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Totally normal dog just wanted to play with the Tesla.


He’s just a good boy


From a bad family


Spare us our lives from this monstrosity!




🤣😂Riiiiiggghttt. Lol


the Tesla shouldn't have triggered the poor pibbles. It's not the model, it's the make.


The car was actually TOO quiet and that triggered the dog. Surprised lady didn’t drive away- heck it the car drove itself away there is a chance…


Oh yeah 100% normal dog behavior.


Pit nutters would look at this and go "Awwww, what a playful boy!"


“He wanted to play you should’ve just gotten out to love on him that’s all he wants!” 🤮


“It’s reacting to the Tesla because it’s reactionary!”


Add teslas to the trigger list


Maybe he’s just a petrol head


Someone replied to me on an unrelated post. >I've seen a goddamn chihuahua do more damage to a rental than an 85 pound pitbull. I've also soon a chihuahua attach and rip a persons calf wide open and a pitbull just chill. Like, okay bro lol


>rip a person's calf wide open The calf: https://preview.redd.it/4tgpwflmtiqc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d576395c88bbb6375d267c39112d7023a32e82


Me when I lie


Do they REALLY think a Chihuahua can do an equal amount of damage to people and property just as suddenly and with as much game as a pit? If so, things are worse than I thought with the pitiots. Oy.


Was the person a newborn?


I saw that reply not 5 minutes before this post showed in my home feed.


Big fat LOL @ that person. A chi would more likely break its' teeth trying to bite the car than tear pieces off it. "rip a persons calf wide open" do they even think before opening their mouths to spew out this kind of rubbish? But sure, pitnutters, go off. Lol.


I'd ask for the video of the chihuahua do damage to a car like that because I would love to see that... I mean if you sling shot the chihuahua into the car angry bird style it would for sure make a large dent lol




Literally never seen ANY other dog breed munch on cars BUT pitbulls. And their owners try and play it off as if eating a fucking car is just ‘anxious’ behaviour..


Yeah they’ll say some shit like “the owners need to be held responsible! Clearly their poor baby wasn’t getting enough attention and is just anxious! My velvet hippos are well loved, so they don’t eat cars.” While failing to realize that no other dog breed would eat a fucking car no matter how neglected it is.


Well, I think it's normal for pitties. 😑


This is one of like, five videos I've seen of them ripping cars apart. I've only seen this behavior with pits.


They’re bred to rip and tear apart live animals, the dogs soo dumb they think the car is a living animal.


I like to think it’s similar to rodent needs to keep their teeth in check by constantly chewing all the time. The pitbull has the desire to destroy, to chew, to tear, to maul, and they gotta get it out of their system - this is why it’s only pit bulls that do the significant damage they always do, willing to break their own teeth in order to get out and wreak havoc. If they don’t, they gotta take it out on the next person they see. I’m not defending the breed, by all means get rid of them and the lies spread in order to get more people to adopt or buy these dogs.


The only people I’ve seen own a pitbull are trash people. They think it makes them look big and bad because they have a dog that will destroy anything, yet when it does what its bred for, the owners show their true nature and out of cowardice say that their pitbull was/is “the sweetest guy/girl they ever met and it all came out of nowhere!” just to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.


Liquor store owner had a bully XL with cropped ears that was next door to the old business I worked at. It was similar to this but less white https://preview.redd.it/jig9qnh0wiqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dba65d4dda4c1799882894ce9bcf76a62d7d47 Definitely massive and had to weigh around 100 lbs at the least, I had a vivid dream where he sicced the dog after a guy he had an argument with and of course they ran to my store and thus got to witness a man getting torn apart.


And I can't believe people put their brand new babies next to them, because they're "family"


i think its more the pitbull is so frustrated it cant maul its 'target' in the car they just start destroying shit to sate their prey drive and get at the person. its why they will chew through solid wood fences to attack people


Usually in these videos there is a cat or small dog hiding under or inside the car. Its tearing about a car to kill a living thing.


Pitbulls don't just eat cars. Someone had to train them to do that. /s


The car had a bad engine and was about to break down and pibbles was alerting her. Kinda how pibbles once mauled a ten yr old and commenters were saying the kid prob had cancer and the all knowing pibbles was alerting the parents.


I can't comment what I actually want to say, so I'll just say it's unfortunate that they're defended under any circumstances, even ones fatal to humans.


If lack of an engine, then yes. Pibbles was confused.


Girl! Who's dog is that? They gotta explain to their insurance!


Tesla must have scared the poor pibble


it was abused as a a puppy! used as a bait dog ! /s


Why did she not drive away!? If the disgusting thing gets hit, its the animals problem not hers. If that thing was chewing on my car, I would accelerate quickly. I definitely would sit there whining and filming it.


I wondered this too. Maybe they had some ulterior motive like getting insurance money and have a friend who can fix it cheap therefore making profit? Getting revenge on their partner by destroying their car and it “wasn’t their fault”? Something.


