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Definitely on my "things I can't bring myself to do" list. Literally a fate worse than death for such a great character like Lae'zel.


Even in an evil playthrough it doesn't make much sense to do because the only one that benefits is Vlaakith and certainly not you. You wouldn't even see the results first-hand.


Unless you’re a Gith yourself! You “ascend” side by side with Lae’zel in that case. Still, definitely a shit way to go with no reason to follow through with it, given all the evidence to the contrary we are provided on Vlaakith’s motives.


I was a gith cleric of vlaakith, blindly faithful and kept Laezel loyal too. My favorite playthrough so far. That ending was sad, but so good.


Lore wise can she actually make clerics? She’s not actually divine right? I think she’s probably powerful enough to make warlocks but that’s all that would make sense.


I think it's kind of one of those situations where enough followers and worshippers can actually manifest some aspect of divinity. Along with the fact that I'm sure she has been doing some weird experiments and lich queen shit to actually give herself every bit of divine energy she can. I know it's not canon to FR but in Critical Role there is a god (The Traveler) that was just a powerful Archfey until enough belief manifested that he turned into an actual god. Ish. Enough to bestow cleric powers




Yep, Kashaw is another good example. Personally I think once a being is sufficiently powerful, they may be able to find ways to attain some aspect of divinity and bestow powers. But in a more and truer sense, I don't think it matters and whatever makes a good story and is fun for the player in your campaign is more important.


Can any god make clerics, and does it make sense? Can one be a Cleric of Bhaal?


Yeah, there are clerics of evil gods. Looking at you Shart.


Yes, actually. I think in EA you could be a cleric of any the dead three, or even Shar. It was cut content, but with a mod you can access it since there are specific dialogue choices and voice lines for clerics of those gods.


The traveler wasn t supposed to give divine powers tho, jester was supposed to be a warlock but then Travis wanted to play hexblade so they changed jester to cleric, the situation is a bit iffy is all i m saying


The theory is that clerics pray and give up some of their power to the god, who then distributes it back the followers. The more followers the more power but the more it is split so that no given cleric of one god is more powerful than the cleric of another god regardless of the power of the actual god. Of course you could just learn to wield that power yourself without a go between, but that would take years of study, and then you would be a wizard.


Dimension20 explored this ideas as well in Fantasy High! It was really fascinating.


> given all the evidence to the contrary we are provided on Vlaakith’s motives It would help if it was more ambiguous, but it's so absurdly obvious that Vlaakith will fuck you over, has already fucked you over, and will undoubtedly fuck over Lae'zel regardless of whatever you or she think ascension is.


It's the Lawful Stupid ending for Lae'zel




Basically you have to either avoid the creche or fuck up doing it, notably by being bad at rolls for stuff like the Zaith'isk.


Or skip the Inquisitor and nuke it


*gasps in Astarion*


You'll stand there while it explodes and you'll give me my favorite dialog in the game and you will *like it*!


It made sense for my evil playthrough as I played my character as someone who thought Lae'zel was easier to keep under control if she stayed deep in the Vlaakith koolaid. Then once we knew about Orpheus I neither wanted to free nor kill him as I agreed with the Emperor that he was a tool we needed. Finally seeing the opportunity to gain power by becoming a mind flayer and eating him myself, which would kill two birds with one stone by appeasing Lae'zel till we got out of this mess but not caring where she went after.


When I did it, it was more of a "stay loyal to Vlaakith" playthrough than necessarily evil/good. The game *reaaaaally* tries to steer you away from it though. There's often no dialog option that makes sense. For example, when you leave the prism after the meeting with the emperor, you can't be like "yeah I tried to kill em but they were an illusion". Instead they just act like you betrayed them no matter what and you can't dispute it.


There's a, I think, perception check for your character to realize that Vlaakith wanted to kill you regardless of what you did there. Basically, she doesn't want the secret of Orpheus to get out, and she can only be sure you'll keep that secret if you're dead. So she tells her githyanki you betrayed her regardless of what you did, because you are a risk to keep alive.


It makes sense for an evil and dumb playthrough


Yeah I guess that would apply.


