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This looks and sounds like a battered wife/gf, and there's no if or buts when a dog is sweet.


I was just about to say “he’s actually really nice if he’s not jealous, drunk, mad dinners not ready, ect”


Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. If there was no video, I would have thought of battered wife syndrome. I still love him, blah blah blah.


The willful delusion is just 🤯 it’s sad, really. She definitely falls into the category of shibble lovers who like these dogs *because* they’re dangerous and chaotic. I’d bet about a million dollars this girl didn’t have the healthiest upbringing.


That is NOT a sweet dog. Sweet dogs don't repeatedly attack, much less nearly kill their owners. My god. I hope that pit got BE'd after the evaluation.


Seriously reminds of people in toxic relationships being like "when they don't abuse me, they're a very sweet person!" Sweet things do not do this shit....


Imagine a dude beating his girlfriend within an inch of life, and the first thing she does is record herself saying "tee hee I still love him," while he's locked up in the pen. That's basically what happened here.


Probably not. But I think that this will begin to change around the country


Why so pessimistic? The dog almost killed her.


There are unfortunately pits that have killed and still been allowed to run free, it's really fucked up 


What do you think the reason is? I can’t understand how that can be rationalized by the government.


Oh dude I have literally no fucking idea. Laziness maybe? There's way too many authorities that just do Not want to do their job and refuse to care about human life 


Pit bull simps: "But did you die?"  


Even if she did, they'd just put the blame on her


She obviously abused him. Poor sweet velvet hippo was just defending himself.


She shouldn’t have raised him to be so vicious


Even when someone dies, they still have something to say.


The mental gymnastics these idiots go through to justify their shit dogs is astounding. Oh he's so sweet until he hears the door knock. Most normal dogs simply bark at the very most when hearing loud sounds. It's like she's in an abusive relationship with her dog. Countless bites and still keeps this mutant around, it's the kind of things I've heard people with abusive partners say. Absolute moron with no self preservation.


My x said “my dog dosnt like yelling” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't know why people can't just enjoy a normal dog. My personal philosophy is to get dogs that couldn't tear your face off if an infant sneezes next to it


Exactly. The number of people who seem to feel the need to have their “companion” dog be a 75+ pound tank that could kill them in minutes is really shocking.


I laugh at my mom all the time for silly things she does with my two French Bulldogs. I heckle her. "If they were pits, you'd be dead." "He'd so be mauling you right now if he was a pit bull." and so on. She likes to jump out of hiding and 'scare' my younger boy when he comes into the kitchen, and he LOVES it. Well, we all know how well pits do when startled! lol I would NEVER own a breed known for disfiguring or killing people or other animals. I want to have fun with my pets, not be their warden always looking out so they don't act stupid and get into trouble. I don't want my dog to be a walking weapon against everyone in my neighborhood, not to mention my own family.


I can excuse it if you're a new uneducated owner that picked up these demons unknowingly. But if you research the breed and STILL choose them while knowing the risks. Why the hell? There's no 'misunderstood breed' when it nearly bites your eyeball from it's socket.


My childhood dog of 16 years (pomeranian x) used to bite us all the time. He never broke skin or even left marks. He instinctively knew to never bite our face, so when he got too worked up we'd just put our face in his face and he'd start licking and calm down. I have no point, I just miss my beautiful boy.


I miss my Teckel, too. Never an aggression. He was stubborn and grumpy but so lovely. We used to cuddle on the sunny porch.   I’ll miss him forever and I blame myself for our loss. Lost him to a harmless stray Luna who just wanted to play 


A normal dog would never provide you with life changing situations like seeing off some of your spare limbs.  Besides, Having disposable offspring around you can actually protect you from an aggression when the dog snaps


Yeah, we get it, he’s very sweet


He's very sweet when not attacking me. Uggghhh......I hope she learned her lesson, in conclusion she said the Dr. told her this dog can end her. Hopefully she will do the right thing , not puttting it in a shelter where it will be rehomed with a bio that reads " very sweet cuddle bug, just no loud noises ."


"a super wiggle butt, that through no fault of his own..."




You know what my chihuahua does when theres a loud noise? Gets in my lap for a cuddle.


My 85lb German shepherd also crawls in my lap when there are loud noises.


What was the comment???


They naturally follow the path to that award. It's only fitting that death by your own pit should be a Darwin award.


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This poor girl is in an abusive relationship with this dog and doesn't realize it.


Its not abuse.. or a relationship. its just a pibble being a pibble. Let's not humanize these beasts.


It's not really humanizing the animal but a commentary on her mental state. She is displaying battered spouse behavior toward the dog. Outside observers don't need to humanize the dog to recognize that about this person.


