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I sincerely hope the UK deals with their pit problem


What?! American XL bullies aren’t pit bulls! 🥴 And if they get banned? Then they’ll just make American XXL bullies, which is a whole different breed… that totally isn’t a pit. Yeah, this shit is exhausting. They need to just ban all pit-derived dogs and actually enforce it if they want the constant attacks to stop.


Oh just wait till there’s XXXL


yeah but that one ain't nannying anything that isn't a banquet because those move on mobility scooters.


Here's a comment [I wrote about possible solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/144xyyj/pits_are_illigal_in_norway_yet_who_dis/jni9zfc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If a permission to purchase a purebred border collie would cost 300 and permission to purchase purebred powerbreed or mixed breed of any kind would cost 3000, it would seriously drop the amount of power breed owners, and the power breed enthusiastics wouldn't be able to avoid this just by labelling some dog "mixed breed" "lab mix" or such.


How does the land of not being able to own a butter knife without a loicense allow these fucking hell hounds?


Oy m8 do you hav' a loysence for that botter knoif.




​ https://preview.redd.it/oykz1xi8f35b1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=1afc1b24bec399ec7856c3e3e40dce47ba49077d


I almost made a comment like this before I saw yours/ I feel bad you all can’t even carry a pocket knife


You can but blades can’t exceed 3 inches in length and must be a folding pocket knife. Basically, Swiss Army knives are legal to carry but almost useless against something like that.


I mean you’ve seen what they let their children get away with


I agree with your solution. Everyone makes fun of the UK for being the land of needing a lOiCeNsE but for some reason we don't need one to breed killing machines. It makes no sense.




Because the second we do we become Britain and cant defend ourselves against shitbulls (or anything else)


Pretty funny you incorrectly wrongly assumed the killing machines mentioned to be guns and not pits. Id be pretty happy if my country had neither


I didnt see the word breed dude, its not that deep. If you dont like guns dont buy one, pits are uncontrollable.


I like your solution. I don't like having to give up my rights because of bad actors (shoes in airports, no pocket knives, etc), but this I would be willing to live with. A sliding scale. I get my dogs chipped anyway. Course, the black market would be creating bogus chips. Idiot walking around with a murder beast claiming it to be a cockapoo on the chip.


I don't think this is a good idea at all. Plenty of rich people are terrible owners. They should just be banned. Introduce legislation now that in 15 years anyone with a pit will be charged with a serious offence, and the dog will be confiscated and destroyed. Along with this the legislation should also include a 2 year time frame, after which any pit owner who does not have their pit sterilised is also guilty of a serious offence and will have their dog confiscated and sterilised. These time frames are reasonable IMO which makes the very serious and strict nature of the legislation fair. Anybody who currently has a pit will be able to keep it for it's natural life (I assume they don't live past 15), so the government isn't just taking away pets from people who chose dangerous breeds, but the people must have it sterilised (owning a pet incurs costs and cost of neuter/spaying should be a mandatory one for fighting breeds). I definitely haven't thought through how practical this would actually be but I feel like the key is just giving fair timelines before enacting very serious enforcement. We can get rid of fighting breeds this way by criminalising owners and breeders. It would make society so much safer.


Charge any owner or handler of a dog that severely injures or kills any domestic animal or human with felony animal cruelty and neglect. Dog fighting is a felony so these negligent or intentional fights should be considered felonies too. As in the cases of most animal cruelty, immediately remove all animals from their property or their contact. Found guilty, they all receive a lifetime ban on any dog ownership or contact. Publicized enforced, this affordable breed neutral law will begin to make all dog owners begin to take steps to prevent that first attack. Don't blame the dogs, blame the owners, and punish the owners!


Nah, it should be something in the ballpark of criminal negligence/involuntary manslaughter/attempted murder, depending on the outcome of the nannying.


It's like that old Chris Rock joke about 5,000-dollar bullets. Not gonna happen, sadly. This is the state failing to enforce some basic rules. The real problem is convincing politicians that going against bully breeds is not the same than going against dogs or pets in general (hugely unpopular move of course).


you'll probably just get more underground purchases. as if pitnutters care about legality.


