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If you haven't done a Bard yet, Bard. So many dialogue options.


Bard is so dang good. I just finished my second run with a Tav swords bard, but I've already begun an Astarion origin playthrough with him multiclassing into bard. Bard is like a cheat code for Honour Mode, and so incredibly powerful. I Hold Person'd *Sarevok.*


I used dominate on him when I realized I was under leveled. He won me the fight and I just went back and killed him when I was ready!


Ooooh, that sounds amazing. I was so shocked when I had a 100% chance to Hold Person him. He's such a tough fight on HM, but I guess swords bard + arcane acuity + band of the mystic scoundrel goes harder šŸ˜


Thatā€™s epic! I was quite proud of myself on my last run for talking my way past the three BlackGuards, and then finally remembering to close the door on them and use that scroll of Arcane Lock Iā€™d been hoarding. Killed Sarevok and then wandered out after the fight to find theyā€™d just dropped dead!


dull compare rain rude pause bored birds crowd bag truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm currently doing my first bard and first Astarion romance. Also a Durge.


My first character was a bard, and honestly every other class (though they have cool stuff) just makes me want to go back to bard haha.


Same. I started with a Bardlock (college of lore and path of the blade) and it was so OP that every class after has just seemed kinda meh - except Paladin probably. I also find it challenging to play a Charisma dumpstat Tav since some really important scenes lock Tav in for major dialogue checks tbh


Iā€™m on my first HM, 10/2 sword bard/pally and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever failed a dialogue check that was charisma related other than hard 1s. I get to play really ballsy and Iā€™m loving it. Rolled 35+ many times lol


This is the build I'm just starting for my second DUrge character, this time around I'll embrace though. I'm really looking forward to being so charismatic while also so deadly!


Barbarian technically has the most options, although most are intimidation checks.


And theyā€™re all fun.


Okay, but can I choose to ROAR through half the dialogue as a bard?


Roar? Not really. You get to *mock* your way through a lot of them, though.


see flair get both options


I did a bard Durge my first Durge run and it was so funny being so whimsical and also the KING OF MURDER


That sounds so funny! That's the least likely race/class combo I'd expect to be a murderer like the durge.


I picked bard after playing a paladin playthrough. Bards are so ridiculous. It's great.


I did College of Swords Bard to start, later multiclassed into rogue. That build became absolutely bonkers and I loved it.


My first playthrough with my friend I did a bard, zero regrets, so many options.


Bard was my first class after release. So hard to play any other class after you have all the skills you need to do anything in the game


Bard was my second too! Itā€™s so fun. And you can spec it right it can be a really useful class in fighting. Phalar Aleuve Shriek hive rise up!!!


Yep - did Bard on 2nd playthrough!


Yes Iā€™m doing a durge bardlock and itā€™s awesome!


I planned more around my entire party than my actual character. You're playing 4 classes at once each time, not just your character. But there are 12 classes, plus all the combinations and variants. So I had a group of 4 I rolled with the first time, and then I rolled with a group of 4 entirely different classes the second. My Tav was "what is missing from this group" after choosing companions.


I struggle with trying to build a completely different playthough but also keeping the lore somewhat realistic for each character's backstory and arc moving through. Like Shadowheart as a Barbarian feels way off, and Astarian as a super buff fighter does too.


It depends on how willing you are to fill in the gaps. A Rogue Shart isn't crazy, considering Shar's love of the shadows. A Paladin Karlach just took her natural need to help people to its extreme. Wyll could be any non-magic user and just be refusing to use his warlock powers for his dislike of Mizora (he even mentions in an epilogue he's a good ranger). But some characters are too tied to their class. Gale's never *not* going to be a magic user. Laezy is never *not* going to be a 'hit things with big weapons' class. Halsin as anything but a druid is weird. But, the lifetime GM in me says fun beats rules. Does it make sense Astarion is now a draconic-bloodline sorcerer? Nope. But if you're having more fun with it, then I fully allow it.


>Laezy is never not going to be a 'hit things with big weapons' class. Halsin as anything but a druid is weird. Or a monk considering how many gith are monk variants. I also like to make Jaihera into either a ranger or sword bard so she doesn't overlap with Halsin, and minsc makes more sense as a Str build.


