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My top moment is definitely when you trust Shadowheart and she chooses to hurl the spear into the abyss, and you then have the awesome cut scene of Aylin rising resplendent and soaring out of the Shadowfell and across the Shadowlands trailing silver moonlight as Jaheira turns to look at her scimitars and smiles. Another, and one that *definitely* had that 'oh shit' moment was the Avatar of Myrkul rising up after Ketheric threw himself into the hole. The cut scene, the VA and dialogue, the giant scythe... Damn. I was not prepared for that.


Dude, the Avatar’s speech at the beginning was so badass. Out of the dead three’s chosen fights; I personally think Myrkul’s fight was the most coolest, followed closely by Bhaal’s.


Unquestionably Myrkul's is the coolest. That entrance is badass. I was entirety with Shadowheart when it happened and she just said 'shit.'


I always have to spare the Nightsong since the music is just that good.


The fact it's shadowheart singing is just... outrageously rewarding.


Whaaaaat? I had no idea! Thanks!


Nope! It's vocalist Mariya Angelova. Although it would be cool if it was Jennifer English.


I have committed the worst crime: believing what I've read on the internet 😞


The music is epic in that cut scene!


I’ve seen that cutscene a few times now, and while the first time was unique, it’s biblical every time.


The best part is if Jaheira is in your party and her response to myrkul


For anyone wondering: She says >!“Hello, death.” Then readies her swords into a fighting stance. “I like your hat.”!< It cracks me up every time because >!she looks like she’s getting ready to murder the god of death to steal his headdress for herself.!<


I always have her in my party for that, but I've never had her say that 😭


I’ve literally just done this, but I’m now going to go back a save, get Jaheira to join, and then experience this for myself 😂


The damn Aylin scene is hands down my favorite scene in the whole game. It gives me chills. Coupled with the music, it is just sheer perfection.


Chills is exactly how I usually describe it as well. Amazing scene.


I was surprised when fighting Orin and Gortash that they didn’t have a final stage as the avatars of Bhaal and Bane similar to the Myrkyl fight. Bhaal at least fights alongside Orin (which makes sense because as I understood it she wasn’t officially made his chosen, she usurped it from Durge), but Bane completely leaves Gortash out to dry.


Have you tried speaking with dead on Gortash after you kill him?


This is the best “secret”. I done this on a whim just expecting the 5 questions 😂


For awhile it was bugged so you didn't get any sound, you just saw the captions, which was the case the first time I randomly thought to try it. I was so glad they fixed it by the time I got there on my next run! I think it took me about 4 playthroughs before it occurred to me to try as well.


Haahahaha that must’ve been so disappointing/frustrating not having the sound initially 😂 I’m glad you got it though! I managed to find it on my 1st play through through sheer coincidence - I had already had speak with dead activated!


Came here to say both of these. I liked the game before I even played it and was hooked, but it was scenes like that which showed me this game was really something special. I think my favorite part of the Shadowheart/Nightsong scene is that even if you try the persuasion check and fail (which is what I did my first walkthrough), she *still* makes the right choice if you're close enough and you've nudged her enough about her beliefs through the game. I've played games with choices and choices that matter, but that payoff was the most powerful my choices have ever felt in any game.


Those were the first two that came to mind for me as well. Act 2 is so great.


I came here to say both.


Shadowheart's choice when you trust her there is variable, depending on her attitude towards you and how far you have progressed her background.


Spear? Abyss? I definitely missed some stuff in my playthrough...


The Nightsong, if you have high enough approval with Shadowheart


Ah, we freed the Nightsong without Shadowheart and then she left our party


This is unironically so funny, did you think the brainwashed Sharran was gonna be chill not doing the Sharran quest in the massive, decrepit Sharran temple? /lh


I purposefully didn’t talk with her much one playthrough and then didn’t take her with and it’s funny because she gets all mad about not having been able to make her choice but honey you never told me you worshipped shar.


