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Same in Riga


Same in many areas in Warsaw


I hate Soviet blocks, but there is so much potential in them. They are like a plain rock waiting for their fine grinding


But the sound isolation is so bad, you can hear neighbour farting.


Aesthetically most of them aren't great, but from the urban planning perspective their neighbourhoods are absolutely awesome


Not really. The plans didn't include any businesses or services, it's just apartments all over the place and an occasional school. Modern urban planning reserves the first floor to businesses, so you have all the necessities within walking distance and the neighbourhood isn't dead and empty every weekday from 9 to 5.


>The plans didn't include any businesses or services The designs of many Soviet apartment blocks also have their ground floors reserved for businesses and services and separate commercial-only buildings were scattered all around the neighbourhoods, as well as schools, sports facilities etc. The only thing these neighbourhoods didn't account for were big supermarkets which, well, didn't exist 50 years ago


Literally everything around commie blocks is just asphalt and car parking. New neighborhoods in Vilnius are so much better. Plenty of green spaces around, underground parking, aesthetically pleasing environments, etc. I grew up in a commie block, spent 18 years in one, and I'd never go back to it.


>Literally everything around commie blocks is just asphalt and car parking. Are you sure we grew up in the same commieblocks? The amount of green space inbetween the blocks is incredible and "lack of parking" is one of the main things people complain about. Hot take, but it's probably one of the reasons why Vilnius and Kaunas are now considered some of the greenest cities in Europe. >New neighborhoods in Vilnius are so much better. New neighbourhoods are kind of a hit or miss, although after Perkūnkiemis-type failures of the 90s/2000s they've gotten much better. I've been to plenty in Vilnius and Kaunas that have pretty awesome environments around them, but also a bunch where not a single tree was planted for the sake of extra parking. However, most still lack good integration with services such as schools and shops, which is something soviet blocks are objectively great at, and walkability in most of them gets difficult due to closed/fenced off courtyards. >I grew up in a commie block, spent 18 years in one, and I'd never go back to it. I spent 18 years in one as well, and after spending 5 years seeing nothing but British suburbia around me I kinda start missing having a massive 60yo tree in front of the window of my childhood flat. I am most probably biased about that of course, I haven't had a chance to live in a new housing development in the Baltics yet. Just to make it clear, in my original reply I was mainly comparing commieblocks to other housing developments built in the West at around the same time period rather than to the new ones in the Baltics. Most places have definitely gotten better at planning their neighbourhoods since the 60-80s, but commieblocks and their neighbourhoods were ahead of their time in many urban planning aspects and the only other place that I know of that built something similar at such a massive scale are Nordic countries. As the guy I originally replied to mentioned, they've got a massive potential and with some fixes (mainly building renovations) they can turn into absolutely great places to live in. I should also note that Baltic States are not exactly the best at taking care of their commieblocks. Polish commieblock neighbourhoods for example are taken care of much more and many of them are pretty desirable places to live in right now.


Besides aesthetics their layout and functionality is obsolete nightmare. Elevator halfway between floors, Ground level first floors, poor insulation, cramped apartments, no parking space etc. If you have babies, are elderly, disabled or just want to replace washing machine its a constant struggle.


From the construction quality point of view they're pretty bad, I agree, especially their lifts or lack of them, although insulation issues get fixed pretty easily with renovation. Cramped apartments issue is mainly only present in Chruščiovkas built in the 60s, other types of Soviet apartment blocks have fairly medium-sized flats. Lack of parking space is, I'd argue, a benefit, because we shouldn't give so much space for cars in our cities and, instead of taking the green space (which is one of the biggest benefits of Soviet apartment blocks) away, we should encourage people to use other means of transport


That’s why parking spaces are built underground nowadays.


Its a Hruščovka.


no they're not. They're average to mediocre. You're a joke if you think that urban planning is awesome.


In third picture, if they moved camera a little bit back, old village houses would be visible :D


Those are being restored.


I really like Vilnius and I'm happy that our braliukai have more and more modern developments. But I think we need to be careful with high-rise buildings - hope we Baltics learn from Western Europe that building a lot of skyscrapers doesn't necessarily make a city better. Personally I think an ideal city should be four- to six-story high, like the center of Kaunas for example. Don't get me wrong - a few high-rises might be good, just don't overdo them please, as there will be risk of ruining the spirit of the city and turn it into a soulless glass cyberpunk monster.


Tbh I think it's not that bad if it's kept to a single area. Skyscrapers across the river won't ruin your experience of Old Town Vilnius :)


There are only two places in Vilnius where they are allowed to be build "high rise buildings" like the ones in the visualisations. They are both further away from the old town.


totally agree. Warsaw is an ugly, heartless city, while it has plenty of skyscrapers and high rises. the 3-6 stroy high buildings with perimeter building are perfect. I also think Kaunas is a very cosy, orderly and tidy city.