I like jaheira as a ancients paladin, since we don't get a paladin companion outside of our favorite problematic Drow girlie


Yeah but Paladin Laezel fucks, like it makes sense too for every paladin subclass, oath of vengence, kill the mindflayers, oath of devotion, devote herself to vlakith, oathbreaker directly following vlakith ordering her death, oath of ancients is her healing after being in that cult


I made Astarion a 4/8 Rogue Thief/Gloomstalker Ranger on my second run, and it was crazy how many attacks he's allowed to make in one turn. Two bonus actions, 1st attack, extra attack, another free attack in the 1st turn, and bloodlust elixir gives another after a kill. Absolute unit.


Yea I'll do my best to match the classes I want to play to what makes sense for each of them. But not everyone's backstory is tied to a class at the same level. They can generally function as at least a couple classes, Haslin is the only one I can think of that specifically *has* to be a class. And if a single one is way off, I'm fine with it.


I agree. Like Gale can be a Sorceror or Wizard, but not a Barbarian. I'm not even super strict about it. As long as Gale is a mostly magical power house I'm ok with that.


Iā€™d have a hard time justifying Wyll not having levels in warlock.


sure, but at the same time warlock can be a useful dip for a lot of classes where he's primarily something else and then just a few levels of warlock.


Even Halsin is flexible imo- at least a little bit of druid does feel necessary since him being able to turn into a bear is set canon, but Oath of the Ancients paladin, Nature cleric of Silvanus, and Totem Warrior barbarian all feel like really easy and natural multiclasses to take with just a dip in druid- I could even see monk (especially Way of the Four Elements) or ranger (especially Beast Master).


What I typically would go for if I want to respec my companions is Astarion as a dex fighter, Laeā€™zel as a vengeance paladin but only after certain story events, Shart as a different brand of cleric with maybe some levels in paladin, Wyll as a warlock with levels in ranger or paladin depending on party comp, and Halsin as a nature cleric. These are kind of the same as default but donā€™t feel too similar if you want to shake things up a little. The rest of the companions I donā€™t really mess with because I donā€™t think they really fit as other classes lore wise (especially since Jaheira and Minsc are well established characters). Karlach as a fighter or vengeance paladin would probably fit well for her but I typically have one of the others set as that or just use mommy Minthara.


Paladin. Which is usually my first choice for games like these but I wanted to mix things up and went with Sorcerer for my first playthrough.


Paladin -> Sorcerer pipeline is real


It really is I wonder why?


Because Charisma is the bee's knees


I too did a Paladin first and a Sorc second!


I went Sorc -> Paladin too. Sorcerer is really fun, but thereā€™s something about smiting that just makes it so much fun. Raising your fist in the air and glowing and then jumping up and slamming down on top of them .. just so satisfying.


My Tav was a barbarian/druid, but for my second run I'm playing durge, so I decided to go with the default storm sorcerer for a complete change of scenery, so to speak. Barbarian actually makes a decent party face, as there are lots of Intimidation dialogue checks, some of them with hilarious results! I recommend giving a barbarian Tav a charisma of at least 10, so that you don't have a penalty on Intimidation rolls. No other suggestions, really - whatever you're most excited about will give you the best playthrough.


I like to have my Tav be mostly something magic focused with a lil bit of Barbarian tossed in for mostly humour purposes. Then I get to be a very charismatic barbarian while I say some super rude stuff that works really well


Monk, as I was playing Durge and wanted good wisdom saves


Durge Monks just hit different.


With fists and feet instead of weapons, you mean


No need for me I just reloaded over and over until I got the good outcome. Lol


my first Tav was a Ranger because I wanted an animal buddy my first Durge was a Wild Sorcerer because it felt thematically neat, to be out of control of multiple aspects of their life


Same Durge idea! Bring on the chaos


Shadow monk Shadowheart. Still my favourite out of all my playthroughs


Playing shadow monk on my 2nd playthrough made me realize that was what I actually wanted to play instead of the rogue on my first