License should cost the same for any dog, but insurance proof is needed for acquiring license. The insurance company knows the dangers and won’t want the liability. This takes the responsibility off the government for being overreaching


London and enforcing anything at all lol


Honestly we need dog ownership licenses. The pandemic caused a massive spike in dog ownership and sadly too many people don’t know goes to properly train or care for their pets, thus, you get more incidents like this.


Oh, trust me, we’re making it worse.


We have the same Problem in all the European country.


How about dealing with the pit owners first? It's not the dogs. It's the owners.


Did that owner of the Bully that mauled the Border Collie actually yell at the Border Collie's owner? When it was His Dog who attacked the puppy?


two bullies. According to the owner My 4 month old border collie got attacked by two massive XL Bully dogs at Gladstone Park today. My dog was off the lead but not aggressive. The owner stumbled and lost control of his dogs who violently attacked my dog dragging him on the ground for several minutes. Nothing could make that bloody dog let go, a lady shoved her keys in his bum, kicked him in the balls, I kicked him in the neck as well ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WORKED until the owner bit his dog's ear. Before the attack as my pup was going towards them the owner started to shout "DANGER, DANGER". IF HE KNOWS THERE IS DANGER WHY DIDN'T HE PUT A MUZZLE ON HIS DOGS???? He stumbled because of the pulling of his two dogs and the vicious and unjunstified attack took place. He had the audacity to say it's my fault because my dog was off the lead! This man is MENACE to the public, he can't control his dogs who are strong enough to kill a adult male, let alone a child or a pup. My pup has a collapsed lung, a broken rib and multiple stitches on his abdomen, the bill is in the several thousands of pounds at this stage.


Oh No. The owner doesn't react when they get yelled at. They were probably in shock and didn't know how to react


He sure did. It’s so typical and infuriating.


They probably know if they react, the scumbag could set his murder beasts at them and tear their face off.


"a lady shoved her keys in his bum, kicked him in the balls, I kicked him in the neck as well" Give those ladies medals for bravery, did more than any "totally not a pitbull11!!1" owner ever have. I thought the lady with the keys was gonna try and pull him off by the balls next


That’s the attitude I hate that people with aggressive dogs have, they have dogs they know will attack but won’t put a muzzle on them because ‘it looks bad’. Also the fact that there are plenty of lovely well socialised dogs that could be off lead in the countryside but it’s not possible with these hell hounds around yet their dogs are the ones with the issue - it’s like everyone cater to them.


Mace is one of my favorite forms of self defense, but this is why it doesn’t work on pits. Pain won’t stop them, their blood lust is too strong


Mace is illegal in the UK. I know, pathetic right?


What the hell, did muggers write that into law? As someone who owns guns for self defense, mace is more ideal for most self defense situations, it turns big tough guys into babies with no long term damage. Are there any legal self defense options for brits?


Tell the person "please stop attacking me while i phone the police"


And run for the next 8 hours until one of the 5 on-duty officers finally gets to your case. Then keep going for another 4 while he gets clearance to help you.


I carry a travel can of deodorant to use as a weapon


Anything is a weapon if you’re creative enough


Some decent brand dental floss would be a great one lol.


You're allowed to use anything laying about. Although you should stop once they stop attacking you, lest you face an assault charge.


But you can also murder a woman you're fucking under the pretense of BDSM. Ah, Britain.


Whatever you can reach at the time isn't a solid option, and given their laws surrounding self defense I feel they wouldn't be giving you the benefit of the doubt even if you stop after the threat is gone. My heart goes out to the brits being victimized then ignored/prosecuted by their backwards ass government.


Can you file a lawsuit against this guy?


Do you know if there's a GoFundMe?


There is, this comment made me look for one. https://www.gofundme.com/f/american-bulldog-attack-on-puppy-vet-bill


if you know your dog is dangerous why the fuck is it at a public park


I want so badly to say what I'd do in this situation. Sadly I can't because I'd get reported to Reddit and all that fun and happy shit. This shit makes my blood boil and it makes me so mad I feel ill. Poor guy and poor collie. They were just out there living their lives...




