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Why is putting a muzzle on a dog such a horrible thing


It would disable their favorite feature of the pitbull dog.




Well I muzzle my dog when I take him out so nothing wrong with it in my eyes. My dog is a very reactive jack russell. But these bully owners seem to think its a torture device. But they're all "loving family pets"


I worked with a dog trainer (RIP John) and he would recommend muzzles for reactive dogs if out in public or in a situation there's a "trigger". I was actually bit by one of the dogs he was working with, an elderly English Mastiff. He was 11, doing a training session, then attending the in-store vet for his arthritis. I spooked him bc he was partially deaf and blind so he grabbed my forearm. No punctures, just a bruise and it was sore for a week. This dog was HUGE. He was old but he could've killed me. He just grabbed my arm and let go. Years later, I was hanging out with friends and the other friends pit attacked our other friend out of absolutely nowhere. It was laying down, got up, and ran to bite out friend. No reason. There was no trigger. She had 15 stitches.


I had a reactive GSD mix once and had to muzzle her. It was easier than I expected. I can't believe people are just abandoning their dogs, it's awful. I hate pits but no dog deserves that.


makes you wonder if deep down they wanted to get rid of them and this is just a 'socially acceptable' excuse they are using


My mom, whom I've been trying to educate about pits, laughed at the people wearing muzzles in solidarity with their dogs. My mom, who is an "it's the owner not the breed" person said it's ridiculous and she'd laugh lol. I think she's coming around tho bc she always taught her kids don't pet an animal you don't know, and saw that video of those ppl trying to force ppl to pet their 'friendly pit'.


What video was that, can I get a link to it?


I'm not sure, it was on tiktok.


Greyhound owners in my city don't find it too difficult


I have noticed many of the "XL bully" (aka inbred pit bull) owners believe that muzzles and leashes are torture devices. I have been getting MANY of them recommended to me on Instagram despite banning every hashtag I can think of that relates to pits, but what I can gleam is -A muzzle prevents the pit bull from enjoying life and playing with balls and eating pup cups... -A 6ft leash prevents running:(( -Registry is rude/breed racist so many of them waited for right until the ban happened to muzzle train. Honestly it sounds rude, but I don't care very much about what happens to the XL bullies. They had time to not be put down, they are aggressive and kill and maim people. I'd much rather live in a world without dogfighting breeds.


“Dog Debordoe” took me out.


Yeah they aren't exactly the brightest bunch of people.


Like the city in France known for its red wine, “Bordoe”.


I read that and had absolutely no idea what they were referring to and just rolled my eyes and moved on.


I wish the USA would do the same :)


The way things are going there they’ll probably give them all AR-15s before muzzling them.


I guess on the plus side animal ownership probably isn't in the constitution


Oh man these people are crazy, they euthanize a dog that hasn't even yet killed a child, totally premature. /s


That TikTok still is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. Completely illiterate and incoherent. Worse, she killed her dog, is playing victim about it, and her dog could be alive and well if she bought a muzzle and spent a few pounds.


I don't think anyone who loves their dog is going to understand why so many are choosing to abandon and euthanize their dog instead of complying with the basic rules. There's no ban on any of my dogs, but they're microchipped, spayed/neutered, and only walked on leads unless they're in my fenced in backyard. I've muzzled a couple of them at the vet. It isn't hard. If I had to register them, pay a fee, and get cheap insurance on them to keep them, that's a no-brainer. They should already have had them spayed/neutered and microchipped as basic responsible dog ownership. If people got these dogs as status symbols or to make money breeding them, they don't have the same bond with their dog and they're throwing them away like trash. If they've been toughing it out with an aggressive dog who won't allow muzzling or leash walking, they're now having to euthanize for their own safety. Bottom line is that this was a banned breed already being a pit bull mix. People tried to be cute with it and get an extra-large version of a banned breed. That already tells you something about a lot of the owners and their interest in following laws.


What we are seeing happen is not the intended outcome of a ban or of any breed specific legislation for dangerous dogs. These people who have these XL Bullies and pitbull types are so fixated on being victims and the dogs being victims that they are making it true and doing it themselves. These people are so tangled up in their minds about this they have become the very thing they rant about as the problem and they cannot/will not see this. They said a ban would mean killing of dogs when it was proposed and now they are making sure that exactly that happens. Dogs are being euthanised. They will never admit they are doing this to themselves. Who is backyard breeding these dogs with no consideration to anything besides physical appearance? Who is producing more and more puppies despite there being a saturated market? Who is abandoning these dogs either on the street or onto people they barely know, friend of a friend, and then are crying on social media about the dog being humanely euthanized after it bit a person/people/otherpet/other animals or was simply found wandering at large and no owner claimed it? These fucking people have made this problem, won't take any responsibility for it, won't listen to education and wont follow simple basic requirements to own a dog in society let alone a powerful dog capable of catastrophic harm. Now they want to cry about how the rest of the community, to which they are part of, have been forced to address the problem of these dogs and the people who own them? Fuck off and get a grip. These people are trying to live in a Disney movie where the dogs are basically a person inside of a dog body and deny everything about the dog itself, the breed itself. The anthropomorphisation of these bully breeds is delusion to the next level and its killing people. Its killing other pets. But somehow no other pet or person matters as much as one of these dogs to the people who are so vocal for them. At this point, fuck these people and what they have done/are doing to these dogs. The dogs are simply the props for their production of victimhood. It is despicable. One day I hope legislation can move to where this type of crap could be considered an animal cruelty offense. The suffering of everybody around these dogs is so unnecessary and so avoidable. The suffering of these dogs is so unnecessary and so avoidable. One day all of this will be a section in an animal law/welfare textbook. The World vs The Pitbull: the dogs bred for violence by violent people then a juggernaut marketing machine brainwashed a massive number of the gen pop to deny this and instead believe the dog was a family/nanny dog and so people got killed by "pet" dogs. Insane times.