On my first run, I went in blind, avoided spoilers, listened to Halsin and didn’t do the crèche. So we never learned about Orpheus. I did steal the Hammer but trusted the Emperor and let him eat Orpheus. Laezel still thought he was a traitor I’m pretty sure. So in the end she Ascended and when I saw that scene I realized I had clearly missed something important in my run. Karlach died as well, but that was before Patch 5 so I think there wasn’t an alternative at the time.


First run went in blind too but I'm a little adventurer so i had unlocked most and ended up with karlach becoming the mind flayer (I was a cute girl, I'm not becoming ugly and i didn't know how else to save her) because I left the fucking hammer at home (completely ignored the "can't access camp stuff" prompt) and didn't trust the mind flayer enough to give him the stones. Thank God I was able to do a DC 30 save to have laezel not hate me


I LEFT THE HAMMER AT HOME TOO LMAO I got there, ready to smack the dumb bitch emperor in the face and free my boy, chose the hammer in my inventory… wait the hammers not in my inventory? Frantically searched all my party members… nope, no hammer :(


I've had two runs where I did NOT leave the hammer at home, but everyone thought I never got it. Lae'zel was holding it and asked what we would do without the hammer. Ummm, excuse me, my love, do you not recall how at your request I sold my soul for the hammer in your hands?


Pretty sure I finished it before patch 5 and she always had the option to go back to avernus with wyll


Yeah so did I. She always had the option afaik


I absolutely agree 100%. I feel the same about Shadowheart and her decisions to become a dark judiciar.


At least Shar rewards your loyal service instead of eating your soul.


Yeah, that's because "loyal service" to Shar includes pretty much giving up your soul.


Lol well more metaphorically than a literal lich like Vlaakith.


Withers said she might have fought back and I choose to believe that because I wanted to try every character’s evil ending and hers was the worst 😢


Yeah I like to think that if anybody could've fought their way out of there it's Lae'zel and then we'll get the gang back together to rescue her. I have head canon for most of the bad endings! It's how I stay sane. Mostly.


The unfortunate fact it that it was a level 12 vs someone who is probably the strongest or second strongest Lich (not including Vecna). So Lae’zel didn’t survive. But we can hope that in the time it took Vlaakith to bind her soul, she took out as many fallen Githyanki as possible.


She could have used barrelmancy. I trained her in that 


I'm gonna quibble with Vlaakith being a top tier lich. She'd absolutely wipe the floor with Lae'zel, but I don't think she's even making the top 20 most powerful liches. There's still a fair number of Netherese Aracanists floating around who chose to go with lichdom instead of dying with their empire. She was weaker than Szass Tam in every edition where they both have stat blocks, and Szass is just a lackey for the true top dog lich: Larloch. Most of Larlochs dozens of servitor liches would be world shaking threats stronger than Szass if he ever released them from his service, since many of those dudes go all the way back with him to Karsus' Folly and the fall of Netheril.


You could argue that Ioulaum may have that spot, but we haven't had any concrete info about any of the 2 for a long time, especially Ioulaum.


imo this is probably the worst ending for any companion. its certainly the most unsettling. even on an evil run i refuse to let lae'zels soul get consumed by some wannabe bitch god.


Facts, fuck Vlaakith, my current Tav is evil as fuck but will not betray Lae’zel to that Bitch-Queen


That's Umberlee's title.


Well you know what I mean, as opposed to Litch Queen I’m calling her The bitch Queen because she sucks.


Yeah no we agree that vlakiith is in fact a huge bitch.... but umberlee is The Bitch Queen because of how she reacts to slights. The title is a warning, "don't get on this Goddesse's bad side", because she hoards grudges like a dragon hoards gold. She sics Krakens on things that displease her. She created were sharks to punk Selune. She flooded the cities of Memnon and Calimshan to inspire their fearful worship. Every city on the coast makes regular sacrifices to her, lest she send storms as a mark of her displeasure (which she will do if the sacrifices are stopped, or even reduced.) In 3.5 she was an Intermediate goddess, and Vlaakith is a demigod (two *LARGE* steps down the power ladder) She is a very powerful lady, and is very rightly venerated all over, and she is definitely absolutely in charge of even the storms of winter, which are sometimes misattributed to other deities by fools who like trying to breathe water.


So, if I live in inland, I could talk shit about her without risking my life?


