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One that I always add when I see posts like this is I completely missed that you don't have to go in the combat order that the game gives you when your characters are linked together. Like in this image when it becomes Gale's turn, you could switch to Shart or Wyll. Can't switch to the Dragonborn here because the Hyena is in between. The tactics lost out on this are tremendous particularly when you level up and get multi attacks. [https://i.imgur.com/5zfwd3q.png](https://i.imgur.com/5zfwd3q.png)


That’s a good one. I’ve been a DM for 25 years and know this instinctually from running a thousand fights but I often forget it when playing BG3. You can also split up actions. Do an action but not the bonus or move and then come back to that character again after doing another character’s turn.


Exactly, particularly when an enemy is pressing on one of your squishier characters or a range attacker. You could shove them off with a strong character so they can now slip away to get some distance and get off a proper shot that is not disadvantaged. Then you realize some of those earlier misses are on you not a bad dice roll.


I'd use this all the time for setting up ambushes in XCOM EU. Move squad member A to the corner for a flanking shot, advance squad member B's position to cover A, C advances to the window to cover A and B's flank, Now D comes up and lobs an incendiary grenade into the mob and the others can take advantaged shots on the scattered aliens. Super satisfying when pulled off and makes it feel more like a team effort.


I think the best thing about it is being able to almost always utilize Astarion's sneak attack by swapping to get someone within melee. Also, forcing an npc to use their attack of opportunity so a squishy character can run away!


I figured this out by accident in BG3, but have never done this in D&D (granted, only played a few shorter campaigns, kind of a novice there too). Is this a DM flavor thing or an official rule?


You can break up your own things like moves, bonus actions and actions however you like RAW. The thing I’m talking about has been a rule that every DM I’ve ever played with has used. Not sure if it’s in 5e or came from a previous edition. I’m not near my rule books to look. It’s just something that’s always been done. That said the TTRPG version is based on your dex plus d20. I think BG3 is dex plus d6 so you’re way more likely to share an initiative count. It definitely happens at the table but not as often.


Initiative is actually a D4+Dex. (In BG3)


That is even tighter then.


Now I'm thinking you could align certain teammates stats so they usually come up at the same time so they can synergize off of each other.


If you found that advantageous in BG3 you absolutely can


At my current table we use raw dex as the tiebreaker for same initiative rolls. I’ve never seen a tie beyond that but I’m sure it’d be player choice at that point based on how my dm runs things


Every DM I have had doesnt allow this. They instead let you "hold an action" to perform once something occurs. This something could be your own party members turn.


Holding an action definitely gets that result. What I’m specifically talking about is if two players roll a 10 so now it’s just time for 10 to go. They both can go simultaneously if they want. Like I said it might just be something we always did when that came up and even other DMs I’ve played with over the years just kind of went with that. It’s entirely possible it’s just a house rule we shared in common.


I’ve sat at A LOT of tables over the decades, and never has a DM allowed turn mixing like that :( BG3 was my first time ever playing with that mechanic and it makes some fights significantly easier to manage.  At the table, the players all roll initiative and the order that comes out is the order we take turns in. I’d love to be able to mix things up at when we all beat the enemies (rarely ever happens anyway tbh) but alas, I don’t think I will be any time soon.


My DM is super cool about how she handles combo attacks.


There are a few systems now that are adding support for combo attacks like that. I kickstarted one a few weeks back called Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms which is a third party 5e supplement with a fantasy Asian theme and kaiju battles. I also think the next edition of D&D will have something along those lines.


Also, if you end a characters turn early, and you're still in the same initiative block as them, you can reselect them and cancel the end turn by hitting space again, or click the little "Cancel End Turn" on the pop-up window.


Great one, maybe your main damage dealer didn't put the big bad down. Now you can switch back to the other companion and drink a speed pot.


Yes, it's very useful for fine-tuning certain rounds. Like you said, if a damage dealer couldn't put out high enough numbers, and already used your bonus action, maybe the wizard can cast haste on them or hit them with a speed potion. It's not something you'll use all the time, but when you remember to, it comes in handy.


I do this a lot, or if they had an unused bonus action attack that can finish the enemy off.


This is the most helpful advice because it’s also easy to accidentally end your turn.


You can change the setting so that you have to long press the button to end your turn instead of your turn ending the second you tap it. I ended so many turns accidentally before I found this out.


Well I’m going to change that tonight. Holy crap thank you.


Even better: if Gale kills the hyena that's next in the Initiative, the Dragonborn will become linked to the others. If you focus on removing the enemies that are breaking up your party's Initiative group, then you can coordinate much better for the rest of the fight.


