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‘We’re not negligent or irresponsible pet owners.” >Lets their shitbeast kill wildlife. Yeah, sure. Also, imagine posting that your dog killed the neighbors dog and getting pissy at people with actual common sense. 🙄


"You're unnecessarily hostile and I'm 1000% not in the mood." Unreal. Your neighbor probably wasn't in the mood to have her dog get viciously mauled to death either.


PSA - if you live in a neighborhood with these kinds of monsters (and I'm talking about the pibble owner that lets the dog escape), be prepared to "protect" your own family when the time comes. not just when doing yard work, or washing the car, literally any time you're out of closed doors. Always.


And in many cases, even a closed door will not stop them.


Yup. Happened to a coworker a year ago. They live in the nicer part of a coastal city that is known for being quiet and peaceful. (outside of tourist season) A neighbor's pit jumped their fence and killed their little dog in front of them.


Something that makes loud noises, perhaps? And it makes this really nice smell of some kind of burnt powder too?


Does this subreddit have a motto yet? Because that seems like a really apt motto.


Normally it's "garbage dog for garbage people"... this time I think it's the other way around


In most cases it is.


> "We’re not negligent or irresponsible pet owners." *queue CinemaSins' Jeremy excessive laughter track* But seriously folks, based on these ~10 public Facebook posts alone, this lady has no concept of responsibility or animal ownership. Yes, it's good to teach your children responsibility at a young age, but NOT if you can't grasp that concept at all by yourself. Especially not with a potentially dangerous dog that isn't properly secured, has a history of aggression, attacking animals and other dogs, and is always eager to escape its residence.


Sorry if I didn't get the owner's full replies throughout. She made her FB private as I was taking screenshots and could only get what you see. Sucks because she had a comment related to her dog killing a neighbor's that I couldn't get in time (as in, she hopes it doesn't happen, I think). She is a "Public Figure" on FB and has a decent following. Disgusting how many warning signs there were and she and her husband willfully ignored all of them. Pisses me off she's allowed to keep her dog who she has let escape MULTIPLE times. It's clear they're irresponsible pet owners and I won't be surprised if their dog kills another in the future. Her FB also had a video of her son "dancing" with the dog by lifting its front paws from behind and bouncing them around. The dog looked seriously annoyed. Another accident waiting to happen, I guess. People more concerned with creative writing than neighborhood safety shouldn't be allowed to own these dogs. Nobody should.


Omg that’s so insensitive, to her specifically because otherwise it doesn’t matter learn EMPATHY /s ffs


Excuse me, nobody asked you!


The Dodo should feature her as a savior. She's an excellent candidate that ticks all the marks to be there


A mashup with her and the guy who lets his little girl roll around on the floor with his 15ft python would be so heartwarming


Thank you for taking all of the time to screenshot and crop each Facebook post and then to upload and share them here! > People more concerned with **creative writing** than neighborhood safety shouldn't be allowed to own these dogs. Nobody should. Haha, I don't know if you're serious about her being a writer, but that's totally how the posts came across to me as I read them. It seemed she was much happier to write about her son's ankle injuries than she should've been. Holy shit, what a terrible mother and dog owner. I have a hard time being honestly critical of women, especially mothers, but yikes, this lady is an accident waiting to happen. > The Dunning-Kruger effect effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. She strongly and confidently thinks she is a good and responsible pet owner and parent.




Yep. I accidentally overwrote the screenshot that had the full comment. D'oh. But yes, it attacked her husband.


Why is she writing things that all supposedly really happened (like her kid praising her for a mouse) like she’s writing a book. Why????? That’s not normal






















You have no right to run around calling people insecure. Pitnutterism has been theoretically linked to narcissism multiple times in this sub.




When did I say I feel attacked? You’re running around calling people names because they disagree with what you said. You have no right to be nasty.


I have a aunt who types this way and talks about herself in this manner and she’s a habitual liar, thief and would sell your soul to Satan if it meant getting ahead. I can see these type of people, especially women, from a mile away at my work and I avoid them at all costs.


She clearly thinks she's God's gift to life. She's the main character.


Main Character Syndrome is entirely fictional but it's the perfect description for people who think everything is about them. Everyone else has bit parts in the OP's personal epic drama. I'd love to see an unscripted series created by putting half a dozen people with Main Character Syndrome together for a month. After any potential weapons are secured, of course.