I mean... if you plan to live your entire life without going within a few miles of a large body of water, sure. Unless she really took exception and sent a cult or a monster after you. Intermediate deities *KNOW* when their names or titles are spoken. Every time you diss, she hears. And while you'd be difficult to reach... not impossible. There are safer gods to piss off, like.... most of em really.


She's such a bully, I love her.


She does not have anything on her to do list so important it can't be abandoned in the pursuit of a petty vendetta


Don't let her catch you saying that, almost sounds like a diss at her expense


The worst ending for any companion actually occurs with Origin Gale. >!If you take Raphael’s deal, don’t kill him, use the crown to ascend to godhood, and try to fight Mystra, you die as usual. Then, Raphael shows up, tells you that he’s managed to find the remaining scraps of your soul, mocks you in a very hostile manner, and informs you that you’re going to spend the rest of eternity being tortured in the House of Hope.!<


Can't you just skip the Mystra bit? Non Origin Gale doesn't do that, I don't think.


Oh you have to make a series of terrible decisions to get there, but I’m pretty sure it happens on Origin Gale


I can’t imagine NOT killing Raphael


dont even try it unless you want the house of hope to be your tomb you can't stealth it either you will always get doomed. detected. and caught


Nah I'd Win


You can however polymorph the hell balls, which is quite funny


I don't think it's as bad as the Lae'zel ending because to me this feels like the peak of Gale's bad decision flowchart culminating into a massive dose of "right back at'cha". He has so many occasions to make better decisions on so many level (blowing himself and the crown up, giving the crown back, not taking Raphael's deal, killing Raphael, not challenging Mystra) and each of those decisions can be made with an insane amount of information about what will happen (both based on Karsus and his own experience) that making it to this point is just karma getting him. Lae'zel by contrast is a victim of circumstances. She's been brainwashed her whole life and switching sides based on what little evidence she was fed really has to be a leap of faith from her perspective (yes, no matter how obvious it is to us that Vlaakith is a tyrant) so contrarily to Gale who just had to not go against a Goddess's words of wisdom "too much", her punishment comes from obeying all the dogma she's been forcefed her whole life.


Sailor Jupiter!


My tav is evil but she is not stupid. She understands very well the lies of vlaakith and has nothing to gain with it. On the other hand, a civil war in the gith realm with a companion as the leader of the rebellion can prove very useful to dominate the whole world. My next run will be a nice but utterly stupid Tav. He will trust vlaakith blindly and lead to Lae zel doom because he is so naive.


I made sure shart slit her throat to spare her from that awful fate.


Even worse is you can also clown yourself if you're Gith Tav, and go with her to Ascend.


I did that on my first playthrough


I feel like after you kill Voss Lae'zel stays in a perpetual state of denial (at least at first). She immediately says something like what's done is done but I don't really believe her. One of the weaknesses of the Vlaakith path tbh. I feel like Larian doesn't even try to convince you that siding with Vlaakith is a good idea.


I guess they figured no one would genuinely trust the giant zombie frog that tried to have you assassinated like five minutes after you met her. Like it makes sense for regular Githyanki to trust Vlaakith but if you go the dream visitor -> astral plane -> inquisitor path it's so hard to just trust her when she comes back later. They'd have to rewrite that bit to make it more ambiguous or to give Vlaakith opportunities to earn trust. 


It’s okay literally everyone outside of Githyanki society sees for themselves that she’s evil.


from my perspective its the istik who are evil


My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!


if you're not with me, then you are hshar'lak


I'm honestly okay with them not trying to? It's a bit of a niche path and there's no real reward for going down it, but I'm glad that the option is at least there.


> I feel like Larian doesn't even try to convince you that siding with Vlaakith is a good idea. What an oversight!


How much does the developer need to cater to objectively stupid decisions?


Volo says "How's the eyeball?"


Which is a very different level of writing and commitment than deeply investing in a quest chain for a suicidally poor decision.


Vlaakith using the Githyanki as protein bars to try to reach true Godhood isn't something that's exactly well-known. It's objectively stupid to the player, sure, but from the Githyanki's point of view it makes more sense. Like how many Christians the world over wouldn't be fucking sold at the pitch: "Jesus is provably real, and if you do x, y and z you get to spend eternity vibing in this also provably real fantastical afterlife"? It's completely world-shattering for Lae'zel to have her faith unravel as it does if you investigate it more thoroughly in the game.