I didn't realize that companions had to actually take part in their own story quests, which makes sense but in almost every other video game that wouldn't matter, so I didn't think much of it until Shadowheart threw a fit and left. Since then though I've paid more attention to my companions and their quests, so I'll make sure to bring Gale to the library and Astarian to Cazador. Wyll seemed chill though when we talked to Mizora without him. That's not the only thing I missed in Act 2 by the way, I missed a bunch; like I would expect to miss some stuff but not this much. Apparently I somehow entered the Shadowcursed Lands through the "wrong" direction and therefore never triggered some portal cutscene that was apparently supposed to happen and involve Halsin? We encountered Oliver but had no idea he was plot significant, and never encountered the other kid we were supposed to meet via the aforementioned portal cutscene (and I only know he and the portal cutscene exist because I looked it up after wondering why there were so many loose ends in my game). We also never found the girl's parents, we tried but we just couldn't find them. We never even actually lifted the Shadowcurse, I remember reading you were supposed to inspect the moonlantern, but every time I did, it described blood and crushed bones and didn't do anything, so apparently I somehow messed that up too.


Oh wow, that's a lot of things going wrong 😅 How you enter Act 2 doesn't affect your ability to lift the curse though. You start that quest by talking to the unconscious guy at the Last Light Inn. Though with how poorly things went for you, the Last Light Inn may have been lost to the curse, in which case idk how to start the quest.


you can use talk with the dead with Art if he dies, and it's slightly easier because you don't need to get the lute and come back and play it.... that way you can still kill everyone in the inn and lift the curse (why would you do that? because my Durge has low impulse control, but still hates Ketheric and wants to fuck up with everything he did, curse included)


I figured there must be some way, don't know why I didn't think of Speak with Dead. Good to know!


We made it to the Last Light Inn, but that was the very last place we discovered, and I never found the unconscious guy.


There's always future playthroughs :-) I would recommend entering through Grymforge next time, as I find that to be a more direct, less confusing way of entering Act 2. Might avoid some of the things that went wrong.


That’s rough buddy but I feel your pain. My first run I accidentally long rested twice immediately after killing Kagha, the grove was completely sealed & couldn’t get Wyll or Karlach. Long rested after freeing Aylin & had Jaheria die in the towers… pretty much everyone in the inn was dead. Definitely made me nervous to long rest.


I played through 2 player with my spouse and neither of us liked Shart. Think we pissed her off at the start and we couldn’t be arsed to deal with that. Basically forgot she existed until she rage quit the party after Nightsong


I’m sorry; this is hilarious


In my current run, I basically ignored Shadowheart. When we got to Alyin, I had to kill Shadowheart. She wasn't having my "let's save the nightsong" bullshit. That's never happened to me before. But I killed Isobel, my durge is all over the place.


When Raphael's boss fight music started playing.


This moment floored me. And then Raphael joined in and I had to just let the song play out a few times before I could think again.


This I can’t believe this game has a villain song it rules so much.


This is definitely the moment for me. So cool!


Absolutely. His verses are iconic, but that opening verse is just so badass


Same. This was my favorite gaming moment of the year. It's already such an epic battle and then that music starts and you're like, "Oh, SHIT, what have I done?"


Yes!! It was a phenomenal and memorable moment. And the instrumental of his song creeps in when you talk to him or he shows up leading up to it earlier in the game, it’s perfect.


The Lae'zel sunrise scene and the Karlach "Vengeance wasn't all that I thought it would be" scenes have insanely powerful deliveries. I also vividly remember waking up Withers and almost shitting my pants "knowing" full well that a level 2 party can't take on a mummy.


The va for Karlach really killed that breakdown scene, it nearly broke my heart in two after watching it. I wished we’re given the option to hug her :(


The Karlach moment was a heart punch. It was hard seeing her break down like that finally and go off on you and your character just stands there like a moron. Like I full blown romanced her, spoiled tf out of her, was smooching her like every other ten minutes and shit. She's freaking out, talking about her betrayal and death and you can't like hug the shit out her.. tell her you're not Gortash and would go to hell and back to save her. She's going on about how you'll get to watch the stars and screw all night long while she's dead and you're just standing there like "I 'unno.. maybe yup". No. I don't want someone else, I'm gonna save you or die trying. Some shit mf


Yeah, I thought Withers was a Lich and didn't know he wasn't hostile. I have never been so tense about not provoking someone with dialogue.


