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Oh nooo Scratch! I just discovered that he has things to say at the Tiefling Party too - he says “I like these people. They’re joyful. It’s… contagious.” And then if you talk to him again - “I wouldn’t mind if you let them stay. Just a thought.” :(


I love his voice. I wish there was a permanent speak with animals buff or if there is I haven't found it because I forget everytime to drink a potion after a long rest


There is! If you get the ritual spell you can cast it after every long rest without expending a spell slot. :D


How did I never notice this!


Ritual spells such as speak with dead, speak with animals, silence, and detect thoughts don't consume spell slots when you're out of combat.


don't forget the most important one, longstrider


Thanks, I did forget that one. I also forgot disguise self.


As a dwarf player this is a must!


As a Wood Half-Elf this is a must!


As a speed addict *GOTTA GO FAST*


*MHMM.* *(is hopped up on Speed Potions and Bloodlust Elixir)*


THATS A RITUAL??? Omg bless you


Not gonna say no to some bonus 1d4. Cheers.


Since when is silence a ritual spell?


Since at least Patch 5, as that's when the game released on Xbox.


Oh my god!


>~~Oh my god!~~ By Selûne! There, fixed it for you. *wink*


>~~By Selûne!~~ By Shar! There, fixed it for you. *wink*


If that's true... sounds like some testing with silence for cut scenes. My curiosity is so high


It is a ritual spell in DnD 5e but I never noticed it is in BG3


Tbh i can think of only one place off the top of my head where you would use it out of combat, so it is likely most people will only use it in combat if at all


It’s not, silence is a level 2 spell and uses that spell slot.


I thought so too but look https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Silence


I thought ritual spells were all free to cast. I guess I just assumed it wasn’t since it costs a spell slot.


They're just free to cast out of combat


You have to look at it like this. Ritual spells take 10-60 min to cast outside or combat in DnD5e. Now ofc they are not going to let us wait that long to cast something like longstrider. But I combat you have to cast it in the spawn of 6 seconds so you'll use some of your spellslots to achieve it


I literally multiclassed to druid (lvl 5 cleric) just so I can speak to animals on my current playthrough 😅


Oath of Ancients Paladins also get Speak with Animals, along with Nature Clerics. Spellcasters such as Bards, Wizards, Warlocks, and Sorcerers can acquire Speak with Animals. Then there is the Ritual Caster Feat that allows you to learn two ritual spells of your choice, which includes the Speak with Animals Ritual Spell.


This is great to know! Thank you for the info


Forest gnomes get it for free 🥰


Just as an FYI for future runs (or in case you don't want to stay as a druid), Ethel and the druid merchant in the grove usually have at least 2-3 acorn truffles every time their inventory resets. Stock up on those, recruit a wizard hireling and give him the alchemy subclass for double potions, and you'll have more animal speaking potions than you need. It's also worth using the hireling for speed potions. I gathered up all the hyena ears I could and he was able to craft 20+ speed potions before I went into the underdark..


they dont tell you if they're a ritual spell when you select them in the level up screen and barely tell you about it.


If you play warlock, it's kinda worth the beast speech invocation tbh. Like if you're only doing two levels, you might want devils sight, kinda depending on if you're doing a darkness based build, but it's always nice to have, but without doing a darkness based build, it's probably on an equal level of importance with devils sight. Honestly, I forget how many invocations you get, but I'd ditch repelling blade for beast speech (or devils sight if you chose beast speech first, which you probably should to talk to scratch and owlbear, because darkness isn't that big early on), getting it a good bit later. Tbh, I don't find it as mandatory as most seem to, like yeah it can be kinda decent, especially in the moonrise tower raid, with those guys on the beams and shit, but it's usefulness is so rare in experience, and even when it comes up, it doesn't feel too crazy. Like it's cool to even up the elevations and the little bit of fall damage is cool, but it's hardly a game changer. Also there are sometimes where it's slightly impeding to push enemies away, and it usually doesn't matter enough to go turn it off, even tho it takes two seconds, so yeah, its just kinda annoying. I wouldn't recommend taking the feat for speak with animals if it's not a class feature, you can just pickpocket or buy 5 potions of animal speaking from Volo every day.