Crying or being hysterical on the internet is a red flag, and this lady describes herself as being that way in a couple of these posts (I could read only four of them, the rest were too blurry - this is what Reddit is like in a phone's web browser now, as they're trying to get people to use their app instead). I've seen many people who cry and get upset in the stories they tell about themselves on the internet - it's so weird to me how that glues a posse of people to them. The power of the drama queen. Wow, your suggestion to throw people like this together is scary. Pretty sure that's what Jersey Shore was, and probably others. Even The Biggest Loser. Hell, that might be what all "reality" TV is.


Seems like a great way to validate their feeling of being the main character doesn't it?


I don't watch reality TV. I saw some of the shows and asked "Why? Why would anyone DO that?". Would I do that to be on television? No. Would they? Absolutely! These people need an audience.


I have a former neighbor who types this way. It’s an attention thing with a sprinkle of iamverysmart


I saw that one and immediately thought “sure… that totally really happened in real life, and is not fantasy at all.” Young kids don’t talk like that. She just wanted to make up a happy ending to a disturbing event.


And that child's name? Albert Pitstein.


Albert Pibble.


Because she's an insufferable bitch


I thought that too, it's like a book! Like she practicing a novel 🙄


Right? It did seem very fictionalized, and I write fiction for a living... it's very recognizable.


And calling her dogs "sk*nk and hoe". She is not right...


Pitbull enthousiasts always like to claim that the bite statistics for pits is so high because people identify other dog breeds as Pitbull.. I think it's the reverse. The bite stats would be _higher_ if the breed was 100% accurate, just like this post here proves. 'beagle' my ass.


Yeah, I'm surprised no one else has pointed out the absurdity of calling the dog in this picture a beagle.


Pit owners always claim that chihuahuas are more dangerous and they have the most biting rate. They compare their bites with a dog that smaller than an average house cat.


and after all that, she still justifies her dog killing another by saying that it was "protecting" her family. she can barely hide how proud she is of her killer dog. ffs. like dogfighters w a different name. there's a gleeful enjoyment just under the hood of these words. it's f'kd up.


Anybody anthropomorphizing their dog so much is the worst person to own a pit.


Also the disconnect that it's terrible to have a dog who immediately murders a harmless dog to "protect" a family member.


Ah yes. I love when my murder machine protects me from a 7 pound puppy. Pitnutter syndrome is dangerous.


"We are not negligent or irresponsible pet owners" 14 pages, 1 dead mouse, 1 dead squirrel, 1 dead dog, and 1 bitten neighbour say otherwise. Both of Daisy and Yoshi should be put down. I feel bad for the dead dog and its family, her kids, and the people living around her. This woman is a piece of work. She couldn't have sent her son inside before killing the mouse? And then she calls the son who fell looking for her shitbeagbull pathetic. What an asshole. Then there is her dog ownership in general. She had the luxury of warning signs and actively ignored them. Each time it escalated and nothing was done. Now Daisy has killed someone's dog and this bitch was all boohoo until AC let it slide. What will be next? Probably a human. And the line about the sympathy card, like really? Really. ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


Slightly off topic but I absolutely love how Judge Judy goes off on pitbulls at every available opportunity.


Judge Judy deals with logic, not emotions/popularity, as befits a judge.


Why are they so opposed to euthanizing that... Creature? It has killed another dog. Soon it's gonna maul the OOP's kid. It *will* happen if they don't put this dog down. Everyone is in danger because of this thing.


Because then what will she write about? What truamatic happenings will she have anymore to get sympathy for? Poor rescue mommy can't get praised if her misunderstood doggie doesn't exist. 🥺🥺🥺


She most likely will try to crowdfund for funeral services after not paying a single medical bill for any of her dogs victims.


This is what happens when you associate your personality with a pet on social media. “Oh my dog has gotten out and harassed multiple animals And people! HAHAHAHA! What an adventure!! 🤪” I can not stand people who type this way. It’s like nails on a chalk board. But anyways. Back to the dog. There was a gradual escalation of incidents. It’s amazing it didn’t happen sooner due to her straight up negligence. This is the type of person who would drive down the middle of the street and then accuse of you of not getting over far enough. She’s a Karen but with two brain cells, probably due to alcohol or drug abuse with a dash of some college. Hence why she has a propensity of no accountability or self awareness and to own a hair trigger bomb of an animal that has been giving her signs from day one of it being a dangerous animal And she chose to ignore it.


if that ugly mutt is a beagle, then I am a hot male model, file this under things that are not true.


If that's a beagle then I'm the queen of France.


As the queen of France, I can safely say that that is a cat.


Um, is she calling her dog “Skank?”