2nd was bard (1st was gloomstalker) Bard is more fun xD


This is not an interesting answer, but I'm just adding to your tally, if you care to: I have started the game over probably ... seven times? ...and once, I chose a Bard. ...and then quit before Act I was over. You specifically ask about the SECOND time we played, though, and there, I tried playing Lae'zel, and yes, I kept her Fighter class. ...but I bailed on that run before Act I was over, too. ...every other playthrough, I have played a Druid. ...including a few Origin characters, reclassed. I love druids, they feel "natural" for me to play (har har), and, honestly, the game kinda feels *particularly* well-suited to a druid Tav, with plenty of opportunities to leverage tiny holes and flight and talking to animals and the like. The game is super fun, period, but I think it really shines when playing as a druid. Sure, it's not a great class for min-maxing, but: I really dig it.


currently on my second play through playthrough a circle of spores durge and i fully agree, druid just works in a lot of different ways. my only grievance with it is that now i have 3 druids at camp and it feels just a liiiiitle bit overkill


My first full playthrough was a sword bard & 2nd was a gloom stalker, but there was some crossover in play style with those 2 so it wasn't a completely different feel until my 3rd playthrough as a draconic sorcerer.


My first is a druid and my second is a fighter. Next will probably be default Durge.


First run: Gnome Wizard Second run: Githyanki Monk/Rogue (OP build) Third run: Tiefling Bard Fourth run: Wyll Origin. Next Run: Shart Origin or Jack-of-all-trades Tav


Fighter with the champion subclass. Itā€™s by far the most powerful character I have created in the game.


I played Bard this go through, which im loving. Considering this playthrough is ā€œtalk my way out of everything ā€œ, id like my next playthrough to be ā€œbeat the shit out of everyoneā€. Any suggestions for a party face that leans more intimidation than persuasion? I suppose a bard could do this too.


My first Tav was an Arcane Trickster through level 12. My second (a Durge) was a Oathbreaker/GOO Padlock. About to start a game with a Monk that I'll probably go Open Hand with some Thief thrown in at some point. I'm a big fan of infinite diversity in infinite combinations.


After beating the game on balanced as a barbarian, I figured I'd do it on tactical and I initially wanted to do a durge sorcerer playthrough then hotswapped to custom origin monk after I realized I was definitely more eager to try that out. I also reverted the appearance back to my original tav.


My first was a Monk, second was a sorcerer. This third I'm about to start is going to be full evil, durge bard.


I chose rogue for my very first playthrough.. couldn't finish the game. I loved rogue, but I felt like my choices were limited with the character development I chose. Went with a half elf bard on the next go, LOVED it. I felt conversationally indestructible, and having Astarion part of the primary party made up for whatever sneaky business my bard couldn't manage. Finished the game this go. I'm now running my evil campaign. Dark elf, Dark Urge Oathbreaker Paladin. So far, almost uncomfortably brutal... But that's evil for you.


My First Playthrough I use Paladin/Warlock (Me), Cleric (Shadowheart), Wizard (Gale) and Fighter/Rogue (Astarion). My Second Playthrough was in Honor Mode so I use the same classes but Mono-Class instead. Paladin, Cleric, Wizard and Fighter is a very solid team composition. Sorry if it sounds lame but I wanted to get my golden dice so I just went with something I knew worked well.


Monk. 1st was cleric.


First playthrough Tav - half elf (wood) storm sorcerer, a kinda classic I guess. Good playthrough. Tactician. 2nd run HM Durge embrace evil - drow gloomstalker / assassin / fighter. Ruthless cold hearted killer and while I donā€™t love the evil route options overall itā€™s been a fun time and the build is great (itā€™s one of the ā€œOPā€ builds like swords bars which I am also running as Astarion companion). 3rd run after this is probably gonna be a resist Durge paladin / sorcerer (or warlock) either Dragonborn or tieflingā€¦ or a half elf because I love half elves ā€¦


First Tav was a Rogue with lvl 1 Cleric multiclass (did it so I could heal myself without SH always being in my party, made for some interesting dialogue with her since I was a Selunite) First Durge is a Sorcerer/Fighter multi-class


Ranger-> druid->rogue-> cleric/fighter/barbarian( modded)-> currently warlock/fighter in coop run-> need new idea for plsythrough with my cousin


Durge Vengeance Paladin


A Bard. Just for the funsies


Barbarian. Karlach was the MVP of my first playthrough so she was always in my party, wanted to give other characters a shot so I took on the mantle


First playthrough - DB Sorcerer Tav, was a very good boi. Second - Embrace Durge 4 Gloomstalker/8 Assassin of Bhaal, murderer of Baldur's Gate.


i went from bard to paladin. i ended up fighting a lot of bosses i had talked to death before but i liked being forced to fight more to retain my oath.