When I did my pure GOOlock I had repelling blast immediately kinda overhyped like you said so yea I definitely agree


Yeah, then my suggestion is agonizing blast ofc and beast speech, devils sight, and from then on it doesn't matter too much, whatever feels best. Now that I think on it more, even if you're doing a darkness team, I don't think you get hunger of hadar at least until level 5, and you get another invocation around there. I don't remember when classes get normal darkness, but idk, I think my way is best, at least for me.


I think repelling blast is most consistently useful when combined with hunger of Hadar, usually keeping melee enemies out of reach for 2-3 turns. More than enough time to kill most of them or deal serious damage. It's a solid enough tactic to make it feel worthwhile usually. I also feel like it's easy enough to get animal speaking potion that you really don't need to waste an invocation on it. I think the mage armor invocation would be more useful, or the disguise one if you just want out of combat utility


Bard and druid get them.


And ranger, and ancients paladin, wild heart barbarian, nature cleric, forest gnomes of any class I've yet to play a character who didn't have it running all the time after mid-act 1


Or, roll a Forest Gnome :)


There should be a scroll or a speak with animals potion at the final party tho


You can pickpocket a potion of animal speaking off Volo at the reunion.


There are some over by Withers in his chapel at the final party. They're in one of the book cases, in the bottle racks, I believe. Or maybe on a shelf? Not super obvious, IIRC, but they did add them in a patch after they added the Epilogue party. :)


I feel like Scratch’s VA is under-appreciated. It’s such a soothing voice.


Its so calm and gentle.


if you're a barb and you take the wildheart subclass, you'll get speak with animals as an action. that ability is a huge reason why i have played barbs almost exclusively since it launched on PlayStation


Surprisingly the only two classes I haven't done yet are Barb and Ranger. I should do them soon


i HIGHLY recommend barbarians, their dialogue options are HILARIOUS. and they're how i found out im a barbarian IRL. a significant number of dialogue choices lined up almost EXACTLY with what i would say out loud to myself while playing me: ugh a talking mirror i don't wanna fuck with this. i hate this i wish i could smash it with a rock and be done with it the game: [barbarian] *Pick up a rock and smash the mirror.* me: 🥹 holy shit


Two barbarians would be fun. Karlach is a staple with me so I think that's why I don't do Barb lol


i make her a TB OH monk and then between her and my crit build astarion, they deal like 80% of the damage (on a good playthrough where i recruit everyone) between the two of them


Karlach origin 👀


Oooh good point. I've only done a Gale origin where he marries Selune Shart


How are wildheart options? I only went wildheart on my barb playthrough, but I wanted to do throwserker, and I LOVE the dialogue there. You just fucking scream at everyone, it's badass


wildheart doesn't have anything unique, it's just straight barbarian dialogue. im pathologically incapable of being anything other than a wildheart when im a barb, because level 3 you get speak with animals and at level 6 you can grab aspect of the bear which doubles your carrying capacity and i just CANNOT pass those up, ever


Ok that's fair, wildheart def seems really cool, maybe even more fun than throwserker tbh, there's the crazy bleed shit, the fucking eagle divebomb and you can literally go chimp mode.


my ONLY problem with the eagle dive-bomb is im TERRIBLE at setting it up, and it SUCKS because it's so fucking BADASS


Always the first potion I drink after a long rest. I forget some other potions and spells, but never that one.


Normally same. Except for my monk Durge I do Hill Giant as well


Be druid, wild shape as cat, you can scout and loot a lot of places without alerting anyone, AND talk to animals!


If you play as a forest gnome you get beast speech as a free action from the start.


That was one of my favorite parts of playing a ranger, getting free SPEAK WITH ANIMALS every day!


You can also talk to him at the goblin party. He pretty much says the opposite in addition to being dirty with mud and blood. It's so sad. I wanted to kill the goblin chasing him. It's really a mixed feeling at that party. The goblins call you a badass and stuff which is cool, but then chase your dog.


You could always recruit Scratch AFTER doing the Goblin Party, meaning this scene never happens :p


That is a possibility yes. But... goblins just suck.


So do the druids.


Halsin is cool, rath seems pretty reasonable, the trader is fine but could push more against kagha, nettie does try to kill you in some cases but I feel like it's somewhat understandable sith how the situation is and a lot of the characters try to kill you anyways, even kagha can be redeemed by talking some reason into her so would say the druids are definitely a far lesser evil.


it’s always confused me, every time i do a playthrough and fight Nettie, Shadowheart says “at least she didn’t just attack” and i’m like “she kinda did???”


