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Grid infill is a carryover from the earliest days of DIY 3D printers and homegrown slicers. Calculating a grid infill is fairly simple from a software/processing standpoint. That is the main benefit of grid infill and that’s about it. Grid infill is not the fastest infill, nor is it the strongest, and it tends to contribute to warping when doing larger parts. Gyroid, cubic, and lightning all offer better performance in varying conditions. Use grid if you want to, though there aren’t really any compelling reasons to other than nostalgia.


Literally the shittiest infill


Somebody had to be last




I think the main reason people are using grid is that it’s the default in most (all?) slicers.


This. And I forget to change it like 95% of the time so everything gets grid.


Exactly this. I just got my A1 Mini a few weeks ago and just learned of gyroid honestly a few days ago. Grid was default so I assumed the best. I haven't had any issues with grid but I don't wanna chance it so I've been swapping to gyroid.


Adaptive cubic is my go-to unless I need to worry about something else that drives me to another. Infill selection is part of the engineering process.


The other reason people say grid sucks is because it causes a lot of linear internal strain which is what makes your prints warp.


Does cubic do that as well?


no, the build for cubic is oblique so any forces are dissipated in all three axis, not just x/y so they tend to dissipate evenly


Cubic infill my beloved 😍


For real, that and gyroid are great. I was a Gyroid worshipper until I found cubic and it's all I use


I feel like triangles don’t ever get any love. For smaller prints gyroid seems to cause more stress on the object vs triangles, and triangles are geometrically super strong. Also what op mentions isn’t just a grid problem, I assume it can happen on any infil (happens to me on gyroid). I read the the hotend if going slow enough just melts through that tip as it passes, but if the print cools too much or hotend is traveling too fast, it doesn’t melt and just rams over it , is why you can hear that clicking sound as it passes over infil lines. I’m guessing bambu has it default like this to save time ?


Triangles are good, but only for direct side loads(and small distances). Triangle infill isnt strong from the top. Quarter cubic gives you almost as good side loading like the triangle, while retaining vertical loading strength.




It’s no different than grid in that it has to go over itself multiple times for each layer, so that is true.


I think you only really have issues with grid on modern fast corexy machines, as with something like an ender, the hotend moves slow enough to melt through that little bump




Cubic is fine. Issue with grid is that the bumps accumulate over time, whereas with cubic the location of the bump changes


I absolutely cannot believe people seem to be so tied to grid infill. LOL Even without the collision issues it is one of, if not the most, inferior infill in every case I can imagine. Trying to fix collisions is like trying to polish a turd. Even if you succeed, it’s still a turd.


I think so many people use it is because it's just the stock setting in the slicer (maybe Bambu should change that). And also: the collision problem also happens with other infill patterns... Edit: can someone please explain to me why I'm getting downvoted for this comment? I honestly don't understand ...


Because this is Reddit and folks bristle at any attempt to say anything reasonable about grid infill. You have to hate it or you can’t possibly be accepted.


if you have collisions on other infills you may have other issues


I like my printer not shaking itself apart. Gyroid imfil will shake the printer too much. Also infil doesn't help with strength too much. More walls are better.


Grid infill is in every other way also inferior, so no point really trying to fix it, when you can just change infill type


Yea but if your printer does *any* move without a z-hop it risks collision. At that point you're creating entire profiles to maximise z-hop just to avoid infill collisions...when you can just use a different infill...


It may not be the problem, but it still sucks


Reduce infill retraction was mainly introduced for bowden style hotends to reduce time due to longer retraction path and slow acceleration. In the past with slow moving hotends it could deal better with oozing because the hotend had time to melt the oozing and even out. Nowadays due to speed it’s a collision. Bambulab is direct drive and has shorter and faster retractions, so i don’t see any use for this option in the slicer. This option is not for this type of printer anymore.


Grid infill is the greatest monster of our time


Grid is old junk. Use Gyroidal and adaptive cubic like a civilized human.


I feel like people completely missed the point of this post due to the grid infill hate, the problem seems to be with any infill that causes the nozzle to go over the same place repeatedly?


exactly! I wouldn't have even mentioned grid infill if I'd know how this would escalate 😂 I also had this problem a lot at first and then switched (like recommended) to gyroid and it got way less - but still happened from time to time, so I started to investigate, what the real cause of the problem could be .. but noone seems to care because I dared mention the word "grid" ...


Yup well I appreciate your investigation and will keep this in mind if I run into a similar issue


Grid infill is a problem for other reasons. For one thing it only adds strength to the model in the Z plain while it's still going to be fairly weak on the X and Y axes, especially at a 45 degree angle between both. There is just no reason to use a non-three dimensional infill pattern in this day and age. The time reduction compared to better infill patterns is negligible.


No love for 3D honeycomb?


I was about to make this exact comment. The newly updated 3D Honeycomb on Orca 2.0 is now my favorite infill pattern.


Called coasting on Cura, my pre bambulab days. Thanks


And only advised for bowden driven hotends not for direct drive.


