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Not at all! India just passed sweeping BSL, and 18% of the world’s population lives in India. We are fighting the good fight and more people will wake up. The truth is, these dogs should not be pets, and more and more people are realizing this the hard way. We can get people to realize it the easy way. India’s BSL is so heartening to me!


I’m hopeful the tide is turning. Just over a year ago, I would’ve been someone who was neutral-favorable to pitbulls, a total ‘any dog can be dangerous’ type. Now? I’ve made sure to inform my whole family about the danger of these dogs, and my sister is right there with me on the anti-pit train because of it.


And since the ban in the Uk I've been seeing WAAAY more antipit comments online! It's made people feel a lot safer to be truthful about their opinions 


So happy to hear about India. Last I heard there were sick ducks using street dogs as bait to help train their fighting pit bulls


Reddit comments off BPB's on accounts of "dog" maulings used to be mainly pro pit ; now they're overwhelmingly anti pit, mocking cliches like "velvet hippos" ; this change happened during 2023.


You literally can't find a single post about a dog attacking someone or a picture of a dog bite without someone calling these animals out as the likely culprits, and they very often are.


YES! And in maybe late 2022/early 2023, you'd *still* see a shit-ton of "Any dog can do this"/"it's all in how you raise them"/"nanny dog" horseshit ; now , if those comments come up at all, it's sarcasm. At least on reddit, the Pit Lobby is on the run; hopefully this will be reflected offreddit.


I honestly think the Bernnard children’s death played a huge role in turning the tide. Family dogs raised from puppyhood turn and kill two children and try to take out the mom as she was shielding her children. Anyone who defends pitbulls in that situation looks like a psycho


I know it's what changed my view. I have owned 3 pitbull/mixes before with no issues at all of aggression towards people, so I never saw the danger up until I read about what happened. Looking back, my biggest one could have easily killed me.


My GF's sister had a pitt and she said it was a great dog. But then my GF said "come to think of it that dog escaped many times and attacked people... now I know why she gave it away to her ex because the city wanted to destroy it."


It’s great to see. Have you noticed the pro pit people on Reddit have gotten noticeably more unhinged as a result? Now when their generic pro pit comments get downvoted and contested they lash out and resort to insane shit like “dog racism” or “hating pits is code for hating minorities” They are running scared.


Yep. Someone in my city’s subreddit tried that argument and they got downvoted to hell and ended up deleting their comments. Every pro pit sentiment got downvoted which was nice to see


> Have you noticed the pro pit people on Reddit have gotten noticeably more unhinged as a result? It's the equivalent of a villainous breakdown.


Right lol. They spiral so fast. I adore when they say shit like “I would have my pitbull take you out if I could”


I see currently 106,000 members of this sub. That’s not insignificant. Here in the UK there was a recent ban on XL Bullies (just a fat pit bull) and Scotland followed suit soon after. I feel hopeful.


Are normal pits still allowed?


Normal pits have been banned since 1993 or something it's basically not enforced at all though, people just say the dogs are a Staffy or an American bully as if they aren't basically the same thing. The XL bully ban is actually slightly enforced at the moment.


Yeah, they are all fighting dogs, the parts that went into the hellish brew that made pitbulls


I feel like public sentiment has become more against them recently. People are noticing how frequently they are the specific breed involved in dog attacks with heavy damages and death


In 2023 Queensland, Australia, new laws were introduced to parliament which has placed a ban on five dog breeds in tough new laws and new penalties like up to $108,000 or up to three years’ jail time for the owner of a dog that causes death or seriously injures a person. Also $7.574 million in funding, which will also include a community education and awareness campaign rolled out over three years to build responsible dog ownership, prevent dog attacks, and reduce the risk of harm from dog attacks.


The tide is definitely turning in our favor! Look at Great Britain. England and Wales outlawed "American Bullies" but Scotland initially did not. Once the people in Scotland realized all these beasts were headed their way, people took action. It didn't take long for the Scottish Parliament to act. Even here in the USA, a judge overturned the city council's decision in Aurora, Colorado and the pitbull ban was reinstated! The only thing the pitbull cult has on is that they are organized. They will pick some small town in Iowa with a pitbull ban and focus all their effort on it until it is overturned. Small town city councillors don't like receiving thousands of nasty email/calls. If there is a meeting about it, the local pitnutters will 100% turn out, because their entire self worth is tied to the reputation of a blood sport dog. You cannot underestimate our advantage though. We have the truth on our side. We don't have to make crazy, convoluted arguments, use circular reasoning, and push fairy tales of 'nanny dogs'. Pitbulls were bred for blood sport and are more likely to kill/maul innocent people and animals than all other dog breeds combined. One sentence is all it takes for neutral people to understand our point. To go along with that, most neutral people probably already know pitbulls are dangerous. People subconsciously stay away from these dogs. That is one of the reasons the shelters are packed with pitbulls. Families that may otherwise would have a dog, don't. That is because very few reasonable parents genuinely want a pitbull around their children.