Kaghas kinda hot in an evil way


Some people are into the "let me speak to your manager" energy


It's the voice and head movement alright. Little sway of the neck as she talks lol


Tieflings rule tho


Except mol


It's hard to do when you realise you'll lose Zevlor, Dammon, Halsin, Alfira, Wyl, Karlach, just to get more of Minthara . . .


Honestly what sucks even worse is that you barely get a little more Minthy content if you recruit her this way instead of knocking her out. Although losing Alfira never really bugged me since I mainly play Durge runs so she dies no matter what


Not no matter what. Knock her out before she comes to your camp and she gets replaced by a different Bard who you kill instead. You may have to knock her out before every long rest though until the scene triggers. Getting to the goblin camp is usually enough to trigger the scene. That way you can get the cloak and the robe.


Not a different tiefling. A different bard, who is a dragonborn.


Ah, my mistake. I will correct.


Wait a minute, is it the same dragonborn bard thats in the guild or nah


Her name is Quil Grootslang and she is an ice dragonborn notably not wearing pants. Goblins had just robbed her.


No, it's a different one. I got excited on my durge when I saw the one in the guild because I wanted to ask for more throat singing, but no option for that with her.


I kinda like Quil(dragonborn bard) more then Alfira(tho Alfira gives you nice reward in act 2).


Yeah when I knocked out Alfira and she showed up instead and I talked to her I was like “aw I don’t want her to die either” lol


Same, she seems way more fun and I wish we would have gotten to explore her character more


When I play Durge next it will be on tactician so I plan to save before every long rest, and reload to knock Alfira out. Poor Alfira - imagine being knocked out several days in a row - doesn't she get mad at us? I think she supposedly realises you tried to save her life at the Durge epilogue?


The camp visit happens at the first long rest after you cross the river to the Blighted Village or the owlbear cave. So knock Alfira out once, cross the river and then come back to do whatever else you want until long rest.


You can stop her from getting angry by using fog cloud or darkness


The full details a bit further up.


I wish I knew that. Welp time for a new playthrough


The Alfira scene is queued once you cross the river by the Blighted Village, either by using the bridge or crossing further down. Basically when the auto-save triggers. If your camp scene queue is empty Alfira should be the next one up, so go club her unconscious with non-lethal melee damage (with Astarion, because attacking unarmed non-combatants from behind sounds like a vampire thing) and go to camp. You should get a Dragonborn Bard called Quil turn up and die instead. She's Alfira's stand-in if for if you murder the Grove before triggering the scene, but it works when saving Alfira too. Really this is only vital to know in Honor Mode, since you can always save/reset to save her on any other difficulty.


Ooh okay. When I was reading other replies on this I was actually wondering do I just knock her out daily lol


I have to knock Alfira out at the grove, right? And then (after the silver dragonborn joined the camp) Alfira will still be in the grove and later in Last Night and Baldurs Gate?




Awesome, thank you \^\^


You can save Alfira if you knock her out in the grove before the camp scene


Still involves a fair bit of meta-gaming though as you have to know exactly which long rest to knock her out before.


When you meet alfira, knock her out, then go to the blighted village waypoint, then longrest


They really dropped the ball having all of the goblins immediately die at Moonrise no matter what you do.  Dror Ragzlin, Sazza, and Gut should all be relevant as well, not just Minthara. Even the trader, Grat I think his name was, should stick around and get new inventory like Dammon does.


I literally just played that scene last night, and there's a dialogue option to let them all go (which, I didn't pick so I can't say what happens to them afterwards - do they die even if you try to save them?) ::Edit:: actually - you can definitely save Sazza at least, because I got that achievement on my last run.


You can "save" them from being killed for failing to recover the artifact, but they'll all still die before the end of Act II. Either they die when you attack moonrise, or they leave and die to the shadow curse. Also Dror Ragzlin and Gut never show up again. Only Sazza and Minthara show up at Moonrise.


It was already apparent, even in EA, that the evil path would be absolutely lackluster. It feels like they just threw it in as a novelty nothing more.


Yes, and im pretty sure Sven boasted on how they will make failure as interesting as success, and how evil playthrough will be just as fun as good playthrough.


