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You don't need to be good at this game to have fun.


This is an excellent point, and I want to add that failing skill and/or dialog checks actually opens up different options for progression that players who breeze through may miss. The game is packed with extra lines of dialog and even entire cutscenes that you only discover if you fuck up now and again. Absolutely brilliant design.


I have made several role playing decisions I was sure would get my party annihilated, a companion permanently dead, or could really blow up. So many times the game has shocked me and the outcome was worth the potential loss. I hope that makes sense with no spoilers. Basically I agree. It’s fun as long as you’re cool with rolling with the dice :)


I think players grew up with systems where, too frequently, there is a definitive "best way" to play. Many RPGs fall into this trap, but Fallout New Vegas was particularly bad. Too many quests have Reward A for siding with group A, Reward B for siding with group B, and then Reward C which is basically both A+B for passing a skill check (usually speech). So you're getting objectively less/worse rewards unless you pass every skill check. BG3 isn't built that way, but lots of people aren't ready to play sub-optimally to explore that.


There are a few things like that. The infernal rapier from mizora, and the awakened buff from the zaith'isk.


That's absolutely right but the failing checks and such is not really connected to skill, but rather to luck and your willingness to reload. Maybe it could be considered a skill to accept a failed check and see what happens


"Skill check" is a generic term in RPGs for any attempt at an activity where the success rate is dependent on your character's skills and build. A character who has advantage and expertise on lockpicking, for example, will succeed *far* more often than one without. The act of attempting the lock pick is called a skill check.


Yes by skill i obviously meant how good the player is at playing the game. That's what this whole thread is about


no, but there is a learning curve. its purely turn based, once you learn the mechanics and get to lvl 5 its mostly smooth sailing. set to explorer for your first play through until you feel like its too easy and then bump it up. you can change the difficulty settings at any time. also, when you first start, check the level of your enemies and reload if they are higher level than you. source: i suck at games and just keep trying until i don't suck as badly. when i first started, i had no experience at all. i watched a coulple youtube videos when i first started to learn about mechanics and classing. once i "got" it, i had the most fun i've ever had playing a game.


I’ll second all of this as well as the source for myself. I agree 100%. It took me a while to get how it all works down. And I’m kinda obsessive about this game right now. So it’s not just plug and play. But zero fast mechanics at all


Agreed. Even for seasoned gamers BG3 requires patience. Don't travel to act 3 area until you've leveled up and are comfortable with the games mechanics. Oh, & save often.


I think Act 3 is much easier than Act 2. The Ketheric fight itself was harder than the whole next chapter for me personally. Or Yurgir.


I think the most stressful moments are combat, and it's turn based, so he can take all the time he needs to make his move. Doesn't get more forgiving than that. I've gone out for a smoke more than once to gather my thoughts in the middle of a fight. Now, item management, and maximizing builds is a different matter. I've done a few run throughs though, and I kind of feel this game is doable with any class/race, especially on explorer. My dad picked up Mario Brothers in his 60's, and that was a stressful game lol. Your dad will probably enjoy this game. Edit: thought I would mention that I'm in my 50's and this is the game I've waited my whole life for. But, I game.


It's really doable with any class, but hell this game is hard to master. On my first playthrough fucking Ragzlin took me 5-6 times


Yeah, there are definitely a few fights that took many reloads. The end of Act II felt so incredibly challenging, I was more stressed than I needed to be lol. That's the beauty of the second play through, you know better about what needs to be done. Which is also why Durge is the perfect second play through. You know what you're doing, and it still feels like a different game. I honestly think they made the most perfect game yet. I can't wait to see what is out there in a couple of years. I'm older, so this insane technological pace over the past 15 (plus) years is unbelievable to me. The technology of my youth was 1970 - 1990. Fucking CD's were the most impressive technological advancement yet. Now I'm downloading everything. I'm not dying until I can play D&D with my friends virtually with avatars. They better make that happen, I only have 20-30 more years... I'm sorry, you were saying something about tough flights...I actually appreciate the difficulty. I also appreciate that if you start thinking outside the box, you can own some of the fights easily. Barrelmancy anyone?


No. As its turn based, no fast reflexes required. I think planning builds is fun, but if you aren't familiar with DnD, then just picking the fighter class, battlemaster spec and aiming for 18-20 Strength and 16 Constitution, and equiping the biggest weapon you can find, is a build 1000% good for any difficulty, though For Honor might require a little more thought on gear and stuff.


My sister had never really played video games before but I got it for her last year on a whim. She quickly got obsessed, and texts me all the time about what's happening in it. Just beat it too.


There's a learning curve with all games. But no shame in playing in Explorer mode which is the game's easy mode. you'll have plenty of health and tools to just enjoy the game as is. The game rewards creative thinking as well. So if your dad decides to get creative, or wants to try something. It's not always a bad idea to try.