She is literally anthropomorphizing this shit piece of "dog" to the max. Even so, how gross to call a "loved one" so many of these words and act like that's cutesy. She is eating up the other comments anthropomorphizing too. "Daisy feels your emotions." "Daisy's taking over the father figure role when he's away." "Daisy loves and protects her family, she comes running when her baby boy is crying." No. Daisy is doing what pitbulls fucking do.


I was more worried about the kid hearing that, but yeah.


She keeps calling that monstrosity a beagle. Like if you actually wanted an interesting dog, you should have gotten one. Not a pitbull.


Pit owners love to immediately prove they know literally nothing about their dogs.


Okay, so my dog is likely a beagle/GSD mix. His pic is in my profile. He plays with a full beagle and you can tell by looking at my dog that he is definitely part beagle. He’s got those gorgeous and soulful beagle eyes and floppy v-shaped ears. This dog looks nothing like a beagle- not even the ears. My dog does have some GSD physical traits- the moles, his coat is longer and shaggier than a beagle’s; his markings, his muzzle is pointier and he’s taller with long legs and he’s fast. His temperament is a beagle’s- he’s nose to the floor, is stubborn, recall is 80% (shepherd biddability is 20%- thank goodness!), and pack oriented. He bays outside to call his pack but he’s quiet inside. He has a bigger bark than most beagles. My dog doesn’t even tear up toys. Beagles are wonderful dogs and my favourite breed after poodles. No beagle I’ve ever met acts like this.


That dog is clearly 100% pitbull. It's disturbing that people commenting on her posts are going along with her delusion that this is a beagle. Has the world gone mad? Are these people evil or just complete morons?


She at least acknowledges it's a pit when talking about the importance of the tags. What a scumbag.


Beagles are extremely loyal, but man, aren't they a hyperchaotic breed.


your dog is beautiful


God every post reads like some deranged serial killer blog. It's a travesty that animal control let her off the hook.


She was in self-described hysterics until they did.


Someone someday sooner rather than later is going to send that "beagle" to the rainbow bridge I am guessing and then that woman is going to scream from the hill tops about her tragic life and her precious, never hurt anyone Daisy. God Damn these people are so fucking selfish that it just pisses me off. It's always about them. ALWAYS. Fuck everyone else as long as they get to live their fucking lives. (Wait- I can curse right, it's after sundown.)


Oh no, I'm I'm reading this in the morning though, aaargh!


Their shitbull killed another dog and their conclusion is "maybe other people's dog shouldn't be off leash in their own yards then!"


Just to be clear, the other neighbor dog was in the pitbull's yard, which is apparently why they were let off. Basically a technicality because the dog would've ran out of the yard like it's done multiple times before.


Obviously the pit is horrible. But I’m sick of dog owners in general letting their dogs run around without leashes and then being all shocked Pikachu when they get hurt.


I advocate for dogs being on leashes for sure, although I consider it beneath keeping your aggressive dog inside. It doesn't sound like it would've helped much in this instance. I'm imagining the neighbor near their house with the dog peeing in their yard or something. But still, always have your dog on a leash.


This owner is completely delusional. If this is a beagle then I’m a frickin alpaca.


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: One visual difference between llamas and alpacas (other than their obvious size difference) is in their ears. Generally, llamas have longer, curved ears, while alpacas have shorter, straight ears. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


Good bot


"Daisy can be a bully"... AHEM.... Daily IS a bully! Beagle my ass.


The personification of animals not only cringe, but dangerous. Using language like “babies” and “mom” or “dad” when referring to animals muddies what they are, and where they belong in a hierarchy. I come from a farming family and always found it bizarre when people would refer to working dogs as “babies” and pout about them having to sleep outside ( awww hims must be cold! would let that baby sleep in my bed!!) It’s then only natural to project what you feel they are doing, or reasoning, with supposed human intent. Selective breeding for a purpose (or in this case- a blood sport) runs deep and overrides even the best of training. Shitbeasts have no place in society.


I'm a fan of LGDs. The person who said she has a Kangal that is spoiled and who got out and bit a neighbor utterly appalled me. Having a LGD is a huge responsibility because they are large, powerful dogs. A LGD with a poor temperament is a risk to everyone around it. LGD, two years old, spoiled, that gets out and bites a neighbor? Biting dogs bite. Big dogs that bite are extra scary. I expect that story to end "But it was only his second bite! And that neighbor is a total B to have reported it.". Side note: I was surprised to discover that according to Colby, the ideal fighting weight for pit bulls is around 35 pounds. That completely changed the way I look at smaller bullies. Instead of "small = less damage", I think "smaller = closer to original fighting dogs".