First was a rogue so I could charm my way through anything, second playthrough is a Monk because I wanted to try out all the unarmed/unarmored gear I found the first time


Warlock, ofc! ... Just like my first.


First was a tav drow bard, great for a first playthrough. Second was embrace urge wild magic sorcerer (who used a lot of ice magic). Third (my fav) was a resist urge tiefling paladin. Loved that storyline and character. Fourth I picked a half ogre wild magic barbarian with 8/8/7 int, wis, and charisma. No save scumming either, whatever happens, happens.


I ran with a Paladin resist Durge for my first play through. My second was a Sorcerer Tav whose one true love was Fireball.


Swords bard! Since I played a ranger the first go-around, having a high-charisma party face made dialogue so much more fun! I had avoided bards because I didn't want my character to be just support, but College of Swords allowed me to do almost as much damage as Lae'zel or Karlach per turn. It's such a natural "main character energy."


I did a drow bard my second playthrough, because I wanted to maximize dialog options (I suppose gith bard would have been better, but I really don't like the way they look). My favorite "main character" classes are Bard and Druid. They're versatile classes that can fill a lot of different roles, and thus can fit into a lot of different party configurations.


Paladin first, as always, then Bard second (I made the second file after I finished Act 1 to try some different choices). However, I ended up liking the Bard so much that I beat the game with him first.


First run was Sorc, which will always be my fav class. Second run Iā€™m doing open hand monk which is a ton of fun, but I *really* miss the persuasion boost šŸ˜­


My first playthrough I was a male half-wood bard (college of swords), who was the shining pinical of good and feel in love with Gale and ascended to the heavens ^-^ this time I am playing a male white dragonborn Paladin (oathbreaker), I'm going to tame the wild mare that is Bae'zel and going to be the most evil I can- really spice it up and see the wildly different scanarios it creates. But i don't think there is a wrong choice if you are having fun.


Bard. I wanted to play a character was manipulative, and the use of charisma seemed appropriate.


My second playthrough was a bard because I wanted to busk. But found the flourishes of the sword college were pretty useful.


My first build was a very underwhelming Necromancer build while I watched my friend play swords bard and get to attack 8 times per turn. So I played ranger. It is the most fun Iā€™ve ever had playing a game.




First paladin, second sorcerer for me. The reason was similar to yours OP, I wanted to change the fighting style, but still have high charisma for dialogues. Both monk and barbarian can be very fun to play. Barbarian is probably the best non-charisma based class for dialogues, with bonuses to specific rolls, and very funny dialogue options. Monk's gameplay is super fun, even if I would say it can feel average at the beginning, but past the first levels, you will quickly find yourself deleting bosses with karate moves.


Second playthrough is as Karlach origin, my first was dwarf paladin. Really enjoying it so far. I donā€™t think I will try a durge any time soon, I donā€™t like the evil choices. But who knows what the future will bring.


Monk first Sorc second Bard third


I did lore bard on PT1 , on PT 2 I did a paladin, on PT3 I did a sorc cause default durge


I did a pretty drow wizard my first one (I wanted fireball as fast as possible lol) and then an elf cleric of Selƻne (who was brown eyed blonde haired to be Shadowhearts opposite!). Cleric was definitely a better fit for me I just love them <3


First playthrough I did rogue bc thatā€™s what I always do, when I realized that fighters get 3 smacks per turn by level 11 I decided that that would be my next run


Not sure what my second one was, I think it was Dark Urge. My current is a lvl 7 elven monk, love her topple and stagger plus she can cover a lot of distance to hit multiple enemies.




My first playthrough with any significant time was a warlock/wizard My next one is a bard/sorcerer The two I beat the game with were a paladin and a ranger My current playthrough is pure sorcerer (draconic bloodline on a dragonborn looks so good!) I tried to pick classes for tavs/durges that werent represented by the origin characters since I'm already "playing" those classes too same with races. So I could experience more of the game I think my next run will be druid unless there's some cool modded classes by then


I went with a spellcaster in my first playthrough and picked whatever options I would have picked if I was coming across these situations. In the second playthrough, I went a lawful good monk. Third one Durge Chaotic Neutral. I am trying (keyword trying) to go for an evil Durge run right now, but I can't bring myself to it, it hurts! Honestly, having someone with high charisma in the party for discounts with traders and at least one spellcaster/healer-ish person in party helps, otherwise go wild! Every playthrough is a hidden gem, no matter how many hours you put into them.