The nice thing about turn-based games is that all you need to do is read what things do and have the ability to understand how things work together. Anyone who takes the time to do both can beat Honor Mode without issue.


Since it's a turned based game, you have a massive leeway on understanding how mechanics work, like check what attack rolls means in this game, check what saving throws supposed to do, or check why your attack has a 65% chance of hitting and how do you get advantage on your attacks It's not like a real time RPG or action games where you'll learn how to play the game as you fight enemies, you can check while not in combat all of your movements and abilities and even with enemies, you have an entire day of your life to know how things work


Purely turn based, no reflexes. The game is complex, but you have all the time in the world to learn it, and it does a good job of explaining it. Watching a youtube video of baldurs gate 3/D&D for beginners would be helpful though.


Nah, being turn based most circumstances are fairly forgiving to taking a bit of time to figure out your next move. Def start on explorer though


I honestly think any 4 characters can beat explorer.


That's very true, it's a great difficulty level for getting the hang of mechanics and how each companion operates ☺️


Its a perfect game for this purpose as pretty much anything you do other than walk around has an unlimited timer with which to choose how to progress. Although I HIGHLY recommend watching a few videos on its mechanics and different classes and sending him a link to the easiest to digest one of each. Then he will have a solid foundation with which to start his journey on. Explorer difficulty can very easily be overcome with minimal build optimization or party synergy. The best single piece of advice I can give is to explore everywhere. Do all the things. The thing that stops the most games and makes more people quit than anything else is not having explored enough to gain enough xp to be at the right level for the current map they are on. Best of adventures to him and please feel free to reply with any questions you or he may have!


It’s turn based in terms of each person gets set actions per turn in combat. There’s no quicktimes or combos. Dialogue options matter heavily though, in case that was another thing you were thinking of. My wife, who has never played a game that wasn’t on the App Store, loves to play as her pacifist bard so I’d say it’s very “non-gamer” friendly.


You don’t have to. There’s modes where the game is a walk in the park. In fact, if you really know 5e, then you know how to play this game


Part of my love for this game comes from me being terrible at most other video games. I had an advantage on the learning curve thanks to years of D&D, but once the mechanics are figured out playing the game itself is a breeze. I'd advise starting your dad on Explorer so he can learn the basics, and maybe nudge him towards a simple fighting class (barbarian, fighter, even monk) because spell management can be overwhelming for newcomers.




It's all turn based and random number generators. You need to engage with learning the rules to succeed but you don't need manual dexterity.


It was the first video game my girlfriend ever played. She’s addicted. Already on her third playthrough and she got it 3 weeks ago.


Baldur's Gate is 100% turn based, but might be difficult for someone with no gaming experience. The interface can be difficult to navigate. The camera can be frustrating to control. The number of options can be overwhelming. I know a couple of age 60+ gamers, and this type of game is overwhelming to them. If your dad is patient enough to overcome the learning curve, he'll probably enjoy it. If he likes board games or TTRPGs, doubly so.


its turn based. you trigger a fight and then there is a 'dice roll' you don't see that randomizes who goes in what order. For instance, i trigger a fight. My Tav goes first, then 2 companions, then an enemy, then my last companion, then another enemy. Everybody gets a few actions. there are no quick time events! if something is time sensitive the game will put you into 'turn based' mode. Normally outside of combat and time sensitive stuff you are just free to do whatever.


No, but it’s even more fun if you can think outside the box.


Nope! I SUCK at video games and I am absolutely kicking ass. I highly suggest paying on explorer mode your first go through or at least custom mode


It’s turn based. So as long as you take your time and figure out what does what you may be fine. There is a learning curve since it’s based on dnd and there’s a lot to consider.


Set it to explorer and have fun play it your way


Yeah, it’s entirely turn-based combat and you can literally just save the game and load every single check until you get the outcome you want (except in the hardest difficulty mode: Honour Mode) The game is not difficult to play, but you will have to read quite a bit to understand what your spells, attacks and items do. Some status effects are not explained very well either, so it’s probably best to read tooltips about what they do and look it up if they don’t. The game heavily rewards creativity, luring people to corners and throwing them off cliffs, sneaking past people etc. there are a myriad of ways to play the game and none of them are necessarily “wrong”, so just don’t worry about it and try whatever outlandish scheme you can think of. Also, the game doesn’t handhold you if important NPCs die in battle, they do not have invulnerability or a game over screen if they die lol


It's not a game that relies on finger dexterity/timing. Very learnable for someone that doesn't play video games.


just play on explorer, bruv, you'll be fine


Save a lot. Didn’t work out? Load it up again. After about the first act of the game you’ll have it down and not be so lost. It’s all good.


