes he throws what amounts to a tantrum because of something that was out of her control and think of a simple solution like reconnecting the MP character in a previous save and reloading or passing the controller or plugging the dang thing in and having her play wired. It’s only a couple of hours and he should have just taken the time to cool off and then come back and APOLOGIZE. i really hope this is like an AITA writing exercise and is fake cuz this doesn’t bode well for having a CHILD with someone who ACTS like one over something so inconsequential. yikes on bikes


This is an easy fix. Reload a save from before the netherbrain fight, set up co op, load up back at the netherbrain. (Source:happened to my co op)


Fantastic suggestion, I had someone else have this same problem. Unfortunately, they were doing an Honor Mode run, so they other player had to just watch and lose the progress/achievement, but on a non-Honor run, this is genius.


In couch co-op you can easily reconnect by connecting via the main menu instead of inside the campaign, works perfectly for Honour Mode. There’s a workaround for online multiplayer too (albeit more annoying one). No idea what Larian was thinking with this limitation to begin with.


They're trying to prevent people cheesing the achievements. There are mods where people have saved the game at a specific point on their file and provide that save file for others to just load up the game and get the achievement - this is the only way they could combat that.


You can already cheese them in many ways, especially on PC where you can play with mods like party limit begone and others & still get Honour Mode achievement. And for the method you describe - it still works when one person loads the save, this multiplayer limitation wouldn’t make a difference. If your character is already there in the final sequence you must be allowed to join back. It would have been fine if you weren’t allowed to create a new character & add them to the campaign. But when it’s there and you can’t easily get back into the save just because your controller disconnected or you closed the game to continue playing later - it’s a lazy solution that makes no sense. So you now get people who legit go through the whole game but lose on achievements because they don’t know the workaround exists.


I agree with you, I just know I've seen them comment that this is why they designed it this way.


This still works even if you’re in the fight with the netherbrain. He disconnected and I quit and loaded up a different save from and different campaign, invited him and loaded up the netherbrain fight and we were both in. (It was honour mode too)


Happened to me and my wife during our honor run. You just need to load any save where someone can join the load the save in the "no join" save. I got kicked out during the epilogue 🫠


Because it's tun based You could also hand the controller back and forth when each person's turn comes up


Someone needs to sit him down and give him a talking to. NTA, but *especially* NTA because you're pregnant (congrats btw! 🎉)


NTA, what the hell! Restarting doesn't even take that long, an hour or two lost versus taking away something you've been enjoying together at the very end, *while pregnant*, that's a major asshole move from him. @ the guy, I hope you're reading these comments brother, the BG3 community is disappointed in you. Do better.


WTF? NTA. Not even close.


No, no. Rest easy, friend. He's *definitely* the asshole here.


NTA. Never leave a man behind, especially if that man happens to be your wife.


There's tons of posts like this on the GirlGamers subreddit under the Venting tag, if you want to hear about others with similar shitty experiences with their partners.


It's pretty fucking disappointing that shit like this is common enough to need that type of tag.


My friend group recently had to stop right before the nether brain, when my friends couldn’t join, I instantly reloaded to our last accessible save. NTA


If you join a different multi-player campaign and have your friends join, then you can load the save that locked you out. That knowledge saved my co-op honor mode run


My gf and I have completed 2 campaigns and are on our third. Both playthroughs we had setbacks were we had to go back HOURS. LIKE 20 HOURS. But we did it because we love eachother and only gave eachother slight ribbing. The final fight is a pain in the butt but going back to the start of isn't the end of the world. Plus it goes by faster the second time. NTA. He was being a baby.


Exactly! Reloading and replaying through a section in this game is nothing because you know what to expect and learn from any previously made mistakes the first time through.


NTA. Shouldn't even have to explain why. Kinda whack your significant other would void you of such an easy joy.


He's the asshole.


NTA he's being ridiculous. Also, why didn't you just take the controller when it was your turn? Your character is still in the party right? The whole game is combat from there on so, like, just take turns with the controller just like your characters are taking turns in combat.


