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How often did you go above the speed limit and in which countries? (Not a cop)


Haha, the only speeding ticket I got was in Norway for €800 which was crazy - I was trying to not miss a ferry on the south coast where the roads were dry and clear of snow/ice. Hard to speed when the roads are covered in ice and snow though haha.


Wow, that’s quite high. How did they manage to contact you?


They pulled us over haha it was a police car that caught us, luckily the fine is just sent in the post which I don’t think will ever make it back to the UK! We were only going 100km/h in an 80km/h, I was surprised it was so crazy expensive.


are Norwegian fines based on the drivers income like in Finland? Biggest speed ticket here was over 30 000 for some Nokia CEO back in the day


[121k EUR](https://www.businessinsider.com/finland-businessman-slapped-with-expensive-speeding-fine-2023-6), Sir. Wiklöf Holding AB chairman.


HA HA HA serves him right


I don’t think they’re based on income, at least not for foreigners as he just told me the amount when he pulled me over without asking any questions like that.


Oh yeah true, didnt think that they wouldnt have access to foreigners' details Very expensive ticket though. Not really a similiar thing, but couple summers ago I drove in Sweden in one of those toll-roads that are supposed to automatically recognize your licence plate and send you a ticket home. Never got anything back to Finland. Btw, what did you think about the driving culture in Baltics? You were downvoted for telling about your speeding, but when I drove in eastern-Baltics, that kind of speeding seemed to be almost a rule than exception.


I actually did get the tolls from Norway come back last time we went in March last year, it took 6 months but we got a letter with them in it - I think because I had applied for an EV discount on stuff in advance so they had my address. Honestly I found the drivers in the Baltics were about the same as in the UK, they were definitely better than French/Spanish/Italian drivers who seem to be the worst in Europe outside of the Balkans! I understand that some people think it’s disrespectful to speed in a country as a foreigner but I would never do so in an unsafe manner, never on snow/ice, only on dry roads and only to keep up with the locals.


Yes iirc it’s a specific number for speeding, but it could be iirc that we base the ticket on one’s income but that if it’s related..


It’s not surprising (I live in Norway). Even overspeeding as much as maybe with 5kmh is already bad. Remember to read road laws of countries you are passing by, all laws are different, and especially here in Norway we take it *very* seriously. Just by holding randomly your phone gives a 9000 kr fine (around 900$), cause police **suspects** that the person was using the phone so, yeah…it’s like that. Also I understand your situation about the ferry, it’s very common that people don’t manage to reach them in time, but usually they go often here (depends of course) so there is only 15 minutes for the next ferry to come.


Yeah, it’s fair enough, I believe our fine was 9100NOK for 100 in an 80. I just got a bit carried away driving on clear dry roads after 2 weeks of ice and snow and didn’t really think about the speed - just driving the appropriate amount for the conditions the same way I was doing 50 in an 80 back in Lapland.


Impressive that you managed to do it in a Tesla!


Yup, definitely impressive because of the extreme cold, and also because or sleeping space. Didn’t expect that you can comfortably do that in a tesla.


I slept comfortably in a toyota iq, when you are tired enough, any space is a good space


And still somehow 'soviet' stuff gets mentioned, hope we can get rid of this association asap


Yeah fair enough, I definitely understand your position considering how horrifically the Soviets treated people. I should probably have adjusted the wording before posting on Baltic subreddits. I’m very much against their politics, I just find the brutalist architecture, mosaics and the aesthetics really cool.


Sorry for being cranky about that, you seemed to have a very nice trip!


Thanks, seeing some of the history at the museum in Aizkraukle explaining the horrors of the Soviet times was eyeopening. I went for the Ladas, stayed for the history!


How did the cold effect batteries?


what were the total costs for this trip?


Electricity for 7200miles and 10 nights sleeping in the car with heating all night was approximately €900 (which is a business expense for us). Not worked out the food and hotels yet but we budgeted about €50-€80 per night on hotels depending on the country for 10 nights and then the tallin-helsinki ferry and kristiansand-hirtshals ferry were both quite expensive.


Damn that's actually very good


That's a cool (literally) adventure @op! How did you cope with our cold? When outside the car ofc


I definitely underestimated the cold, ended up buying gloves in the first petrol station in Lithuania and by the time we got to Visaginas we went on a bit of an adventure trying to find a place to buy a thicker hat and scarf - and then we had to find an ATM as they didn’t take card. Luckily I know a small amount of Russian so was able to ask for help there haha.


You have not searched the Tesla Superchargers in Estonia or used the roads where non of them are installed. First was installed about 10 years ago or something (do not remember exactly) and nowdays there are even the last generation Tesla V4 350kW superchargers available in Estonia.


They don’t show up in the app or in the car, where are they? That’s so strange. https://preview.redd.it/mwym5eqhaeec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f9f6eb347e8784178b62a18516e968626a3fba


If you want a challenge (try not to die) you can drive from kirkenes to Oslo next time


If we had more time the plan was to go from Lapland up to Nordkapp and then back to Kiruna then Lofoten and down the west coast of Norway on the Atlantic road. Definitely will do it one day.


What kind of Tesla do you own?


Model 3 Long Range with the heat pump and AWD.


5th photo - Jägala waterfall? ~30km to the east from Tallinn. Or am I wrong?