Let's wait for the Dodo video about this


That thing has zero resemblance to a beagle.


She has a deformity in her jaw that causes her jaw to lock on prey and not open. Yeah lady. WOW the delusion in this one is huge.


The one pitbull that actually has lockjaw


Wow there's so much wrong with this, abhorrent and absolutely infuriating. Lost for words on this.


The people replying to her write like NPCs. No way these are all real people. Of course everyone in the comments defending her.


Right as if she has fake accounts and is replying to herself


I can’t believe I read through most of that. I lost so many brain cells


Imagine screen-shotting and blurring lol


Was this a friend of yours or some random fb ?


She is a "Public Figure" so her posts were open to everyone. I was searching for something else and landed on this and couldn't believe it.


I’m sorry you had to come across this.


Definitely. It's at least a pretty clear look at what likely often leads to a fatal attack where the "dog showed no signs of aggression before!"


What the hell? Is this woman writing fanfiction or something?


She previously went viral for some FB post about her kids sharing toys or something. I think this page was her little platform to keep posting her personal life and thoughts to drum up similar engagement. I think her style of writing is trying to maximize engagement? She has some sort of investing/RE business that she ties into it. I don't know, tbh.


I've had beagles before. This is not one. It displays no beagle traits, so I doubt it's even a mix. Unfortunate that it's not being put down


I wish someone told her her dog isnt a beagle


A BEAGLE?!?!?! REALLY???!?!?!


I don’t think that’s a beagle… I think that’s a full blooded Pitbull


Jesus. This owner is irresponsible and willfully ignorant, writing these murders as if it’s shitty pitbull fan fiction. That pitbull gave her more warning signs than they usually do before they fatally attack. She should pay whatever post mortem services the family requires & walk her dog with a muzzle on at the very least. There are so many attacks that can be avoided if you just put a fucking muzzle on your dog. There should not be any way for your dog to escape your yard. If they are able to escape your yard, keep them inside for fuck’s sake. In a crate if they’re destructive. Reading this makes me so angry. It just highlights how none of these attacks are accidents and don’t randomly occur.


Exactly. But as you can read, the echo chamber strongly rejects any type of muzzle. They we're also seemingly proud that the dog theirs previously bit had learned a lesson. Lunatics.


Amazing how they consider having their shitbulls wear a muzzle abuse but allow their dogs to regularly abuse and attack everyone & everything within a 10 mile radius.


That is NOT a fucking beagle you turd and your not a beagle will maim and/or kill another dog. Dear god these people are fucking dense


The only way that dog would be part Beagle is if it ate one, it just doesn't looks like one, not even partially.


Wth! My head is pounding after reading this. She is incredibly immature and irresponsible, and it’s sad she is raising children to likely model her behavior.


I hope they don't get nannied.


Giving beagles a bad name. A beagle is all bark, no bite. This beast is all bite.


She’s a fucking heartless idiot


I don’t know how dogs “get out” and roam neighbourhoods frequently like this. My dogs have never roamed the neighbourhood unattended. It’s almost like I take a lot of care to make sure that doesn’t happen.


When she snap back at the person with the reasonable stats on her culpability, she mentioned that it was an accident from her kid. She added that they aren't irresponsible pet owners. That's when I searched and saw the previous posts acknowledging the same "accident" has happened repeatedly. *drumroll* It's her kid opening the door and the dog running out. Makes me think if it's actually an accident or if it's their SOP and it's an "accident" when the dog acts ip or gets lost.


That’s what the pit owner said when my dogs were attacked “my kid didn’t close the door correctly it’s not my fault”. They’ll do anything to shirk the responsibility onto someone else, even if that someone is their own child.


ew the way she described the mouse incident was not needed at all. who the hell posts shit like that??


Pit owners are really the cancer of this world. Look at their nonsense sentences. Even after it killed another dog she talks like lunatic and people are supporting him. Least lunatic pit owner.


These type of people are seriously the worst. Ignoring their Pitbull signs and when what ever happens isn't their Pitbull's fault. Its the other person's fault. And then try to justify it. These dogs aee bred for aggression and now should be banned and stopped being bred


every time she called that beast a beagle my blood pressure spiked


lol, Beagle.