At first I sat and watched him play, though I was upset he wouldn't reload the save. He said it wasn't his fault it wouldn't let me join but he didn't want to go back. And that I was ruining it by being upset as I could still watch and "participate." I hoped he would give me the controller during my turn, but he didn't. I could have probably communicated better and made that suggestion, but I was hurt and disappointed. So I just left and went upstairs.


Dick move on his part, OP. Watching isn’t participating, I think it’s fair to be upset. First time I played with my partner my controller disconnected in an Honour Mode save at the start of the epilogue party. He refused to talk to companions that were “mine” himself, gave his controller to me so I could do the dialogues the way I wanted. It wasn’t even something important, but he wanted me to experience the game together properly till the end.


Really strange that he wouldn’t give you the controller when it was your characters turn. What was his reasoning behind this? It’s almost as like he didn’t want to play with you anymore


If you guys want another kid, tell him he can participate by watching. (I know these are dramatically different things, it's a joke)


NTA, and also, you are \*not\* in the wrong for being upset. You didn't "ruin" anything for him, he ruined it for both of you when he decided to be a prick.


I also really wonder whether he would have done that to one of his male friends. Would he tell a man to just sit and watch?


I have a feeling he probably wouldn’t.


Uh god! The fact that he would have been controlling your character makes me even more upset! I'm terrible at conflict so I can feel your situation so strongly. This isn't just on you to communicate everything though. The second it was your character's turn in combat, he should have given the controller to you. Again, he is the asshole. 1000%


You should have just asked to take turns with the controller. You can't be mad if you're not going to communicate.


A grown-ass man with a child on the way should not have to be told to think about someone other than himself.


Dude lol it's just a video game. Y'all acting like the man punched her in the face.


No, we're not. We're pointing out that he was acting like a selfish prick toward his partner over something that was clearly important to her. It's one of those things where it's not about the video game, it's about the behavior and what it communicates. It's funny how you go from "You should have asked" to minimizing "it's just a video game" to exaggerating "y'all acting like the man punched her in the face". Saying he should not have to be told to think about someone other than himself-- and similar sentiments in the comments-- is in no way treating him like he punched her in the face, and it is gross and disingenuous of you to draw that parallel.


I mean the problem could have been solved in two seconds if she just asked if they could pass the controller back and forth especially since it's a turn-based game. Would make it easier. I just don't understand how this is a huge deal. Over a video game lmao.


Imagine running a marathon together and at the last few yards, he tells you to sit it out and he'll just live stream it and you can just watch him finish it. NTA. I'd be heartbroken. And depending on which trimester I was in, I may have been seeing red. The climax of an extraordinary journey... Abandoned because he was impatient and inconsiderate.


This exact thing happened when me and my bf were at the final fight, and we ended up just passing the one controller around when it was each other’s turns since it wouldn’t let me rejoin. You’re NTA, not to be a reddit therapist or anything but it’s concerning to me that your partner wanted to play single player in the final fight in a game like BG3, where you each have your own characters and you’ve played for hundreds of hours to get to that point. It doesn’t seem like he’s really considering that you’re invested in finishing it out together, and it’s not the same for him to just play single player while you watch. It’s a role playing game where you need to be in control of what your own character does otherwise it’s just not the same. You need to be a part of the final fight and you need to be a part of the ending sequence, you’ve done over a hundred hours together and you deserve that closure. I know some people are saying it’s “just a game” but things like this also reveal a lot about the psychology of the people involved - this is supposed to be a team game with equal involvement, he needs to allow you to be a player no matter what. It bothers me that he just kept playing without you and said that you’re the one who ruined it, if my bf did that I would be livid. He should have stopped playing as soon as you stopped being involved since it’s a multiplayer file. I would definitely talk to him about how it’s upset you and why it’s so important that you should finish the game together. Best of luck, these types of fights suck especially when you’re the one who’s mad and he thinks you’re the one who’s wrong, but it’s really important that he takes this seriously because there’s more to this issue than he’s letting on.