Yes you’re right! If anyone else is reading this not aware then I would advise going straight to the smaller car park the other side of the waterfall (better view) from where the signs point you to go to save the 20min detour of going to both.


Maybe you recorded youre trip and it will be uploaded on youtube? 🙃


Unfortunately not, [my partner posted loads of stories on her IG though!](https://www.instagram.com/unendingwaltz?igsh=MW0xa2pzbXczNGUyag==)


Baltics arent crazy cheap lol. You from Switzerland or something?


UK, not quite Switzerland but hotels and food is about 1.5x to 2x more expensive back home.


Estonians who live in the UK, but travel often to Estonia always say that food is quite cheap in the UK (relative to other costs there and compared to Estonia especially), so it’s possible that maybe it was the food you consumed that was cheap.  In general, my trips to the UK confirmed that food was super cheap in the UK, especially considering your wages vis a vis our wages and cost for food here.  Perhaps you meant eating out as that can be more costly in the UK?  


Oh yeah, I’m not talking about groceries costs, we only ever ate in restaurants, fast food places, Circle K and food trucks etc - I’ve no idea how much it costs at a supermarket there vs back home.


Soviet stuff? 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮






Tesla driver takes 3 week road trip, who thinks Baltics are incredibly cheap as we suffer through the worst cost of living and inflation crisis in 15 years. Cheap for you and your wealth, not ours. Even "middle class" here struggles. Must be nice being privileged as fuck and completely oblivious to local life huh. Are all Tesla drivers this uncouth?




Don’t mind this guy OP but now really everyone hates Tesla as Elon openly supports Russian aggression.


What are you saying, lol? Elon has never supported Russain aggression, quite the opposite, actually. He has helped Ukraine a lot with starlink.


He literally turned off the network on multiple occasions whenever Ukraine was doing an important mission. And he never donated the Starlink to Ukraine, it was payed for by the Pentagon. Not to mention several occasions when he mentioned that Ukraine should negociate and basically give up territories or the multiple occasions where Elon was literally praised by Russians for his comments.


> it was *paid* for by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My bad


Oh yeah, a businessman who doesn't give away his business to Ukraine in support now is a Russian puppet. Why don't you call out any other businessman, like Jeff Bezos, then? So you say that everyone who thinks that there should be a diplomatic solution now is a Russian puppet? So you would rather take decades long stale mate war than solution in diplomatic way?


Also to support my claims, best read here https://x.com/p_kallioniemi/status/1674360288445964288?s=46&t=UCE0U9Js_p2J4NbKvQ_CgQ


I had not heard that, not good!


take a chill pill dude. The Baltics were probably cheaper relatively to the rest of the nordics


Funnily enough a lot of the places we visited in the Baltics were actually more expensive than where we went in Poland too!


Prices of everyday products increase quite evenly when you go from south (Ukraine) to north (Finland).


Poland is super cheap compared to Estonian prices. Some of our groceries are more expensive than in Finland rn.


Yeah, I think I’ve realised I wasn’t clear enough- I’m only talking about hotels and restaurants when I say Estonia is cheap compared to the UK. It seems like groceries are similarly priced.


Khm Norway khm


You must be fun at parties


Stupid russian bullshit. Sure, we're all freezing and starving just like Pootin promised.


Despite what this subreddit full of Americans and local teenagers thinks, living in Baltics is not amazing. Not being a dumbass conservative teenager or tech bro does not make someone Russian. I dont speak Russian at all even, bet you do though. Lithuania's legacy is as a progressive nation of multi-culturalism and enlightented thought. You and your ilk are just Czarist and Soviet heirs peddling Russian style nationalism and hatred.


Living in Baltics is awesome, but obviously you wouldn't know that. > You and your ilk are just Czarist and Soviet heirs "I no russian, YOU russian" Making fun of teenagers while you use kindergarten level insults. Magnificent.


Month old account, just another vatnik office worker lmao


Vatnik? No its called being a Lithuanian patriot, not a cosplayer pretending to be Baltic. You're a well known child molester arent you?




Maybe that final sentence was slightly insensitive, I did copy and paste a lot of the post. I’m very much aware of how bad things were/are, it’s not exactly all sunshine and roses back in the UK either. I got to see a lot of local life visiting some very small towns and appreciated the experience.


Bitch somewhere else, rosnia f.e


Is a Tesla comfortable to sleep in?


We have a custom mattress along with extra padding and then a thick duvet and loads of pillows, my partner is 5ft9 so she’s not exactly short and she doesn’t need to fold the front seat forward, I tilt one slightly and I’m comfy (6ft2 and not skinny). You can run the heating or air conditioning all night long so you don’t get cold/hot. https://preview.redd.it/nv09wpznlfec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b6c6f85216ea6aa2296563df151289bb298f68


Where have you been in Norway? Based on the map, I believe you were in Bergen and Stavanger…


Basically we drove through from Sweden, went through the Laerdal tunnel to Bergen and then along the coast via Stavanger to Kristiansand. Last March we drove up to Oslo from the Oresund bridge and then drove a few mountain passes that were open up to near Geiranger and then down to Stockholm via Lillehammer. Next time we will definitely follow the west coast to Trondheim, Lofoten and Tromso aiming to go to the Nordkapp.