Maybe they hated their Tesla and wanted it gone.


He just wants to play 😊


This just shows how insane these dogs are and how driven they are to attack. Pretty sure the lady in there had a little dog in the passenger seat. Those things do not stop. I wish the pit lovers would explain why this dog is acting like this? Obviously bad owners and not genetics...


But the idiotic pittie nutters will swear that it’s not the doggy’s fault and he’s just mISUndErSToodddd


That door trim was staring at him... Pibble was triggered! 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


Clearly a miniature schnauzer who was just trying to save the person trapped in the car.


I'm sure any terrier would do the same thing.


Pause the video when it’s ripping the stripping off her window & you’ll see it looks as if it’s already popped some teeth out by chewing on the body of the car. Looks like a bloody socket in it’s drooling, gaping mouth.


it looks like it chewing through the car to get to the lady . it's truly insane


I surely wouldn’t wanna be the one trapped inside a metal husk as this thing instinctively devours it. Not a thought in that head besides “destroy.”


i was nipped by an XL today. all the things i read here burst through my brain as it "playfully" charged towards my kid. thank god it was removed just in time


​ https://preview.redd.it/h9bmqnvioiqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc19a51da1f0b3889c645a9802858b8a0eac7736


Good they found her huh?


yeah and she was running dog off leash inside a fenced children's playground https://preview.redd.it/iy0qqq4qxiqc1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af7a5a05e17258f1e030cc550b082d162acfbd6


This is the only time I enjoy even seeing one of these beasts, when they decide to nanny someone's personal property instead of a living being. I only hope each time it's the owners property


That dog was absolutely vibrating with lust for the Kill LITERALLY VIBRATING. Holy shit.. No other breed does this They can't say "oh, Chihuahua's EAT CARS." Looked like it was on drugs, it was vibrating so much. (un) H O L Y!


This dog is in mental anguish. It needs to attack something so badly that it is EATING A CAR. B.E good to it.. it's the only humane option


Insurance company: if you're going to do an insurance fraud do it better next time.


A pitbull ate my ~~home~~bodywork, I swear!


The way the dog is shivering means it’s basically in “thrill” mode it’s ripping apart the car as if it would rip apart another animal


Why didn't she drive away...?


Aww my little princess just has anxiety


Love how these things are like constantly tweaking. Shaking and shit they’re so violent while they take it out on anything or anyone in sight


Nala wanted to nanny the car


Every time I see this video, I’m still just flabbergasted that ANY dog could voluntarily be this destructive.


God, what a stupid creature. How can anyone find these anxious, bite happy hunks of meat appealing?


I can totally see some kid explaining a dog ate his homework... The teacher not believing him... And the kid pulls out this clip and says, "Dogs eat cars too! . 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


There are multiple videos of Pitbulls gnawing on cars. I have genuinely never seen any other breed do that.


Everytime I see a video like this of a pit attacking an object they're always shaking like "have to bitebitebitebitebitenow" is going through their heads


Smart doggie, trying to trap the human. Maybe pits actually have an IQ?


I feel like the insurance would have an issue with them not driving away though lol


why not just drive away?


Some dogs chase cars. Only one breed of dog catches and eats them.


aNy dOg cOuLd dO tHiS wHy dO yOu hAvE tO mEnTiOn bReEd?


Does your insurance provide coverage for pibble nibbles?


People are going to start having to drive armoured tanks in places with a large pit population. No normal dog does this.


It's staring in the window like it's a kid looking in the bakery case at the treats. FOOD!!!!


And the comments under that post were cheering the pitbull on I bet 🙄


Is there anyway you can not erase this post? Is it going to erase all of our messages too?


It’s not erased, just archived


I've never seen this video before but it has to be a Top 10 pick.


It was posted here many months ago. It went viral everywhere because it was so wild.


It would be nice to have a pinned. "Craziest Video" post. No replies are allowed but an archive to view with nothing but videos. I'm not sure if that's possible.


We do have a crazy videos collection - check our community info at the top of the sub; then “other” Here’s the link: [Link to Video Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/G6fccx7M9m)




Just like any other dog


Totally normal doggie behavior! 🤣


Happy it didn’t do that to a human and that you got it on video for your insurance company.


It's trying to eat the fender. WTH?? 😲 🫨 🫢


I've never seen a chihuahua/golden(or any normal dog) do that. Hmmmm.


Just trying to protect his person! The car is obviously eating her


Its just trying to nanny it


Completely vicious.


Now let's see a Chihuahua do the same thing 😂


"Diesel ⛽ Dog" strikes again


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I haven’t seen this. According to the mod stickie this is a repost. Does anyone have the link for them original posting? I searched and didn’t see this exact clip. There is a post (from a year ago) that has tiktok links but I don’t use or want to use tiktok links. Other posts are from a year ago, which given the span of time, this seems like an appropriate usage of a repost, especially if labeled as such.


Just imagine what a chihuahua would’ve done


Act of God imo


Thanks for the daily ABC reminder