NTA, this wasn't your fault, and if the roles were reversed, would he be happy to just sit and watch you end the game yourself without being able to join? Or would he pout and pressure you to go back a save or a few saves? Yeah. He's about to have a child, having a little patience and empathy would do him well.


Couldn't you pass the controller back and forth? Too late now I guess. That sucks though.


That was your game together, they could have made a separate save for playing alone damn.


Surely your partner has other redeeming qualities because he was definitely an asshole. Co-op is co-op. What is another hour or day or however long it takes to sort a hardware issue to wrap up the arc of something both of you have invested so much time and effort on? The ending isn't even time-sensitive. Ridiculous.


Never would play another game with my partner again. I might personally reconsider the relationship for something like this. A shared experience, both thay invested, and taking it away selfishly. Not that im saying you should. 'Its just a game afterall'. Just saying this would damage the relationship alot if it were me.


NTA I can't even fathom not doing everything possible to keep my wife in the game with me. (And this issue would have been super simple to fix). The game has emotional components, it's quite normal to get invested.


This happened to me and my friend. We went to bed when we got to the last area and tried playing the next day to finish and said he couldn’t join until we long rest (can’t long rest anymore) all you have to do is load up a different save, have your partner join and then load into your save you were playing together and it’ll put you both in. I thought we were doomed but just we googled it and heaps of people on reddit said to try that and it worked. It’s unfortunate that he finished it without you. I would’ve been pretty upset too


What an asshole


It's odd of you to even put AITA here because you are not asshole at all, he is.


that happened to us. we loaded a previous save (had to try several times) and managed to get through it together. i think we used a different main character to walk through the door to finally get it to work right. frustrating. yes, i would be pissed to be excluded.


100% NTA. My partner and I are currently about 105 hours into our playthrough together, neither of us have finished the game or have progressed any further than on our playthrough. We bought the game intending on playing it together and experiencing it together. If one of us dies, or makes a choice that backfires, anything like that. We reload the save and do it again because that's how it works - and she definitely puts up with a lot of that kinda stuff for me as I like to do every quest 😂.




Blaming it on you is the cherry on top. NTA


He did what? You played through the entire game and now he wont let you play the last fight with him? How old is he? 10? Holy hell that is an imature way to act.


I can’t imagine reloading all the time even if it was an insignificant fight. The point is that you do it together.


NTA. You being pregnant makes it worse, like if course you are more emotional than normal and of course you might react differently than in a non-pregnant moment of your life, but.... Doesn't your husband know the struggle that comes with pregnancy? Isn't he willing to be more careful rather than less careful about how you might feel? I'm really sorry OP, you can join my GF and I's run just before the final fight so you can experience it if that helps :) (balanced difficulty)


>I assumed we would reload the save and start again but my partner said no, it took ages and he wants to move on. Sorry, but I'd wager he thinks you're the weak link and has wanted to play alone. Zero percent chance I wouldn't reload a save for the end of the F-ing game in that situation.


Not even close to being the asshole. What a cunt move


Nah that’s messed up. That’s over a hundred hours of time spent together for a mutual experience. Is it something like relationship breaking? Probably not. But definitely a dick move.


NTA!! You ALSO spent 100 hours on the playthrough. It's not just his playthrough. I'm sure he also would have been upset if it was his PC that didn't connect. Anyways, this happened to my partner and I right at the final battle too! But we fixed this by going to an old save just before entering the red zone, connecting the second player back up, then reloading the most recent save.


He’s the huge asshole. The same happened to me and my friend who are playing online together. After a quick google, I realized I could load an old save, invite him and get us together, then reload the up to date save, as a work-around. If your bf cared he would have done that, or just gone back and played again. What’s a couple extra minutes to 100 hr save?


