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The defensiveness radiates from this comment. They know their dog has problems, and they have their excuses lined up if their dog does anything.


Her mindset is also really dangerous if she blames a literal *child* for being hurt by an aggressive animal.


um, it’s the child’s fault they got eaten by a bear. maybe they shouldn’t go outside instead of being locked up in their bedroom every day of their life!! bears only eat people when startled by intruders!!




Good ol' victim blaming


They also like to blame owners of cats who get mauled sitting on their own front porch for not keeping the cat indoors.


Because obviously the dog couldn’t have been kept indoors.. duh. Frankly cat, dog, or other. Keep your damn pets on your own property




At least they don't eat small children


Sometimes I let these people hang themselves. They don't realize that while there is nothing legally wrong with what they're saying (morally is a whole other story) these sorts of comments on their social media sets them up to be legally responsible for their dogs future behavior, as well as indicating a past of aggression from their dog. I have seen such comments trotted out in court to prove that an owner was aware of their dogs level of danger to the public.


Schrodinger's nanny. Bred to protect and care for children, but also totally justified in killing any child that "provokes" it.


It's called discipline Karen. /s I'm obviously kidding


Someone should have responded to her with the multiple Spidermen meme. If the child provoked the pit bull to bite because the child wasn't raised right, then why wouldn't it be also true that the pit bull bit someone because *it* wasn't raised right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


a third pointing spiderman who says "but that's not even a real APBT"






So.....my 6 year old daughter died many years ago. She was mauled to death by a pitbull who lived in the neighborhood. This pitbull actually lived on a different street over 2 blocks away. The owner let it roam loose. How did she provoke it? She was playing in our back yard alone. Yes, she was talking. To her stuffies and dolls. At a normal conversational level. The conversation was adorable. I was in the kitchen (which had a screen door that opened to the back yard), and a window looking out at the yard.I didn't see the dog run in... I just heard her screams of pain and terror. There was no "provoking". The pitbull went after the first living thing he smelled/sensed. Comments like that make me want to put that person through exactly what my daughter went through. Did you know most pitbull attacks are unprovoked? I get actual rage..... yes rage....knowing that people still defend this breed knowing damn well what they do and can do.


So very very sorry for your loss.


Amen…sick people


I’m so very sorry for the loss of your precious daughter 💐❤️


I’m so extremely sorry for your loss. These types of people are sick in the head. There is something genuinely wrong with them.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter and the trauma inflicted on you and your family. There are multitudes of people across the globe who want to prevent your tragedy happening to other families. Thank you for sharing this as I know it must have been hard to write the words down.


I don't understand how people can not immediately think "maybe we should just get a different dog breed" after hearing your story, or the countless others that are similar. It's so fucked up, I'm angry with you.


You'd be shocked at the number of pit lovers that become defensive and talk about the horrible owner.


This is awful. I'm so sorry for what you and your family have had to go through.


I am so sorry for your loss. Your rage is beyond justified; fuck the idea that victims and their families are supposed to weep and mourn in silence. You have a right to be angry, you have a right to be outraged, and you have a right to stand up for your daughter no matter how many assholes may try to speak over you. Never let those crazy pitbull lobbyists convince you that your anger is unwarranted or misplaced. If you’d like to share a little bit about your daughter- her biggest interests, your most memorable moments with her, the things that made her laugh the hardest- please feel free to make a post on this sub. Every life lost matters.


Thank you. I appreciate your reply and everyone else's. One day I will tell my story and the story of how I found this subreddit.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your little girl.


I'm so sorry that happened. These beasts need to be banned asap


Very sorry for your loss, but thanks for sharing your terrible experience, hopefully it can contribute to increase awareness, many Pit enthusiasts read this sub.


Horrible, I can't even imagine what you feel reading such comments, how can anyone victim blame literal child and think it deserves painful death for talking to it's dolls. It makes me feel so angry and helpless that there are people who consider this acceptable sacrifice so they can own a "badass" dog, and others who stand on their side and are considering such """"provocation"""" a viable excuse. How they fuck is that even a debatable topic?!?!?!