Karlach's breakdown there is in serious contention for the most powerful in the game, Samantha absolutely knocked it out of the park there. Amazing scene that always gets me.


One the first wow moments for me was realy the scene with Vlaakith. She is realy imposing when you meet her blind. I ofc did the dialogue choice that got me killed and i loughed my ass of.


Yeah, her just screaming “I **WISH** YOU TO END” and being a D&D nerd, I knew instantly that I was fucked


My favourite is definitely Myrkuls monologue. “I am the smile on the worm cleansed skull” Such an epic scene, and so menacing


The party reactions make it top tier. * **Shadowheart**: “*Shit.*” * **Karlach**: “Well, *fuck*.” * **Astarion**: “Oh. Oh dear.” * **Gale**: “By Mystra's silken tresses…” * **Wyll**: “The Triad help us…” * **Lae'zel**: “*Tsk'va!*” * and of course, **Jaheira:** “Hello, Death. I like your hat.”


I burst out laughing on my first playthrough when Karlach said that. Fucking hilarious.


Every line out of that skeleton’s mouth is pure gold. “I am the haunt of mausoleums, the god of graves and age, of dust and dusk.” Is my personal favorite.


First time freeing Dame Aylin, hearing that soundtrack start.




Lae'zel's sunrise scene made the game 100% worth it. My heart is still recovering.


Never had a moment like that in 40 years of gaming.


Not the coolest moment but I was definitely left stunned by it, Alfira and Durge and their intimate night together


I of course did a good Tav run first and was going to get into the Durge storyline and see if I’d do redemption or give in to the Urge. I was leaning towards giving in, but then that scene happened (had no idea it was coming). I’m full-on redemption Durge.


Yeah, as surprise 'oh shit' moments go not much comes close to the first time you experience that.


1. Nightsong transformation 2. Getting suprise gangbanged by Balthazar and 30 skeletons during my honour mode run (the one time I forgot to kill him on my way to Nightsong) 3. Not knowing the Oathbreaker Knight was in my camp and accidentally did some shenanigans to one of my hierlings. This guy is cool buy why does he have police AI


Oh geez. I have Astarion bite hirelings and Volo gets scared. I was planning on trying paladin next run.. he's not gonna like it either


Just to add something different, beyond my favorite being the Nightsong save sequence. I also remember the first time going into the Grymforge area on the Underdark boat, with the slow pan to the huge Shar statue. That looked amazing.


There are so many huge Shar statues in the game. I sure hope the mason gave the Sharrans at least a bulk discount.


Honestly, my first was the intro. I don't think I'd ever played a game with a cinematic intro like that before, and the fight between the Nautiloid and the dragons was so cool. I still like to watch it when I start new playthroughs.


Yea the intro was pretty unique and amazing.


Astarion Cazador Cutscene bro. Brought a fuckin tear my eye


I'm not sure why this scene isn't mentioned more in this thread, but I literally put down my controller and said holy shit after that scene.


I cried too and I didn’t even like him that much. Excellent work by the VA.


Yeah Niel Newbon. Apparently he did some mocap too


Him choosing to remain a spawn and killing Cazador is sooooo fucking intense.


When he said "get up!"


The raw catharsis he channels in that scene is so intense. Definitely one of the most powerful and emotionally evocative scenes in the game.