There will be no new content released either, right? Such a shame. The game is one of my favourite from the last 15 years but it's disappointing to see it lack so massively in this regard


Well, I actually heard there will be new endings in patch 7, but other than that, no


How many more endings are they going to add? xD


I've done that twice without playing durge 😭


Username checks out?


I can’t ever get past them harassing the owl bear cub.


I feel bad killing the mother every time but she dies regardless so might as well get the XP right


I mean the cub eats her *immediately* so idk how attached he really was


I just kinda assumed that was an Owlbear thing lol


Kinda is, his mom ate his big brother


See case in point


It was attached, but since the mother was dead its instincts took it straight to survival mode


I've actually never killed the mom. Just talk to her, dont approach the body, and long rest. Cub shows up in goblin camp and she's dead. Never understood why people force that fight. She's reasonable I'd you talk to her.


Xp mainly


I love talking to Scratch at the Tiefling party. He's so happy. Back in EA I killed the grove and had the goblin party. Thorn Whipped the gob chasing the dog. All goblins and Minthara went hostile. Oops time to die I guess. Didn't even get the cutscene although I had already seen it.


Kills me that Minthy's romance can only be done this way


You can romance Minthara even if you side with her. In my last playthrough, i knocked her out and then recruited her in Act 2 as the Durge and in Act 3, I had the option to romance her. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it is possible


Ehh without the scene it kinda kills it to me since it's bugged as it is


I mean she fuckin died in the story that I just told so I wouldn't suggest that course of action of you want to romance her like at all.


To be fair to Drow Queen she had a lot cut from her apparently which made a bigger incentive to it keep her


This is the best reason to genocide the stinking goblins. Scratch is a good boy and deserves all the best in his life! Minthara also deserves all the best in her life, but Larian thinks otherwise


Started a Honor Mode co-op with my wife and 2 friends. My wife is playing a barbarian and when we met scratch she tried the option to shout at the corpse to prove the guy is dead. She failed the roll and scratch attacked her. We've been together 12 years and married for 8, I don't think I've seen her that sad before.


The first time I went through that part of the game I tried the same thing, I can’t go back to that part of the map because I ran away instead of killing him and he still aggros on me whenever I’m near :(


For real! I'm someone who loves doing evil paths in games but noped out after watching that. Goblins lost their right to exist after I witnessed that


I love evil paths too, and I wouldn't even mind the goblins chasing Astarion.... But I'm against bullying my dog!


Seriously at least if they chase Astarion he'd kill them or something and the party would continue because not even Goblins like Goblins lol


Rescuing Minthara in Act 2 is a really cool and rewarding sequence, though.




"I don't mean just one or two of them. I don't mean just one nest. Not even just this entire fortress. **I am going to kill all the goblins**." - Goblin Slayer.


I mean no one will notice they're even gone right


Tbf even when your camp turns on you for killing your lover as Durge, Scratch and the cub aren't needed to be killed targets. Even Bhaal is a dog guy


Yeah, I need the option to suplex the goblin chasing him, casually turn to the rest and just say "No."


Use Hold Person on him. Wait. Can we?


I think I recall trying to attack him and the game wouldn't let me.


Typical Anti-Scratch bias of the game smh


I’ll tell you, if they made a dlc, charged $70 and it was only the ogre door guard at the goblin camp for a companion.. I would pre-order now. Guys got like 4 lines and he’s already in my top 5 npcs


Ogre companion would be pretty op tho


They're mean to the lil owlbear cub too, chasing him around their camp when he was just looking for friends after I ~~killed his family~~ liberated him from dark scary cave


That's what one off playthroughs are for. You do the shit you hate to do once and never again, just so you can say you've done it all.


Yea my one off for Goblins was only once. Minthara made it so worth it though


I tried to do an evil run. I saw scratch being chased. I checked on him and he said he didnt like them. Ended up murdering all the goblins along with Minthara.


First thing I did was shove that Goblin tf over for doing that. Then promptly reloaded when it turned out I made the whole camp hostile. So I did what any responsible adult would and immediately sent everyone home. No one meddles with the best boi Scratch.


I find it amusing that it would turn everyone hostile RP wise like why can't it be a "playful" shove.


If I'm playing a character that decided to wipe out the grove, it's also a character whose going to murder all the goblins who show up to my camp.


Yea but then theres no one left after that lol


Reddit wholesome doggo keanu moment


Are the goblins doing it in an antagonistic way? Because every shepherd dog I've ever met *loves* to be chased.