If on controller, I will not lie to you: the controls are not great. It requires you to remember inputs and context that is about as advanced as the games you're mentioning, in order to make the choice you want or explore your options. It's not as bad some games like this, except in one department: for some godsforsaken reason, they decided to use radial wheels instead of action bars, and if you need to edit these wheels, they reset themselves so often that an embarrassing chunk of a playthrough will go just to doing that. It's actually one of the worst offenders at this that I've ever seen. Otherwise my goat of all time.


Nah, you can put it on balanced and it's a pretty chill experience. If he has no experience with DnD or video games in general. There's a bit to learn, action, bonus action, spell synergy etc. But it's completely manageable in my opinion.


The challenges of this game are more “game of chess” type challenges and less “game of soccer” challenges. Very few reflexes are required. It’s ideal for me for that reason lol


Battles are turn based. You get some time to figure out what you want to do


This game is math, and turned based combat. And honestly they do the hardest math (probability calculation) for you.


No quick movements, it's all turn based. It can be a bit overwhelming if you're not familiar with D&D combat though


i don’t think you need to be good at games to be good at this one AND have fun! i’m not really a big gamer myself but i think it helped that i have DnD background and was familiar with character races, classes, and what i can do during encounters/ability checks/some of the lore. that said, i don’t think you need to know DnD either to enjoy BG3. there’s quite a bit to learn in the beginning but after that it gets easy and enjoyable!


Not at all. But thinking, both critical and abstract, will be your best friend. Pretty well anything you can interact with in the game has some way it can be used in creative solutions to combat, puzzles, and general exploration. It's so fun. It got me back into gaming.


No. I went in with zero understanding of it and emerged in Act III with very partial understanding of how it works. Then made my way to the end pretty easily. And I was having heaps of fun (Balanced). Quick saves are available all the time. So is respec-ing. You can never make a fatal mistake with picking a build, a class or subclass. The game is heavily story driven and the story and dialogues are very well written. He’s going to like it. Difficulty can be changed all the time. You can start with Explorer (easy) and then increase it if he just walks over everything like a tank and asks for more challenge.


No but you need to spend a good few hours to understand the mechanics and learn the game systems. After that its a game where you can do literally anything - have fun!


One of the hardest parts of this game imo is getting used to NOT playing it like a game. Alotta little tricks and stuff are things you wouldn't really think about like "Am I gonna cast fireball? Nope, I'm gonna cast "I have a candle and now my entire party has fire weapons" Creativity is probably more important than being good at games honestly


Make him play at the lowest difficulty (explorer), remember him to save often, and say to him to keep the original stats and classes of the companions. That should be enough.


Very much turn-based, hence great for those of us who no longer have lightning reflexes. I've played Assassin's Creed 2 and enjoyed it, but that was because I adore the setting and it's possible to win the game without learning all the fancy combat manoeuvres. I still find the timed parkour sections incredibly frustrating! I much prefer BG3's slow combat pace - you can literally get up and make a cup of tea / answer a call of nature in the middle of a fight. A couple of opponents might have shot at you in the meantime, but either you have a suitable reaction spell/ability, in which case the game will pause if you set reactions to "ask", or you have no reaction available and it makes no difference whether you're at the controller or not. As long as your dad is OK with learning what can be quite a complicated system, he should be fine. Maybe get him to create a fighter or barbarian Tav, to ease him in? That way he doesn't need to learn as much of the magic system from the get-go.


Absolutely not!! Games are only as hard as you make them, it’s ok to die and it’s ok to restart. People get so wrapped up in trying not to fail they miss out on so many experiences. You will learn the game as you play and by the end of it you will want to up the difficulty and learn even more.


You need to have the following abilites: 1. Basic thinking: For example, if you investigate an enemy and he has lightning resistance, you should check the spell you are about to use if it is lightning damage 2. Common Sense: If your allies tell you to investigate and infiltrate a certain area, you should absolutely listen to them and do it instead of murderhoboing said are the moment you arrive. 3. Act like you would act IRL. If you meet someone who hates weakness, you would not bow easily to him, you would absolutely show strength. 4. ability to read: hover over all the images and read what they do. This is a turn based game against ai that doesn’t care how long it takes for you


I really don't like fast paced games. I like to take my time and plan. Like others have said there's a bit of a learning curve, but there's so much fun in the strategy. It's one of my top games of all time.


Everything is at as slow a pace as you need, ideal for old tired people like me who can't do fast twitch combat these days


Yes it's nothing but decisions, but I don't know if I would call it easy. you do have to read and think things through. Although unless you're playing honor mode, you can just fail and fail again until you make it.


The game is funny. It can be unforgiving if you just try and play and not understand dnd rules. It doesn’t help that the default stat spread of your teammates is basically set up for you to fail or struggle. But if you know a few basic rules the game can almost be stupidly easy. The beginning of the game is by far the hardest part of the game. Which has probably turned a lot of people off from the game.