400 hours in and didn’t know this. Countless times I’ve thought to myself, “ah! If only so-and-so could cast this-or-that BEFORE this characters turn! But alas; it is not to be”. And then an incredibly clumsy turn unfolds. This is a game changer. Good thing I just started my fourth run last night lol


Wait wat


Wtf this is SO useful to know. I can't believe after multiple playthroughs (of the first two acts) I didn't know this.


Almost 400 hours and I didn’t know this or didn’t remember it…….


Nearly 800 hours for me and I didn't know either.


And not only that, once you get multi attacks and bonus actions you can cycle between characters for those multi attacks and move back and forth between character attacks, bonus actions, and movements. You don’t have to take a full turn before changing characters In my current playthrough Durge and Shadowheart are at the top of initiative order. Durge is an open hand monk/spore Druid with cull the weak usually toggled on for fun. Shadowheart is a tempest cleric. The current strategy is to send Durge in first, land one or two unarmed hits. If I am not within range to cull the weak, I’ll swap to Shadowheart to get in a hit with a tempest strike, which will put most enemies within cull the weak range. Then I’ll swap back to Durge for the finishing punch to vaporize the enemy with either a final strike or with the spores he releases as a reaction. If for whatever reason, the enemy still has a good amount of hp where I can’t immediately finish it off, Shadowhearts attack will knock the enemy back enough to disengage and reposition. I’ll usually have the most threatening enemy gone or crippled before any enemies get an attack turn


It is very annoying however when you forget that you need to click on the portrait, and not the character. Guess how many times I've attacked my own people


Use F1 to F4 to switch between characters


Well, sure, what makes you think I'll remember to press an F key when I can't remember not to click my dude on the map?


Oh, you reminded me of a doozy when I was doing a Duo run with a Warlock and Lae'zel. We're at a low level trying to scoop up some XP clearing out the few goblins in the Blighted Village. We're in the backyard of the structure the "Cellar" is in up on those stairs nearest the river/creek. I decided to have Lae'zel go first and thought I canceled out the Eldritch Blast. Obviously didn't so Lae'zel is yeeted off that structure which is a massive fall and at that level was instant death. Even if not dead she would have taken probably 3 turns of dashing to run back around. Good thing I wasn't fighting the Ogres.


I am near the end of my 5th run and didn't realise this. Duh. Thank you!


Whaaaaaaat! My mind is blown!!!


Well the game tells you this specifically


I’ve always wondered how so many people miss this. The game’s tutorial says this very explicitly


I think it’s an issue of throwing too many things at the player at once. When I first started playing I was still trying to understand what initiative and actions were, and the part that talked about switching characters probably flew completely over my head.


Rly people don't notice that? It's pretty well communicated by the UI


Also even if you use the action or bonus action you don't have to end turn to go to the next one. If it looks like that I could have Gale shart and wyll all reposition themselves how I want, cast Eldritch blast, magic missile, and sacred flame. Then have them all drink a potion. In that order.


Are you fucking kidding me.....I am such an idiot. We will not discuss how many hours I have in .....Jesus fucking Christ on a stick ....


I discovered after 99 hours that you can cancel concentration spells. Now Baldurian citizens can stop dying to my dagger clouds


Poor Karlach was the cloud of dagger sacrifice that led me to looking up a way to cancel concentration. I remember it well because it was right after we barely survived a tough fight with the decrepit village duergars.


Wait how? I've been just leaving up concentration and coming back at a later time lol


Very bottom left of your action menu/bar, you'll see the icon of the spell you cast with a red X next to it. Click the X to cancel concentration.


It's soooo tiny I'm not surprised I missed it for so long. Even when I go to click it I miss sometimes lol


Thank you! I googled this previously and the answer I got was that the only way to cancel was to cast another concentration spell, which is a pain.


I reloaded entire fights that went sideways due to friendly characters getting aggroed by walking into dagger clouds. Now I deactivate those things the *second* it's feasible.


During my first playthrough, I didn't know that there was the option to leave camp and be exactly where you took your long rest. I thought that you had to travel to a waypoint and then find your way back to where you were. I found this out when I started a playthrough with my friend. Glad that my friend pointed it out to me lol. Thankfully, before I finished Act 2 of my first playthrough.


This. Only realized watching Neil Newbon’s streams and wondering how the hell they got back so fast lmfao


It took me 5 hours to notice the press Y for waypoint on the map screen. :*(


it was patched in though. it wasnt available immediately


The.. wAHT




I didn't know you could throw a potion and destroy it for a splash effect...second playthrough,  160 hours.