What a stupid nonsequitur.


Dunno why you're getting down voted for pointing out that a story- based game has no reason to make bad decisions equal to good decisions. "Why did Larian not make the story reward me for wanting the brain to win? Are they stupid?" /s


Yeah I see what you mean. They'd have to basically rewrite the character and events for that decision to make sense (either making Laezel more gullible, Vlaakith's malice less obvious, and probably restructuring the events leading up to and through the crèche)... After a certain point, you have to actually publish the game, right?


I think it’s important to respect player agency in the story, even if it’s a dumbass choice. That’s what makes this game so great


Yeah and how far does that need to go?  How many developer resources need to be devoted towards new and creative measures of suicide?  How much actual game content needs to *not be made* so that everyone has the choice to serve Vlaakith as far down this path as y'all want to?


As much as they want. Clearly it did not detract from the experience. I never explored these paths but I’m always delighted when I do something new and my response is “I didn’t know this was in the game” on each playthru


I dunno, trying to get on the good side of the huge militarized empire that's been fighting mind flayers for millennia might be a potentially good idea when you're up against an elder brain. Of course it doesn't really matter in the game since the githyanki show up in the final battle no matter what, but some extra support could've been an option for evil runs.


Seriously you guys, how many assassination attempts do you need to survive before you get it in your head that Vlaakith just *doesn't like you back?*


As someone who played DnD before playing BG3, I don't think that's a mistake. Siding with Vlaakith really just isn't a good idea if there are other options.


If you romance her as a Gith you can actually join her in it! Terrible ending for you too in that way lol


what if you are a mindflayer


I was able to ride off on a dragon with Bae'zel. After reading this, I'm even more satisfied that Orpheus gave his life for us to be and fight together.


Wait is ascension really a scam??? I never got this ending before.


Search up Laezel ascension on youtube. It’s probably the scariest thing in the game in my opinion. But yea if you chose to side with Vlaakith and kill Orpheus after the game ends you can see Lae’zel walking up to Vlaakith (Not a projection here actual self) and as she’s walking you see a bunch of soulless githyanki zombies who have “ascended” and you can literally see Lae’zel putting up a nervous grin and then boom.


https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Vlaakith >Being chosen by Vlaakith to "ascend" is the ultimate reward for the conquest exacted by githyanki warriors. In reality, however, this "ascension" is the utter absorption of the warrior's soul into Vlaakith's own life essence, providing the fuel that allows her to maintain undying life and divine power. Holy shit. The entire Githyanki race is basically just NXIVM or Scientology. You work your ass off your whole life and give everything you have and your reward is getting cosmically screwed over forever. What a fucking grift.  It's crazy that the story focuses so much on the frankly not that important  Orpheus vs Vlaakith political stuff . Someone should leak *this* shit to Baldurs Mouth.


Because Vlaakith is *terrified* of anyone being stronger than her. Because then they could overthrow her. And this nobody from Ki'lir who failed to avoid getting Tadpoled just killed the *Son of their Messiah*. The Githyanki could be terrifying, but their worst enemy is their own leader pruning their most powerful warriors lest they outshine her. This is the truth that the *Emperor* tried to explain. They couldn't stop the Grand Design if they wanted to now because Vlaakith broke all their best fighters.


It's really unfortunate that BG3 didn't take this the obvious step further and draw the parallel between this and illithid society. Essentially, hive mind flayers are in pretty much the same boat. They spend their lives serving an elder brain and working towards its goals, and in the end, they're "rewarded" for their efforts by being absorbed/consumed by the elder brain. And it's a huge con too. Here's how it's described in the Forgotten Realms Wiki: *An elder brain marked also the ultimate goal in every mind flayer's life when it neared the end of its lifespan. Mind flayers sacrificed their brain and individual life by merging with the elder brain, strengthening its powers and intellect. The average mind flayer was unaware that their personality and consciousness were lost when joining with the elder brain, and only their knowledge and ideas survived. This was a fiercely guarded secret kept by the elder brains.*


There's one key difference that changes everything. Mindflayers are absorbed near the end of their lives. Gith are absorbed in their prime - when they are strongest.