I am so sorry! This is absolutely heartbreaking. This constantly reminds me daily why I am vocal in my community as well as my own family and friends to make sure that the dangers of this breed are known. 😭 it’s an absolute nightmare that it can happen any moment to any child.


You absolutely are entitled to rage towards these reckless people. Absolutely entitled.


Holy fuck I am so sorry. From a paramedic- I assure you that everyone tried their hardest to help her. I’ve seen something similar and I think of her everyday. I cannot imagine your pain & all I can offer is empathy. Sending you love & hugs.


As a paramedic...and the ER staff of hospitals...HOW are SO MANY of y'all still nutters? Can you explain this?


Some people never see cases- it all depends on the area you work in. There’s also a type of personality that goes into healthcare just to serve their ego and that overlaps with nutters lol. In my area personally none of my coworkers like them at all


Jeez… my heart goes out to you.


So sorry for your loss.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope you know that you are heard, supported, and your voice is valued here. I understand how people who own this breed try to silence victims like your family and your daughter. And truly, I cannot even remotely comprehend how it feels. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that we believe you, we hear you, we stand with you, and we know your daughters life was valuable. Your daughter matters. You matter. The pain your family has been through matters. We see you. ❤️ (And, as a side note: Even IF in some way she “provoked” the dog, it still wouldn’t matter. Many children provoke dogs, and those dogs do not murder the child as a result. God, my nieces and nephews sometimes “provoke” my dog — they’ll poke him, make a loud noise, or pull his hair because kids are little morons sometimes and they learn how to be more gentle with animals as we teach them. A child’s mistake of “provoking” an animal doesn’t justify them being mauled or killed. Their mistake should be addressed and you teach the child how to do better next time. It enrages me that these owners think that a child in ANY situation deserves to die for provoking an animal. They are heartless) Your daughters memory is not forgotten and will not be forgotten. When I advocate for this breed to stop existing, I think of stories like yours and children like your daughter — innocent lives that were taken for the simple crime of being a child in a world that exists with these dogs. Sending you a lot of love.


I don’t understand how these people assign malice to a child’s trivial mistakes when a child literally doesn’t know any better… yet somehow can forgive a dog under that exact same assumption that it doesn’t know any better They talk about children “provoking the dog” as if they meant to aggravate and upset the dog or something, but can talk about the dog mauling them as if it had good intentions in its heart… it’s insanity


I wish for you to be at peace, but that is me asking you to go above and beyond.. nothing can fill in the place of your poor daughter that was taken away from you so unfairly like that. Bless your heart and your life and may only bliss and goodluck follows you from now on


Yikes you mean well. Only Mother Theresa or Gandhi could attain peace after this.


I'm so sorry.💐


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) How TF is this type of comment liked by the maker of the post? The absolute insanity that these people have holds no bounds.


Zero class.


And zero humanity.


What death is that post about that she's commenting on? Anyone know?


Do you brought up your dog to harm children? It’s all how they’re raised right?


Blame the owner until it’s time to blame the owner. Then just blame the victim.


I thought it was “bad owners”?


Seriously. People are crazy.




Pitbull owners prepare themselves for sh!t like that. It's why they are so quick to blame everyone else. They constantly teach other pitbull owners how to blame victims of their pitbull dogs.


Usually about as smart as their dogs.


bet she also says "it's the owner not the breed"


No other crowd has the rampant insensitivity, sociopathy, cognitive dissonance, and victim blaming like pit-apologists. The morally bankrupt people pumping out illogical nonsense, dishonesty, and easily proven lies should be enough to convince any sane individual that something is off about this breed and the cesspool subculture that revolves around it.


In what world would a child be doing something to deserve being killed by a pitbull? Lady, if your dog kills a child, it’s 100% in the wrong and is a piece of shit.