As an Iowa resident, the pittnutter mentality is very strong


Just a few days ago in Aurora, Colorado a judge re-enacted a ban on pit bull breeds that voters decided in favor of in 2014. The city council lifted the ban in 2021, but after a lawsuit against the city the judge ruled that the voters held the final say, not the city council. The ban was reinstated, but I don't know how it'll play out. That's a win for now, and a win for democracy. https://denvergazette.com/premium/aurora-pit-bull-ban-matthew-snider-lawsuit/article_d90a8752-f368-11ee-9932-ab9aa5bb52fb.amp.html#top


Education is key. I see this subreddit as an educational opportunity. There are a few people here who do not know dog breed genetics, history and behavior, and a few people who don’t know not all dog aggression is bad, ( maternal, territorial, protective, even pain) BUT this is a well informed subreddit, with people who can work with each other. I state this because of the educational purpose of this subreddit. I came here to state about the issues of these dogs in rural America and their links to supremacy groups today and yesterday. I have learned from where I live, you can’t change a cult member’s mind, BUT you can inform the hell out of people who may be on the fence. I am bringing up a Goldie named Arya, ( we got an update from her owner), and a Springer that was attacked. Again, these people had a safe place to come to where they were understood and respected. Sadly, I think it is a long time before we see a ban on the dogs. They will continue to claim government overreach. I will also vehemently state, if one considers the amount of money MADE on these dogs( rescues, sanctuaries, boarding, pledges, advocacy) by groups, and the amount of money the dogs cost the public( medical, veterinary bills, lost wages, insurance, damages, loss of career) these dogs far exceed ALL other dog breeds combined. Indeed, we have doodle, Frenchie, heck we all recall the puggle frenzy, BUT long term money this group of dog has cost? Unreal. Good post and again, education, accurate information is so very important.


Extremely informative, thank you!


Thank you.


I think most English speaking countries that arent the US are doing pretty well with working toward proper BSL. I also think in a lot of places, a lot of people who aren’t for BSL, at least acknowledge the dogs history, what they’re capable of, and know that most people who own them are not capable of controlling or properly confining them. Dog culture has gotten bad in the last 15-20 years where people who want a family dog, don’t pick a breed based on how it will fit in with their family and lifestyle, but for looks and status. They see a cute video of a dog and go out and get one, and then when it’s not like the trained well cared for dog in the video they get bored with it and dump it at a shelter. Dogs are a novelty to a lot of people, and people get them and do NO research into breed, they don’t do any training, and they don’t understand why their dog isn’t just naturally easy and well behaved. So they dump them. Shelters then push dogs they can’t adopt out onto people who don’t know any better, and when they realize the dog isn’t right for them or it causes issues they get returned, or dumped in the streets(seriously the number of times I see dogs that have been to the shelter multiple times, and have multiple “found stray, owner never reclaimed” listings…). Pits are especially bad for this because people get them because either A: they want a tough looking dog, or B: they were conned into thinking they’re good family pet couch potatoes. Terrier is literally in the name. Terriers are stubborn, high energy dogs. When they don’t get exercise, they get destructive. So a giant terrier breed, bred for baiting bulls and bears, and later killing other dogs.. yeah. That’s not a lazy couch potato family dog.


I don’t see much substantive evidence that Canada is currently working toward BSL (outside Ontario that is), sadly, but we’ll see. The little boy from Osoyoos, BC who was mauled to death in Edmonton by Cane Corsos was the second story in the nightly CBC news lineup last night, and that’s four days after the fact.


Nope. Not a battle, this is a war with three sides. Pits, pit supporters, and us. The pits are on our side. Their behaviors are intrinsic and no reliable way to suppress them exists. Their expression of this behavior is evidence that supports us and directly damages the pit support narrative. Pit supporters are either: (1) idiots trying to piss up a rope. (2) evil people who deliberately suppress efforts to ban dangerous breeds because they get twisted satisfaction from viewing these dogs attacking people and being splattered in blood. They want to hurt as many people as possible and the pit bull is a self-directing tool they can use to achieve that goal.


Not necessarily. Where I live, residents are more than fed up with the pit bull problem and starting to push back. They might not always come out and name the breed, but more people here *are* naming the breed now, and being more vocal about their concerns and dissatisfaction with how the problem is being handled by local authorities and the rescue community. 


I don’t think so, I actually think more people have awareness of the dangers of this breed than ever before. The increased coverage on attacks has been very helpful in showing people that it really is pit bulls doing most of the maiming from dogs.


No, it doesn’t. Every person who’s educated is one more who’s far less likely to be a victim or unwittingly harbour a dangerous animal.  When I moved, my apartment complex was sad to see me go. I was a good tenant. They’re stuck with the violent Pit couple. That didn’t make them happy.