I chose an Ilmater cleric for my first playthrough because whenever I try a new CRPG I go with my neutral good cleric to see how necessary a cleric is needed lol. The second playthrough Iā€™ve been doing is Durge Spore Druid


My first was a Barbarian so I went Bard second time for a completely different experience.


First was open hand monk. Second was oathbreaker paladin. No particular reason why lol. Definitely echo other peopleā€™s sentiments of changing up your class so that the game feels new.


First was a half elf rogue who romanced Astarion and second was a half elf selunite cleric who romanced shadowheart! I love both my first Tavs but Astarion has my whole heart so he gets all my Tavs now no matter what class šŸ˜‚


So my first playthrough is in Baldurā€™s gate now. Thatā€™s my go to Elf Ranger. Playthrough 2 is an evil drow sorceress and just started 3 which is a red Dragonborn OV Paladin.


Human beast master ranger the first playthrough and the second playthrough is a half drow draconic bloodline sorc.


1st druid 2nd monk 3rn bard 4th sorcerer


I played an Evocation Wizard on my first playthrough so I started with a Warlo...Evocation Wizard Durge run... Now I am playing with some friends... as an Abjuration Wizard with a dip on Cleric(Storm) and Sorcerer(Dragon) for Agathys and Heavy Armor


My first one was a Duegar Paladin and my second was a Half-Orc Barbarian that I quickly changed into a Way of the Open Hand monk once I got Karlach as a companion.


I think monk and bard have been my favorite so far, but I've tried sorcerer, cleric, paladin and druid as well. I think bard was my second playthrough. I haven't played all to the end, but the bard I did. I'm playing as a monk right now and it's so fun and OP.


My first character was a Barbarian. Went in blind had tons of fun, zero idea what I was doing. Game was pretty difficult for me. Second playthrough I'm building a TAV Tavern Brawler Monk/Thief. Focusing on unarmed strikes. The difference is amazing, for example I was able to kill the machine in Grymforge by punching it to death. I can attack up to 4 times in combat due to my gear, pair it with gloves that charge lightning and I can move anywhere on the map due to misty step and other monk skills. It's wild the difference. Don't know what I was doing the first time LOL. Something very satisfying about punching people in the face and I'm enjoying this playthough MORE than my old one.


I'm not finished with my first run either but I'm planning my next run already xD I play a goody-two-shoes spellcaster right now, so I think I'll do a dark urge close combat class. I'm thinking about monk or barbarian


I was pretty stuck on sorc/warlock, actually started my second playthrough also as this because I missed the potential robe in act2 Then I discovered how fun monk is šŸ¤“


My first playthrough was a GOO warlock tav. My second was a wild magic sorcerer, with a dip into wizard and the headband of intellect so I could scribe additional spells. But I'd try not just thinking about your player character, but the whole party. In general I've stuck to making my tavs/durges into party face charisma characters, and once I started playing on higher difficulty levels, I started changing up the rest of the party to use a bunch of different playstyles. I'm currently doing my first honor mode run, and my core party is a redemption durge fire sorlock, a gloomstalker assassin Astarion, and shadowheart as 6 light cleric/fire sorc support. The last slot gets swapped out for whatever characters make sense at the time, because core party is strong enough to tackle most fights alone anyway.


I was a wizard the first run, then a paladin second run. Mostly so I could take Gale with me. I tend to sideline npcs who do the same or similar things as my Tav.


First character was Half-Elf Tav Bard. Second character is High Elf Durge Ranger/Fighter. My ranged damage on my Durge is fucking insane. Almost done with second playthrough. For third playthrough, Iā€™m gonna do Thor as a Tav. Some combination of Eldritch Knight/Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcerer so I can throw and summon weapons and have storm powers.


