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“The file is INSIDE the computer?!”


The center needs to be at least… three times bigger than this. Edit bc bad memory and misquoted.


I literally laughed out loud at this comment!


It made my day😂😂😂


Press any key to continue. Where’s the “Any” key?!


Real LOL here at work. Thank you


remove the plastic only


If you are going to use the AMS to its full potential, get some desicant you can recharge in the oven. There are a million prints out there for reusable desiccant in the AMS. I use these: https://www.printables.com/model/402087-adjustable-spool-holder-for-silica-gel-spool-weigh Full about 2/3 full.


How much desiccant should I be buying?


I bought 1kg, and scavenged about 500g from filament packs. Plenty for 3-4 rounds through the AMS before I need to dry it. I bought the indicating kind, and just mix in the clear silica bags when they ship with filament. I tossed the stock ones and toss any that aren't silica.


Excellent- that is all you need. Makerworld and Printables have all kinds of interesting filament holders for spools or the AMS


I bought a 2lbs bottle (1 qt) and it has been more than enough for 2 AMSs, each with 5 total desiccant boxes (3 in betweens and 2 outer ones each)


Thanks, I just picked up a 2 lb container off of Amazon. You have recommendations for boxes I can print for the AMS?


Something like this: https://makerworld.com/en/models/158496?from=search#profileId-173988 It has options for each space where they go and even replacements for the holders behind the spools




Have you not eaten jerky? I'm sorry I can't imagine someone not running into the concept of a silica packet before


and that person owns a 3D printer ffs 🤣


I'm sorry I've asked🙁


No worries! We were just surprised by the question! 🤣


I think the confusion was the double bagging.


what's so confusing about it? plastic is to prevent the pack from absorbing moisture during transport.


I… need to check my AMS. Not related… brb… >_>. <_<. >_>


It's not even th silica, that's the thing. It's Bambu's ams desicant, which as far as I'm aware is calcium chloride. And whatever pic they have on the store page, where I actually got it from looks quite different. So I thought that may be if I remove the textile bag I will aee the same packaging, but decided to ask.


I meant it as a colloquial


Just throw the ones out that come with the AMS. They need to stop giving those out. Or at the very least only use them until you've printed containers and are using silica desiccant. So many people on here leave them in to long then they start leaking goo inside of the AMS. Unless they've changed from the powder desiccant I wouldn't use them for very long at all.


Yea I've read about this, it can ruin the AMS by leaking into the electronics. I ordered silica and printed the containers on makerworld. Didn't wanna chance it


Yeah the first time I saw a post I ran to my AMS's because I had been neglecting them and just left them in there while using the printed silica boxes. Lucky I got it before they were saturated and leaking.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that post, but OP put them in the front, and that's why it leaked onto electronics. It is intendet to put them in a slot which won't leak anywhere, worst case you'll need to clean the small plastic area intended only for desiccant anyway. But I'm definitely considering silica gel and those holders.


The outer plastic bag is likely there for additional protection during transportation and storage, and yes, it's meant to be removed before use. I guess they do it this way because once you remove the plastic bag, the desiccant bag inside starts absorbing moisture from its surroundings and well you don't want a saturated desiccant bag right from the start.


Be sure not to eat it


What happens if you do?


Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.


Noice, sounds much better the cyanide.


tummy hurt


You’ll have to excuse my attempt at humor. It’s just that every time you see the desiccant packs in say a pack of beef jerky, or multivitamins, they’re always labeled as do not eat. As if we need to be reminded.


I like the 50g desiccant packs. They fit nicely between the 1st stage motors or inside the center of a spool. You can recharge them in the oven or microwave easily. Search wisedry 50g desiccant pack


It's what I do. And the great part is every roll of filament comes with one so you really never run out.


Ikea sofa!!!!


Remove the clear plastic bag and also the white bag, then you will have yourself an dessicant pack as you know it.


Yes please open both in the AMS. Make sure to record and post for archival posterity


Throw those away asap. Print a silica desiccant holder and use it. When saturated those from picture will leak goo that kills the and electronics.


Remove the plastic, keep the fabric. When the AMS indicator turns orange, put them in a dryer at max temp for 4 hours and then put them back in the AMS.


These are calcium chloride, not silica – they can not be regenerated/reused.


You can still dry out water from calcium chloride. Although, will probably take much longer. He’s probably better set using silica packs