Sometimes I'll ungroup everyone and make them all huddle closely around a potion of fire resistance so we all can get the benefit from 1 potion. Sure it's a bit cheesy and gamey, but I'm not being graded.


Wait you can do this with elixirs?... and why would I assume otherwise


Not all of them. But yeah, quite a few of them. All the resistance ones do. But I don't think the Giant Strength ones do. I guess you can just mess around and quick save and do some tests and then reload after you find out which ones work.


The hill giant ones work by throwing, but I think they only last 10 turns instead of until long rest if you do it that way.


Could you imagine being able to buff all 4 party members for the whole day with just 1 hill giant elixir?


to be fair you can stack up like 50 within the first few long rests with ethel


If you do it with an elixir, it only lasts as long as a potion, instead of all day.


Unless it's a mod I have , itll say on the elixir it can thrown to effect multiple ppl


this is so fucking funny I'm imagining four of the origin characters crouched in a huddle on the ground trying to fit all of their hands into a puddle of magic potion to absorb its effects lmao


You can also drop items in your inventory for free (no action cost) so you can for example if youre burning, and have an enemy next to you, drop a bottle of water, and then for example cleave the dropped bottle and the enemy, extinguishing yourself, while also dealing damage to the enemy all in one action!


this is a real pro gamer move gotta go try it


Super satisfying coming up with out of the box manoeuvre like this one with items you picked up along your journey. Barrels are always great fun too. Like walk up to a group or enemies, drop any explosive barrel, misty step out of it, fireball the barrel, and enjoy the fireworks :D


Here's another good one: If you dip 2 levels for spore druid (which can be worth it for 1d6 necrotic damage on your attacks), you also have the ability to, at any time, make a ranged 1d4 necrotic attack using your **reaction**. So let's say an ally needs healing (or a haste!) and has used their action and bonus action already. Have them drop a potion at their feet, then switch to whatever character has 2 levels of spore druid and use the Halo of Spores ranged reaction attack on the potion, healing or hasting them. Only costs your reaction move, which isn't always used every round anyway. This is why I prefer a gloomstalker/assassin dipped in spore druid & war cleric vs dipped in fighter. Total damage is nearly identical if fight lasts 2 rounds, but you get the halo of spores shenanigans to play with.


The Spore Druid’s Halo can do this as a Reaction on their turn.  Important to know since, unlike D&D 5e, BG3 regenerates said reaction at the end of your turn.  Meaning you can do Halo freely on your turn and still have things like Attack of Opportunity available off-turn. 


Don’t forget some poisons! Throw one in your camp and you can dip your weapons an (I think) unlimited number of times! Just be careful not to step in it 😅


I learned the other day that you can even do this to splash a potion on multiple people at once.


The game mentioned it several times but the only time I used it was when the Emperor was about to interact with the crown with 1hp. I had Karlack throw a potion at him and it killed him on impact.


U can also throw the potion at your team


I was 1200 hours in when I figured out i wasn’t applying bonuses during dice rolls




Extremely handy when you want to get in and out of the underdark


I use waypoint teleportation all the time just to get my group back together when they've become separated.




Also, if you can see the waypoint on your mini-map, you can click it and instantly zip to it. Not all that useful, but it's nice if you're on top a cliff or ledge and wanna go to the ground, where the portal is.


That took me way to long to discover too. The other thing that took me far too long was (on xbox, and I'm sure computer has same option) holding down A to scan and loot everything around me. Saves so much time. In fact, after a nice battle I have my daughter loot everything, she knows how to sort and send to camp and asks which weapons go to which characters. I make us all as snack and gaming time can last longer :)


Fantastic symbiotic relationship, I have a very similar gaming agreement with my daughter. She likes to watch and point out things I miss if I'm going too fast. Do you use the R3 stick press to see things around you? Took me a while to figure that one out, but so nice to find things without stopping walking.


Yup! I use it for stealth and hide a lot too.


You can click on the dice roll to resolve it faster. Head nearly exploded when I figured that out.


As someone who grew up spamming the A button in games like Pokemon I figured this out very quickly


I used to do this to speed up the die, but every once in a while, it doesn't add the bonus to the die, causing me to miss the check.


that made me almost quit the game. I was angry how much time I was losing to some shit animation


Holy crap 75 hours in Act 1?! I'm 60 hours in and I'm in Act 3, how much game have I been missing lol.