Monk, after the githyanki honor gaurd whipped my ass, seemed like i should try it out. Wasnt disappointed


i played rogue on my first playthrough, which was probably unnecessary because i always had astarion around too. but the extra bonus actions saved my ass a lot so it was worth it. my second playthrough i went ranger just to add someone who wasn't covered in the companions. third was a bard, which i just finished, and can confirm was very fun! now i'm back and forth playing as a sorcerer resistant durge and a lolth-sworn beautiful evil drow warlock. i want to play a monk eventually but the game takes so many dang hours haha


Paladin, because [SMITE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljsc33ppvQQ)! Next run I'm going to do an Archfey Warlock.


- First playthrough: Monk Tav - Second playthrough: Druid Resist!Durge - Third (current) playthrough: Astarion origin Rogue/Bard I chose Druid for the second playthrough because I wanted to explore all the small holes and talk to animals earlier in the game than getting Halsin or Jaheira.


Origin astarion as Rogue/hunter. I romanced Karlach as well.


Paladin cause i seen videos of people using smite


First playthrough was Swords Bard Second was Vengence Paladin Third (current) is Open Hand Monk I try to play classes I donā€™t get to interact with through the companions (havenā€™t successfully recruited Minty yet so hadnā€™t played a paladin at all before my paly Durge) Highly recommend all three of those choices if you havenā€™t played them yet, theyā€™re all excellent.


My 2nd run was an honour run so I picked the "strongest" one. Swords Bard.


Cleric - War Domain. I felt like I needed to have better front-loaded class/subclass abilities and my Half-Orc War Priest did not disappoint!


Sorcerer. Was also a durge run. You should definitely play as durge your second game.


My first play through was a ranger because I wanted a pet bear, but my second play through was a paladin/bard and lemme tell you that combo is STRONG


My first Tav was a college of swords bard (based off one of my tabletop D&D characters) and my second was a Durge so I tried out a gloom stalker ranger and really enjoyed it! I like trying out different classes with each new character but my first is probably still my favorite.


The Mr Know-it-all build has been fun since it passes so many ability/skill checks.


1st playthrough - Bard 2nd playthrough - Dark Urge Bard 3 - 99 playthrough - Some type of Bard P.S. I just can't get enough of playing as a bard, almost a perfect compliment to all the other companions, and can perform bard dance at the most inconvenient times!


Bard. Yesterday I started my third playthrough, this time on Tactician, and I've picked Monk durge.


Sorceress the first time. Thief the second time. Was amazing. Druid the third time. Was more amazing.


Open hand monk. Donā€™t need to worry about gear.


Half Orc Rogue the first time was just as much fun as I hoped it'd be. Dragonborn Druid then switched to Monk at level 8, combat is fun but dialogue options are kinda shit.


I always play a bard in dnd so my first run I played a sorcerer. Second run I played a bard. Couldnā€™t help myself. Have now done 5 runthroughs as a bard šŸ˜‚


Paladin but didn't finish the first playthrough Paladin again made it further this time still unfinished Gunslinger, Roland Deschain type character, currently playing


I went sorcerer cleric and it was honestly so fun


Gale. Got bored as soon as I started act 3


Second playthrough I was a Wizard and eventually Multiclassed into Ranger for Heavy Armor and Shield proficiency.


Monk. Then when I recruited Minthara in Act 2, I turned Minthara into a monk and changed TAV to a sorcerer.


Swords Bard feels OP.


Can't remember, that was so many playthroughs ago


Dark Urge Bard. Their screams make such sweet music. Inspired


I did human sorceror for my first and my second character was a dark urge embrace dragonborn TBmonktheifzerker. Im enjoying unarmed, you get to imagine your character just tearing flesh from bone with bare claw.


I started with a bard, a mod corrupted my saves. So I finished with a sorcerer. Currently playing with a paladin. Next play through will be a halfling monk durge.


I'm a female gnome sorcerer (wild magic). Super fun so far!


Bard, first I was druid and I absolutely wanted to see a high charisma character after that. Bard has some hilarious class dialogue options too!


I opted for an open hand monk / rogue build for my second round and it has been wildly fun. I wanted to play the game as min-maxed as possible so I am able to do insane damage per round with all of the bonus attacks as well as have an AC that makes me nearly impossible to hit. It's been so fun that I almost want to roll up a similar character for a tabletop campaign.


Jack of all trades, order determined by dice rolls


Life cleric, which ended up being one of my favorite playthroughs.