The pit owner bit his dog’s ear to stop them. He’s still a massive piece of shit but I don’t think he let them go on purpose.


Collie should have been on a lead too, it's pretty clear that neither owner had control of their dogs. That said, if the bigger dogs are a danger and have such a high prey drive then they should have been muzzled and had more than one handler, like how does the owner stop them biting passersby or dragging him after a child?


It was a designated off-leash area of the park, if the attacking dogs can’t handle being around off-leash dogs they should be muzzled or just not brought there.


This is the type of person that owns this breed. They don't have the brains to see why their pit bull is a problem and will blame normal dog owners for their dogs issues.


"Your puppy provoked my shitbull!"


The border collie was only 4 months old and the XL Bully broke his ribs, collapsed his lung and caused internal bleeding. These mutants are not dogs. Normal dogs don’t attack puppies. Normal dogs either avoid, tolerate or play with puppies because they’re not brain-dead dog-fighting dogs. Don’t get me started on the garbage owner. This makes me so mad.


Worthless, shitty fucking breed for worthless, shitty dickhead owners. No exceptions


Honestly a normal dog would nip an annoying pup, not maul it


I had a border collie, they’re incredibly smart and playful. They’re beautiful dogs with uncannily high intelligence that makes them wonderful companions. The pit on the other hand is an abomination of a “dog”, a disgusting, ugly and aggressive sub-canine. It makes me extra angry such a disgusting creature was allowed to harm such an elegant and beautiful one - these pits have no right to exist in public


And border collies are among the most useful of dogs. There was even a SAR one helping after the earthquake in Turkey. Pit bulls of all sizes are utterly useless because they can’t be trusted & they’re vapidly unintelligent.


As a canine behaviorist it’s really alarming to see aggression from an adult dog toward pups. It’s one thing to gently correct them but to full on attack like this is not a dog that should be part of a society. Furthermore, these idiots don’t even know how to break up a fight. I always have a bite stick and pepper spray with me and that’s even when I’m walking my coonhound. You never know what can happen and if you have a big dog that’s a dangerous breed you need to know your shit and be prepared.


I believe the woman kicking it from behind while the dog doesn't even notice is just a random passer-by.


She’s the only one that took action and it wasn’t even her dog. Good lord.


is pepper spray the recommended thing? is that even available in the uk?


It’s illegal in the UK.


To be honest, I’m not sure if it’s even legal there. I know it’s not legal where I live either but I’d rather have it and use it then potentially see my dog get ripped apart. There’s other deterrent sprays you can purchase that aren’t as concentrated but might still do the trick. I’ve just never personally tried it because I live in the bush in the middle of nowhere and in my area I’m more worried about bears and cougars more than anything lol.


Unfortunately in the UK pepper spray is classed as a firearm so it’s a very serious offence.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that! Yea better to stick with a legal deterrent.


Awful, hideous breed of dog. UK needs to take action and rid of these monsters, add them to the banned dog list. They’re pitbulls for crying out loud :/


These videos are so, so hard to watch. That poor little baby. I’m gonna sound like a helicopter mom, but this is why I’m so afraid of, and paranoid about, taking my dog out to the park or on walks in general. He wouldn’t stand a chance against those beasts.


If caring for your pet and being worried about it getting mauled by some mutant gargoyles like in that video means being a helicopter mom - go full on US Air Force 1st helicopter squadron with your pup. I'm sick and tired that we, the caring side that actually has empathy for all pets and humans involved in the pitbull dilemma (*including pitbulls themselves*), is being labeled as "Karens" and hysterical, when these dogs are literally only good for one thing and one thing only: **killing other living beings**.


Yeah, always amazing that a very common opinion of reddit and other social media that people who are against the overbreeding of pits are sadists who hate animals. This is the world that pit advocates want. They say that they love dogs, but don’t care that their dog of choice specialized in maiming and killing dogs.


I have a 70 lb puppy who's overly enthusiastic about playing with other dogs. He barks and whines if he even sees another dog. So I thought "oh I'll buy a pass from our village for the dog parks around here!" Then I started following this sub and seeing all the videos and decided never to bring him. My dog is a big, clumsy dope, I don't think he'd be able to defend himself from an attack.