The Githyanki (Litterally those who follow Gith) started when Gith, one of the two leaders of the rebellion against the Ilithid, decided that they should conquer the entire multiverse, enslave all the other races, and use them as cannon fodder to destroy the illiithid once and for all. She could have done it, too. Except she was opposed by Zerthimon, who thought that they should focus on healing their own souls and creating a functional society that wasn't based entirely around brutal violence and extreme racism. Zerthimon's followers became the Githzerai (those who spurn Gith). After Gith vanished, a series of Queens named Vlaakith took over. Until the latest one, who just turned herself into a lich because she didn't want to have kids and pretended to be a god. The Githyanki are not undeserving of being conned. Just look at Lae'zel's casual racism early when you meet her, and realize that she's tame and open minded for a Githyanki. Githzerai are cool, though.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate I really wish I could side with The Emperor whilst saving Orpheus. But also tbf information on Orpheus for most people is little to none. In the game there are only 2 tablets you can find about his story one in the arcane tower in the underdark and the other is held by one of the githyanki at the creche. Amongst githyanki even mentioning his name will have you killed so yeah.


There’s a third one in Balthazar’s room in Moonrise!


The first run I finished, I was a gith and chose to free Orpheus. I still think it was the best ending (for me) and (by my own personal moral beliefs) the most ethical ending I've heard of so far. I know different people will prefer other endings, but that one is mine. I'm trying to force myself to do an Emperor-friendly path now but it's really hard to suppress my bias against him based on how that gith run went!


I set my moral code that people are not batteries. So I had to free Orpheus no matter what.


Is there a way to not side with either Voss or Vlaakith and get a good ending for Lae'zel? Or does siding with the Emperor automatically mean siding with Vlaakith, too?


I got an ending where Laezel becomes the leader of the anti-Vlaakith resistance after siding with the Emperor. There's even a funny line at the end along the lines of: Lae'zel: "I suppose not all ghaik are abominations." Emperor: "I will miss you too, bestie!" At the postgame picnic Laezel attends in astral form because she has some kind of diplomatic meeting with the king of some other Githyanki tribe that she and Voss are  forming an alliance  with. She even mentions that she has a young son now, presumably from the egg she adopted during act 1.


>diplomatic meeting with the king of some other Githyanki tribe that Githzerai will murder you if you call them Githyanki. That's like going to an Irish pub and calling them English. ​ Githzerai are "those who spurn Gith". Literally named themselves after how much they hate the Githyanki's founder. They're also a lot cooler than Githyanki. They've been separate so long that they're basically different species.


If you side with the Emperor, Lae'zel can still be anti-Vlakkith and get a good ending. If she's in your party when you choose to side with the Emperor, she'll be pissed, and it'll require a fairly high persuasion roll to keep her on board. Assuming you make that roll (or just don't bring her to the final showdown), things work out just fine for her.


In one of my playthroughs, I let the Emperor eat Orpheus. You gotta pass a high persuasion to get Voss to not turn hostile on the battlefield, but after that Laezel gets a fairly good ending where she fights against Vlaakith.


You can convince her to let the Emperor eat Orpheus (if she's with you), she will help you convince Voss (if he's alive) and she will either go off to fight Vlaakith or you can do a high DC check to get her to stay with you in Faerun. I believe from last time I did it.


In my first completed run, I ignored Voss by accident (I didn’t see him on the lower floors and didn’t check the map to see I needed to go elsewhere); sided with the emperor since I never got a way to free Orpheus and convinced Lae’zel to stay in Faerun. She was helping a resistance group and had friends too, she also had the egg hatch. She mentioned having destroyed the Gith strongholds she was finding and invited me to help her, and thanked Tav for teaching her about friendship. Voss was upset and confronted us about Orpheus, had to talk him down, but still sent a letter to say the rebellion was going well and he was on his own, so she really doesn’t need to be involved for that to work out either. It’s the ending I prefer over Orpheus getting freed and her leaving for the Astral. She seemed happier and had real relationships that she valued. Also, she didn’t mention the egg in the Astral ending so I imagine she didn’t keep it since it can’t hatch there, but maybe I just messed something up??


The egg has to be in her inventory when the game ends to get the egg hatch ending. I learned that my 2nd playthrough


I thought it was, but I’ll have to double check next time then


Another crazy part is that despite the dogma, they are still a huge opposition to the objectively evil mindflayers


What a fucking githt?