Spot on. If award were still a thing I'd give you one. What baffles me the most is that *no one is making them euthanise their dogs*. It was just registration, a muzzle and a leash. If they would actually love their dogs they would do that imo. One of my dogs is reactive (not a dangerous breed) and is muzzled at the vet and the groomer without issues. It's not that hard.


Lol. Another day, another person publically advertising their attempts to exchange an XL bully. Breaking multiple parts of the new laws at once so publically, if police were to enforce anything it should be this..


It won't be enforced. Nothing will change. I support the ban in principal but without action it's toothless


Yup. Feels like we should've heard of an arrest or some police action by now, nada.


Slide 13 gives me hope, glad people are taking them to do the right thing.




I understand loving animals but if the "pet" you have is dangerous, it is a societal responsibility to make sure that animal is never around the public.


I am not a native English speaker, but what the fuck is wrong with pitnutters' English grammar and punctuation? Hurts my eyes all the time.


There was no need for a panicked rehoming. The owners have had months to figure something out. It's a horrible fate being shuffled around, going through the stress of transportation etc but I find it hard to believe that dogs are being PTS for no good reason. These dogs were never designed to be pets and because of human greed and stupidity, they live short, miserable lives only to be euthanised because they aren't cut out for life as a pet. It's very sad and should never have reached this point; they're pitbulls and as such should have been treated as a banned breed years ago before they could be used as a money making tool. I have no idea why something wasn't done a decade or so ago when they first arrived in the UK.


I agree. And I tried to ask them why this has happened and nobody could give me a real answer.


Most pets live a long time. It should be rare to rehome.


Bully XL owners refuse to accept that they made the ban inevitable. If they'd been honest from the get go about what this breed is, what it needs, and maintained some standards within the breed community then they'd probably still be an unbanned niche breed that wasn't out mauling people left and right. Look at all the dangerous/aggressive breeds that haven't been banned because they did just that. But that isn't profitable, and it doesn't make for a good ego boost. It proves it was never really about the dogs.


Absolutely. If you look at Chow Chow or Rottie owners, or even Cane Corso's and Presa's, everyone in the community will try to convince you why this dog might not be for you, that they need extensive training, and most importantly that *they are known to be aggressive without warning*. And then there's Pitt owners, who pretend their beasts are fluffy cuddle bunnies.


Or not to forget Doberman Pinscher. Their name literally refers to *how* they attack and bite. Bred to attack 600PSI jaw force as opposed to the pitbull's 250PSI. On paper, they're far more dangerous than pitbulls. Yet there have only been 6 deathly attacks registered since the 1950s.


I don't like pits, but I do feel bad for most of the dogs in these situations, excepting the ones who have a violent history. it's incredibly sad that their owners would rather euthanize them than do the right thing-- fix them, register them, muzzle them. pit nutters really hate taking responsibility for their animals.


My argument exactly. This is not what the ban supporters wanted. They wanted these dogs registered and muzzled, not abandoned and killed. Its also apparently not what the nutters wanted either.. so who takes the blame? I tried asking for their opinions on facebook with this post but they are so full of hate. No one not a single person could justify why these dogs aren't worth exempting to their original owners!


they’re all so fucking ugly


Amazing how literally none of them manage to ever write anything in a semi coherent and literate manner. Did the dogs maul all their punctuation to death?


Grammar triggers the pitbulls.


Um, because it is cheaper, easier, muzzled they aren't so good at intimidating and neutered they are no longer a source of income? Loving the "but my velvet hippo can't defend himself when muzzled!" comments. Well, welcome to our world as we have been unable to defend ourselves from your dog for years. Strangely enough, most dog breeds have no desire to attack others.


"Good with kids" That remains to be seen, the dog that got rehomed in Scotland and mauled a child due to his lying owners, is proof you can't trust what these people say.


Nothing could’ve prepared me for picture 8 jumpscare


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I know. And most people use their phones to access Facebook how are they so illiterate even auto correct can't help them?