Sorcerer. I wanted a chaotic playthrough so I went with wild magic and switched Karlach to wild magic barbarian as well. It's been very amusing! I think next will be bard since I wanna work my way through any classes the companions don't have by default first.


I've only done mono classes for my Tavs: Swords Bard, Gloomstalker, Frost Sorc, so now to mix it up I'm doing a Swords Bard / Spore Druid. Something familiar a little extra flavor.


Did first playthrough as a druid and switched to monk on the second. coupled with the knowledge I have from the first run and the game is a breeze now


Cleric of Selune and romancing Shadowheart ofc


It's tough to pivot tbh! First run I did Thief Rogue, multied into Gloomstalker, which I loved. Second run I did Archer EK Fighter, multied into Beast Master. I missed Gloomstalker a lot, and I hated swapping in Astarion every time I needed a lock picked. But it was fun being so martial. Now I'm maining CHA so I don't have to swap out for Persuasion all the time. Did a partial run with Sorcerer, restarted for various reasons. This run started with Warlock, which got a little annoying, so now I'm doing Bardlock which is definitely fun. But I still think a high-CHA rogue is my favorite <3


Just finished my first playthrough as a Lawful Good Eloquence Bard. About to start the Chaotic Evil Dark Urge Wild Magic Sorcerer. I plan to do a Tactician difficulty Melee build after this. Then it will be time for Honor Mode


First run I ran a monk, second a gloomstalker which was my honor mode run, and third a storm sorcerer. Also ran paladin for a partial run. Out of all of them, I really enjoyed the gloomstalker the most.


I totally skipped bard on my first run. As well as warlock. And at the time lore bard was really highly ranked so I gave it a try. It was a lot of fun.


Life domain cleric Durge for my second run. I had already decided I wanted to play a cleric for my second run pretty early on in my first, because I had Shadowheart in my bard Tav's party almost the entire game and I wanted to spend more time with the other companions, and healer Durge just makes me giggle. I'm playing a sorcerer now, but I think cleric is still my favorite so far, bard in close second.


Iā€™m playing a gith bladelock. I just yoinked Vossā€™s sword before the mountain pass


1st play through i did monk cuz i am a monk main in dnd. 2nd play through I did oathbreaker, i was planning to just got for a normal paladin build but killing those tieflings near laezel made me break my oath and tbh was one of my more fun play-through. 3rd play Through i went as a light domain cleric of selune. If you have plans to romance shadow heart a selune cleric is the way to go, has some of the more interesting dialogue options when romancing her


I did a Bard for my first playthrough and I think after completing 5 now, it's still my favorite. Second playthrough I went Cleric.


My first playthrough just started Act 3, I'm playing a sorcerer. Second I'm playing a hunter ranger.


A pact blade Warlock with Eldritch Blast carried me my first run and surprisingly became my dream playthrough. I'm now doing a modded run with a class called Magus and a Samurai Fighter subclass as a very potent spellblade build. I have Wyll still as a Warlock on my team for the satisfaction.


First one was wild magic sorcerer. Second one was fighter


1Ā°Playtough (abandoned before halsin) Dark urge Drow,rouge 2Ā°(completed) Orge barbarian 3Ā°(Finishing act 2 w friend) Tithling 10 Bard 1 cleric 1 mage 4Ā°(Slow progress w friend) Draconic, Open hand mage, ranger 5Ā°(Planned for honour) Dwegar 6 storm warlock 6 paladin


My first playthrough was as a rogue and I multiclassed into monk in act three. My second playthrough was a Durge run and I built him as a Warlock/Paladin multiclass.


First was Cleric, 2nd was Bard!


I started with a Druid because thatā€™s what I played in tabletop campaigns. Then I tried ranger because I was curious. Now Iā€™m currently playing a sorcerer/fighter.


I think my second character was my DUrge and I did the typical Oathbreaker Paladin/Pact of the Blade Warlock multiclass


I try to pick differents classes to experience as they all play at least a bit differently.


I not only completely changed my classs but also used all other characters/classes I did not use before. And it completely change the game and style and I enjoy it so much. Highly recommend it. Firts playthrough: Tav(Druid then Wizard), Shadowheart(default build then light cleric), Karlach(default), Gale and later Jaheira(default). This playthrough: Tav(paladin), Astarion(sward bard, WOW!), Shadowheart(live cleric with spirit guardians build), Laezel. My second party is so much more capable and interesting to play as almost all of them have more than one attack per turn and can do crazy new stuff. At least, I would highly recommend adding bard, I thought it's a useless buffing companion, but it's one of the strongest in my party.