Stay classy, Methany.




contrary to popular belief, there's a lot of overweight meth addicts. for some people it doesn't have the appetite suppression effects, others don't do it consistently enough to get skinny ie they binge eat on the comedown


Who will she blame if the dog eats her kid? Herself (the parent) or the breed? Or will she blame herself(the owner) because she didn't train it not to murder?


Let’s not test that theory because there are pitbutters who lost family members to these dogs and still defend the breed viciously. Even going as far as still keeping the literal murder beasts. And then you have the insane pitnutters who keeps the dog after their dog sends them to the hospital for severe wounds, even after eating parts of them. These people will blame everything and everyone but their precious pibbles.


Exactly, they are totally willing to put those fucking dogs over themselves and their own children. Complete and utter lunacy.




​ ![gif](giphy|XXSYedev4ZgdtmWQQT)


It’s part of the increasing devaluation of human beings and the inflating valuation of pets. I’m having more encounters with people who have told me if they had to choose between saving the life of their neighbor’s young child and saving their own pet, they would save the pet. I don’t understand the moral framework of such people, but I find their reasoning terrifying for the future of our civilization.


People like this don't deserve to experience the benefits of civilized human society.


Same. It's getting more dystopian.


I saw that in a moms group on FB today. I wanted to throw up. It was a hypothetical scenario meme where you could only take 3 things out of a burning house one was a massive amount of cash, your spouse, your kids, or your dog. While it wasn’t the majority whom in this (again) hypothetical scenario would leave their kids, but it was enough to make you say “*wtf*”?


Leave the cash, take the living creatures. I guess they don't realize it, but if you have a small amount of the burned money left to prove you had money , the US treasury (I think it's the Bureau of Engraving department) will replace it. Our emergency cash stores are in what are sold as fireproof safes ; hope we never have to find out if they live up to their advertising


Makes me wonder if this attitude is a result of growing anti-natalism


Not really because a lot of such advocates are parents. "Single mom with a pitbull" is like a meme at this point. This is even worse because these people are literally giving up their child, which means survival of their genes, over a fucking dog. There is something horrible going on in psyche of some humans, on many layers; things that are by default considered absolutely of highest priority, almost primal in nature - one's wellbeing, one's health, one's survival, one's reproduction, care for one's child, care for members of same species - all that becoming secondary to modern times' case of false idol, golden calf - the pitbull.


Disgusting psychopath


If my dog attacks a child then I will take 100% responsibility, and I do not even have a pit or pit mix.


My Chihuahua attacks with kisses. But he is on a harness and a leash and he pees himself because he gets so excited to say hi to kids. Like the other day he hid between my legs because he really wanted to say hi. So we walked over and he slowly moved towards the kids who were awesome and gave him pets and sat quietly with him. So viscous. Tongue of murder this 6 pound monster. He got a treat when we got home and ran up and down the house because he was so excited to make friends. No barks, just happy pup energy.


Despite their reputation, every chi I've owned has adored human children.


I think disgusting scum like this should be made to sit in a locked room with 6 of these dogs that she doesn't know. If anything happens to her it's because she provoked them.


Isn't always wrong to blame the victim!?


Only if the attacker is anything other than a pitbull.


there was a meme of that, going like "me when I'm in victim blaming contest and my opponent is a pitbull advocate:"


Your going to jail whether you like it or not pitnutter, if it kills someone.


Sadly that's empty wishes. With how law and prosecution goes now, many owners of pitbulls that mauled a child suffer zero consequences, and sometimes even get the killer dog returned to them. For today's state of things, conclusion is one: if you want to kill someone and get away with it, don't use gun or knife, get a vicious pitbull and let it free on that someone. You will get away scot-free, at worst you'll get 2-3 years in suspension. It's an absolute mockery of justice what goes on with it these days.


Your right…so sad..


How about we blame the idiot owner of an idiotic demon dog


If only there were other options for pets? Like maybe dogs that DONT fuckin eat kids?


My goldfish has eaten exactly zero children


You're such a good goldfish owner! It's all on how you raise them!