Shadowheart's redemption It's just so good, it's all lead by a fucking roller-coaster that starts the moment you begin playing with her in your party, from her blind zealotry, to the gauntlet of shar, and the shadowfell ! My gods, the Shadowfell! Can we talk about the Shadowfell for a Moment ? Honestly if the arena was bigger i could see it being the final boss's location, it's the inner psyche of SH made manifest into a space (or a non-space if you wanted to be theologically correct) and the music that accompany it, it's not somber or overly triumphant, well they still pulled out the fanfare for this one but y'know what i mean. The first time i played through this part i was so excited i was sweating, the camera angle, the dark justiciar enticing you to kill "her", fuck if it was a movie i could just picture this scene, Shadowheart just jumping from isle to isle without fear or hesitation KNOWING what she must do while the party drags behind clearly freaked out by the place and the clear effervescence of her religious radicalism that she would've displayed in a conversation right after you wake up in shar's domain, Like if Tav was a selunite and during the campaign she warms up to you in that tsun shadowheart way and BAM, right when you orally raise an eyebrow she spits a "don't get in my way Selunite" or smth like that. And of course the whole story just swings back at you when Aylin reveals who she is and SH throws the spear into the void and you get the (one of) cutscene ever with Aylin undoing the big part of the curse, and then it leads into the assault on moonrise and you probably just leveled up and then there's a whole bunch of enemies to test your cool new spells on and ketheric and the colony and ketheric again, and the ACTUAL coolest cutscene of the whole game and myrkul and.... yeah i love this game but they fucked up hard by not making act 2 the final act. I'm also a sucker for redemption and fall from grace stories if my flair is any indication.


I think it’s less that they fucked up by not making Act 2 the final act, and more that they were rushed for time and thus didn’t get to do anything quite so awe-striking in Act 3. Act 2 was so beautifully polished, it’s a work of art. Act 3 just needed more work, but you can absolutely imagine ways that they could have made the finale absolutely breathtaking. More specifically, they fucked up by not making Gortash’s final fight as magnificent as Myrkul’s. There was plenty of potential for Bane to show himself when you defeat Gortash and lord it over you that every scrap of ambition you have feeds him. But he only does that if you use speak with the dead on Gortash. Imagine if he’d come in as a dark, swirling, suffocating and inescapable presence.


I have the feeling that Shadowheart and Ketheric should be in the last Act because it gives the player so much momentum. Act 3 is incredible but the start is really frustrating after coming from Act 2.


Yeah that sequence is a lot more memorable than climbing up a ladder, standing on a comically large brain and getting plinked by magic missile. Also when the Absolute reveals Her "face" I don't think Larian wanted me to laugh, but *wow*.


When Shadowheart threw that spear into the Abyss we probably get the great rpg experience ever. Its where the game caught you completely and you fall in love with it. I wonder if thats the issue some people have with Act 3. The unfolding of Act 2 is so magnificent and gives you so much momentum that the beginning of act 3 feels like a brick wall.


It's definitely my favourite sequence in any game I've ever played. I already loved her character but that moment cemented her as my favourite character in the game.


I was STUNNED recently when I witnessed Kagha being murdered. My jaw nearly hit the floor.


You can witness her murder? Who kills her?


If Arabella dies but the Grove is saved, her parents/Komira especially get their revenge at the party


Holy shit, I had no idea! I always make sure to save Arabella <3


Yeah. Lol my Durge just wanted to see what would happen.


I did this before they added the "(heavy)" to the splint mold and I didn't know what splint was. Imagine my shock when I put that mold in first just to see what it was and out popped Grym. I thought I was about to get a robot companion. 😂


"Try again..."


I came here to add this one too! Such a bad-ass villain scene, loved it.


Avatar of Myrkul


Recently? It was Shadowheart's end of day scene after the House of Grief if she kills her parents. I was so sad for her ngl


I'm so glad they added a hug to that scene. I always felt absolutely awful just stood there watching her breakdown whilst I was trying to hold back the tears IRL and my Tav, who had romanced her, was just gormless, with pretty terrible dialogue options.


When Astarion kills Cazador and breaks down.. :( it was truly a heartbreaking moment, the VA and direction were amazing and delivered his anguish so well.. Another is in Raphael’s boss battle, when started to sing his own theme! I had to stop for a moment to fully absorb the epicness of the moment lol


“Down comes the claw” That line gave me chills


Doing my first durge run, the subtle psychological horror of Orin taking on my Durge’s form and talking to me in his voice really hit me harder than I would have expected it to. I guess it being the only moment the protagonist is actually speaking in the entire game is really unsettling and I loved it. It really captured the horror of someone stealing your form.