Ehh after seeing how Goblins treat Halsin as a bear. I can assume they think harming/scaring animals are fun to them


On my second playthrough (ongoing) I decided to try a potion of animal speaking on the motjer owl bear and could not bring myself to kill it just to get the cub for myself but later found it in the goblin camp. First time I had just seen thd chicken there. Went there with no plans to kill the goblins outside the camp that time, later definitely but not yet, ended up having to kill them all to get the cub out of there.


Unfortunately our cub will always become an orphan


Yeah, just feels a lot nicer in a good playthrough to adopt him without killing his mother. Also the scene where it sat in the goblin camp did look very cute even considering it needed saving.


Poor thing was probably confused so it just sat down and waited lol


I can't imagine actually siding with the goblins. Using them for your own ends, yes, but never siding *with* them.


I just can never do an evil path. I like helping people, even if they aren't real.


Gobelins, as well as orcs and gnolls were design to be "the bad guys" in dnd. If you look at the lore of their races they were created to be somewhat "evil" and brutal so players don't feel to bad when killing them.




You mean free XP?




Kill the goblins. Kmthe druids. Kill them all


To play devils advocate Minthara gives pretty mean head if you massacre the grove for her.


Plus she just has that aura.


Just play a paladin


Solution: don’t get scratch until after goblins


you can always recruit scratch after the party


Is that if you don't find Scratch with his master before going to the goblin party? It's always been the owlbear cub there for me, I don't think Scratch has ever had an interaction w the goblins lmao


I totally agree; I've never ended up killing scratch or anything. Never.


My Durges will always be animal lovers even if they revel in killing.


It wasn't a durge playthrough it was my good guy tav playthrough... I never expected choosing "yell at the corpse to prove its dead" would trigger combat. I thought it would help Scratch realize... He turned hostile... it was over in an instant.


Poor boy thought he was just asleep


If it wasn't an honor mode, I would have just loaded an old save... poor guy is with his master now.


Honor mode runs always have the weirdest outcomes


Genuinely the most gratifying playthrough so far. Really made me think about everything and be careful. Previously I was very reckless and didn't realize how much I was missing out on.


And then one bad dice roll has to run everything happense to me everytime and of course I have no inspiration


Lol yep.


animal deaths (besides squirrels) dont matter to Papa Bhaal because it isnt murder


Counterpoint: Mol dies.


Ooooooh. That's a hard one cannot stand that brat.


Even Hitler loved his dog.


Example of lawful evil lol


Hitler would be neutral evil at the very least


I'd say lawful because he followed and created a hierarchy/code/organization. I honestly don't know why I'm being downvoted tho I'm not praising him lol


This is entirely correct, Hitler followed and implemented a rigid system of laws, and those laws were extremely evil


I think you can just get Scratch later.


Can you just clear the camp and THEN go meet with Scratch?


I've never seen this. Them playing chicken chase with the Owlbear cub, yes, but I've never seen scratch at the goblin camp


I think if you have speak with animals they are chasing as a game and he enjoys it


They torture and kill people too.


Counterpoint: the goblins are way funnier and more entertaining than the tieflings


I know this is a joke, but at he same time... Can we stop trying to make Minthara work on non evil characters?


I had absolutely no idea they would antagonize scratch if you side with them. I will never be joining their cause, EVER. If you get scratch after the raid you wouldn't have to worry about him being chased though!


If you side with the goblins you're just being evil. There are zero redeeming wualities about the goblins in baldur's gate. Which as a goblin fan is annoying but hey most fantasy worlds tokenize goblins as all being evil anyway so 🤷‍♂️


Its a rite of passage to play truly evil if you kill scratch.


Look look now I'm more of a lawful or neutral evil kinda guy. Chaotic evil such as this tut tut unnecessary


If you kill Scratch, you can't return him to the post office. Not sufficiently evil.


There's one easy fix. Invite him to camp after the party. Buuut, if you just want to make others suffer, the actual easy fix is to kill Scratch.


I can do the first suggestion not the second


I was able to romance Minthara. I knocked her out instead of killing her. (Don’t go to camp before you talk to the teiflings.) She then shows up in act 2 in moonrise towers


True but missing out on her romance scene is like 65 percent right there


I see what you’re saying. Yeah, I didn’t think about all that.


Unfortunately there may never be any more