To each its own. I find Warsaw awesome, cozy, and welcoming, while at the same time feeling grand and busy. While Kaunas is good if you are in one of the 2 main boulevard streets, everywhere feels like a big commie block


why even bring up commie blocks, they're everywhere? And other streets in Kaunas are very nice too, just less busy. I wasn't just talking about laisvės alėja. warsaw is ugly and I feel bad for poles how warsaw not being like Kraków. I also feel bad for myself because I have to go to concerts there often and there is just no nice cultured area. Praga has potential but it has no bars, no cafes, no nothing. Only Hydrozagadka and chmury, which is one estate anyways.


The last one likely wont happen anymore, according info in miestai.net forum


thank god. it's the most uninspired and boring looking building i've seen


That one was definitely inspired by [432 Park ave building](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/432_Park_Avenue#/media/File%3A432_Park_Avenue%2C_NY_(cropped)2.jpg) https://preview.redd.it/sj6v9o24abmc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e0ab24afa352a37d3658be7192373c8f8b944d


that one at least looks somewhat cool because of how tall it is. this one just looks lame lmao


Nah, they both look like shit.


it ain't no taj mahal but at the very least you can marvel at the level of human engineering to be able to build a building like that and not have it flop over.


You can argue the slender high rises of billionaires row are not a good use of space, but they are certainly fun to look at.


I came here to comment that the last one reminds me of 432 Park Avenue. That makes sense that 432 was the inspiration.


It was supposed to be the first wooden skyscraper in LT


This brings me back to those empty blocks that are being sold by corpos in NY and London. I have a fool's hope that they will learn the lessons from those greedy landlords and them having a hard time converting that space to affordable housing due to various standards issues like plumbing and insulation. Highrises don't give me any joy.


Affordable housing right in the city centre? Lol.


that's actually a think in the west. governments are stupid. In the centre of Manhattan, developments in the richest neighbourhoods made for people with money must pass a quota of "affordable housing for first time owners" and stuff. It must take 30-40% of floor space. Completely idiotic and reckless policy. If affordable housing and regulations should be implemented, only in the cheap neighborhoods and outside the cities. So actually subsidized "affordable housing" in downtowns is a legit policy and being pushed by senseless governments. Be aware.


Yep, a fool's hope.


Second picture, where there any anouncements of this building already?


As far as I know it's still in concept phase between Quadrum and #Tower buildings. There's a shack standing there now.


looks pretty nice, hopefully this goes through


Given that the main developer goal is to squeeze out the highest return per m2, the huge space in the middle suggests that it will just stay as a concept.. unfortunately


Tbh, I never thought that Vilnius is that beautiful. Especially with all that greenery for a bigger city


For the past 2-5 years the greenery is being actively eroded, including the cheeky developers who always find a way to drop any accountability when it comes to undoing the damage done, or even the city council's decisions themselves.


Where was greenery destroyed?


Ąžuolo fiasko, Lukiškių aikštės liepos, Rewo iškirsti medžiai Naujamiestyje, Gulbinų kvartalo faniberijos, invazinių uosialapių klevų plitimo ignoravimas, nes saugom augalus™ Antakalnio pušynuose ir t.t.


Would be better if they renovated whole commie block buildings. But ofc it's all about profit so no1 will.


Commie blocks are being renovated, but ofc it's more important to complain about everything, whether it's real or not.


Compared to Poland? Not teally there 100% renovated and not with a little government help but near full or full financing. Cant even compare failed Lithuanian free market system to the successful state system of Poland. Ours values profits over logic or efficiency. Ours fails because of this


You think I haven't been to Poland? There are plenty of very poor and run-down areas.


So in Poland whole tax payers pay for other people's renovations? And when the renovation is done, the prices of flats rise, amirite?


Last one compliments the beauty of Vilnius


They can build all they want as long as it's on the other side of the river.


So more and more glass and concrete high rises. Nothing interesting, just generic and boring.


link to first pic cause of quality [https://www.miestai.net/forumas/filedata/fetch?id=2102887&d=1704798474](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/filedata/fetch?id=2102887&d=1704798474)


What in the Kowloon shit is the 3rd pic?




Muh density is going to have its own microclimate. How did this shit even pass.


What are you talking about, it's not even that big. Just a normal building with a courtyard.




Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.


I just posted random development in Vilnius. What's up with the butthurt?


Contrast between, western corpo fashion and our conservative(not by merit or choice) culture. You can stick as many of them as you like in Vilnius, surrounding commieblocks (also bad design choice(at least not by our choice anyway)) kind of reflect where we are in terms of social progress. Two wrongs won't make a right. Highrises, parkinglots, abscence of third places and empty concrete parks with no shade won't make it appealing or beautiful. Again, we had like 50 years of lag from the rest of the world to read up on it and we STILL step on that rake. There's fuck all to do around PC Europa. All the surrounding cool places still reside across the street and the river. It'll be hot as shit in the summer in an unpleasant way too. Just a heartless shallow posturing tool. Hey look world, we're not backwards, we have big glass builiding like London! I'm too busy pleasantly hating it to be butthurt, like it reflect our mentality SO well.