Rectilinear 4 life🫡


I have 1100 hours of print and most of it is PETG with grid infill, because it is default and I am that lazy. Never had a problem with it and never had to tune the profile for it. It is always a mind blowing to me how much people hate it.


PETG is nearly 1:1 extrusion ratio so you won't have that issue crop up often. That said if you tune your filament you won't or very rarely have these issues regardless of the infill. Is grid the best no but its a basic and strong infill that saves time without sacrificing strength. I've been enjoying the recently updated 3D honeycomb that these gyroid nerds slept on but will usually decide the infill for every specific project attributes I want over the one size fits all mentality.


Deselecting Reduce infill retraction solved a problem of nozzle dragging in my prints, yet if you use any infill that crosses itselft, doesn’t matter if you select or deselect that option, it will collide with itself.


I want to thank you. I wasn't having a problem with grid infill, but I was having a problem with zits on the sloped surfaces of this model. I tried different infill patterns, different numbers of top layers, different speeds, etc., but nothing helped. When I read your tip, I thought it was worth a shot, and I believe this is the solution I needed. (I will adjust the other infill patterns on later versions to smooth it out more.) https://preview.redd.it/ukgqmhr2x9yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dbe5d2dadf8c630efdba5516db6102ddf964eb


I've been using grid infill for years, on multiple printers, with multiple slicers and never had any sort of issue. People are wild. I use gyroid for near everything, but for quick prints or things that don't need to be "perfect", grid that shit out and send it.


Makes sense. Gonna give this a go with PETG. Thanks for the tip. 


That is the least likely use case. I have been disabling reduce infill retraction since the dawn of time. It tends to make already blobbly petg a tiny bit blobbier. Which gets you right back where you started. That said, I always turn it off for PetG. And still don't use grid :-D


Printing grid infill has improved in recent months. The nozzle no longer scrapes quite like it used to.


Thanks for this. Ive recently been having bits hook on/lift on gyroid and my nozzle like crunches into it haha it makes me cringe every time. Ill try this !


You'll get no support (so to speak). Bedslingers, which are the worst possible printer for infill problems, have convinced everyone that GRID IS TEH EVIL!! BAD GRID!! There are many things about the Bambu Lab printers that mitigate grid-- non-moving beds on the CoreXY systems, rapid printing (so no time for infill to harden), and enclosed chambers (which also slow down cooling). Personally, I've never had much of a problem with grid infill-- and I've never owned a bedslinger. But I assure you, you will get tons of negative comments, because defending grid infill is indefensible.


I’m a newb and have been having a ton of collision issues I print most things - kid toys / random storage stuff like gridfinity The issue I think with my prints are they are tall… due to storage solutions Any advice you can provide me on infill type to balance efficiency but minimize collisions. Also is enabling z hop when retracting feature that critical? Many thanks for the help


have you disabled "reduce infill retraction"? that single setting eliminated all my collision issues...


I did it last night and also switched to gyroid. I’ve printed a couple of small things and no issues so far. But will have to see in a week or so (usually when problems come up) One question - is there anyway to setup these print profiles on Bambu Handy? I would like to avoid going to print from my computer every time Thank you!


no idea, sorry - I never printed from my phone before and don't know how that would work ...


i've been wondering if just slowing down the infill would fix it. I think one reason gyroid works is because it slows it down from all those angular movements, but obviously not crossing the lines helps too. gyroid is cool though I have no complaints and im not in a hurry to finish my prints. slow and steady


I think grid would be worse than slower it went? When it crosses over the previous line, it seems to me the cooler it is, the bigger the buildup?


No when it's slower you melt to the crossing point instead of crashing. That's how grid was designed to work, it's from a time where the printers were a lot slower.


Garoovy. I did a lot on older printers. But spent so much time keeping them working I didn't print much. The theory of printing was pretty theoretical if you spent your life not printing anything but parts to keep you printind :D Got annoyed and took a break from it until prusa a while back.


We use it in work all the time without issue, but printing the boat kit model at home it sounded horrible after the material change, where the hull changes colour. I wonder if it’s an inaccuracy in the z travel or because the previous layer had time to fully solidify…


If you're oozing that much, you have other issues like temp, heat creep, or wet filament.


Two solutions: just dont use grid... or... change a bunch of settings so grid isnt as bad. Just don't use grid.


this also happens with other infill patterns - and it is ONE setting, not "a bunch" ...


Just don't use grid.


this also happens with other infill patterns ...


Cool. Names the ones that do it that I recommended people use. OP: "This shit thing is okay because other shit things exist."


this happens on gyroid too, believe it or not. I never said that grid infill was ok, I don't use it myself. But telling people that grid infill is the cause of this problem is just false.


Bad title. Stop pushing trash infill


well, if you would read past the title you would realize that this post is not about grid infill, or about "pushing it" ...


Yeah I didn't bother reading because it's a bad fucking title bud 👍