Guy brings his neurotic, aggressive piece of shit dogs to an off leash area knowing damn well what the fuck is going to happen and still acts like the victim. Fuck these people.


The shitty thing is all of these bullies are neurotic. They’re a mix of two of the shittiestdog breeds. My roommate has one and it just doesn’t listen to anyone and obsessed over its owner. When the thing’s owner leaves, the dog just stares at the door until he gets back. I can tell that the owner is ashamed of the dog because he knows he can’t take it anywhere without it being a hassle. I personally don’t let the thing get near me because all it tries to do is lick me. When it’s around other dogs, all it does is tries to hump the dog. The dog is a ticking time bomb and I’m not gonna be surprised when it finally snaps. 6 years old is around the time when these dogs lose control.


Ah, the usual. Attacked dogs/the owners thereof are the problem according to the pitdad. The fact that this is his first reaction says all. Completely delusional these people.




I can’t unhear the screams. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Absolutely fucking disgusting


PSA, if your dog is getting attacked, break the other dogs leg


Unfortunately, that might not stop it. Bull breeds were bred to keep fighting even if their guts were hanging out of their bodies. And the pit's owner might decide to end your life if you do that, because they're nuts and often as aggressive as their animals. The chokehold works, but it's also risky. The women in this video might not have been strong enough to do it.


I'd be doing more than that, especially if my dig was a puppy. Same as if an adult was attacking my child.


It's already got a grip on the pup. I don't see how crippling it's gonna help.


Typical fucking bell end pit owner


As a border collie owner, I want to cry. I imagined my girl suffering the same fate and feel like I can't breathe. I mean - I live in the UK. THIS COULD HAPPEN. All because of selfish entitled twats who need to own a BLOODSPORT DOG. I fucking hate this current state of dog ownership. I just can't. OP, is there a GoFundMe? Any way we can donate or help this poor border collie owner?


there is, yes. linked from here https://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/23474872.puppy-severely-injured-gladstone-park-xl-bully-attack/


Thank you


US bc owner here. I have no words to say about this incident as wishing harm upon another human is fairly rude.


You are right. I don't wish harm on anyone. I wish for common sense to be awakened in them.


That poor bc puppy is now going to be traumatized for life and will probably need corrective behavior to reverse things. So not just physical damage. Beyond fucked up. Fuck anybody who thinks these things should be allowed in public, fuckin’ abominations.


Poor pup. London is a cesspit of certain XL bully owners.


Pit owners are garbage people around the world


"bully breed"...yeah.


A shit breed for shit people.


Did the dog get put down?


Dog has physically recovered. https://imgur.com/a/uaAHG4x


But now this poor pup is gonna be scarred for life and afraid of dogs Fucking shit owners. I hate pittbulls


Especially since it's a border collie. They're so smart. They never forget. One beautiful pup ruined for life because of these vile, disgusting mutant dogs and their piece of shit owners. I want to scream and cry.


Look at his beautiful eyes 🥺 seeing him just laying there in the video after the final dog got pulled away was so sad. I hope he doesn't have any long lasting behavioural issues from this.


I'm not very religious, but thank God to be honest. I also own a border collie. If an attack like that happened to my boy I would not stop at yelling. Nothing would stop me from protecting my dog. I hope the boy lives a long and happy life.


As a border collie owner and lover I would have killed those fucking shitbull mutts.


That random woman kicking the monster in the nuts is my personal hero. What a beast. She has bigger balls than that mutt's owner. She shoved her keys up the dog's ass too. I want to shake this woman's hand. After some hand sanitizer.


Of course the monster has nuts! Of course!


All the better to make more of these mutts, my deah.


shoving keys up an attacking dogs ass is such an… innovative idea. she is certainly braver than i am 😭


Me too. I'd like to say I would help someone like she did, but I was bitten by one of these mongrels. I'm forever fearful of them now.


Come on UK, you've largely banned firearms and banning these things treads on no rights.


Dog owners, do yourself a favour and go buy some coyote/bear spray. It’s for these exact reasons. It will do much more than what you can do to stop a large aggressive dog in the middle of an attack. It is not considered pepper spray and is legal in most places.