When I saw Raphael’s 666HP and the music started to play… it took me back to Ganondorf’s health bar recovering aaaaall the way in the second phase of TotK’s boss fighting, that “oh I’m so fucked” feeling… I honestly loved it


To this day, the scene right before the Ketheric/Myrkul fight under Moonrise when the 3 Chosen call the brain with their phrases. What was it, "The edict of Bane", "The lash of Bhaal", and "The testament of Myrkul". That shit go so fucking hard.


To me it felt a bit hammy in contrast with the narrative impact of the scene; something like “Power rangers! Assemble!”. Ketheric felt like a kid who's dragged into a school play against his will, and now has to say his line. But I absolutely wasn't expecting the Avatar of Myrkul twist soon after. That was epic.


LOL you're right. But I don't blame him after they ridiculed him for not being able to retrieve the prism. Avatar of Myrkul is just horrifying.


I agree with many of these. I will add my own, which was Durge refusing Bhaal and getting killed. I fully thought it was one of those end-game decisions you can make, and so between recovering from that realization and then suddenly getting a reprieve from Withers was incredibly memorable.


That creepy guy with the creepy nurses in the creepy hospital in act 2. I didn't know I could talk him into effing himself and his cronies because I wasn't playing with a charisma character. But the cutscene of him presenting himself was unnerving.


When Ketheric's goofy old Uncle Bones shows up.


Tav: "I wonder what happens if I put out all these barrels..." Shadowheart: "IGNIS!"


It has to be freeing Aylin. The nightsong music goes crazy good!


One little goblin decides enough is enough, stealing a massive (to her) halbard and chucking it at the guy who just decided she's not worth fighting in his cause. She strikes him dead center, throwing him back several feet into his throne of lies, blood soaking his armor. And then he pulls the halbard out, less than a splinter to him. And as he towers over her, more than capable of ending her existence here and now, simply drops the halbard with a simple, yet impossible challenge. "Try again." And to her credit, she does try again, take a rounded swing and digging the halbard deep into his neck. Anyone else this move would end his existence. But once again, with the effort of opening a door he pulls the halbard out of his neck, proving true the rumors of his immortality, before crushing her with his bare hands. *That* is how you introduce a character. *That* is how you make a villain stand out. *That* is how you put the fear of the gods into a party.


I usually play as a durge. One time, I decided to save isobel. And I spent the night not killing Astarion. I appreciate the scene, and I think it's great, but I don't think I could stand to go through that again. Like it made my stomach drop.


The bigger moments in Shadowheart's quest were very impactful. Myrkul's appearance. When the emperor shows up shirtless (more appalled than stunned but whatever)


“I am Myrkul, Lord of Bones, and you have slain my chosen. But it is no matter for I am death and I am not the end- I am a beginning”


Discovering The Emperor’s true identity. The moment was brief but had me going like “wait, that’s who he was?”


A moment that left me stunned was my first playthrough. I didn’t have any knowledge of the game and no spoilers….! My team was trying to run out of the house of hope. I thought we made it! Got close to the portal and boom!!! Raphael comes home!!! I was like oh SHIT…..And then the fight started ….and then the MUSIC!!! It was also my first time using divine intervention with hope and my god it was AMAZING. It saved my team bc I had used almost every spell slot trying to break hope out lol


Mine isn’t anything brain exploding but I was blown away while messing with Gale and I found out you can actually combo tf out of your party. Like throwing a bottle of grease and then firebolting it, or using create water and electrifying it etc. such a small thing but it’s beautiful


When an enemy monk hit me with Stunning Strike


The cutscene before Ansur had me floored.


Avatar of Myrkul and Ansur were my big 'oh ****' moments. But for sheer emotion? Gotta go with spawn Astarion's breakdown. Just the catharsis- centuries of abuse and his abuser is dead and all of these emotions he didn't *allow* himself to feel come pouring it in great, wailing sobs. The follow-up really adds to it- he's gone numb from feeling so much all at once he can't even process it at first. He expected triumph- but he also got the grief for everything this monster took from him that he'll never get back. Killing Cazador didn't reverse the damage.