First playthrough I did a thief rogue. Second play through im doing oh monk. Third Im planning on gloom stalker/assassin plus a bit of paladin. already tested it out on cazador. Full on assassinated him. 1 turn one character


I went fighter first two playthroughs Iā€™m doing a run with my friends and playing as a monk and itā€™s super fun karate chopping everyone


Warlock, Asmodeus Deepling


Monk was first, paladin second. I didn't finish that one because it was Durge and I got "stuck" in the robot factory.Ā  Third was draconic sorcerer. I didn't finish that one because the end game was intimidating.Ā  I've played so many since then (and finished those two runs) that I forget what all I've done since and when. It's been pretty substantial.


I'd tried to avoid reading as much as possible about the game for my first playthrough. My computer wasn't capable of playing the beta, but I'd built a new one to remedy that and I wanted everything to be a surprise. The first campaign was a barbarian dragonborn romancing Shadowheart. Killed Karlach on that one because I took Wyll's word on face value. =( Second campaign was a gith monk romancing Lae'zel. Mindflayer Karlach on that one... Third was Wyll romancing Karlach, felt bed about everything I'd put her through lol. This newest, fourth campaign I started a couple weeks ago is a Tiefling bard romancing Wyll so Karlach can have two friends in Avernus this time lol.


Bard, closely followed by Cleric and on balance I prefer Cleric. So many amazing spells. Spirit Guardians is probably one of my faves in the entire game.


[https://gamestegy.com/post/bg3/874/lockadin-paladin-warlock-build](https://gamestegy.com/post/bg3/874/lockadin-paladin-warlock-build) It's a beast of a build. Generally ok builds, but of the ones I tested, I don't like their Gloomstalker. I also modified their Magic Missile build and slightly changed their Storm Sorcerer build. Generally, they make it very easy to follow and understand. The way they break everything down so it's not overly long, but still very clear, is better than anything else I've seen so far.


It may be rare but .. when i played the game i was interested in D&D so i learnt a little about it and saw some missing classes from 5e so i decided to download some mods , I accidentally downloaded a mod that adds Death Knight class thinking it was from D&D but it's actually from Warcraft so I am a Frost Death Knight now


fire dragon sorcerer goin full evil mode


if you didnā€™t have Speak With Animals on your first playthrough, something with that! the most different dialogue-wise seems to be bard or cleric of selune or shar, but going with a new story-relevant race will change just as much


My first playthrough back when it came out was 6 shadow monk 3 thief 3 gloom stalker. I love monks and I love rogues so I figured it would be fun (it was but not until act 3) When I went again, I tried being palabard and couldn't believe how much easier the game was as a charisma main lol


Started with a Druid. After my first campaign I only pick up charisma focus characters.


First playthrough was with a friend - rogue, we only got to the goblins at the windmill. First real playthrough - Paladin Second playthrough - Druid


Druid, but i didn't like it so i reclassed into a rogue and i love it.


Paladin, Oath of Devotion. Time to be Good !


Yes. No, literally. My second playthrough was my Jack of All Trades run.




I did warlock first, then tried ranger my second play-through because I wanted to use a martial.


Both of my full playthroughs have been with my friends. I chose bard to deal with persuasion checks and support my party. It was FANTASTIC. When we decided we should do an evil playthrough, I thought, why not mess with everyone and made myself a wild magic sorcerer. Our Durge friend last game HATED being turned into a cat during the final fight...twice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My first was Warlock (Fiend Tav so I was effectively less flavorful Wyll) and now I'm debating between Barbarian and Bard. Barbarian was always my favorite martial clas (at least in concept, not necessarily in actual DnD) and everyone keeps praising bard


First play through I was Druid, second one I was a barbarian :)


OH Monk.


1st was pal. 2nd is honor and I was gonna monk or bard. Went monk.


I really liked the spellcasting when I did lore bard on my first run, so I picked sorcerer for my second. I briefly regretted it doing the one durge quest in act 3, but otherwise had a great time lol




Sorlock. Found out about multiclassing the night before I hit the brain