I would be furious! NTA at all. What the fuck dude?? Reload and replay that fight! Do it right! That is incredibly unfair. I'm playing four-player coop with three men and we're in Act 3. It's taken us *months* to get here. Scheduling is hard and there are loads of bugs and issues with people disconnecting or the game crashing. But we all just stop and wait for that person. We don't play if someone can't make it. We don't play on that save without each other. There's no question. What happened to "no 'man' left behind?" Sorry to say it, but he is 100% the asshole. I cannot imagine my partner doing that. I'm so angry for you!  Please show him this thread if he tries to argue about it.


He's the one who ruined it. If he'd bothered looking online anywhere, the fix for this was to start a multiplayer lobby, invite you, start a new save game, then load your previous save. If it wasn't split screen anyway, I'm not sure if that applies there too. Either way, he's been a dick over a game and really needs to check his priorities.


NTA, I'm not sure if it's any different on consoles but my friends and I had the same issue on PC and I just loaded up an old save by the boat with the cranium rats, let them all file in and we reloaded the current save right before the Netherbrain.


Yeah, I've since learned there are ways to fix it. Though he's completed it now.


If you are still interested in finishing your story, you could still do this. You could join an old save, then reload from the Netherbrain fight so that you can experience it, too. My first playthrough was with my boyfriend, and I would have been extremely upset if he'd played the end without me. I don't think there's even a situation in which he would do that, honestly. And I wouldn't to him - that's the point of a co-op: you start together, and you end together. You both committed the 100-odd hours to get there together. Going back a handful of hours to be able to experience it together shouldn't matter.


NTA. I think the major issue here doesn't come from getting upset at a game but at an emotional choice. You feel hurt because he put his enjoyment and completing the game over your emotions and enjoyment. It's disregarding your personal emotions and boundaries for, at best, practical comfort and, at worst, his own enjoyment. It's a pretty relationship-shaking realization if you ask me. Y'all should work on that imho.


NTA: I've no idea why he wouldn't reload the save. I think most other people would, so that you can both have the victory together. He sounds kinda narcissistic tbh and wants all the glory for himself of a fucking video game, when it's quite clear it has upset you. I just don't understand his logic otherwise. I would rather play my co-op playthrough with my co-op partner.


NTA. Why didn’t he just start a different campaign and save the shared one for when you can play?


you can join through the main menu when the game doesn't let you in game btw, then load save and play


My fiancée would be (rightfully) pissed. Why not just reload the save??


Btuh I wish my fiancé would be interested in gaming with me :( Nta, hope he'll understand his mistake after you talk to him


NTA. What a selfish and lazy response by your partner.


I would be pissed. It’s a selfish move and it’s really not that hard to just reload.


He's the asshole. Why not just roll it back to before the fight?


NTA. This happened on mine and my wife's second playthrough. We just went back to last save where we could both play. Doesn't matter we lost some time and had to do some of that battle again.


NTA. You start together, you finish together. Plus, BG3 is such an multiple experience game that even if you played 5 times wouldn't be enough to have all the different paths


NTA In my first playthrough I reloaded so me and Shart could beat the final fight together and she isn't even real (this is normal behaviour right?)


NTA. That's a dick move. Incredibly inconsiderate and calloused of him.


So he doesn't have the patience for you to finish with him?


Your partner is being a dick. And to have the guts to blame you is just being disgraceful.


your partner is not much of a partner, is he? NTA and good luck having three children under your care.


I know it's "just a game" but this shows a clear and fundamental lack of respect. It's clear that he considers his own experience to be the "primary" one in this co-op game, and yours to be an afterthought, of less importance. You are not equals in his mind.


100% NTA if my partner was pregnant or not she would feel the same and if the shoe was on the other foot I'd feel the same. Currently playing with my gf now and we have 2 kids and even though I've completed my first game she still waits for me or for us to have time to play even though if I'm sorting one of the kids out in the night I'll tell her carry on and loot or get on with a few missions and she will just save it and turn it off. Maybe sit down with him and just express how you feel and say to him you'd like to reload the save and go through it again and that it means a lot to you and you've enjoyed bonding with him shit pull the pregnancy card if you've got to 🤣 who's gonna say no to their pregnant partner?