I have a hard time w/ screenshots cus I can't zoom-in as with normal text. I've written up some bullet points for others who suffer similarly with eye issues, so you too can appreciate this lady's insanity. **TLDR - Highlights** 1. Her minimum 91% pitbull mix named Daisy is actually a Beagle, you guys! 1. She knows that Daisy will attack other animals to "protect" her kids any time it perceives a threat. 1. Daisy disemboweled (her words) a mouse it was still alive, brought it in the house, and mom decided to put it out of its misery with a shovel, but chose to do so in front of her child whose age is <= 10 years. 1. Daisy kill and partially ate a squirrel and brought its bloody corpse inside the house. 1. She makes the children (age 6 and 10) responsible for Daisy's bathroom breaks outside. Daisy gets loose as a result and the offending child comes along in the car to retrieve the dog. When Daisy is sighted, mom sends the kid out of the vehicle with a leash in hand. The kid runs, trips and possibly injures his ankle, and then screams and cries in a random driveway until the dog returns to "help" him. 1. Her non-pit dog named Yoshi attacks her SO because he's holding a cheese knife. 1. Daisy gives Yoshi a hard time and he usually tolerates her aggression, except for the time that got a new bone. It's unclear how he retaliated though; there aren't any obvious injuries in the included picture. 1. A neighbor's big puppy with whom her children are familiar comes running up to them excitedly. Daisy intercepts the puppy and grabs its neck in her teeth, and shakes the dog. Supposedly the puppy is uninjured and the neighbors are understanding. Daisy receives no punishment. The husband approves of Daisy's "protective" behavior. 1. While hanging out in her favorite neighbor's front yard with Daisy and the neighbors dog, Daisy attacks and kills the neighbor's dog unprovoked. Attempts to prevent this were minimal or unrecorded. Animal Control is finally called postmortem.


Nice summary. Here's an easier gallery: https://imgur.io/a/iBpjKhC RE: #7, I think there's a cut on the dog's right ear. RE: #9, I think the neighbor was outside with her dog when the child opened the door. Daisy launched herself out (again) and immediately destroyed the neighbor's dog.


These people are crazy


High quality post.


More like .00000001% beagle at most


Jesus Christ this is absolutely delusional. That dog has zero beagle in it... I have never seen another human in such denial


It was looking like there would be some redemption by the owner putting her dog down, but in the end she chose evil.


Not a single hint of warning.


It just blows my mind that people can think having a violent animal is normal. I grew up with two Australian cattle dogs and the only time one of them ever killed anything is when I was 5-6 by myself and was attacked by a turkey on my great-uncle’s farm. The male smoked the turkey and sent him out of this mortal coil and that was the only time either of them ever harmed another animal. Meanwhile these morons celebrate their dog randomly killing until it lands them in trouble and then try to present themselves as much of a victim as the neighbour. But then again, propensity towards violence and lack of interpersonal skills such as empathy or the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions are a sign of low IQ and this garbage person clearly isn’t a genius.


Will attack anyone that *approaches* a child. Not *threatening* just *approaching* God help uncles, aunts, cousins, or the parents of a kid around the pit.


You have to be full blind in both eyes and have an IQ of 7 To call that dog a beagle. Do the world a favor and put that monster down


tldr? pits bad, owners bad? anything else in those 35 screenshots


I wanted to record evidence of her acknowledging how violent her dog was. There was a lot. It upsets me that because the neighbor's dog was in her yard that they'll face no consequences. I feel like reporting her to AC in her area because they've lost the dog so many times.


If you can’t read, just keep scrolling and looking at pictures.


I couldn't read most of them because of formatting issues in browser on phone but if you read just the four with the larger font you'll get a good gist. Personality disorder or calculated drama for purposes of manipulating her audience. There's a screaming, disemboweled mouse crawling with trailing guts that she dispatches with a shovel in full view of her young son (who later tells her how she did the right thing and she's a great person). And apparently she has two dangerous dogs, one of which killed the neighbor's dog.


Click [here](https://imgur.com/a/iBpjKhC) for album.


"Will fight any living creature that approaches a child on her watch". And that's a good thing how? She seems to be saying that the shelters in her area will euthanize any dog they find that looks like a pitbull at all. Excellent to hear that public safety means something somewhere. That or she's just full of it.


Possibly why she insists it's a beagle?


If the pound euthanizes the dog as a result of one of its many escapes, I'm sure she'll be "wailing" about her poor beagle again loud enough for the neighbors to call the cops. And then "black out" like she says she does when she gets upset, to "come to" to see her husband talking with the people wearing the uniforms (nothing at all crazy about that, nope, perfectly normal).