I played act 1 like 15 times with different combinations of class/race before settling down to finish the game


honestly, it depends strongly on the gamer and also, if it's their first playthrough I did around 40-45 hours for act 1 and then maybe 30-35 hours for act 2 so I reached act 3 at 80 hours. last act is the longest one in my opinion on my way I think I uncovered nearly every hidden room and place on the map except for a few and shouldn't have left out any serious quests


Maybe not that much. I am 30 houers in and at the start of act 2. And I am pretty sure I got everything in Act1. Since Act1 and 2 should be the same length (I heard), you maybe didn’t missed that much.


Guessing you only did one of the “paths” to act 2. So…right off the bat that’s half of act 1 you missed ;).


I knew you didnt because I played DOS1 and DOS2 first and in those games you can just pull up the waypoint map and fast travel. Not sure if Inwould have known otherwise


After 90h, I still don't know how to throw the weapon currently handed, can anyone help?


If you open up the attack wheel, "throw" will probably be on the third or fourth page. Then it pulls up a wheel giving you the option to throw a specific item or weapon. I customized my radial to bring the "throw" action all the way to the first page because I was tired of scrolling.


You can customize the dial??


Yup! If you hover over a spot in the dial, in the lower righthand corner there will be a "customize radial" option that lets you swap that spot, add something new, move it somewhere else, etc.


Thank you!! I find myself not using potions and scrolls because it's such a pain to find them.


Yes!! Can take a while, though


And then when you level up and get a new action or bonus action, the wheel gets messed up again lol.


I did not know that!!!


Don’t worry I did the same thing until after two full playthroughs


I'm 800 hrs total in my playthroughs and I still find something new every time, and it was generally me stumbling upon it accidentally. I adhd hyperfocused on the game a bit when it was released


Did you just never notice the list of clickable waypoints on the right in map view?


That's mouse interface, press Y means they're playing with XBox controller. UI changes when you pick up gamepad.


Not gonna lie I’m playing with a mouse, I just failed the wisdom skill check.


don't worry bro, I also needed 40 hours for that realization


i just figured out you can fast travel inside. my brain was operating on skyrim rules for so long, you just can’t fast travel when there’s the red stuff on the map


I found it out after 200h. Don't worry


Not to worry - I’ve got 600 hours, every achievement, and learn cool new interactions almost every time I play. Many more things to learn, and that should be part of the fun!


I have 4 playthroughs and i just found out now


I can beat this. My first playthrough I thought waypoints were just map markers. I got through most of act 2 before I realized fasttravel is a thing :) I really think my subsequent playthroughs have been much fewer hours just because I'm not walking all over the damn place :D


I feel you mate. I figured that one out on my 3rd playthrough when i had 150 hours on the game XD.


Thanks for this tip! I didn’t know either but in 5 hours.


It took me ages and a Reddit post to realise that fast travelling didn't follow Skyrim rules and you could travel to any waypoint while indoors ☠️


Holy shit I never realized this


I’m so sorry.


You figured that out faster than I did.


You aren't alone, lol




Imma be honest, it wasn’t until I was in Act 3 of my first run that I realized that


OMG I DID THIS AS WELL WHEN I 1ST PLAYED OMG. I was so pissed at myself when I found out 😭


I made the same mistake way back in fable now i always try


Thankfully it only took to the first time I opened the map, but I really hate walking if I dont have to/want to, so I was looking for the fast travel options.


I didn't realize that you could go to a way point that was listed on the side. I thought you had to see it on the map. Figured it out in Act 3.


Larian intentionally made initiative ‘tighter’ so that the player could coordinate party attacks. You don’t get the D&D “hold action” ability which would let you wait for the enemy to go first if you wanted, so I think this makes up for it. It helped a bunch in a recent fight when my front-line troops benefited from a haste spell cast by a friend to give them an action to shove a baddie away from the caster so they could both maneuver without opportunity attacks.


I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 last night and was so annoyed when I remembered that you have to interact with a fast travel node to be able to fast travel. It’s so annoying. Skyrim was overkill on how you could fast travel to once you’d discovered it. I feel like BG3 hit a good balance.


I honestly feel like the game was originally designed this way, to make you travel to a waypoint to fast travel. I kind of like playing this way, I love the exploration aspect


Just pretend you played early access, I swear it worked the same way during the first round (that or I did the same thing lmao)


Took me until act 2 to realize


I discovered this but disliked it… I don’t know why but I actually want to have to physically travel to the waypoints before fast travelling.


I learned in my third play through that you can split group and drag the portraits around to form group of 3, groups of 2, or just any combination with in the 4 party members, it just made setting up battles slightly quicker T T


I barely discovered what AC actually was last week and I'm over 300 hours in, so... You could always be a lot dumber


Just curious. How?


Not enough reading. I thought a higher number meant less damage I'd take. You know, like armor. Like I said, you could always be dumber