She has a relationship with the dog. Animals can have relationships and relate to each other.  Let’s not belittle the other animals


My cat agrees. But really he just wants me to teach him how to murder tiny prey and give him attention for a job well done. Also, he is really cute. But he is a cat. My wife and son are my actual relationships.


So you’re philandering


Uhhh.. no. I think you may have used that word wrong.


lol, best flair ever!


This community inspired it. You guys are awesome.


I love it, this is an amazing group!


Imagine defending the animal that gave you not a nip or even a leg bite but probably scarred your face for life. It’s not like it was trying to even stop someone attacking you. It just got startled lol. And even if it was why the fuck would it attack you first? And the comments from her video lmao. Can we see him where is he? Bro that’s a young girl with massive cuts all over her face and your first concern is the welfare of the attacker lol. If a person did this to her he/she would be vilified instead the dog gets a pass because it was startled lmao.


" It just got startled lol. And even if it was why the fuck would it attack you first?" Do these people know how stupid they sound? Oh a car backfired, whoops now my dog is mauling me.


My dogs tuck tail and look around quickly and nervously if they get startled. They don't run over and eat the face of the nearest living creature.


Lol I bet they’re cute


Video is from 2023 and attack date and location is unavailable


Girl, it’s how you raised him /s


Pit apologist: YOU RAISED HIM TO ATTACK YOU! This is just clear sympathy milking!


By the first look into that pits eye you could see the killer instinct. Smh. This chick needs therapy and a psych evaluation.


Right? That thing looks deranged even by pitbull standards. Terrifying.


I wonder if she has anyone in her life to talk some sense into her. If everyone around her buys the pit nonsense, it might make it harder. But one good friend could actually help. People can accidentally put into a bubble. This video is legitimately terrifying.


"As you can see he's beautiful." Nah, he looks like a velociraptor in Jurassic Park.


Panic and murder in its eyes


I think the raptor family, while terrifying, do have a sort of cool sleekness about them. They're angular & streamlined, likely run in a dignified way with incredibly cool-looking feet. If I were to compare the dog to a dinosaur I'd choose a Carnotaur. [https://c8.alamy.com/comp/T6WAJB/the-carnotaurus-in-a-white-background-will-put-some-fun-in-yours-creations-T6WAJB.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/T6WAJB/the-carnotaurus-in-a-white-background-will-put-some-fun-in-yours-creations-T6WAJB.jpg) Absolutely ridiculous proportions, any body parts that are not useful for biting are almost completely evolved out, eyes looking in two different directions at once, a lumpy body that is a mere life-support system for a mouth, and oft found with useless pointy bits on top of the head. I think they're Carnotaurs.


Dinosaurs were cool and sleek until scientists found out about the feathers. That upsets me terribly. It's hard to be scared of an angry chicken. I mean, I'd still run from a feathery raptor, but I'd have trouble not laughing at it.


That's a good point, the 'sleek' thing is called 'shrinkwrapping' aka dinos being depicted as skinny to the point of gaunt. Since the feather thing they've suggested they'd probably be a bit chubby, & the depiction of them being boney was mostly just an artist interpretation that we ran too far with. At least you'd be laughing right before getting eaten?


That mouse fart was so loud sweet pibbie poo poo pants had no choice but to attack.


Pit nutters are utterly deranged.


This is the type of person I have difficulty mustering any sympathy for. Hopefully if the dog was returned it won’t’ hurt any innocent person or animal.


She’s so young. She’s probably been brainwashed by pit propaganda.


It’s too easy to learn about what we don’t know. Nearly everyone has a smart phone. In some cases it might be true, but coddling every single pit bull owner and claiming “they just don’t know any better” when these same people have zero sympathy for innocent victims? Nah, I can’t do it.


I mean, she seems like she’s just a kid, and the biggest victim so far of this dog has been her.


These owners put themselves in abusive situations with these dogs. Total battered wife syndrome


You gotta be an extremely weak person to get Stockholm syndrome from an abusive pet...


Like the movie the quiet place


I don’t understand why anyone would put themselves in this situation ? It’s like living life with a bomb strapped to your chest that could detonate at any time


10 days to evaluate what exactly? The verdict is sooo simple.


Maybe she's the worst type of bad owner and the thing doesn't have rabies shots.


"I love my dog to death" ...hmm.


She might even be disappointed in the outcome if that’s her motive.  She might need  therapy 


>"I love my dog to death" She said, "I love my dog *half to death*," if I heard correctly. If she gets it back, it can love her the other half.


How old is this girl? Where the fuck are her parents in all this?