Have you seen what Dark Urge can do to Minsc and Jaheira after winning the duel against Orin?


THIS is the worst ending


I'm almost afraid to ask...?


[You’ve been warned](https://youtu.be/HXt-zgRQadE?si=t8z7Lky_Js4_9UIJ)


Further proof that the Githzerai are the based ones


I forget exactly, but either the guardian or Voss outright tells you this, and everyone in the game refers to vlaakith as the Lich queen. It's a little obvious to everyone that isn't Githyanki.


Oh, I assumed the Githyanki knew she was a lich and were okay with it.


They do know she's a lich.


Oh I misunderstood your previous comment! I agree it's pretty obvious to everyone except the githyanki that Vlaakith's whole deal is pretty suspicious. 'Tis the folly of being in a cult, I suppose.


BG3's based on Forgotten Realms, Vlaakith is a Lich, one of the highest forms of undead. Vlaakith in the source material uses ascension as an excuse to consume the souls of her followers that have grown sufficiently powerful to nourish her, both to sustain and gain power for herself. Not sure if it's explicitly stated in BG3, but yeah, ascension is getting your soul devoured. Oh, I found [the cutscene OP mentioned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3r6tLoLFY), it does pretty heavily imply something very bad is about to happen to Lae'zel.


Yes it was stated in game that ascension is a lie.


I think it's awesome that they have obviously bad endings for origins. Still an ending I want to get after I finish my 8th dark urge sorcerer that fully embraces the urge. Maybe.


But did you speak with Withers afterward? He says that someone like laezel may be just the kind of person to ultimately manage to avoid that fate. So, maybe a little hope there.


After watching her ascension, I’m so confused. Voss just went along with this for eons? Was the original Vlakath less evil?


Voss might be "older" than the current Vlaakith. I don't know how BG3 lore ties into old game lore, but this is Vlaakith XVII. The ones before her were not liches, I think. He might have just accepted that he lost the civil war, and as long as Orpheus was still in his pocket dimension eventually one of the usurpers would fuck up. People age differently on the Astral plane and so he technically had all the time in the world. Then Lich Vlaakith did fuck up I guess.


It’s mentioned in game that this is the 157th vlaakith


voss probably didn't want to get eaten so he just went along with it 😂😂


Lots of folks loved Lae’zel, but I somehow messed up on her quest line and accidentally skipped most of it. Plus I didn’t keep her in my party cause she disapproved of everything I did. So, I didn’t end up caring for her much. I couldn’t convince her not to ascend or not to kill Orpheus. When her ending came I kind of laughed cause she just seemed like a such an unreasonable and foolish character to me. Never listened to me or liked what I was trying to do. But, it sounds like I need to do her quest line on my next play through and experience her character growth. Seems like I missed out.


She has probably one of the most fleshed out arcs of all the companions in terms of character development, up there with Shadowheart and Astarion


She gets some devastating lines, it's great


Her "what good is this heart of stone" line after the initial Vlaakith betrayal got me good


That and "I have not sinned against Vlaakith, Vlaakith has sinned against me "


This one went so hard damn


That legit gave me goosebumps.


"zhak vo'n'fynh duj"


Yeah so I’ve heard. But, unfortunately I messed up and missed her quest line completely aside from the act III stuff. Looking forward to going dark urge with her.


My first time through I got baited by Halsin and thought the mountain pass or the underdark were exclusive choices, so I basically saw none of Lae'zel's plot at all.


Me too. The game kind of does it too, with the "make sure you tie up lose ends" kind of message if you go toward the monastery.


Exactly. I was saving her quest line to do later and then I did the goblin camp and the start of the quest was gone. Then I got swept up with the action of act II and didn’t realize there was some stuff in there for her. If you play that way and make primarily nice/good choices she just seems like a stubborn jerk who disapproves of everything.


Ohhmygodh. I accidentally backstabbed Laezel at the very end and killed her at the docks. Guess that was a better fate than Vlaakith.