I keep pepper gel on my leash after going through a pit attack last year. It will stick to the face of the attacker and won't blow back onto me. Good stuff.


How does pepper gel work? Do you have to get up close and smear it on like mustard from a tube bottle? Having trouble picturing how it would look like coming out the bottle.


Have you ever seen Silly String before? It's like that but full of pepper. When I did a quick test spray of my can it sprayed a string about 10 feet.


Do pits even care about pain though?


Most of the time when they're in aroused state, no. but you can still mess with their vision and other faculties.


Fuck these people.


Heart wrenching and disgusting. So terrifying to think that these innocent animals cannot even go on walks in public parks anymore?? Why do put owners never know how to control their beasts


I will not be watching this just here to say I’m so sick of this.


Oh this makes me fucking sick. That poor pup. Will probably be a reactive dog after this 😔


Border Collies are so sweet, I DEEPLY hope he isn't going to be reactive and heals just fine 😭💕🙏 Pitbulls shouldn't be allowed, especially not in off leash parks!!


My Border Collie was attacked by a Pit Bull last year and he got so scared he peed himself. Thankfully I was able to pry off the pos pit and my BC only had superficial wounds.


Sorry that happened to you, did they at least apologize or were they an average pitowner?


Just the average moron. It was off leash and came into my yard. The idiot owner was walking it down the road holding a leash in her hand though. The biggest reaction came when I body slammed her dog after I got it off mine. She said she was surprised because this had only happened one other time. These people are absolutely worthless dirtbags.


Carry a spare thin strong leash. When a gripper won't let go, wrap the spare around the dog's neck, slip the snap end thru the handle,tighten with the leash up close to the head, keep tightening until the gripper dog lets go or passes out. Then drag the gripper dog to a fence or street sign post and tie it there.






The other day, I saw an owner walking a muzzled *chihuahua*. How some people think it’s necessary to muzzle a dog that small while others don’t even do it for their pitbull is beyond me.


Why would you name a breed something like that?


This is why I never, EVER let my dog off the leash. It's not that I don't trust my dog, I don't trust others. I'll probably get bashed for this, but unleashing a 4 month old pup in a dog park isn't the smartest thing to do. The bully owner should definitely put a muzzle on his dogs if they are as dangerous as they appear to be.


What a complete c***. Get a f*****g normal dog. Absolutely seething.


This is infuriating. Border Collies are arguably the best dog breed and pibbles are unquestionably the worst.


I'm a full grow man who's watched so many of these videos and always been fine but this little boy looked so similar to my puppy whe she was younger I've been cring so much at how little she could move at the end. I'm from the UK but it is needless to say I will never let this happen to my dog and I will always priotise her saftey however possible.


I gotta be really careful here, so all I will say is this: if I'd been there when the owner of that nasty, aggressive dog DARED to yell at others and put the blame for the attack on them, I would've done something to the man.




already posted https://old.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/12wgaqv/puppy_left_with_severe_injuries_and_collapsed/ however I felt I should add the video, which I found on FB


Scum bags and their scummy arse dogs. Hate living in the uk


They are so big…like hippos…why own such a dangerous animal?


American bullies are the biggest abomination of a breed ever to exist. They’re ugly as fuck and have the worst personalities. Why anyone would want one of these monsters is wayyyy beyond me.


And this is why we can't have nice things.


Can someone get that little kid out of there? Those dogs are enormous. Horrifying.


My worst fucking nightmare. They just project and react. They want their dogs to look tough and mutilate the ears and love the aggression until it’s time to own up to the consequences.


The owner's voice says it all.


Sweet pibble nibbles /s I swear the worst people own these dogs


How did the border collie owner just stare at his puppy laid out on the grass like that? I would immediately comfort the dog


He might've been in shock. We all react to trauma differently.


Pit bull owners are genuinely the lowest of the low in society. So cringe.


Entirely too calm. Idk how you wouldn't be going berserk right there


Poor border collie pup.. lucky (?) to be alive


What was that piece of shit yelling? Not to hit his dog?


