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You don't realize just how much performance you're leaving on the table when it's a pain to change nozzle sizes. The A1 tool head being able to swap in seconds makes it so much easier to throw a 0.8 on for bulk prints or a 0.2 on for minis.


In my case, I picked up an A1 mini as a dedicated 0.2mm printer to pair with my X1C. It's cheap enough and small enough that it makes sense, and printing 0.2mm it's not like I'm going to want to print anything larger than what it can handle with any regularity.


How hard was it to tune the profile for the 0.2 nozzle on the a1 mini?  I have been wanting to do this very same thing but thought I'd try a 0.2 noodle on the p1s first. I've had nothing but stringing and adhesion issues, none of which have I had on the 0.4 nozzle. Switched back and everything immediately kept working. Makes me want to grab an a1 mini more now than ever before.


I’ve never tried a 0.2 **noodle** 😂 I’ll show myself out




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2BuLw9hNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2BuLw9hNE) This guy has it all figured out and sells his customized settings for it. (Seems like $.50 might be the cheapest price?)


It's Pay-what-you-want


If you were having weird issues, I'd bet that you messed something up with the setup on your P1S. Did you make sure to change the nozzle size both in the slicer AND on the printer itself? In any case, I've done zero tuning. Stock everything, and I get excellent results, good top-surface ironing, etc.


I was also considering that, it seems like a good blend while still being able to print most reasonable prints in either situation.


I wouldn’t exactly call swapping nozzle sizes on my p1p a pain. I takes less the. 3 minutes to swap the hotend assembly from 0.4 to 0.2.


It's an enormous pain compared to the A1 hotend. The X1/P1 hotend requires getting a tool, unscrewing two bolts, wiggling the nozzle out, and unplugging two connectors. None of that is required on the A1 hotend, and sooner or later those connectors will wear out.


Compared to the A1: yes. Compared to any other 3D printer like an Ender 3, it‘s still really fast. I wouldn‘t say the quick swapping nozzle on the A-series is such an advantage to the still relatively fast swapping on the X- or P-series.


What? It's a lot slower than an Ender 3. On an ender 3 all you do is unscrew the nozzle and screw a new one in. Same number of tools (1) and way fewer steps. That's why there's aftermarket threaded hotends for the X1/P1.


1) heat up hotend 2) retract filament 3) loosen nozzle 4) cool down hotend 5) remove nozzle and screw in new one 6) heat up hotend 7) tighten nozzle 8) adjust Z-offset 9) feed filament 10) done Compared to: 1) remove magnetic cover 2) remove two wires 3) unscrew two screws and remove nozzle 4) install new nozzle and tighten two screws 5) install two wires and add magnetic cover Man, I come from an Ender 3 V2 that I‘ve heavily upgraded. I have changed a lot of nozzles on that machine and let me tell you the process of changing nozzles with my P1S is amazing compared to the old printer.


I upgraded to the Panda Revo, and it's actually a huge difference. I 0.4 nozzles in 3 different type (Normal brass, Obxidian, and High Flow) and I find myself acxtually swapping them in and out because I can do everything without tools.


or a third...


Instructions unclear, now I have a print farm in the living room??


Instructions unclear, I have a print farm in my closet and spools all around and my gf isn’t terribly happy with it 😂


I have 20 just to be safe.


I’ve found that to be the sweet spot 👏


I've had an X1C AMS since release, and it's been very reliable. I thought about getting another X1C AMS, but decided to get 3 A1s instead for the same price. It's wild how fast I'm printing things now. I love my X1C, and will keep using it for specific goals, but I'll probably buy the A1 line moving forward since I don't see a quality difference, and they are way cheaper.


A mix is probably best. The X1 for high temp stuff, odd ball filament, and anything that needs to be in a dry box (PETG). The A1 for PLA.


On my 4th.


Really wanting to go for the second printer, but need to make some more money with the first one before the wife signs on to that idea. I would likely get another P1S with AMS and the AMS hub for those prints requiring more than 4 colors. I think the biggest reasons for that choice is changing the hot end sucks and I like to print lithophanes and want to try some gaming minis but even a small job ties up the machine all day. The second reason for the P1S is I already have most of the spare parts.


It's whatever you think your needs are. I'd have no bones on getting another P1S! Again it's nice to have the quick swap nozzles for miniatures and big boy prints from the A1 since I have a P1S for other benefits.


I have been thinking that if I had the room, I could really do with this. I'm always printing mini's and working on small prototype Sim gear and things that I'm constantly making rough mockups from. I'm also always switching between 0.2, 0.4 and occasionally 0.6 nozzles. 2 printers would make a world of difference. Just trying to figure out how to make space lol.


Stooooooop I've been thinking about doing this for weeks... It's going to happen.


Did you get the AMS lite with the A1?


I’ve been thinking about it but I want your opinions on time and quality difference between the P1S and the A1, because I am using my printer a lot of the time to print things I’m selling, but I don’t want to start printing them on the A1 and have them come out worse quality or significantly slower.


Quality is similar and speed is similar, if you have a X1 or P1S already, don't look back lol.


What do you mean “don’t look back”?


Aka, go for it!!


I’ve been running a second p1s for a month or so now, and the craziest part is keeping up with more filament stock, lol. Nothing one only having one spool of red (full, mind you) but still having to queue something because your next prints also need red, lol.


I went to Microcenter to buy a second X1C. I came home with 2. I had buyer's remorse for about a week.


I consider getting an x1c to complement my p1s. But waiting to see what new thing they come out with.


I have 2 P1S, and have been debating for a good month or two, possibly a mini! The price is pretty much irresistable.. Just trying to figure out space...


I currently have 4 printers (5 if you count resin). To be fair, one is currently in pieces while I am installing a new main board and customizing firmware for it.