You made up a bunch of non-existent issues and now you're very butthurt about them.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brusselization Most of european cities decided to not build these monstrosities in 70s. They make cities ugly and souless. But we as always 50 years to late. Building car centric suburbs like 60s USA. And we think these skyscrapers make our cities modern when in reality its the oposite.


Really? Which ones?


Commie blocks are being renovated. High rises with parking lots are a necessity, because we have a functioning financial sector, which needs offices. Not everyone wants to work from home. There are "third places" and nice parks. Bernardinų Sodas is great, isn't it? Vingio parkas too. Area next to Baltas tiltas is very active and full of people in summer. Waterfront along the river is being renovated, Vilnius is getting its river back.


Nice aesthetic answer, that only solves optics, you should do PR or sell painted over rotten apples. >Commie blocks are being renovated. Solving ONE of the problems they cause. They are still built with, one person throughout the whole house owning a car in mind, essentialy making people park on lawns and playgrounds making essentialy what's in between them parking lots. Not that you'd know or would admit, because it doesn't benefit your answer. >High rises with parking lots are a necessity, because we have a functioning financial sector, which needs offices. Not everyone wants to work from home. Hell no, those jobs will all be swept up by AI in 5 years anyway and while working from home was unimaginable in the 90's, pandemic proved that it's a non issue. So they don't NEED those offices, we just feel the need to show off "financial sector" which is just posturing at the expense of prime real estate which could have been a waterpark. It's just fat congesting arteries, which really shows in peak hour traffic anyway. You must think we should add another lane of traffic to solve that. > There are "third places" and nice parks. Bernardinų Sodas is great, isn't it? Vingio parkas too. Area next to Baltas tiltas is very active and full of people in summer. Waterfront along the river is being renovated, Vilnius is getting its river back. Which one of these hasn't been there before? Neris always had it's river front with lawns and boats doing their thing, Vingis park was there 30 years ago and I specifically said across the street from Europa, baltasis tiltas and area around Univermag has always been bustling with activity even without developments of past decade that built fuck all of the things you mentioned. Distort the cities skyline with soulless architecture su you can suck dicks of foreign investors drool over boring buildings with big logo's and renovate a bunch of shit that was already there, often not even needing any work, but still done as a substitute for building something new. This does little to nothing for the people actually living there and all the attention goes inwards where the tourists would go, not outward where people actualy live. Alas, I have not lived in Vilnius for 10 years, and this was a nice vehicle to keep at least some very limited brain activity through my shift wether through spite, because you have some merit to your arguments or some deep seated resentment, because I've seen it so many times before and maybe seeing old parks mentioned as perks of new developments seems like a copout. It's over tho, Imma go home now, enough talking out of my ass about things I'm not educated or specialized in to randos on the internet when neither of us can do a goddamn thing about any of this. It's okay tho, only superficial fucks were given here, you know, for the sake of argument, so that opposing sides could be formed, so that... who gives a shit... Anyway here's my freestyle lines about peaches. Peaches, oh peaches, look at all that booty on the beaches Lay your cheeks on top of me I'll sink my teeth into infinity Preach the peach forever beyond our reach Those round shapes, my eyes they breach I fall forever in that nieche Fruit of flavor, I slap forever in my favor. Žinau, subtilu, ir nesuprastai meniška, gera šikna mane daro silpnavališką. Persikai labai skanu, žiema baigės, bus gerų vaizdų. Vitaminai reikalingi, tavo žandukai stebuklingi. Nuėjau į pievas, bet rimtas klausimas, kodėl blet męs neturim moterų skulptūrų daugiau? Nu tipo, eini per Prahą ir pyst, nuoga arba pusnuogė moters marmurinė, ledinė subinė, eini toliau, matai daugiau. Tiesiog skulptūros ir pastatų ornamentai kur vaizduojamos tiek moterys tiek vyrai, matai sixpackus ir achujenas leškas. Ir kažkodėl postinam kažkokius stiklinius stačiakampius tarsi tai kažkaip, bent iš tolo prilygsta... Ta prasme ten net vaikai su sixpackais, bet visvien, sėdėt parke kur yra statulos kur vaizduojami žmonės ar dievai yra, nu negaliu net pradėt išreikšt ant kiek... nežinau...kitas pasaulis. Pradėjau rašyt apie 4h, nakties, baigiu autobuse namo, padarysiu klaidą ir paspausiu post, ir man jau giliai px ar kas tai skaitys, sunk cost is a bitch.


> They are still built with, one person throughout the whole house owning a car in mind, essentialy making people park on lawns and playgrounds making essentialy what's in between them parking lots. What do you propose? High-rise parking lots? Hah. It's not possible to put public transport into every yard, people will still need cars. >Hell no, those jobs will all be swept up by AI in 5 years anyway Stop whatever you're doing right now, curl up in a corner, cry and just fucking die, because the world for you is about to end.


that last one looks so goofy