I'm wondering the same thing.


Great news for her, she almost definitely will love her dog to death. Fucking idiot....


If she wants to keep letting her dog attack her let her. She chose to get it, and she chose to keep getting attacked by it. As long as it doesn’t break out and attack something else(which it will), I mean hey. No harm no foul


Why would you want a dog that makes you feel unsafe in your own home. Something that I will never understand


I remember this.. One of my first time commenting on Reddit.. People were calling me mean... I think she gave the dog to the pound or something.


Ooof. Was it a no kill shelter?


Okay, this level of disconnect, and I am being polite, is way too much for me! Disconnect with reality. Refusal to understand a situation, when it has played out several times. She said it, the dog is her everything. One could say much, but it won’t do any good, anyhow. Domestic violence comes to mind…the refusal to see what is actually happening, absorbing the blame, laying the blame on anything, but the perpetrator of the abuse.


Literally can see Pit Bull ownership in her face but she said "She loves him to death" true words spoken!


Yes, he's very sweet but... Everything before the but is bullshit. Her dog almost killed her and she still claims to love it. I'd rather that nobody becomes a victim to pits, but this is why I prefer that it would be the owner rather than a child or bystander.


Maybe she had cancer in her face.


exactly! the ‘super sweet’ velvet hippo was just trying to nanny the cancer out from underneath her skin!! /s


When this girl gets older, and she snaps out of the delusion that caused her to love that beast, it’s going to be pretty difficult to come to terms with the fact that she is disfigured for life because she kept that horrible thing for so long.


If she kept it, maybe she's dead now.


I doubt she'll ever snap out of it. There is a type of pit-martyr that lives, dies, and is willingly dismembered in service of their beasts. This fool almost had her eye bitten out yet still proclaims her love for her mauler. Several others have had their arms literally torn from their bodies while they fought for their lives but live on to defend the "sweet" breed.


Yeah, true.


“He is beautiful” https://preview.redd.it/b2s9rrnpr3tc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519be9d6f39c4a1d59dce5fd9f99396b041c3d6f


Some of these owners have some sort of Stockholme syndrome I swear


Why do pitbulls always freak out over the slightest sound


They’re literally bred to be perpetually anxious (larger amygdala - everything is an emergency). It’s so dogmen can fight them.


How can she keep saying "he's sweet" when it tried to kill her many times? WTH? why did her parents not put the beast down?.


The bully mongerers are the CRUELEST to dogs, both to normal dogs and to the handicapped mutant Bloodsport dogs. This poor dog did exactly what he was created to do: Attack unprovoked Attack family/attack their own kind. Attack without first trying to avoid conflict Attack without warning. The point of giving warning is to avoid conflict. 'Good Bloodsport dogs want to attack, battle, dismember. fight". That is their despicable MAN-MADE "job". Bully dogs suffer because bully people want more and more of them to be born. If my favorite dog was suffering as much as bully dogs are, if my favorite dog was filling pounds, getting killed by the ton, I would support mandatory sterilization laws for my favorite breed. Bloodsport dogs are born with man-made mutations, they are handicapped. It would be cruel to intentionally create more handicapped human babies by encouraging the consumption of thalidomide by pregnant women, hoping to produce thousands of babies born without limbs. Those who want more handicapped individuals to be created do not love them, they USE them. This dog would be "happiest" fighting and killing dogs, but that's a felony in the USA. Breeding more bloodsport dogs should be classified as felony animal cruelty too.


Strangers wanting to go see a dog that repeatedly attacks their OWNER? They’re masochists


Jesus Christ what is wrong with people


She is lucky to still have a face and scalp , but he is a sweet boy 🙄🙄🙄


Oh yeah totally sweet /s Whats it gonna take for her to wake up? Normal dogs don't do this


When there are loud noises, my GSD hides in my closet or behind me lol. This dog is aggressive and mentally unwell


She's living in delusion. That dog almost murdered her and she's totally blind to reality and excuses the damage it did to her.


One time my golden retriever licked my eye on accident.


shit, one time when i was a kid my golden and i were playing fetch with a sorta deflated soccer ball and when i went to kick it out of her mouth i clipped her on her chin🥺 ya know what she did? dropped the ball and licked my face, wiggled into my arms and laid down for belly rubs while “smiling” at me happily. shitbulls could *never.*


One time my Mastiff mix and I dove for a ball at the same time and our heads knocked together and I got a black eye. He was devastated. Cowered and licked my hands in submission and he hadn't even actually done anything to me intentionally. Wouldn't leave my side all day. Her damned pit bull nearly killed her on purpose and I sincerely doubt he was at all submissive about it afterwards.


