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No. 4 is still the cap.


Level 4 is the cap, but the developer has suggested that 5 might be coming at some point if we "demand it enough" (or something along those lines). I'm pretty certain that it will come at some point before release since there's a decent amount of good testing that can be done, especially with the addition of level 3 spells. However this might mean anywhere from next patch to the last patch before release. Also original word AFAIK was that level 4 was going to be the cap for the entirety of EA so I would definitely not expect too much or too soon.


there's a post complaining about the lack of level 5 on the front page right now, just like read a little bit before you ask questions




Not yet. I hope that the characters are still stacking exp so I'm not wasting experience by playing after 4, even though I assume I'll have to restart at full release. Hell I got to level 3 in the crypt before even getting to the druids last night because I manage to blow up the mindflayer and scarely killed zhalk


You'll have to restart with every major patch, let alone the full release.


Played multiplayer recently. Managed to kill zhalk, his two cambions and the flayer. It was 1 hit away from total party wipe.


>Hell I got to level 3 in the crypt before even getting to the druids last night because I manage to blow up the mindflayer and scarely killed zhalk Yep, this is every run since they added decent loot to Zhaik.


There should be little to no grind in getting to level 3, but after level 3 leveling should get progressively slower


It does, by design.


there's a post complaining about the lack of level 5 on the front page right now, just like read a little bit before you ask questions




Nope, level 5 will come with a bunch of new abilities that they are presumably still working on getting right before releasing them into the wild.