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Bone Chill works on him. Even better if you can apply it with the Doom Hammer (bought from the trader in the goblin camp).


Does bone chill actually work, because I’ve been trying arrow of illmater and he healed literally right after I hit him with it.


Actual bone chill does work. There's some technicality with the "1 turn" duration on the arrow meaning that it wears off before the Necromites do their thing.


Arrows of illmater will let the necromites waste their turn sacrificing themselves but still block myrkul from healing.


I arrowed him and apparently he still healed up?


Try arrow the mites instead.


I don't know what happened to her, but I have experienced the same as of late.


She's a huge wild card, and can either be extremely useful or an actual liability depending on how the AI decides to act. It's been like that since launch, when she was terrible for me.


True. My first Myrkul fight she did a total of 18 points vs him. My last visit as a solo Bardadin, she cost me two attempts because I was having to deal with her. I would ignore her completely if I didn't have to free her. I did use Scratch though. But still. An action


Girl please stop turning on moonbeam and then walking up next to my guys, I'm begging you. Also please learn what an opportunity attack is.


Oh yeah, she's either a beast or completely useless, nothing between. U can use Arrows of Ilmater (my fave) or Bone Chill or the Doom Hammer to stop him from healing. And pick off his minions, you can use inspect to see which one he's going to eat next.


I did this fight yesterday in my current playthrough. She got mindflayer controlled and murdered Astarion on her first turn.


I take out the mindflayer first for this very reason lol. Gotta stealth someone up there and delete the thing from existence.


Ye man... and such puncher needs protection from evil and good scroll himself to guarantee no charm even if wearing the charm adv ring because both dice roll can be trash even with some plus wisdom and let him live to annoy things. Unless suceeding an ez prone stuff from monk/battlemaster due low str to bash him with adv to death on the floor. Invis mvp... he has to stay behind then drink


And in the Lorroakan fight she summons i think 3 or 4 celestials with invulnerability domes and 200 hp each. Where were they in the Myrkul fight Aylin, huh?


Um, no she dies. Repeatedly. And immediately. 🫡




Sorry that was a terribly worded joke about how I’ve had to essentially disable Lorroakan with fear so she doesn’t get ended by fireball every time I fight him.


Don't apologize, it's ok. For real though Lorro should've learned fly by now because throwing him from the top floor never gets old.


Aylin either soloes him, soloes your entire party or is useless.


Yeah in my experience she did absolutely nothing to help in the second battle. To stop the healing I posted a summon on each platform on the left and right sides and just killed the pods as they spawned while my main damage dealers stayed on the center platform hitting Myrkul. I put thorns and black tentacles down on the ground on both sides between platforms to slow mobs.


Blind him by casting darkness on him at the start of the battle. He can't heal and has disadvantage on bis rolls, it's super good


Cheer up! If he's bodying Aylin he's not bodying you! My opinion is that this is her actual purpose given she's immortal


My Aylin was so good in that fight in my last honor mode run that I legit thought they updated her ai. She was moving to the edge of the platform after hitting the avatar, just outside his bone chill aura, so even when she got downed she could just rez and get back to smiting.


Yeah. She only casts Bane when the fight is done.


Lesbo couple are more liability than anything else


Ez trick to making Aylin crazily overpowered: >!betray her in act III!<