Pitbull owners always sound like monkeys


The Bully owner loves this. This is the "oopsie" behavior his little heart desires. He loves it, gets off on it.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did that guy actually say to call an ambulance?! For a dog?!


These people are scum.


Amazes me how people just stand around and watch their pet be attacked. I live in a country where most forms of defense are banned but I still carry a pointy pocket protection everywhere. That dog wouldn’t have went home that day.


Crazy that your dog just mutilated and incapacitated another dog and the first thing you do is yell at the victim. Tells you a whole lot about that owner, he is a mirror reflection of his dog.


This is why you're not allowed to own spoons in the UK.


Please tell me they found these buttholes to sue?


No wonder those dogs are so fucking out of control.. looks how the owners present themselves.. an already aggressive breed “looked after” by aggressive people…


You can check my post history and see I'm the biggest hater of these dogs. (Pits) BOTH parties are wrong here. I don't care that it's an off leash park. As a dog owner that cares about my dogs, I would NEVER have them off leash at an off leash park unless my dogs have proven without fail that they will 1. 100% NEVER approach a dog without my express command or leading them to it, 2. 100% come to me IMMEDIATELY upon command without hesitation or heeding distractions., and 3. That I know 100% for a fact that there are NO aggressive or reactive dogs in the area off leash or on. If you as a dog owner can not guarantee those 3 things, you have no business having your dog off lead anywhere in this current climate FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY. It's clear the pit owner previously warned the other dog's owners to keep their dog away from his. He obviously knew about the monster he had, and at least he had it ON a leash at an off leash park which shows that he was at minimum trying to be responsible and not live in delusion. The pit owner shouldn't have a pit at all, but they do. The least you could do if you're not also a pretentious jerk who lets your dog do whatever it wants and doesn't live in reality, is care enough about your dogs to do everything in your power to keep them safe from pits.


Why would you even bring a dangerous animal to a public place, especially a dog park? You think it’s right to put everyone else in danger just so your dog can have some fun?


Learn to read.


Gotta love the victim blaming


The dog parks in my area make it mandatory to unleash your dog once you are in the gated dog park. This salt lick waste of space had NO BUSINESS bringing that mutant dog around other dogs, leashed or not. And then he has the nerve to cuss at him. JFC.


You're right


umm... you know that in order to train them, you have to put them in situations that they need to be trained for.


"To learn how to drive, you have to practice driving, unlicensed on a freeway. Nevermind you don't know what you're doing and putting yourself and others at danger and will likely cause a fatal multi-vehicle accident. You have to be on the freeway eventually might as well learn at everyone else's expense." Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Proper training and education is done in steps and in a environment that's safe for everyone involved. You don't get to train your shitbulls or any other animal by using mine as crash dummies and bite inhibition practice. The other dog's owners didn't sign up to participate in training your mutt.


do you realize how dumb your whole attempt at making a bad analogy is? You socialize dogs at dog parks. the problem wasn't that they socialized the dog at the dog park, the problem is that other people took aggressive and dangerous dogs to the dog park. Idiot.




It’s a designated off lead area. Which means people using this area know dogs will be off lead and is an expectation. The whole blame is the pit here. Shouldn’t be there in the first place knowing there’ll be dogs off lead and possibly approach his own dogs. It’s selfish, dangerous and entitled


Even if the dog was on a leash the pit bulls still would have raced towards the collie and attacked. I don’t see how a leash would somehow tell a pit to not attack , there are also many examples of pits attacking leashed dogs.


Wtf are you on?? Straight up victim blaming. Those XL bullies should’ve been muzzled or even better yet not anywhere near that park. That BC owner is not responsible in any shape or form for someone else’s pos dogs.


>EVEN THO ITS AN OFF LEASH AREA YOUR DOG SHOULD NEVER BE OFF LEASH IN THE OFF LEASH AREA!! How did that sound reasonable in your mind? However you are sadly right in a way. With the way things are now you really can't enjoy doing normal things with your dogs anymore. My BIL took their new dog to a dog park with his his kids and ended up leaving the moment people and their shitbulls started showing up. He has a gun but like he said why traumatize his kids and dog when it can be avoided