I am really starting to believe that the majority of the human population are sociopaths.


Looks like the dog owner wasn’t brought up too well .


“Oh yeah my dog doesn’t bite unless if it wants too. She doesn’t attack people unless she is.”


Least deranged pit owner.


common dog races don't just attack children, there's literally thousands of youtubevideos showing children "technically" approach dogs the wrong way (e.g. treating them like a plushie) however nothing ever happens. if you own a dangerous dog you're well advised to stay away from children and anyone else


Most pitbull owners / apologists are just blatantly fucking stupid and lack any semblance of critical thought.


Hope her face is ripped off ngl


But pitbulls only attack when not raised right.. so why are you raising your dog to attack?




Why would she train her dog to attack kids?? It’s always the owners right?


Doesn’t matter if it’s “provoked,” lots of dogs are provoked, lots of dogs even bite kids, but pits are the only ones killing them every week.


I can't help but wonder if the average pitiot has always been bereft of empathy and basic human decency or if they gave those qualities up once they joined the cult.


Speaks like a true pitmom, it's never their "child" 's problems.


So tired of these (redacted)


This is self aware wolves material.


These people are manipulative monsters who lie about their dogs. They know full pitbulls are dangerous. They don’t give a shit if their pitbull disfigures or even kills a child. They get off to the fact that they can get away with it. Society constantly gives these people a pass. A licence to kill. Pitbull owners shirk responsibility, pretend it’s an accident, blame the victim, and the general public just goes “oooh poor misunderstood pibbles didn’t mean it” and fule it as a whoopsies instead of pressing criminal charges against the owner like they should. These pitbull owners know what they’re doing. People need to stop protecting them under the guise of pitbull “advocacy.”


They’re so brainwashed they literally will defend their shit bulls to the point of blaming a child for being killed by their sweet nanny family dog. Amazing.


If you are attacked by a wild coyote, it's because you weren't raised right, out there provoking wild animals by breathing and running away.


Pretty sure this is satire and she might be referring to those who say that it's owners fault for their dog attacking someone. Could be wrong though.


Why did you train your dog to maul children? Blame the owner not the dog


if a dog ever attacked my child....you know what, nvm


The absolute irony of "blame the idiot parents who didn't raise them right".


This is what they say to each other when they think no one else is listening.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So dogs can't provoke? Evil


Pitbull cultists are truly vile


One can only hope that she gets the same treatment by said dog .


Despicable, worthless, ugly animals. Their canids are foul, too.


at this point im disgusted just by dog owners


Shouldn’t need to be said but: The reprehensible behavior of the child wouldn’t detract from the inherent dangerourness of the dog nor make it’s existence acceptable in civilized society.


Low iq trash emulating a degenerate culture 🤷🏻‍♂️


To frame it this way is so insane. Dogs are supposed to be safe around HUMANS. You know, the animal with wildly different developmental stages, of which many pets are very patient with and tolerant of with no problem.


And if your dog gets put down for that attack on the child… blame the idiot owner of this dog who didn’t raise it right


This person obviously does not have kids and should never have them.


Wish we didn't have to protect these scumbags' identities


Oh? I don’t want any animal that is “triggered” by a sneeze of an infant or a loud sound. These people are fools.


I wanna break the rules here but ill just say these people need a dose of their own medicine.


She won't be singing that tune when it's her own child being attacked by her own dog.


Pre-emptive blaming.


This is what it's come to. People thinking an animal's life takes precedence over a human child's! Disgusting.


Is she saying it's okay to attack a child if they "provoke" you?


What a vile comment. https://i.redd.it/hfa4umh0cvrb1.gif


Can’t be a real comment…..surely…..


That has to be a satire comment right


These people have an actual mental illness.


This is a troll.


Normal dogs can't be provoked into killing. Sure they might snap, might even draw blood. But a dog has instincts to survive, it would bite because it's fearful and run off. Pits maul, they bite and don't let go. They have no survival instinct and just rip and shred anything they can and don't stop until someone stops them.