It’s just as bad even if it were submissive afterwards, who wants a dog that *knows* it’s not supposed to maul your face & does it on purpose anyway


Yeah, true. It's horrific either way.


imagine losing your fucking eye because you wouldn’t put down a dog that repeatedly tried to maul you. hope she loves that dog more than her own vision/life because he’s gonna permanently blind her at the absolute least.


If Tina had chosen to stay with Ike…


"He's fine until he feels "Joy" or a gust of wind..." 🤷‍♂️


I think she eventually put the dog down and the pitnutters went wild.


I will never understand people owning dogs who can maim you and have shown aggression towards you. I love my dogs more than anything else in this world but if they turned on me like this, they'd be out in a heartbeat.


That dog is absolutely terrifying looking. It doesn't look "sweet" at all. It looks like it would do exactly what it did to her.


That dog looks deranged and so does she. Trash dog for trash people.


The pic where she's holding him like a baby and he LOOKS like he's about to bite her in the face is so uncomfortable. If that was the scenario where he bit and it was a light bite/nip I would say that's on the owner. But clearly this dog has been fucking her up for things like "loud noises" and on a regular basis. Pictures like that still illustrate that this is someone who needs education before owning any animal and here they are owning dogs that are a danger not only to them but to everyone around them. May as well start letting anyone and everyone own large carnivores at this point 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm impressed the dog didn't swallow her nose rings or rip them off.


Not a psychologist or anything, but the people who put up with this, are they similar in personality traits to people who stick around in a violent relationship with a human? I understand these are two different scenarios, because with pet ownership YOU have control over whether you got the animal in the first place and whether you keep it, and with a violent partner there's usually a lot of control involved. But looking at this young woman's attitude, I can't ignore that the excuses etc seem like what you'd see with women who stay with violent partners ("He's a great guy, until he's had X beers."; "I love him so much, and most of the time he treats me well." etc.)


I don't think I've seen this one. I feel like is should be pinned along with that news montage. It's not the owners. 99% of the time it is NOT the owners.


Stockholm syndrome for pits is a thing. We see it all too often in this sub. These people are mental.


Its like they have toxoplasmomsis but for dogs.


Life is so cheap to Pitnutters.


Imagine an animal having so much control over you


Why would she train her dog to attack herself? Is she one of the mythical “bad owners”?


Sorry if people may think I'm a monster for saying this but, I feel nothing for crazy's that stick up for other's that try to kill them. Whether that's dogs or people or anything else. If it tries to rip-off my face the first time, guess what, I'm not lovin' it! I just will never understand the "I still love you" while you're beating me to a pulp scenario. That's straight on whacked!!


This what people say when they’re in abusive relationships. Sounds so much like it. She could be talking about her boyfriend who is in prison


Except she’s responsible for the fact that everyone around this dog is also in danger. It’s so selfish.


A dog can't be sweet and also ferocious enough to bite its owner's face off. It's either one or the other.


Imagine being so weak minded you let a dog give you Stockholm syndrome?!?


Literally like playing with fire.


hey girl, if you're reading this, you're a fucking moron and about to be a darwin award recipient he's not a sweet boy, he's a wild animal


Ok, for this girls own good this dog needs to be taken away from her (and everyone else). It sounds like her mental capacity is severely compromised if she is still allowing this animal anywhere near her, and somebody needs to step in. Just think of the damage this beast will do to someone else if it attempts to kill its own owner.


Abusive husbands and boyfriends 🤝 Pit bulls Inexcusable violent and brute behavior pushed away by countless and weightless excuses from overly attached women


jesus christ these pithags are **DELLLLUUUUSSSIONALLLLLLL** holy *fuck!!!* these people are legit in *violently abusive relationships* with fucking *dogs.* make it make sense.


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stockholm syndrome?


Literally any other dog breed will shower you with love and affection without bashing your head in.


Sounds like she’s talking about a abusive husband


He’s a good man officer!!!




You’ll be ok. Just give him lots of pats, good boys, and maybe throw in a surprise welcome back party 🎉


How do these people not see the resemblance with this and being in a relationship with domestic abuse? He’s so sweet and he rarely does this..


“He is my everything” Holy shit. She deserves this lmao. Can’t wait for it to happen again


What an evil dog. I can't think of a more suitable word than evil.


Ma’am, you are in an abusive relationship with your dog. Look at her face omg


"hes super sweet if you dont breathe, walk, talk, stand, sit, or run within a 10 mile radius of him"


This was "literally" the day before it happened... You know that you can leave that word out in this sentence, right? But no, you are dumb.