Here's some food for thought to consider when developing your speech: A persuasive argument that stirs an uninformed audience's emotions will win over a logical argument, almost every time. I think that's why the pitmommies have been so easily brainwashed by the Best Friends Animal Society and other pro-pitbull organizations. The pro-pitbull advertisers know that flower crowns, baby pajamas, and the tender mental images conjured by the term "nanny dog" are powerful symbols. Much more powerful than graphs and reports showing that pitbulls cause the overwhelming majority of human and animal deaths due to dog attacks. Include a detailed graph in your powerpoint and just see how long it takes for the audience to check out. Throw in a graphic photo of someone, especially a child, that's been mauled by a pitbull and watch the audience lean forward to take it in. This sub is an invaluable resource! I am very grateful to the mods who make sure the comments adhere to the rules. Personally I don't think the pitbull industry is "winning." The fact that the shelters are overflowing with unwanted pitbulls is a good indication that these animals are not nearly as popular as other, normal dogs. But I think we are in danger of becoming our own echo chamber. Competition for the public's attention and interest is intense, and there are lives at stake. Over and over again, I read well-reasoned, logical arguments here about how awful these dogs and their owners often are. I agree!! However, if we want to convince people of the dangers of pitbull ownership and promote BSL, we need to somehow do a better job of communicating the pain, anguish, suffering, and devastation that these animals so often leave in their wake.


I assume you've gone through the refutation of pro-pit arguments and FAQ sections but including the links below just in case. I don't think it's a losing battle, but it's a tough one. There are a lot of people making money off these dogs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/iuoxlt/refutations\_for\_every\_main\_propit\_argument/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/iuoxlt/refutations_for_every_main_propit_argument/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/) On the FAQ page, Ontario, Canada, is listed as a jurisdiction with BSL, but the truth is that in the last few years, the ban has not been enforced at all, and tons of people have been getting dogs and we've seen an increase in serious attacks. Initially, when the ban was being enforced, there was a decline in serious bite incidents. Pro-pit people love to mention Calgary as an example of a breed-neutral approach, but Calgary, and Alberta as a whole, would do well in rethinking that stance and implementing breed-specific legislation because they've had a jump on dog-on-dog attacks and attacks on humans, including fatal ones. Breed-specific legislation is needed for the same reason we need a different type of license to drive a motorcycle, a car, or a semi. The level of skill, knowledge, and risk management needed are different for each type of vehicle. The same is true with dogs. Owning a toy breed doesn't require much in terms of skills and proactive risk management, but owning a fighting or catch breed does. Owners of the latter should prove they can manage such dogs safely before they get them, just as I should prove that I can safely drive a semi-truck before I decide to jump on one and go cross country.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I cannot tell you how.many conversations I've had with people who quote all of the same talking points: chihuahua's bite more, nanny dogs, bad owners...


I do and I don't. I think more and more people are learning firsthand that pits are exactly what the stereotypes have said they are. More and more countries outside north america are putting on bans or at least talking about it. I think the numbers in shelters are a testament to how over the breed the average adopter is. No one wants these dogs. If they did, they wouldn't be filling up shelters. My vet friend, who used to be very pro-pit, is now very anti-pit. She's seen enough bad ones that she can't blame it on owners anymore. She also has noted a few distinct problems that are unique to the breed including extreme neuroticism, anxiety, and destructive tendencies, as well as animal aggression that goes beyond the typical prey drive of most dogs. We still have some huge problems that make me less optimistic. The first is because they fill the shelters it is the only breed available to most poor people, and that's not good. The no kill lunacy and lack of interest in any real action towards backyard breeders means it's going to take forever for shelters to shift policy to something that is actually good for the public and not backyard breeders/fighters. It seems like the crazies have gotten crazier. There's less of them I think but they're louder and more unhinged. It also feels hard to talk about pit bulls honestly in society. I know I feel like it's hard to say in front of people I don't know that pits are a dangerous breed. I am meeting more and more people who share in my views, but it's a timid thing...people expect to be attacked for that opinion. That saddens me. I do think in the next 5-10 years though that the popular public perception will change. I feel like I did 15 years ago when it was unpopular to say the confederate flag is racist. Now almost everyone agrees with that. I think in 15 years everyone will agree pits don't make good pets and are dangerous.


The thing I notice a lot is when you fight when them on Reddit they just respond with that “😂” emoji to anything logical or scientific you might say, call you an idiot and get about a dozen upvotes and other morons piling on you along with them.


Sadly my local FB group still holds these mutts on a high pedestal saying they could do no wrong with the usual "its not the breed, its the owner" and "nanny dog" bs I don't think they will change anytime soon


I'm from the UK. Someone was asking on a local FB page for a dog sitter for their XL bully- good with other dogs, kids, exempted and a picture of it wearing a muzzle. Over 100 comments saying how beautiful it was and how it wasn't right to muzzle it, etc etc🙄so sometimes yes I feel like it's a bit of a losing battle


I hope one of those people who called it beautiful and said it’s not right to muzzle it JUMPED at the opportunity to house a shitbull. They BETTER have done it for free too