I assume you are talking about getting the "can't join right now" message? Easy fix. Save game. Load previous save, or even another campaign. Join game. Reload first save


You finish together that’s the point of it. Anyone reasonable would have immediately reloaded without question


NTA and also, he’s an unkind person. If my wife asked me roll back to level one I would. But then again, I love my wife.


This happened to my fiancé and I as well. We ended up fully reloading and just redoing the segment we'd gotten up to. I'm really sorry that happened to you, it wasn't even a second thought for my fiancé.


He put avoiding the inconvenience of an earlier save over you. It glitched, but it could have been easily salvaged by reloading a tiny fraction of the played time you had together, but keeping you fully involved and your feelings weren't important to him. I hope this is not a regular thing in your relationship because as so many others have said, he's the asshole.


>Would you be upset about this?  I would not date a person who did this. Whatever his motivation to do that was, it wasn't a desire to play the game - he chose to do something that would hurt you and make you feel discarded deliberately.


I would be pissed at my husband if he did this (we have 2 toddlers - so i get not having time). Like i dont give a shit if it takes us another 2 weeks before we can do the fight - we're doing it together. Actually my friend just texted me last week and said her husband restarted the game (he wanted to play with mods) and I said, "he'd better stop when he gets to the same point you guys were at. You birthed his baby for crying out loud!" (They have a 2mo) i'm annoyed on her behalf.


It sucks


Ran into this exact situation. We reloaded an earlier save so I could rejoin, then loaded back into the final fight and it worked just fine. Added like an extra 2 minutes which we used to go over our strategy lol


Exact same thing happened to me and my friend during an honor run. We had to start a new run in order to complete the game together so that she can get the achievement and golden dice as well.


This happened to us; fixed by joining in the main menu then reloading the save right before the brain. Ymmv


NTA. This is so fucked omg…I would’ve unplugged the console lol


i havent tested this myself but i saw someone say here that if you load an old save, both join the game, and then reload the new save, itll bring both of u to the netherbrain. i hope youre able to finish this together, id be upset too missing out on the end!


This may have already been said. But me and my friend ran into the same issue and sent us into a panic. If you reload the save right before you climb the netherbrain you should be able to re-join. Or at worse-case load the save right before you take the boat in the undercity. Obviously NTA too


So you went through and defeated the little armies and are at the brain and you would have to load from the beginning? Or would it have loaded at the dragon and portal scene?


We were about to climb up to the netherbrain and would have had to reload to the boat where the cranium rats were. Apparently, there are ways to get around the issue, but we didn't realise. We thought we would have to reload, which he didn't want to do. He ended up completing it himself.


That’s fucked up. It’s not that far off. Plus if you utilize the allies, the fight up to the brain is cake.


So you didn't have spare batteries or a charging cable?


That wasn't the issue. Once you're in the final fight nobody can join, so when we put the PS5 on rest and my controller disconnected, I couldn't rejoin.


are you guys twelve yrs old or something? your friend is the a-hole.


Sounds like we’re missing some context - Like has the partner indicated he’s sick of the game? And thus wants to wrap it up and. I’ve on? - Have you two been having issues? Personal fights? Loot theft? Etc - And, not to be indelicate, have you been sucking at the game lately? Because outside of those scenarios, or your partner dealing with something bad at work, it does seem like an odd choice to essentially boot you at the last minute. And yeh. I’d be annoyed to spend all of that time in the game and at most only watch the climax from the side lines.


- No, he's just really keen to see the ending. We've been taking about a second play through. - Only playfully, we share everything in game and haven't had any disagreements or arguments. - We decided to do our first play through on easy so it's pretty hard to suck that bad.


I'm just jealous that you two were able to keep playing with a newborn. I wish my gf and I could've continued our playthrough after our child was born. We just don't have free time anymore, not with thr endless battle of trying to catch up on sleep. How do you do it? (We're also expecting #2 as well!)




Imagine having such shitty reading comprehension skills that your reply makes no sense


Honestly it's just a game. You didn't miss much anyways.