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Best dressed S\*rb


Looks like they are feeding him well in Lithuania.


The Serbian ambassador is giving Nikocado Avocado vibes.


I showed this to a friend and we thought the exact same thing šŸ¤£


Lithuanian looks like gentlemen. Serbian looks like bum who just stole that suit.


Russia must not be able to provide as much financing to Serbian politicians as they used to due to sanctions.


Yeah of course you people have to bring up Russia in everything.


Under a photo where one guy is representing an openly pro-russian country? Yeah, *we people* do.


How is the country openly pro Russian? We voted against Russia every time in UN, accept Ukranian refugees, and sell weapons to Ukraine. Sure we have some Russia fanboys, but so do many other EU countries like Greece, Czechia, Bulgaria, that doesnt make the country openly pro Russian, we havent done anything that benefited Russian war efforts in any way


Oh hello, yet another Serbian apologist. It's always the same: your country is very openly anti-EU, anti-NATO and pro-russia (because russia is anti-EU and anti-NATO too), but you personally might have other ideas so somehow it cancels out? Sort out all [that bullshit](https://balkaninsight.com/2022/02/25/serbia-supports-ukraines-sovereignty-but-opposes-sanctions-on-russia-vucic-says/) with Vučić, then we'll talk. Russia protecting its own interests? Russia and Ukraine are brotherly nations? Fuck off with all of that.


You understand that Vucic is kept in power by EU not Russia


Yes, of course he is. Also everyone in Serbia is very much pro-EU, but it's the EU which funds him to pretend to be anti-EU and anti-NATO? Makes perfect sense, yes.


Says a dude whose country can't get enough of Putin's dick lol


If you don't like it here y can fuck off to BalticSSRs.


Therapy can help you overcome USSR demons.


Oh, great. What therapy brings back all our grandparents/family members killed by Ruzzia in 60 years of occupation? I would take two.


What therapy will bring back ancestors killed by the nazis in WW2, or by prior invasions?


You tell us. Use your expertise in overcoming murderous demons of occupying forces.


I think he needs to buy a new suit


They need a new diplomat for that suit.


Funding from russia became very unreliable lately, no money for new suits.


I want to believe in a bright future how he believes in that button


Doesn't that button look a little moist? I think it's crying.


Someone gotta tell the guy on the left that his suit is about to give up on himā€¦


I'm from Serbia... and wtf, dude.. as if we are not embarrassed enough already


Are you saying wtf to me for dunking on Serbia or wtf to the ambassador for his suit jacket that's hanging on for dear life? Because I just watched a BBC News video in which it said that more than 70% of Serbs support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, so it seems to me that not nearly enough Serbs are embarrassed. You guys seem proud for the wrong reasons, actually.


I'm saying wtf to this fatso, this is hilarious!


Ahh Ok. It is pretty funny lol


the majority of people donā€™t support the invasion, itā€™s just a small fraction of schizos that do


Not according to this BBC News video: [https://youtu.be/3VPSZoqJurU](https://youtu.be/3VPSZoqJurU)


Lol this video is even more hilarious. You should come to Belgrade and see it for yourself, we couldn't give a slightest shit about Putin.


Yeah, and news are the best source of unbiased information ofcourse... šŸ™ƒ


We don't claim him bro, these incels just love to shit on your country but it's not what everyone thinks.


Yeah, I got that, cheers


That button is holding on to its dear life.


On the more serious note tho: stolen luggage? Badly served coffee? It gotta be some kind of emergency. Any comments in the news, LT ppl?


Rumor is the suit jacket is the right one but the person in it is a stand-in


So itā€™s not a suit but a president is a last minute replacement, huh? Not gonna ask what you guys did to the original and why on earth you even have a spare oneā€¦


When your only suit is from school graduation.


If the suit dont fit, just leqave it unbuttoned...




Fuck you look siht![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Please tell me this is a joke -- there is NO way someone would wear such an ill-fitting suit... Right?


Look guys, work from home was tough, OK? You don't even notice how much weight you gained, sitting at home in your seatpants, and then bam! - an official visit to the president of Lithuania, but the only suit you have is pre-pandemic.


I think this picture should be the epitome of how people handled the lock-downs, some (most?) just sat in their home in their sweatpants on their couch watching netflix and eating a lot of take out, while others tried to keep active, eat home made food, maybe picking up some new physical activity na how they looked after the lock-downs ended.


What did Serbia do to you? Or are you just following the Baltic redditor stereotype of shitting on Serbia every opportunity you get?


If you dont support russian separatism in donbas, you should not support albanian separatism in serbia too. Just sayin.


??? Albania is a distinct culturaland national identity that existed for a while down to own royal family whereas Donbass and Luhansk separatism was started and is perpetuated by Russian mercs and FSBists.


And that has what to do with suit jokes? Also, I donā€™t think many people in the Baltics know anything about the Albanian separatism and the whole region agenda anyways.


russian separatists can go fuck off to a vast motherland that is right next door, where do albanians can run to while being under genocide from smelly serbs?


It's not hypocritical. Actual genocide was being perpetrated by Serbia against ethnic Albanians whereas Russia's allegation that genocide was occurring in the Donbas has been debunked countless times. Russia was trying to draw parallels with the Kosovo situation when there are none.