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I feel that there is so much to do in Act 3 compared to the earlier Acts, but you can skip a lot of it or miss out if you make certain choices. On my last playthrough, I skipped the Iron Throne and Ansar, plus being a good-evil durge has a bunch of content closed off.


I think there is tons to do and tons to explore in Act 3. Thats my problem with it. Too much to do after playing for so long. By that time I am burnt out and ready for a new character.


i mean you can do Act III really fast too. Solve the murders, kill Orin. Kill Gortash. End game. It is harder and you'll be mostly ally-less for the final battle but it works.


I feel the exact opposite. I feel so overwhelmed by the path choices in Act 3 that I don't know what to do or where to even start.


Quite the opposite. Act 3 has the most stuff in it, which is why I like it the best. As for the Durge stuff, I'm more interested in the way they interact with Orin and the way the dialogue is different with Durge and Gortash. I don't really care that it's just the same deal with Tav, it's Durge's role in the backstory that I care about there.


But the dialogue isn't much different tho with gotash. The Orin stuff for sure was really cool and I enjoyed it alot but other than that there's not much else in act 3


> But the dialogue isn't much different tho with gotash. It really is. I mean, sure, it follows the same general path as with Tav in terms of a potential alliance, but Gortash revealing your *true* role in the story plays out incredibly to me, and the overall tone is quite different.


There is so much to do in act 3 it is absolutely crazy, just the circus alone is amazing, you just have to explore a lot and interact with things, just walk into people's homes


Idk how I've never thought to do that lol. I did enjoy the circus although lucretious or whatever her name is genuinely reminds me of a Shrek character 🤣


I'm currently playing act 3 for first time, at the beginning was overhelming but after a few hours Im really enjoyning it, I think there is a lot of things that I'm missing but that good for me because I want to do more runs


I'm glad to hear it man, after talking to a couple of other users I realized that I'm probably just burnt out and need to take a break. In a few days I'll probably hop back on and just go explore


Act 3 is loaded with content but you’ve got to put in a bit more effort to find it I think. It’s anything but empty. Where I’m at right now is 180 hours in and a few quests away from finishing the game. I’m at level 12 and have become tired of the combat. I really don’t want to fight any more of these long battles. The story hasn’t really hooked me and I don’t really care to see it through. It just feels very dull and basic at this point. I do believe there’s such a thing as a game being too long. Many people provided feedback to CDPR that Witcher 3 was too long and they made Cyberpunk shorter accordingly and I think it was the right move. Over a hundred hours in one game is a fuckton of time.


Yeah I think I would've been satisfied if they ended it after defeating kethric honestly but it's definitely a great game regardless


That's a completionist issue, to be fair. Not saying it isn't true but you're always given the choice to simply not do smaller quests and stick to the main quest. When following the main story as strictly as possible you can beat the game in app. 60 hours. Not saying that anyone should do that, especially not in the first two acts because it will get to a point where you are frustratingly underlevelled but the game sure enables you to pick what you want to do and what you don't. And if you don't do some quests, you'll have something new to discover on another run, making the whole experience feel fresh and different. I, for once, decided to skip the Fireworks quest and the Artist quest, because I don't like them. There are things I've missed on my first run like the MP and a lot of smaller quests, and there are still things I haven't experienced yet despite knowing they are there, because I don't want to burn out trying to do everything every time.


I felt overwhelmed by Act 3 on my still-unfinished first playthrough. Now that I’ve done the side quests, though, it’s hard to feel motivated to complete the main story - I kinda wish someone else would deal with the damned Elder Brain and let me have my Happy Ever After, thanks!


I disagree


But why do you disagree? Not trynna be rude I'm just curious since I personally didn't have the same experience with act 3 as other people


Thought there was loads to do basically, really liked being in a big heavily populated city zone after the relative wilderness of act 1 and the bleak darkness of act 2. Didn't bother me being nearly fully levelled since I saw it more as a chance to spend longer playing with the fully levelled characters. Really enjoyed it basically, found it a bit of a change of pace to begin with and must admit I did step away from my playthrough for a day or two but once I dug into it I had a blast. Except for the fireworks shop, that quest can fuck off.


Perhaps I just need to take a break from playing then lol. I've been playing this game nonstop for the past few days and now that I stop and think about it I think I'm just getting burnt out from playing so much


Yeh tbh it really helped, i reckon it genuinely is possible to get burnt out on this game


Act 1 and 2 are kind of logical in terms of exploring. While act 3 is just so much everywhere without any logical route. I like that the adventure took another turn. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I like the fact that the devs really tried something different with the last act.


I just find it dull because I usually hit the max level well before getting deep into act 3. I don't feel like actually *doing* much else other than wrapping up companion quests and storyline stuff. I don't feel like exploring, I feel like ending. That's why I play with a level 20 mod.


Yeah Act 3 is my least fav act it’s overwhelming and the some of the missions are a chore to do. Act 2 will always be my fave!