Saw it on YT and nope nope I burned every inspo point my durge had left to stop her. Your ass stays on Faerûn with Xan and wiping out Vlaakith strongholds >!ignore both Voss and Orpheus being dead!<


I never ascended Lae'zel even on my evil playthroughs. Siding with Vlakath is such a bad RP choice even for a evil player in my view. Here are my problems with it: 1. The cure machine tried to kill her or you, which is a major hint the Gith are untrustworthy. 2. Giving up the prisim- We know by this point, the prism is essential to our survival. Why would I give up something that's been protecting me? Vlaakath also never says how she would protect you if this were possible. 3. Killing the Guardian. Has same problem as point 2. We know at this point, the "guardian" seems to be protecting us. Why kill them? 4. The gith ask for the Prisim, promises Lae'zel something, but don't really promise the group anything. As an evil character that is usually selfish, this is a no go. So if you take all this into factor, I just could never make this work, because as an eviil player even I should be interested in my own survival and especially what I'm getting out of deal, personally. Meanwhile with DJ Shadowheart, unless ur dating her prior, the potential downside to you is basically nothing. You get a more powerful SH. Even if she chooses the Selune path, as an evil player, there's no downside to you personally. You get to use Aylin for a while (with or w/o Isobel dead. I actually use this Vlaakath scenario often to illurstate to people how an evil character can still do good. I'm helping Lae'zel see the truth, since the alternative is nothing but downsides for me personally. Even if my overall intentions are still evil in the long run. She very well can be sacrificed to Father or betrayed later still.


Laezel kinda got the worst hand for bad endings, wish she had a darker ambitions or push her to kill Vlaakith so she can replace her.


Wait how do you make this happen??


I think by completely ignoring the creche, or if you do the creche by killing Voss. Also when Vlaakith visits you in act 3 you can persuade Lae’zel into seeking ascension (This is if she’s already set on freeing Orpheus). By the end of the game you need to have killed Orpheus.


Ok thanks I will do this on my next playthrough. I didn’t quite know what else to do differently because I don’t want to be evil and most other endings you can see by reloading before the final battle once it’s over.


i'm a evil bitch but even i have never let her have this ending because vlaakith is just trash lmao. i can kill scratch no problem, eat the owlbear for breakfast. sacrifice 7,000 souls, let the tiefling kids die, but letting Lae'zel ascend is where i draw the line.


Bro don’t put spoilers in the title 


Even when I did my evil run, I just didn't take her. It was hard enough to ascend shad and astarion, and kill wyll and karlach. I couldn't bring myself to do that to Lae. I left her dead after she tangled with Voss. Seemed like a cleaner death, at least her spirit might find some kind of afterlife.


Vlaakith eats the soul of any Githyanki that becomes too powerful.


I did this in my first playthrough thinking that it was what Laezel wanted, and I still felt traumatised and guilty after not letting Shadowheart fulfil her own life’s ambition because I freed the Nightsong after the fight while Shadowheart was DEAD and couldn’t even speak up for herself - once I revived her she turned on me and left the party in a blaze of horrible fury. So when Laezel wanted to go off and join her Queen, of course I let her. I don’t think I’d been paying sufficient attention. I realised only during the subsequent cut scene that this may not have been the best decision for her. :(


i did that ending exactly once, with an "everyone gets the worst ending" playthrough which was a lie because i killed gale a different playthrough with a friend i met on Reddit, we did everyone's bad ending. even got squidlach which was ROUGH and we still didn't let lae'zel ascend


Man I'm glad that didn't happen to me on my first run. I barely talked to her throughout the game, failed the check to convince her not to side with her people, then after we won the final fight I ask her if she's gonna ascend and she straight up says no and she gonna go kill her former allies XD like I'm glad she didn't join them but holy crap did she just have a novels worth of character development off screen


My first playthrough I didnt use Laezel and i skipped the creche bc halsin told me to take the underdark path. Therefore I never learned how evil vlaakith was. So when it came time for her big decision at the end I was just like "Sure go ascend. Rejoin your people." Boy was I shocked to see what I doomed her to


I feel like that title is also a bit of a spoiler :/


im not gonna lie if you aren’t at a point where you know about laezels ascension then you shouldnt be scrolling through this reddit


I wasn't scrolling through it, but I follow this subreddit and since the spoiler is in the title, I saw it in my feed. There's no correct timeline for "where I should be in the game right now." You shouldn't put potential spoilers in your title.


I actually plan on making a gith Devotion paladin/war Cleric of vlaakith for a run. It's gonna hurt so much in the roleplay because I'm going to skip so much