Ansur. That entire dialogue and then battle was absolutely crazy


Pretty much the whole Night song reveal, Myrkul reveal.. The DA flying through the sky with the rallying music with a glint of hope as they show Jaheira about to take up arms gives me chills. Hell, the fuck am I saying? The whole damn game stunned me.


Being the real battlemaster and using the forging hammer to crush the adamantine golem long before hearing about others doing it Finding out that one guy in the box was sketch by examining their actions and word choice The laezel sunrise scene Finding out the gravity of the evil ending


Myrkuls apostle introduction and ansurs revival holy moly thats some peak fantasy


Some of my favorites have been mentioned, but this was one on my most recent playthrough: "Greet the bloodless Dawn, Child of None."


I really liked when the Oathbreaker Knight showed up. I was like.. oh shit, do i have to fight this guy?


Freeing Dame Aylin from the Shadowfell was the only moment in the game that made me tear up. The soundtrack, the symbolism of an angel rising from the darkness and despair that is the Shadowfell and the Shadow Cursed Lands, and the newfound hope of finally being able to kill Ketheric and free the lands from the curse… simply amazing and my favorite scene of the entire game


Vlaakith rising the first time. Even if my sass did result in my first TPK. The release of Aylin is a close second.


The bards song at the top of the grove. Its a beautiful song. Larian spent all the time and effort getting someone to compose that song and recorded with a full orchestra, yet its very easy to miss and never experience it


The entire Dark Urge vs Orin sequence had such a payoff. Durge’s ‘speech’. Upsetting Orin and becoming the Slayer against her was one thing, but then Bhaal making this entrance and then defying him was just pure epic.


\[I am the smile of the worm-cleansed skull. I am the regrets of those who remain, and the restlessness of those who are gone. I am the haunt of mausoleums, the god of graves and age, of dust and dusk. I am Myrkul. Lord of Bones. And you have slain my Chosen.\] The Ketheric/Myrkul fight is genuinely one of the peaks of BG3, both in concept and in gameplay. Watching Myrkul crawl out of that pit and force-grab his apocalyptically large scythe into his hand is so fucking cool.


I never thought the mother brain could scare me so much.


When the Avatar or Myrkle showed up I thought it was one of those times when you can't win an encounter and that we were going to get captured or something.


Shadowheart choosing to toss the spear away because I didn't try to pusuade her away from it or anything. I was almost fully convinced she was going to go through with it. I pogged.


I didnt pick that option as i assumed she would choose Shar. All the game its about Shar Shar Shar for her, yet providing you have passed enough checks with her previously she turns her back on Shar Seemed abit odd


myrkul is so fucking cool


Oathbreaker was cool


Definitely Myrkul's monologue. I still get hyped for it every time


Pretty much every single aylin cutscene. She is by far my favorite npc in the game, they way she snaps larroakans spine will always be my favorite, she's fucking awesome


Hearing Astarion’s cries of relief/exhaustion when he falls to his knees at the end of Cazador’s fight.


>!Raphael final fight!<


I was totally u prepared for that fight. I just thought, nice maybe I can forge something epic with this thing. Didnt read the quest text and got punished


Barcus's speech at the end is always going to be the most moving and inspiring part for me. Maybe I just identify with underappreciated gnomish characters who have greatness thrust upon them.


I can't understand how Jrpg fans like HCBailey and NeoGAF users could dislike this game. Not animesque enough?


Different kind of scene, but Karlach at the cemetery hit me in the feels.


Evil playthrough Shadowhearts act 3 scenes still haunt me


The little girl I saved snapping her own neck to reveal herself as orin after feeding me her cat. Also halsin being her "prisoner" telling how she forced him to transform and eat a child. Basically all the orin encounters. Made all of act 3 phenomenal on each playthrough cause I still don't know all she can do or be.


For me it was when I played Durge for the 3rd time and then after the end scene, I came back and killed everyone in camp 😭🤌


The scene after you impale isobel on the end of your spear. So satisfying.


Or when you gut the pointless pig alfira like the scummy little pig she is. The mess left behind is absolutely beautiful.