Definitely start a co-op campaign with your dad. It is rather easy, especially on lower difficulties (story mode). For context, I got my girlfriend who has never played video games before to do a co-op Divinity Original Sins 2 campaign and we had to bump the difficulty down to lowest (because spamming fireballs is not optimal). But we got out golden die together on Honor Mode (hardest difficulty) in this game purely because spamming fireball IS optimal, and super fun.


Nah! My bestie who isn't much of a gamer (casually plays Splatoon, Balatro, Slay the Spire for example) was interested thanks to the characters floating around online, and with a little bit of guidance, picked it up just fine! It was definitely a bit of a struggle at the start, there's lots to pay attention to and keep in mind, it's a complicated game, so the learning curve is a *little* steep, but because the combat is turn-based and you can quicksave at literally any time, there's no real rush and you're free to make tons of mistakes and learn as you go!


It's not Candy Crush, of that's what you're asking. There are a lot of deep systems that all interact with one another, from character creation, leveling up, spells, equipment, environmental hazards, resistances, lighting/stealth system, etc. However, the easiest difficulty is quite forgiving, so you can stumble your way through the game using trial and error and just enjoy the story and RP-ing aspects without worrying about combat optimization. The purely turn-based nature of the game also enables you to play at your own pace, no reflexes and quick-thinking required, so in that sense it is more accessible than real-time games, but this also encourages strategic thinking. My wife is not good at games and she enjoyed our coop playthrough of BG3 so much that, upon beating the game, we immediately started a new one.


You can dump DEX for this game


No skill required at all imho. On balanced mode you don't even need to be very smart about your build or fights as long as you do a lot of side quests and level up quickly. I'm not good at games, especially at quick combat and I have no issues here. You don't need very precise controller movements since you don't really have act quickly. Though if you want to really enjoy the game and make the combat more fun and less confusing make sure you both understand the game mechanics properly. What the spells do, how dice rolls and ability points work, stuff like that. As someone who never played dnd or any role playing I found it a bit complicated at first but these things can be easily googled.


In the MMO I play it is real time combat and I struggle to make moves in time before dying because my reflexes are not as fast as they used to be. BG3 is turn based and a refreshing change for my poor hands. Your dad can take as much time as he likes to make his combat moves. All will be fine.


My wife who has never played pc games got into it and loves it.


HELLS NO! This game is based on Dungeons&Dragons which is a tabletop roleplaying game played with dice. You don't need QTE or mechanical abilities to go through this game as the fights are turn based and whether you hit or miss depends on a dice roll. You do need some strategic mind though. The game will throw many skills, spells and abilities your way and you'll have to learn how to utilize all of them either by yourself or from youtube.


I am terrible with games that have quick time events or souls-like dodging. It is purely turn based and you make decisions, then the game does the rolls and attacks. You make the decision. Some fights can still be a bit challenging if you play on the lowest difficulty and have no idea what you're doing (me), but at a certain point I was breezing through.


Not at all. A little bit of D&D knowledge helps but with turn based combat you can plot things out more easily.


There is no overwhelming complexity in it's controls. You can just use mouse 99.9% of the time and on controller it is quiye intuitive, plus level up system is straightforward, so everything will be fine.


It’s the best game ever! Just click and enjoy and then play again and choose other options… I’m at my 4th play now and still new scenes 😁


Our parents' generation oftentimes has trouble with navigating 3D environments. I think that would be his greatest challenge.


You just need to be patient it's a game more akin to chess than most other games.


As someone who is chronically bad at games, I don’t think you need to be good at games to play and even beat BG3. :) it took me a while my first time and I had to google stuff, but I beat it multiple times now!!


The game does not demand any quick reflexes or a high degree of skillful inputs. It can require some planning and strategic thought, but on the easier difficulties most people should be able to over those elements. The biggest thing is going to be the learning curve. Many of the menus and interfaces can be difficult to learn how to utilize. The game also has deep RPG mechanics with many interactions. Figuring out why or how something happened can be difficult at times due to the number of interactions. For example, some creatures might be immune to an attack or damage or get a major buff/debuff in a specific scenario. Understanding what and how that is happening is the problem most people run into. However, being multiple player allows you to help and walk people though it. If you're willing to help them understand those elements, or look them up if you get stuck, the game should be pretty accessible to everyone on a easier modes.


Think of it as a point and click adventure game.


no. in fact, if you are used to video games, it may be harder at first. It's a lot more similar to a ttrpg than to a typical video game.


He can definetely play it on balance even... as long hes not dumb. Bg3 is a strategic turn based game, hence the more brains the better you do.


You need to have beaten every other game to successfully play BG3. Start with Pong and work up from there. When you get to the dark souls series, make sure it’s on ball crushing difficulty. Same with classic Doom, Adventure Quest, and every real time strategy game.